weddingblog · 2 years
The most important thing when planning your wedding is that you surround yourself with people who know how to advise you well and who know your tastes. In the event that you hire a wedding planner, let her advise you, as she probably knows the bridal sector better. However, and even if you try to have everything under control, there will always be things that can escape you. From Our Banquet Halls in Andheri we give you 10 tips and advice so that this does not happen.
1. The guests; the first
One of the first tasks is to estimate roughly how many people you want to attend the wedding. In this way, before hiring the banquet you can make sure that there is enough space for everyone. The correct ratio is 2.5 -3 m2 per guest.
2. The choice of date
Try to choose a date that does not coincide with any holidays, major fairs or conventions that could seriously affect the availability of the banquet venue or the hotels in which guests may stay.
3. Beware of mother nature
Pay special attention to the weather in case it can cause discomfort in the place you choose. For example, you have to prevent the guests from being too hot if you decide to have the banquet outdoors in summer.
If, on the other hand, the wedding is in winter, make sure there is good air conditioning and that the guests do not have to be cold.
Do you want a beach wedding? So, take into account weather conditions and inclement weather, salt spray, sand and wind.
4. Plan your wedding in order
You will have a lot of ideas, in addition to those that they tell you, that you see or that they sell to you, but above all, organize your wedding with order. You can create a web page, where in addition to creating wedding lists, all your guests can help you with the process. However, remember that if you hire a wedding planner, you will save yourself this process.
5. Do not delay the date too much
Most couples choose their wedding date a year in advance, but setting a last minute date can save you a lot of money. The closer the day is set, the more negotiating capacity you have with your suppliers.
6. Be prepared for rejection
Quiet! We are not talking about the boyfriend; We talk about the guests. Approximately 25% of your guests will not attend, either because they live far away, or for financial or personal reasons. Make sure that no later than one month before the wedding all the confirmations are available. Confirmations are very important to know the exact number of guests and to be able to accommodate those who live far away.
7. Raise the budget more than necessary
Do the accounts well so that the wedding budget is balanced. You can make a list and prioritize the aspects that you consider most important in your wedding: the dress, details for guests, banquet menu, music, flowers, photographer... then, classify them from 1 to 3, with 1 being the most important and 3 being the worst. less.
As advice: Do not add too many details that are expensive and that do not play an important role such as the dress or the banquet menu. Remember that the aesthetic is important, but the content and quality is more important.
8. The purchase of the dress
Choose the people who know you best. It is good that they give you their opinion and advise you, but they should also not make you doubt about the things that are important to you. You yourself are the one who knows you best, both your tastes and your body. Only you know what will make you feel comfortable
9. The countdown: 7 days before the wedding
The week before the wedding, the bride and groom must rest. You have to get to the big day fresh and without dark circles! During this week you can have teeth whitening, facials, massages, spa...
10. It came on a great day
Make sure guests are well informed about the ceremony location, times, and transportation. Important: Do not take calls that day, let yourself be pampered, it is your day. Of course, entrust this work to someone you trust, who keeps a list of all the suppliers involved in case problems arise and you have to contact them.
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