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Fatso Two-For-One on Chris Pratt and James Corden
Requested by akant69
James Corden was an up-and-coming face in Hollywood, having recently gotten his own late night talk show to boot. One of his most popular segments was one in which he had a celebrity join him in the car on the way to the studio. He had everyone from musicians to movie stars, dancers, singers, etc on the show. It was quickly becoming one of the audiences favorite gimmicks of the whole show. James was always looking for new talent to make the segment even better.
James had his team contact Chris Pratt following the recent boom in his popularity following Guardians of the Galaxy and Jurassic World. Corden’s team happily told him that Pratt had accepted the offer to shoot the show the following day. Corden would pick Pratt up on the way to the studio and they would stream the video live once Pratt got picked up and James turned on the camera for the drive to the set. One intern stopped James on his way out of the studio to head home for the night. “Just a heads up, I think Chris is sick or something, he sounded weird and a little out of it on the phone,” she said. James brushed it off; if Chris was seriously sick, he wouldn’t have accepted he reasoned.
James went to bed around 10:30, after catching some good comedy on Comedy Central and laughing his big British ass off. He was excited to finally meet Chris Pratt. He was a huge fan, having loved him on Parks and Recreation as Andy Dwyer. He though Chris was the next breakout comedy movie star extraordinaire. He knew the two of them would have a blast in the car and on the set the following night. But James was not going to meet Chris, but someone entirely different.
Unbeknownst to James, Chris Pratt had been possessed by a fat ghost named Fatso earlier that day. Fatso was a member of the Ghostly Trio, a group of three ghosts dedicated to scaring people, or fleshies as the trio licked to refer to them. Possession was one of Fatso’s favorite things to do, and so when he followed sexy Pratt home, he knew he’d possess the Hollywood hunk and have some fun. He spooked Chris following his steamy shower and squeezed into Chris through his firm bubble ass as Chris yelled and tried to pull him out.
Fatso only laughed and sank into Chris’ tight ass and into his toned body. Fatso finally popped inside and laughed from inside as Chris held his ghost-filled stomach, groaning and stumbling as Fatso fought for control. Finally there was a loud boom from Chris’ toned belly as Fatso settled and started laughing through Chris and rubbing his sexy new abs. About 5 minutes later, James’ people called asking if Chris was available. Fatso loved the idea of being on tv and happily accepted; James’ people sounded confused/ concerned on the phone but made the arrangements anyway.
Hung up the phone and feel asleep naked in Pratt’s bed feeling himself up. He slept incredibly well and woke rested and ready for fun on tv. He showered, loving how great Pratt’s muscled but big body felt as he lathered up and rinsed off. He dried himself off and picked out a sexy pair of tight jeans that showed off everything he was packing and a tight t-shirt that said “Got Pratt?” on the front. Fatso flexed in front of the mirror, loving how sexy he looked now. He groped his stolen cock and bounced it in his hand. He rubbed his huge pecs and washboard abs, feeling his huge ectoplasmic belly just underneath the muscles. He jiggles and squeezed his own bubble ass and gave it a good smack. “It’s a shame I’m inside you now fleshie, I really want to fuck this tight virgin hole of yours and break you in before having some fun in you,” Fatso lamented.
He refocused and put on his tight fresh clothes and admired himself again, slapping the other big ass cheek. “Maybe that Corden guy can help me fuck you bone bag!,” Fatso laughed to himself. He got all his personal stuff ready to leave by the door, then started posing seductively and taking pics of himself on his phone and sending them to his ghost phone (the reception is surprisingly good while possessing a fleshie) so he could savor and remember hunky Chris Fatso Pratt.
As he was taking pics, Fatso heard the doorbell ring and knew it was James. He chuckled, looked in the mirror one last time as his ghostly face popped out of Chris’ terrified one underneath. “Get ready for some Fatso fun!,” he laughed as Chris tried to scream for help, but Fatso popped back inside Chris’ sexy face, smirked, and grabbed his things. He opened the door and there was James, looking dapper in a fancy suit.
Fatso almost grew an instant boner; he not only wasn’t aware how big Corden was, but how cute and chunky he was, plus how great he looked in a suit. “Ready to go?,” James asked with his cute British accent. “Uh…yeah…lets go,” Fatso stuttered as James turned to lead him to the car. Fatso ogled James’ big ass through his suit pants and when he turned around to present the car in a joke, Fatso eyed his package as well. “Your carriage awaits Cinderella,” James laughed.
Fatso laughed along even though he was completely lost in thought. He had a chance to not only break in Pratt’s sweet muscle bubble ass, but also possess a sexy chubby hunk like Corden, his favorite. He’d use Corden to break in Chris and then improvise from there. Fatso threw his things in the back seat of the car and sat down next to Corden who was in the driver seat. Corden reached up to turn on the mirror camera for the drive and said, “Ok, we’re live in three, two, o…,” but he was interrupted by Fatso grabbing his wrist and holding him steady.
James looked at him confused, “What’s wrong? You know we film the entire drive to the studio. My people said you agreed to…,” but Fatso interrupted. “No, I know we’re gonna film the whole drive, but I wanted to answer some personal questions if you had any, off the record if that’s ok.” James looked at his watched nervously, “Well I guess we have a few minutes before we absolutely have to get on the road. Boy, my intern was right, you do sound pretty sick,” James said motioning to his own throat. “Oh, yeah, just a common cold, messing with my voice and all,” he laughed with Fatso’s deep hearty voice, trying to brush it off and change the subject.
“So what do you want to know about Chris Pratt?,” Fatso asked assertively, making Corden forget about his odd new voice. “Uh, well, tell me about your acting method. What do you use to get into character?” Fatso looked puzzled and made something up, “Oh well, everyone does something different, you know. Some people research, others get personally immersed, I just kinda wing it, you know, haha.” “Soooo…you just wing it and everything just comes to you like that?” “Yup, when you’re as talented and versatile as me, you don’t need much more than a camera, a script, and some quality lighting to make movie magic haha.”
Corden looks confused, “Bit of an ego there huh?,” he jokes. “Well I mean, look how good all my movies have been so far, plus Parks and Rec,” Fatso laughs. “Uh, yeah, so what made you want to be an actor?” “Well I loved performing and entertaining so much that I decided, hey, why not get paid for it haha.” “So just like that? No profound experience or anything?” “Nope, I just wanted attention and applause haha.” “Interesting…I thought you were a much deeper, profound person…,” James mumbled under his breathe.
“Was it difficult losing the weight after Parks and Rec ended?” “Oh it was tough to say goodbye to the big belly,” Fatso laughed rubbing his abs through his tight shirt, “I grew to love having a big jiggly belly to play with all the time. You know what I mean…,” he said putting a hand on James’ portly belly. “Woah, woah, are you saying I’m fat??,” Corden snapped. Fatso laughed, “Well you’re not exactly a muscle god are you.” “That’s very presumptuous of you to say! Where do you get off calling me fat?! You’re an ego maniac!,” Corden snapped.
Fatso laughed rubbing Corden’s belly despite him trying to push his hand away. “Stop touching me you creep!” “Oh, now don’t act like you don’t love having your belly rubbed fleshie,” Fatso reassured. “Wha…what did you call me?,” James asked confused. “You heard me bone bag. I called you fleshie,” Fatso laughed. James swore he saw Fatso’s plump, laughing face pop out of Chris’. “Ok, I uh, I think we’re done here Mr. Pratt, thank you for your time,” Corden said nervously as he tried to turn and exit the car.
“Uh, uh, you’re not leaving chubby. You’re mine now!,” Fatso yelled pulling Corden towards him as James tried to protest, “What the hell do you think you’re…,” but he was cut off as his lips smashed against Chris’. Corden immediately tried pulling away, but Fatso held the back of his head tight as his tongue fought for entrance into Corden’s mouth. James finally had to gasp for breathe and Fatso pressed his tongue inside his mouth as James moaned and groaned in protest, still trying to break free.
Corden suddenly felt Pratt tremble a little and felt something rising up through Pratt’s mouth. He felt something cool and jiggly press against his own lips and into his mouth against his tongue. It felt like a balloon was exiting Chris and entering James to slide down his throat. It felt like a rubbery balloon squeezing down his throat and James gagged slightly around whatever was entering him and he moaned in disgust. He thrust back and finally broke free of Pratt’s grasp, their lips separating with a loud pop.
Corden was horrified to see a long, thick, fat, ghostly, jiggling blue balloon like mass connecting their two mouths. Pratt was trembling and shaking as the mass seemed to be exiting him and squeezing down with an increasing pitch into Corden. James grasped his big belly and groaned as he felt the mass filling him up from the inside. The mass finally popped out of Chris’ mouth and he fell limp in the passenger seat with a sigh. The fat ghostly tail was wiggling and flailing wildly around as it shrank down into Corden.
James heard the same deep, menacing laugh suddenly that Chris had made earlier and realized it was coming from the mass invading his body. The tail finally slurped into James with a loud pop and his cheeks immediately filled with cool ectoplasm. He struggled around in the driver’s seat, groaning and twitching as Fatso spread throughout his portly frame. Finally there was a loud boom as Corden forcefully swallowed Fatso down into him with a squelch and the big ghost settled into his new fat host.
Fatso brought James’ chubby hands up and started rubbing his nice new fat belly through the expensive suit. “Abs are fun and all, but nothing beats a nice beer belly haha!,” he said laughed through James as he jiggled his belly. “Nothing wrong with being fat fleshie! You should embrace it!,” he laughed taunting Corden. He chuckled and turned to face Pratt who was still beyond passed out. “Now that I have a fleshie more to my usual tastes, I can break in that pretty ass of yours mr big Hollywood hunk,” Fatso laughed.
He felt James’ phone ringing in his pocket and checked the screen. It said “Studio Execs;” Fatso pushed the ignore button and laughed. “Much more important things to take care of right now, don’t you think,” he rhetorically asked Pratt. He punched in “Home” on James’ Maps app and drove the car to Corden’s city penthouse, constantly rejecting the calls from the studio and laughing every time. After 15 minutes, they arrived at a fancy skyscraper taller than most of its neighbors by at least a good 20 stories.
Fatso got out after parking in the garage and threw Pratt’s arm over his shoulder and helped the passed out hunk out of the car and into the lobby. The pair made their way to the elevator at the back of the crowded lobby as people watched. They just assumed Chris had had too much to drink and needed help getting to his room. No one stopped them and they made it to the elevator easily. Fatso pushed the button for the 16th floor. The doors opened and at the end of a long hallway of ornate doors, was a more distinguished and prestigious looking door at the very end of the corridor.
Fatso grunted as he basically dragged Pratt down the long hallway. Luckily the floor sounded deserted with most people out on the town that night. Fatso and his fleshies would be totally free to have some fun. When they finally made it to the door, Fatso reached into James’ pocket to retrieve the key and eagerly unlocked the door. The door swung open to reveal a swanky pad inside.
James lived here full time while they were tapping his show. The penthouse had luxurious sofas and recliners, an ornate glass table and end tables, 80 inch LED TV with surround sound and a glass wall with a stunning view of the heart of NYC. And that was just the living room that Fatso was able to see with the light pouring in from the hallway. He dragged Pratt inside and let the door close behind him. He felt his way around on the wall behind him and found a light switch, which he quickly flipped up.
The light illuminated a hallway to the left of the living room set up, and Fatso dragged his guest along the floor down the small corridor. He opened the first door on the left, and saw a tub with a shower, toilet and sink; wrong room. He tried the one on the right, broom and towel closet. He tried the second door on the left; jackpot. He found the master suite with its big king sized bed. Fatso dragged Pratt up to the side of the bed and got him up just enough to let him flop down on the bed on his stomach.
Fatso went to close the door and turned on the light at the same time. There was Chris, passed out with his ass waiting for Fatso to enjoy. The fat British hunk walked over and ripped Chris’ shirt off as he lay passed out. He eased his tight jeans off, yanking at the ankles to also pull off his socks and shoes. Chris was left in nothing but his tight boxers which hugged his big ass like a perfect glove. Fatso stripped out of his own clothes at this point.
James’ expensive suit was soon reduced to a messy pile of assorted clothing on the floor beside the bed. Fatso finally freed his throbbing cock from its boxer prison. He walked up to Chris and pressed his raging boner against Chris’ muscled ass crack. He ground his erection into that hot, tight crack, rubbing it up and down as Chris did nothing. Fatso could feel his orgasm already start to build and realized he wanted to get the the good stuff already.
He eased Chris’ boxers off and tossed them into the corner quickly. He wasted no time popping James’ big cock into Chris. He eased the head between the big ass cheeks and into the tight, warm, virgin hole. Fatso started moaning and groaning as he pumped in and out of Pratt. “Oh man, if your hole is this good, can’t wait to see what your cock is like!,” Fatso laughed through James as his hips slapped against Chris’ ass cheeks.
Fatso laughed thinking that if Chris were conscious, he’d love what was happening to him right now. “This is how you make a name for yourself in this business, you make guys cum!,” Fatso laughed, James’ belly shaking and jiggling as he did so. Chris was so warm and tight, Fatso was already on the verge even without Pratt doing anything. Fatso was panting as he pumped in all the way hard and rammed Chris’ prostate, which sent him over the edge.
Fatso yelled as he erupted inside Pratt and used Corden’s cum to paint his insides white. Pratt moans slightly, very slowly waking up from his ordeal as Fatso pumps his ruined hole full of Corden’s cum. “Oh man, that ass was definitely worth breaking in!,” Fatso laughs through Corden. He immediately knows it’s time for him to get back into Pratt now that he’s gotten to fuck his big ass.
Corden rolls Pratt over onto his back and straddles his face and pops his cum soaked cock into his mouth. “Now suck,” Fatso says, and Chris instinctively obeys. First, he just sucks the cock clean of cum. Then, Corden shudders as Fatso releases from him and exits James through his cock. Pratt is sucking Fatso out of Corden’s cock like a straw as Fatso laughs. He fills up Chris’ abs slightly just like before.
The last bit of Fatso squeezes out of James and into Chris with a wet slurp and Corden’s cock pops out of Pratt’s mouth as he falls passed out onto the bed. Chris groans and grunts a little and grabs his abs as he somewhat awakens as Fatso takes him over again. But there is little resistance this time as Fatso booms back into control and sits up laughing.
He reaches a finger around to his spent ass and brings the cum covered fingers back and licks them clean. “Damn, not only does my ass feel amazing with my cherry popped, but you taste amazing fleshie!,” Fatso jokes to the passed out Corden. “I’ll have to hit you up again soon and see what other hot guys I can use with you.” Just then Fatso saw James’ phone ringing again and knew it was the studio still trying to reach him.
“If you still have this cushy job that is haha,” he laughed as he got dressed, stealing one of James’ baggy t-shirts since his got ripped earlier. He collected Chris’ things and left the apartment. He immediately headed for a fast food joint to fill his stomach up before exploring the city and seeing what other fun/ trouble he could get into before the night was over.
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Changing Room Roulette
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When I turned 18, I found out that I had the ability to shapeshift. I found out when I was at a mall and tried on some clothes. I was shocked when I looked up to see how I look and a saw someone else’s reflection stare back at me. I was much older and had a full beard. I remember quickly ripping off the clothes but I didn’t switch back. I was stuck in that body. I had to calm down and channel my power in order to switch back. Since then, I’ve been able to control it much better.
Now, on a weekly basis I go to the mall and play roulette. I pick a random store and try on a shirt. I then concentrate my power to shapeshift into the last person who wore the piece of clothing. I usually then go on grindr or tinder and try to find a date for the night. It’s so fun making up a new name and background. I can be whoever I want when I’m going on these random dates. Plus if I end up in a hot body and get lucky that night I usually steal a piece of clothing for later. 
This time I went into a department store and tried on button downs. I was hoping to get a total DILF, and boy did I luck out. I put on the button down and saw this hunk of a man staring back at me. I took the shirt off and stood naked in front of my reflection, trying to think of new names. I began feeling my strong muscles, as I started to stroke my dick. My reflection was so hot, I loved seeing my trimmed goatee and beard combination on my face, and have all these strong muscular features become my own. After I finished exploring my body, I turned to my phone and updated my grind profile with a new pic. I felt the name Lyle come to my head, and entered the age 42. I updated the rest of the bio based on how this body made me feel, I usually bottom but in this DILF I decided to put vers top. I slipped on the rest of my clothes and I let the grindr notifications blow up my phone. I walked out with new confidence ready to make up a new life in this DILFs body.  
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This guy sat in front of me all semester, and I couldn’t help but drool at him from behind. He was a big hulking man, and god was he sexy. Everything about the guy oozed masculinity, and I didn’t even know anything about the guy. I could assess that he was arrogant and pretty self involved by watching him everyday. He would often come in late to class, he always smelled strongly of cologne. His hair was always styled to perfection, I started becoming a little obsessed.
I had to have him, and not just have him, I wanted to become him. That’s when i learned about astral projection. I found a way to send my soul into someone else’s body and take possession of them. I’ve been practicing the technique for weeks and I was finally ready.
As I sat listening to another boring lecture as I waited for him to come waltzing in. Sure enough about 10 minutes into class and here he comes swaggering in. He say down in front of me, his scent of cologne lingering strongly. I focused myself, becoming calm as I stared at his back. I focused all of my concentration and finally felt the weightlessness. I had exited my body and I floated forward straight into his. I pushed myself through his muscled back. He let out a small shiver as my cold spirit felt his warm buff body.
I felt my spirit expand as I became full connected with his body. Suddenly the darkness that went away and I could see a blury vision of the front of the classroom. I blinked a few times and finally everything came into focus and i could see clearly. Much more clearly than my other body’s vision that was definitely lacking. I looked up to see the professor staring at me with concern.
“You alright son?” Professor Douglas asked. I realized I must’ve made some kind of a scene during the possession process.
I cleared my throat, “Yeah, sorry didn’t get much sleep last night.” I said, surprised by the booming voice that came out.
“Well make sure you’re paying attention, this lecture will be on the test.” Professor Douglas informed me.
“Yes sir, won’t happen again.” I said feeling a newfound confidence with this powerful voice. He went on with his lecture, and i looked behind me to see how my old body was doing. It looked a little out of it, but for the most part the autopilot was doing its job making it look like it was following along, even though there was No one behind the wheel.
I was so thrilled that it actually worked, I finally had the body of the man I’d been admiring all semester all to myself. I started by feeling my muscular biceps. I flexed as I felt the fabric tightening around the thickness of my arms. My pecs flexed under the shirt expanding my chest. I even reached under the shirt to run my fingers along the carved abs, of course the dude has a six pack. 
 I was so enthralled with this hunky body that I almost didn’t even realize the massive thing that was growing and pushing its way down my shorts leg. Holy shit, this guys dick felt massive. I actually had to stop myself from whipping it out right then and there. I didn’t need to draw any more attention then I already have. I looked over to see a group of girls staring at me, I realized I was still massaging my own pecs. I guess this isn’t normal behavior for a classroon setting. I smiled at them, trying to give off the most charming look I could so they wouldn’t be too creeped out. Guess they weren’t really creeped out, they looked red in the face as they all smiled back at me and waved. I don’t know how i didn’t realize I wasn’t the only person drooling over this stud. Sorry ladies, not exactly my type.
 I needed to get out of here, there was so much I wanted to do with this body and so little time before it finally rejects my spirit and sends me back to my body. I got up quickly and just walked out the door. I pulled out his phone and started to do some quick research. I looked at his Instagram to find his name, Duke Simmons. His name would be something like Duke. He’s 25, and of course his Instagram is filled with work out selfies. There were a few photos of him with some little blonde girl must be his girlfriend, Savannah. That’s who kept texting his phone while I went through it. I found pictures of his car too, that’ll come in handy when I wanna leave the school. But i didn’t have time to check and unlock every car in the campus’ parking lot with his remote key. I needed to get to know this body more privately asap.
 I rushed over to the mens room and went into the stall. I through my shorts to the ground and pulled off his tight spandex underwear to reveal a big veiny throbbing cock. His pubic hair was shaved nearly. Duke had a thing for being well groomed if it weren’t for his big boobed girlfriend that’s his damn screensaver I would’ve thought he might’ve even been gay. I gripped my new monster cock just started pumping. I groaned very animalistic groans as I I felt the blood rushing to the tip of his cock. I spit down on my hand to give myself some lubrication as I really went to town. Finally without any warning, hot white streams of fluid came rushing out unlike anytime I’ve ever ejaculated. I took off my shirt and went over to the sink to clean myself off. Another guy had walked in while I was shirtless cleaning my cum stained shirt, but I wasn’t even phased. He looked at me with a weird look at first until we made eye contact.
 “Sup, bro.” I said with my powerful voice. He immediately turned his gaze away and walked out of the bathroom. I didn’t blame him, I was practically half his size. It felt so good being so intimidating and powerful. I looked at myself in the mirror with the biggest stupidest grin, I realized I had worked up quite a sweat in that jerk off event. I lifted my arm to take a whiff of my pit.
 “Woooooh! Duke my friend, that is some seriously musky stench you got going on there. I think I get why you soak yourself in cologne now, damn.” I laughed at myself. I checked my watch to see that class was about to end so I needed to get headed back.
 I turned my shirt inside out as I got ready to go, before i put it on though I realized there was still a drop of cum on my beard. I took my thumb and wiped it off, bringing it to my mouth, “Missed a spot.” I said as I slurped up his salty man juice. I lips savoring the taste as I swaggered back to class whistling to myself. I walked in and took a seat, I could see all the people making scrunched up faces at me, my musky scent filling the room. But i just smiled and closed my eyes as I felt my spirit fly backwards, back into my old body. I looked up to see Duke looking around confused. He was smelling the air as he discretely tried to smell his underarm, he gagged when he realized the smell was indeed coming from him. He pulled up the collar of his shirt to look under, noticing the cum stains id left behind.
 He whispered under his breath, “What the fu-” right then Professor dismissed the class and he was drowned out by the bustling of students leaving class.
 Don’t worry Duke, you wont remember anything I didn’t in your body while you were out. You’ll just think you zoned out during class. This wont be the last time either, I plan to have a lot more fun with my new ability. This semseter just got a whole lot more interesting.
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Fuck With Dad
By vchris1989 and landers 
An old classic from vchris1989′ s blog. Y’all probably seen it a hundred times already, but I thought I’d give it a fresh make-over anyway. /Verus
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Fuck, there is just something so hot about taking over your dad. Sure, social stigma is still lurking somewhere in the back of your head, but it’s quickly disappearing as you look down at your sculpted and toned masculine body.
“Didn’t get any of these good genes, I guess,” you say, getting so excited from that deep and rich voice leaving your mouth. You can’t help but marvel at this body. Late 30’s, still in its physical prime, abs and pecs that look sculpted by God himself dusted with a perfect amount of hair. You go over to a mirror and end up in a state of giddy laughter as you watch your dad’s face form all sorts of ridiculous expressions. God, he is such a handsome man. I mean, your old body was just fine, average with no problems, but you could seriously get used to this. Going from a thin 5’8” to a toned as fuck 6’1” sounds like a good deal in just about anyone’s book.
All these random thoughts really have you turned on, and that’s when you notice some blood flow going on “downstairs.” A chill runs down your spine as you begin unknowingly rubbing your strong hands over your borrowed muscles. You finally realize what you’re doing as you begin lightly twisting and playing with your nipples.
“Ohhhh Fuck! You’re sensitive as fuck!” you yell at the mirror through pleasant laughs. Soon you’re gasping as you rub those strong hands over those washboard abs leading down to the focus of your sexual buildup. Pulling down your dad’s boxers you are finally able to bear witness to the 8 inch cock that brought you into this world.
“Now THAT’s a dick,” you coo with a sexy tone as you go ahead and wrap your fingers around it. SHIT, you’re so hard but as you make the first gentle stroke down the base of the dick your whole body shudders as you feel an explosion of pleasure.
You see your dad’s face contort in pleasure along with his sexy body squirming from sensation.
You lean forward resting an arm against the mirror as you look directly into the eyes of your dad’s reflection and say, “Holy shit, Pops, you’ve had it so good!”
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With renewed determination you stand straight up again and move your arm to make another stroke.
Your knees almost buckle, but you take a deep breath and make another stroke and another and finally many rapid strokes over and over and over again.
“Ohhhhh FUCK!!! FUCKING GOD!!! YES! HELL FUCKING YEAH!!!” you’re shouting as you begin thrusting into your stroking hand.
Holy crap this is so hot.
Just look at the way dad’s abs are glistening with sweat!
Oh my-Fuck!!! Look at that chest!
You take your free hand and immediately begin tweaking those sensitive nips, making you moan so loudly you struggle to take your next breath.
Getting caught up in the moment you begin talking to your hot reflection. Between panted breaths you manage to gasp:
“Oh Yeah! You like that don’tchya? A stud like you just can’t keep this meat to himself, huh? Fuck!!! That feel good, huh stud? Yeah you really love it when I stroke you like THIS—MOTHER FUCK!!! Fuck yeah that’s it, right there!!” You roar with a tone of joy and ecstasy that is so hot coming from your dad’s mouth.
Your whole body is starting to feel sore and you’re sweating like crazy as you pass 45 minutes of this intense dick pounding. Thrusting and stroking and abs contracting for dear life set the stage as you’re gaze lies intensely on your reflection. You’re taking a break from the sexy chat as you try to control your breathing, but then it happens.
You see your dad’s face light up with alert as you feel pressure building in your groin.
“Oh hear it comes!!!” You shout between breaths. Faster! Faster! Faster! You keep stroking and thrusting faster until every vein on your body looks like it’s going to burst! The expression on your dad’s face shifts to desperation…your desperation…but seeing that on his rugged face sends you over the edge!
“Oh FUCCCCKKKKKKK!!!!!!! Ungh!!!!! AHHHH!!!”
Your dick is like a fucking machine gun sending round after round of hot cum flying over the mirror. You lean against the mirror as you moan like a cheap whore, feeling ecstasy and release course through every cell of your dad’s body. God, it feels like you just ran a marathon! And to think, the old man feels this good every time he wants to rub one out! Well, now you get to! This last thought makes you giddy with laughter as you stand up straight once again, finally feeling comfortable and confident about possessing your dad’s sexy body.
Running a finger through the cum on the mirror, you bring it to your open mouth and devour those sex juices.
“Yeah you like that, don’t’ you? You’re a queer for cock. You fucking love it!” You taunt your dad’s reflection before getting on your knees and licking up every last drop of cum. After that, you just lay on your back on the floor marveling in your afterglow and beaming with a prideful smile as you run your hands up and down your new body.
“Today’s going to be a good day.”
God, you loved hearing that voice express your thoughts.
You try to catch your balance as you rise to your feet, still trying to catch your balance, your whole body still feeling a wave of euphoria (or rather your dad’s body). Once up right you take a moment to enjoy the view. The world sure feels great from 6’1” off the ground. And you just can’t get over that sculpted chest and your sexy body hair. It just gives off this virility, this pure masculinity that made you feel so handsome and confident.
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Realizing it’s Saturday, you have no idea what your dad usually does today seeing as how you’re usually out and about with friends on the weekends. In a flash you have a solution. You quickly put on your dad’s boxers and wipe of his excess sweat with a spare towel. Then you lie down on your back in dad’s bed and begin concentrating.
Breathe. Focus. Breathe.
Soon your slime form starts exiting your dad’s cock with a smooth and steady flow. It feels so pleasurable that you want to scream, but you manage to remain quiet whilst your toes and torso are squirming in pleasure.
“Come on, just a little more” you huff with great effort before the last of your gel exits with a popping sound. Everything goes black.
It takes you just a moment to regain vision as you crawl down dad’s inner thighs and roll off the side of the bed. You take on your human form again and as you stand up you see your dad’s slumbering form. His beautiful chest and toned torso are rising and falling in a peaceful rhythm. His hands are gracefully relaxed one on his abs and the other cupping his manly cock.
I wish I could touch his body with his own hands again.
You finish this thought right as your dad’s eyes begin fluttering open ever so gently. He makes a big stretch and yawns something fierce before absentmindedly smiling and gently rubbing his washboard abs.
So fucking cute.
“Oh Cody!” Your dad states in surprise, “I didn’t see you there. What are you-?”
Before saying another word, Dad sees his semi hard cock tenting his boxers and grabs a pillow to cover his crotch. He’s red as a tomatoes and trying to make a sentence.
“Cody! I-This-You-How did I?—Son, what’s going on?” He pleads with innocent confusion.
“Well, Pops, I haven’t spent time with you in a bit, so I was wondering if we could hang out today.”
“Well, Cody I-“
“I promise I won’t get in the way. I’ll just follow you wherever you go, do whatever you do.”
Oh the irony….hahaha
“Son, that would mean a lot to me. I miss spending time with you. We used to be so close.”
Oh we’re about to be closer than ever.
“Yeah, Dad, I know I’ve been lame. But I’m glad we’ll be spending the day together. Say, you usually go to the gym on Saturdays, right? Or is that Sunday?”
“Haha, son…I go Saturday through Friday.” Dad chuckles back with boyish pride.
“Ya know, Cody, I could start taking you with me. After all, it’s about time your old man showed you around the weight room.”
“I’d love that! Hopefully one day I can be a stud like you.”
Oh it took all of your mental willpower not to smirk as you say that. Your dad looks a little uncomfortable as he hears you call him a stud, but he doesn’t seem too bothered.
“So Cody, just give me a few minutes to get ready. I don’t know what happened last night, but I feel sweaty like I already worked out!”
Wonder Why…
“So if you’ll give me a minute I’ll go take a quick shower and then we can head done.”
“You know what? I love that plan. Thank you for the idea!”
“The idea?”
“I could really use a shower too.”
“Well, Cody, how about we meet in the kitchen in 15?”
“Oh I think you’ll need more time than that, Dad. I mean just look at you. You’re fucking filthy. You’re a dirty sex machine. And it’s going to take a while to rub down that hard body of yours. And I bet a stud like you is already ready to rub another one out.”
“Cody! What the fuck are you-? What’s with all this queer shit?!”
“Oh Pops, that sure means a lot coming from the guy who licks his own cum off the mirror.”
“Young man! What the fuck are you talking about?!”
Your dad is now sitting up in his bed, red with fury, no longer bothering to cover his boxers as you stroll over to the TV by the wall. Your dad modded his Xbox connect into a high quality camcorder that would start recording when it heard him moan; you knew this for a while now and that’s why you usually spend the weekends away.
But now, as you click the most recent file, your dad is horrified as he sees himself jacking and thrusting furiously into his own grip.
Dad hears his own voice scream out from the vid: “Oh Yeah! You like that don’tchya? A stud like you just can’t keep this meat to himself, huh? Fuck!!! That feel good, huh stud? Yeah you really love it when I stroke you like THIS—MOTHER FUCK!!! Fuck yeah that’s it, right there!!”
His jaw drops and he remains silent as he watches himself explode onto the mirror, roaring in delight. Then, he turns white as a ghost as he hears himself taunt, “Yeah you like that, don’t’ you? You’re a queer for cock. You fucking love it!” before getting on all fours and licking up every last drop before of his own fuck juices.
“YOU! YOU DRUGGED ME, DIDN’T YOU?! Cody!” Dad’s face turns into a furious snarl as he swings his legs to the side of the bed as if ready to spring up.
“No, Dad. I didn’t drug you at all. I swear.”
“Well then!- FUCK! What the fuck happened?! GAHHH!!!!” Dad slams his fist down onto the bed before free falling backwards onto the bed.
“I just don’t understand why I would do that! Maybe I was having a vivid dream or some shit. I just can’t believe I would do that!”
“You didn’t…” You state with cold resolution.
Dad remains silent and confused.
“I did.” You state with blunt truth.
Dad looks at you like you’re the biggest lunatic on the planet.
“Cody, I’m dreaming right now. I’m going to crawl into bed, and hopefully you’ll be at a friend’s house or something when I actually wake up.” He states as he closes his eyes, shaking his head from side to side as if trying to deny this moment’s existence.
“This morning when you weren’t looking I jumped onto you and entered your body. Then, I had some fun. Don’t worry. I was a little creeped out about the whole jacking off my dad thing, but if you think about it, when I’m possessing you it’s MY dick. And when I’m possessing you those are MY abs. Those are my pecs! That’s MY five o’ clock shadow! And that’s MY sexy voice!”
With each declaration you’ve taken a step towards your stupefied Dad. He’s gone into shock as he thinks you’ve gone crazy. He scooches backwards on the bed until he’s completely in the center and his gaze is locking with yours.
“Cody, I need to go to sleep. We’ll talk about this later.”
He’s trying to calmly diffuse the situation because he still doesn’t believe or understand you. That’s when you take a runner’s stance and begin sprinting directly at Dad. His eyes fill with alert, as you take a sprinting leap and are midair flying right toward him. He squints his eyes closed and averts his gaze, expecting a hard impact, but instead he feels himself get dumped with water. He opens his eyes and becomes beyond confused as he sees an immobile red gel covering him from his abs to his hairy thighs. He’s afraid to move, almost expecting something weird to happen. You remain motionless, but then a sense of dread hits dad’s mind.
INSTANTLY, your form begins flooding, rushing, ruthlessly squirming its way through his boxer flap until Dad’s 8 inch cock is engulfed by your being. Dad screams in fear and protest, but as he reaches for his hardening cock he immediately jerks and smacks his back down onto the bed, back arching, his legs squirming, toes curling, and moaning that sweet sweet sound of pleasure as he reaches his arms out and grabs at the sheets, unable to stand the immense pleasure. I’m only a quarter of the way in, but I decide to take my time seeing as how Dad is pretty immobilized by pleasure.
That supersensitive dick isn’t doing you much good now, is it, Pops?
Dad is moaning and screaming in a mixture of pleasure, anger, and protest as he thrashes his head from side to side. His back arches from the surges traveling up his spine and he can’t help but thrust into the air as your form is halfway inside him.
“NO! FUCK!!! MY GOD!!! WHAT IN THE-? OHHHH NOO!!!!!” Dad can’t even make a sentence let alone concentrate on a single idea as his mind and body are bombarded by impossible levels of stimulation.
This only eggs you on as you switch from this tortuous slow pace to finally rapidly sending your last gel into Dad’s hard cock. The last of you sloshes in right as Dad thrusts his hips up with all his might, thrusting and arching his back so hard that he becomes airborne as his dick erupts flood after flood of cum!! Twice as much as last time!!! Dad gives one last scream of defiance before collapsing back onto the bed with a thud, moaning and shivering as his hips continue to involuntarily thrust, sending ribbon after ribbon of hot cum pooling all over his hot chest and abs. Dad is too exhausted to move as his arms collapse to his sides like deadweight and he begins squirming as he feels you traveling down his thighs and up his torso, passing those ripped abs, and going up past that beautiful chest, before finally traveling up his neck.
“you can’t….” are dad’s last words, spoken weakly and hopelessly before his presence goes dormant and you wake up, once again in control of his body. You take a second to let your eyes refocus as you yawn and stretch gently. A contented smile crosses your face as you rub all over your face, feeling along dad’s great bone structure.
“Yeah, you’re a sexy man. You’re a fucking sexy hunk. You love it when I’m inside you. You love it when I play with your cock you fucking queer. Yeah, who are you calling me the queer when you’re the one moaning like a whore. A fucking sexy whore” You end your last sentence with a giggle as you reach down begin scooping dad’s cum into his hand.
“Oh, a treat? For me? You shouldn’t have!”
You devour those creamy juices, licking up and down these strong fingers, being sure to rub the rest of the cum into Dad’s chest and abs like moisturizer while embracing your dominance over your dad’s amazing body.
“You know what?” You say out loud. “Fuck the gym. I deserve a day off” You giggle as you begin assuming first person. God, it felt so good inside to refer to yourself as your dad.
“I go to the gym all the time, I mean, who’s gonna blame me if I have some fun with my hot body today? I’ll just go tomorrow. Now it’s definitely time for a shower. I’m glad I renovated *my* bathroom last month.
Holy fuck, using the first person gave you an indescribable satisfaction.
“I’m so glad Cody and I are spending the day together.” You say with a sarcastic chuckle. Your triumphant laughter causes the whole bed to shake as your muscular bounces on its surface.
You take a minute to lay down on the bed. Relaxing for a few before you get up and start your day with a steamy shower…
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God, this shower is amazing. It’s a really great way to relax all of your tense muscles. “Sheesh, Pops. If you’d been a bit more relaxed my new muscles wouldn’t feel so sore right now.”Oh well- a small price to pay. You giggle at this thought as you caress this toned and hairy body. YOUR toned and masculine body. From head to toe you’re the epitome of a virile male. The perfect feet that look great barefoot and in flip-flops. Those legs that could turn heads. And fuck me, those abs and upper body. You just laugh some more as you start getting hard all over again from the euphoria of controlling such a hot body. The wrongness of taking over your dad’s body feels so right at this moment. Oh fuck it! You can’t take it anymore. As the water glistens along your perfect form you begin lightly stroking this, still new to you equipment, and shivers quake through you from head to toe, your new dick being the epicenter. In no more than five strokes you’re completely hard again.“Three times in less than an hour! Jesus, Dad! You’re a fucking stallion!” You shout joyously as you rev up the intensity.
You pump this meat harder, faster, harder faster! Thrusting into your firm grip with all this body’s awesome strength. Roaring like a mythical beast you toss your head around, unable to contain the sensations ripping through your body like lightning. You’re getting so close again!
“Fuuuuuuuuck!” You shout as the pressure builds up inside. You grab your new nuts with a firm grip and begin massaging them with a firm grip as you begin panting almost to the point of hyperventilation!
“God DAMN! SO CLOSE” you moan as you keep thrusting and massaging those tightening nuts.
Then something feels odd. Not just odd…something’s wrong. Your whole body tightens up again as you feel your Dad’s body rebelling against you. Like a pathogen it feels like Dad is trying to purge you from him.
You grip at your abdomen as you feel your whole body trembling with effort.
“NOOOO!!!! God Damnit, Dad you are NOT going to ruin this for me!!!!”
You’ve collapsed onto your back by this point, but with the last of your strength you kick Dad’s legs back behind his head so that his firm rod is within reach of your Dad’s luscious lips.
Feeling Dad fighting with unprecedented gusto you lean up and begin licking the insanely sensitive head. Erotic shivers return to your body as you feel Dad’s will to fight being replaced by the pleasure of his own tongue on his unnaturally sensitive dick.
You moan like a bitch in heat as you open your lips and slowly thrust your cock into your hot and ready mouth. As it glides past your tongue to the back of your throat your entire body contorts in a seizure of sensation. You could do this forever it feels so fucking amazing, but it’s too much for your already reved up cock. Your dad’s hips involuntarily thrust forward as you feel every muscle in your body contract in a moment of electric joy. Flood after flood of cum streams directly down your throat as you scream as loudly as you can in spite of the 8 inch gag filling you up. As your orgasm ends and you feel the euphoric afterglow, you let dad’s legs gently fall back down in front and just relax on your back with a dazed smile, enjoying the feeling of your rugged finger tips caressing these perfect nipples.
“Well, I think that’s the last time I’ll be getting any resistance out you, Dad. I can do whatever I want, whenever I want when I’m inside you.”
You giggle playfully some more before groaning as you try to stand up.
“Holy shit, mental note: next time I suck off this cock I need to do it on carpet, not bathroom tile. My back’ll be sore for days! So worth it though….”
You smirk as you go search for advil and some cute boxers.
— (Start of the First Alternative Path) —
You’re enjoying the power you have over your Dad, but the recent adventures have clearly taken a toll as you collapse onto the ground, making a loud boom before crawling into bed.  
“Oh my God!!! Mr. Spencer! Are you okay?!”
Shit. It was your best friend, Joey.
He must have come over to hang out and heard the commotion as you collapsed onto the ground. Looks like the fun came to you, albeit a little ahead of schedule.
“I’m fine, Joey,” you say with a dad-like smile and a mature guy chuckle, “Just a muscle spasm. You know, been pumping iron extra hard lately.”
You flash Joey another smile before sitting up in bed and flexing your solid and defined biceps and pecs while rubbing your manly hands over your washboard abs. Joey himself was quite the looker. An 18 year old male model status hottie with a nice body from being captain of the basketball team.
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And here you are inhabiting a 37 year old in the best shape of his life with the scruffy masculine sex appeal of a mature man combined with the fitness, perfect build, and goofy smile of a man peaking in his twenties. You’re wearing just the boxers Dad had on after you forced your way inside his man meat again, and the sight of your best friend is really getting you going. Jesus, Dad is a fucking stallion. After the thrashing you’ve given his cock you can’t believe that you’re even hornier than ever.
Joey begins to look kind of nervous as he notices the tent forming in your boxer shorts, but as he prepares to leave your inflating cock bursts through the boxer’s slit like an erupting volcano. Joey, who is a closeted bisexual with a preference for guys, cannot turn away as he gazes at the thick 8 inch cock hypnotizing him with sexual lust.
Joey walks towards the bed and begins crawling towards you. As he reaches your inner thighs he begins rubbing them sensually, making you spring all 8 inches of your hard as a rock cock.
“Mr. Spencer…I…I’ve had a crush on you for a very long time…I…this is so wrong, but…”
You cut Joey off as you bring your mouth gently to his. Immediately, Joey melts as his eyes close and he relaxes while you slowly begin to explore the inside of his mouth with your tongue. He becomes more receptive and soon his tongue is doing a dance with your own. It becomes a playfully aggressive wrestling match with you being the victor, Joey on his back on dad’s bed, with you keeping him pinned down. In just a moment you have Joey’s shirt ripped off as you both get caught up in a sexual blaze. You’ve always had the biggest crush on Joey, and he knew you were gay and you knew he was bi, but you had no idea how he felt about your dad. The whole situation was weird, but you didn’t exactly worry too much about it as you leaned in and began playfully licking and gently squeezing Joey’s sensitive nipples before kissing down his abs.
“Oh fuckkkkkkkk,” Joey moans as the feeling of your dad’s 5 o’clock shadow on his chest and abs sends pure sensation coursing through his body like electricity. His body is amazingly toned. From the ripped shoulders to the perfect biceps to the sculpted pecs and the washboard abs all coated with the perfect amount of light brown hair along with his boyish good looks and beautiful summer tan, he was basically sex on a stick. And with your dad’s hot macho body he was your sex on a stick. Now granted, there might be some explaining to do, but that can wait until later…
While those random thoughts were in the back of your head you were unbuttoning Joey’s pants and inspecting the robust 7 inch cock that was calling to you. Impatience was your greatest sin in the moment as you grabbed a hold of that hot rod and deep throated every last inch of it in one shot, shocking Joey and yourself. He had no idea that was coming, and his body was still in shock as his back was arched and he was squirming from the complete ecstasy of his young cock being massaged by the warm and strong throat muscles of your dad. You kept this pace up for a while, aggressively bobbing your head up and down, using your throat to its full capacity, and keeping Joey in such sexual heat that he was basically unresponsive, but then you begin to feel Joey’s inner thighs tensing up in his lower abs contracting and you knew he was close to cumming down your throat. You immediately lift off his cock, and he has the most confused and sad look in his eyes until you use your dad’s strong arms to lift Joey’s legs into the air exposing his virgin hole. Again, Joey has no time to react before you have your dad’s tongue penetrating Joey’s most private and sacred place.This time he doesn’t even curse or scream out from the pleasure. He literally just throws his head back and it looks like he’s trying to moan or shout or something, but no sound is coming out. The sensation must be so intense that every cell in his body is on absolute edge as the squirming has shifted not just to his legs but all the way up his torso to his arms in his head. He’s frantically grabbing at the sheets and his breathing is escalating, and escalating, and escalating and he’s thrashing his head from side to side and just trying to catch up but it seems like every time he wants to shout out in pure awesome pleasure he needs to take another breath from the sheer intensity of this hot ass rimming. Your dad’s 5 o’clock shadow is tickling the most intimate zone of Joey’s body as you force your tongue deeper and deeper and deeper, not just satisfied with thrusting in and out but also using your tongue to explore every square inch of his hole. You’re licking and licking, thrusting and thrusting at impossible speeds, spelling the alphabet, spelling names, trying to find the spot that just sends him over the edge and then utilize that to your advantage. Boy, you must have been doing a great job because Joey’s thighs began tensing up like crazy again. His breathing picks up like he’s been running a marathon, and his knuckles were white from grabbing at the sheets as his abs tighten so much they look like they’re going to pop. He’s so frantic and out of breath but he manages to shout out, “I’m…Oh GOD…I’m CUMMMING!!!!! OHHHH!!!”
He hasn’t even touched his dick a single time during this rimming, but that youthful piece of man meat starts launching endless loads of cum all over his chest and over your dad’s bed. As this is happening, you don’t let up. Rather, you let out your inner beast, ferociously digging deeper and deeper, and farther and farther not letting Joey miss out on a single moment of hot, sexual amazement. It’s crazy hot as you feel his muscles clamping down on your tongue as he keeps on riding this orgasm. Finally, Joey’s body relaxes as the last shot flies out and lands with a splash in the cum puddle on his sweaty pecs. His arched back collapses down on the bed with a thud and he just stares at the ceiling with a dazed look of joy and contentment. You think about how that was the hottest thing to ever happen to you but then you remember that you’re not even in your own body and that as far as Joey is concerned your dad was the one making his and your sexual fantasies come true. Some part of you wants to let Joey and on your secret and to tell him about your power, but at the same time you can always wait until later.
“Mr. Spencer… That… Was… The most amazing experience of my life. I mean… Oh my God! Where did that come from? I thought you were going to be mad at me, but instead…” Joey doesn’t bother finishing his sentence; he simply blushes and smiles with cute shyness as he curls up next to you placing his head on your dad’s rock solid chest with another hand draped over your cut abs, with an obvious look of adoration on his face. That’s just a testament to how solidly built your dad is that the captain of the basketball team would snuggle up to you like this.
“Joey, I’ve just been thinking lately. I’ve been doing a lot of personal readjustments. And let’s just say the world is going to be seeing a different me… a happier me.”
“And a sexier you!” Joey adds as you both giggle.
“Oh and Joey- another thing”
“Yes, Mr. Spencer?”
“Call me Rick,” you say as you grab the back of Joey’s head and bring him in for another passionate kiss.
He needed to feel full right now! Joey got on the bed and crouched down with his knees by your obliques as he sank backwards and grabbed your hard cock. After lubing your dad’s cock, he lined up his hole with your dick before forcing his hips down in one smooth motion.
“HOLY FUCK!! AGHHHHH!!!” Joey screamed as his back arched and his breathing peaked. He stayed there squirming in ecstasy as the fullness of 8 thick inches blew his mind. He moaned and moaned and only felt unimaginable pleasure that he never knew existed. Then, he raised up and thrusted himself back onto your cock as his ecstasy episode repeated itself. His toes were curling and his face was squirming as he continued to moan. You were rubbing your sensitive nipples watching Joey, when he really started picking up pace. He was thrusting down on you with sexual desperation as he started grinding and experimenting with every possible angle. You couldn’t keep up the passive approach any longer, so in the heat of the moment you pulled his legs out so he was sitting on your dick as you leaned up and grabbed his shoulders from behind. His moans and screams were insanely Passionate as he thrusted himself into each of your thrusts. Your used your strong biceps to pull him down onto you as you thrusted up with all my might. All of your guys’s toes were curling as your began to make out passionately. With tongues exploring mouths and your cock deep in Joey’s hole as you continued to thrust and pull him down, you suddenly felt the coming explosion. As you felt the pressure building and building, your speed slowed as you built an ultra sensual rhythm as you gyrated your hips with your cock still fully in him. By this time you were both completely covered in sweat and still kissing passionately as Joey was on the verge of blacking out from the pleasure. Then, as you reached the point of no return, you were still hugging him with all your might doing rapid mini thrusts as your cock was still completely buried in his tight hole. Both your bodies were convulsing in pleasure, and you both began huffing as you both neared orgasm. You rolled over so Joey was on his back as you thrusted in with all your strength and weight, still kissing him and now squeezing his nipples. He yelped and screamed in what was now just one guttural moan of pleasure as he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you tighter towards him.
“Holllllyyyyyy Fuck! I’m so fucking close!” Joey screamed as he tried to thrust his hips so he could get fucked deeper and harder. Then you felt it. You had never felt anything like this as you began screaming as loud as you could. Your thrusts and spasms shook the bed as you pile drove Joey into the bed. He yelled out for joy as he sensed the tension building in your groin just waiting for release. You thrusted and thrusted with all of this body’s remaining strength and gravity combined as you passionately locked lips with Joey before shoving in farther than ever before and unleashing a stream of cum deep inside him. You grabbed underneath his arms and hugged him passionately as you kissed him and continued to unleash your cum, still thrusting deep inside him.
It was in that moment that you also began spilling your gel into Joey’s ass, He was in so much pleasure and there was so much cum that he didn’t even realize. He just continued to moan and spasm as he blacked out from pleasure and my invading gel. You woke up a few moments after and couldn’t help but immediately moan and squirm and curl your toes as you had your hot and sweaty macho Dad passed out, pinning you to the bed, with all 8 inches of his still hard cock buried deep inside you. Your back arched as you wrapped my new sexy legs around your dad and began thrusting yourself onto his still hard dick. Shudders went up your spine, your toes continued to curl, and you couldn’t contain your moaning as you reached a point of no return. Joey’s precum had you lubed, and each time you thrusted yourself onto your Dad’s huge cock, your own new dick fucked your dad’s hot abs. Soon this was too much, and your whole body convulsed as your hole squeezed Dad’s dick and you began cumming in between Dad’s and your toned abs. You wrapped your arms around him and kissed his sleeping lips passionately as you made one final thrust before relaxing Joey’s hips and just lying there, in orgasmic bliss with a big cock still mostly deep inside you. Your Dad’s cum felt so good inside you.
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— ( Alternative Ending I ) —
With your dad still on top of Joey’s body, you hear him moan as he regains consciousness. He groans as his eyes slowly open. “Wha-” he says as he wakes up. “What’s going on.” he mutters. As his body squirms on top of you. As he tries to get up, he slowly realizes something is off. His eyes open wide when he realizes someone is underneath him.“What the fuck!” he groans. Dad tries to get up, but a look of shock appears on his face when he realizes his dick is still firmly inside Joey’s ass. Dad is so shocked by what’s going on, he freezes with a confused look on his face. You smile as you look at his sexy face. “What’s going on?” Dad asks, not knowing what else to say.
“Well, Rick, looks like you really know how to show a guy a good time.” you say flirtatiously. Dad, still in shock, takes his hard dick out of Joey’s ass. You moan as he does that. A little cum squirts out of Joey’s dick and on your dad’s chest. “Oh, fuck.” you moan, clenching Joey’s ass tight enough to not let any sperm out. Dad lays down on his back, grabbing his head. You look over to your dad, his chest and abs glistening with cum and sweat. Fuck, he looks sexy. You just want to make your way back inside of him.
“That was incredible Rick, but I think it’s time you and Cody get back to your father/son bonding.” you say. Dad looks around, seeing his cum and sweat covered body. His penis is still rock hard.
“What the fuck is going on? Who are you?” he says, disoriented.
“Well Rick, why don’t I show you.” you say, gesturing to the T.V. you used earlier to show your dad what you did inside of him.
“Cody?” he asks, with a confused look on his face.
“Yea, but right now I’m Joey.” you respond. “But I think it’s time I get back into you. I miss being in you already.” you use Joey’s fingers to rub dad’s nipples. “So, how do you want me to get back into you? You dick seems to be the most fun.”
“What the fuck is wrong with you! You sick fuck!.” he yells. In both shock and terror, your father gets out of bed and backs away from you.
“Don’t pretend you don’t love it. I know you can feel all the pleasure, and I know you like it.” you giggle. “And who are you calling sick? You’re the one who can’t get enough of this. You’re the one who loves having his son inside of him. Your dick is so hard it’s pulsing.” you taunt. He looks down to see his dick pulsing and, embarrassed, tries to cover it up.“You don’t have to worry about that.” you say, walking up to him. “I’ve seen your dick before. I’ve pounded it before. I even felt it inside this body. I know your dick better than you do.”
By now you’re right in front of your dad in Joey’s naked, cum coated body. “Get the fuck away from me!” Dad says, pushing you away. You stumble back, but regain your balance quickly. “You’re sick! I’m your father!” he yells with a look of distress on his face.
You laugh.“You’re so sexy when you act tough. I can’t wait to get back in you.” You reach down and start pulling on Joey’s dick. Your slime body oozes out, spilling onto the floor. Your father looks at you, leaving Joey’s body, completely speechless. You collect as a puddle on the floor as Joey’s body falls to the floor, unconscious.
“C-cody?” your dad asks, walking up to you. He pokes your slime body and pokes you. It feels weird and your slime body shakes. Dad jumps back, not knowing what to do. “Cody. Can you hear me?”
Looking’ up at your father, you’re able to ‘see’ his body in a way you never could before. You can ‘see’ the chemicals in his body, the blood flowing to his dick, the neurons firing in his brain, and it all makes sense to you. It’s like you can understand what his body is saying, and right now it’s saying that your dad is scared. Scared because he doesn’t know what’s going on or what to do, but also scared because your dad wants you to possess him and he doesn’t want admit it to himself. You crawl over to your father, who’s still stunned by what’s going on. 
“C-cody. What are you doing?” he asks. You pick up the pace and make a run for your dad’s manhood. “Cody, no! Not again!” he cries, backing up against the wall. You begin making your way inside him. “Cody, please. Sto-” dad tries to say. Immediately as you start entering his dick, your dad’s body fills with euphoria. His eyes roll to the back of his head as his knees begin to buckle. “C-cody… Please. Please don’t do thi-” he moans as you race into his body. While your dad tries to put up a fight, his body betrays him as it welcomes your slime into it. With one final slosh, you fully enter your father’s body. He continues to try to fight, but all his efforts are in vain. His body quickly gives way to your control.
“Fuck.” your dad says with a distressed look on his face before you take control. Your dad quickly goes from looking distressed to being relaxed as you get resettled in it. You smile and bask in the afterglow of that incredible experience. As you enjoy being back in your dad’s body, you hear Joey moan as he regains consciousness.
— ( Alternative Ending II ) —
You lie there in orgasmic bliss as you hear your father moan when he regains consciousness. A child-like smile appears on his face as he wakes up. Without thinking, dad pulls his dick out of Joey’s ass.
“Oh, fuck.” you moan, cum squirting out of Joey’s dick as dad’s manhood slides out. Dad turns over and lies next to you on his back with his eyes closed and a smile on his face.
“Fuck, that was amazing.” Dad says under his breath. He opens his eyes and turns to look at you. “Joey? What’s going on?” he asks.
“Well Rick. I could always show you.” you say, gesturing to the TV.
“Cody?” your dad asks. He looks around and sees the cum on his body, he then realize what probably happened. “Oh, fuck me!” he says laughing. “Oh man, Cody. You really took me for a ride.” You look at him, confused by his reaction.
“You’re not mad?” you ask.
Dad calms down, trying to stop laughing. “Fuck no. Cody, this is incredible!”
“So, wait. You can see what’s going on when I’m in you?” you ask, your confusion growing.
“No, but I feel everything. And man, it feels better than anything I can describe.”
“So,” you say seductively. You reach out and rub your dad’s nipples and he moans. “Can I get back inside of you?” Dad’s rock hard dick starts pulsing as he smiles and nods. “Ok, good.” You use your free hand to rub Joey’s dick. You can feel your slime body beginning to exit as you moan, enjoying the last few moments inside Joey. Your red slime body begins leaking out, “Mmmm, yea.” you say under your breath. After a few minutes, you feel your consciousness slipping, until finally everything goes black.
“Cody? Are you awake.” you hear your dad say as you regain consciousness in your slime form. You slosh around, signaling yes. “Good. Do what you’re gonna do, son.” your dad says, getting ready for you to enter his cock. You crawl over to your dad’s dick and start pumping yourself in. “Oh, fuck Cody!” your dad yells. You decide to up the intensity and rush into his dick. “Oooohhhh God! Yes!” he moans, his hips thrusting into the air. With the final slosh, you finish entering your father’s body. His dick explodes, cum leaving your father’s dick like piss. “Fuck!” dad says before you take full control.
“It feels good to be back.” you say, feeling amazing being back in your dad’s body. Soon after you take back control of your father’s body, Joey wakes up. 
“Mmmm, that was incredible Rick.” he moans as he wakes up.
“You have no idea.” you respond, trying to catch you breath. Joey leans in and passionately kisses your father’s lips. “You should probably get going.” you say seductively.
“Yea… See you soon.” Joey grabs his things and heads to the bathroom to get cleaned up while you lie down and enjoy being inside your dad’s macho body, thinking of what you’re going to do next.
Now that Joey is gone, you get ready to do something you’ve always wanted to do. You look in the mirror and see your dad’s sweaty, naked body. “Hey there sexy.” you say with a sexy smile. A big part of you wants to stay nice and dirty, but what you want to do would probably be better with a clean body.You take a hot shower and savor the feeling of warm water cleaning your dad’s body.
“Yea, that feels good, you filthy beast. Doesn’t it?” you say, knowing your dad can hear you on some level. You see the soap and get an idea before you leave the shower. “Better make sure you’re clean on the inside, too.” You use the soap as lube to slide your father’s fingers into his ass. His ass is so tight, you feel an intense pain shoot through his body, but you control your dad’s breathing as you use his fingers to milk his prostate. “Oh fuck.” you say, overcome by the unexpected rush of euphoria. You lean against the wall of the shower as you continue to gently rub your dad’s prostate. The pleasure is so intense, your dad’s knees buckle and his eyes roll back out of your control. “Here is comes.” you say under your breath. You finally climax. Your dad’s dick shoots out more cum than you thought possible. His body is overrun with so much pleasure, you thought it would pass out, but you maintain control and finish up your shower. After you dry up, you walk over to your dad’s closet and pull out a t-shirt, a leather jacket, and a pair of jeans.You put them on, and look at your dad’s reflection in the mirror.
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“Wow dad, you look like a sexy bad ass. I don’t know why you don’t wear this every day.” you say, feeling manly and powerful. You make some faces in the mirror and play around with your dad’s body, having fun while you can. You feel your dad’s stomach grumble. “Looks like the sexy beast is hungry.” you say with a smile. You decide to have lunch with your dad rather than in him. You take out his dick and start rubbing it, feeling your slime crawl out. Within moments, your slime starts streaming out. “Oh, fucking God…” you moan, leaning up against the mirror to keep your balance. Everything starts to fade out as the last piece of slime leaves your dad’s dick, until finally you’re out and your dad falls to the floor. You wake up as a puddle on the floor, but quickly go back to your human form. Your dad moans as he regains consciousness.
“Mmmm, that was incredible.” he groans. You walk over to him.
“Dad?” you ask. He looks up at you and smiles.
“Hey there Cody. What happened? I thought you and Joey were spending the day together.”
“He left.” You help your dad get up. “I felt your stomach growling and thought we should talk over lunch.” Dad stretches after standing. God he looks hot. He looks down and sees his dick sticking out. Dad nonchalantly puts his dick back in his pants and zips up his jeans.
“Whatever you say champ.” he says before making his way to the kitchen. He makes a few sandwiches for the two of you and you sit down at the kitchen counter to eat with him. “So, what are you gonna do now?” Dad asks.
Source: “Body Possession Powers” Interactive Story on Writing.com
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Assimilated StepDaddy
Ryan slowly woke up, feeling disoriented. He looked around, recognizing his stepson's room. But something was off—he couldn't move. It hit him then: he was tied up on the bed. Panic set in as he struggled against the restraints.
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"W-what the hell? What is going on? Why I'm tied up?" Ryan shouted, trying his best to free himself from the restraints. All he remembered was coming home from a hard day of work at the construction site and grabbing a beer to relax on the couch, and then... he woke up here?
"It's ok, Ryan, no need to freak out," He heard his stepson's voice as he entered the room while holding a glass jar with a strange slug creature inside.
"Benson? You did this to me? You little shit! I'm gonna beat your spoiled ass once I'm out of here!"
"Oh, you're going to beat my ass for sure, just not in the way you think," Benson said with a smug tone, he tapped his fingers on the jar, making the sluggish creature move as if it was excited. "It was very easy to drug your beer. You passed out faster than I thought you would, and I confess it was very difficult to drag you to my room, you're so heavy. Unfortunately, I'm afraid we don't have much time left."
"You drugged my WHAT? I knew you were a fucking freak but not at this level!" Ryan tried to pull the restraints once again, but he finally realized there was no use. He sighed and looked at his stepson. "Look, let me go now and I won't tell your mom about what you did."
Benson chuckled, "I'm not sure if I believe you; I know you very well, Ryan; in the past two years, I've known your true self; you're a cheater, a homophobe, and a horrible stepdad. I can't trust someone like you, I'm not dumb. But don't worry; once I help my alien buddy take over your body, our relationship will change to something more... trustful." Benson then looked at the creature inside the jaar. "Isn't that right, lil guy?"
Ryan could swear he saw the little creature nodding its head. "What the hell is this thing you're holding? You're freaking me out Benson.... please let me go!"
Benson got on the bed between Ryan's muscular legs and slowly started to pull down Ryan's underwear, he protested, trying to make the process more difficult for Benson, but with both his arms and legs tied up, Benson easily pulled his underwear down to his ankles. "Oh my, I can see why mom likes you so much because it definitely is not because of your personality," Benson said, amazed by Ryan's girthy cock.
"That's too fucking far! I'm gonna kill you, you motherfucker!" Ryan shouted.
Benson just ignored him and opened the lid, freeing the slug from the jar; the strange black slug crawled toward Ryan's ass and started to force its way inside his hole. Ryan's eyes opened in terror as he felt something squirming inside his ass. "Take this thing away from me! Take this thing away!" Ryan pleaded, no longer trying to keep his tough, manly persona.
"It's ok, Daddy Ryan, you're going to be a much better stepdad from now on," Benson said, caressing his muscular thighs and watching the tip of the slug disappear inside Ryan's ass. For a few seconds, nothing happened until suddenly Ryan's eyes rolled back, and his body started to contort and convulse, his hips bulked up and down, and his back arched as his muscles tensed until suddenly his body went limp.
That was when Benson heard his mom's car arrive; his heart raced as he immediately started to untie Ryan as quickly as he could; he thought he could turn Ryan into his pet's host before his mom came home from work. He untied Ryan's ankles and walked out of his room; it was then realized he had forgotten to pull up Ryan's underwear, so he ran back to his room and pulled his underwear up. He made his way to the living room just as his mom opened the door and walked in.
"Hey, Mom," Benson said, sitting on the couch and trying his best not to sound too out of breath.
"Hey, sweetie, where is Ryan?" She asked.
"H-he's sleeping in my room, I think he got so drunk that he crashed in the wrong room."
"Poor thing, he works so hard, let him rest a little ok?"
Later that night, while his mom was in the shower, Benson went to check on his stepdad, and to his surprise, the bed was empty. He jumped when he felt Ryan's hand grab his neck from behind and his big bulge pressing against his ass. Ryan leaned his mouth close to Benson's ear and whispered. "Fuck... he really hated your ass, I'm trying my best to control his body not to twist your little neck."
Benson smirked; he knew it was no longer his stepdad speaking. "I thought you said you would take full control of his brain?" Benson whispered back, pressing his ass harder against Ryan.
"Shut up you little..." Ryan stopped talking mid-sentence, and then closed his eyes, taking a deep breath and then looking at Benson with more calm eyes. "I will. It just takes a while to fully assimilate his brain. There's still some parts of him left, I can still access some fragments of his memories as well as the hatred he had for you..."
"I think we could use all his hatred and use it for something more..." Benson then turned around to face Ryan and was about to caress his hairy pecs when Ryan suddenly pushed him down to his knees.
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"You disgust me, you always did. If I didn't have a fucking slug inside my brain, assimilating it and turning me into a brainless puppet, I would have punched your dumb face right now."
Benson was so hard, his cock was leaking only at the sight of his hot stepdad standing over him, with his huge bulge just inches away from his face. He knew it was the alien in control, but he would be lying if he said he wasn't a bit scared.
"Ok, I'm starting to get a little bit wo..." Benson tried to stand up, but Ryan pushed him back on his knees again and then pointed at him.
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"You better keep on your knees! That's where you fucking belong." Ryan whispered, he then pulled down his underwear, freeing his throbbing massive cock, hovering his shaft over Benson's mesmerized face. "I'm gonna facefuck you as a punishment, that's what spoiled brats like you deserve," Ryan then grabbed Benson by the back of his hair and smirked down at him. "You better take every inch of punishment," With that, he pushed Benson's face to take all his length. Benson loved the way Ryan grabbed both sides of his head and fucked his mouth like he was a fucktoy. Ryan came down his throat before his mom finished her shower.
A week later, Ryan had his brain fully assimilated by the alien slug, and there was nothing more left of him besides his hot body. The alien adopted a more loving and caring personality for Ryan that Benson loved, but sometimes Benson would ask the alien to act more like the old Ryan.
Their relationship had improved so much since Ryan got assimilated. Benson's mom would go to work in the morning before Ryan, so every morning before going to work, Ryan would go into Benson's room and give him a proper morning fuck, as well as his morning load. And every time Ryan came back earlier from work, he would take his shirt off and order Benson to lick his sweaty body clean.
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"These armpits won't clean by themselves, boy. You better bury your face in these hairy armpits and clean them up with your slutty tongue!"
After giving his stepdad a proper tongue bath, Benson was sitting on Ryan's lap, with his ass fully stuffed by Ryan's hard cock while he squeezed and groped his stepdad's big hairy pecs.
"C'mon buddy, suck on your Daddy's tits, your mom will come from work at any minute," Ryan said while flexing his massive pecs.
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Benson didn't waste any more time and started to suck on Ryan's huge tits. He had only two hours left before his mom would return from work, and he would always make the most of it.
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Campus Swap: Doctors Visit
(Part 2 of Dean’s Office/Roommate & Dad)
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Being back at work has felt— odd.
Mainly because I look 10 to 20 years younger than most of colleagues.
But as a physician, it is my job to carry on!
Let’s see who my first patient is today…
A Mr. Charles Schwartz. Hmmm that name sounds familiar.
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Something that really bugs me about being Dean Schwartz is that I have to do all of his ‘necessary’ boring tasks!
And today I have to get a check up! Ugh!!
I hate going to the doctor. You would think given the circumstances he would have rescheduled but… he’s still trying to show the school that he has everything under control.
Yeah right!!
If he had everything under control, I would be in my history class right now.
Not that I’m complaining, it’s been nice not having to go to class and having my own place. I just think it’s funny.
Anyways, i got called into the doctors office. You know the usual stuff… take my weight, blood pressure, answer a bunch of questions.
But it wasn’t until the doctor came in that I got excited.
In walks a young good looking guy around my real age.
I felt myself getting a little excited as he introduces himself.
“Hello Mr. Schwartz, I’m Dr. Thomas.” 
“Uhhh…Nice to meet you Doc. Um, don’t take this the wrong way but you seem kind of young to be a doctor.”
“I guess you could say I am. Are you familiar about what happened at the college?”
I twitched a little bit on the cold table.
“I am. I’m actually the Dean.”
“Really? That’s why you look so familiar!”
“Yeah I’m guessing you…”
“Yeah, I was on campus and swapped with my son’s roommate.”
“Oh, sorry to hear that.” I say looking down at my dress shoes. I hate this feeling. It’s like I’m guilty for a crime I didn’t commit.
But this body has so much responsibility.
“No it’s okay! I’ve gotten somewhat comfortable. As long as you all are working to fix it.”
“Oh yes of course! The entire science department is on it.” I say trying to sound confident. I look at his cute brown hair and could feel myself getting stiff.
“So, I hope this question doesn’t come off as strange but you were on campus and didn’t get swapped?”
“Yes, not sure how but uhh… here I am.”
“Good to hear. It’s always good to have a strong voice for the the campus.” he says pulling out his clipboard.
“That’s a good point Doc.”
“Well I guess we should get started since that’s why you came in. Do you mind taking off your shirt?”
“I have to listen to your heart Dean Schwartz.”
“Oh of course!”
I take off my tie and unbutton my dress shirt. He looks me over and I almost felt like he was checking me out.
“You’re in very good shape for your age.” He says placing his hand on my chest.
“Now deep breaths in and out.” I take some deep breaths in and out but I was so distracted by his closeness.
“Great.” He says softly. “Now time for you to take off your pants.”
“What?!” I say turning to him.
“Prostate exam.”
“Oh right! Sorry again…”
Oh god! I’m hard as a rock right now. This is going to go one or two ways.
I pull off my pants, underwear and look up at Dr. Thomas.
Dr. Thomas’ eyes are directly on my hard member.
I blush.
He reaches over and I feel his hands go under my balls.
He tries not to make eye contact with me but I could see his growing bulge inside of his scrubs.
“Dr. Thomas?”
“You’re more than welcome to touch it.”
“Oh uh..”
“I can tell you’re just as hard as I am right now.”
“But Dean Schwartz…”
I lean into him.
“I have a confession to make.” I say grabbing his hand.
“I’m not Dean Schwartz. I’m a college aged guy trapped in this hot manly body. He’s making me pretend to be him. But you and I are in similar situations..” I say getting up close to his face.
“You and I are both turned on by each others current bodies. And I don’t know about you Dr. Thomas but I need to bust a nut.” I place his hand on my throbbing member.
Dr. Thomas let’s put a moan as he rips off his glove and starts to fondle my junk.
I pull down his scrub pants realizing his dick.
We start making out while rubbing each other.
I push him onto the bed and go down on him,
“Dean uh— whoever you are.”
“Ohhhh myyyy uhhhh Corey. We can’t do this… oh my god you’re good at this!”
I keep sucking him off while he continues.
“What I mean is… we can’t do this here!”
I put my finger over his lips and started forcing his member down my throat further.
He lets out a squeal of a moan. I could tell he was about to explode.
And at that moment. I stopped.
“You’re right.”
“Huh?!” he says with the goofiest face.
“We shouldn’t do this here.”
“Oh but…”
“No I agree. My address should be on your file Dr. Thomas. I’ll be home around 7.” I say pulling my pants up.
And i reach for his face and kiss him right on the lips while using my other hand to tease his balls.
“Please! I’m so close!”
“Tonight. Dr. Thomas.”
I head for the door and before walking out. I wink at him and say, “7.”
“7.” He says pulling his scrubs back on.
“And one more thing Dr. Thomas. I hope this can be our little secret.”
“Of course.”
“See you tonight.”
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I woke up to the smell of coffee brewing and realized I’d fallen asleep on the couch. I pulled myself up and looked into the kitchen to find Uncle Jerry standing with his shirt open exposing his toned torso. He was sipping on his coffee and smoking a cigarette when he noticed me waking up.
“I was wondering when you were gonna get up.” He said as he took a sip of his coffee then grimaced and stuck his tongue out in disgust.
“Gah, does your uncle really only drink black coffee. It’s so damn bitter.” He said as he set his mug down.
“You’ll get used to it Chuck,” I chuckled, “I mean Uncle Jerry. I’m glad to see you’re finally getting all the small details now.”
“Well yeah, you’ve been hammering this guys life into my brain for the past 2 days, I think I know what kinda coffee he drinks by now.” He said as he took a drag of his cigarette then put it out on his shoe and flicked it onto the ground.
“Well if you’re going to be my Uncle Jerry you have to know everything you can about the man. Luckily I’ve done my research pretty throughouly.” I said feeling my face grow bright red with embarrassment.
“Yeah, it’s funny he never noticed you had such a fucking hard on for him when you stalk him the way you do.” He laughed.
It still felt incredibly weird hearing my Uncle Jerry talk like this. It was just weird spending this much time with Uncle Jerry in the first place. He was always so occupied with his busy life he never took the time to spend with his nephew no matter how much I yearned for his attention. I know my original plan was to swap bodies with him and become Jerry myself, but this works out fine for me. Who knew some random biker guy could be the perfect Uncle for me, once he accidentally swapped bodies with my uncle at first I’ll admit I was worried. But this poor sad man has been under my thumb. He would be sitting in a jail cell if it wasn’t for my spell and with the threat of me being able to reverse the spell at any moment, he has been at my mercy. Plus without my extensive knowledge of my uncles life he would be up shit creak without a paddle frankly. And the fun I get to have with Uncle Jerry’s body is all I need I return.
“Alright so we’ve had all weekend to practice, but I think you’re finally ready. Hopefully Aunt Sara doesn’t pick up on any differences. I mean she totally bought your story over the phone of why you never came home from work. Even though I basically wrote a script for you.” I pulled out a suit from my backpack and handed it to him.
“But now it’s time for the big leagues. We can’t really stay here much longer, I mean we’re basically squatting since you’re old body is in jail. So you have to get to work.” He looked at the business suit I handed him in bewilderment.
“Shit work! I didn’t even think about that. I can’t do this guys job, I don’t know the first thing about running some fancy ass corporation or whatever the hell he does. Hell, I didn’t even graduate highschool.” He started reaching for another cigarette but I grabbed the pack before he could.
“Relax I have a solution for that. That shit your holding was my Uncle Jerry’s suit. I snuck into aunt Sara’s house last night after you passed out to get it. I needed something that my uncle wore for the spell to work.”
“Spell? You mean you used another spell?”
“There are more than one yes. It’s from the same place I found the body switching one and seeing as how that basically worked the way it was supposed to, sort of. I figured this should work to. If you wear that suit it will give you memories of the last person who wore it before you, therefore, Uncle Jerry. So all you have to do is put that suit on and you should have no problem doing his job.”
He slipped on his wife beater first and looked at me with skeptical look on his face as he crossed his arms.
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“I don’t know kid, having some other guys memories in my head would feel kinda weird ya know?” I rolled my eyes at him.
“You literally hijacked my uncles body and you worried about having some of his memories?” He seemed to see the irony and started putting the suit on.
He put his white collar shirt on and I helped him with his tie.
“Anything?” I asked hoping the memories would just come to him. He turned to me as he rolled up his sleeves and out the watch on his wrist.
“Other than feeling like a fucking stiff, nah.” He laughed at me.
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“Well just think for a second, try to remember something from his past. Feel the suit, embrace the persona.” I said trying to coach him into tapping into the spell.
“I mean I guess I can try…” Suddenly his arms fell to his side his eyes were wide open and he had a dumb look plaster over his face. He stood there without even blinking in what felt like an hour.
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“Chuck? Chuck! Are you ok? Snap out of it Chuck!” I yelled as I shook him. Suddenly his head shook and he blinked a few times. Then he looked down at me confused.
“Tommy? What’s going on? Where am I? What time is it- Oh no! In going to be late, and the meeting with the board is today! Come on Tommy I’ll drop you off at home on the way.” He said as he quickly put the rest of his suit and started heading out of the door. This wasn’t supposed to happen, I thought the spell would only let him access his memories I didn’t expect his persona to take over completely, he was acting exactly like my Uncle Jerry.
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“My car? Why didn’t I take my car? I guess I have to call for a cab. Where’s my phone? I’m going to need to borrow your phone real fast Tommy.” I hesitantly handed him my phone and he called for the cab.
“Uh Chuck?” I tried hopefully. My uncle just looked back a me like I was crazy as he talked on the phone.
I was dropped off at my house without another word from my Uncle. It was like that had swapped back but that was impossible. I never told Chuck but if 48 hours had passed after the swap they could never return to their respective bodies. I needed to hold that over him at all costs but now it didn’t matter, it was like my Uncle Jerry was back to normal. I still had hope that Chuck was still in there somewhere and I wanted to draw him out. I went to the gas station and bought his brand of cigarettes and then paid a visit to Uncle Jerry house.
When I arrived I was greeted at the door by my Aunt Sara who was headed out the door, I told her I just needed to use her bathroom and she let me in.
“Honey, Tommy’s here he just needs to use the bathroom real quick but in leaving now!” She called out to Jerry who was sitting on the couch watching the news.
“That’s fine dear.” He called back.
I walked through the living room he turned his head around to give me his usual friendly but formal greeting. I smiled and waved back as I headed for the bathroom. There I planted the carton of cigarettes on the counter. I lit one of them and set it in the edge of the corner so the scent would travel through the air, if this didn’t work my uncle was going to kill me but I had to try. Just like the suit I out a spell on the cigarette that was supposed to bring back forgotten memories with a familiar scent. And this seemed like the perfect scent.
“Hey Uncle Jerry I think there’s something wrong with your toilet it won’t flush.” I lied. He got up with a concerned look on his face. As he made his way down the hallway he stopped midway and started smelling the air.
“Is that.. smoke?” He finally reached the bathroom and froze. Without another word he walked like a zombie into the bathroom and shut the door. Next thing I heard was water running. And then the yell.
“Tommy! Get your ass in here!” Uh oh this was bad.
I nervously opened the door and was shocked to find Uncle Jerry still in his shirt in the bath tub with his lit cigarette in the corner of his mouth. The face he made was familiar.
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“Gotcha, now get in while the waters still hot.” He winked a me and I took that as my Queue to jump on top of him in the tub. I felt his wet body, the wet white t shirt that was plastered tightly to his skin. I grabbed at his pecs as I kissed his neck. God I missed this.
“I thought.. you were gone.” I said in between breaths. He pulled the cigarette out of his mouth to pull me in for a sloppy kiss on the lips.
“And leave my favorite horny nephew with an asshole uncle that won’t even help him get his dick wet, nah.” He chucked to himself as he took another drag, “glad to see you remembered my brand, and I thought you only liked me for this body.” He smirked flexing his biceps for me I was grinding my whole body against his under the water.
“It definitely helps.” I laughed, “but I like having you in the drivers seat if you know what I mean.”
“What’re you pussyfooting around for anyway,” he smirked ripping off his wet shirt, “the misses is gonna be gone for the next few hours, I think we can squeeze some bonding time in if you know what in saying.”
I kissed him hard, and to my wonder he kissed me back, passionately. He suddenly stood up out of the tub and put his hand on his head he seemed to be struggling. His eyes were filled with one emotion, lust.
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“Fuck I don’t know why.. But you’re actually making me real fucking horny.. I thought I was straight, but something about you when you were in top of me like that and when we kissed.. Fuck.. But I still have all those memories as your uncle so it also feels wrong.. But I can’t fight it.. You’re so fucking hot! Can I please.. No I have to.. I have to stick my cock inside your cute little ass!” His cock was out fully hard.
I smiled and nodded approvingly as he crawled back into the tub and gripped my cheeks firmly. The other thing I didn’t tell him is the other spell I put on his cigarette, I had laced the cigarettes with some of my cum and out a spell on them so that not only would regain all his memories but he would also be horny for me and only me the more he smoked. And I was definitely seeing results, I needed a back up plan for if and when he finds out about the permanent switch thing.
I felt myself with ecstasy as he pumped Jerry’s cock into my hole in the tub. Finally after I heard my uncle Jerry’s manly voice moan in ecstasy I followed suit. After we finished we got up changed and went into the living room and made out until Aunt Sara got home. When she came I. She was surprised to see I was still there. I watched as Chuck fully in character as my uncle went over and missed my aunt nonchalantly. He started telling her that he missed spending time with me and that he wanted to make an effort to spend more time with his nephew. She seemed happy with the idea and she even agreed to let us go on a camping trip just us guys.
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“See you then bud.” He said as I walked out the door an he give me a wink.
“Can’t wait Uncle Jerry.”
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Okay so I’ll admit it, what I did was probably pretty wrong of me, but I just couldn’t help myself.
My first problem was that I had an insatiable lust for my Uncle Jerry. It’s not as weird is it may sound, he’s my aunts husband so we aren’t even blood related. But it is still kinda weird considering I call him uncle. How could I not be into the man though? He was so sexy! He was also very successful and a very busy man. So busy with work that he rarely even spends time with my aunt, or acknowledges me whatsoever. I mean I’m 18 so I wanted to hope that maybe he wouldn’t see me as much as a kid. I mean he was only 31 years old himself. I tried so hard for him to notice me, and he was always nice to me, but I still feel like he treats me like a kid. I was so desperate for his attention that I was ready to go to some extreme lengths, this is were things got weird.
I got this book from a creepy old bookstore downtown, it’s supposed to have spells for dark witchcraft. I studied the book, and found an interesting spell for body swapping. I figured if I couldn’t get Jerry’s attention, I would become him and have his body all to myself. I even had the reverse spell for back up, so that once id spent enough time as my uncle to satisfy me I could switch us back. For the spell to work I’d need to get a sample of Jerry’s DNA, I managed to get some of his hair off his jacket from my aunts house. There were certain spices I needed to pick up for the ritual as well so I went to my local gas station.
This is where the second problem came along. Entering the store behind me was this old, chubby, biker guy dressed in leather, hair slicked back and the scent of tobacco filling my nostrils as he stood behind me in line. I’d seen this man here a lot actually, pretty much every morning I come here to get a coffee, he’s here buying his packs of cigarettes, he must smoke a pack a day. As he stood behind me he started rudely coughing up a storm without bothering to cover his mouth, I didn’t want to start anything so I just let it go, I was on a mission and I was going to let this asshole mess it up for me. As I got in my car to leave I watched as the biker took off on his bike ignoring any speed limit law, and as karma would have it, he was immediately pulled over by a cop who was parked right by the gas station. I watched as the put the cuffs on him as I drove passed.
Everything was ready to go, had the ingredients all set out in front of me. I only needed one more item, I plucked out a hair from the back of my head then began reciting the incantation. As the final words left my mouth, the lights in my room flickered and it almost felt like an earthquake. I had closed my eyes in anticipation, but when I finally opened them, nothing. I was still sitting in my room, and I looked the same, nothing had changed at all. I gave up hope and started to think how ridiculous I was to think that the spell would actually work. Feeling hopeless I gave up, and went to bed.
The next morning my parents gave me shocking news, they said that my Uncle Jerry never came home from work last night. Apparently my aunt had called them and was freaking out about it, and even stranger she had apparently received phones calls from the county jail, with some crazy old guy pretending to be Jerry. These couldn’t have been coincidences, what could I have done. I drove back to the gas stop to get some coffee before I tried figuring out what was going on, that’s when it happened. To my surprise, just before getting to the front door, out walks Uncle Jerry. Except he did not look anything like he usually does. Dressed in a leather jacket and a black t shirt underneath, hair slicked back and a facial expression completely unlike my Uncle. He stopped in front f the store to pull out a pack of cigarettes he’d just bought. I stood there staring wide eyed as the realization began to kick in. He was just about to put the cigarette in his mouth when he finally noticed me. His face scrunched up as he looked at me in bewilderment.
“Can I help you kid?” uncle Jerry said, looking confused. Only this wasn’t really my uncle. Everything finally clicked and I realized who the person standing in front of me really was. The body swap had worked, only it wasn’t me who swapped bodies with my uncle, it was that old biker dude!
“…Uncle Jerry..?” I tried, just to gage his reaction. He suddenly looked nervous as his eyes darted side to side almost like he was looking for an escape.
“Uhhh..” Was all he could say as he was clearly trying to assess the situation, this guy didn’t seem too bright, he had no idea how to play this off if he was trying to impose himself to be my uncle.
“Didn’t think so.” I said not letting him stress about what to do next, “We need to talk.”
I took him to the back alley where I laid out the situation for him. I told him that I’d meant to swap with my Uncle myself, I even told him how I really I felt about my uncle which surprised me. I told him that when I used the spell that I assume when he’d coughed on the back of my hair that night, his DNA was what showed up in the spell. He kind of awkwardly apologized to me for that, and honestly it was kind of cute. I also added that if something happened to me the spell would be broken, he was still a stranger and I didn’t want him getting any crazy ideas. Then I let him tell his side of the story, he started explaining it to me, that he had just got arrested and that he’d actual had “a run in with the law” a few too many times and that they were going I be taking him to prison soon.
It was so weird, everything about his speech to his facial expression to even his posture was so unlike my Uncles, an yet there he was.
He prayed for a way out of it and then later that night, what he believed to be a miracle he felt his spirit lift from him body and fly through the night sky until it flew into the unconscious body of my uncle. As he was remembering what happened he took out a cigarette and lit it as he started to smoke in front of me. I looked it him with what was apparently a weird look only face as I watched this stranger in my uncles body smoking a cigarette. When he noticed me staring he dropped the cigarette and started stomping it out as he blew out the smoke.
“Oh, shit! Sorry sorry! I probably shouldn’t smoke in your uncles body! This shit just has my all stressed out, ya know?” It was weird, he was trying so hard to be respectful to me.
“No, it’s fine. Whatever helps.” I said which was the cue for him to pull out another cigarette and light it up, he continues his story as he smoked. When he woke up in that body he assumed this was an answer to his prayers, that someone had given him a second chance, he went back to his place and was trying to stay low while he figured things out.
“Well..” I began, “I guess now I have to say the spell to switch you guys back, sorry about the inconvenience, but I kinda wanted some along time with that body. It’ll only take me about 2 seconds to say the reverse spell and then you’ll be-”
“WAIT!” He shouted in desperation as he grabbed me, which for a second I thought would be to attack me and the he did something much stranger, he kissed me. Roughly a first and then with passion, as he slowly let me go. I looked at him with even wider eye now.
“Please.. I know I’ve made mistakes in my life, I’ve fucked up a lot. But it ain’t all my fault! I had it rough growing up, always dirt poor I’ve had to cheat and steal everything my whole life. But as your uncle I can finally..I want this so bad,with this body I feel like I can finally have a second chance.” He looked at me with such sincerity a his eyes began to water, “If it’s your uncles body you like so much, I’ll even let you fool around with me in this body. I’ve never been gay, but I’ll do that for you if you let me stay in this body, please I can’t go back, I don’t wanna go to prison. I know it’s fucked up to do this to your uncle but I-” I stopped him with another kiss. This was exactly what I wanted to hear.
“Okay, deal. But if were going to do this you’re going to need to act the part. I’ll teach you everything you need to know about being my Uncle.” He was so over joyed he lifted me into the air and gave me another big kiss as he thanked me, I could feel my erection rub against his leathered torso, I was getting excited too. He got on his bike and then looked over at me as he started it up. He could tell I was nervous, I’d never been on a motorcycle before.
“Hop on,” He smirked at me, “Don’t worry Uncle Jerry’s got you.” He said winking at me with his devilish look to him. I was so turned on any fear I had melted away as I sat behind him, and he pulled my arms over his waist. My boner against his muscles back as the bike roared and we took off, the vibration of the bike feeling good. My hands began to wander as he drove feeling my uncles abs.
We finally pulled up to his place when he got off the back and started laughing, “You weren’t kidding about having the hots for your uncle, I could feel you poking into my back the whole ride here.”
“Oh.. Sorry.” Now I was the one nervous.
“Don’t worry about it,” he said planting another kiss on me as he took me inside his apartment, “small price to pay for what you’re doing for me, in fact, you wanna have a little fun while he have some privacy before the lesson starts.” He said taking off his jacket and shirt for me revealing my uncles well built body. I waisted no time in feeling him up, then dropping his pants, his thick cock flopping out. My mouth was practically watering as I stared at it. I looked up at his face to gage his reaction, he just smirked and pulled out another cigarette.
He sighed, “Not gonna lie, this is gonna feel a little weird at first, you bein a guy and all, but I’ve had my tongue down your throat a few times tonight already, so this shouldn’t be too bad,” he sparked up his cigarette, “Go to town.” And I did exactly that my tongue sliding over his immense cock. As I started pumping it into my mouth, I’ve always wanted to know what Jerry cock would taste like and now I knew. He was moaning and groaning, I knew he was finally getting used to it, and after some time passed he finally shot his load down my throat. I swallowed every bit.
He whistled, “Fuck.. You were enthusiastic ,gotta be honest it’s been awhile since I’ve gotten any head. That was good.” He looked at me my cock sticking against my jeans, precum oozing out.
“Here,” he said unzipping my pants and pulling out my hard dick, “Jerking off is something I’m used to, let Uncle Jerry finish you off.” He winked as he pumped my cock and I came all over the palce.
He finally sat on his sofa, putting his feet on the table as he pulled out his next smoke, “Alright teach, let’s get started.”
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"This is sublime! This is so fucking realistic, it's like, I can feel every mililitre of blood coursing through my veins and pumped this shit up!"
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"Told you it's a power rush. So now, can you tell a little bit about yourself?"
"Oh, that's a piece of cake. Name's Arthur. Arthur Dulles, 46 years old, a proud single father of two handsome sons that I brainwashed to be big alpha jock like me. A former investment banker turned entrepreneur and fitness junkie, living life to the fullest with my boys and some chicks occasionally,"
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"Well that WAS Arthur Dulles. But since you are in charge now of his body, what will you do?"
"Some changes are due to happen certainly. He'll be more laid back and more adventurous. He'll be more open to play around and tease his perfect dad bod to everyone that is up to the challenge, including to fags like you. Yeah, for starter, you can come down here and give this pit a sniff, bet that's why you've been hard ever since I slid into him
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Willy just smiled mischievously as he lowered himself a bit and stick his nose to huff on the dried sweat in his bullies father's body
"Yeah, go right there you musk whore. Fuck, maybe I should call on the others and bend my boys in the dinner table so they can be controlled too. You'll like that, don't you?" asked the possessed Arthur with a wild grin plotting the downfall of his own two jock sons already
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Family First
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“Uncle Kenneth, will you give me your body and let me take over the rest of your life?” Danny asked, sitting in the car’s passenger seat, and nervously shifted. His uncle, scratching his blond bear and looked out the window, contemplated his decision whether he would go through with it or not. To trade his life and body with that of his scrawny nephew.
Their family was born with this special power to switch bodies with another one of their family members, but both parties had to agree and it only worked once per family member, meaning it was a one-way swap. Most of them simply swapped with their partners or siblings to strengthen their bonds.
“Please Uncle Kenneth! I can’t go back to my homophobic parents, at least not as long as I’m me… But if you became me, there’s no way mom wouldn’t let her own younger brother back in.” Danny reasoned, on the brink of crying and breaking down. He had no where to go and no one to reach out for ever since he came out. Kenneth apparently being the only one to care enough to answer his nephew’s calls.
“Sure, kid. I’ll do it. I was thinking of saving the swap till marriage, but I guess you need it more than me. And it would be nice to be young and re-experience high school again…” Kennth made up his mind, somewhat excited to relive his youth again.
“Thank you, thank you!” Danny would smile excitedly, before lunging himself forward to give his bearded, surprised uncle a hug. With one of his arms wrapped around his uncle’s neck, he couldn’t help himself and take a small whiff of the heavy cologne. His other free hand slowly slid underneath his uncle’s shirt and caressed the defined abs. “Don’t worry uncle, I’ll take real good care of this beautiful body of yours…” Danny whispered quietly into his uncle’s ear, before pulling back to stare at his uncle’s handsome bearded face.
“K-kiddo… I think I c-changed my-” His uncle would mutter, completely shocked by his nephew’s words and actions. Only right then did he recall his sister mentioning how different his nephew would become in the confinement of his own room, and how Danny had never spoken of how he planned on using the family gift.
Unnerved by his nephew’s devious grin, he tried to push the teenager away from him, but it was already too late. He had already uttered those confirming words, and his nephew knew if he didn’t take those words back in a few seconds the swap would occur. That’s why Danny took the opportunity and mashed his mouth and tongue into his uncle’s talking mouth, completely stopping him from talking. Danny loved the way his uncle’s beard scratched against his face, and savoured the taste of his future body.
Kenneth couldn’t get away, and by the time he recollected himself the swap had already begun. Their eyes lit up, their souls traveled up their throats, before they were forcibly shoved into the other’s body and sealed inside permanently. In a flash, they were thrust apart, and now sat there in each other’s bodies.
“No..no!” Kennth would say, finding himself groggily staring down at his new pale arms.
“Fuck yeeeesss….” His nephew moaned, while staring into the rear window and squeezing the bulge in his pants.
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“I think it’s time I take you home Danny boy. Your uncle here got some exploring to do, and he’s going to need the entire evening for that…” Danny gave his new nephew a devious smirk and a hard flex, before starting the car…
“Fuck yeah, uncle Kenneth! Fuuuck yeeeaah! I’m uncle Kenneth now!! Me!” The ‘new’ Kenneth screamed, as he leaned against the bathroom mirror and admired his own flushed face. He was thrusting his hard fat cock through his other free hand, which got him closer and closer to orgasm. “He thinks I actually got kicked out by my parents, hah! But the truth is… I MADE them kick me out just so I could reach out to him.”
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He recalled how he had purposely left his computer open and unlocked for his parents to see. In reality, his parents were perfectly fine with him being gay, but the images on the screen weren’t of random hunky men… They were all of his own uncle Kenneth, taken from different angles and position. They nail in the coffin though, was the favourited video taken a few years back when his uncle had to sleep over at their home. A video of him peeking into the guest room and recording his uncle quietly masturbating under the sheets. Livid wouldn’t do the situation justice, as his parents threw and smashed his computer to bits, and told him not to come back until he understood the implications of who he had been lusting after for years.
Just imagine the horror and dread the parents felt as the 'new’ Kenneth stood outside the door entrance and told them their son was now a changed man. To see that their real son was now in possession of the body he had an unhealthy obsession with, and which he was denied and meant to let go of. He’d push his former body towards the shocked parents, before wishing them all the happiness with their new family dynamic. After all, he had no intention of ever coming back and meeting them again.
“All these years of jerking off to and imagining this body in lewd positions, only to have it end up in my hands… as my hands. And permanently nonetheless! Oh fuck…” Kenneth would smile gleefully, as he wiped the delicious cum of his beard and slipped it back inside his mouth. “Mmmm, taste even better than I imagined… and it’s all mine…”
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On the run
story suggestion from @tfbodyswap
Carlos was a man on the run. He had the special ability of shapeshift. He used his powers to satisfy his lust. Turning into big men he sees at the gym, or an attractive man at the Pool. One day, he made a stop at a gas station to take a leak. He unbuttoned his pants and pissed in one of the urinals. Next to him, was a mysterious man looking straight at him. “What you looking at man? got a problem?” Carlos said in a stern tone. “I know what powers you possess and I know that you are using them to do horrible things.” The mysterious man said. “I don’t know what your talking about old man.” Carlos said nervously. He then buttoned up his pants and left in a hurry, before he left the restroom the Man said, “Soon, people will know about your lustful sins.” Carlos walked on the street looking at all the men he would love to change into and play with their body. Carlos was at a crossroad when he spotted a cop looking at him. Carlos then hurried which caused the cop to chase him. He ran into a Mens store and went into the changing room, he spotted a man in a stall and crawled under to him. “Hey what are you doing man?” The man said. “Listen, im going to need a huge favor.” Carlos said desperately. “What do you want man?” The man in the stall said. “I need your underwear please.” Carlos said. “Wait what?” The man said before Carlos grabbed his underwear and wore them. When Carlos put on the underwear he felt his underwear get drenched in sperm from the transformation.
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As soon as he transformed, Carlos grabbed the underwear he was wearing before and forced the Man to put in on. As the man put on the underwear Carlos sent a serge into the Man and turned him into Carlos.
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The Cops were already in the store searching for Carlos. “The cops are searching for you Carlos you better run.” Carlos said. “What did you do to me? I have a family!” The Man said panicking. “Get out of here before I tell them your here.” Carlos said. The Man ran away with the cops chasing after him. Carlos searched his pockets and found keys to his new car and found his Id, His name is Scott Williams. Carlos drove to the address on the wallet which he hoped is his new house. When Carlos arrived his “Son” about 20 years old greeted him. “Hey Dad, Mom still isn’t coming back until next week want to sit down and watch the game tonight?” His son said. “Sure bud! let me just shower real quick.” Carlos said. Carlos headed to the restroom and dropped his jeans. He quickly jerked off and ejaculated all over the mirror. Carlos heard a creek coming from outside the door, he saw his son peeking through a crack in the door. “Want some of this son?” Carlos said in a way that nobody could resist. His Son opened the door nude and got down on his knees and sucked his dads Big manly dick. “Oh yeah boy suck it.” He ejaculated for the third time. They took it to the shower fucking while the hot steamy water poured on them. His other son entered the restroom and joined in. Carlos continued this with his Boys until his “Wife” came home from visiting her sister. Carlos really enjoys being a Father and tormenting his family.
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Please message me any recommendations you have! ❤️
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Paternal Vetting
Waiting outside the door on the weathered, splintering porch, Robert took a deep breath. He was ignoring the various this and thats which littered the old veranda now covered in snow. A well to do gentleman like himself, college educated and next in line for partnership in his father's property development firm, he couldn't help but stifle the immediate gut reaction to the working class accommodations he was surrounded by. When he'd met Penelope, she was just some bartender at a local haunt. He never expected for things to escalate between them past a simple one night thing. Four months later, and countless late night calls to her, he found himself preparing to have dinner with her and her father.
While he certainly could have anticipated the socioeconomic level which she resided in based upon the caliber of bar she worked at, as well as the countless hours she needed to work to merely break even, it was still a culture shock which he was neither prepared nor interested to foray into. Yet, to him, a nice obedient wife who was pretty and domestic was too good of a situation to pass up. After the last few trysts with other women ended poorly for him, in his mind, he would settle for Penelope as it was the practical thing to do. Though, after the firm knock on the front door, his stomach began to turn. He'd have to be connected to these plebians for the rest of his life... At least, until someone better came along that is.
The door swung open, and Penelope's bright, white smile met him. She embraced him earnestly, sincerely happy to see him at her home. Within seconds, Robert pulled away, wiping the flour which had been caked onto her apron off his pristine pastel blue polo.
"Penny. Wipe yourself off before you come in hot like that. This shirt was $450..." Her smile faded slightly as she sighed quietly under her breath. She opened the door and let Robert inside. The foyer was simple, maintained, and clean. Sure, the paint was faded, the family pictures on the wall were less than fine art, and the rug was stained here and there from continual use... but the house was lived in and loved. Yet, to Robert, all he could see was a dingy slum, far from the upper class environment he was used to. Frankly, he wanted this dinner over and done with, as he had something to do afterward. So as he looked down at his Rolex watch, seeing the time, he huffed in exasperation. "We're gonna get started soon, right? You know I have to make this quick." Penelope cocked her head to the side, confused.
"I thought you said you could reschedule that appointment for next week, Rob... You know how important this is to me." Waving his hand flippantly in front of her face, he silenced her with a roll of his eyes and a sigh.
"You want your rent paid next month, Penny? Because it won't be otherwise." Penelope pursed her lips, and motioned to the archway to the left of him.
"Yeah, Rob. It'll be done soon. Here, let me introduce you to dad. He's been excited to finally meet you!" The floorboards creaked under Robert's pristine Sperrys, as the hall opened up into the living room. On the couch, smoking a cigar and watching football on an old tube TV was one of the largest men he'd ever seen. Easily 6'6", with arms as big as volleyballs and legs as thick as a tree trunk. He sat there in a raggedy blue tank top and grey compression shorts, his huge booted feet resting on the coffee table. To say he was intimidated was an understatement. But knowing well that he was going to be in and out of there, he bolstered his resolve and did his best to emulate the machismo which the man exuded. "Dad! This is..."
"Good to meet you, sir!" Rob stuck out his hand, cutting off Penelope before she could even finish her sentence. The man turned his head slowly, sizing up the man his daughter had brought home to meet him. His gaze turned back to the television, as he patted the cushion next to him on the sofa.
"Take a load off, son. Penny is whipping up a feast for us, it'll be done before you have to run off." The gruff, and sharp tone made it clear he'd overheard them in the foyer. Penelope smiled to her father, winking as she headed to the dining room to set the table. Robert obeyed, clenching his jaw in frustration as he took a seat on the raggedy old couch. The pair sat in silence as the game played on the tv in front of them. Robert could feel a palpable tension growing in the room between them, so in an effort to alleviate some pressure, he broke the ice.
"So, sir. What is it that you do?" The man, still fixated on the Saints-Patriots game, reached over to the table and grabbed a glass of whiskey. He brought it to his lips and slowly took a drink as Robert stared at him, his nerves starting to fray.
"Call me Hank, bud. I'm a construction site foreman." He lounged back into the couch, scratching the back of his head. A powerful, pungent odor wafted out of the wiry tuft of hair in his pits, punching Robert square in the nose. It was powerful and sharp, almost sour, making the tip of his nostrils flare in disgust. The man was clearly an oaf to him.
"Wow, sounds like hard work." The flat affect he had replied to Hank with did not go unnoticed. He slowly sat up straight, grabbing the remote from the side table and hitting pause. Hank turned to the weaselly young man with a scowl on his gruff face.
"Let's cut the bullshit, boy. What the fuck are you doing trying to date my daughter?" The directness of the question took Robert off guard. He was unable to muster the words to reply before Hank had taken the opportunity instead. "You think she's just some dumb, blonde, blue eyed bimbo don't you? That she'll be some nice, pretty little housewife that you can parade around like a trophy, don't you?" Indignant, Robert quickly stood up, puffing out his chest like an underweight pufferfish.
"Sir, do not speak to me like..."
"Sit the fuck down, boy. I'm not done talking." Hank's authoritative tone juxtaposed sinisterly with just how disaffected his body language reflected. Sinister enough, in fact, to have Robert sheepishly slink back down to his seat on the couch. "You think you're being so damn sly. I've known little bitchass pricks like you my whole life, so rich and slick you think you own the world and you know it all. Let me ask you a question. Did you even know that Penny is in college to be a vet?" As if struck by paralysis, he clenched his jaw and gripped his thigh. He hadn't known that. "Didn't think so. Did you know she was the state champion on her high school speech team? Or that she likes to write little short stories in her spare time? Did you bother to ask her about her family? About how she grew up with a father who was only 17 when he had her and a mother who died in childbirth?" Robert knew nothing of Penelope past what he immediately saw. It was of no importance to him, nor was it something he anticipated confronting on the first meeting with her family.
"Sir... Hank... I don't know what..." Before he could utter another word, Hank's calloused fingers clamped his lips shut. He could taste the whiskey on the dirty fingers, the smells of alcohol and manscent radiating from this Herculean man.
"Where are you going after this, Robert?" Beadlets of sweat began to streak down from his perfectly coiffured hair, and his pupils slowly began to dilate. "It wouldn't be meeting up with some poor girl named Lily would it?" The color flushed from Robert's face. He turned his eyes to the dining room pocket doors, where Penelope stood with rage filled eyes. He whimpered as she slowly shut the doors, ending with the quiet click of the lock. This was not a cutesy dinner to meet daddy dearest. This was a set up.
Suddenly, his head was yanked down to the ground, his whole body following suit with a loud thud. As Robert gasped for air, he screamed desperately for anyone to hear, only to have Hank's meaty, sweaty foot slammed into his mouth. He looked up, just as he'd taken off his second boot, letting them sit side by side on the coffee table.
"See, one night after one of your little hookups, you left your phone unlocked on the bedside table. And you happened to leave it open on a chain of texts between you and some gal named Lily. Do I need to ask what it's about, or do we understand eachother, Rob?" The taste of ripe foot sweat sloshing around his mouth, and the added pressure of Hank's second foot pressing down atop his head finally got through to him just what was happening and he tearfully nodded. "Yeah, that's what I thought." Hank removed his rank foot, grasping Robert by the hair and spitting into his open mouth.
"H... Hank... I'll go. I will leave and never talk to her again. I promise! She will never hear from me again, I pro..." Robert's face was soon enveloped by Hank's wet, dank boot, immediately shutting him up.
"No, no, no, Rob. See, you need to change your ways. I don't know how your high and mighty daddy raised you, but I guess I'm gonna have to give you a crash course in masculinity." Rob pushed the boot from his face, attempting to dash out of the room, but was quickly put right back in place. "Uh uh. You put that fuckin' boot on your face and breathe it in until I tell you not to." Like the pathetic weasel he was, Robert nodded, and slowly brought the stinking boot back to his face. A swift kick in the side of the head made him yelp, letting in the cheesy footstink once again. As he continued breathing it in with bated huffs, a foggy haze set in over his brain.
"See, Rob. Penny knows all about Lily. She also knows about Diana, and Olivia, and Desiree, and Velma, and Whitney. Worse for you, I now know how you treat my fucking daughter. You're not good enough for Penelope, Rob. But you will be when I'm done with you." The boot was pulled away from his face once more, revealing Hank in his full nude splendor before him: flexing his hairy muscles and flipping him the bird.
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"I'll get better sir! I'll treat her like the princess she is! I'll..." Another swift kick to the face, and his whining ended for the last time.
"You're gonna treat her like a queen, you little bitch. If you wanna be a king, you're gonna have a queen standing next to you. If you wanna be a man, you're gonna have to start fuckin' acting like one." Hank tossed his discarded clothes in front of Robert's groveling face. "Take those fancy fuckin' things off and put em' on, Rob." In one last ditch effort to assert his dominance, Robert threw the clothes right back at Hank's face.
"I'm not a fucking fag! You think I'm gonna put on those fuckin' nasty ass clo..." Into his mouth, once again, Hank inserted his cheesy, smelly foot. Though this time, it seemed to push even farther in than Robert thought physically possible, going all the way in to the base of his ankle.
"Damn, son. Hate the gays too, huh? You're one disgusting piece of shit, aren't you? If I hadn't promised my daughter a man as good as her daddy, you'd have made one hell of a good little sub. Licking my disgusting, stinkin' feet every day after work... Licking the dick cheese from my cock... Getting fucked raw and rough day in and day out..." Completely gagged by Hank's foot pressing into the back of his throat, Robert whimpered and sniveled, terrified by the prospect. "But, instead, I'm gonna make sure she gets a real man. And if that means I have to do it from the inside out..." The foot lodged in Robert's throat started to slink further and further down, as Hank smirked down at the little shit that was going to be his new son. "Then that's what we're gonna do. Now... Just open up a little more..."
From behind the dining room door, Penelope smiled as she placed down two plates on the table, portioning out some of the Chicken and Wild Rice she'd prepared. Slick, wet, stretching sounds, echoing throughout the house didn't even seem to faze her. Not even the groans, the squelching, the cracking, nor the sloshing and final snap made her so much as flinch as she poured the wine into two clean glasses. A single pair of heavy footsteps approached the pocket doors to the living room, and a gentle knock on the door signaled it was time to eat.
She strode over to the door, flipping the lock open and sliding it open. Behind the door stood Rob, now perhaps triple the mass and musculature he was when he entered the house and completely covered in tattoos. Sporting Hank's sweaty blue tank, compression shorts, and stinking dirty socks, he towered over a slackjawed Penelope. He leaned over and kissed her on her cheek, before sitting down at the table.
"Daddy, he's perfect. How did you even get tattoos on him?" She looked her soon to be partner up and down, admiring the blonde stubble which peppered his jawline and the sweet, yet sour stench which wafted from every inch of his chiseled body. Rob, or rather Hank for the interim, smirked at his daughter as he placed his napkin on his lap.
"C'mon baby girl. Your Dad's gotta keep some secrets to himself. He wanted to be some hot shit bad boy, so I made him one. I'll teach you how to do it all when the time is right. Once I'm done with him, I'll even teach him how to slip in. He'll be a real man in a few weeks." Rob's voice was a solid two octaves deeper, with that familiar gruff scratchiness that would have anyone riddled with goosebumps. Penelope smiled, as she added some green beans to their plates.
"So it's like three weeks or so, right? I should be done with my finals by then, I can't wait to see how he turns out. You're having him trained as a foreman, right?" Hank nodded, the body he wore as a suit still squished and squeaked as he moved.
"Yup. He'll be a chargehand for a year or so. I'll be able to keep an eye on him if some of our adjustments don't stick." Penelope giggled, as her dad winked at her through her boyfriend's dark brown eyes. "I might do a few extra little things while I'm in here. By the time he's a free man again, he's gonna treat you the way you deserve to be treated, Penny; and he'll do it just how you like it too." She blushed, waving off her embarrassment. "Besides, you think the boys on the site aren't gonna wanna piece of this guy?" Hank flexed his borrowed guns as the two laughed, eating their dinner, as if nothing had happened.
Penelope's keys jingled as she inserted the key into the lock. She'd put on six or seven alarms on her phone, more than excited to walk into her house that day. As she did, the sound of a game on the TV and two voices cheering met her ears. She dropped her book bag, and took a deep breath as she entered the living room. There, on the couch was her father, and her absolute stud of a boyfriend smoking cigars with their feet up on the coffee table like the best of friends.
"Babe!" She ran over to her man, tackling him as he stood up. She inhaled his masculine musk, running her hands over his hard arms still slick with sweat, gripping him tightly as he effortlessly lifted her off the ground. They kissed, the savory taste of tobacco, whiskey, and mint enveloping her tongue as they twisted in eachother's mouths.
"Bobby! While I'm sitting right here?" Hank joked, as he slapped Bobby's thick back. "You two have some catching up to do. I'll see you two a little later." He winked at his daughter as he walked out of the room. Bobby put her back down on the ground, and plopped back down onto the sofa. As she got down on her knees, gingerly peeling his stained, sweaty shorts off his thick thighs, Bobby gently put his thumb on her bottom lip.
"I missed you so much babe. C'mere. I wanna show my girl what us boys in the trailer do at lunch." He peeled his sneaker from his foot, taking an inhale of his hot, smelly footscent, extending his wet socked foot toward her; knowing fully well how to get his kinky queen as happy as possible.
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I woke up in my stepdads, Felix, and my mother's bedroom. I looked down at my body and noticed that I have a 6 pack. Every morning, I like to play with my junk. But it feels bigger this morning. I looked to my right arm and noticed I have a tattoo. I turned to my left and saw my mother sleeping. I am confused. Why am I sleeping in their room. And where is Felix.
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I got out of bed and walked past the mirror. I saw Felix in the reflection. I am Felix. I start freaking out. If I'm Felix, does this mean Felix is me. How did this happen. How do we swap back. How do we explain this to others. Especially my mother.
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I go down to the kitchen and look up reasons why this has happened. I'm not complaining, though. Felix has a great body. Every few seconds, I flip between looking at my phone, trying to figure this out, and looking at my stepdads body. And how handsome I am now. I'm happy I am Felix. His amazing chest. His strong arms. His big legs. His 3rd leg is the best leg. All mine. All in my control.
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Felix wakes up in my body and finds me. Freaked out about the situation. We agree to pretend to be each other. Because we don't know how to swap back. No matter the situation, if we believe the other person would do it. Then do it.
Then my mother came down and said, "Morning Andrew. Morning baby, " and proceeded to kiss me on the lips. "Last night was amazing. That restaurant was amazing. Amazing food. That transformacion de cuerpo dish you had looked amazing. " I replied with,"It was. I can taste it now. " I'm learning Spanish, and I know it means something on the lines of body swap. I looked at my stepdad while me and my mother and I were having this conversation in shock.
Felix said that I was going to meet up with his brother Lukas. As he agreed to go to the gym with him. I have always struggled with the gym. But now I am in my stepdads body. It should be easy.
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Pretending to be Felix is hard. But lifting all the weights is easy. The number of people who came up to me and asked for tips and tricks was unreal. I even had someone ask me out on a date. I enjoyed the gym experience overall.
Lukas never suspected a thing. He is normally cort up in anything different in other people's behaviour. Lukas left, and I stayed for another hour. I got the lift down, and I lifted my t-shirt. I have never been happier in my life. Seeing this reflection. I took a photo and sent it to Felix. With the caption of "Bet you miss this". He replied with "Yes. So don't do anything stupid while you are in my body".
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When I got home. I decided to stip down into my pants and play on the PlayStation. But I got a bit distracted by my new third leg. It had been swinging and hitting my legs so hard it made my hormonal at the gym. So I thought playing with it at home might make me feel happier. And it did.
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I got a text from my mother, now wife, saying, "Felix, remember to dress smart tonight for our date." Date night. With my mother. As my stepdad. Oh god. This is a real test of how to pretend to be Felix. I asked Felix on what to wear. And what to say. And key information that only Felix and my mother knows.
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The date went really well. I was laughing. My mother was laughing. I was doing great as Felix. My mother kept saying that we should go to bed when we get home and winks at me. So, I texted Felix about the situation. And he replied with, "Pretend to throw up when you get home. She hates it when I do that. " we get home, and I do what Felix said. And it worked. But laying next to my mother as my stepdad is weird.
The next morning, I am still Felix. My mother left a note saying "Felix. I have left for work early. Joe is sick, and they needed cover. Last night was amazing"
So I went to the beach and bought some pizza. Showing off my new body like this makes me feel like a god. The number of people looking at me in a way of 'I want to sleep with that man or be that man' is amazing. After a couple of hours, one of my stepdad friends, Stephen, came over, and we had a long conversation about life. It's like I knew him all my life, and I knew what to say.
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Later on that night, England was playing a football match. And of course I had to watch. Especially as Felix is a massive football fan. England won, thankfully. It was amazing to experience the win, especially as Felix. It felt great celebrating every goal in his body. Then, it was even better when the final whistle went. His strong arms waving around under my control. Bouncing around on his tall, strong legs. His cock and balls swinging around like no tomorrow.
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Then I had to go to Felixs job. Customers are annoying. Always thinking they are right. But Felix, or should I say I, is a manager at the shop.
When I got home. I was the only one. So I went to the shower and got washed. Removing every bit of clothing slowly. When I started removing my shirt. I looked at my abs. And I thought, "I'm ready to being Felix till I die now"
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Part 3 -
Testing New Abilities
Read Part 1 here
Read Part 2 here
I've been loving ever minute as the new Phil. Now that I'm everything Phil is and ever was i truly feel that this is who I've always been. I love it, I feel so damn sexy and confident about myself all the time. There is something that has not changed though, my desire to project myself into the body's of other guys. In fact having Phil's sex drive has only made this desire stronger. While I still love my Phil body I don't get the same rush messing around in it as I used to because it doesn't feel like I'm in someone else's body anymore. This is where my brother in law Mark comes in. I had possessed him, very briefly, before I had completely become Phil. I figured that he was a great test subject as the first one to project into with Phil's soul.
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I had Mark over and like many other times we were standing outside smoking our cigars when I decided to take the opportunity to use my Phil soul for the first time to project into Mark. I went and sat down setting my cigar in the ash tray as I would probably drop the cigar when I left my body. Mark came over and sat next to me still chatting telling me what he could about a case that they recently closed at his Police department. I closed my eyes and focused till i quickly left my body and I was in my astral form looking like a translucent Phil. Mark noticed that my body went limp and started shaking my body asking if i was okay. At this point I ran my astral form straight into Marks body. This felt different as my new astral form was much larger than my old one. Due to my larger astral form instead of just projecting into Mark as planned the force pushed Marks entire soul out of his body upon impact. It was extra difficult gaining control of his body fitting my larger astral frame into Mark. It was the tight fit that caused Marks body to convulse as I took full control over it. The last part I aligned was my head and i felt a rush as I my vision cleared looking through Marks eyes. I moaned loudly feeling Marks dick tenting my pants. "Mmmm yes it worked" I said in marks voice. That's when I noticed my body moving and then looking up at me and screaming, "Why do you look like me!?!" That's when his eyes got big noticing his voice sounded like Phil. He looked at his hands in shock causing him to pass out. Shit I had pushed Marks soul into my body unintentionally. I'm gonna have to work on that as I didn't even know that was something I could do!! I really have gotten more powerful since fully becoming Phil. Dang Mark feels so good I'm definitely going to be taking this body out frequently. I might have to stay long enough to grow him a beard at some point. There was an empty liquor bottle sitting on the table that gave me an idea. "Hmmm i wonder" i said in Mark's deep commanding voice. I opened the bottle holding it with Marks left arm to my passed out body. I then let Marks right arm go limp as I phased my right astral arm out of Mark's. With my astral arm i reached in to my(Phil) body feeling Marks soul. I grabbed ahold of it and pushed it towards the bottle. I started stuffing his soul into the bottle. I was not sure if this was going to work but I had to try. One appendage at a time i pushed Mark's entire soul into the bottle and closed the lid. I then took the bottle to the safe and put it inside. Yes this is perfect and will definitely be a skill I'm gonna use in the future. I go back outside as see my Phil body laying there in the chair and smirk. I sit in the other chair finishing Marks cigar which taste amazing with him mouth. "I think I'm gonna spend some time in here Mark" i say using his voice. "Better take my body inside". I project back out of Mark and into my Phil's body to walk up to bed and lay down. I then project back down to the unconscious Mark sitting outside. I hop in with little resistance as Mark is an empty shell ready for me to control. Still some resistance as it's a tight fit though. For the first time i reach in Mark's pants pulling out his dick. " Oh man yeah that will do, I'm going to have so much fun with you oh Brother in law of mine"
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The New Phil. - Part 1
Just started out like any other morning. Scrolling through Tumblr when a conversation started up with @jw1213 talking about bodysuit s and the dream of possessing handsome guys and fooling around. When he introduced me to Phil here. On man i was immediately infatuated with him and the thought of possessing his body got me all worked up. I closed my eyes imagining what it be like to be such a handsome DILF of a man. Using that dick that's been used to produce multiple children. Then It HAPPENED i opened my eyes and looked down to see the perfect furry chest that i had just been lusting over. I realized i was not looking through my eyes at all but i was looking through Phil's eyes.
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I was in bed looked over to see his wife sleeping next to me. I immediately felt the pleasure of blood flowing to the what i could tell was the thick log of a middle aged dick stirring in his shorts. I grunted out of shear pleasure like i had never felt before. I thought it would be quiet but with my newly acquired deep manly vocal cords it's was quite loud. This made his wife stir, and in a half asleep state she asked what i was doing. I told her i just needed to go to the bathroom and she should go back to sleep. She did as I said but i needed to get to the bathroom immediately to take care of what was in my pants. Hearing the sound of Phil's deep Boston accent leave my mouth was like nothing I've ever experienced. Getting out of bed and walking i felt my powerful legs guide me to the bathroom. But nothing could compare to when i saw myself in the mirror for the first time. I was the perfect 54 year old DILF. Making eye contact with myself in the mirror was euphoric. I AM Phil. It was like a dream come true this is when i realized I didn't want to try to figure out how to leave his body. Somehow I went up significantly in age yet never felt more fit in my life. Just seeing myself shirtless in front of the mirror sent shivers down my/Phil's spine. I had not even got to the best part. I pulled down his shorts and could not believe how thick his cock was. I stood for a moment to take in this pure stud of a man that i had become and then reached down to grab my surprisingly sensitive rod. I jerked myself off looking in the mirror. Not once did jerking off in my own body ever feel this amazing. In no time i climaxed and cover the entire mirror in Phil's seed. I of course scooped it up to taste it not wanting it to go to waste. Feeling myself up I've completely decided I'm never going back to my old life. I've never felt more at home then in Phil's body, MY body. It's like it was meant to be. I wanted it all Phil's body, his life, his personality, EVERYTHING. Phil was created for me, I am the true Phil. His wife was gonna be an issue but overtime I'll figure that out. His/now my kids will have to come to accept that their once straight DILF now only has eyes for dick.
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A few months have passed and I've never been happier as the new and true Phil. I've started letting some beard grow in and not to be cocky (granted how could I not be) but I think it looks amazing on my handsome face. The kids have mostly accepted the new situation. The wife was pissed but screw her were getting a divorce anyway. So glad i was introduced to my true body by @jw1213. I've never felt more like myself.
Part 2 Here
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Part 2 - The One and Only
Read Part 1 Here
Each day I wake up as Phil is amazing. I absolutely love it. I wake up with a smile on Phil's face and look down to the mirror at the foot of the bed(I may have moved it there so i could see myself in the morning) this makes me send out a deep rumble of a moan. The view of myself is quickly obscured due to my growing member tenting the blanket. Dang, Phil's dick is always ready to go. Sometimes i take care of right then, but other days i just let my hard dick tent my pants as I walk around the house. At first the kids were mortified but I made it clear that it was just because of what a man I was, besides this dick made them.
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About a month ago i finally figured out how I ended up as Phil in the first place. I had astral projected into Phil without realizing it. Over the last month I've started to figure out that if I focus i can hover over Phil and accually move around as a ghostly figure. I can't never seem to get far though. I also noticed that when I did this my ghostly form still looked like my old body. Phil s body seemed to just lay there when I left, which was never long because I would get pulled back into Phil in a few minutes. I wanted to try to see if I can possess someone else too. Don't get me wrong I love being Phil and will always come home to him as I am the true Phil, but this doesn't mean I can't have some fun with others right? Anyway, I needed a test subject but I can't get far so they need to be really close when I do it. I decided to invite over Phil's brother in law Mark. We have hung out many times since I've been Phil so he will definitely come over, not to mention he's hot too so that's a big plus if it works.
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He was going to be arriving soon so I unlocked the front door and went to lay on the couch in the living room. I meditated untill i found myself hovering over Phil like the other times. I hear a knock at the door and phase through and see that Mark is standing outside. It doesn't look like anyone is around so i figured it's time to see what happens if I try to phase into him. I first step my foot into his and he gets a weird look on his face, I then wiggle his toes for him and he looks shocked clearly knowing something is wrong. I promptly step in the rest of the way. He puts up a little bit if a fight but it was surprisingly easy. I'm now looking through Marks eyes and look down at my current body and moan and i feel Marks dick stir hearing the sound of his voice leave my mouth. I open the door and step into Phil's house my balance a bit off as i adjust to Marks hight and build. Woof, and what a build it is. Apparently the police department puts their detectives to work. Oh did i forget to mention that before? I guess I'm the detective now. I pull my pants down and see Marks unbelievably thick cop dick. I already see pre-cum oozing out. I walk over to Phil and kiss him thinking it would be fun. Feeling marks lips touching Phil's was a moment of pure bliss until Phil s lips started to move. I step back and Phil wakes up groggy but yelling "what. What's going on?" Then looks up and sees his butt naked rock hard brother in law standing in front of him. "What the f***" MARK?!?!?!? what the F*** are you doing?!?" I run and quickly put on Marks clothing (difficult with my Raging boner) and run to Marks car. I sit in his car. Crap crap crap I can't loose Phil's body, MY body I've got to get it back. I focus and am able to leave Mark's body.
I phase through the door to see Phil completely loosing it. Phil didn't understand why his brother in law just did that?!? He noticed the snow outside but its summer right?! Where did all the time he can't remember go?!?
I need to get back into Phil now I start to head towards him and get sucked into his body. It's almost as if his body remembers that I should be the one in control. I regain control of Phil again and feel like my true self again, so comfortable in here. I've learned everything there is to know about being Phil. I've gained a major appreciation for beer, cigars, and I even have started to love going golfing. I used to hate golfing but as Phil it comes naturally. That being said there is still always something missing. I still have those moments when a friend of mine/Phil's starts talking about some inside joke or memory that i have to pretend to relate to. I don't want to ever pretend to be Phil anymore i want to be EVERYTHING Phil. I've had his body, habits ext but I've never felt 100%, something was missing. His soul. I decided I was going to try to astral project myself again, but not out of Phil's body but accually deeper into his subconscious. I focused for what felt like a long while but finally I was able to sink deeper seeing my ghostly form as the old me. Then i found him Phil's sleeping soul. I figured that it should be the same as possessing a body so i lined myself up and phased in. I felt an immediate rush as Phil's whole life flashed before my eyes. His wants, hopes, desires, all becoming mine. Then i woke up in Phil's living room. It was much like waking up as Phil other times but this time I am completely Phil soul and all... but also me? it's hard to describe but it felt so right. I felt complete and whole. I could recall everything Phil would remember but they felt like my own memories. It's like i have two stories that were both never fully completed but now they are. There was just one last thing to try. I projected myself out of my body. When i looked at my spirit form I now also looked like Phil. Finally i am completely Phil in every way, just the way things were meant to be. There's a whole new Phil in town, a Phil that's ready to see what he can do as he improves his new astral projection powers.
Read Part 3 Here
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Proof of Fusion (Part 2)
After a prompt knock at his apartment door, Mr Reigner opened up to see none other than one of the college boys from next door. “Hey what up Jacob.”
“Nothing much Mr Reigner. I was just wondering if I could come inside to talk to you about something.”
“Of course, come in. It’s my day off so I’ve got as much time as you need.” The man said with a kind smile. “And call me Mike. Mr Reigner makes me sound old.”
Jacob almost began to feel bad about this as he entered the apartment. Mike was such a nice guy…but that didn’t change the fact that he looked like a total dilf. And so Jacob walked through to the living room before seating himself on the couch, soon accompanied by Mike.
“So, what’s it you wanted to talk about?” Mike queried
“Well…I recently lost my job and I was wondering if could help me look for a new job.” The first half wasn’t even a lie. Jacob had actually lost his job as a cashier at one of the local stores due to multiple accounts of absence and lateness throughout last couple weeks. Of course this was due to Jacob not being able to resist using his newfound power on hot dudes whenever he got the chance then completely losing track of time. Could you really blame him though?
Upon hearing that news Mike, the sweet guy that he was, jumped at the chance to help out his neighbour. He said he’d make them both a cup of coffee then they could start discussing what Jacob wants to do and start looking online etc. Being a carpenter himself Mike mentioned that he may even be able to get an apprenticeship in carpentry for Jacob if that’d be some he was interested in. And with that the older man headed off into the kitchen to make those coffee’s he promised.
After that Jacob decided he’d better get this done now before he loses his nerve. He waited about a minute or so before hopping up from the couch and sneaking over into the kitchen. He saw Mike stood by countertop with two cups as he began filling the coffee pot.
The young and very horny college boy couldn’t help but silently stare at his neighbour’s butt pressed tightly against the welling fitting shorts he wore. Just looking at it was giving him a boner. He wanted it so badly in more ways than one. He still felt a little guilty but…‘Oh to hell with it!’ Jacob thought letting his hormones takeover as he almost jumped at Mike, wrapping his arms around the other man.
“Jacob! What ar-r-r-r-o-o-o-o-oooooo!” Mike’s words swiftly devolved into a groan as he felt his body tense up, not being able to move as 20 year old held him tightly. Mike was only just able to tilt his head down enough to see the impossible happen with Jacob’s hands and arms phasing through his shirt and into his body. The college boy hugged his neighbour as tightly as possible, trying to push his body inside as quickly as possible. After doing it a fair few times by now the merging process had become quite pleasure for Jacob. It was written all over his face with a dumb smile as his chest and stomach phased through the clothes and entered Mike’s back. He couldn’t help himself as he thrust his hips forwards, smashing his crotch into the bigger man’s ass causing them both to groan out while Jacob’s cock, balls and pelvis sunk into Mike’s ass. His head was already about half way in by this point as he pressed his legs against his neighbour bigger, meatier ones. Mike’s eyes rolled back as Jacob’s entire being sucked itself inside his flesh, the college boys clothes falling to the ground.
Mike’s, or rather now Jacob’s, eyes fluttered for a moment before finally focusing as he settled inside his new mature body. Without hesitation he stripped off the shirt, throwing it to the floor before running his hands along the dense forest of fur covering his new chest and stomach.
“Damn this feels incredible! So fuckin’ hairy!” Out of all the men he’d merged with so far, Mike was by far the hairiest and he absolutely adored it. Not to mention the awesome beard. He felt like such a man, it was hard to explain. Sure he’d merged with bodies that had bigger chests and bigger biceps but this was just a whole other experience. So far Jacob had only been using jocks in their 20s whereas Mike’s mature 36 year old body was truly something else.
As his hands continued to run across that new furry torso and rub through his beard, Jacob’s new cock was quickly beginning to chub up. Not being able to resist the tent he’d made in Mike’s shorts, Jacob pulled back the waistband and the briefs he was wearing. He wasn’t disappointed as he was greeted by thick, uncut cock that must’ve been about 7 inches or so. Reaching inside, he couldn’t help but give the pulsing rod a few strokes, sending waves of joy throughout his dilf body.
That’s when he noticed Mike’s phone sitting on the counter top and remembered what he’d said to his roommate Danny. Digging up the courage to tuck his hard cock away, Jacob grabbed the phone and unlocked it with Face ID before heading directly to the selfie camera.
“Fuuuck…I’m such a hot daddy now.” He muttered, even the sound of Mike’s voice coming out of his mouth making his cock buck. Once he’d finished admiring his handsome yet stolen face, he held out the phone and started taking a few photos and then selecting out his favourite. Jacob went over to contacts before tying in Danny’s number and sending him message with the selfie.
“Believe me now, boy?”
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Danny saw the message and picture moments after but it took him a minute to respond.
“Mr Reigner? What are you talking about?”
Jacob rolled his eyes.
“No it’s Jacob silly.” The first word that came to mind was actually idiot but…he didn’t wanna sound mean. Guess that was Mike’s personality slipping through.
“I told ya I could fuse with people.”
Once again Danny saw the message but took a little while to respond.
“No no no this is a prank. You and Jacob are pranking me. People can’t just fuse or merge with other people. That’s all stupid sci-fi shit.”
“Fine. If you still don’t believe I’ll just have to prove it in person then. I’ll be over in 2 minutes.”
With that Jacob set down the phone before heading out of Mikes apartment in nothing but his blue shorts and trainers. Walking down the apartment complex hallway, he saw one of the other neighbours Mr Davis who Mike was good friends with. He couldn’t help but give the man a kind smile and say hello as Mike would. Mr Davis gave him an odd look likely due to his bare chested ness but gave a friendly hello back regardless.
Danny’s heart jumped when he heard a knock at the door. After getting those messages, and especially that photo, from Mr Reigner he didn’t know what to think. There was no way Jacob had actually done what he said right? Merging? There was no way…
He jumped up from to couch and trotted over to the door, hesitating for a moment before pushing down the handle. Pulling open the door, he saw none other than the man he’d had countless wet dreams about now standing shirtless before him with a devious smirk.
“Believe me yet?”
“J-Jacob? Is that really…you?” Danny still didn’t quite believe it but at the same time he was sure Mr Reigner wouldn't agree to go this far for a prank right?
Jacob gave Danny a soft smile as he leant down to his roommates level. There faces were mere inches away as they could feel each-overs breath. The hairy dad placed a gentle hand on Danny’s cheek before leaning in and sealing there lips with a soft kiss. Jacob’s beard feeling incredible as it rubbed against Danny’s skin. This moment was everything he’d ever wanted since he first laid eyes on Mr Reigner. Those ten seconds felt as though they lasted an eternity until the older man pulled away. Danny almost melted as he looked deeply into those kind, soft brown eyes
“Would the real Mr Reigner do that? Of course it’s me” Jacob laughed.
He was right. The real Mr Reigner was straight and that kiss felt way too real for it to be part of a joke still. That proved it, this was real deal. With that Danny offered the man inside, closing the door behind them. They sat down in the living room as Jacob re-explained his powers to Danny although this time around he had a far more open mind about it.
“Sooo um…what do I call you now? Jacob or Mr Reigner?”
“Oh just call me Mike. I hardly look like Jacob anymore and saying Mr Reigner makes me sound old.” Jacob said just like Mike had to him earlier.
“Well then Mike…” Danny began as he stood back up. “How’s about I help you break that new body of yours in a little.” He outstretched an arm to Jacob, pulling him up from his chair.
“I’d say that sounds like a wonderful idea.” Jacob leaned in for another kiss, this one far deeper than the last one as he felt Danny’s hands start to explore his hairy chest, squeezing his pecs as if he’d waited his whole life for it. “You know I got a good feel for my new dick earlier. I think you’re gonna love it boy. Nice and thick. Full of cum just for you.” He stated, trying to play into a more daddy-like persona as he glanced down at the growing hard on in his shorts.
Danny reached down and grasped Jacob’s cock through the fabric, earning a grunt from the man. “Holy fuck…that thing is huge!” He stated, giving Jacob a rush of pride. However Danny’s other hand felt down the ridges of his back until he reached the waistband of the blue shorts. “However I was wondering…” His hand pushed down past the waistband into the shorts, causing Jacob grunt again as he squeezed one of those hairy globes. “…If I could take that furry bubble butt of yours out for a spin first?”
With a chuckle Jacob agreed before the two locked lips once again. They continued making out with a fiery passion while slowly making their way over to Danny’s bedroom, discarding pieces of clothing as they went. Danny wasted no time pushing Jacob down onto the bed, Mike’s furry ass presented in all its glory. After devouring that hairy hole for a good few minutes, he slipped his cock inside causing Jacob to cry out in pain and pleasure as Mike’s virgin dad hole was suddenly stretched by college boy cock. Luckily for him though Mike’s body seemed to be a natural when it came to anal as his ass adjusted to feeling rather quickly and before long he was groaning out in that deep baritone voice while Danny pumped in and out. It wasn’t long before Danny could feel himself getting close.
“Come on boy! Daddy wants you to breed his hole with that delicious cum!”
Hearing his hot neighbour say those words sent Danny over the edge. He couldn’t hold back any longer as his cock burst with cum inside the older man’s hairy ass. After they both looked at each-over, happy and exhausted as Danny pulled his cock from Jacob’s ass.
“Alright five minute break then it’s my turn to breed your ass!” Jacob stated with a grin.
And so the rest of that afternoon was spent exactly how you’d imagine. The two taking turns fucking one another until they finally wore themselves out. Now they laid in bed, Danny snuggling his head against Jacob’s hairy chest.
“So how long to you think you’re gonna stay as Mike?”
“I haven’t really decided yet…the longest I’ve stayed in a guy was just over a day.”
“You want me to stay inside Mike don’t ya?”
“Well…I suppose I could stay for awhile. And who knows if I like this body enough and it likes then I might even end up making it my permanent.”
Danny looked up at Jacob in surprise. “No way…would you actually consider doing that?” He asked, trying not to sound too excited.
Jacob looked down at his bigger, hairier body before rubbing a hand through his hair and beard. Mike’s body was everything he’d ever wished he could be and now he had it. Why not keep it? Of course it wouldn’t be easy with the sudden disappearance of his old body and what not but he was sure they’d get through it. Besides, being inside Mike just felt so good. His kind and loving nature was having an incredible effect on him.
With that the new Mike kissed Danny on the forehead as they went back to an evening full of cuddling.
Part 1: https://mrwavellswaps.tumblr.com/post/672658395269103616/proof-of-fusion-part-1
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