wbwoqlqxoxxms · 6 months
Yishun Revengers Episode 16 "Unleash the magic, free the magic,"
"ᗯᕼY ᗯOᑎ'T ᗪᗩᗪ ᒪOᐯᗴ ᗰᗴ??"
-because you're using this font
Breaking news, breaking news, ok not really breaking news, I just said that to catch your attention, but anyway you decided to stay on, so, let's get into it, shall we?
I'm your host, Stefen Hua, and today I'll be bringing you through the horrors and great terrors of Yishun-and about how it's probably just a misunderstood neighbourhood.
Firstly, a fairly recent reason for why Yishun might just deserve its reputation after all-some weird middle-aged man, well, not man, really, more of like alien creature with horns and insect wings-wait, is that Ming? Is that what he's been doing after he got the Culpable blood-the hell, you gotta be kidding me. Although it still doesn't explain why he was acting so eccentrically like some mad scientist-eh, maybe that's just how he always is.
Anyway. This alleged 35-year old ma-ALIEN has been going around touching little kids and asking them if they want to be injected with something to become an immortal god and Yishun's protector, possibly to help keep up Yishun's bad reputation. Because trust me. I would know.
Despite claims that he poses a threat to the little kids, in fact, most of the little kids have not been stupid enough to listen to him, and safely removed themselves from the crisis. Although, some of the…less intellectually gifted that were tricked were in the end only injected with a harmless placebo vaccine. Regardless, authorities have ascertained that locking him up would be far worse than-ok, no authorities have done that, it's me, I'm the authority, and I can say this one thing-do not lock that man up. It will do more harm than good.
Alright, next on the list, we have a rather heartbreaking reason for why Yishun deserves its reputation. Although most of the atrocities have suddenly disappeared and all reverted back to that of a normal neighbourhood on the 21st of April this year, which is quite recent, there have been reports of residents living in the vicinity hearing a soft sobbing sound every night after midnight at the void deck, which some people believe is a ghost crying for something. Or someone. Aw. That's so sad. And also none of my concern anymore.
Reports have also mentioned another adolescent male playing cards with the ghost, possibly to cheer him up. Lol, I bet he's probably the only person willing to play that…Nacalevia or something with him, pfft, pathetic.
And one good, convincing reason why Yishun is just a misunderstood neighbourhood-and could be perhaps one of the safest-is that every time that there's something bad happening, be it a fire broke out, or a guy collapses and needs CPR, there are almost always 6 distinct shadows in the distant appearing out of nowhere to call the ambulance or jump into the burning building to rescue any trapped civilians inside. Of course, this too happens in other neighbourhoods, but not as frequently.
There have also been reports of a certain bird-ok, fine EAGLE, I'd probably be bashed if I called him a bird…anyway, an eagle and a woman, possibly its handler, near the happenings of bad things too, and also appearing as distant shadows-though whether or not they are allied with the six other shadows remains to be seen. Hah, I'll tell yah, there's no way Luna could be allied together with them, maybe a temporary alliance, sure, but with her arrogant temper definitely not. Or maybe she's changed for the sake of the greater good? Meh, not my problem anymore.
She has also been alleged on the hunt for a certain man wearing a black cap and black shirt and black pants, and sunglasses with a face mask-hah, I knew it, Skorpius wouldn't ever do something like whatever this guy did to her. Anyway, she says that the described man “owes her a favour” after traumatising her in her kidnapping experience. Nah, don't listen to her, she probably doesn't even care.
Alright, and that about wraps up all the big happenings that's been occuring in Yishun lately. Frankly, no more calls of pontianaks or chess ghost masters anymore, which leads multiple to believe that something has cured…or “purified” Yishun. Yishun has now become just like any other ordinary neighbourhood, with the occasional guy going crazy, but to be fair, that happens in other neighbourhoods too. We can no longer fairly award Yishun its “crazy neighbourhood” medal if there's nothing crazy happening in Yishun when compared to the other neighbourhoods, no?
You should probably all be tired after hearing me rant on. I sure am. Go and take a break, drink some water, look out the window, take a walk, touch some grass, ok? This definitely isn't being addressed to a certain mourning ghost of Yishun, but…live the life he would have wanted you to.
Once again, I’m your host, Stefen Hua, signing off!”
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wbwoqlqxoxxms · 6 months
Yishun Revengers Episode 15 "Mens Rea"
"Reinforcements? I AM the reinforcements,"
-Jing Yuan
Golden flows of pure light energy.
From the bird and into him.
Possession, a sacred state, begins,
Together with the human of strength to purify thee.
And golden flows of pure light energy there were indeed, as Little Whitey had begun his posession process-from the way he looked so focused and with all the tiny beads of sweat trickling down his little bird forehead as his eyes shone bright yellow, one could barely even tell this was his first time doing so and that he barely even had any idea how to get this done a few days ago.
Everyone sat there waiting in eager silence. Well, some not as eager as the rest, for example Sicarius practically about to fall asleep.
Then Little Whitey jolted up abruptly and spread his wings high and mighty and took to the air full of energy-a stark contrast to his listless self when he had first started the possession process.
“Oh it’s completed oh I feel so empowered even though it’s also a whole part of me is missing and I have these weird yellow sunglasses filter that I can’t really turn off um how do I turn this off-”
“Not the time, Little Whitey,” Stefen smiled sarcastically at the bird, reminding him of why exactly he was feeling as such. Although he was met with a rather stern glare of protectiveness he’d never seen before from Luna.
Skorpius amusedly chuckled, that thing, however, was not so carefree-constantly looking around with sweaty palms and a nervous expression. Maybe he was concerned about something?
“Alright, we can start the next step now. Apologies, uh…” Skorpius turned to that thing, but was a bit unsure on how to continue his sentence given he hadn’t the name of that thing yet.
“Just call me whatever you want,” That thing coldly replied. Ok maybe it’s kinda hurting to constantly refer to him as ‘that thing’-
“Ok, anyway, we’ll need you for this next step, if you could please calm your nerves and imagine preparing yourself for a great trial…” Skorpius continued eloquently, patiently guiding that thing for the next step.
That thing closed its eyes and instantly relaxed every muscle in its entire body-much to the shame of Little Whitey who had been up and running, and who immediately settled and calmed down after seeing how that thing reacted.
Now the tranquillity of before was truly returning. Now they could start.
That thing truly trusted Skorpius tremendously-he closed his eyes and relaxed his tense body, letting down his guard around the people he’d just met. One could even state that he was foolish-if only they knew how much he was actually trying to die.
With that thing still trustingly blind, Skorpius’ kept his right eye glowing the same yellow it had since the possession process had started-his left eye, however, gradually transforming into a cyan blue.
The same cyan blue energy swirls emitting from Sano’s body and eyes and flowing to Skorpius’-and frankly Sano didn’t really have much of a reaction to that other than a reassuring “Just trust them. You’ll be fine.” towards that thing.
Once the yellow had all but completely faded and the blue start to peek through the eye corners of his mask, Skorpius raised his hand and at once all the energy swirls flocked to it, congregating them all into one ball of mass energy.
Then he did something absolutely unexpected but no one bothered to stop him anyway since they trusted that he knew what he was doing.
In a split second, he manifested a large but sure as hell sharp light-energy sword, and he plunged it straight into the Culpable’s stomach.
Now, the reason no one had practically any reaction at all-ok, to be fair, people did have reaction, with Esse's eyes slightly widening and him gasping softly, but that was pretty much the most expressive they were. Anyway, the reason they didn’t have any reaction at all was that the sword didn’t even seem to hurt that thing at all.
Hell, if he hadn’t blindly trusted Skorpius and just took a sneak peek for just a second, then he probably wouldn’t even have realised that he got stabbed by some mega-light-energy-cool-looking sword.
And yet another peculiar thing after another-as that thing still sat there oblivious to whatever Skorpius was intently focused on doing to him, his…skin? Exoskeleton? Outer…crust? Whatever it was that Culpables had in place of normal human skin, which this particular one probably wouldn't have for long anymore, considering that it literally started melting away like heating liquid cheese.
Melting away as if it had been exposed to direct heat in a semi-liquid form, slowly tearing off its grip on that thing's paper-thin actual skin underneath, reenacting a satisfying act of a tearing off a sticker cover but if the sticker cover was instead a liquid.
Skorpius paid as much heed as the rest of the group did-that is to say, none at all, and gave his 100% attention and focus to concentrating on probably assisting in the melting.
And that was probably when that thing realised what was going on-and oh boy, it really was hurting to call him “that thing”.
He was now looking almost completely human, save for a few splotches and dots of leftover Culpability-and looking rather attractive, even. Raven black silky flowing hair, and certainly not the raven black that he just was, rather a soothing shade of black, a pure, perfect, honestly quite babyish and cute face lay resting atop a wonderfully normal human body-he didn’t even look a shred like that thing a mere few moments ago.
That was also when he opened his eyes just as the process of Culpability extraction was about to complete, purging that very last blotch of it from his body-only to see Skorpius panting, completely covered in it.
Covered in it in the same way that that thing-well, now the very well-dressed man was just now, panting and catching his breath.
As if the Culpability possession..had just moved to him instead.
“Uh…what the…” Mendax was not afraid to let that one escape his mouth in perhaps what would be deemed the most insensitive thing possible had he been in another scenario.
“Yeah, uh, what the hell?” Little Whitey echoed after him bewilderedly, the coloured energy still flowing from him and Sano to the magically-empowered Skorpius, who still maintained his mask and glowing eyes despite practically everything about him having being replaced to become basically another ‘that thing’. Seriously, what is up with the obsession with masks.
“...” Skorpius kept up his usual silent game, keeping everyone in suspense for a brief moment, and only breaking it when the well-kept man confronted him on the matter.
“What…is this…?”
To that Skorpius just chortled softly. “Please don’t be alarmed. This is,of course, an integral part of the process,”
“So you freed me?” The well-kept gentleman inquired.
“But…you…can still be cured…right?”
Skorpius stared straight into the gentleman’s soul just as he had before, and chuckled in a manner emulating sorrow. “So you understand what’s going on…You’re right.”
He brushed past the concerned gentleman, and faced the window before dramatically continuing his speech. “This was the only way to save you. Fear not, just, promise me you won’t feel any guilt, and live your life like a normal human, ok?”
“You…no, wait, I…I can’t have any more i-innocent lives being ruined be-”
“Relax. The matter’s already been done anyway. There’s not much you can do now to reverse the process.”
“But I doomed you…to become me…”
“You didn’t doom me. I chose this path of my own accord. This whole matter is entirely willingly committed, so please don’t feel guilt, ok?”
Then of course there had to be the socially stunted ones of the group who couldn’t understand what was going on-with zero capability to read the room or infer and read between the lines. And that certain someone in this case is Esse.
‘Ey, wait, wait, wait…can someone explain to me what’s going on?”
Probably that was when Little Whitey snapped after he interrupted such an important moment and answered his question as concisely as possible to make sure to shut him up.
“Skorpius absorbed the Culpability from the Culpable so that he’s just a normal human now, and now Skorpius became the Culpable and he’s going to kill himself so that the Culpability dies with him and that gentleman is saved to live a freely normal life!”
‘This is…what you meant by..” Sano asked.
“Saving…me…” And truly like an old friend of the bygone eras, the gentleman finished off Sano’s sentence perfectly.
“Well, when you put it like that…” Skorpius reasoned with himself.
“That the only way to save you is death, correct?” The gentleman this time backed up Skorpius’ reasoning.
“Correct.” Skorpius nodded.
“I guess in the end…I’m still not good enough for people to smile for…” Skorpius stared down at his feet longingly.
“...” Perpetual silence. Luckily the rest of the group know better than to interrupt this precious intimate silence.
“Then I bid you farewell…Skorpius, was it?” The gentleman stood upright on his feet and saluted Skorpius, then bowing as deep as a prince would.
“...You’ve decided to let go…could you…at least…”
“Tell me…your name?’
The gentleman appeared startled when Skorpius proposed the question, as if he’d never even bothered to think of a name in case this day ever came.
“How about..Nostro? I read about it in a book once called ‘Sub Judice contempt’ while I was wasting away my time waiting to rot.” The gentleman-no, Nostro, suggested a name after a but of thinking.
“That’s a brilliant name…” Skorpius nodded his head, and again would probably have smiled if not for the mask. Maybe he did smile under the mask. No one would know. No one could tell.
But, surely, people could tell this very next action, for it had been long foretold with his actions-Ming jumping out from the back of the group in front of Skorpius.
“Hehe…oh, this is such a revolutionary breakthrough in scientific discovery, ah, it’s just a pity that I’ll never get to see that gentleman again in his Culpable form…’ He sneered to himself.
“Not a pity. That means he’s saved after all…if you really are that keen on studying Culpables…*extends a hand* take a sample of my blo-” Skorpius’ kind invitation was interrupted by Ming who had already whipped out an entire syringe and medical equipment set, already in the process of draining the air.
He certainly helped himself after being invited to do so, alright-taking practically the entire stock of black blood there was in Skorpius’ body, and taking quite a while to do so-much to the annoyance of the group who clearly has no patience bar for things that don’t really concern them that much.
For the ones that were concerned, however, paid no heed to the mere seconds more they had to wait compared to the eternity they spent with not a single shred of hope.
“Alright, that should be it,” said Ming as he collected the very last syringe and smiled charismatically at Skorpius. “Not concerned I might do something terrible with this?’
“Haha, the day I kidnapped you I gave you plenty of opportunities to escape with the relevant equipment, but you didn’t-because I knew you would never tamper with matters of biological warfare,” Skorpius amusedly replied. “Oh, right, no hard feelings from that day, right?”
“No, no hard feelings at al..in fact, I’m even honoured that one such self-sacrificial and honourable warrior thinks so highly of me…” Ming shook his head fervently, denying all such ‘hard feelings’.
Stefen was next to speak up. “I guess I should have let you extract my blood in peace, then maybe you could have found a way to transfer your consciousness and you wouldn't have to…”
He ended his rather short farewell speech to the venerable self-sacrificial warrior before him in a playful manner to lighten up the mood. “Although I'm not gonna feel the slightest bit guilty about that.”
Skorpius probably smiled underneath the mask. Who would even be able to tell anyway.
“Are you…really…” Sano raised a hand facing in the direction of Skorpius.
Skorpius didn’t reply, nor did he even turn to face him completely.
He simply closed his eyes-and at once the flow of yellow and blue energy was cut off in an abrupt end, and in a few seconds later, completely stopped.
Nostro turned to the backwards-facing Skorpius, and spoke in a voice that seemingly had much more energy than ever before. “Before you go, I would like to know…who are you? Why are you being so nice to someone you barely even know, even giving up your life for me?’
Without even turning around, Skorpius coldly but warmly responded, “I am an Astral Crusader. It is my life’s purpose, the very reason I traverse the cosmos, to attain this very form that ascertains my fulfilment of this seed of life. This is all Astral Crusader’s purest form. This is all Astral Crusader’s highest form. This form of Culpability.”
Then, with his back still facing the group and without even waiting for them to react, he unsheathed his sword and finished his sentence.
“Now, I shall put an end to this bout of suffering.”
Without warning, he grabbed the handle of his sword tight, and stabbed himself straight in the heart.
Straight-up impaled himself, where the blade would poke through his back skin and could be seen dripping black blood.
Finally, it was time for people to have a reaction-the Pillars doing the shocked gasp-not like they could really do anything anyway even if their reaction speed was lightning fast (which it was, ok)
Little Whitey flew back to Luna’s embrace, who began petting him nonchalant again, although that bird was visibly traumatised and wouldn’t recover soon after this.
Nostro clenched his fists, and violently blinked back the waterworks, and kept gulping back until his throat would burst from the constant gulping, and only stopped when he sat back down with Sano who had come to beside him and whispering reassuring comments.
Not a lot of blood was split, only just about 400mm of blood-which is quite little for someone who was stabbed right in the heart.
The group stared at Skorpius’ twitching, knelt-down body for a while, not sure if helping him or even doing so much as trying to alleviate his pain would cause more harm than good. With, of course, the occasional soft sobs from Nostro and the light pats on his back from Sano.
But after a while the blood soon stopped flowing. And Skorpius’ body started glowing softly like a yellow-light lamp. His whole body started glowing but in a way that instilled such awe-and it soon became clear by the time his whole body lit up so brightly only his body shape was visible-that he was disappearing.
In his final moments before his entire body disappeared, he turned his head over while keeping his back faced against the group to have one last look of the gang, and this time, he most definitely smiled under the mask.
“Farewell, Nostro. I do hope you enjoy human life, I wish you all the best.”
And with that, his body returned to dust and was gone with the wind once again, leaving the distraught Nostro to step forward at what was once his body to claim and hold close what were the only things left of Skorpius.
A sharp, reflective metallic, black blood-stained sword, and a characteristically plastic opera mask.
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wbwoqlqxoxxms · 6 months
Yishun Revengers Episode 14 "Mea Culpa"
“Continue to enjoy the present moment, for enjoying the present moment shall be the only thing that brings us joy in the present moment,”
-Man who is enjoying the present moment
Utter darkness.
Mere emptiness.
The void of consumption.
Deafening silence-”Ey can someone on the light or not?”
Uh, wait-
“Ok wait, I go find the switch first…among this plethora of other random switches I probably would be better off not touching,” Mendax responded to Esse's query, fingers fluttering over the myriad of switches nobody knew connected to.
“Should be this one…” He muttered to himself and flipped one of the switches at random, and the room was instantly brightened up with a gradually growing glow.
“Okie, great, we should-” Laju was in the middle of thanking Mendax, then immediately stopped herself mid-sentence to draw her weapon.
Against the strange thing that had emerged, previously left unseen, masked by the blackness of the night and also terrible lighting of the apartment-but then again, the man was in Yishun, and if Skorpius was telling the truth, the very cause of Yishun’s…Yishun-nism. Couldn’t exactly blame him.
The strange thing-strange it was, alright-practically absorbing 100% of light with its vantablack appearance and shadow-like yet rock-hard black carapace covering much of its body that would otherwise render it no different from a normal human-of course, no one could tell what he looks like underneath the bird-like mask of it-wait, why is everyone so fond of wearing masks?
Several other Pillars prepared their swords and bows and guns too, readying themselves into a battle formation-but Sano sorrowfully limped over to the monstrosity.
“Sa…no…?” The thing turned to face him, ploddingly uttering Sano’s name like an old, bygone friend once again reuniting under unfortunate circumstances.
‘I’m here.” He responded caringly…with two words. A-actions speak louder than those two words, okay!
“You…came back…with company.”
“*slight amused smile* Perceptive as ever.”
“Are you here to kill me? After all those years…you’re back to finish the job?”
“Hmm, I guess it’s ok if you don’t want to do it yourself. I’ve caused far too much pain over my years of existence, I certainly can’t ask the one who would end it all if it pains them too, no?”
“Can..I ask…what if you never met me? Would you still have gone out to find some other lost soul and gift them extraordinary superpowers?”
“...The day I met you, I could tell you were vibrant and colourful, and just destined to the unfortunate end of meeting me. I was ignorant and foolish back then, I just saw how pitiful you were when no one was playing Nacalevia, and I wanted someone to be able to kill me at the time…”
“You became my only friend.”
“I’m sorry that I forced my wishes on you…I…”
“What if…I…have a way…to save you?”
The thing looked up from his previously despairing look into a look of surprise-though, certainly neither the pleasant nor unpleasant kind.
And that’s when Skorpius and Stefen stepped up-with Stefen helping introduce Skorpius like he was a sales manager introducing a product development to a prospective board of investors.
“Ah, right, this will take a while to explain..so basically this guy right here claims that he is an Astral Crusader, who goes around travelling the cosmos saving innocent people and Culpables, and he also claims he has a way to purify you of your “Culpable-ness”...*short pause* CULPABILITY. OH YES THAT’S IT anyway with the help of Sano who I believe you are already acquainted with given the whole…sentimental chat there, and that arrogantly quiet woman over there with her equally arrogantly quiet pet bird-”
“I’m not some pet bird!”
“...Luminary Guardian, I stand corrected. So in short, Skorpius says he can purify you with the help of these three-if you’re willing to give him a chance, of course.”
The thing just stood there pulling out its proverbial hair (haha no hair the thing is bald) in the same way that Stefen had done when he was fed that information dump of a truck barely a few days ago.
“Um…” He finally spat out after a period of silence.
“It’s true. Trust me, I can purify you,” Skorpius cocked his head to the side and spoke gently, with perhaps the most audibly pleasing voice that thing has heard in a while.
“This…won’t hurt the others…will it?” The thing asked, appearing in great distress.
“No, of course it won’t,” Skorpius this time nodded his head, continuing to speak gently.
“Well, if this can purify me of this filth…then I’m willing to give it a shot. It’s not really like I have anything left to lose, anyway…”
“Ah! Very good, then! We can begin the process right now,” Skorpius clapped for a short while and did a small celebratory dance like an excited child eager to start the new game or LEGO set mommy bought for him as a birthday present.
“Somehow I feel like this is one big elaborate scam…” Sunda muttered discreetly, making sure only the nearby Ming could hear it-not like he could really act on it anyway, what with him behaving a bit eccentrically ever since they caught Skorpius.
Seriously, at times he would occasionally mutter inconspiciously to himself, or other times he would laugh and scream out of joy like some mad scientist at the times when he thought no one was listening but actually everyone could hear him as clear as day. In fact, the only reason the Pillars hadn’t already thrown him into Marina Barrage was probably because they felt like he had an important connection to this Culpable-Astral Crusader play.
Skorpius acted fast-within minutes, no seconds even, he got the entire set-up he needed up and ready to go.
“I…don’t have to do anything…do I..?’ The thing stuttered questioningly.
“No, just rest well, sit back and relax.” Skorpius placed his hand on his heart as a sign of affirmation. “...Although I still hope you’d be able to do so after this.”
Now it was the strange thing’s turn to cock his head to the side, though out of confusion rather than amusement. “What do you mean?”
“Haha, you’ll understand soon enough. Just promise me you’ll live on happily, without any miserable shred of guilt or regret, ok?” Skorpius lowered his voice recognisably in a mournful state, and whose eyes would possibly harbour the same lining of dejection Sano’s eyes had earlier if only he still didn’t have that characteristically plastic opera mask hiding it.
The two men-ah, correction, one weird shadow thing and one mask-wearing dude for the most random reason possible, stayed in silence for a while.
Simply staring into each other’s eyes.
No words needed to be said to convey what was going on in that scene-it was a scene of unprecedented tranquillity. Tranquillity that one was finally to reach inner peace and fulfilment, and one was finally about to achieve a long sought-after freedom.
“Hey, are you done or not, we’ve already gotten ready, waiting for you only,” Codeine shouted over, calmly jolting the stunned Skorpius as well as that thing out of their daze.
“Ah. Right. We should probably get started.” Skopius darted over quickly to his supposed position, sending apologetic gestures to everyone he met along the way.
“So…how does this…” Luna had already set down Little Whitey to let him prepare for the ordeal he was about to face. “Oh, that Sano guy doesn’t seem as upset as he did before. I guess you’re for real capable of purifying this…thing, right?”
Skorpius nodded his head cutely.
“Well, that’s just great, totally fantastic…Little Whitey?”
Little Whitey was looking far worse than Luna had originally thought he’d be-not in the physically drained way, but in the emotional sense just like Sano-like he’d been impacted with something so traumatising or shocking.
Luna scoffed and removed herself from the scene, leaving time alone for Skorpius and Little Whitey.
“This Culpable…he’s apologetic. Guilty. If you do this…you’re going to make him a lot more sadder, you know?”
Skorpius sighed deeply. “I know…but this is the path I have chosen. This is the path I am destined to take,”
“If you so wish, then…I’m a Luminary Guardian. Who am I to stop an Astral Crusader from achieving their purest form?” He extended a wing in the same way humans would make hand gestures between conversations.
Skorpius knelt down before Little Whitey, one hand placed before his chest and the other on a set-up equipment.
“Astral Crusader…I hereby am honoured to witness thee claims of purity and virtuity.”
Skorpius bowed lower as Little Whitey even soared as high as the ceiling of the apartment, blocking the ceiling light with his entire body like it was the midday sun.
“Execute…the unworthy!”
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wbwoqlqxoxxms · 6 months
Yishun Revengers Episode 13 "HAIL GOD EMPEROR LEE"
"Wait, did my keyboard just pofma autocorrect me?"
-yes yes yes all hail gahmen all hail pap pls don't shoot me spf pls don't shoot me spf pls don't shoot me
“Oh, right. One more thing. You yapped on and on about what this plan is, how you’re trying to pull it off and why we should join your noble cause…but this plan does require the actual Culpable to work, right?” Mendax asked.
“Yes, do not fret yourself, I have already obtained relevant information of his whereabouts,” Skorpius stood up and dusted himself off of all the dirt that had gotten onto him, replying in an elegant manner as he regained his previous dignified demeanour.
“So where is this Culpable you speak of?” Ming snapped impatiently, demanding to know the location of the seed of terror, whatever devious plan he was concocting in his wayward head with which the Culpable had to with.
“In…an apartment in Yishun. Block 349, Yishun Avenue 11. 07-249.” Skorpius muttered inaudibly, lowering his voice when it came to the coordinates of the crew’s target.
“Block 349…Yishun Avenue 11…Um…” Stefen spoke up first upon realising something was up with those numbers. “Wait, you said those…Culpables…brought about terror and destruction wherever they went…causing weird stuff wherever they go…”
Skorpius affirmed Stefen’s biggest worry (or question considering this would be the scoop of his life) with a nod of his head. “Aren’t you making a documentary on the strange happenings of Yishun? This is the biggest insider info you could possibly put on screen,”
“Wait, wait, wait, no, no, I’m definitely not doing this for the tremendous fame and fortune this would bring…I…I…am doing this…uh…” Stefen bit his life and smiled nervously. “I am doing this because I want to find out what the hell that dude did to me!” *points at currently startled Ming*
“Hey, wait, that’s right, you said you attacked us in the first place because you wanted to find Demongazer’s blood to ‘devise a cure’, right? Can you not do that instead of the whole troublesome purification process instead?” Esse snapped his fingers with that “Aha, got you there, didn't I” vibes, smirking ever-so-slightly to himself.
“If he could, he would do it, Pillar, do you really think he wants to do this?” Little Whitey covered his beak with his wing as if mocking the incompetent, unable-to-catch-up brain of Esse's.
“Oi, oi, don't go too far, ah!” Sunda rushed to defend his brother and the name of the Pillars, pointing and glaring aggressively at the unfazed Little Whitey.
“But yeah, that does bring the question…was he developing a medicine of sorts to purify the Culpable? He already said it was impossible on its own, hence the whole ‘we needs three divine warriors sent from the heavens above blah blah blah’ thing. Why…?” Laju narrowed her eyes and shot the almost well-groomed Skorpius a glance.
“Cat got your tongue?”
“Ok, I'll be honest with you. The medicine wasn't meant to purify the Culpable-that's, as you said I mentioned, impossible. The medicine was meant to study one of the major abilities of Demongazers-transferrence or concentration of consciousness to a minor part of the body.” Skorpius halted his self-grooming for a while as he prepared for another long explanation.
“Transferrence…of…consciousness?? We can do that, Ming?” Stefen stood shocked for a brief moment, then turned to Ming like a child who wanted to ask his mother a burning question he had.
Ming did not answer, although his eyes presumably lit up-now full of life and energy. As if he had seen (or heard) something exciting or intriguing enough to perk his interest.
“Yes, it's true, although this skill can only be practised after an intense amount of training, and usually only activates in a case of emergency where your life is in danger,” Skorpius continued anyway, ignoring Ming's silence on the question.
“Transferrence of consciousness…so? Great, you want to develop a medicine that helps someone transfer their consciousness. How does that link to the current topic about Culpables we're discussing right now?” Sicarius brandished her knife again, this time possibly just for show considering she's already let Skorpius in the club as one of them.
“Talk.” Pertama stared down fiercely at Skorpius, mimicking the action of a pistol firing with his fingers. Wait, how's that supposed to be intimidating again? Meh, must be something Codeine taught him...
“The…the medicine's…supposed to…well…it’s…actually meant for..me…to consume…” Oh, how the mighty have fallen! Skorpius, who used to be either full of words or complete silence has actually stuttered in his speech! What a historical moment worthy of recognition!
“!!” Little Whitey yelped out a cry, then almost immediately stuffed both his wings into his mouth as if to indicate something he really shouldn’t have said.
“Little…Whitey?” Luna whispered as literally everyone in the room turned their craniums slowly to stare at the bird that apparently had an epiphany about something they didn’t but needed to know,
“Um, nothing, I just…swallowed a giant bug..wait, no, ew, I..uh…oh..I realised now that whatever excuse I make will sound suspicious as hell but I am definitively unable to tell you what it is, so just please trust me on this one for now I’ll tell you once the plan is over oh wait you’d probably already know anyway uh.”
“That doesn’t sound convincing…”
Skorpius let out a soft chuckle but made sure only the bird could hear, to which he glared at him as sternly as a bird could.
“Superpowered human?” Skorpius immediately shifted the group’s attention temporarily to Sano instead. “You’ve been quite quiet this whole journey,”
Sano slowly opened his sad eyes. No, really, eyes tinged with a hint of sadness. The apologetic, regretful, mournful eyes that spoke a thousand and one more words than any explanation from him himself could ever hope to.
“I trust you.” He finally let the words escape his mouth after a few seconds of solitude in his own world. “I don’t want any harm to come to him either,”
‘Neither do I,” Skorpius affirmed. “Although I must admit this is the first time I’ve seen a mortal forge such a strong tie to a Culpable,”
“I’m just an empathetic human, that’s all. I don’t want any innocent beings to suffer, just like you,”
“...” Skorpius lowered his head slightly in Sano’s direction and remained voiceless for a fleeting instant in time, letting the two of them clear the racing thoughts in their head.
The group noticed this and stayed quiet too. Particularly Luna-who, as we all know well enough to be able to stay silent for the entire day if she wanted to, and Little Whitey, who wasn’t all that bad in keeping the tranquility considering all the drama he stirred up earlier.
In fact, he even appeared quite apologetic for that-the same sadness that was once written in Sano’s eyes had jumped ship to Little Whitey’s. One could even feel sorry for him as he sadly stared down at Skorpius. One would even think he’s feeling sorry for Skorpius instead.
Wait, someone didn’t die recently or something, right? Skorpius isn’t choosing now to mourn them, right? Then why have such a random moment of silence? DOES HE HAVE SOME OTHER AGENDA??
“Alright.” He looked up and held his head high again after the moment of silence he started for no reason.
“Are we ready to head out?”
0 notes
wbwoqlqxoxxms · 6 months
Yishun Revengers Episode 12 "CCCCCCB"
“Singapore is the heart of Britain's military base in Southeast Asia, an impregnable fortress! We will not lose to the Japanese! We will never surrender to the Ja-”
-The British shortly before getting bombed and surrendering to the Japanese
“Ah, wait. You're not one of those…” Little Whitey flew over to Luna's outstretched arm, ready to talk serious business.
Skorpius remained silent, although for possibly the first time it was silence that didn't feel like he was avoiding interrogation (like getting violently beaten up).
“What do you think, Little Whitey?” Luna said.
“Blah, forget about free rights anymore with these kinda guys, he's probably just gonna go on and on about how it's my divinely-given birthright and only purpose in life for existing to help him in his most holy and sacred mission about how-”
“Ok, can you shut up and get to the point?” Stefen shot him a look and not-so-discreetly rolled his eyes, obviously tired of how much talking everyone was doing today and therefore how much his brain had to process. Can’t blame him.
“I mean, I understand if just killing him rules out to be the better choice here. It’s just that-” Skorpius interjected. “I’d like to save as many innocent souls as possible in this crusade. That includes the ones no one ever cries for…”
Mendax smirked and folded his arms. “What’s wrong? Getting poetic?”
“Or, maybe something you didn’t tell us? Something important?” Esse took the subtle hint and stepped forward to grab Skorpius by his hair again, positioning him for Sicarius, armed with her knife.
This time Skorpius did not resist, sitting there tiredly like a wise old man with three crazy beggars holding him hostage.
“Just get on with the plan already,” Ming groaned impatiently.
“You can talk if I kindly place my knife on your throat, right?” Sicarius glared over and passively-aggressively asked.
“...A Luminary Guardian requires a host to activate its power, but did you know that it can actually have more than one host?” Skorpius started the conversation, hooking Luna and Little Whitey in immediately with such a key attention grabber.
“Come…again?” Luna’s pets of Little Whitey decreased in speed and frequency, indicating clear importance she was interested in whatever Skorpius had to offer.
“The more hosts a Luminary Guardian has, the more power they are able to activate and channel. However, they still require the use of a primary host before they are able to possess any more hosts,”
“...Go on…”
“Possessing more than one host at a time isn’t as easy as you think it is, though. The Luminary Guardian is required to split itself into as many parts as its hosts, and each part can typically only hold up for a while. Many possessions are, as such, only temporary,”
“And that’s why, aside from a Luminary Guardian, I need the power of a Culpably-superpowered human too. Typically I would give these powers to any human if there wasn’t any around, but since we already happen to have one..” His words trailed off and he stared up at Sano, whose bloodshot eyes stared him dead and could truly make one shudder with appearances alone.
“You want me…to…” Sano’s voice had grown so deep and cold over the course of these 45 minutes worth of interrogation. He didn’t have an overnight puberty or growth spurt, did he?
“I want you to save him.”
“Continue with the plan,” Laju grunted almost animalistically already, smoke emitting from her frustration with the many conversational detours this group has taken.
“This is by far the most…traditional way of purifying a Culpable-the Luminary Guardian will possess me and activate its power, and the superpowered human will keep me supplied with a constant flow of energy while I fight off the Shadow’s Blade.”
“The…Shadow’s Blade?” August questioned.
“The will of the Culpable. The inherent, underlying, but nonetheless ever present will of the Culpable. The Shadow’s Blade is separate from the Culpable itself, though, make no mistake. “
“So what happens after you fight off the Shadow’s Blade?” Pertama asked.
“I purify it. At this step…I will require neither the Luminary Guardian nor the superpowered human. This is an independent step which I am able to achieve on my own.” Skorpius exhaled and sighed deeply again, leaving behind but a brief moment of silence of the crew’s contemplation.
“Yes, but..how can we trust you?” Sicarius removed the knife from its precarious position for a while to lick it threateningly, then returned it to where it rightfully belonged.
Skorpius, as usual, kept up his cryptic silence but fixed and let show his line of sight onto Little Whitey and Luna-the latter still as calm and uncaring as usual, much opposed to the former not doing a very good job at containing his bewilderment after the earlier info dump.
“Yes, you can trust him,” Little Whitey said after a while, much to the scepticism of literally everyone in the room.
“And how do we know that, Little Whitey?” Luna hissed non-threateningly over at the bird rested comfortably on her shoulder.
“I might be wrong, but since he did again prove he has knowledge of it, and only a Crusader would wear such a ridiculous mask-” Little Whitey sucked in a HUGE breath. Wait, can birds even do that?
“He’s an Astral Crusader. What’s crazier than the existence of seeds of negative energy running around worlds destroying and walking in the face of terror everywhere they go is, the existence of a group that actively seeks to ‘rescue’ Culpables and innocent people from the pain Culpables bring about…”
Stefen loudly sucked in the air around him in a frustrated manner and straightened his back, cleared his throat and prepare himself for the mental ordeal he was about to go through. “Go…on…” He whispered with a disconnected demeanour.
“In a quick introduction, Astral Crusaders have, quote unquote, “witnessed the calamity Culpables cause everyday," and have vowed to put an end to it-even if it costs them their lives. Well, it wouldn’t be surprising if they were just trying to kill all Culpables-I mean, everyone would love to kill a seed of negativity and banish it to the netherworld for good every once in a while and make the world a better place, now, right?
The crazy part is-that they think Culpables are victims of their own negativity and the killing they manifest too, and so the methods they use to ‘purify’ worlds afflicted tend very much to…save the Culpable too,”
He gasped in tiny, unnoticeable breaths after finishing such a long speech (long speech not for a human, but for a bird, ok), and turned to face Skorpius.
“Am I right?”
“Ah…you Luminary Guardians do know us the best,” He cocked his head to the side as an expression of amusement. One would imagine he could break out into a cute smile, if only there wasn’t the huge problem of a plastic covering masking his expressions that no one seems to question after the explanation anymore.
“So…do you trust me enough now?” He turned back to Sicarius (must have decided that she was the one most vicious here) and held up his restrains.
Sicarius unfolded her arms gradually and followed the trend of sucking in a breath, then exhaling. “I still don’t trust you…but that bird seems dead set on doing so, and I’d rather not anger it…”
“Welcome to the club.”
0 notes
wbwoqlqxoxxms · 6 months
Yishun Revengers Episode 11 "Resident good,"
"Remember, Tarzan's first wet dream probably did not involve a human,"
“It's a cyclic process, simply put. Every billion years or so, all of the negative emotions, desires, thoughts and feelings all across the universe conjuncture into some black hole or something somewhere in the universe into thousands of pure black seed-like structures.
These black seed-like structures are usually then scattered randomly back across the universe into many different worlds-and it’s said that any world unlucky enough to be assailed by a missile bombardment of them would eventually fall-for they brought nothing but a constant stream of bad luck, misery, poverty, famine, death, destruction, you name it, to the things and people around and in its environment.
Flowers would wither, crops would die out, animals would starve and attack each other. Humans would start hearing voices, going insane, taking their own lives and the lives of their loved ones…
The destructive nature of these seeds towards its environment lead many people to call them-Culpables. Meh, probably just to avoid blame for their own actions and sadistic thoughts…
The worst part is that there’s practically no way to destroy a Culpable-the best people have come up with is to use an incredibly powerful seal of some sorts to temporarily put it to sleep.
And yes, put it to sleep-I did mention before that Culpables were seed-like structures, no? After a few thousand years or somewhere, I can’t remember the exact time taken, the Culpable hatches into a sentient lifeform that can change its form freely, the way we Pillars can.
Of course, as you’d expect, the Culpable hatching is gonna cause massive destruction, depending on how long the Culpable had been ‘incubating’ for-longer means stronger.
But the destructive nature doesn’t stop just after they’ve been hatched-flowers still wither. Crops still die out. It’s just that now, the ball of destruction is sentient and capable of roaming around, and changing the environment it destroys.
There’s only one good thing that comes out of them gaining sentience-it’s that they can finally be killed. Unfortunately for us, however, they can be killed permanently now, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy to-they are VERY immortal, in that aspect.
There is another way, and so far these are the only two ways we know of to destroy a Culpable seed-which is to have it fuse with another lifeform and then killing that lifeform.
It’s sad, yes, but there’s no cure anyway-once the lifeform makes contact with a Culpable seed, it’s done for-it’s gonna start causing all the animals to starve and attack each other.
The strength level of the lifeform also depends on how long the Culpable has been ‘incubating’ for. Same goes, longer = stronger.
However, nothing actually happens to the lifeform-other than them becoming too immortal and unkillable for their own good, the fusion with the Culpable doesn’t actually change anything else physically-and mentally, too.
The same goes for sentient Culpables too-even though they’re all born out of that same egg of terror, their personalities differ greatly just like humans-some are terrified of their power, some embrace it and destroy worlds wherever they go.
Anyway, this all links back to our current situation when a Culpable just hatched 700 years ago. Or last Tuesday, I can't remember.
This Culpable seems to be the nice kind, fortunately for us-the kind that's scared of all the death they're causing and wishes to die to avoid any more destruction.
Which is precisely what I think he gave Sano these powers for. He may not have been able to communicate it, or chose not to-but I think…”
Sunda ended his incredibly long explanation right there, trailing off his speech and staring back at Sano.
Sano squinted his eyes shut then, as if shutting the sight of reality out like a defense mechanism of sorts.
“He wanted us to kill him.”
Stefen sat on the ground, his hands pulling at his hair in a mad scientist's style with his eyes strikingly open, forgetting to blink in between comprehending all of the information that Sunda had just unloaded like a truck onto him.
Luna just continued keeping her own eyes shut uncaringly while petting Little Whitey.
While Ming was licking his lips discreetly to himself while glancing in the masked man's direction, like he was seeing a fantastic opportunity while no one else did at that moment.
“Um. If I didn't catch that wrong…we need to kill a nigh-immortal sentient egg capable of mass genocide and environmenticide…and he's asking for it? He's even giving us the powers to kill him?”
“Ah, fantastic! You understood every last word. Looks like Sunda doesn't need to repeat all that again, huh?” Mendax shot Esse a glance, to which he then quickly retreated.
“Ah, right, I probably should have read the room…”
“Wait, wait, so the masked man wanted to cure him of that destruction illness…even though what I'm gathering is that it's impossible…right?” Stefen questioned the masked man again although the question was directed at the Pillars, smiling awkwardly while stilll processing the information overload that hit him like a truck.
“Hey, masked man, you still haven't introduced yourself yet, if we're to work together to kill-I mean, save him, maybe you could take off that mask?” Sicarius whipped out her knife and twirled it in her hand again, this time the phrase she was uttering sounding much less like she was out for blood.
“I know he can't be saved, that was wishful thinking…” The masked man bent his head low in despair. “I'm Skorpius. By the way, that's a Luminary Guardian, correct?”
Luna felt the mood was finally right for her to open up her eyes once she could feel the heat of everyone staring at her, but did not stop petting Little Whitey.
“Your presumption is correct…Skorpius…” Little Whitey cawed as regally as an eagle.
“You have the power of a Luminary Guardian with you as an ally?”
“If I may be so bold…we might just stand a narrow chance at saving the Culpable…”
0 notes
wbwoqlqxoxxms · 7 months
Yishun Revengers Episode 10 "Good thing I don't have Alzheimer's"
"Good thing I don't have Alzheimer's,"
-Good thing I don't have Alzheimer'
“First up on the list…why the hell did you attack us?” Esse's eyes glowed that same ominous red again, although this time everyone knows it's entirely for show now.
The masked man stayed silent.
“Playing the quiet game huh? Ready for another round of interrogation?” Sicarius whipped out her knife and twirled it around her palm again.
“I'm asking you again. Why the hell did you attack us?” Esse folded his arms and asked again in a harsher tone, his eyes glowing brighter red than before.
Again they were met with the same reaction.
“Alright, that's it, no more mister nice guy! I'm-” Sicarius swiftly held her knife to the masked man's neck and pressed it there as tightly as she was annoyed with his silence.
“Wait, wait, wait!” Sano's bellowing voice echoed through the chamber of terribly inefficient use of space, as he rushed through the vast emptiness with one hand up and the other on his hip, panting hard.
“I was spending a bit of time…observing this man's…um, plants, and I realised something about them seems oddly familiar,” He explained, as if that vague description is supposed to help anybody.
Sicarius and the rest narrowed their eyes, the knife being pressed even harder against the masked man's skin to cause it to bleed now.
“Elaborate.” She said with a straight face.
Sano didn't respond to her, but instead knelt down before the masked man, crystallised a card of pure gold light from in between his fingers and levitated it in his palm before the man.
“I believe you should recognise this,” He spoke cryptically, then allowed the gold light to slowly vanish and fade out.
To reveal a simple card design-ironically, much simpler than the other fancy card powers Sano's shown before, consisting of only a white background and a triangular-like stain of black ink onto it.
A simple design, it was-and yet the reaction it garnered was not simple at all. It would seem this simple card design succeeded in doing what a knife to his throat and two giant beatings couldn't-get a reaction from the masked man that wasn't complete silence.
A reaction of shock, even-for under that mask it was clear his eyes widened at least a bit. He made a bit of an incoherent noise somewhere in between a gasp of surprise and a gasp of terror.
The Pillars weren't completely oblivious to this, either-Sicarius stared at the card, then at Sano, then back at the card again.
Esse, Mendax, and Laju did the same.
Pertama and Sunda watched from the sidelines, folding their arms and smirking slightly together with Stefen, Ming and Luna.
Oh, August and Codeine? They're only the Pillars' disciples, they don't really know as much as the actual Pillars themselves, so obviously no reaction...at least, they don't know more than they're supposed to know...OR DO THEY??
“...what's going on?” Stefen made that weird face you'd probably never expect someone whose entire career depends on asking questions to make.
“Eh, I'll explain later,” Sunda brushed his question aside for now.
Of course Luna was back to petting Little Whitey without a care in the world again.
“This card…” The masked man spat out with a surprisingly clear and soothing voice, like he was recording an audiobook or something.
Sano continued levitating it in front of him, anticipating his reaction.
“You…you've seen him before? You've made contact with him before?”
“...yes. As you've probably already guessed by now, he's the one who gave me these powers,”
“...I actually attacked you because I needed the Demongazer's blood, since that boy recently got turned into one,”
Stefen sat up in his chair while Ming gaped his mouth open. “How the hell did…” “He get him to talk?”
“Shh…I'l explain later, ok,” Sunda shut them up once again.
Fentanyl jumped into action excitedly, as Sicarius retreated the now-unnecessary knife.
“Finally…ahem. Now for my second question..what the hell were you using the Demongazoo's blood for?”
“To devise a medicine…capable of curing…him,”
“Cure…him? You know that's impossible,”
To that the masked man turned his head away, insinuating breaking eye contact, since he can't show it normally since he's…well…wearing a mask…
“Alright, alright, that's enough playing the all-mysterious game now! Someone needs to explain to me what the hell is going on!” Stefen jumped up from his seat and shouted to break the awkward tension of silence.
“Ugh…” Mendax let out a loud groan and turned to Sunda, who looked at him with a face and sighed too.
“Stefen, mister, how long have you got?”
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wbwoqlqxoxxms · 1 year
Yishun Revengers Episode 9 "TheskyIsBlue"
"The Earth is flat, and dinosaurs went extinct when the asteroid hit the Earth so hard it bounced all the dinosaurs off,"
-average flat earther
"You seeing this here? That guy again-" Ming started to speak and point out his previous kidnapper to the now-kidnapped who was still under the kidnapping of the same kidnapper. Ok nevermind-
Anyway unlike the others, this masked guy wouldn't give anyone time to even finish their sentence before he brutally interrupted them by backstabbing Ming again. Well, backstabbing would probably be too inefficient for this guy who's all about efficiency, so it's actually a strike onto the back to cause bleeding and injury.
Ming fell back in pain, collapsing in shock, and then looking up from the ground to see that very same masked man that had imprisoned him attempt to imprison him again. Well, maybe he wasn't the target this time anymore.
The Pillars and their disciples quickly drew their weapons in defence, preparing to fight and not be ambushed by a surprise attack again like the last time they were caught off guard.
"Oh hell naw I'm not letting ya do that again, YA RANDOM MASKED GUY!" But what that masked man hadn't foreseen this time in his calculations, was the arrival of a new variable-Stefen, turned into a Demongazer!
Wait, isn't he supposed to be half-dead after getting back-striked by that masked guy?
"Oh, um, forget my really helpful self healing ability here, go on, go on, fight for me, I'm injured here, I can't fight, go on," Stefen quickly realised the disadvantage of being a strong healthy young man being drafted into NS
"Bah, whatever, useless man," Luna sulked whilst still stroking the feathers of Little Whitey with him clearly not liking it yet tolerating it like that one cat that will only let their owner stroke it but proceed to tear the fingers off of everyone else who dares to think about doing so.
"Ay don't keep using that self healing ability, it damages you quite often in exc-OH GOD WILL YOU STOP THAT!" Ming didn't manage to finish his sentence again before that masked guy stabbed him again in order to get him to shut up. Probably. Didn't really succeed in him screaming out in pain and disgust again but maybe his point was just to get him to stop talking and doesn't care about what noises he makes.
Of course, our friendly neighbourhood heroes didn't let down their guards either, always keeping their weapon at the ready...but that masked guy just ignored them when he retrieved his own weapon from the half-dead Ming. Which, as our protagonists can now see clearly, is yet another sharp thorny breed of plants...bred as a weapon.
He walked past the hostile group of main characters, caring less to bat an eyelid at them and their flashy cool swords and spears and weapons (well nobody would know even if he did anyway given the whole mask situation and all), and instead staring right dead into the eyes his main target-the newly transformed Stefen Hua.
"You," He announced loud and clear with his now-revealed-to-sound-cool-and-calm voice, extending his hand such that an almost-sentient thorny vine could crawl up it and wrap itself around his hand like some parasite for him to use as a weapon. Weird.
"I want to make a deal with you. All I need is a sample of your blood, and I'll let you all go," He continued with his sexy and hot calm and cool demeanour and tone.
"Hah! And why should I-" Stefen was about to calmly reject thinking he's some anime protagonist with hot waifu cat girls, but then Sano quickly intervened with a "NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO WE'LL TAKE THE OFFER, CERTAINLY DON'T WANNA END UP WITH ANOTHER EPISODE OF GETTING ABSOLUTELY DESTROYED, DO WE? AH, YES YES YES YES YES WE WILL ACCEPT YOUR SO-KIND OFFER, MISTER MASKED, EHEHE," before glaring at Stefen Hua and muttering something under his breath directed at him, with a few cards swiveling around him restlessly possibly indicating his annoyance.
*deep obviously annoyed breath by Stefen* "Yes, yes, I will gladly give you my blood," He sighed before putting on that Roblox frustrated face realising that he's absolutely no match for this guy even with his newfound powers.
This guy is known to be cool, calm and rational, and always thinks logically to avoid having to do the most work. So if he could just beat them all up like the last time, why would he even bother to negotiate?
Stefen gasped (softly) in slight shock when he came to that realisation, turning to look at the one who suggested to surrender-only to find him poised with a card ready in hand from the back of the masked guy busily getting his syringe ready, completely unaware of what was about to happen.
No he wasn't. For such a smart and calculating, logical person, failing to foresee this surprise attack is suspicious...
Or maybe it isn't. Anyway get back to the story.
The six Pillars (and disciples) have already formed into defense position (haha defense pillars see what I did there), and this time they're defending not attacking. Leaving the offensive job to the injured here, haiya, how can these people be our Pillars? *sound you make when you tsk or something idk how to describe it*
And of course, calm as hell Luna is still petting Little Whitey like nothing's going on in that 'This is fine' meme-with that bird clearly getting more annoyed each passing second.
Suddenly, her calm hand caressing the smooth curvature of the body of her avian friend (ok nevermind I see now why I shouldn't overly describe) pulled away from petting...the bird and rose to mimic attempting to grab the air (but pointing at the masked man idk how to describe this), and soon Little Whitey fluttered forward in a flurry of feathers towards the masked dude, knocking against him and temporarily stumbling him.
Seizing the opportunity, Stefen quickly attempted to gather some form of Demongazer energy to attack, and actually succeeded with him conjuring some blackish-greenish energy Dragon ball...before hurling and completely missing.
Anyway the masked dude isn't an idiot either. Once he realised what was going on he-well, actually his thorn plant thing took root in the ground below him and spread across everywhere underground where no one can see, then suddenly sprouting out from everywhere to form some sort of thorny cage as more shoots forcefully curled themselves around the limbs of everyone else, preventing them from cutting the vines off.
The thorns of the vines stabbing into the flesh of everyone tied up like nails on a chair was probably why they couldn't use their magic attacks to cut it then...
Right now the masked dude looks really hot walking calmly along the square grid ground clearly marked out by vines-his vines-, as everyone is visibly struggling to break free from...surprise surprise, the vine cage!
Casually walking past everyone raging enough to want his head on a silver platter already, paying no heed to their powerless selves, this time visibly showing through the mask.
He sure took his time strolling past the exhibits of all his useless enemies who wanted to kill him but couldn't, finally arriving at the main specimen at the end of the room-Stefen Hua.
Wasting no time, he poised his syringe and grabbed the hand still held back by his vines, and prepared to draw the blood...
but then Stefen had to ruin the show of blood by seizing the opportunity to catch him by surprise and, channeling all his strength and magic into that single attack-punched the hell out of him so badly he flew all the way back to the entrance of the room and might have even coughed up blood if if wasn't for his mask-wait, why the hell is his mask so strong anyway?
Anyway, now that he's finally down the Pillars were now the ones to waste no time in...ensuring proper disposal.
Whilst they began swiftly beating him up so badly he couldn't even stand using unconventional means to interrogate him for his terrorism motives, Stefen was still in shock from having managed to deal such a heavy blow from what was once human hands.
Meanwhile Luna had resumed to petting Little Whitey...only now that bird didn't look like the whole world owed it, but rather...it looked like it enjoyed being pet like the good old dog innate in its soul.
Or maybe it was because Sano had started touching it rather affectionately right now. ...The two of them stroking a bird while some maniac masked man was about to kill them and everyone was fighting for their lives...sounds about right...
By the time Stefen regained his senses the Pillars were already done with the cop violence against criminals INTERROGATION and casted a spell to bind his ability to caat spells as well. Apparently even behind the mask they could tell he looked surprised, maybe because he didn't know there was such a spell and that's probably why he didn't use it earlier.
"Alright, now that we're done with all that, we can move on to the actual interrogation," Sicarius got up, dusting her fingers off.
"Wait, I thought you say you were interrogating just no-" Ming, who is definitely not actually injured and just pretending so he doesn't have to do anything all this while while everyone else fights for him, shouted from far behind.
"Ah, no, I mean, the SHARED interrogation, yes, that's right, anything you might like to add, mister?" Codeine quickly fixed the mistake commited by his master before glaring at the masked guy.
He didn't say anything. Not even turning away to avoid eye contact.
"Ah, confident, ah..." Fentanyl started to get a bit serious right now, his eyes flashing an ominous red, the very colour he used to hypnotise the librarian staff.
"Wait your hypnotism works on non-humans?" Stefen suddenly asked, realising a loophole in his logic.
"Actually it does but he's too strong, I just did that for fun, so don't ask me why I didn't hypnotise him just now," Fentanyl sheepishly admitted.
"Cheh..." Little Whitey, watching from behind the scenes while getting touched in all the right areas by a beautiful woman and a handsome man, said.
Ok nevermind point taken out the window goes overly describing scenes
0 notes
wbwoqlqxoxxms · 1 year
Yishun Revengers Episode 8 "Roses are red, violets are blue, cacti are prickly, damn, that escalated quickly,"
"Roses are red, your city is gone, I'm THOMAS, THE THERMONUCLEAR BOMB!"
-Thomas the thermonuclear bomb
And without any further explanation needed, Stefen launched himself onto Ming and forcefully pinned him to the ground, him now seething with rage.
"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO ME???" He yelled into Ming's face at the top of his lungs.
"Hey relax kiddo! I just gave you immense power, and this is how you treat me?" And then even after being pinned to the ground, he still want tok kok act like nothing happen liddat.
"Oh, so that's it? Hah, piece of cake, you know you have the ability to turn on and off that, right? Just focus..." Ming then laughed at his absurd request that was not absurd for some reason and that's why he laughed for some reason.
"..." Stefen paused and calmed down for a while, then quickly descended back into his normal human form, appearing like a completely normal human...before immediately changing back into his...Demongazer? or whatever Ming called it, form.
"Wait what, why the hell would you transform back to that form? Didn't you want to know how to transform back to your human form?"
"WELL I NEED TO BE PREPARED FOR COMBAT. ANY REASON WHY YOU'D GIVE ME THIS POWER FOR FREE? WHAT'S THE CATCH?" Stefen now wasn't really shouting at him but rather more being passive-aggresive and creepy.
"Eh, no reason at all, just wanted to test whether I could transfer my Demongazer self to someone else, ehehe," Ming did a really terrible fake-laugh even making all fake-laughs terrible.
And then at that exact moment to cover up the embarrassment, Ming transformed into his Demongazer form and weaseled away from under the hands of Stefen.
"Relax, bro, I'm not here to fight you, just here to...conduct some research..." Ming smiled and calmed Stefen down.
"Wait...where did that boy go?" Ming then realised that something was wrong-or, rather, someONE was wrong.
"Oh, finally ya'll realised that we have another pressing matter to attend to! You were arguing and fighting and killing each other forgetting THE ACTUAL REASON WE CAME HERE," Esse barked at them when they finally came to their worldly senses and stopped fighting.
"Ok ok whatever, so where's the boy anyway? AND WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?" Stefen then pointed in shock to the eagle perching viciously on the shoulder of the woman who was now released from the cage and standing proud and tall.
"That...bird...is the boy, that's also Little Whitey..." August reluctantly answered knowing the full shock both Demongazers would get.
"HUH. SIMIDAIJI." Stefen just got the biggest shock of his life...and also the biggest scoop of his life...
"Hah! I'll explain, misters, the boy you saw was my bird here who took the form of a boy in order to get help for me, and now he's back in the form of a bird! He really didn't have to be that annoying though..." That woman, dressed in a moderate Uniqlo tee and shorts, spoke.
"Hah! What the hell do you mean, 'tHaT BiRd'? Excuse me, I'll have you know I'm a Luminary Guardian!" That bird suddenly cawed and started talking like a normal being it looked like he was being remotely controlled by a ventriloquist.
"WOAH WOAH WOAH, NO NEED TO GIVE AWAY OUR ENTIRE LIFE STORY HERE, LITTLE WHITEY, CHILL, CHILL, CHILL," The woman suddenly desperately attempted to shut Little Whitey (who doesn't actually appear very white) up.
"Oh, you'd better explain, missy," Mendax who had been cautious of her from the start, now had a knife to her neck from the back where he had quietly snuck up to, and could cut both her neck and her bird's instantly if he wanted to.
"Well?" Mendax asked again, before deciding on her final verdict.
The woman sighed and asked Little Whitey to keep quiet, and began to tell her life story just as they intended.
"My name is Luna, and this is Little Whitey as you probably already know. Little Whitey is actually a Luminary Guardian as you've heard him say just now. I don't really know his life story, but I was born on 2001, and lived with my parents since birth-"
"STOP STOP STOP STOP STOP STOP, Listen, when I say I wanna hear your life story, I don't actually mean it, I don't actually care about what you did on the 23rd of April 2014 at 4pm, I just wanna understand what exactly you hear and why the hell you have a talking eagle with you," Mendax interrupted her from her back.
"Little Whitey is a Luminary Guardian, Luminary Guardians are beings with immense power but they need a host to channel that power, he found me one day and wanted me to be his vessel, I said yes, done, that's how I met him," Luna then quickly summarised her profile and Little Whitey's.
"Bruh," Little Whitey cawed an eagle caw.
"Well that was so much better, do that the next time," Laju thanked her subtly for summarising it up quickly.
"And what about your...Demongazoo or whatever, Ming, what about that?" Sicarius was now the one to hold a knife to Ming's neck in the exact way Mendax held one to Luna's.
"Eh, nothing special, just like August and Codeine, we're just another species that live on this island honestly, no need to look too much into it," Ming, this time unlike Luna, calmly and without flustering, explained his own species backstory to Sicarius.
"Fine, we'll believe you just this once," Sicarius then let him out of her knife's grasp.
"Wait, didn't Little Whitey say that there was this guy who kidnapped Luna? Well let's hurry before he-" No sooner had Stefen come to the realisation that they were still in Luna's kidnapper's domain had he gotten backstabbed again from the back by...the kidnapper.
And that kidnapper was none other than...that masked man in that black trenchcoat. That very same one as the one last seen in the library.
0 notes
wbwoqlqxoxxms · 1 year
Yishun Revengers Episode 7 "GWS"
"For some reason gws is an insult but kys isn't,"
-Asian mom logic
"Bukit Timah Hill, huh...weird place to set up a temporary headquarters...but then again, we've seen people make camps at WAYYYY stranger places. Oi kid, wher-" Esse was about to ask the kid to point the gang in the right direction when he suddenly burst out screaming, "WAAAHAHHAHA! It-it's Little Whitey! He's crying for help! Please, we have to save him!"
"WOAH WOAH WOAH CHEEL KID, CHILL, CHILL, also what the hell do you mean that little white guy is calling for help? You can hear him from wherever he is?" Codeine tried to calm the dude down who was now insanely crying like mad, and tried to reason with him about HOW THE HELL HE COULD HEAR THE CRIES OF HELP OF SOME ANIMAL FROM WHEREVER HE IS?
"Woo....I hear...he's there! Wah!" And then he just ran away quickly and rushed straight into A STONE WALL.
So it's either that he's dead and is a ghost or the Pillars are high and hallucinating, because he just straight-up phased through the STONE WALL.
"Wait what," Laju just questioned because she definitely, like the rest, had no idea what was going on or if this was another trick.
"What the actual..." Pertama couldn't even get to finish his sentence before the ang moh-wait, Ming, right, yeah, Ming-Ming (he's not tied up anymore obviously) also followed the boy and ran right into the stone wall-and just like him, phased right through.
"Um..." Sano questioned again, then summoned a card and forced the card into the stone wall-without much effort, since it phased right through as well.
"Well..." Sano stared at it for a while while the rest made weird, disgusted faces that probably meant they just didn't want to go in and were just waiting to declare him dead so that don't have to do work anymore.
Stefen, as if sensing this but not wanting to miss out on his next big scoop, grabbed Sunda's hand and before he could react, dashed right into the stone wall phaser, expecting the others to follow straight into rescue him...
as they did.
Once everyone had phased through the stone wall...it was kinda spectacular inside that wall though, with beautiful stone carvings on the stone walls of the interior. A large, spacious domain....which is mostly open space...what a terribly inefficient use of space...except for that one shaded part of the room where a woman was caged there, other than that it stretches out as far as the eye can see...and that little white guy is nowhere to be seen.
"Mommy! Please, guys, we have to save Mommy!" and ironically enough, the supposed 'mom' doesn't even look happy to see her son at all-in fact, she looks annoyed and disappointed, AS SHE SHOULD WITH HER ANNOYING AS HELL SON-
"Well, shouldn't we ac-" Stefen wanted to remind everyone what they came here for, but was then brutally interrupted...by Ming...who stabbed him from the back.
And not just with any ordinary knife. A retractable tentacle...that served as his hands...
Just as he pulled out the tentacle-knife did Stefen cough up blood like mad and fall over, clutching his stomach in pain and bleeding badly.
"Ugh...I knew this Ming guy wasn't to be trusted...AAGHHH!" Stefen muttered out his opinion which was probably the thing that got him stabbed in the first place.
But something strange happened just then. Before Sano could summon another healing card like he did at the library, his wound instantly healed-but not exactly in a good way.
His skin contorted and grew over the wound to cover it up and stop the bleeding, but that wasn't the end of it. His eye pupils dilated and went bloodshot.
His back shirt tore as proportional insect wings sprouted from his back and his forehead started growing oni-like pure white horns. His hands started clotting over with white blood bleeding from the hands themselves, and slowly forming the hands into strong muscular, pure-white hands.
At this point everyone was watching Stefen transform with weapons raised, not sure whether interrupting the transformation process would be best. Even Ming-though not to defend, but to admire his own wondrous creation.
All through the transformation, Stefen couldn't even scream-his vocal cords were changing as well, forcing him to be mute the entire time (though it was probably an evolutionary advantage because the noisy ones were considered annoying and killed).
When the transformation was finally over and Stefen gained back his senses and vocal cords, he felt around for his new body and effects, then realised just what exactly that Ming had done to him.
"What...the hell did you do to me?" Stefen screamed at him at the top of his lungs, demanding an explanation using his now-returned vocal cords.
"Ha! Be thankful! I have just bestowed upon you the power of the Demongazers!"
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wbwoqlqxoxxms · 1 year
Yishun Revengers Episode 6 "KYS"
"It means "keep yourself safe"!"
-Asian moms for no reason
"Ming...well, that's a pretty weird name for an ang moh, but whatever, fine," Esse pointed out the obvious (he's using a fake name duh), but just went along with it anyway because what choice does he have?
"What does "ang moh" even mean anyway? Jus-" Ming just opened his mouth to ask a very ignorant question
"Ang moh means white foreigner or Americans like you, now shaddup and let the mature adults get business done!"
"Jeez, ok, mate, no need to get rough," Then that Ming still want to act cock and act like everything isn't completely his fault (Like, how can it not be?)
"Ok ok whatever, you're annoying, but sadly, as Pillars, we have a right to escort you safely out of here, otherwise our 5 star review will go down like that one Polish fat cat when he stole that sausage and how I stole your mom last night-AHEM ANYWAY if you would be so kind, sir?" Sunda was about to rat off his mouth, then quickly stopped himself in the nick of time before an unwanted scene was about to be caused.
Ming made a face that was sort of like a cross between a snobby, annoying, spoiled rich kid not wanting to eat his vegetables and a man who's just disgusted with what he just saw.
"Don't worry, we're taking you back to the place you most belong in, the most cursed, CURSED place in the entirety of Singapore, *inhales*
Well. Have fun!" Laju finished with that one creepy dentist smile that is meant to be not so creepy now in this situation and context.
"Well, welcome to our...modest-not-so-modest Yishun HOUSE!" *excessively loud drumroll when August kept beating the table that sounded awfully similar to a drum*
"So. Now that we've gotten all the honorifics settled, actually I just realised we haven't but there's absolutely no reason for you to know what we are, ANYWAY, it's time for the REAL interrogation now, I WANNA KNOW, WHO THE HELL A-" Pertama was about to begin a rather violent, graphic and brutal "interrogation", had the doorbell not interrupted at the exact perfect time.
All ears within that room instantaneously shot up and the room fell silent for a while with everyone stuck in that exact position they were in, not doing anything.
And not doing anything.
And more not doing anything.
And more more not doing anything.
Then after a while of just not doing anything, Stefen cannot take the awkwardness liao, so he just walked up to the door and opened it before anyone can stop him.
"Wait-" Well, Sicarius wanted to, but then he already open door liao.
"Aiya ya'll so scared for what? It's just some random salesman here to sell some...insurance...OH WAIT-" Stefen then answered his own question and cut himself off mid-sentence.
"Hello sir! Would you like to-" That insurance guy just started talking, then soon was met with a "NO! SHUDDAP! GO AWAY! NEVER COME BACK!" and a loud door-slam by Sano, who is always the one to do things without knowing why.
"See lah, this is why we don't open the door until-" Sano wanted to explain things to Stefen, but then suddenly the doorbell ring again and that annoying insurance guy kept knocking furiously on the door.
"AIYA WHAT YOU WANT LAH I TELL YOU GO AWAY LIAO-" Mendax just prepared to answer the door to chase away the insurance agent again, but then he found something very intriguing-a young boy who was bowing and kneeling furiously before him.
"What the hell-" Mendax was about to ask before the boy then stopped bowing when he realised that the door was open, and looked up to him, teary-eyed.
"Wah...great Pillars! Please save my mommy! My mommy got kidnapped by a bad man who took her to his evil lair! Please save her....WOOOOOO!!!! WOOWOOOWOOO!!!" Then the kid started screaming and crying so loudly the whole of Yishun would think the Pillars were abusing and hitting him. Not that that's anything new anyway, this is Yishun after all.
"Whoa whoa whoa kid, calm down, why the hell are you screaming like the total defence day siren? That's our job, bro, don't steal it! AHEM ANYWAY you said your mommy was kidnapped, right? Well, as the Pillars of Total Defence or whatever, thas our job to save her and get their 5 star Yelp review! So, tell me, little kid, where did the man take your mommy?" Sicarius rushed in to explain the details and also get the explanation for the details.
"I...I think...we went hiking at Bukit Timah Hill...I think that's where he's keeping her..." The boy continued to cry but at least not so much now.
"Wait one question. Did you see what that man looked like or was wearing?" Sano had an epiphany (big word there) and quickly questioned the boy on the identity of his mother's kidnapper.
"Um, I dunno, he was wearing a black cap with black shirt and black pants, and sunglasses with a face mask," the boy responded.
"Doesn't sound like who I think it is," Sano shook his head in response as well.
"P-p-p-pl-please help me save Mommy! That bad man even took Little Whitey!" He even helped to add on more information they never knew they needed. (mainly because they wouldn't know it at all but eh)
"Little Whitey?" Codeine now got curious and pressed on for more.
"He's my favourite animal! He's so nice to me, and even gives me tasty treats and plays with me all the time! He can even talk with me-but I know you grown-ups won't believe it..." The boy's eyes temporarily flashed with a spark of excitement before quickly turning down again and flashing downcast.
"Well that sure sounds interesting," Codeine motioned to Ming who was still being tied up the entire time.
"Think he could know a thing or two?"
0 notes
wbwoqlqxoxxms · 1 year
0 notes
wbwoqlqxoxxms · 1 year
RULES! For playing Nacalevia, the card game, to the max!
Backstory: The God of Light is the king of all creatures on the land, and he has just defeated his nemesis the Lord of Darkness in a duel, so to celebrate, the God of Light has hosted a party and invited all creatures on the land to join him in feasting. However, 3 hours after the party had officially started, it was time for the cake-cutting ceremony, but the God of Light was nowhere to be found. The baker, who has baked the cake, went to the kitchen to find him, but he found his dead body lying lifeless on the kitchen counter, no blood, skin pale and cold, just dead. Because this is a party inviting literally everyone who is ever living, there are all manner of people here, so basically anyone could be a suspect. Also, because it's the God of Light, there's a possibility there might be magic involved... It's up to the players fo figure out who murdered the God of Light and bring the culprit to justice!
Objective: Get away with murder and successfully frame your opponent/bring your opponent to justice.
How to play: First, thoroughly shuffle the card deck, making sure that murder weapon cards, character cards, suspect cards, alibi cards, event cards etc are kept separate in their own decks. ALSO BE CAREFUL WITH THAT DECK I SPENT 30 SLEEPLESS NIGHTS ON THAT-
AHEM anyway, once you have thoroughly shuffled each card deck (handled with care of course), scramble all the other card decks EXCEPT for character card decks together, so that one deck contains character cards only and the other contains all the other cards.
Each player draws one character card from the deck to start the game, and displays their character card face up for everyone to see. Each player then draws 5 other cards from the assorted card deck and keeps them to their hand (not letting others see them).
Depending on your luck, you should have drawn at least one of the following card types-alibi, suspect, event, murder weapon, or item. (actually you sibeh lucky if you got all five sia)
Follow instructions on cards and play them as instructed.
A player is allowed to play one card each turn. A turn counts as ended when you have either played a card from your hand OR drawn a card from the deck.
Once a card has been played, discard the card into the discard pile (with its relevant effects played already, of course lah)
You may hold a maximum of 10 cards at any one time. Any additional cards must be either played or discarded.
Discarding extra cards does NOT count as a turn.
Certain characters might be able to use certain items or alibis while others cannot, depending on whether each of their numbers match.
The alibi card is meant to defend against the suspect accusation card of "Where were you during the scene of the crime?" (Timing suspect cards)
E.g. when the opposing player plays a timing suspect card, I can nullify its effects by playing an alibi card.
If I do not have an alibi card, (or otherwise other card that can prove my innocence) I go into Conviction State.
Conviction state-the player in this state draws two cards. If they still do not manage to obtain something that they can use to prove their innocence, then they go into Interrogation State.
Interrogation state-the player in this state is forbidden from making moves, only drawing cards. (1 card per turn). If they still do not manage to obtain a card to prove their innocence within 3 turns, (and the opponent has managed to obtain Concrete Evidence that they are the murderer) discard the character card as "guilty". However, if they have obtained a card that they can use to defend themself, they are alloeed to play that card. After playing the card, the player will either continue in the Guilty states or comtinue play as innocent.
Concrete Evidence cards must include a relevant murder weapon and motive. However, they must be played only after the opposing player has passed 2 turns. If the Concrete Evidence cards cannot be obtained after 2 turns, extend the opposing player's Interrogation State.
(note that all other suspect cards have the ability to bring the player into the above states if they do not have the relevant cards to defend against the accusations)
Item cards: Can be anything (useful obviously) ranging from a camera to a recording device to a DNA comparator, and just like the alibi cards, only certain character cards can operate the item cards. Such item cards can be used to prove yourself innocent or set dead evidence on someone else to be guilty.
How to determine proof or evidence for suspicion-the player who suspects or is trying to prove their innocence must pose a question that can only be answered with "true" or "false". After that, the opposing player decides which answer correlates to which coin side and flip the coin. The answer will follow accordingly with the coin toss result.
E.g. Player 1: The artist was painting during the time of the murder.
Player 2: Heads means true, tails means false.
*flips coin and it lands on tails*
Player 1 is lying and the artist was not painting during the time of the murder.
Such evidence can substitute for Motive cards, Alibi cards, Murder Weapon cards, if relevant. All reasonable answers will be accepted.
Once the result has been determined, discard the item card that the player used to obtain the evidence.
To defend against such an accusation, the player would have to use their own item card relatively to obtain evidence that they sre innocent.
IMPORTANT NOTE: On Item Cards, the number represents whether a character card can use it, not whether it can be used against a character card.
Relevant answers will immediately advance players to the next stage of guilty (e.g if they are in Conviction stage they advance to Interrogation stage, if they are in Interrogation stage they are sentenced as "guilty" provided the opposing player can play the relevant Murder Weapon cards and Motive cards with a Concrete Evidence Suspect Card.
Murder weapon cards: Can be used to lay evidence that opposing player is the murderer (however, only works on characters with certain character traits, e.g. if the warrior is bad with handling poison, then poison cannot be the murder weapon if the warrior is the current character card on play.) Same effects apply as with suspect cards if the murder weapon tallies, they are sent into conviction and interrogation stage.
Motive cards follow the same rules as Murder Weapon cards (see above).
Also suspect cards available: (Groundless accusations, timing suspect cards, witness suspect cards, event suspect cards, concrete evidence suspect cards)
Groundless accusations defence: Any alibi or item cards will defend the player against Groundless Accusations cards.
Timing suspect cards: Relevant alibis (do note that more than one type of character card can use each alibi card)
Witness suspect cards: (cards played when player has witnesses who say they saw the opposing player murder) play Lack Of Credentials cards to nullify the witness's claims.
Concrete Evidence Suspect cards: At that point, if the opposing player already has the relevant Motive cards and Murder Weapon cards, your character card is instantly sentenced as "guilty". However, Concrete Evidence Suspect cards can only be played once the opposing player has entered Interrogation state, as well as with the relevant Murder Weapon cards and Motive cards. Once the player has obtained the relevant Murder Weapon and Motive cards, the opposing player cannot play any cards to defend themselves.
When played with all kinds of Suspect cards, the player may choose to also play a suspect card against the opposing player, bringing them both into the Conviction State (if both do not have relevant cards to prove their innocence), and the relevant rules apply.
How to tell if a card is compatible with a certain murder weapon or alibi-the alibi or murder weapon card should have a number (1-4). If the number on the alibi or murder weapon card matches the number on the character card, it is compatible. E.g. the swordsman card has the number 2, it is compatible with the murder weapon card of the knife with a 2 for its number as well, but the swordsman card is not compatible with the "sleeping" alibi card because the alibi card has the number 3.
Note that cards with the "U" sign are universal and compatible with all character cards.
Same rules apply as with other suspect cards when the player has no cards to defend themselves when the suspect card is played: They go into Conviction then Interrogation state, and if they still cannot defend themselves with the relevant cards when the opponent has already obtained a Concrete Evidence Suspect Card with the relevant Concrete Evidence Cards, they are sentenced and have to discard that character card as "guilty".
However, if they CAN indeed obtain cards such as an Alibi card that prove their innocence, they go back into normal state and are free from both Interrogation and Conviction state, and the game continues as per normal before the player was brought into the relevant states.
Lack of Credentials Cards: Cards that can be used to nullify Witness Suspect Cards (i.e. Witness is unreliable as he has a history of lying, witness is colluding with (player), etc)
Ally Cards, Player gets to draw another character card. Same rules apply as with the first (unless otherwise stated on the Ally Card)
Special Ally Card rule: If a player obtains all 4 Ally Cards of different designs on their hand, they may play it to immediately sentence a Character Card of the opposing player as "guilty", without the need for Concrete Evidence or Suspect Cards. Such a cardplay cannot be defended against with any cards whatsoever.
Concrete Evidence: In order to sentence a character card as "guilty", the player must have at least one Concrete Evidence card. Concrete Evidence cards can be upgraded from Murder Weapon Cards and Motive Cards. However, they cannot be played on their own, and must be played together with a Concrete Evidence Suspect Card in order to suspect the opposing player.
When all character cards have been discarded as "guilty", the opposing player wins the match.
Have fun!
0 notes
wbwoqlqxoxxms · 1 year
Yishun Revengers Episode 5 "OMAE WA SHINDERU"
"Roses are red, the sun gives off heat...if your legs are tired, you can use my face as a seat,"
-internet poetry rizz
"Whatever, can you use your card powers or something to heal us or something?" Mendax acted rather impatiently.
"I...mean...I can but...." Sano the card man stuttered and stammered, stumbling over his line of speech.
"Then just heal us quick, oh god we're half-dead here," August came in again with his other speech.
"Ok ok ok, jeez, no need to be so...well, whatever," Then Sano summoned another greenish looking card this time, clasped it in his hand tightly, closed his eyes, and then let it let out a bright light and blinded everyone temporarily-and when the light faded, all the injuries everyone had sustained...POOF! DISAPPEARED!
Like really sia. All the blood and the wounds and the stabby stabby disappeared and were healed instantly. Damn, this man is a one good healer!
"Eh, good enough healing," Sunda stands up on his legs and stretches his arms, feeling his hands like he's just gotten transfered to a new body.
"So...Sano, was it? Who are you exactly?" Esse questioned passive-aggresively.
"Ah, you want to know more about...?" Sano just dodged the question...by posing another question.
"That Nacalevia you mentioned. What is it?" Pertama continued as the one who first started all the questioning.
"Ah, so you want to know more about Nacalevia. Well, long story short, Nacalevia is a murder mystery collection card game many kids like to play!" He finished with a bright smile to divert our attention to how 'immature' he acts.
Sunda also smiled back. "That still doesn't tell us why you can wield the powers of the cards,"
"Oh...uh...ehehe...uh...that...is a story for another day! Why don't we talk about...um...*darts eyes to the unconscious man in the cage* ah! That guy! Right there! In the cage!" Sano very not-so-subtly evaded and dodged the question.
But it was true though. That man in the cage...whoever managed to catch the attention of such a strong masked guy to make him take over an entire library just to study him is...not a simple person...
At this moment all 13 pairs of eyes were glanced towards his direction, staring at that mysterious man who just indirectly almost killed them all.
That unconscious man...who...doesn't exactly appear unconscious now...he's getting up...
Sunda and Fentanyl each stepped up and forward and readied their weapons, just in case he turns out to be another masked man who is hell-bent on killing them all.
"Guhguhguhguhguhguh...whoooshhh," The caged man said which suddenly made him feel like not so much of a threat now.
Wait no! It's just a trick to get them to lower their guard!
Sunda signaled then slowly lowered his weapon and carefully asked, "Sir, do you know where you are?"
"What...I dunno, where AM I..." He answered in a fuzzy-headed way as he slowly stretched his limbs and looked around to get a clear view.
"Sir, you are in Sengkang Public Library," Esse answered for him as he too lowered his weapon, then helped him out of the cage with the man's stiff, not-stretched-enough limbs not being able to himself.
"Sengkang Public Library...where's that?" He asked which clearly gave away the fact that he's either a foreigner or hit his head too hard in that cage.
Well, he sure doesn't look like a foreigner though, he's shirtless, yes, but his shorts are those classic budget Uniqlo shorts, his eyes are brown, his hair is typically Asian...doesn't look like a foreginer at all. Well, he could be an Asian foreigner...but they would know where Sengkang Public Library is...usually...
"Uh...in Singapore..." August confirmed its specific location for him to verify his identity for the squad.
"Ah...Singapore...in China, right?" Yep. He's a foreigner.
And at that exact moment, Stefen, who had been watching from the back, burst out into laughter, knowing full well the damn trouble that man just got himself into.
"Ah...say that again," Mendax smiled for a while at him and then turned strict-teacher stare.
"Yeah, but...Singapore is in China, right?" The confused man, still clueless as to what is about to come, asked innocently.
"SAY. THAT. AGAIN. " Pertama was now the one to take over Mendax's earlier role and get involved in the interrogation personally, becoming much fiercer and putting on that creepy fake smile your mom gives you when she see you got B for Maths again before she whip out the cane again.
"OHHH! I know! Singapore is actually in Thailand, right? Ahhhhhh, that makes sense now!" He came to that sudden revelation that was just another nonsensical statement.
"Looks like someone failed geography class...and every other class..." Stefen remarked with Kiefer hysterically laughing, then almost on cue, the two Pillars Sicarius and Laju stepped forward and showed themselves, then proceeded to properly educate this young man on his manners by grabbing the nearest knife that masked man left behind and straight up angling it at his neck at the absolute perfect position.
"Bro what the hell? You getting so mad over some backwater poor third-world country?" He still like don't understand how dead he already is liao leh. Haiz...
"Wah wah wah, this one still want tok kok ah, wa lao eh," Laju told the rest of the crew about that man's current situation in a few words.
"Listen up, you uneducated ang moh, you dunno anything one issok, but at least you don't still run your mouth talking back about our territory in OUR TERRITORY. I'll have you know that we're not some backwater POOR THIRD-WORLD COUNTRY, WE ARE ONE OF THE FASTEST DEVELOPING COUNTRIES IN THE WORLD, WE ARE RICH, AND WE ARE A COUNTRY ON OUR OWN, WE ARE NOT PART OF CHINA OR THAILAND OR MALAYSIA, SO YOU BETTER NOT SAY ANYTHING MORE OR I'LL-" Sicarius then went absolute mad and delivered a whole speech on why he was wrong, then pressing the knife into his skin so hard he started bleeding.
And now finally at this point the ang moh was scared for his absolute life and shivering and cowering in fear, screaming, "AAOWOWKSKKZKSK NO NO NO NO NO I'M TOO YOUNG TO DIE PLEASE LET ME GO!"
"Recite the pledge!" Sano butted in from the back while watching all the drama, shouting in a suggestion.
Sicarius looked up at Sano, then immediately looked back down at the ang moh. "Recite the pledge!" She shouted louder into his hrad in case he couldn't hear Sano from that far, pressing the knife even harder into his neck flesh.
"Uh...I dunno your Singaporean pledge...I am American..." The ang moh said in a rather nothing-I-can-do tone.
"Then sing the best NDP song!" Stefen now suggested from the back as well, copying what Sano did, arms folded and all.
"Yeah! Sing Stronger Together!" Sicarius repeated that but now in her own opinion.
"What no, I meant to say Tommorow's Here Today, THAT'S the best NDP song," Stefen quickly refuted Sicarius' statement and insisted on his own opinion.
"You must be kidding me, obviously the best NDP song is What Do You See, obviously!" Now Sunda had his arms folded and eyes downcast, saying his own piece of the...heated conversation.
"Hah! Was that sarcastic? The best NDP song is definitely Our Singapore lah!" Esse purposely added his opinion to the mix after Sunda did.
"Oh, I'm sorry, was that the 2015 JJ Lin one or the 2019 crowd-sung one? Cos they remixed it so many times there are at least 4 versions of it, which one are you talking about? Obviously the best one is We Are Singapore lah!" Codeine, who's stayed quiet most of the whole time just now, just spoke to remind people of his existence.
"Oh, you mean that song whose chorus is literally just filler lyrics? I mean, what the hell is "This is my country, this is my flag, this is my future, this is my WHATEVER! Believe in a better, more superior song, like Because It's Singapore!" August the technical birthday boy himself has spoken, but that sure hasn't shut people up.
"Aiya, no lah, Stronger Together is better!"
"Confirm What Do You See is best!"
"Tommorow's Here Today lah!"
*vicious and graphic fighting over which is the true superior NDP song*
Meanwhile while everyone else is fighting over NDP songs, Sano advanced to the befriending stage with the ang moh, bending down and kneeling in front of his still shocked from the shock and neck still bleeding body, in order to discuss the more important things.
"What the hell is an NDP song..."that ang moh muttered under his breath, as quietly as possible to avoid alerting the Pillars fighting there.
"Never heard of people who actually listen to NDP songs.. but they are the Pillars of Total Defence, so..." Sano mumbled under his breath all the same too.
"You. How should we address you?" He then raised a finger and pointed menacingly at the ang moh, demanding to know his name.
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wbwoqlqxoxxms · 1 year
Yishun Revengers Episode 4 "Shine your light to blind Malaysia"
"Ain't no way they legit said "One light, one love, one destiny" in a NDP song 💀"
"Oh...uh...is it too late to back out now? Uh..." Stefen hesitantly asked on seeing what that guy did to this library and what he's also doing now.
On hearing Stefen's loud noise (that man can't learn how to whisper) the masked man stopped the blood drawing process from the man, got up and slowly walked over to where they were.
And on seeing this, the six Pillars and their well-trained disciples immediately got their weapons ready and went into combat mode, ready to fight at any time.
Aaaannnndddd then of course! Stefen immediately hid behind the Pillars like a scared little 3-year old kid that hides behind his mother when he meets strangers.
And then on closer inspection now that the masked man's come closer, Sicarius could clearly make out scorpion horns (scorpions don't have horns) on his head (slightly different from the ones August has), and of course, he must move fast, because from the moment she managed to see clearly those scorpion horns, nobody even had enough time to react before he rushed forward and incapacitated her so fast nobody had time to see how he even did it.
Then Sicarius, now half-dead, just fell to the floor in a pool of blood and half-dieded on the floor.
Oh dang. Eh, our friendly neighbourhood heroes can worry about that later.
Yeah...cos they don't even have enough time to react, let alone worry...
Cos no sooner that Mendax had raised his weapon higher in defence was he then brutally incapacitated just like Sicarius had, and then half-dieded just like her. Again, it's so fast nobody can even see what really happened.
Then the same thing happened to everyone else (or, at least, everyone else who was armed with a weapon), all incapacitated, bleeding badly, unable to fight-this man did that to all six Pillars of total defence and three of their four disciples across the span of less than 30 seconds.
Strangely enough, the man seemed to leave Kiefer and Stefen alone, as emotionless as he acted to be behind his already emotionless mask. Completely devoid of emotions...
"Who the hell...is this man???" Mendax spat out a few words of question while half-dead lying on the floor.
"That man...*Laju points to the unconscious man in the animal cage* he can't be any...easy one to deal with too..."
Aaaannnndddd nevermind. He's NOT leaving Stefen and Kiefer alone AT ALL. Instead, he's...analysing them to ensure they don't sneak an ambush or a trap on him...cos...they're unknown variables...
This man is definitely not human...
Right, and he's already ascertained that Stefen is indeed, just an ordinary human (fefinitely unlike whatever he is), and is preparing to strike them...and Stefen hasn't grown the brains to run away...and are instead cowering in fear...
"BWNMWKQKSK DON'T KILL ME DON'T KILL ME!" Like they both simultaneously shout together.
"Bruh...can't we just die in peace here..." Pertama mumbled from behind the man.
The masked man then stabbed Stefen with a knife he hid in his trenchcoat pocket (not kill or incapacitate like the rest, maybe he's a sadist wanting to enjoy the look of pain on his victim's faces)
Stefen coughed up blood badly (possibly stabbed in liver, though that would be life-threatening unlike the Pillars who were only incapacitated) and clutched his stomach area in pain and blood as the masked man forcibly removed the knife.
"Auuugghhh..." Stefen liked bled-out-said-out.
Fortunately, all hope was not lost. Just as the man was about to target August (who never grew the brains to just run away), another mysterious man had descended from the skies above, hitting the masked man with a water bomb and diverting his attention away.
And this water bomb is weird, it even flowed back to the mysterious man now standing on a bookshelf, and the water bomb flowed back to him and circled him with water traces before fusing into his outstretched hand and disappearing there.
The masked man's full attention was now on the mysterious water-card man, staring at him intently while he summoned yet another card, this time infused with fire.
And as usual, once the masked man had completed his analysis of the new unknown variable before him and found a weakness, he charged forward to get rid of this newcomer.
And yet another surprise pulled by this newcomer this time-he summoned another card (lightning infused this time) and straight up fused with it as well, with a single burst of bright light and electric shocks, he went from the plain white shirt and shorts and ordinary look to someone straight out from an anime! Purple hair standing up straight but curved back to form horns, exquisite purple suit and tie with black pants, and most importantly-a sword crackling with electrical volts definitely higher than (at least) 250.
Without another single word, both of the men charged at each other once and for all, hitting each other with all they've got. The masked man, faced with a worthy adversary, finally revealing his true weapon-biologically enhanced Capricious Favonius, an insect-eating parasitic plant.
The mysterious card man isn't one to back down, either-carefully planning electric shocks to deal the most damage to his opponent at perfect timings.
With each swing of the sword and each dodged attack and each parasitic plant cut off, the battle grew more and more intense-until the card man pulled out his final trump card (a card indeed)-a glowing, light shining card, and infused it with his sword, and without any explanation, stabbed it right into the heart of the masked man while he was caught unaware.
And before you ask why don't our Pillars do anything, hey, they're injured, don't ask the wounded to fight!
Anyway. With the stab through his heart, the masked man finally was the one to fall to the ground half-dead-except that after he did that, he completely turned into nothingness and disappeared.
...They've been fighting an illusion this whole time.
Well, at least the crisis is over for now and the enemy is cleared. That card man (back to his original form of plain white clothes and shorts, maybe he can't sustain such a form for long) seems to be quite pleased with himself for defeating that guy when the Pillars couldn't...
"Who are you?" Pertama demanded to know this mysterious card man's identity.
"Hey relax! Didn't I just save your life? You could at least be a little grateful I fought that guy while you were all here dying!" He threw his hands in the air like a smirking yet innocent criminal.
"WHO. ARE. YOU." Pertama showed no signs of wanting to play along with him.
"Alright alright, if you really wanna know...address me as Sano, the master of Nacavelia,"
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wbwoqlqxoxxms · 1 year
Yishun Revengers Episode 3 "Triple murder double burger single mother case"
"Snickers! *removes the n* Sickers! *removes the s and puts back the n* Sikers! *removes the s* ni-"
-random man on the internet
"Uh....actually, good sirs and mams...or furries and pillars...can you help me with one more thing?" Stefen Hua like 有点不好意思地说.
"What lah," Esse asked, as he moved the queen to a position where it would confirm plus chop get eaten one.
"Actually ah...there have been cases of...um...something weird happening in Sengkang Public Library...I'm just gonna pretend it's Yishun and gaslight the viewers...ehehe..." Stefen Hua laugh it off like very sus liddat.
"Why don't you just film at the actual cursed places of Yishun instead of gaslighting the viewers?" Sunda questioned and then ate Esse's queen with his rook.
"I...scared mah, whatever happens in Sengkang is definitely less scary than Yishun what..." Stefen answered truthfully.
"Mm. Whatever. We'll go with you later." Esse mumbled before checkmating Sunda in a trap he didn't realise when he ate his queen.
"Damnit! Ok fine let's go now, Stefen!" Sunda like sore loser liddat.
(Also August, Mendax and Laju who bet all their life savings on him 💀)
"AH AH AH WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT FOR ME I WANNA GO TOO!" That 9/11 HIHS Sec 1 boy just popped out of nowhere and subtly not-so-subtly demanded that they bring him as well. Kiefer, was it?
"Yeah yeah yeah whatever, you've got our protection anyway, nothing bad will happen one lah!" Mendax took one look at him and spoke dismissively.
"Go back first, ok?" Stefen like UWU told the assistant to go back, cos the boys (and girls) are about to get into serious business now, ain't no space for a random camera assistant guy here!
"Bruh...Sir, for the gazillionth time for the love of SPF, NO, THE LIBRARY IS UNDER LOCKDOWN, I DUNNO WHY, YOU CAN'T JUST GO IN, STOP ASKING WHY, STOP ASKING TO GO IN!" Wa lao eh, the library staff like so tok cok liddat leh, say no means no. We got business to get done here, buddy!
"What a pity...that was supposed to be my last...friendly...attempt to get in before you so rudely turned me down...then, don't blame me," Esse talked like a badass powerful guy-in-charge.
Then before anyone could say anything, his eyes flashed bright red, and then he stepped forward and covered the staff's forehead and eyes and his eyes flashed bright red again, then suddenly all the people in the vicinity got on their knees and kneeled down, like they were in a trance.
"Um..." Codeine questioned, despite not literally being Esse's disciple.
"Walao, you know I have hypnotising powers one lah, don't act like you dunno anything leh!" Fentanyl then affirmingly replied.
"Siao ah, the Pillar or Psychological Defence, hypnotising people...sure, sure, we can leave our country to these people to defend..." Kiefer side-remarked.
And so, with the security disabled, in our heroes went...
and in they would soon find something much worse than your average Yishun cat.
In they found...the entire library turned upside down (or upside-down depending on where you live but honestly who cares about that).
Actual, turned completely upside down. Books literally flying all around and scattered messily across the entire library, the shelves are arranged disorderly and left over the place (in fact, the only reason why they aren't flying around is probably because they're too heavy for that), the walls are scribbled with numbers and drawings like it's a kid's artwork, the CD players are all carelessly placed...the list goes on and on...
And in the heart of the library-a man sitting comfortably on a table, engrossed in writing data onto multiple messy papers on his desk. From afar, it seems hard to tell the man's bodily details, but a few things are clear-he's wearing a white mask covering his entire face, which is rather lacking in details save for the two holes for his eyes, a black top magician's hat, and a black trenchcoat (probably the reason why the air con is set so low here) with black gloves.
All that was really hot and entrancing, but what really caught the attention of our friendly neighbourhood heroes was the man in the animal cage-knocked unconscious, with multiple IV drips attached to his body.
The masked man then clicked his pen away and took out a syringe, and stabbed it in the blood vessel of the man-to reveal his blood being absorbed in the syringe. It was white.
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wbwoqlqxoxxms · 1 year
Yishun Revengers Episode 2 "The Orange Luat"
"Well, you ask why we stay in this horrendous neighbourhood? That has to do with our identities-you see, we are actually the six pillars of total defence, I'm Fentanyl, Psychological, that's Mendax, Digital, Sunda, Economic, Laju, Social, Sicarius, Civil, and Pertama, Military." The man in black eent around doing a self-introduction and everyone-else-introduction.
"Then what about those rabbit furries and that plain-looking guy?" Stefen asked.
"That big rabbit in yellow is Codeine, the plain-looking one is August, and I forgot the other two..." Fentanyl replied not-so embarrassingly.
"Anyway. Back to the topic. I'll tell you one story we all know happened...
One day the others and I were walking back home, enjoying ice kachang on a hot day, when suddenly, we heard a loud noise! A loud, thunderous, resounding, banging noise!
So we all, instinctively, looked up to the sky, and, to our horror, saw a whole plane going haywire and about to crash into the Northpoint City building, and, of course, in the pilot seat of the plane, there was some idiot sec 1 boy from HIHS, *the boy from just now looks away sheepishly*
So of course, seeing such an imminent threat, we rushed to stop the plane, and just in time, used our powers to prevent it from crashing, ahaha, look at us, such model citizens, huh? Ahhahaah,"
"Yeah, but what are they doing, anyway? They're not pillars, right?" Stefen pointed to Codeine and August, posing the question.
"They're our disciples. We're training them to learn our skills so we can relax while they do all the hard work for us, " The one named Sunda casually explained it.
Well, those non-pillars don't look too annoyed with what he said either...do they owe them some kind of debt?
Just while Stefen was deep in thought, the kid from before who ignored him rudely tapped on his shoulder from behind, and offered to finish the explanation for Fentanyl now.
Stefen positioned the camera, then "ACTIONED" him.
"Well, so you see, exactly because such dangerous activities happen at this cursed town of Yishun, so our beloved heroes the Pillars have to stay in Yishun in order to defend this weak part of our country!"
Just as the boy finished the speech, he ran right into the arms of a grown woman Stefen barely knew existed behind them, shouting loudly, "SEE LAH CHER, I AM KIEFER LEH, I GOT STUDY ONE LAH NOT ALWAYS DRIVING PLANES INTO BUILDINGS ONE!" and then running away while the grown woman chases him.
"So...yeah, there's that, you've got your reasoning, can leave us alone now?" Sunda impatiently remarked.
Stefen finished recording and wrapping up the last tracks, then replied with a cute UWU wink. (that was not cute and uwu)
Uh oh, looks like my man is already starting under the influence of the curse of Yishun...
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