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Someday I’ll feel like painting something personal again…but that day is not today.  Also…this show brings nothing but pain.  I can’t say I wasn’t warned.
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It is 2025. Prostution is legal. Thousands of women who can’t pay their student loans or cant pay their medical expenses or maybe just can’t pay bills working at Walmart are now working in brothels, though they have some newspeak name.
Now, radical feminists on this site have a tendency to ask hard questions and this is mine: Are women allowed to refuse service to customers? And for what reasons?
How many fast food employees are allowed to refuse to make their ex a burger? How many manicurists can turn away their grouchy neighbors? We are in a tizzy about bakers not making wedding cakes for gay couples recently so if prostitution is supposed to be like any other job then when can you reasonably refuse service at other jobs?
Your ex comes in and wants to have sex with you and the manager says you’ll lose your job if you don’t. Your dad’s friend who has been giving you creepy looks since you were 13 is now here for you at 18. We can really go on and on because these places could start making you roleplay or be flogged for BDSM or a million other things.
And another swerf post on this website recently mentioned OSHA standards for bodily fluids. According to the “regular job” propaganda, we would have to have no skin to skin contact if we really wanted it to operate like any other job.
Answer me, you human trafficking enabling cowards.
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I think he likes you. Fall is the season for romance for moose at Denali National Park in Alaska. In fields the color of flames, bull moose are hunks of burning love, battling other males and aggressively courting females. They can stand more than six feet tall at the shoulder and are crowned by massive antlers, making them especially formidable during rut. Once the season passes, so does their urge to mingle. Moose tend to be solitary creatures most of the year. Photo by Hongxun Gao (www.sharetheexperience.org).
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anyways… reblog + tag what you smell like according to what does a hero smell like 🍃
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TikTok has banned LGBT content
I think some people might not know, so I’m spreading this, but TikTok has banned LGBT content.
For that reason, I’m not going to be reblogging TikTok videos anymore, and I encourage you to do the same.
I know it’s hard. TikTok felt like getting Vine back, but they’re scummy homophobic poo-poos and I feel like we should take a stand against that.
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Friendly reminder that women are forbidden to read in some parts of the world right now. Friendly reminder that oppressive regimes are telling women what to wear, where to go, what they can and can’t do, right now. Friendly reminder there are plenty of men in government who view women only as incubators and nothing more right now. Friendly reminder that what happened to Ofglen at the end of episode 3 is happening to girls all over the world right now. 
Friendly reminder that The Handmaid’s Tale is already real, in various forms, for many women. No red dress and white bonnet necessary. 
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“The men struggle to distinguish porn scripts from real sexual assault situations. One observes, ”That feels like a sexual assault.” Another speculates that the situation before him is a #MeToo story. At the conclusion of the video, it is revealed that all of the scenarios were taken from pornography.”
Now we’re connecting some dots.
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by  Kyoung Hwan Kim
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Charlie Howard was an openly gay male living in Bangor, Maine. Throughout his life, Charlie was often tormented for his sexual orientation, but despite that, he wasn’t afraid to wear makeup and jewelry. Once he was at a local market when a woman started shouting out homophobic slurs at him. As he was hurrying out, he stopped for just a second, turned around, and blew her a kiss. In another incident, someone had strangled his kitten and left it on his doorstep. On July 7th, 1984, Charlie would meet a fateful encounter. After leaving a party with his friend, Roy Ogden, a car packed with teenagers started following them. Three boys then got out of the car and began chasing Charlie while shouting homophobic slurs. Charlie eventually fell and struggled to breathe due to his asthma. Roy kept running further down the street and watched from a distance as they began kicking and beating on Charlie. The three youths then dragged Charlie to the bridge as he pleaded for his life, telling them he could not swim. They tossed him over the bridge and into the river anyway. Ray quickly ran for help and pulled the fire alarm. Sadly, by the time Charlie was found, he was already dead, having suffered from a severe asthma attack and drowned. 
The boys afterward headed to a party where they boasted about what they’d done. The next day, however, one of them turned himself in after learning Charlie had died, and the other two were arrested. They didn’t serve any more than two years in a juvenile detention center. 25 years later, the media tracked down one of the boys, Jim Baines, who now regularly speaks out against discrimination against homosexuals to local students. Shawn Mabry, another one of the youths involved, expressed remorse, stating he thinks about Charlie everyday.
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 the only criticism of millennials l accept
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But the men have always been allowed to love their hunting dogs and dote on them instead of their children - particularily if their children are “just Girls”. But when women opt out of the potentially lethal and/or crippling task of carrying and birthing a child, then nurse them for the NeXT 18+ years….. THAT is frowned upon.  Where is the criticism of men who prefer to live the bachelor life and hang With their buddies instead of becoming responsible husbands and fathers?
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