webmade-blog1 · 7 years
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webmade-blog1 · 7 years
icb jay is going to kill d/avid lam/bert and then knock over a 7/11
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webmade-blog1 · 7 years
im hittin te hay y’all gnOOT
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webmade-blog1 · 7 years
*   mj
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LIGHT AS A FEATHER, like she’s drifting through the air. she pretends to not notice the way his gaze switches to her lips. she tries not to imagine what he’s thinking about ( and FAILS ). her own chocolate eyes fall to peter’s lips involuntarily, and there’s something that pulls in her stomach that she doesn’t want to acknowledge. it’s longing.  as peter falls onto the couch after her, she picks up her legs and crosses them. the loud buzz that echoes off the town hall’s walls seems to have paused itself because all she can hear is peter’s gentle breaths. she could stay like this for a while ; she wouldn’t mind it at all. it’s the first time since she’s arrived to gotham that worry isn’t racking her brain. the relieved smile on her lips slowly drops into one of CONTENT and she turns her head slightly to look at peter through the corner of her eye ( she doesn’t want to disturb his current position ). there’s that surge of warmth AGAIN. it comes when she thinks of how close they are ― both physically and emotionally. how their hands seem to fit perfectly together for some ODD REASON. and especially when she thinks of how cute peter looks when tries to fight off sleep. she mentally takes back her previous thought because ‘ a while ’ is too short of a time. she wouldn’t mind staying like this forever if she needed to. HELL, she wants to. she leans her head softly against his and lets out a deep, relaxed breath. ❛ yeah, me too. ❜
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gentle  boy ,  draped  in  sleep !  honey  &  fig  skin  against  milky  flesh ;  gentle   BREATH   fanning  across  collarbones   —  must’ve  been  made  by  a   SCULPTOR !  he  decides .  girl  cut  from  marble  still  soft  under  his  touch  —  perhaps   MELTING   —  feels  like  home  folding  into  the  lines  of  his  palm .  could  stay  here  for   YEARS  &  YEARS   without  complaint !  whole  world  feels  fuzzy  around  him ,  struggles  to  fend  off  young  sleep .  has  been  trying  for  years  :   too  tough  /  too  tough  /  never  tough  enough .  superhuman  equilibrium  devoid  of   BALANCE .  thoughts  too  loud  when  he’s  alone !  too  constant  /  rapid  fire  /  pervasive .  but  it’s  her  heartbeat ,  her  hand  in  his ,  her  breath ,  unabridged ,  when  she  says  his  name  like  a  hymn  —  makes  it   QUIET .  cotton  cloud  lines  in  the  back  of  his  skull when  she  talks  about  him  like  there’s  something  beautiful  there .   like  he’s  something   worth  saving .  runs  thumb  along  tawny  skin ,  movements  absent  from  thought .  voice  is  easy ,  flows  simple  from  often  hesitant  tongue .  name  like  a  prayer  on  sinner’s  lips !     ❛   MARY  JANE  WATSON .  you  know ,  you  are   ABSOLUTELY   incredible .   ❜
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webmade-blog1 · 7 years
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*   underoos  !
you’re  the  spiderling .  crime  fighting  spider .  you’re  spiderboy ?
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webmade-blog1 · 7 years
jay  n  k  :
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me ,  walking  down  a  long ,  dimly  lit  hallway ,  until  i  come  to  a  mysterious  door  :
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it’s  time ,  my  children
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webmade-blog1 · 7 years
henLo my babies !  i’m gonna wash my face and put on a pore strip n then i’ll try and get some replies done !
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webmade-blog1 · 7 years
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his side profile tho. damn.
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webmade-blog1 · 7 years
*   parsley
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     spooked. that would be the best word to define what the boy infront of koriand’r seemed. he seemed to deem her unthreatening as he relaxed his stance, leaning on the wall ( or attemtping to ). as he nearly fell the girl couldn’t help but allow the childish giggle that bubbled out. “ SPIDER-MAN ? i’ve never heard of you. are you new here ? ” she waits a moment, considering her next words as she tilts her head a bit. “ — and why are you called spider-man ? ” she inquired, her inquiry sincere. she then straightened up, her head returning to it’s natural position as she announced, “ i am princess koriand’r of tamaran. your people call me starfire. ”
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❛   UH  ,   ❜     has  to  think  for  a   HOT  SECOND   .     ❛   yeah ,  i’m  new  in  town .  not   actually   sure  how  i  got  here  though ,  so  i’m  really  counting  on  the  mystery  gang  not  just  being   FICTIONAL   around  here .  ❜     he  laughs  a  bit ,  thanking  whatever  force  is  out  there  that  she  can’t  see  him  blush  under  the  mask .  shrugs  a  bit ,  as  if  it  were  obvious .     ❛   i’ve  got  powers  like  a  spider .  man ,  there  are  a   LOT   of  princesses  around  here .   ❜
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webmade-blog1 · 7 years
*   mj
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IT FEELS LIKE SHE’S GOT ALL SHE NEEDS RIGHT HERE. a gentle warmth pours over her and spreads through her body like a the sun on the PERFECT SUMMER DAY. it starts at her heart and spreads into her lungs, and she’s finally able to catch her breath again. continues moving, moving to her face and belly and she feels FUZZY to say the least. the warmth goes on, washing over her arms and into her hands, spreading all the way into her fingertips. she rubs her thumb in small, soothing circles into his palm, but its more like second nature to her because she’s MUCH MORE INTERESTED in tired grin that rests on his face. ❛ yeah, i can tell, ❜ she teases him as her lips curve from her warm smile to a smirk, ❛ let’s go. ❜ she drops one of his handa, but keeps the other  —  JUST LIKE WHAT ANY OTHER FRIEND WOULD DO,    OF COURSE  —  and she tugs him towards the couch playfully. mj takes a seat, pulling the boy down with her. a grin on her plays lips. beyond the sleep deprived eyes, they’re still warm and bright. and suddenly, IT COMES OUT OF NO WHERE. ❛ i’m glad you’re alive, ❜ she says quietly. her voice is barely above a whisper, and she can’t even tell if she is musing to herself or admitting the sentiment to peter. she’s usually BETTER at keeping these from spilling out of her mouth, but it’s been a long week. she dares herself to speak up, ❛ you have no idea how much i’ve missed you. ❜
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eyes  flicker  down  to  lips  accidentally  —  catches  the  tail  end  of  his  favorite  smile  in  the  whole  wide  universe !  linger  there  just  a  bit  too  long ,   totally  not  thinking  about  how  soft  they  look  or  how  her  smile could  light  up  every  skyscraper  back  home .  the  touch  on  his  palm  makes  him  feel   WARM   ,  like  the  sun  is  pulsing  straight  through  his  veins .  she  coats  each  line  in  his  palm  in  a  tingling  feeling  that  quickly  spreads  down  his  arms  and  to  his  head .  he’s  all  white  noise  and  sunny  smiles  when  she  drags  him  to  a  couch ,  body  falling   HEAVY   onto  the  cushion .  head  immediately  tilts  down ,  body  shifts ,  leaning  on  mj’s  shoulder ,  hands  still  intertwined .  he  wants  to  lift  his  eyes ,  catch  the  remnants  of  that  glorious  grin ,  but  his  muscles  won’t  let  him ,  so  he  stays  down ,  tries  his  best  not  to  let  eyelids  blink  shut .  voice  is  tired ,  woven  with  sleep .     ❛   i’m  glad   you’re   alive .  and  me .  i’m  glad  i’m  alive  too .   ❜     he  says ,  and  he  can’t  help  but  wonder  briefly  what  would  happen  if  he  wasn’t before  deciding  that  is  a   rabbit  hole  he  does  not  want  to  go  down  right  now .     ❛   i’ve  missed  you  too ,  mj .  feels  like  it’s  been  ages .  things  are  crazy .  glad  i  found  you .   ❜     he’s  shifted  a  little  now ,  cheek  resting  against  her  shoulder ,  nose  nuzzled  softly  into  the  bend  of  her  neck .  next  words  are  almost  whispered .  a  tired  afterthought .     ❛   always  glad  i  found  you .   ❜
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webmade-blog1 · 7 years
OKAY I AM GOING TO GET THERAPIZED but then i will return with more bug boy and frisbee man
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webmade-blog1 · 7 years
he can come chill with selina and her cats
dick protec and attac dw pete
gbles this man
come 2 ur dad petey he protec!!
pete :  hugs tony’s legs but casually
SAME THO?? Peter, haaaave you met Ed?
legEnd . .. wait fot it . .. .
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webmade-blog1 · 7 years
Headcanon meme~
Put a symbol (or several)  in my ask box, and I’ll give you a headcanon.  Yes.  Do it.
☾ - sleep headcanon
★ - sad headcanon
☆ - happy headcanon
☠ - angry/violent headcanon
✿ - Sex headcanon
■ -  Bedroom/house/living quarters headcanon
♡ - romantic headcanon
♥ - family headcanon
☮ - friendship headcanon
♦ - quirks/hobbies headcanon
☯ - likes/dislikes headcanon
▼ - childhood headcanon
∇ -. old age/aging headcanon
♒ - cooking/food headcanon
☼ - appearance headcanon
ൠ - random headcanon
◉ - Any other question of your choosing
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webmade-blog1 · 7 years
lsn 2 me this plot drop is Amazing but peter .... does not Fuck Wtih Zombies
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webmade-blog1 · 7 years
*   mj
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peter’s presence leaves mj’s heart pounding and she can barely breath because she’s so OVERJOYED. she can’t even wipe the grateful smile off her lips. there’s something about the feeling of his hands in her hair and the familiar scent of his laundry detergent that she finds solace in and it drives her home. it’s almost like the SIRENS THAT RING IN THE DISTANCE and the hum of noise in the hall aren’t THAT MUCH different than a busy day in queens. it’s like she’s home. and she doesn’t want to let go of him because she’s FINALLY found something that makes her feel NORMAL again — like she’s NOT SO ALONE in this new world. but it’s been TOO LONG since she’s seen his face ( and the fraction of a second before doesn’t count to her ). even at nineteen, he still has the same BOYISH GLINT IN HIS EYES that she’s been fond of since high school. now it’s HER turn to melt. she swears she could dissolve right now and she can’t even focus on the words that fly out of his mouth. at first, the concern in his voice makes this encounter feel even MORE like a dream. his touch sends a soothing warmth through her until she’s brought back to reality. she shakes her head vigorously to convey her current state of health.  ❛ i’m fine, ❜ she says. she brings her hands to peter’s to stop their rushed movements and gives them a TIGHT SQUEEZE,  ❛ seriously. don’t fret. ❜ and while she smiles reassuringly at him, she starts noticing the notes of fatigue ETCHED INTO HIS FACE. there’s no doubt in her mind that peter was stopping the criminal activity around gotham as SPIDER-MAN, but the exhaustion she senses makes her want to drag him somewhere quiet where they can REST THEIR BONES ( not that MARY JANE has been doing anything as physically exhausting. she’s just NOT letting peter out of her sight for a looong time.  ).  ❛ how about you ? are you alright ? ❜
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there’s  always  been  something   STRIKING   about  mary  jane  that  peter’s  never  been  able  to  articulate .  the  closest  he’s  ever  come  to  an  explanation  is  his  favorite  picture  of her  —  backlit  by  a  sunset  soaked  window ,  washing  a  handful  of  basil  in  that  shitty  little  kitchen  in  queens  ,  laughing  a  laugh  you  can  hear  even  through  the  stillness .  that’s  nothing ,  though ,  compared  to  the   REAL  THING   .  her  presence  is  overwhelming  and  exhilarating  and  calming  all  at  once  and  he  wouldn’t  trade  it  for  anything  in  the  world .  he  lets  out  a  breath  he  didn’t  know  he’d  been  holding  when  she  says  she’s   FINE   ,  squeezing  her  hands  back  in  reassurance .  it’s  then ,  when  his  head  has  finally  stopped  reeling  with  every  terrible  thing  that  could’ve  happened  to  her ,  that  he  finally  realizes  just  how   DEAD  TIRED   he  is .  he  grins  through it ,  though ,  even  if  he’s  sure  she  can  see  the  fatigue  at  the  edges  of  his  eyes .  lets  out  another  tired  laugh  and  a  heavy  breath .     ❛   i’m ,  uh ,  i’m  a  bit  tired ,  yeah .   ❜     he’s  sure  if  he  was  wearing  the  suit  now  karen  would  make  some   POINTED   remark  about  how  he’s  incredibly  sleep  deprived ,  but   WHO  NEEDS  A  SUIT  TO  TELL  YA  THAT  ?   peter  parker ,  apparently .  that’s  who .     ❛   d’you  wanna  sit  ?  looks  like  there’s  a  few  couches  over  there .   ❜     he  asks ,  but  it’s  mostly  for  his  own  sake ,  though  he  can  see  a  similar  worry  in  her  eyes ,  and  a  bit  of  rest  couldn’t  hurt .
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webmade-blog1 · 7 years
@maryjcnes icb ,,, , ur this iconic
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webmade-blog1 · 7 years
*   mj
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the mention of her FULL NAME is the first thing that grabs her attention, especially considering the fact that she’s mostly introduced herself as ‘ MJ ’ to everyone in gotham. her head turns as she looks for the source, but it doesn’t take long for her eyes to land on the lanky figure that called her name seconds before. PETER PARKER. it’s been a while since she’s seen anyone she recognizes, but he looks exactly the same when she had last seen him in new york. the same goofy grin he always has on and there’s several strands of hair that hang in his face. she bets herself that hidden beneath his sweater is another one of his STUPID dorky t-shirts that never fail to make her groan ( but she’s sure she’ll crack a smile this time if she sees a math pun printed on his shirt ). a smile creeps it’s way onto mj’s lips at the sight, and the next thing she knows, she is walking towards the boy, getting faster with each step. she doesn’t even give him a MOMENT TO REACT before her arms are flung around him. part of her is glad to see another familiar face and there’s another part that is glad that it is peter she has her arms around. a soft sigh of relief escapes her lips and she closes her eyes to allow herself to stay in the moment. SHE NEEDS THIS ― something good in an entire week of confusing. after a moment, she takes a deep breath to collect herself before pulling away from the embrace.  ❛ it’s good to see you, tiger, ❜ she finally says, after a moment. 
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familiar  curls     bounce    as  she  turns  to  face  him  ,   lights  something  within  him  that  pulls  the  corners  of  his  mouth  up  .   and  then  she’s  grinning  ,   and  peter  thinks  he  just  might  melt  into  the  marble  floors  of  this  very  establishment  !    LOOK  AT  THAT  SMILE  !   BRIGHT  AS  THE  SUN  ,   WOULDN’T’CHA  SAY  ?     he  wants  to  ask  the  nearest  stranger  ,   but  quick  steps  don’t  leave  him  the  time  .   within  a    NEW  YORK  MINUTE    she’s  got  her  arms  around  him  .    FEELS  LIKE  COMING  HOME  .   feels  like  her  laughter  mingling  with  his  and  aunt  may’s  in  a  kitchen  too  small  for  all  three  of  them  .   feels  like  rooftops  and  bodegas  and  her  voice  —    always    her  voice  .   she  smells  like  lavender  and  sleep  and  he  holds  on  a  little  tighter  ,   lets  himself  truly    BREATHE    for  the  first  time  since  he  got  here  .   he  wishes  they  could  just  stay  there ,   standing  in  the  middle  of  city  hall  in  a  confused  ,   aching  embrace  ,   but  she  pulls  away  .   there’s  a  soothing  cadence  to  the  familiarity  of  her  voice  and  it  makes  peter  crack  a  smile  just  listening  to  it  .    TIGER    .   lets  out  a  laugh  —    SINCE  WHEN  DID  THOSE  START  TO  FEEL  SO  FOREIGN  ON  HIS  LIPS    ?    —  and  allows  his  face  to  soften  .     ❛     was  beginning  to  think  i  wasn’t  gonna  find  you  .     ❜     there’s  a  light  element  to  his  voice  ,   but  it  thinly  veils  something  more  serious  to  his  tone  .     ❛     are  you  okay  ?   are  you  hurt  ?   why  are  you  here  ?    ❜     begins  to  run  his  hands  up  and  down  her  arms  ,   nervously  checking  for  bodily  harm  .
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