wcrriorgoddess-blog · 8 years
             just because i don’t tell you i’m suffering DOESN’T mean i’m not suffering.
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wcrriorgoddess-blog · 8 years
alien peel
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      “No? I’m quite sure they do not peel.” She was, in fact, an alien as far as the paladin’s were concerned.
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wcrriorgoddess-blog · 8 years
“Trust me... I’ve been there, Princess.”
In need of comfort || @redlionstar​ || No Longer Accepting
     Allura looked to the other warily, unsure if she should actually trust him, trust his words. He was, after all, a QUIZNAKING galra. Right here under her nose. It still pained her to think that yet another one of those VILE creatures got inside of a Voltron Lion-- but that thought was stopped, as it always did. The moment she looks at Keith. Her piercing blue eyes look over him, over his humanoid features, over the severe LACK of purple that happened to be on his person. The fact that, besides his overall fighting style, Keith acted NOTHING like a galra. The fact that Keith seemed to care about each and every person on the team, for them individually, for their wellbeing, for the overall success of the mission and the defeat of the Galra Empire. All things that went STRICTLY AGAINST the Galra’s ‘Triumph or Death’ strategy.
     She sighs, looking down to her hands, folded together on her lap, fingers intersecting each other forming a sort of bridge. She was lost, and sad, and confused with this knowledge of Keith, with everything that had come to light. She needed HELP, she needed advice. So in a moment of thoughtlessness, she went to the room where her father’s projection once was. But the memories had been lost, destroyed, after they had been INFECTED by Sendak’s crystal. The reminder wasn’t something she needed at the moment, but it was a reminder she received nonetheless.
      Honestly, Allura wasn’t quite sure why she stayed here, sitting on her knees on the floor, in front of where her father once was. Wasn’t sure why she didn’t just leave and go somewhere else, to the bridge or to her room. But above all else, she wondered how Keith had found here here, it was quite out of the way and no where near the training deck, or the Paladin’s rooms. In fact, it was two floors below where any of the paladins should even be. So why did Keith come here? After a moment, Allura nods hesitantly, deciding it was best to just speak to him, to bridge the gap before she made this any harder for their team, for eachother. Her actions were costing the team, shaking their bond, meaning that it was wavering the strength of Voltron, and putting their lives at risk even more than they already were. And that was a risk that Allura wouldn’t allow.
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       “It’s just hard sometimes.” She says quietly, her fingers pulling apart and closing into fists. “To think that he’s REALLY gone.” --- All because of ZARKON.
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wcrriorgoddess-blog · 8 years
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And I thought I was the team’s sharpshooter, but I guess no one else thinks that. Maybe I don’t have a thing. They wouldn’t keep me on the team if I didn’t contribute in some way, would they? Maybe I’m just a fifth wheel… seventh if you count Coran and Allura.
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wcrriorgoddess-blog · 8 years
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wcrriorgoddess-blog · 8 years
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Last of my Voltron portrait series, Allura!! Her hair is so fun to work on ♡
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wcrriorgoddess-blog · 8 years
❝ i am not throwing away my shot. ❞
Here comes the General || @insolasidera || No Longer Accepting
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    A soft smile pulled at the Princess’s lips as the looked to the black paladin, there was a moment of solace, of a calm before the storm, a beat of deep understanding. Allura nodded at him, “Good,” She says, placing a hand on his shoulder, “because we’ve got a job to do, and I’m going to need you to do it.”
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wcrriorgoddess-blog · 8 years
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Icons or not, I’m doing stuff here today!!
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wcrriorgoddess-blog · 8 years
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Omg I’m finally done. This took a while, but I don’t regret it <3 I love how things turned out and I learned a lot about backs.
You can get all of these in my store http://socijart.tictail.com/ 
I’m noticing I put way more detail into shiro. Curse my learning as I went!
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wcrriorgoddess-blog · 8 years
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“This isn’t shopping!”
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wcrriorgoddess-blog · 8 years
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iconic lance moments 2/?
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wcrriorgoddess-blog · 8 years
Comfort Sentence Starters
Adjust pronouns as necessary.
“It’s going to be okay.” “You don’t need someone/something that toxic in your life.” “Trust me, I’ve been there.” “You can rise above this.” “I’m here for you.” “You deserve better.” “I can’t stand to see you this upset.” “Think of it this way: it could have been a lot worse.” “I’m just glad you’re okay.” “You can rise above this!” “Do you need a hug? You look like you need a hug.” “What can I do to make you feel better?” “It’s not the end of the world, remember that.” “You don’t need them.” “I will always be on your side.” “We don’t have to talk about it, but when you’re ready…I’m here.” “Do you need to vent?” “You did the right thing.” “You’re so much better off without them.” "Someone like you shouldn’t cry over someone like them.” “Smile for me, please?”
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wcrriorgoddess-blog · 8 years
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Altean Lance being sneaky during a royal procession.
ft. A very gay Galra Prince.
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wcrriorgoddess-blog · 8 years
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for alluraweek2k16 day 1: favorite canon scene (a few days late)!
this scene broke my heart so of course it’s my favorite
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wcrriorgoddess-blog · 8 years
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“Do you know what the Blue Lion stands for, Lance?”
Felt like drawing some angst and I’m such a sucker for the wounded hero having their head cradled. 
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wcrriorgoddess-blog · 8 years
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And though I know,                                                               since you’ve awakened her                                            AGAIN           She depends on you,                                                         she depends on you
Penned by Lyn 5+ roleplay experience Personals don’t reblog
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wcrriorgoddess-blog · 8 years
reblog to give allura something sparkly ✨✨✨✨✨
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