wehavedreams · 3 years
Jace stans should offer me money if they want to interact with me 😌
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wehavedreams · 3 years
aldertree after asking jace about incest during his trial: EXPOSED! #JaceIsOverParty. can i get a YIKES
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wehavedreams · 3 years
tik tok is having a bone stealing witch scandal. i repeat. tik tok is having a bone stealing witch scandal. but this time a man is collecting human spines
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wehavedreams · 3 years
The Federation of Anarchism Era in Iran and Afghanistan is accepting donations to help activists escape Afghanistan. The country is likely to fall to the Taliban within the next few days and they won’t show any mercy to activists fighting for freedom there, so please help out if you can.
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wehavedreams · 3 years
In the last weeks in Palestine
They keep demolishing homes in Silwan, and families are having to choose between demolishing their homes themselves or pay a fine to the Israeli government. Children are sleeping in their cars as their homes are demolished against their will.
Musa Hassouneh was shot and killed by a mob in Lydd. On the 13th, her father had to leave the city after the Israeli mayor threatened to kill him
IOF demolished the village of Khirbet Humsa for the sixth time in less than an year, throwing their belongings, including food packages, 7 miles away
The IOF also demolished another village in Humsa, the Jordan Valley. Here's a video of a child asking where the army is coming from
IOF pepper sprayed a one year old while confiscating a tractor in Um Al Jamal in the Jordan Valley. Here's a video of the child receiving care after the attack
Israel shut down the office of the Palestinian agricultural union in Ramallah
Settlers from a nearby settlement raided and threw stones at homes in Huwara, in the West Bank. IOF provided cover for the settlers to walk back to their settlement. In a separate episode, they injured a child who was herding their cattle.
IOF confiscated a health facility in Masafar Yatta, in the West Bank. Here's a video of them brutalizing an elder protesting the confiscation
Israel has demolished the home of a prisoner as punishment. On July 14, a group of Birzeit University students visited the family to show support and all 45 of them were arrested. The IOF had the audacity to tweet the youth they arrested were a part of a Hamas student cell in Ramallah
Even though they announced they would retreat the colonizer settlement in Beita, the IOF is still building a military base and a religious school there. Palestinians have been resisting everyday for months and have been brutally repressed
In June 9th, the IOF injured 411 people in Beita, including a child named Mohammad Hamayel who was shot with live bullets to his spleen and shrapnel to his waist.
These kind of bullets with explosive shrapnel are prohibited under international law, but have been used consistently against Beita residents. On top of that, they've been making access of ambulances and other medical services difficult to residents.
IOF shot a shepherd in Beita because he refused to follow orders. On another episode, 19 year old Hussam Asaira was killed trying to protect his village
The IOF has been consistently brutalizing Palestinians in Jerusalem. Here's a video of protesters being attacked in the Damascus Gate.
IOF keeps brutalizing residents in Sheikh Jarrah. Here's a video of an attack that ended up injuring Aref Hammad, an elder resident in risk of displacement
Yesterday (July 18th) settlers and IOF soldiers raided Al Aqsa mosque. They beat women, attacked worshippers and shot live bullets inside the mosque to make way for Israeli Jewish visitors
This thread talks about how settlers want to demolish Al Aqsa to build a biblical park, exactly like they're doing with Silwan
Here's a video of the attacks and this thread shows videos of IOF brutalizing women, including attacking and stealing a woman's prayer mat
They bolted the doors to the mosque to stop Palestinians from praying.
Don't look away from Palestine. Israel will keep on doing these crimes if they think they can get away with it. The best we can do is to clog zionist propaganda. Palestinians have been systemically silenced on social media and news outlets, and Muna El Kurd, one of the leaders of the Save Sheikh Jarrah movement, has already said that spreading the word is very important to fight zionism.
Be angry and amplify Palestinian voices. The above links go back to activist accounts, follow them and share their updates. Attend protests (here's a constantly updating list of pro Palestine protests) and follow organizations to know when the next ones will be held. Some of them: USCPR, Palestinian Youth Movement, Within our Lifetime, Arab Resource and Organizing Center, and Mohammed El Kurd (he often posts calls for action from all over the world on his stories).
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wehavedreams · 3 years
i dont know which shadowhunter fan needs to read this today but erasing raphael’s canon asexuality and touch averseness is an aphobic and shitty move and it’s not demisexual rep to make him demi when 1- hes very canonically not demi, or else he wouldnt have had a problem kissing Izzy; 2- you could have made anyone else demi without erasing a canon asexual (and touch aversed!) character; and 3- you very obviously only made him demi so you could have him bang whoever you’re pairing him with. demi ppl deserve better than to be seen as “lesser aces” or to only be “represented” for the sake of ur porn while not having their identity discussed or treated as anything but a plot device and ace ppl deserve better than to have their rep taken away from them for the sake of some smut or just because yall seem to think there cant be good romance featuring an asexual, touch-aversed character, which is an slap in the face of all alloromantic aces btw. also fuck you
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wehavedreams · 3 years
if you have a couple of bucks to spare, consider throwing them to The Indian Residential School Survivor Society (IRSSS). they provide counseling and other forms of support to first nations people who are residential school survivors. this is a list of other charities that support first nations people, this list is a mix of charities and ways to learn more about first nation activism and history, and this is a link to a free online college course called Indigenous Canada
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wehavedreams · 3 years
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Israeli cities — not just illegal settlements — are built on or around the forced displacement and erasure of Palestinians. After Zionist settlement and the Nakba, when Zionist militias violently expelled 750,000 Palestinians from their homes, cities in Israel’s ’48 borders were Judaized, and their Palestinian residents and histories were erased.
This is why Palestinians use the phrase “ongoing Nakba” to describe Israel’s attempted ethnic cleansing in Sheikh Jarrah, Silwan, Beita, and throughout the West Bank. Though Israel’s tactics of displacement and narratives used to justify it have changed, the Nakba has continued unabated to this day.
We must not let the still-Palestinian cities meet the fate of the Judaized cities in Israel’s ever-expanding “borders.” We must support Palestinians in their struggle to stay in their homes today — and to end the ongoing Nakba and get their right to return to the cities that Zionists expelled them from within our lifetime.
Image via Salem Barahmeh of Rabet
#SaveSheikhJarrah #SaveSilwan #SaveBeita
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wehavedreams · 3 years
Went to look at toz on tiktok and all I saw was people simping for Tales of Zestiria the X and I thought we all agreed it didn't exist 😭 😭 😭 aaaaaaa
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wehavedreams · 3 years
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wehavedreams · 3 years
Israel is celebrating all 248 civilians it killed - including 67 children - as "neutralized terrorists"
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wehavedreams · 3 years
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wehavedreams · 3 years
Israel is currently using WHITE PHOSPHORUS, an internationally banned weapon, on civilians in Gaza.
Israel is currently using WHITE PHOSPHORUS, an internationally banned weapon, on civilians in Gaza.
Israel is currently using WHITE PHOSPHORUS, an internationally banned weapon, on civilians in Gaza.
Israel is currently using WHITE PHOSPHORUS, an internationally banned weapon, on civilians in Gaza.
Israel is currently using WHITE PHOSPHORUS, an internationally banned weapon, on civilians in Gaza.
Israel is currently using WHITE PHOSPHORUS, an internationally banned weapon, on civilians in Gaza.
Israel is currently using WHITE PHOSPHORUS, an internationally banned weapon, on civilians in Gaza.
Israel is currently using WHITE PHOSPHORUS, an internationally banned weapon, on civilians in Gaza.
Israel is currently using WHITE PHOSPHORUS, an internationally banned weapon, on civilians in Gaza.
Israel is currently using WHITE PHOSPHORUS, an internationally banned weapon, on civilians in Gaza.
Israel is currently using WHITE PHOSPHORUS, an internationally banned weapon, on civilians in Gaza.
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wehavedreams · 3 years
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This take is pissing me off so Im going to just rant about it to get it out of my system.
Elon Musk's SNL bits weren't unfunny because he's autistic, they were unfunny because he's an out of touch conservative billionaire with a cult of personality who panders to online nerd communities who are obsessed with 4chan, cryptocurrency, and saying slurs as often as possible. Every time this man says a single thing it's incredibly clear he has no idea what life is like for the average person and has been spoonfed by others his entire life. He didn't start tesla, he bought it. He's more of a detriment to SpaceX than a positive. He's rich because mommy and daddy being racists in apartheid South Africa. He owns a fucking emrald mine. He calls literal heroes pedophiles for daring to criticize his stupid plans thatd kill innocents. His companies violate almost every OSHA standard (and thats just the shit in the USA) and his space company rains dangerous shit all over American cities.
People don't hate Elon Musk because he's autistic. People hate Elon Musk because he's a Captain Planet villain.
And, trying to level that disgust towards him as disgust towards autistic people is so extremely ableist. Elon Musk getting made fun of for being terrible at comedy and being an unrelatable billionaire is not the same as autistic people getting made fun of for not being able to communicate ideas.
Fuck all the way off.
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wehavedreams · 3 years
important !! please read and reblog !!
it’s unfair of us to have platforms and not use it to speak up for palestinians. i have resources provided below for how you can educate yourself on the ethnic cleansing that is happening in israel right now and how you can help.
educate yourself
thread on what is occurring in sheikh jarrah, another thread
thread of infographics about misconceptions regarding israel and palestine
tw bombing video of al aqsa mosque being bombed
tw violence, tw bombing, tw shooting video of palestinians in al aqsa mosque
tweet explaining importance of al aqsa
a website where you can learn more about palestine
a video breaking down the history of the israeli oppressing palestinians
video of palestinian explaining the importance of spreading awareness
tw violence video of 16 yo palestinian boy being forcefully evicted from his home by israeli solders
tiktok of palestinian speaking about what is going on in her country. please see the links in her bio for more information— tiktok will not let me copy and paste her linktree
tiktok of palestinian speaking on situation in gaza
instagram page for jewish voices for peace, an organization working for liberation and justice for palestine
free ways to help if you cannot donate
do NOT sign petitions !! they are not accounted for in the middle east and do nothing.
simply go to this website and click
watch this video to donate, it’s 3 hours long but just playing it in the background can help
watch this video to donate, it’s 1 hour long but just playing it in the background can help
if you are from the U.K., follow these instructions to call local MPs into action
if you are from the U.S., text RESIST to 50409 to urge congress to help palestine
thread of dua’as muslims can make to pray for palestinians
boycott israeli products
donate— it is better to donate directly to people rather than organizations, but i do have a few organizations listed.
do NOT donate to change.org
help children and hospitals affected by gaza bombing
help hungry children in palestine
donate to palestine child relief fund, known to be reputable
donate to united palestinian appeal, a direct charity
donate directly to journalist injured in gaza
ramadan zakat fund for palestinians in gaza
i’ll add more links as i continue to find reliable sources and proper donations. please dm me other resources and i can add them to this list. if anything here is not trustworthy, please let me know immediately and i will take it down. free palestine until it’s backwards, pray for palestinians who do not know whether they will be safe in their own country.
last but not least, if you are a zionist, unfollow me immediately. i don’t need you on my tumblr. and do not use what is happening in palestine right now to be anti-semitic.
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wehavedreams · 3 years
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wehavedreams · 3 years
10 years ago today, Ebony Dark’ness Dementia Raven Way went back in time to sedouce Volxemort and protect all of us from his evil plans
reblog this post to honor Enoby’s brave sacrifice, ignore if you’re a prep or a poser
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