wcrldminded-blog · 7 years
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wcrldminded-blog · 7 years
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Garrett Hedlund in ‘On The Road’ (2012)
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wcrldminded-blog · 7 years
❛❛ All I want to do is sit and eat cookies and watch cheesy romcoms right now. But I’d love some company. ❜❜
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          “ sounds like a  HELL  of an evening  …  count me in. ”  he doesn’t wait for any  further  invitation before dropping onto the couch beside danny  ⸻  it is still  his  couch,  technically,  but who’s  keeping track  ? ?  “ rough day being a not-dead billionaire or  … ? ? ”
sad  &&  soft.  //  a.
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wcrldminded-blog · 7 years
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tilting  her  head  the  assassin  listened  to  the  superhero  before  she  looked  down  to  Groot  to  help  him  drink  his  water  .  as  the  little  tree  was  hydrated  she  got  a  sip  from  her  own  drink  ,  hazel  eyes  looking  up  to  listen  to  what  she  was  saying  .  raising  an  eyebrow  at  his  comment  a  soft  smirk  was  growing  on  her  lips  ,  
 she  leaned  back  and  let  a  sigh  break  through  her  lips  .         ❛          oh  hell  ,  no  .  I  already  spent  most  of  my  days  with  men  around  me  ,  I  really  don’t  want  to  have  another  clingy  one           ❜         she  teased  ,  her  eyes  looking  at  him  .     
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          brows lift in feigned  INJURY.  “ ⸻  hey,  i am not  clingy. ”  not necessarily by choice  ;;  being  NOVA  sort of demands a very  flexible  social schedule.  “ you’re the one who followed  me  here,  remember ? ?  not to point fingers here,  but if anyone’s clingy,  it’s definitely you. ”  a  LAUGH  &&  he’s tipping his drink for a quick sip. 
          “ so how’d you end up with the baby tree  ? ?  didn’t really take you for the  BABYSITTING  type. ”  
@zenwhoberiism so you can find if you want it.
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wcrldminded-blog · 7 years
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wcrldminded-blog · 7 years
        danny’s shoulders shake around a quiet laugh, but his hands don’t shift as he smooths the gauze into place.    “ training’s hard on clothes, and we didn’t exactly have a GAP. ”  k’un-lun got pretty drafty ;; it paid not to have holes for the cold wind to sneak into.  
        his bones want to rattle. reflex. the echo of an echo of a shiver, but he tamps down on it && sits back, dusting his hands on his legs.   “ i need tea, ”  he announces, because damn it, he’s still ANGRY.   tired && angry, which means it’s time for something menial. the caffeine’s just a bonus. 
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      “ do me a favor && don’t test those stitches. i might fall asleep before i can fix them. ”
          he snorts at the visual  ⸻  50% off robes.  one color fits all.  some things are probably best left un-shared,  though.  at least until he’s got the presence of mind to gauge  JUST  how offensive they really are.  now is not such a time,  so he keeps his mouth shut  &&  leans back on the couch with the remote in hand. 
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          “ careful with the front eye on the stove  . . .  it gets a little  cantankerous. ”  words which will memorialize the poor skillet it  RUINED  a couple days ago.  he just hasn’t gotten around to fixing it.  things at his apartment tend to fall through the cracks when he’s planet hopping three-point-five weeks out of the month.  “ any preference on tonight’s  ENTERTAINMENT ? ?  speak now or forever deal with whatever automotive show i find. ”
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wcrldminded-blog · 7 years
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wcrldminded-blog · 7 years
    “A unicorn plush? I’m gonna name ‘im Freddy…”
   Honestly Roy’s not even bothered playing bait. It had been his suggestion in the first place. It wasn’t like he hadn’t done it before. With him in the shape he was in, however, he knew that Richard was going to start playing the blame game. 
  So he headbutts him gently in the shoulder trying to offer some reassurance that Roy was going to be just fine. He had been through a hell of a lot worse than this.
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      “’m…gonna be fine Rich.”
          “ freddy,  huh  ? ?  been holding on to that one for a while  ? ? ”  the laugh is breathless  &&  terse at best  ⸻  only so much  good humor  a man can manage when he’s half-carrying his boyfriend back to their house.  roy might be cracking jokes,  but that doesn’t keep richard from  WORRYING. 
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          “  almost there,  baby boy.  just another few  blocks. ”  which,  fortunately,  go relatively  FAST  ;;  they make it to the door in a little under a quarter of an hour  &&  richard has roy seated safely on the couch in under twenty.  that much,  at least,  is a relief.  small steps  . . .   the next of which involves a  FIRST AID KIT  stashed under the sink in the bathroom.  “ sit tight  . . .  i’ll be right back. ”  but not before a swift kiss to the top of roy’s head  (  it’s one of the few parts he knows  ISN’T  bruised  ).
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wcrldminded-blog · 7 years
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& OFF THEY  go.  as much as he doesn’t like the idea of using random citizens as meat shield.  it’s the best for them to get lost in the crowd.  a left  &  a right,  zig-zags,  &  whatever shape known to man,  Peter breaks through the sea of people in a smooth manner.  he’s done this way too many times  &  it’s too obvious.  they need to find some kind of shelter,  go indoors.  
❛  dinner  !  you’re a genius  !  ❜  the hybrid huffs  &  yanks the other with him so that they can make a sharp turn.  he  RUNS  into a strange looking restaurant that doesn’t look expensive at all,  considering the questionable folk eating in there  &  once the two humanoids come in,  no one even flinches.  
❛  shhhh                         ❜  Peter urges his best friend who he has pinned on a wall  &  he is his shield.  he can see the assholes who are looking for him run by throwing cuss words all around them.  he waits,  eyes keen on the dirty windows to barely see through.  then,  with a sigh of relief,  he pulls away.  ❛  food here looks greasy enough.  what do you think  ?  ❜
          this is  . . .  so  very definitely not how he saw his evening going.  not that he’s  COMPLAINING,  since his version included at least  O N E  of them getting shot  &&  an intergalactic political incident.  not really difficult to  improve  upon that particular hypothetical.  he stays quiet as ordered  (  since peter has effectively pinned him into a  BLIND CORNER,  richard kind of has to follow his lead at the moment  ). 
          as soon as they’ve got the green-light,  he’s powering down,  helmet changing to a much softer material that can be tucked in the back of a dark back pocket.  the clothes  pass  for alien  ⸻  at any rate,  they’re a bit less  ATTENTION GRABBING  than the  glowing suit. 
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          “ only  YOU  could turn a  run for our lives  into dinner. ”  they  SHOULD  be moving as soon as the coast is clear.  they should be heading back to the ship  &&  getting the hell off this planet.  but here he stands  . . . funny how he never quite seems to make  RATIONAL DECISIONS  whenever  peter quill  is involved.  “  what the hell  . . .  i could go for a bite.  running always works up an  appetite. ” 
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wcrldminded-blog · 7 years
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wcrldminded-blog · 7 years
rest assured, rational me and impulsive me are having a fuckin smackdown 24/7 100% of the time
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wcrldminded-blog · 7 years
❛❛ I brought blankets, takeout, and your favourite movie. I know it won’t fix everything, but it might help. ❜❜
          ⸻  it  does.  not so much the   THINGS,  but the fact that roy’s making the effort  …  that helps.  even after he’d assured roy over the phone that he was  FINE  (  he wasn’t,  but he’s still warming to the idea of sharing his problems  ).  richard has fought  plenty  of wars as a  NOVA,  but this is the first time he hasn’t been  alone  in the aftermath.
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          “ what’d i do to deserve you,  roy harper  ? ? ”  he’s still convinced someone upstairs made one  HELL  of a mistake,  but he’s happy as hell that they did. 
sad  &&  soft.  //  a.
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wcrldminded-blog · 7 years
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“Anybody that wants to walk out that door and leave home for a few months and rely on themselves instead of fate might have some interesting stories to tell.” - Garrett Hedlund
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wcrldminded-blog · 7 years
OH HE KNOWS,  he knows things will never be the same not between them,  not inside their minds,  never again,  but where they are right now is all they’ve got to move forward.  Peter’s desperate craving some kind of  normalcy  in his life.  his absence had thrown everything off scale  &  while he was tortured beyond this verse,  he was trying to keep his legacy alive.
&  he will claw too,  at the walls he built inside his head.  he’s  invasive  &  this is unhealthy but when was ever  NORMAL  for them,  normal in the definition of common people  ?  
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❛  do you really get it  ?                        ❜  he asks.  he’s twisted enough to prey on the weaknesses of Richard just to make sure he gets better in the long run.  
he’d go as far as it takes to bring him back.  he is willing to take the  RISK  of it all coming back to bite him in the ass.  ❛  my question is  :  when am i gonna know  ?  when are you gonna trust me enough to tell me what had happened there  ?  are you ever gonna trust me enough to just tell me  ?  ❜
          “ this isn’t about  TRUST . . . ”  he trusts peter.  he trusted him back then  &&  he trusts him now.  " i’m just not  ⸻  i can’t  ⸻ ”  he can’t think about that place right now.  not when he’s got so much else to fill his head.  the  NOVA FORCE  . . .  it used to be his  gift,  but now it’s  too much.
          without  worldmind,  he just can’t  HANDLE IT  anymore. 
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          “ you were  THERE.  you know better than anyone  . . .  better than i wish you did,  i guess.  everything it was when we were there,  it was  the same.  over and over and over and over again.  don’t  ⸻  ”  his voice fails him for a moment,  throat tightening around the words he hates to say.  they’re  weak  ;;  he knows he’s  BEGGING  &&  there’s still enough of the man that came  before  that it makes his stomach turn.  “  ⸻  please  . . .  don’t ask me to tell you more than that. ”   
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wcrldminded-blog · 7 years
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          ⸻  this is the  LAST TIME.  the  last time  roy gets used as bait.  the  last time  richard isn’t there to keep him from getting his  ASS KICKED.  the  last time  he has to run in five seconds from  too late. 
         richard takes a bit more of roy’s weight,  securing an arm around his waist with care to avoid what he’s sure are  AT MINIMUM  bruised ribs.  it’s not  too far  from home,  but it’ll be slow going with roy in such rough shape.  even worse with richard so anxious to get a better look at just how  bad  of shape he’s really in. 
        “ don’t  TEMPT ME. ”  if he thought it’d help,  he’d do it in a heartbeat.  “ just a little longer,  princess.  get you all fixed up.  maybe some  hot chocolate  and a fluffy unicorn plush. ” 
@acsenal  //  cont.
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wcrldminded-blog · 7 years
Sad and Soft  {Sentence Starters}
❛❛ I took your hoodie and I’m not giving it back. ❜❜
❛❛ Please just… just hold me. ❜❜
❛❛ C’mere. Lean on me. ❜❜
❛❛ You look like you need a hug. Come here. ❜❜
❛❛ I’m never leaving this blanket nest ever again. ❜❜
❛❛ I know you don’t like hugs, but… I could really use one right now… ❜❜
❛❛ Just stay a little longer. Please. ❜❜
❛❛ It’s so cold outside, but you’re so warm… ❜❜
❛❛ I’m sorry. I should have asked first, just… it reminded me of you. ❜❜
❛❛ Let me hold you for a while. ❜❜
❛❛ It’s okay. I’ve got you. ❜❜
❛❛ Everything hurts. Being with you is the only good thing in the world anymore. ❜❜
❛❛ Hey, hey, don’t cry. It’s okay. C’mon, come sit under the blanket with me. ❜❜
❛❛ All I want to do is sit and eat cookies and watch cheesy romcoms right now. But I’d love some company. ❜❜
❛❛ I brought blankets, takeout, and your favourite movie. I know it won’t fix everything, but it might help. ❜❜
❛❛ Please stay with me tonight. I don’t want to be alone. ❜❜
❛❛ I made some tea. Now, do you need to talk? Or should I just put on some music? ❜❜
❛❛ I’m not going to leave. I’ll stay as long as you need me to. ❜❜
❛❛ Your hair’s soft… I just want to pet it until I forget everything but how soft it is… ❜❜
❛❛ Shh, shh. It’s okay. You’re alright. You’re safe now. ❜❜
❛❛ I know you’re hurting right now, and I’m so sorry. Tell me what will help and I’ll do it. ❜❜
❛❛ I just want to see you smile again. ❜❜
❛❛ This is stupid but… could you sing to me? You have such a nice voice, and I think it might help calm me down… you don’t have to, but… ❜❜
❛❛ Lay your head in my lap and try to get some rest. ❜❜
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wcrldminded-blog · 7 years
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