weiiwei-blog · 7 years
Top 5 templates for Korean TV series❤Top cliché doram.
Hello, my name is Wei-Wei. I, like the others, are a fan of Asian TV series and especially of Korean ones. They are kind and cheerful, romantic and inspiring, but often quite patterned. And now I invite everyone to go through the most popular of these templates. Item 1. “The Cinderella Effect”. If you look closely, most Asian TV series tell the story of a super-poor girl and a hyper rich guy. The more rich and beautiful the guys in the series, the better.And moreover, the pale the girl and the more pathetic it looks, the more rich handsome people will fall in love with her.Is not this the place of any girl? Item 2. Kisses. Kissing is generally a separate conversation. It seems that Korea has a special technique. The scheme is this: the guy suddenly presses his lips to the lips of the main character. At the same time, they both should stand as still as possible, while the girl at this moment as much as possible bulges her eyes.And even if the kiss does not happen for the first time, techno remains the same.True, in modern serials the kiss is made more sensual, well, or they shoot the scene from far away, so as not to injure the viewer with the eyes of the main heroine flying out of the orbits. Point 3. Cool phone. Each character must be the last cell phone model , regardless of his wealth. And if it turns out that the heroine uses antiquated machine , then after a few episodes she will come to the aid rich pretty boy from 1st paragraph and correct this terrible mistake. Item 4. Amazing appetite. In Asian series a real cult of food , but this is not the most interesting. Much more fun way of swallowing food. Want to learn the secret of conquering the hearts? It is simple. When the object of your affection fill his mouth with food. In the truest sense of the word fill , so that would be to chew it was almost unreal. Warm and gentle eyes you provided. Item 5. Rain , and preferably a shower. This is the best pimp , which you can think of. No need to look for a way to be together , nature will do it for you. The hero or heroine , or preferably both , be sure to get under the rain , literally , after 5 minutes they have lifted the heat. And here comes a way to prove himself. You need to cook porridge and sit by the bed all night , to keep the patient’s hand.
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