weekendviking · 3 hours
omfg i forgot that i never showed tumblr my greatest achievement. my pride and joy, my pi-ass de résistance
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weekendviking · 7 days
It was quite advantageous this week that our unit quartermaster just picked up doublets, breeches and matchlocks, so I was properly dressed for the Day.
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When I was younger everyone cared about Talk Like a Pirate Day. Every September 19th it'd be yars and shivers me timber all the way down, and people took delight in it. Now nobody ever talks like a pirate, on that day or any other. So few of us cling to the old ways. This is where our society went wrong. People not talking about pirates once a year, everything else about society is fine, probably
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weekendviking · 7 days
Despair: I broke my favourite travel coffee cup! Smashed that empire propaganda on the ground!
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Consideration while cleaning the shards: The outer layer is still mostly in one piece:
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It has a central hole in the bottom, an idea forms. A planterish Idea:
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Thus: It carries on, home to a cactus now:
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weekendviking · 10 days
Deep into possibly ill considered regency coat here, and on the second toile so diving into the loot cotton drill stash that I got 20 years ago from a random student job (Labour for emptying out a flooded clothing manufacturer so the wet fabric bolts could be checked by their insurer to write off before dumping. And as we were being paid at the end of the job they said 'Oh, and you're welcome to any of this', gesturing to the skip of bolts of wet cotton drill, knit, moleskin and fustian. I'm not sure they considered that several of us were reenactors and had trailers...')
but yeah, curves. I'm suffering on the regency sleeves.
Have I complained lately about how much I hate the patterning process of it involves curves?
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weekendviking · 11 days
True Fax.
(this was part of my week earlier when I was trying to get the A0 plotter to play nice at work. Luckily one of the IT guys who knows it's ways got to me before I turned to Evil)
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Texts From Superheroes
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weekendviking · 14 days
I have one that explodes Kereru in my back yard!
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scout from kārearea falcon trust! vote for them in bird of the year
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weekendviking · 18 days
I have seen high control groups that were peer groups, fan clubs, workplaces, craft groups, companies, university departments or courses, polycules, reenactment groups, sports clubs, etc. There is no sphere of human activity that can't sometimes end up being culty and high control or coercive, just like there is no political or moral affiliation that can prevent you from sometimes being a dick/abusive to people.
America has a weird relationship with cults where they’re terrified of small cults (or organizations they think are cults) but completely normalized massive cults that hurt many more people (eg: LDS Church, Jehovah’s Witnesses, the Amish, Scientology, most Megachurches)
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weekendviking · 21 days
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weekendviking · 24 days
It always gets better. Still one of the always reblogs. Cold, calculated, professional hit, smoothly executed in the heat of the moment.
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weekendviking · 28 days
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weekendviking · 1 month
Just adding to this, now that there is _finally_ a move in my nation to actually fix our insulation and glazing standards so that the minimum build for a house _wont_ do this to it's occupants, my nation voted in a right wing disaster trash fire coalition of the corrupt, the neoliberal looters of the state for private interest and the populists, and they've promptly decided to wind back that improvement, among many others:
I'll add to my commentary on childhood pneumonia that nearly killed me, to say this: When the company physician viewed the x-ray of my lungs to pass me as healthy for both above and underground mine work in Australia, his first words were 'how many times have you had pneumonia?'. He then reviewed the x ray, pointed out the various damage, and said he'd pass me, but basically told me to stick to exploration and above ground work if I could and don't work in the pits or underground mines, because my lungs, although healthy, are only just good enough to pass that check. Just. But the dust, even with modern PPE, would get me. I took that advice to heart. It wasn't particularly the fault of my family, just the economics and regulation that was considered 'Ok' and 'good enough' or 'they won't vote for us if we make it more expensive'.
And despite, what, 98% support for this improvement to our building codes specifically because of the improvement to respiratory and vascular health, some rich wankers have given the current government a handy under the table, to get it removed.
Lividly angry.
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Images from Local epidemiologist's substack and fb post. I note that I nearly died from infectious disease several times before age 10. The worst of those was one of the half dozen times I had severe pneumonia. I didn't even know I was sick, because I was a bronchial asthmatic - I always had a bit of a cough, a bit of trouble breathing, so how could I know? We were sitting on the couch watching TV (this would have been what, late winter early spring '77). I was feeling sort of dreamily restful. Then my family noticed I was blue about the lips and unresponsive (I mean, I was aware, I could see them, but I could barely move; it's only when I saw the panic in their eyes that I realised I wasn't breathing/couldn't breathe). The pneumonia had filled my lungs to the point that my bronchiae were so full of fluid I couldn't cough it up, and I'd just started dying on the couch there beside my siblings. Dad picked me up and shook/patted my back (probably full strength slapped it really,) and I coughed up a huge wodge of stuff, and got air, and then he carried me outside and made me stand, walk then run, (This was probably not the approved method), to make me cough more, while mum warmed up the car, then it was hospital and the serious antibiotics for a couple weeks.
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weekendviking · 1 month
Fuck It, Internet Guide
Hey there! As social media becomes more and more inhospitible for the local user, I wanted to post some useful/fun links to just about anything I can think of! Enjoy! Also, if you'd like an invite to the P!rated Games discord, lmk! ^_^
I AM CURRENTLY STILL UPDATING THIS POST AND I WILL REBLOG IT WHEN I ADD TO IT! Feel free to comment things I've missed, I'm sure there's way more than this came from!
EDIT 1: Here's the link to the google doc! Link it on your webrings and sites! Share on twitter! <3 be free my little links!
CURLIE: THE COLLECTOR OF URLs (Curlie strives to be the largest human-edited directory of the Web. You can save sites and create your own mini webring!)
Internet Archive (A collection of over 818 Billion websites, books, movies, music, and more. Hosts the Wayback Machine, which can be used to access a multitude of sites, given they were indexed in time.)
Wiby (Human submission search engine for older webrings, as well as a how-to guide on how to develop your own search engine)
Unicode Text Converter (Easy way to make your text illegible to Google but be warned, it will make screen readers malfuction)
Embed Responsively (Easily convert links and embeds to work responsively within your site - perfect for neocities!)
Generator Land (Generate a list or prompt for just about anything!)
GifCities (Part of the Internet Archive, a special project done as part of the 20th anniversary in an effort to save data from GeoCities. Find a gif for just about anything!)
Animated Images (Another gif repository, though this one is easier to search and includes small animations.)
Gifs-Paradise (Another gif repository. I swear I collect these. Searchable and categorized.)
ASCII Art Archive (Database of ASCII Art, also known as text art)
Christopher Johnson's ASCII Art Collection (Another, arguably larger, ASCII Art database)
MelonLand (A web project and online arts community that celebrates homepages, virtual worlds, the world-wide-web and the digital lives that all netizins share, here at the dawn of the digital age. See their thoughts and the WEB REVIVAL they're starting.)
Sadgrl Webrings (Webrings brought to us by Sadgrl.Online - 60+ different ones to be exact) and Sadgrl Links (70+ links just like the ones in this post)
Districts at Neocities (Remember neighborhoods on Geocities? Imagine that but for Neocities!)
Neocities Banners (Banners from all across neocities. Blinkies, banners and more leading all over the web. Mostly 88x31, though there are bigger ones too. Technically counts as a webring.)
Blinkies.cafe (Site for blinkies where you can even make your own! I get most of my blinkies here and off DeviantArt.)
88x31 Collection (Possibly the largest collection I've seen for 88x31 buttons)
90's Cursor Effects (Want a funky cursor for your blog or website? Wanna be able to realtime preview what cursors would look like? Come get some code!)
The Malware Museum (Interact with malware and viruses from the 80s and 90s through emulation! No nasty virus interactions needed :D )
Library Genesis - LIBGEN (Scientific journals - dedicated to archiving every science journal and their articles in existence.)
Information Mesh (A web platform celebrating the 30th anniversary of the World Wide Web that explores social, technical, cultural and legal facts throughout different interactive timelines.)
Web Design Museum (Over 2,000 sorted websites showing web design trends from '96 to '06.)
The History of the Web (A twice monthly newsletter about web history, and the incredible people that built it. Goes from 1989 to present.)
Field Guide to Web Accessibility (Principles and applications to every day web scenarios in order to make the web a more friendly place!)
CARI - Consumer Aesthetics Research Institute (an online community and collective association of researchers and designers dedicated to carrying on the important work of categorizing "consumer aesthetics" from the late midcentury, when work on the subject somewhat trailed off, through today.)
The Eye (Archive consisting of 140TB of books, websites, games, software, or anything else you can really think of.)
The Uncensored Library (A project from Reporters without Borders, where they use a loophole using Minecraft to distribute information.)
National Gallery of Art Public Domain (The National Gallery of Art has an open access policy for images of works of art in their permanent collection which the Gallery believes to be in the public domain. Images of these works are available for download free of charge for any use, whether commercial or non-commercial.)
Library of Congress Public Domain (Features items from the Library's digital collections that are free to use and reuse. The Library believes that this content is either in the public domain, has no known copyright, or has been cleared by the copyright owner for public use.)
Public Domain Review (an online journal and not-for-profit project dedicated to the exploration of curious and compelling works from the history of art, literature, and ideas.)
New York Public Library Public Domain (Our digitized collections are available as machine-readable data: over one million records for you to search, crawl and compute.)
Official articles from NASA (PubSpace is NASA's designated public access repository. It is a collection of NASA-funded scholarly publications within the STI Repository, aiming to increase access to federally funded research in accordance with NASA Public Access Policy.)
Universal Hint System (Wanna get some vague help for an older video game without getting spoiled? Check out these awesome hints!)
Smithsonian Open Access (Download, share, and reuse millions of 2D and 3D digital items from their 21 museums, 9 research centers, libraries, archives, and the National Zoo.)
Instructables (Wanna know how to make just about anything? Check here!)
QZAP Zine Archive (Archive of LGBT+ Zines, began in 2003 with zines dating back all the way to the 1970s. NSFW AT TIMES, BROWSE AT YOUR OWN RISK.)
P!racy Masterpost (Tumblr-based masterpost of game piracy, last updated 2021. A bit old but some of the stuff there is still good. If this link breaks, please contact me.)
P!rated Games Megathread (masterpost created by r/P!ratedGames includes required components as well as anything else you need. NOTE: PLEASE HAVE SOME SORT OF PROTECTION WHEN NAVIGATING THIS SITE)
Geocities Gallery (A website hosting a working archive for many abandoned Geocities Sites.)
Snipplr (Code Snippet repository. Great for coding issues.)
GeoCities (Archived) (Great for searching ancient webrings for gifs and website ideas. Not so great for downloads.)
Freeware Guide (Archived) (The Freeware-Guide died sometime in 2021 [we think March] but it's still full of VERY valuable information. Links are broken pretty much all the way through, but the names of software as well as what they do can be useful in finding them elsewhere thru some google searching)
Peelopaalu (Where I got a good handful of these links - AND THERE'S MORE!!!)
The Simple Site (More links to so much more cool stuff!)
Untitled - Paint (An in-browser version of classic Microsoft Paint!)
KidPix (In-browser version of classic KidPix for the public domain!)
Pixel Logic - A Guide to Pixel Art (Comprehensive guide to making cool art for $10 USD, updated semi-frequently and you get all new versions for free)
SAI - Bootlegged (A version of SAI with a multitude of brushes and textures pre-installed. Quite literally the only thing I use to draw aside from Clip Studio Paint.)
Stripe Generator (Need some easy stripes for an art piece? Can't be bothered to try and space stripes evenly? This is for you!)
Photopea (Free online photo editor supporting files for Adobe Photoshop, XCF, Sketch App, Adobe XD, and CorelDRAW, as well as many more!)
blender (A FOREVER free and Open Source software for 3D Modeling, full of tutorials and assets. I feel like most people don't know it's completely free to play with)
Vertex Meadow (A web-browser tool that renders 2D images as explorable 3D terrain. With it you can create detailed and unusual 3D environments to explore using a 2D paint-program-like interface.)
OpenGameArt (Need art for your game but you're not an artist? Consider checking here first [or just hire a real artist looking for work on here!])
BandLab (Social music platform that enables creators to make music and share their creative process with musicians and fans. Completely free with an option to set up stripe where you get 100% OF PROFITS. Available for apple/android/desktop)
JummBox (Free online beat-maker with a very simple interface that runs on your browser)
Mydora (Mydora is a continuous streaming player that gives you a deep dive into the lost archives of Myspace Music, based on some recovered data called the Dragon Hoard, with some additional metadata (most notably the locations and genres) from a different scan of Myspace conducted back in 2009. Contains 490,000+ songs, only a fraction of what was wiped out.)
Radiooooo (A place where people are able to play hit songs from the decade of their choosing from whatever country they wish.)
WFMU (Independent freeform radio broadcasting. Currently ongoing.)
Gnoosic (A sort-of music search engine that finds you songs/bands based off of your music taste.)
Khinsider (3.1 TB worth of video game soundtracks)
Radio.garden (Listen to thousands of radio stations all around the world.)
FrogLand (The purpose of Frogland is to show that the Internet can indeed provide a wealth of useful information and still be fun. Mainly, this site is dedicated to the many teachers out there who are finding new uses for the Internet as a tool for educating youngsters. Hopefully, it will inspire some young minds to find new interest in herpetology, biology, and environmental issues...not to mention providing some inspiration for young future computer "wizzes"! No longer active but still useful.)
Windows 98 icon Viewer (Want clear jpgs of all the Windows 98 symbols and icons? They're all here!)
GifyPet (Create your own embeded pet that people can play with and feed when they visit your page! See my version HERE [only works on desktop tho])
Ultimate Mushroom (Like the idea of picking mushrooms in your area but no idea what to look for? Check out this info hub!)
Gif Gallery (Another gif repositiory, only sorted by being numbered 1-100,000. Fun and silly, not so much useful unless you're looking for random gifs. Part of the MelonLand Webring)
Interesting DOS Programs (A host of DOS programming, guides and links.)
Internet Archive: MS-DOS Games (8,000 games right in your web browser! Your browser can play DOOM!)
Tiled Backgrounds (Need some small jpegs for easy website bg tiling? Browse this collection sorted by color.)
cOOl & EMO tEXt cOnVERTer xXX (Flashing warning. Wanna type like you're in the 2000s? Need a funny Green Day lyric as a caption? This is probably the best place for you.)
0x40 (Flashing Warning. Anime images synced with music. Fun for parties, lol)
WebGL Fluid Simulation (In browser fluid simulator, great for art backgrounds and desktop wallpapers.)
Flashpoint (The biggest collection of preserved Flash Games and Animations)
NCase (Free games and open source projects from Nicky [THESE ARE REALLY COOL AND FUN, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND])
Your World of Text (A huge interactive text doc that anyone can add to anonymously.)
Text To Speech (TTS in more than 30 languages and over 180 voices.)
ASCII Art Generator (Make ASCII Art from any image.)
Petit Tube (Random Youtube videos with less than 10 views)
Noclip Website (Noclip around various video game maps in your browser!)
Monster Mash (Create and animate some monsters in browser! You can also download their files.)
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weekendviking · 1 month
Human: Deal.
Fey: Very well. When you return home tonight, your mother will be in pristine health again. It will be like she never fell ill at all. Even the memory of her suffering will fade…
Human: Thank you so much. She means everything to me.
Fey: I know, I know. Let’s hope the price wasn’t too much for you after all… Only time will tell.
Human: So, when do we start?
Fey: …If I may ask you to elaborate?
Human: You said you wanted my firstborn.
Fey: Yes? And you agreed?
Human: Yeah, so, when do we start?
Fey, blushing: Ah.
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weekendviking · 1 month
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weekendviking · 1 month
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This fine filk of Devo's Whip it, Whip it good, for the shipping industry, needs to be re-written slightly for the other Shipping industry, the slashy one.
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weekendviking · 1 month
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made this a while ago for @kindofdistracting , who should be allowed to fire cannons and can be trusted with firing cannons
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weekendviking · 1 month
I can't keep having the same conversations about love languages, mbti, iq, bmi, "brain fully formed at 25" and shit over and over again...
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