relationships and jobs are temporary. your shitty unpopular tumblr blog is forever
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Lydia Pettit (American, 1991) - Entry Points (2024)
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2021 take me back I beg of you please T•T
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When Supernatural premiered on September 13, 2005, the CW network didn't exist yet. The touchscreen phones didn't exist yet. Tumblr didn't exist yet. Archive of Our Own didn't exist yet.
Happy anniversary to the only show ever.
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watercolor beanie babies, spring 2024
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In gonna replace every bone in my body with a knife, if someone punches me they’re in for a surprise (the knife)
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I think I wasn't supposed to see this
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Mental illness does not care about your creative endeavors. It doesn't care about...well, anything. It just is. And what "it" is, is sometimes (most often) not conducive to a consistently productive artistic life. And damn. It sucks. Because all I wanna do is make and make and make. Create and create and build and craft and..yeah. And sometimes I can't make and make because of depression. You might know what that feels like. My particular brand of neurodivergancy means I'll spend seasons incredibly over the top productive in my creative pursuits (though those seasons have become fewer since I began pursuing mental health recovery) and other seasons when I'm too low to be productive (and those seasons are fewer too, but maybe not as infrequent as I'd like). And maybe you too are sometimes inhibited by the sudden worsening of your symptoms. You draw less, you write less, you act less, you...get the picture. The thing I wish I'd known when I was younger is this; the inability to produce art as consistently as I'd like is a really shitty reason to not make the art I love when I'm able to. I do not think that living with a mental illness automatically means a person is more creative. I do believe that I like the art a person suffering from a mental illness makes more than I would otherwise. I think the reason is this. Those who live with depression, anxiety, OCD and the like, they're more likely to embody the human condition in its extremes than those who live relatively symptom free (I'm so thankful that some of you live symptom free). It can be difficult to communicate emotions in art, it's always comes across just a little bit muted. That's not to say art isn't emotionally powerful. We know it can be! But what's in the head almost never gets completely out. What with all that bone and everything. But the person who feels the real big feelings is going to make something that, though slightly muted as it may be, will nevertheless come across extremely human. And as a human, I enjoy stuff that feels very human. Most people do. Human people that is. So, if you suffer as many do, with the symptoms of a mental illness, please make your art as your symptoms allow. There's no rush. We need what you make because it's going to make us feel what you feel because what you feel is amplified human emotion. It speaks to us. I feel the need to add this: Do not avoid the pursuit of mental health because you think being free of, or experiencing less of, your symptoms will ruin your art. It can't. You never forget the big feelings. Even when they're not there anymore. You never forget them. So do something with them.
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the trick to a good insult is sort of talking around it and making them think so that it hits harder when they realize what you’re talking about
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Taylor Swift was driving a cybertruck through the desert when it suddenly swerved off-road and plunged into a canyon. I awoke with a healthy fear of techbros and cybertrucks.
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"transgender operations on illegal aliens who are in prison"
the illegal aliens in prison:
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