wcrbeckds ¡ 8 years
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           “well i suppose i can be quite the TRENDSETTER.” he commented dryly, a smirk tugging at the corners of his mouth. “and can i say, we ALL appreciate what your mother has instilled in you, giving us something relatively good to look at in the mornings. most of us look like we’ve rolled out of bed -- which, most times, we have.” he shrugged. 
       “Well, I hope you start a TREND among the male peasantry of this school,” Emory teased. “And breakfast is always better than shaving. I wouldn’t know, I suppose. My mother has instilled her horrible lesson to always look my BEST, even if it means, unfortunately, missing breakfast.”
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wcrbeckds ¡ 8 years
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           “why rise above when i can SINK into bed?”
      “Well, who WOULDN’T?” Molly countered, raising a brow. “You’ve got to rise above all that.”
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wcrbeckds ¡ 8 years
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           ansem shrugged. he hadn’t expected him to come up with a way to schedule bouts of illness { who could? } but as far as he was concerned, he’d done his due diligence. had a word with him, as expected. now he could nap without worrying that andromeda would get on his case about skivving off from the job. “oi, so long as you’ve got someone willing to step in for you if you get sick again,” he shrugged, “it won’t bother me any.” stifling a yawn, he nodded his head when remus asked about the day. every day seemed long lately, given how much STRESS seemed to radiate off of everyone in the castle. “something like that, yea. i need a holiday... is it christmas yet?”
oh, crap. he completely forgot about his rounds. it wasn’t the first time ( or the second or third.. ) that it happened, but he still felt a bit bad about it. and it made him wonder AGAIN why dumbledore picked him to be a prefect, knowing that once a month he wouldn’t be able to do any of the responsibilities that came with it. “ ━ i know,” he sighed. “for once the rumour is actually true. but unfortunately i can’t schedule something like that,” ( he could, though, schedule his rounds to not be on a night of a full moon or a few days after; he just needed to remember to do it ) remus shrugged with a small smile, quickly letting go of his quill to catch the chocolate frog that was thrown to him. ansem was actually fine, remus decided. he raised an eyebrow as he watched the slytherin, amused. “long day?”
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wcrbeckds ¡ 8 years
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        “eh, it looks alright. i was just having a go -- you make it TOO easy.”
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   “ not even once. I asked your opinion in the first place didn’t I?”
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wcrbeckds ¡ 8 years
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            “not EVERYONE on chocolate frog cards is dead.” ansem pointed out. “look at dumbledore -- he’s been on those cards for AGES, and he’s still alive and well. barely looks a day over 400.” he cracked a smile as he shrugged his shoulders. he liked dumbledore well enough, but the joke was an easy one to make. he hadn’t been able to resist. “now if you came back to haunt,” he questioned, pausing to give it thought, “you wouldn’t be about to TOUCH it, would you? the cat, i mean, given that you’d be a ghost.” he shrugged. “books tend to fly straight through moaning myrtle -- not that I have ever done it -- and i’ve seen the baron float through a bunch of first years before.” he sniggered. “now that was funny.”
“eh, i dunno, depends on who you get, i reckon.” ansem replied with a shrug. thinking about the future, about what was in store for them after hogwarts, made him feel queasy. he knew what was expected of him -- what he DIDN’T want -- but he wasn’t quite sure how to get out of it either. “just a few weeks ago students were killed on his watch.” ansem reminded her. “i wouldn’t underestimate anything at this point. as for me... i dunno, really. i’m half tempted to skiv off and leave the country.”
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           “ i suppose it could be the same concept as a chocolate frog card, except they don’t collect money… i think. “ alice replied with a slight roll of her shoulders understanding the muggle world was a challenge which was perhaps the very reason she enjoyed their literature, all of the stories. “ if anything we should give them points for ingenuity can’t we? they are bloody ENTERTAINING. “ she stated with a soft smile before sighing. alice dramatically groaned. “ oh no… if that THING becomes a king on any level. i’d be done for, death by CAT that will be one for the history books. I’d come back to HAUNT that’s one thing i’m sure of. pull his tail and make him miserable that would be my revenge. “ 
“ do you think they’d be BOTHERED if i asked a few questions? after all next year will be my LAST and well the auror route has always been the most appealing. “ protecting others, it was what felt right it was what she was born to do, she believed that deeply.  “ searches… what exactly could they find? we have DUMBLEDORE. i doubt that anything terrible could happen under his nose. “ her mind did however drift to what she and a few of her friends were up to when concerned with dumbledore, many of her house mates like her had a clear plan and that joining the order and FIGHTING. “ you have any idea what you want to do once your out? “ she questioned curiously as she glanced in his direction.
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wcrbeckds ¡ 8 years
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             ansem couldn’t help but raise his eyebrows. he’d heard the whispers of course, that sirius black had practically been BLASTED off the family tree for something or another, but hearing it near confirmed was a different story. had ansem not taken the mark, he probably would have ended up in a similar position. “ah, howlers, can’t say i’ve ever experienced one.” he remarked after a moments pause. “my mother would never want to, ah, air her DIRTY LAUNDRY so publicly. she reserves her scathing comments for print, or visits home.” while he’d been annoyed with him just moments ago, he couldn’t help but relate -- both of their families were... questionable, to say the least, but at least sirius had managed to break FREE of all that. ansem, on the other hand, hadn’t been quite so lucky. 
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Sirius quickly realized he had struck a nerve with the Slytherin. He hadn’t meant to. He was just going off of what he saw from the other prefects and head boys and girls. He figured Ansem was striving to be the best. But when Ansem mentioned his mother and brother, Sirius realized that maybe they were more alike than he had originally thought. Sirius was too quick to judge sometimes. It was too easy to judge other Slytherins and Purebloods and act like he knew exactly what they were because they were what he had grown up around. But himself and James should have been evidence enough against that. Sirius laughed. “You ought to be relieved. My mum never sends me letters and if she does, it’s a howler reminding me how much of a disappointment I am to the entire family.” He didn’t know why he chose to divulge that information. Ansem was on the other side. Ansem would agree with his mother. And yet, once the words were out of his mouth, he couldn’t take them back.
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wcrbeckds ¡ 8 years
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       “were you DROPPED on your head as a child? EVERYONE cares about quidditch, or, if they don’t care about the sport, they at least have enough HOUSE PRIDE to want to win the match.”
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“I’m going to be you 20 galleons that whatever the outcome of the game is, I’ll still care absolutely nothing about quidditch. Everything you just said? Nails on a chalkboard to me.”
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wcrbeckds ¡ 8 years
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         “rumor has it that the next quidditch match is going to be SLYTHERIN vs GRYFFINDOR. if the past is any indication, it’s sure to be a BLOODY one... but i’d still bet 20 galleons on us for the WIN.”
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wcrbeckds ¡ 8 years
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          “you can believe in me. I believe i’d much rather be taking a nap.”
  Molly glanced up and then laughed a bit, shrugging her shoulders. “I’m just glad someone is being TAUGHT not to litter around the library,” she said, shaking her head. “Even if you had to delegate it. One day you’ll stop those fifth years all on your own, Ansem. I believe in you.”
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wcrbeckds ¡ 8 years
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        “there are dead muggles on their money?” he blinked, shaking his head as he tried to understand that one. he’d chosen to take arithmacy rather than muggle studies, and he’d never regretted that choice.... except every day when arithmacy threatened to do his head in. “just when i think they can’t get any odder, they manage to one-up themselves. FASCINATING.” he simply shook his head again, deciding it would be best not to even question it. muggles were beings he would never truly understand, and maybe that was for the best. “guardians of the underworld sounds about right. perhaps your cat could be the supreme ruler.”
“crawling would be an understatement. i have a feeling we’ll be tripping over them everywhere we go. i’m sure there’ll be searches too, which will require paperwork.” he shuddered. “merlin, i HATE paperwork. sometimes i swear andromeda sticks me with it just to do my head in.” or because he left his all by the side and it built up for weeks, but he wasn’t about to own up to that. “oh, sure, and i suppose it is our last year... last opportunity for these things.”
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            alice softly snorted, she too had the same reaction most of the time muggles were strange but she also figured that did they know about the existence of wizards they’d find them just as STRANGE as they did. still it was rather fascinating exploring the muggle world had been fun when she was younger asking them questions and trying to order a cappuccino whatever that was. “ i didn’t exactly ask, all i wanted was HELP with money. they have so many bloody colors on it and the pictures of dead muggles on them. you know they are much more morbid than we like to think. “ she stated with a roll of her shoulders. “ it’s all cats, if i’ve learned anything it’s that the egyptians had the right idea. having them be guardians of the UNDERWORLD. “ she dramatically stated before scrunching up her nose.
“ that bad? “ she teased at her response before laughing happily. she’d let it slide realizing he was probably right. besides it wasn’t like she was difficult to read, alice wore her heart on her sleeve. her PASSIONS were clearly distinguishable be it a close friend or not.  “ that’s true, if we can count on anything it’s that HONEYDUKES is still there. even if hogsmeade is now crawling with aurors. “ she understood that the idea of the aurors being around was to keep them safe but alice felt everything but.  if they were around it meant that things were even more awful than any of them could ever have imagined. that was the downside with being LOCKED up for most of the year. “ but can’t let that be a downer, besides the last thing that should ever go should be FAITH. things will pick up… i’m sure of it. “
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wcrbeckds ¡ 8 years
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         “what can i say? rosario is a lucky lady. i call this the ‘overslept and had to pick between shaving and breakfast’ look. i’ll let you figure out for yourself what CHOICE i made.”
   “Oh, yes, yes, is that a new beard growing in? I quite like the stubble. I’m sure Rosa is THRILLED to have such a rugged man.”
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wcrbeckds ¡ 8 years
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          ansem heaved a sigh. he expected better of sirius black, and he was sure that it was written all over his face. “that’s not even a CLEVER insult. i’ve heard that about a dozen times since this morning, and that’s only counting the letter from mother.” his face remained impassive, though his blood was boiling on the inside. he was sick and tired of constantly being underestimated, or belittled, simply because he WASN’T tripping over his own feet to be the best of the best. the fact that sirius thought he was trying to be mr. perfect was laughable. ansem liked to nap, and laze about, being perfect was CERTAINLY not on the agenda. “i think you, like the rest of the castle, have me convinced with my brother, so WHY don’t you just go ask him.” he snapped, face as impassive as ever. “are you done? i have better things to be doing.” if i wanted to have this conversation, he mentally grumbled, i’d write mum back. 
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It was just like Ansem; just as Sirius thought maybe he could be making some sort of backhanded compliment, he had to go and ruin it with another insult. “Takes one to know one,” he said cooly, before realizing his retort didn’t make much sense. He felt his face turn hot, but acted like it didn’t bother him. “Listen, I don’t know why you keep up this whole Head Boy act all the time. Merlin knows you’re not Mr. Perfect.” He looked at Ansem. “I don’t even know why you were even made Head Boy anyway,” he challenged.
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wcrbeckds ¡ 8 years
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         “that depends on how HARD you’re going to hit me if i say yes.”
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   “ so, you’re saying that my hair USED to be boring?”
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wcrbeckds ¡ 8 years
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          “contrary to popular belief, i’m not COMPLETELY daft.” ansem commented dryly, pointing to a section of her list. “THAT is what i was trying to tell you... you can’t put those two together. apparently she snogged HER boyfriend last week, and they tried to claw each other to bits in the great hall last week. HOW did you miss that? honestly. it was quite entertaining.”
❝Listen, your mouth is moving, but I’m not hearing anything right now. Unless you’re planning on lending a hand with this schedule, leave. I can’t put half of these people together for rounds, without someone coming back hexed.❞
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wcrbeckds ¡ 8 years
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            ansem often STRUGGLED not to roll his eyes when he was surrounded by his fellow housemates. it wasn’t that he DISLIKED them, per say, he just found them exhausting. but to someone who tried to take two or three naps a day, he found MOST things exhausting. “funny,” he drawled, glancing up from the stack of paperwork he’d been { not } working on for the past hour, as he noted her presence approaching, “i don’t REMEMBER changing my name to darling. huh. maybe notice will come in the post.” a snort and he was looking back down again, flipping through prefects reports that he should have dealt with ages ago. if alecto had something important to say, he reckoned, she’d come out and say without needing to be prompted.
alecto liked to pretend she wasn’t cold-hearted. she liked to pretend she hadn’t grown up in a household that was devoid of love, which meant she was. no, alecto faked a smile and pretended to be neutral in the world, in the war, in everything. yet, she was far from neutral.
her footsteps were close, quiet, almost like a mouse. a smirk danced on her lips as her hand flung her wand around in a circle. she was looking for fun, for games. the sight of a person nearing her made the smirk on her lips blossom into a wicked smile. 
“ hello, darling. “ words laced with venom. 
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wcrbeckds ¡ 8 years
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         “eh, i’ve RULED OUT the marauders. it’s below them, really. i expect BETTER from them, you know? something that requires actual thought. dungbombs are too easy.”
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“I wish I could take responsibility for the dung bomb but sadly it wasn’t me. Maybe check with the Gryffindors? Certainly seems like the kind of thing that James and Sirius would find hilarious.”
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wcrbeckds ¡ 8 years
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                    “i said,” he commented dryly, “you missed out on your ROUNDS last week. rumor has it you were sequestered up in the hospital wing, so i suppose i’ll let it slide, but if you could schedule your next bout of illness AFTER the nightly WWN, it would be much appreciated.” plopping down beside him, he tossed a chocolate frog in his direction as he settled under his favorite tree. while it was one of the best places by the lake to study, it was ALSO ideal for taking NAPS. regardless of the fact that remus was there, ansem wasn’t going to let the opportunity pass him by.
he sat by the lake, thankful it wasn’t too cold yet to sit there at this time of the year, taking notes as he tried to catch up with the classes he’d missed while staying at the hospital wing as he recovered from the full moon. too caught up in his reading, it took him a moment to realise that someone spoke to him. “ ━ sorry, what did you say?”
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