waywardwonderland · 3 years
“There’ll be peace when you are done”
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waywardwonderland · 4 years
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Well, thanks for stopping by, Charlie. Always wanted to get Tron-ed.
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waywardwonderland · 4 years
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waywardwonderland · 4 years
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waywardwonderland · 4 years
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i wont be mad…………………….i am Passing Away
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waywardwonderland · 4 years
Imagine...Dean & His Babies
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Pairing: Daddy!Dean x reader
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waywardwonderland · 4 years
Drunk confessions.
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A/N : This is my small contribution to Jordan’s ( @carryonmywaywardcaptain​ ) challenge and I’m so proud to have finished it way before deadline. I combined two prompts and you will find them highlighted in the story.
Pairing : Dean x Reader (written in third person ).
Warnings : Angsty and fluffy. We have drunkness, self doubt, questioning life choices and Dean being the sweetest human being alive.
Summary : She really needs someone who will be honest and true  and who better than him.
Word Count : 2313.
This is unbeta’d so everything you find wrong, is my fault.
Pics found on google and Pinterest. 
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She hates how the door of the bunker is so heavy and she can’t just kick it shut. That would take some of the edge off.
Relax her a little.
If she were able to channel her anger to that big, metal door maybe she would feel calmer, more in control. But she can’t even do that.
All those years ago, the Men of Letters hadn’t anticipated the fact that she would need to use that door as an outlet for her anger so they had made it as sturdy and protective as they should have.
Fucking assholes.
So, she pushes it with all her strength till it closes,  not really making the desired noise she would want it to make, tough.
Gripping the rails in front of her, she steadies herself for a few seconds. She doesn’t let go of them till she sees that her knuckles have turned white.
Exhaling and descending the steps, she can hear her boots echo loudly as she takes them one by one. When she reaches the bottom of the stairs she just stands there, her head bent low.
She really doesn’t want to cry.
She doesn’t want to waste even one single tear on that douchebag. But deep inside her she can’t help but wonder what ‘quality’ she possesses that seems to attract all the wrong men to her.
What vibe does she give off and she’s a magnet for fuck boys.
And even more so, why she keeps falling for them?
She’s a strong woman.
Fearless, independent.
She’s a fucking hunter for fuck’s sake.
She can take on monsters, she can beat up men twice her size, she can handle almost every weapon with skill.
And yet…
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waywardwonderland · 4 years
one of my favourite things in the world is casual intimacy. a small hand on your back when you’re in crowded streets. a gentle kick from where they’re sitting across the table. a head on the shoulder, a hand in your hand, a squeeze on the arm as they’re walking past you. and i think maybe love isn’t made up of grand gestures or explosive displays but that it’s made up of the little things. the little things that say i’m here and i care for you and that your life has intertwined so deeply into mine that that there’s no need to think, because casual intimacy comes easy
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waywardwonderland · 4 years
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waywardwonderland · 4 years
Bring It On Home
Summary: Let’s pretend Dean wouldn’t be terrified to welcome love into his life, or he’s confident that he can protect it.
Characters: Dean Winchester x reader
Warnings: explicit, Established relationship, flangst, comfort, handsy Dean
Words: 1207
Author’s notes: @boondoctorwho​ asked for this weeks ago and I had my head too far up my ass with Kink Bingo and family drama. This was a coming home of sorts for me, so I hope it translated to Dean.
This also fulfills my prompt for @rockhoochie​’s 1k Follower Challenge. Congrats, friend! My prompt was the song “Case Of You” by Joni Mitchell. Lyrics in italics.
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waywardwonderland · 4 years
This is my first foray into fanfic, thanks in advance for any critiques or advice!! Could really take place any time, but I envisioned it taking place in the earlier seasons.
Title: Hairbrush
Pairing: Dean X Reader
Word Count: 722
Summary: Fluff where Dean helps an injured (long haired) reader
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waywardwonderland · 4 years
The Promise
Square Filled: Cowgirl
Characters: Sam x Reader
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Sam has lost Dean to hell, and the grief seems like more than he can bear. The only comfort he has is the reader and her love for him.
Word Count: 1897
A/N: I am reposting this because the first time I posted it I was dumb and didn’t put it on my Kink Bingo Masterlist and now I cannot find it on my blog no matter how many searches I do. I’m not tagging anybody this time. You’re probably tired of my tags by now anyway. I’m determined to black out my kink card and I’m an eleventh hour kind of girl
Created for @spnkinkbingo
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Sam refused to let you come with them. He wouldn’t budge, and Dean backed him up on it. Neither of them wanted you to see Dean get dragged to hell. That left you alone in the motel room to wrestle with your emotions, and you were having a hard time dealing. You fought to keep the tears that stung the back of your eyes from falling. 
This couldn’t be happening. The life of a hunter was the stuff of nightmares. You’d grown up knowing that. You had  been raised in the life just like the Winchester boys, but this was something beyond what a hunter was expected to endure. You were losing a friend, a brother.
Dean hadn’t warmed up to you immediately when you’d joined forces with them. Even Bobby’s recommendation wasn’t enough to bring you into the fold. Dean was wary and cautious. Doing what he did, it was wise to be that way. Only when he saw the way you helped Sam through his grief for Jessica and brought a smile back to his little brother’s face, did Dean accept you. 
Once a person had Dean’s loyalty, or his love, it was an unwavering thing. You’d been with him when Sam died. That almost tore you apart because you were falling in love with Sam then, but for Dean it was worse. He couldn’t accept losing Sam, so he’d traded his life for him. 
For months, Sam had tried to find a way to get Dean out of this deal but couldn’t. Now Sam would face a future knowing his brother was in hell so he could live. Helping him move on after losing Jessica was one thing, but losing Dean? Losing him like this? You weren’t sure that was a pain that could ever heal.
There was a bottle of whiskey on the table. You’d gone to the liquor store in a desperate search for anything that might help. So far, the bottle was just sitting there. You resisted the urge to down a few shots because you knew you had to hold yourself together for Sam. You had promised Dean you would take care of him. The look in his green eyes told you that Dean knew you loved his brother even if you hadn’t said it, and he was counting on that love.
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waywardwonderland · 4 years
A Soft Place
Square Filled: Fuck Buddies
Characters: Sam x Reader
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Sam and the reader have gotten closer over the past few months but not as close as she’d like.
Word Count: 2359
Created for @spnkinkbingo
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There was one room in the bunker that was her favorite among all the others. She had discovered it approximately two weeks after moving into the secret Winchester headquarters. At first, she’d been amazed that there was still so much of this building they called home that the brothers were unaware of, but upon further reflection she realized they’d been far too busy with monsters and other cosmic forces to pay that much attention to where they lived.
Those responsibilities weren’t hers. She had the luxury of time to discover many of the bunker’s secrets that the boys’ ever present sense of duty had not allowed them to find. She also had a restlessness caused by that same lack of purpose, which they lacked, that resulted in them missing out on many of the bunker’s hidden nooks. 
One of those was the room she sought out tonight on one of her many sleepless nights. She’d come to think of it as her refuge. Y/N was lucky; she knew that. Were it not for Sam and Dean, her life would have been brought to an early end by a vengeful spirit.  Her life was threatened when she’d taken on another, in a series, of what amounted to fairly well paid odd jobs as the caretaker at the estate of a wealthy antiques dealer while he was on another buying trip to Europe. It was there she had her run in with the angry ghost.
After saving her, the Winchesters had recognized something of a kindred spirit in her and taken her in. She was a little lost in the world with no family and few meaningful or long lasting ties, yet something within her longed for, even at times understood and believed there was something more. 
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waywardwonderland · 4 years
Mediterranean Pleasure
Square Filled: Barebacking
Characters: Jared x Reader
Rating: Explicit
Tags: oral (female receiving)
Summary: Jared doesn’t ask for much. When he does want something, the reader is going to give it to him.
Word Count: 2164
Created for @spnkinkbingo
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The night was warm and a gentle breeze was blowing in from the Mediterranean. Candles glowed around the veranda, casting a warm light into Jared’s eyes and turning them a soft amber brown highlighted with gold. His dimples deepened around his mouth as he smiled at you. He was dressed all in white, and the collar of his shirt was opened in a deep V down his chest, revealing a glimpse of the dark patch of hair there. His sleeves were rolled up, perfectly accentuating the golden skin of his strong forearms.
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waywardwonderland · 4 years
Sinful Sunday: Make It Up To Me
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: Dom!Dean Winchester x Sub!female!reader
Word Count: 603
Warnings: smut, d/s, spanking, toys, restraints, safewords
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He’d warned you about it before and you knew you should have listened, even if you managed to get the job done. It was only a spirit hunt, a creepy child ghost, and you’d honestly believed Dean wouldn’t be that bothered. When you returned triumphantly, expecting praise, you’d received it from Sam, but Dean was another story altogether.
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waywardwonderland · 4 years
If Only: Chapter 1
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Summary: When you get an invite from your family to go see them you refuse because they are always on your ass about being single. So what if Dean says he will pretend to be yours? 
Warnings: none for this chapter!
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Wordcount: 1300
A/N: I’ve had this fic idea for such a long time, that was until @jay-and-dean​ put me in a situation where i HAD to write it! Thank you so much for encouraging me and uhm… a very happy (VERY early) Christmas my babe, I hope you and everyone else likes it :) xxx
If Only Masterlist
My Masterlist
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waywardwonderland · 4 years
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