Are You Paid Traffic Marketers All Drunk?!
Are You Paid Traffic Marketers All Drunk?!
If You Are Paying For PPC Or Facebook Ads, STOP. Cancel Your Services. All The So Called “Experts” Are ^%#&@% WRONG!!
I just laugh when I hear “experts” talk about how the form must be above the fold, and that the landing page should be only 1 page without any links. This is the biggest load of crap ever! And I will tell you why they think they are right and why they they are simply flat out…
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We Have A Walktrough Scheduled
We Have A Walktrough Scheduled
How To: Real Estate Investing; Real Estate Diaries: The Mega Series!
Capt’n’s Log – Aug 27, 2019: We Have A Walktrough Scheduled
Finally we are getting somewhere. Today we got the walkthrough scheduled. The walktrough is very important. Here is where you get to meet the sellers face to face. Here is where they get a feel for you. Usually it is this were we seal the deal. When they meet us,…
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Setting the appointment
How To: Real Estate Investing; The Mega Series!
Capt’n’s Log – Aug 15, 2019: Really?? We actually finally are setting an appointment?? Woooow
Scheduling The Walk Through Appointment.
So when it comes to Real Estate Investing, it is all about buying right. You make money when you buy yada yada, you get it.
In order to make good offers you need to be accurate. Everyone says you should be…
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Communication Is Important
How To: Real Estate Investing; Real Estate Diaries: The Mega Series!
Capt’n’s Log – Aug 19, 2019: NOW we are getting somewhere
This late morning we received her reply.
  Yes we know we should have doe the walkthrough the day after the sellers contacted us. We are just not able to handle so many leads. It is easy to scrap leads that are not motivated and filter out only motivated leads. But I…
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Building Momentum
How To: Real Estate Investing; Real Estate Diaries: The Mega Series!
Capt’n’s Log – Aug 18, 2019: Things are starting to get moving
This is starting to get a little absurd, so we started to take this lead a bit more seriously. Yes they are motivated, but we get so many motivated sellers. Hey, when I am telling you SEO i the poop, you better believe it.
  We are going to give it a true effort…
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And More Lead Tag
And More Lead Tag
How To: Real Estate Investing; The Mega Series!
Capt’n’s Log – Aug 9, 2019: Don’t be bored little one, it’ll get better…
Yes shush! I know. I have no idea what is wrong with us. Look we get it we are spoiled. We get way too many leads and they are free. The effect is that if we lose a lead it really is not such a huge deal, but ye we need to stop this nonsense. We need to do a better job…
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Playing Communication Tag
How To: Real Estate Investing; The Mega Series!
Capt’n’s Log – July 27, 2019: We are playing communication tag. Whoo hooo
A few days later… It is now 27 of July, and we are still at it going back and forth.
Luckily, I did notice that last email (obviously because the subject line was different from all the other subject lines of our leads that keep streaming in). On this day we have several…
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Scheduling The Walkthrough
How To: Real Estate Investing; The Mega Series!
Capt’n’s Log – Aug 15, 2019: Another week goes by…
More communication issues:
  So we decided to just set up a day to view the house through email.
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An Adventure In Deal Making
An Adventure In Deal Making
How To: Real Estate Investing; The Mega Series!
Capt’n’s Log – July 22, 2019: The Live Of The Torrington Lead
How to make money Investing In Real Estate (see what I did there? I started my blog with a keyword I want to rank for. There an invaluable hint for you. You are welcome!). Going back to why I started this blog in the first place. What if I document one complete deal, from how we lure…
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Actionable Tips To Improve Your Credibility Score, SEO, And Lead Generation Part 2
Actionable Tips To Improve Your Credibility Score, SEO, And Lead Generation Part 2
Be Original.
No Do not stand on the shoulders of giants, you lazy copy cat! It is one thing to see what others do to see what works and what does not, but DO NOT COPY. And OMG please do not copy my site or I will unleash Google on you and I will close the doors to this blog. Copying simply does not work.  I had explained this to a friend of mine and he wrote something about it in his blog.
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Forced Traffic & Conversion (FT&C) Strategy
Forced Traffic & Conversion is a strategy I have developed to speed up making money through Real Estate Investing, big time. This strategy works great for seasoned investors and beginners alike, but especially beginners will appreciate this as this strategy will get them up and running scaling their business within weeks, not years. Before we dive into this we need to know a bit about the role of SEO and credibility when it comes to deal making.
But first, let me explain the true meaning of life! Are you little gringos ready? Are yeh? Well okiedokie then here goes. Get your pens ready, the meaning of life and the meaning of “to be” finally revealed. Here goes, are you ready? Seriously ready? REALLLY rrrrrrreaaallllly ready?
OK fine calm down. Here is the meaning of life: So here goes.
Deals = Traffic + Conversion
Well there you have it.  whooaaaahhhhh shhhhhhhhuuuaaaahhhhh  the crowd goes wild  whhaaahhhhhhssshhshhhhsh whoaaahhhh. Where is my stinking Nobel Prize?! Heck I deserve 3 of them.
OK this is a very true and valid equation, yet very generic. So lets get a bit more specific.
DEALS = SEO + Credibility.
OhSnap I am a genius! This is more like it.
SEO gives us Traffic
CREDIBILITY gives us Conversion.
So this explains how we went from the generic version to the specific one. Everyone following thus far? Yes? Good!
OK.. so now…
We all know that SEO takes a while to take effect, but credibility is instant. All you have to do, to be credible, is show your reviews, put your phone number on your site, take a picture of yourself and show it on your page (along with some other secret strategies my clients have access to wink wink) and… you are set. You can be done with this in 2 weeks, 3 weeks, a month if you go all out, but you have full control over it.
Applying The Meaning Of Life
So we have one part of the equation covered (credibility). Now we need traffic… how can we get instant traffic, so that we can satisfy the second part of the equation?
Well easy, PPC, DMM, Facebook Ads, pick one, heck pick two!
Now we have a very credible website, and we have plenty of traffic  heading your site. You make deals, immediately. Now you know enough to understand the FT&C strategy!
Applying The Forced Traffic & Conversion Strategy.
The Forced Traffic & Conversion strategy is a very powerful strategy that will have beginners hit the ground running. How would you feel if I told you that I have developed a model where you immediately started scaling your business into a money generating machine the moment you start? This sounds like a guru pitch huh? Well don’t believe me then! See if I care, loveyoubuhbye!
Yup most businesses will struggle to start, then they work hard to make any money (if this ever even happens), then they have to make enough money and profits to grow, and after they finally manage to grow enough only then will they start thinking about scaling, hiring people and automating methods into systems.
Often this takes years and years. WHY wait? You can immediately start with the scaling process! Interested? I figured. I will tell you how this is done! Isn’t that nice of me!
Let’s say you are a beginner, you don’t even have a website, or your site is new, or your site is old but neglected on page 68 on Goolge. What do you do. You go to BiggerPockets and you read all these depressing sad poor attempts at wholesaling making money and everyone telling you the same crap “do driving for dollars, do bandit signs, ohh no no buy lists. Buy the foreclosure list, no no the probate list is where it’s at, OMG no you fools obviously its the absentee owners list.. bla bla bla ALL WRONG!!
1. START GAAHDAMNIT: Get A Real Estate Investing Website!
SEO for real estate investors is important. That is what we need to focus on from the start. That is what I did, and look at me now! FORGET lists, forget D4D, CC, bandit signs! NO! Stop winging it. Try a method that works, actually WORKS. And yeah I will show you the way to freedom.
    So your and     !
You start with getting a website. Not just any website, you get an Investor Carrot website. Nothing else works as well as this platform so get it! I have discussed previously how to set up your Investor Carrot Website. So review that now if you must. But just to make it convenient for you, here is the plan you need to pick. Just click on the referral picture below. Let me know you clicked on it and I will give you that referral fee back. Makes your site a little cheaper.
  2. Deals = SEO + Credibility
Do SEO yourself, hire it out, I do not care!  The SEO (& Credibility) efforts needs to start IMMEDIATELY though. To make sure the SEO efforts are going to be done lets assume you hire someone (that friggin KNOWS what they are doing). I am already sad for you because I am 100% sure whom ever you will hire will do SEO wrong. EVERYONE is doing it wrong, I promise you this! Don’t believe me? Visit the blog where I show Erics low DA and still ranking high proving everyone tries to please google not the traffic.
You Need Money To Make Money
If you are afraid to spend money to make money, you shouldn’t be on my blog nor should you ever be an investor. PERIOD. So to all you people that are going to “wait till I have some money to market”, DUDE… NO… NOOO!
  Get a job, save money, get money, do it right. Don’t go door knocking or driving for dollars “because that’s free”. You are wasting your time. You are winging it. Work with a proven system! So if you simply do not have the money to market you will become successful a LOT faster if you took a two month job at MC D, save up $3,000.- and start investing the right way.
Sure you may get lucky getting a deal doing Driving for Dollars, and then again, you may not! If you want a 100% sure and guaranteed way of making it (this is called having a system), you get a job and get that marketing budget going.
Work The Plan
Let’s assume you will do this the right way and you pay someone that knows what they are doing $1,500,- to work on SEO, website credibility, and create landing pages for you.
Then devote an extra $1,000.- for your marketing budget, let’s say you choose Facebook ads.
So now you have spend $2,500,- for the first month. Honestly, this is not at all a bad budget when it comes to marketing. DMM would cost you double ($5,000.-) for a similar campaign (buying a list of 2000 to 3000 people and paying for the cards to print and ship out, with far lower ROI).
So within the first 30 days, you are down: $2,500,-.
SEO services: $1,500,-
Facebook marketing services: $1,000.-
there is some good news though: “bandit signs”, “driving for dollars”, “door knocking”, “hoping a lead will fall in your lap out of the blue”, won’t guarantee leads reliably but, Facebook ads, and PPC will, as long as:
you are targeting the right audience
you have enough budget dedicated to your campaign
If you satisfy these 2 criteria you WILL get leads, guaranteed. Isn’t that some news to be joyful for?
3. Get Your First Lead: Wholesale Like A Boss!
Doing SEO for your real estate investing website is crucial yes, but we all know SEO will take time for results to creep in. So we now have a very credible website (or at least this is being worked on in the background). While someone else is worrying about SEO we are going to start marketing on Facebook and sending that traffic over to our landing page that was created 1 week into this strategy.
All we are going to focus on, is getting 1 deal. Indeed JUST one. We do not care how we will get the next deal the following month. We don’t care about anything else but just this ONE deal right now. Since we will spent the $1,000.- the right way by not winging it and apply the marketing correctly you will generate leads. The goal is to wholesale one deal.
Wholesaling Is Not A Matter Of Luck
Wholesaling this deal is not going to be a matter of luck. The second you sign a contract from your marketing you WILL wholesale it and this is also a guarantee. You know how I am so sure will will be able to wholesale this contract? Because you do not sign a contract until the numbers work FOR YOU! None of this crap where you sign a contract based on the absolute lowest a seller is willing to sell for. NO! YOUR numbers are the only numbers that matter!
When you ONLY sign contracts that work for you (and thus your buyers), you will have no issues selling the contract to a cash buyer. And that is how you become successful at wholesaling! And now you have made $10,000.- in a wholesale fee!
Dance around, run 5 laps butt naked around your block, get it out of your system because although you are set, and I can already tell you’ve made it, there is still a lot of work to do to realize that “you have already made it” notion.
4. Repeat: The FT&C Method!
Now things are getting exciting! You were down $2.500,- at the start of the 30 day plan, but by the end of these 30 days you made $10,000.-!! So what do you do?
Wells I’lls tells yous whats yous dos!
You take that $2.500,- and shove it up your damn brown or black damp musky smelling… wallet! You thought I was going to say ass didn’t you. You are seriously perverted. Get off my damn blog you freak!
Anyways, you take what you spent out of that 10 grand, you now have & $7,500.- left. So within the first cycle you managed to make a profit.  Maybe in your market the wholesale fee is not $10,000.-, and your marketing costs are also different, and that doesn’t matter. All the numbers automatically adjust to your market. The point is that you will make a profit. If marketing is more expensive where you are, then the wholesale fee is a lot more. You sign deals based on numbers that would work for you in YOUR market to make a profit.
Now this is what you do. You now double your marketing budget to $2,000.- and you fork over an other $1,500.- for continued SEO work on your website.
Where are we at this point?
Right here:
PROFIT! = $10,000 – $2.500 – $2,000 – $1,500 = $4,000
$10,000.- = Money made from wholesaling the lead.
$2.500.-   = Money you spent getting the $10,000.- (remember this was the $1,500.- (for SEO) + $1,000.- (for Facebook Ads)).
$2.000.-   = Your new Facebook marketing budget (double your previous marking budget).
$1.500.-   = For this next months SEO effort.
  You made money. It WORKED!! Sure this is your first deal. This means you were nervous, not very confident, you made mistakes, you could have done things better, you could have done things more efficiently and by all means this deal could have been sheer dumb luck! Absolutely… and you know what? WHO CARES. You made $10,000.-.
You followed a plan and it actually worked. Your motivation level has gone through the roof. “Let’s do it again“, you say, and yes I agree. Let’s see if we can do this again. Same method, but we will make a few changes. What changes you ask? Well…
When you did this the first time, you wrote down notes. What was causing you stress, delays, what could have done better, what did you miss, what could have been avoided to make this method better, faster, more efficient. You have a log!
You will now do this exact method again, but this time, you will tweak it based on all the improvements proposed from all the mistakes you’ve made AND you will now double your marketing budget. In addition you fork over an other $1,500.- for continued SEO work on your site (remember you hired someone for $2,000.- a month to do your SEO for you.
So what do we have now?
You have some experience now
You have double your previous budget
You tweaked the method not to make the same mistakes again
You do it again. Now, there is no reason why you wouldn’t do AT LEAST equally good, if not twice as good (as you have doubled your marketing budget). So you make two deals this time. Again you wholesale them and now you made $20,000.-.
Now this is very important. Following a method once making a deal could be pure dumb luck. Following the same method twice and make a deal twice,… that is a SYSTEM!
The Money Making More Money Machine
Have you realized something amazing yet? You are not spending a single cent out of your pocket anymore. Your money is making you more money. The system is self sustaining. It’s like magic!! WHAAAAAAAA??
Out of that $20,000.- you take an other month of SEO payment out and this time you put $7,000.- in marketing. Now you make 10 deals! and you net… what…$70,000.- in profits? With $70,000.- you can put down an astronomical marketing budget, but you won’t! Calm down, Seabiscuit!
You now look like the big dogs that put down $30,000.- a month on marketing. But now you have a new problem. Your one-person-team (you) can not possibly handle the leads coming in at a $30,000.- marketing budget.
5. Hire People: Fire Yourself!
Now you stop. You hire an acquisitions manager, and you hire a receptionist. You give that a “try”. You put these people in place and you hit the “start” button. Again you note down all the bottle necks, all the trouble areas and all the issues that hiring and working with people bring. You analyze it, you tweak it and you make things more efficient by either hiring more people to cover all these extra positions that opened up as a result of hiring your first round, or you train your people to become more efficient.
6. Scale Up: Grow!
With every new cycle of marketing, increasing your budget, tweaking, you increase your budget. Little did you know that you have been scaling your then non existent business, from the start.
  7. Step Out: Automate!
As you increase your budget, and you hire more people, you will see soon enough that you will be getting more leads, you make more offers, do more deals, all while you do far less work, because you will eventually have a complete solid team in place that will handle every task there is to do. The a remarkable thing will happen without even expecting it.
  8. SEO World Domination: SEO Always Wins!
As you are so busy enjoying watching your business grow and making money you completely forgot someone was constantly working on your SEO, Now after the 4th or 5th iteration of the tweaking process you have your business mostly on automatic. On one heavenly day you were just counting you money as you do every day, when you hear this werd “DINGGGGG”. “Well goodness gracious what was that“, you ask, as you lift your head with a 100 dollar bill slips  down your face with drool all over it. ANd you look at your fancy laptop screen. “Oh an emailmajiggy“. And you open it… and your eyes open wide. “Yo dawg, I GOT AN ORGANIC LEAD“. Suddenly “Dingg dingg dingg FRIGGINDINGGG“, your email gets bombarded like so:
  You now get leads for free. The lead count may quite possibly be compatible to your 30K marketing budget for paid traffic, BUT you lead quality is far superior:
#gallery-0-6 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-6 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 50%; } #gallery-0-6 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-6 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
  So the equivalent to getting THIS many motivated seller leads using paid marketing could possibly require doubt the marketing budget! This is why you NEED SEO in your live no matter if you are getting plenty of leads using paid marketing.
60. Forced Traffic & Conversion (FT&C) Strategy Forced Traffic & Conversion (FT&C) Strategy Forced Traffic & Conversion is a strategy I have developed to speed up making money through Real Estate Investing, big time.
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33. Assignment 1
OK, so I got some interest in working together. I will work on a private section of this site that is only viewable to the people that have sworn loyalty to MSOOTKAUG. This way not everyone can stalk and use all my hard researched methods against me… I am all about sharing…. with people that give back. OK so here are your assignments.
Get a Google+ account, twitter and facebook account and…
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SEO vs PPC For Real Estate Investors The Epic Battle
SEO vs PPC For Real Estate Investors The Epic Battle
SEO vs Pay Per Click (PPC) For Real Estate Investors
My little gringos, lend me your ears! I am big on SEO for real estate investors. We all know this. I am also big on coming up with my own SEO strategies that outperforms everyone else. This also by now should be obvious. So lets talk what a lot of investors are struggling with:  SEO vs PPC For Real Estate Investors.
I wish I could share my own…
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From 0 to Hero!
From 0 to Hero!
  Today I just wanted to make it official.
We (and when I say “we” I mean “I”) have started an SEO consulting business for Real Estate Investors.
I know there are many people that claim they are good. And I am not going to try to convince you I am. If you don’t believe me you need to find someone else that WILL convince you they are good. As for me… I want to work with people that ALREADY know of…
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Step 2: Get Your Real Estate Investor WebSite Set Up
Step 2: Get Your Real Estate Investor WebSite Set Up
Verifying Ownership Of Your Site And Setting Up Google Analytics A bit of a back story…
If you remember in Step 1: Get Your Real Estate Investor WebSite Set Up, I had bought a brand new Domain name in the NC market. I have decided to continue step 2 of this series, with a brand new domain name I just bought today. The reason is because the NC domain name is now old and I wanted to show how fast a…
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Actionable Tips To Improve Your Credibility Score, SEO, And Lead Generation Part 1
Actionable Tips To Improve Your Credibility Score, SEO, And Lead Generation Part 1
  So I am constantly being asked for help with people’s websites.. sigh.. the price you pay for being famous, good, sexy, goodlooking, smart and sexy. Oh well…  you are hot or you are not, why fight it.
OK so here are some tips you should mind, for your website right now. Some things you can do right now to improve your SEO AND Lead Generation…
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How Do I Do SEO For My Real Estate Investing Website?
I keep being asked: How Can I Learn SEO? How Do I Do SEO For My Website? The mistake everyone makes is this. Everyone wants SEO done. They know everyone talks about it, they know it is a good to have, but they have no idea what it REALLY is. How can you execute a plan based on a tool you have no idea to fully use ad what the benefits of that tool is? It ll starts with What EXACTLY IS SEO anyways?!
Although I am into real estate investing, and this is a post about SEO For Real Estate Investors, this obviously can be applied to ANY business.
Just so you will read this entire HUGE article, I will give you the results right now.
With SEO I have the power to Not only get a ton of leads (HIGH quality leads) for free, I also get to decide who stays in business and who gets bankrupt in my market!
If you want to be the top dog in your market.. READ ON!!
SEO = Search Engine Optimization. Yeah duh… I know. If you didn’t know this… I will buy you a ticket to CT and invite you to my home so I can bitch slap you 3 times!
What this means is simply this…
Search Engine Optimization:
Whatever you do, for Google to display your site first (high) on the search results page when someone does a search on Google. 
Being 1 in the search results will get you a lot of customers, no matter what business you are in. This is why people pay SEO companies a fortune to rank #1. No matter how much it costs, you are most likely going to get it back 10 fold if you convert this inflow of customers into leads, and then deals.
It is an investment with a ridiculous ROI. If you know what you are doing or have someone that knows what they are doing, do it for you, it is the best possible marketing you can possibly do. Getting to be #1 is not easy, but once there it is doable to stay there by just maintaining that position.
What EXACTLY IS SEO Anyways?!
So everyone gives the same answer when someone asks about SEO. “You get leads for free online”… “And these leads are high quality leads as these are people begging YOU to buy their house vs you begging THEM to sell their house with other forms of marketing.
Let me give you the REAL power of SEO through an (evil and brutal ) example…
So first… Let’s be honest. We ll know what SEO RRRRRRELLY stands for right?
SEO stands for Seriously Evil Ostriches.
  This is what Google unleashes on yo Butt when you don’t take Search Engine Optimization seriously. It is such an underappreciated weapon people just ignore and it is beyond me why!
When you master SEO you are pretty much a God online. You control your business and more importantly you control other people’s businesses. You sit on your throne and pass judgement who gets to live and who doesn’t.
Wait whaaaat????
Let me give you a brutal example what power you actually have on others.
Long long long ago there was this awesome little monkey. He was minding his own business being awesome, cute, sexy as hell, helping fairies build him the best website in the world. Ohh really important fact.. He was SUPER SEXY OMAGAAHH!!!
Then the Evil Butthole Of The West saw how awesome his site was and decided to copy the copywriting, layout and my…  ohh sorry, I mean his brilliant ideas. ahem..
The awesome little monkey said.. “ohh no you don’t! you little poop“
So the overlord supreme (the little monkey) of the Google SERPs (search results) decided to pass judgment! The lil monkey checked which cities the Evil Butthole Of The West was doing deals in.. and did a Google search to see where they ranked.
And yup,..
they ranked #1
You dare to copy me.. MEEE MEEEEEEE and think you will get away with it? … he said.
Destroy Your Competition… (If You Want To)
The monkey checked to see which cities the Evil Butthole Of The West invests in and he took them ALL.. by creating specific city pages on his site targeting those cities the sad little butt of the west invests in.
EVERY single one of them.
How long do you think it took to overtake him?
Why? How?
It is called Google trust.
Google trust happens when you have proved to  Google you are sexy as hell. When Google trusts you.. this happens…
Consider this…
Branding Your Company Is Important!
The word “Xerox” is a brand name correct? It has become such a strong brand that now people use it as an actual word.
“I have to Xerox this document”= I need to photocopy this document.
So now when you type “Xerox” int Google, Google knows you actually mean Xerox the company and this happens..
This happens because Google KNOWS Xerox is a company.
Now similarly.. in my market… the keyword “We buy houses in connecticut” is the number 1 typed in keyword to find companies that offer services of buying houses for cash. Well guess what happens when your company is now so sexy, and has Google trust?
Yup, Google now actually thinks that when someone types in that keyword, they are SPECIFICALLY looking for the company CALLED “We Buy Houses In Connecticut”..
And THAT company shows up.. like so:
But that is not all. See the circled “Mini links”? That increases Click through rate drastically… leaving competitors in the seh-MOKE!
How To Brand Your Company
Branding your company (like Xerox did) is one thing. Making google think your company is a brand is completely an other, but the principle remains. How does the community think you are a brand (like xerox)? Simple. You have to become an authority in that market. You become known, the go-to- business in the technology, the leader. (Have you noticed “Google” is a brand too? “How do you stop my dog from humping my cat”? Reply: “Google it you Dumbass”.  Google, the word now means something).
Branding your company is no different in Google’s eyes. Become the authority, the leader. How? Google needs to see people are talking about you, you need to be the authority in the business, have internet presence. Have you noticed that in my blog I m quite vague sometimes? I have to because people STEAL everything from me. I only show you the TIP of my iceberg.. damn that sounded dirty didn’t it. Only a select few get the full scope of my SEO godly knowledge. Yup I started consulting and only those that work with me get this power!
You must be thinking.. DAMN this SEO stuff is interesting.. huh?
Well Not even close to be done here, Silly Butt. So shut up, sit down and FOCUS!!
Look what the first page of Google looks like for someone with godly SEO skills…
Everywhere there is a blue arrow.. is us! We absolutely DOMINATE the first page of Google.
Now for those that have NOT me in their market.. be happy.. Gaadamn it be VERY Happy!! But for those unfortunate souls that have to deal with an evil maniacal little monkey… life sucks! WHY?
Let me show you why pumpkin..
SEO Gives You Control Over Your Market And Your Competitors Market.
Think about it… how would YOU get leads if some butt monkey is hogging Google?
Direct Mail Marketing..?
Bandit Signs?
… right? .. and here is where SEO REALLY works for me.
Have you seen the sites that do PPC? Often they know NOTHING about SEO and let SEO companies take over… well SEO companies ONLY do SEO. they do nothing about your conversion tactics or credibility score.
So when users see their sites.. they SUCK. Seriously horrible sites.. and as I am #1 they obviously see my site and my site.. as mentioned before.. is the best site in the world (as fairies made it).. they simply get more motivated to choose me because well duhh.. I am credible and awesome. (well so they think).
For Direct mail marketing.. this is even MORE brutal. So a potential seller get a weird yellow mailer: …
Margarette: “Hey George.. GEORGE.. GEOOORGE you old senile freak I am TALKING to you!”
George : ” Good lord I’m right next to you woman, what do you want you old hag!”
Margarette: “well you old prune, I just got a card here i the mail with this young man wanting to buy our house in cash, how odd”
George: “That can’t be real Margarette.. WHO buys houses in cash.. just Google it you will see I am right”
So dear ol Margarette Googles:
We Buy Houses In Connecticut
Sell my house in Connecticut
who buys houses in Connecticut
cash for houses in Connecticut
Guess who is on top of the list? And a NASA scientist no less, helping old people walk again through robotics (CREDIBILITY)…
Don’t believe me?
      Bandit Signs?
Oh please I won’t even go there. What looks more shady, and screams for “google me”, than a nasty sing stapled to a street pole with “We Buy Houses” written on it. More so, no one will remember the phone number on such signs, so when they are interested and try to contact the owner of such a sign, what will they do? Yup Google: “We Buy Houses In Connecticut“, and 3 guesses who will be on top of the search results? Moi!
This is the most interesting part and this shows off Google Trust. I do not put bandit signs out. I think it is juvenile, too much work, and ILLEGAL! BUT…
Look what happens if Margarette happen to see a bandit sign on the street. Imagine she can’t remember the phone number on the sign.
So she would google.. maybe:  “who puts we buy houses signs in ct“. You kids want to see the result?
Yes? I bet you do!
Although I am the 3rd choice, the 1st, and 2nd result are not relevant to that search. So she would click on my site!
One more? Okie Dokie then!
Can you start to realize how powerful this is?
SEO Is King If You Know How To Use It Cleverly (Evilly?)
So not only aren’t they getting any leads organically.. even DMM, Bandit Signs, or PPC is giving ME most of their leads.. why?? SIMPLY because I am better at SEO than they are! Bragging much? You still do not get it do you. It is irrelevant if I am bragging or not. The underlying message remains. Everything I mentioned here is truth. The screenshots is obvious proof. So of this is true, then I proved my point. No marketing beats SEO!
So… Tell me again.. what is the best form or marketing?
Why You Shouldn’t Hire A SEO Company To Do Your SEO
As you can see I bet every SEO company that takes on clients in CT! How do I know? Because I rank 1 duhh. So how can that be? That is what they do, I m just a little monkey that took on SEO on my own… yet here I am, no one can touch me.
And this is exactly why I am untouchable. An SEO company needs to do SEO for how many people? A lot. If you do SEO for 2 sites, why would site #1 out perform site #2 if you are doing the same SEO for both? Not going to happen. Do you think an SEO company is going to spend 3, 5, 12 hours working on your site, when they have 30 more customers that need SEO lovin from them? No!
Take me for instance. I breathe SEO, eat SEO, Poop SEO, I make sweet love to SEO, I make not so sweet even rough, maybe a little perverted love to SEO 10, 12, 14 hours a day. I come up with novel completely unique SEO techniques (which I am obviously not sharing unless you hire me for a consulting gig!). Yes you are not going to beat me with SEO (easily). Don’t care how big of a company you are. The FACT you are an SEO company IS your weakness, going against me!
An SEO company has no chance with the dedication drive and obsession an individual will put into for their own company. So I know this reply feels like a lot of bragging… but it is done purposely.
With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility
I can put ANYONE in my market out of business eventually by taking over their market… driving the to spend a fortune on marketing and in the process taking all their leads THEY paid for… All because of SEO. Should you?
Of course you shouldn’t. There are deals for everyone…   OMG I am sorry. I couldn’t write this with a straight face.
YES you moron. DESTROY, Annihilate, OBLITERATE, CRUSH, your competition. Why?
To be at the top is not about being the best one. Someone else will always be better than you, just wait long enough and you will be overtaken. no no.. the saying goes.. to be on top you need to be sure you are the ONLY one! Yes brutal. Believe me when they are successful, and their success is killing your business, when you need the money to feed your kids, no one will old back and give you a chance. You need to grab your chance be sure no one pushes you down. If you do not have this mentality. Get out now. You will not make it.
Does this mean you can’t help others? Of course help others. I am helping you by writing this aren’t I? Help others succeed by all means. But don’t hold back when it comes to your own success!
SEO is more powerful than you can possibly IMAGINE.
SEO Without Credibility Means NOTHING!!
SEO is not everything.
For all you Math lovers out there, prepare to get excited.
OK so now…
Let’s look at par 1 of the equation:
SEO/DMM/my dirty boxers with my phone number written on it/…
This section just gets you noticed. It gets you in front of the seller.
Now the 2nd Part Of The Equation.
Credibility. This convinces the seller you are the best solution to their problem
SEO without credibility…
You are in front of a seller and you say something like:
“Yo my name is Zimbwabambiniwe,  give me your bank account number because I want to give you 1M dollars so I can get my 10 M dollars“.
Shady much?
So what if you are in front of a seller, no one will believe you are credible without credibility.
Now let’s consider the other way.
Credibility Without SEO
Without SEO or any marketing, you could have bought 3 gazibilion houses and you could have paid 3x the market value of the house with concrete proof… who cares if no one even knows you exist, let alone find you.
So you need both!
Yes yes I am friggin awesome I know I KNOW!!
The Result:
And if you are as good at SEO as I am…. you are dangerous! Very dangerous. And I am such an evil butt douche. I am maniacal!
But all this means nothing without results… concrete results:
    I keep telling people. Be a YODA in SEO
If you have no one like me in your market…
KNOW how lucky you are!!
Become that “ME” in your market BEFORE someone else does (or convinces me to help them become the local SEO Yoda), because..
IF you don’t.. game over!
BUT BUT BUT.. I have to admit.. it is not all SEO goodness… being handsome beyond comprehension does help. Don’t believe me?
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Damn I am hot!
  How Do I Do SEO For My Website How Do I Do SEO For My Real Estate Investing Website? I keep being asked: How Can I Learn SEO? 
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