weirdloveonly-blog · 5 years
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bury a friend - billie eilish
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weirdloveonly-blog · 5 years
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Business Communication Spell
May 15 was the date of the Mercuralia, a festival honoring the god Mercury in his role as patron of commerce and business. He was also known as the messenger of the Gods, and is associated with communication.
If you’ve been waiting for news of a professional nature and it just doesn’t seem to be forthcoming, use this spell to give slack communicators a little magical nudge.
**Do this working on a Wednesday if possible.
A marker or felt tip pen
3 bay leaves
Write the name of the person who supposed to be contacting you on both sides of the bay leaves, saying:
I wait for news I need so much, get to work and get in touch!
Place the bay leaves near whatever medium you hope to deliver the news – if you’re waiting for a call, tuck them in your cell phone case. If you’re hoping for an email place them under a corner of your laptop.
Found in Daily Spellbook for the Good Witch by Patti Wigington
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weirdloveonly-blog · 5 years
To Prevent Psychic Attack
To safeguard against psychic attack, mark a pentagram on your forehead with your index finger. Visualize it radiating and neon blue color.
Lord and Lady, twirl about
Guard me day and night, throughout
Guide me through each passing hour
And grant me your protective power
From head to toe, from sky to ground
Keep me safe and well and sound
Found in Everyday Magic by Dorothy Morrison
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weirdloveonly-blog · 5 years
Birthday Wish Spell
Potted flower or plant
On your birthday, write your wish on a piece of paper.
Keep it under a flower or plant.
As it grows it will manifest your desire
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weirdloveonly-blog · 5 years
12 Months of Magic
For this spell, you’ll need 12 candles placed in a circle so they’re spaced out like the face of a clock.
Dab each with a bit of your favorite cologne or perfume.
Beginning at the candle in the one o'clock position, light the candles clockwise saying:
One month of blessings
One month of health
One month of joy
One month of wealth
One month at home
One month away
One month of laughter
One month to play
One month of solitude
One month of peace
A whole year of magick, may it never cease!
Bear in mind that you can change the last wors of each wish to suit your circumstances better.
Leave the candles to burn for one minite for every year you’ve been alive, keep them for the following year.
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weirdloveonly-blog · 5 years
5 Simple Birthday Rituals
1.    Enchant Your Birthday Cake
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This one is obvious. The tradition of making a wish before blowing birthday candles is probably the most common act of magick. Everyone does magick without even knowing! This year, at your birthday, do with intention. You’ll have better results.
Step by Step Guide
Before blowing the candles, close your eyes.
Formulate your wish in a simple sentence at the present tense, using only positive verbs. Here’s an example: “I am hired at my dream job”.
Visualise your wish into your mind’s eye. See your wish coming true. How does it look like? How does it feel? Involve your five senses.
Now, imagine that your whole cake is surrounded by a golden light.
Blow the candles while repeating your wish into your head. Trust that you have been heard. The Universe has your back!
As you eat the cake, continue focusing on your wish.
For better results, do not throw your birthday candles. Instead, place them into a safe container on your altar. Light them again while focusing on your wish. Let them burn out completely.
2.    Give Your Birthday Cake as an Offering.
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After your birthday party, make an offering with the remnants of your birthday cake. Alternatively, if you have a lot of guests, keep a piece aside. This is something I never have done since I always eat everything (but I will do it next year for sure!). If, like me, you like cake too much, keep that in mind: the best offerings are the one that we value the most. And since you shared it with friends and family, your birthday cake is already charged with good energy!
How to Make an Offering
Call the entity that you are working with (it can be a God, a Goddess, an Angel, a Spirit Guide, or simply The Universe).
Place the cake in a small dish or in your offering bowl. Put it on your altar.
Describe your cake. Tell the entity that you are offering it in token of your love and gratitude. Read a short prayer if you feel like it.
Take a small bite of the cake to symbolically share it with the entity. Say thank you again.
Leave the rest of the cake on your altar for the rest of the day. The next morning, leave it in nature or compost it.
3.    Perform a Birthday Tarot spread.
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This is the Sunflower Birthday Spread by Barbara Moore. I made this page in my Bullet journal to write down my reading.
As I wrote earlier, your birthday is a perfect time for divination since you are in a crossing point between the past year and the next.  For my part, reading the Tarotfor my birthday is an old tradition. Each year, I do the same Tarot spread, using the Mystic Faerie Tarot Deck that I received as a gift from my mother at 15 years old.  The Sunflower Birthday Spread depicted above comes from A Guide to Mystic Faerie Tarotwritten by Barbara Moore. If you already know her work, you will notice that this spread is very similar to her Astrological Spread (that can be found in her book Tarot Spreads) except that there is a Signifier card in the center.
How to Read it
This spread is made of 13 cards. The central card is a Signifier: it represents where you are right now. There are many methods to select the Signifier, but for this spread, simply draw it as if it were a regular card. Draw the Signifier first, then draw the 12 others.
Read each card separately. Then, include the central card for more insight.
Some positional meanings might be repetitive, but it’s a good thing! The repetitive meanings add up for a more detailed reading. Look at the interactions between the cards and you will surely learn interesting things.
4.    Honor your Higher Self.
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According to the renowned occultist H. P. Blavatsky, the Higher self is “Atma the inseparable ray of the Universe and one self. It is the God above, more than within, us”. In other words, we all have a Higher Self; it is the purest part of us, made of unconditional love, that connects us to the Universe. Your birthday is a great time to connect with it and honor it. Here is a simple ritual to do it. You can find it in Witch School First Degree: Lessons in the Correllian Tradition by Rev Don Lewis-Highcorrell.
Ritual to Honor Your Higher Self
What You Will Need
Your altar
Your favorite incense
A candle of your favorite color
Your favorite drink
Your chalice (or favorite cup)
A Representation of your Higher Self (Tarot/Oracle card, drawing, printed picture, statue, etc.)
The Steps
Ground yourself. Breathe deeply. Light the candle and concentrate on the flame.
Light the incense. Say:
“O Higher Self, I call to You”.
Imagine that your Higher Self is in front of you. Its appearance doesn’t matter. Choose whatever appeals to you.
Talk to your Higher Self out loud. Say:
“I attune to my Higher Self. We are One. O Higher Self, I ask for guidance. Help me to see and understand the lessons of my life. Give me clarity and courage to learn them. Help me to learn them with ease and joy. I rededicate myself to the purposes for which I came into this life. Please guide me through them.”
Take the chalice. Imagine a white bright light shining from it. Say:
“O Higher Self, please accept this drink in token of my love.”
Drink the liquid. Visualise the white light entering you along with the liquid. You are now filled with warmth and joy.
Meditate for a few minutes. Imagine your Higher Self strong, healthy and happy. In this way, you are strengthening your bond to it.
When you are ready, say:
“O Higher Self, I give you my thanks and my love.”
Snuff the candles and incense. Record your experience in your Book of Shadows.
5.    Practice Gratitude.
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When you are done, light a candle on your altar. Read your list out loud. Thank the Universe, the Goddess, your Guides, or whatever you believe in for their help.
A birthday is a time of celebration. Even it we don’t always receive gifts, we still receive a lot of things: birthday wishes, free drinks, birthday cakes and family dinners. After receiving all those things, take the time to say thank you.
A Simple Gratitude Ritual
For a few minutes, sit quietly with your journal.
Write down all the great things that you received for your birthday and during the past year. Make a list of at least 10. It doesn’t have to be material things and even the smallest count.
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weirdloveonly-blog · 5 years
Hag Stone
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A Hag Stone is a stone that can be found in nature with natural holes in it. Other names for these stones include Holy Stones, Odin Stones, Faerie Stones, Adder Stones, witch stones, serpent’s eggs, or snake’s eggs. 
In folk lore, these stones are rumored to ward off the unwanted spirits, curses, sickness, and nightmares. They are also said to be used as “windows or doorways to see ‘otherworlds’, invisible spirits, or how a being ‘really’ looks beyond their glamoury.” 
They can be placed above the entrance to one’s home to absorb negativity that may enter. They can also ward off night hags and have for centuries been known as a favorite talisman by Cunning Folk to dispel the evil eye. In Italian witchcraft it is believed that gazing through these stones can allow one to peer into the fae realm or the stones could even be a key into the realm of the fae. 
They can even break illusions that are cast by evil witches or the fae.
“The legendary druid Mug Ruith was said to have a stone which could turn into a poisonous eel when thrown in water, this may be a reference to an Adder Stone.”
Sources: x x x
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weirdloveonly-blog · 5 years
❄️✧・゚✨Winter witchy things to do✨*・°❄️
Winter is now approaching and its such a powerful time for weather magic, focusing on magic within the home and self reflection. Here’s some witchy winter things to do!
Collecting ❄️ Collect pine cones for protection and to make the house smell good! You can use pine cone ‘thorns’ for protection or use them to leave offerings to nature as bird feeders! All you need is peanut butter and seeds for birds to eat. 
❄️Winter water for winter magic! Snow water can correspond with patience, growth and purity. Blizzard water can be used for curses, banishing and concealing(since blizzards can bury things in snow). Icicle water for protection and defensive magic. Ice rain for petty hexes (think of uncomfortable falling debris constantly hitting you from the sky), or in a positive/neutral light- the accumulation of something. 
Snow and Ice Magic
❄️Snow Sentinels to protect the home! You can mold them to look like ordinary snowmen or shape a monster from the snow! I dunno I would much prefer having a dramatic snow troll emerging from the icy depths of my front lawn then a jolly looking fellow but if your neighbors will start asking questions I guess just go for the usual unsuspecting looking snow man. Use them to ward unwanted energy and guests! Build a snowman around a witch jar if you really want to add extra magic and power to your snow sentinel! 
❄️Make Ice lanterns especially if you celebrate Imbolc, Candlemas, Candle Day the Winter Crossquarter or (as Upthewitchypunx celebrates) Candlemark! It’s a beautiful and naturesque way to make your yard a glow in the dark times of winter. There are several ways to make it! (1, 2- preferred, 3, 4). Also it’s my Winter Crossquarter personal tradition to welcome the light back by putting out a new lantern every day after Yule and lighting it so that there is a new light. (often this accumulates up to 40 but it makes for a beautiful show). (Since I can only fit so many lanterns in my freezer and I don’t always have time to make more I usually end up making 10-15 and the rest are interior electric candles- just to give you some realistic obstacles to expect if you want to part take in that). 
❄️ You can also make Ice Capsules the similar way to making ice lanterns in a balloon or in a cup and sealing your spells in there to be disposed of in nature. Sometimes witches like to bury spells in jars but that might not be the best thing for nature especially if you want to do that for most of your spells. There are great alternatives to burying your spell like in a wrapped leaf or in light paper that can break down easily, but you can be extra creative and seal them in an ice ball to be tucked away under snow. 
❄️Cut out snowflakes for papercraft magic! You can write spells in them, or cut out symbols when they are folded up to make a kaleidoscopic piece. Envision something ideally something you’d want to last or stick around for. Cast this spell by dissolving it in snow water, freezing it in snow water and sticking it in the freezer or burying it in the snow outside.
❄️Charge your water safe crystals and tools in the snow! Gather some snow in a bowl and bring it to your altar to place your water-proof items within!
❄️If you work with the winter spirits make sweet ice offerings. Mix sugar water (heat it up first to get it well infused) and with an ice tray pour some in and maybe add some natural coloring or even small sliced fruit or berries to freeze! Pop the cubes out (bonus if you have cute ice trays like star shapes) and leave them out as offerings! You can also make stormsorceress’s snow fairy icecream to offer to nature outside as well!
❄️If you use Thawing Salt to for the ice on your property, you can bless it and also do magic to ward away negativity from around your home (since you usually have to spread it around your walkways) it makes for great wards to protect from icy roads and unpleasant energy!
❄️Frost Scrying can be done by divining the frost on icy windows! 
Self Care
❄️Winter is a time of self reflection, rest and hibernation. Don’t feel down if most of what you do this season is stay under the covers and sleep, it’s the season to slow down and relax. Do some self reflection, take time to meditate if you are trapped in doors. There are some really relaxing winter meditation sound tracks I love to listen to. 
❄️Winter is also the season of physical self care or else it will get the best of your skin and hair. I see winter as Spa season cause it’s the best time to go to a sauna house and also a season I focus the most on moisturization. Make body butters with coconut oil or shea butter (depending on how dry your skin gets), add warming massage oil in your magical mixtures to give your skin a nice sense of warmth as you apply your body butters to begin your day! I love to use sweet warm scents in my body lotions such as cinnamon (which is also warming), and nutmeg and fragrance oils such as sugar cookie, caramel and brown sugar. 
 ❄️ I like to use refreshing winter scents like peppermint and cedar oil in balms to apply on my chest when my nose is stuffy. Peppermint helps to clear up nasal passages. Make sure to mix only a little in cocobutter because it can be icy and uncomfortable if there is too much in the ratio. 
❄️Enchant your Chapstick with protection! If you want to have a lip-pain free season, then you will be making the most with your chapstick! Add glamour magic to it if you want to use your chapstick to be more heard while speaking, have more appealing lips, whatever you like. 
❄️Bless your clothing with protection. You can coat the dryer balls with cinnamon oil and also cedar for warmth (also cinnamon and cedar smells like a Christmas tree). You can use any oil that won’t stain clothing (most good essential oils won’t if it’s not directly on it) that you associate with warmth and protection to put on the dryer balls and it will help fluff out your sweaters, make them smell great and be an easy discreet way for glamour magic!
❄️Witches love to make spells with infused waters but you can do spells for teas since it’s basically hot infused water! Bless your thermos. Every morning make yourself a magical tea blend for your day before you leave for work or school. Peppermint for clarity, cleanliness; cinnamon spice for fiery energy, warmth, passion; black tea for alert energy, power; orange spice for zesty creativity; pomegranate for love and sensuality; nutmeg for attractiveness; ginger for protection and grounding etc. there’s many correspondences for these listed but also the majority of these help fight colds and lift the spirit so it’s good to drink. You can also use fresh fruit to add in the hot water and vitamin C packets if you need an extra boost!
❄️The Crockpot was basically made for this season! It’s so practical and is like a modern slowcooking cauldron. I will post again the list of fantastic crock pot recipes for fall and winter. 
❄️If you love lattes and making latte art I would highly suggest getting a Milk Wand! It’s a milk frother wand that can froth milk at a high speed (like a super highspeed whisk) and if you have the skill you can make latte sigils into your morning drink to give boost to your day. A fantastic idea queercraft​ posted is to steam Kava (and other herbs can work) into your milk to make morning latte. Its a great way to begin the day on a relaxed note. 
❄️ Herbal Remedies can be helpful if you catch a scratchy throat or stuffy nose and want to help alleviate the common cold. You can check out this short and sweet list by Recreational Witchcraft of common herbal remedies that are practical to use in this season!
Home Decorations
❄️Tree Decorations can be a great source of magic! If you celebrate Yule, Winter Solstice or Christmas and will get a tree make salt dough ornaments! You can make them very magical and add sigils for joy on them. You can also make spell bobbles for joy and peace! This video will show you how to craft a witch’s ball out of an empty tree ornament bobble for protection! 
❄️Make a pine besom for protection. Most will think it’s Christmas decoration. Add holy for longevity, mistletoe for love, and currants for prosperity!
❄️Make Potpourri to help freshen the home! The air in the home can get stale due to lack of circulation since it’s too cold to open windows. Also day to day cleansing with refreshing peppermint, eucalyptus or pine helps refresh the air!  
❄️ Oil candles can be a great way to create a spell but also help freshen the home without crafting a potpourri every time. They also make great gifts!
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weirdloveonly-blog · 5 years
🌿fruit & medicinal properties🌿
🍒 cherries: -help calm nervous system -cancer preventing compounds -reduces inflammation -reduces risk for gout -supports healthy sleep -arthritis pain relief -reduces belly fat -reduces muscle pain -lowers risk of stroke
🍑 peaches: -helps maintain healthy skin & vision -helps maintain healthy bones & teeth -anti aging properties -improves digestion -calcium -potassium -packed with vital nutrients -good source of fiber
🍉 watermelon: -cardiovascular health -maintains bones -significant source of vitamins -combats free radicals -reduces body fat -anti inflammitory -diuretic & kidney support -alkaline forming -improves sight
🍓 strawberries: -potentially fight against cancer -anti aging properties -prevent heart disease, reduces risk of stroke -helps relieve constipation -can help with allergies & asthma -anti depression properties -reduces blood pressure -regulates blood sugar -folic acid
🍍 pineapple: -helps fight arthritis -immune system support -bone health -vision health -can reduce risk of macular degeneration (eye disease) -anti inflammitory -aids in digestion -packed with vital nutrients
🍃 kiwi: -increases bone mass -more vitamin c than an orange -packed with vital nutrients -aids in digestion -helps manage blood pressure -protects DNA from damage -supports weight loss -detox -prevents heart disease -protects against macular degeneration
🍇 grapes: -relax blood vessels -prevents/slows many types of cancer -maintains heart health -packed with nutrients -aids in digestion -weight loss -can prevent alzheimers -improves brain function -protects body from radiation
🍎 apples: -build immune system -fiber -reduces risk of cancer -prevents heart disease -healthy teeth -prevent alzheimers -prevents larkinsons -decreases risk of diabetes -reduces cholesterol -prevents gallstones -reduces risk of hypertension
🍊 oranges: -help maintain skin & vision -excellent source of vitamin B & C -fiber -prevents stroke -lowers blood pressure
🍌 banana: -potassium -energy booster -aids in digestion -fiber -weight loss -lowers blood pressure -prevents asthma -fights cancer -treats diarrhea -preserving memory
🌳 blueberries: -protect heart -lowers cholesterol -packed with antioxidants -reduce DNA damage -maintains healthy cholesterol -lower blood pressure -improve brain function & memory
🍃 mango: -protects against several forms of cancer -lowers cholesterol -clears skin -improves eye health -alkalizes entire body -promotes healthy sex -improves digestion -helps fight heat stroke
🍋 lemon: -contain high amounts of potassium -lowers risk of stroke -fights cancer -maintains healthy complexion -prevents asthma -increases iron absorption -boosts immune system
🍐 pear: -packed with nutrients -great source of fiber -treats diverticulosis (inflammation of the lining in large intestine) -weight loss -lowers blood pressure -lowers cholesterol -prevents diabetes -promotes digestion -detox
🍅 tomato: -prevents cancer -manages blood pressure -protects heart -maintains healthy complexion -reduces depression -improves vision -improves digestive system
🍃 grapefruit: -weight loss -prevents stroke -maintains blood pressure & heart health -prevents cancer -promotes digestion -hydration -maintaining healthy skin -prevents asthma
🌿if youre taking medication, please speak with your pharmacist or doctor before trying ANY natural remedies. grapefruit, for example, can really hurt you if youre taking anti depression medication. please be cautious.🌿 **this post is speaking specifically of the fruit, not of the plant itself
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weirdloveonly-blog · 5 years
Color symbolism in Tarot
Tumblr keeps compressing this image to make the text look awful, so feel free to download the original here. Please credit back to me if you share outside of tumblr!
(Text description below)
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Color Symbolism in Tarot
Red: vitality, strength, power, determination, passion, desire
Brown: stability, wholesomeness, earthiness
Orange: enthusiasm, encouragement, success
Gold: prestige, illumination, prosperity, consciousness
Yellow: joy, intellect, enlightenment (dull = sickness, jealousy)
Green: growth, harmony, freshness, fertility, hope, inexperience
Teal: inner nature, spiritual grounding, emotional balance
Blue: trust, loyalty, truth, knowledge, spirituality, serenity
Purple: wisdom, luxury, nobility, dignity, creativity
White: light, the unconscious, new beginning, wholeness
Black: the unknown, inner fears, unexpressed potential
Grey: neutrality, impartiality, apathy, indifference
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weirdloveonly-blog · 5 years
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Midas’ Hand Oil
“Everything you touch Shall turn into gold.”
In a base of sunflower oil, blend together : - 1 bay leaf (“laurels of victory” it is + prosperity, protection) - 1 drop of honey (precious gold in liquid form + to sweeten the minds) - 1 gold piece (coin, gold scraps, gold leaf powder, a ring…) - 1 pinch of nutmeg (luck and success) - 3 cloves (to open all paths, to clear all ways + success, courage, strength) - 1 zest of orange, or its peel, or 7 drops of essential oil (orange was once a rarity and therefore treasurable + success, prosperity, joy: traditionally, so that people are happy to do according to your will) - cinnamon, at will (energetic and magical boost, for charisma)
Anoint the mouth (so as to speak well), the temples (where sits the “crown” + so as to think well), the third eye (so as to see well), the hands (so that your actions are successful and flourishing)
Utilisation : Use with caution - this is a very potent oil and, as its name suggests, should be handled with care. Do not overuse, and do not be greedy of its results. Always be careful what you wish for. Suitable for all issues requiring success : job interviews, exams, love affairs, games and gambling alike.
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weirdloveonly-blog · 5 years
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What you do with the remains of your spell (wax, photos, ashes, etc.) is just as important as the spell itself. The spellwork does not end when the candles and the incense extinguish. The spellwork is not complete until you return the remnants back to the Earth. The Earth and the universal energy carry and propel your magick and your spellwork to its full completion. Make sure your disposal method does not contradict your desired outcome by completing your spellwork following the disposal methods outlined below: 
– Burying in your Backyard – To maintain a desired circumstance, finances, a person, or a possession in your life.
Harmonious relationships
– Burying in your Front Yard – To welcome something new into your life.
Attract new love
New career/life path spells
Attract a new experience, such as travel
Marriage proposal
– Burying in the Cemetery – To curse or harm a person, or to end undesirable circumstance or habits in your life. Leave a few coins, pieces of candy and/or an apple at the cemetery gate as you leave. Take a different route home. Do not look back as you leave.
– Burying in a Target’s Yard – To curse, bless, or to influence a specific person or family.
Curse the target
Influence/manipulation spells
– Burying at a Business Property – To curse, bless, or to influence a specific business or an employee of the business.
Curse the business or employee of the business
Influence/manipulation spells
– Releasing Into Running Bodies of Water – To release negative circumstances or emotions. To deliver a curse or influence a person in a distant or unknown location.
Spells to release emotional pain
Influence/manipulation spells
– Leaving On Active Railroad Tracks – To release negative circumstances. To deliver a curse or influence a person in the direction of the running train. If cursing, take a different route home, do not look back. Avoid the train and railroad tracks for at least 3 nights.
Spells to release emotional pain
Influence/manipulation spells
– Leaving On Abandoned Railroad Tracks – To separate yourself or other people from each other or a situation.
Break-up spells
– Leaving at an Intersection – To release negative circumstances. To deliver a curse, or influence a person in an unknown location.
Release emotional pain
Influence/manipulation spells
– Leaving on a Road in the Lane of the Direction of Your Target – To deliver a curse or influence a person in the direction of  the traffic lane.
Influence/manipulation spells
Love spells on a specific person
– Leaving at a Target’s Front Door/Driveway – The most direct way to curse or to influence. Remnants must be inconspicuous and discreet, such as ashes mixed with dirt. If cursing, take a different route home and do not look back.
Influence/manipulation spells
– Blowing/Throwing Ashes – (only when you only have ashes, without any wax) General all-purpose release of spellwork energy into the universe.
Blow in the direction of the target to curse or influence
– Throwing Into A Fire – To release negative circumstances. To deliver a curse or influence a person in an unknown location.   If cursing, it is recommended the fire is not on your property grounds.
Spells to release emotional pain
- Notes:
*Banishment spells refer to any spellwork where the desired goal is to remove or end undesirable conditions, circumstances, people, or habits. 
*After performing a curse, it is best to completely disconnect from your magickal working. Not because of karma or anything external, but because you cannot thrive while being attached to the energy of destruction. You can do this by not looking back when you walk away. By walking away without looking back, you consciously (and physically) disconnect and move on with your life. 
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weirdloveonly-blog · 5 years
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The Basics
Like with candles, thread, and many other magickal ingredients: the color of a feather is one of the most important aspects. All colors have their traditional associations, along with what an individual associates them with. For example: red can be a color of love, a color of passion, a color of anger, or whatever else you may associate it with.
Another important factor is the bird from which the feather came. If the bird was a pet of yours who you have a strong relationship with, or a wild bird which visits you often, the feathers will have uses that they could not have if you simply found them on the ground. This does not mean feathers you found somewhere aren’t useful, but they have different uses than feathers from a bird with which you have a strong connection. Feathers from a bird you know, similar to bones from an old pet, can be used for protection spells. I used a feather from my cockatiel for a spell to protect my mind from my abuser, since my bird and I have a strong, loving relationship.
The third important factor about feathers is from which species of bird they come from. Like other animals, the spirits of different birds can have different intentions. Hawks represent intuition, owls represent wisdom, crows represent prophecy and luck, and eagles represent bravery (these associations, like those with colors, can change depending on your personal beliefs).
Also, though I will mention elements different kinds of feathers are associated with, remember that regardless of color or species, all feathers are associated with the element of air along with whatever else their color or species may define.
Common Color Associations
Brown Earth, stability, safety, concentration, locating lost objects, construction, material objects, food, grounding
Grey Simplicity, loneliness, contemplation, purification, modesty
White Unity, purity, cleansing, balance, healing, innocence, truth
Black Protection, safety, banishing, black magic/curses, repelling negativity and black magic, defense, reversing curses
Yellow Sun/solar magic, happiness, success, youth, inspiration, imagination, socializing, charm, childhood, memory, creativity
Orange Fire, intelligence, celebration, fun, creativity, healing, mental health, success
Red Fire, passion, vitality, love, anger, danger, war, sex, physical fitness, fertility, assertiveness, survival, power
Feathers from a Bird You Know Well
Protection spells
Spells to strengthen relationships
Spells to strengthen yourself (physically, emotionally, or spiritually)
Hold it in your hand while meditating to help contact your inner self
Give as an offering to a spirit you want a stronger relationship with
Common Bird Associations
Hawk Intuition, knowledge, seeing the “bigger picture,” visions, astral projection.
Hawks are known for their eyesight, able to see incredibly far with great accuracy. As they fly through the sky, they often see the world in the form of a bigger picture, and their ability to see far away helps with astral projection.
Crow Death, prophecy, luck (good or bad), curses, divination
Crows are typically associated with death and luck, both good and bad. They are also known to be great prophets, as well as signs of future events.
Owl Wisdom, knowledge, strategy, victory, levelheadedness, protection
As most people know, owls are most commonly associated with wisdom because of their association with the goddess Athena (AKA Minerva). Athena was also the goddess of war strategy and tactics, and often brings levelheadedness and calm to those in stressful situations - mainly battle.
Eagle Bravery, confidence, victory, strength, protection
Eagles are known best as the national bird of America. They are meant to represent bravery, strength, confidence, and many similar ideas. Despite these mainly being an association with bald eagles, the spirits of other eagles often embody these traits.
Cockatiel Friendship, happiness, youth/childhood, innocence, creativity, playfulness, self-expression
Cockatiels are playful, silly, and never take themselves too seriously. If you’ve ever had one as a pet, you know they value friendship with their humans, and they generally have the attitude of a young child who always wants attention. 
Parakeet Solar magic, communication, intelligence, loyalty, trust, love, alchemy
Parakeets, like cockatiels, love attention. But unlike cockatiels, they are much more trusting and loyal to both other birds and humans they’ve learned to love. Cockatiels are often unable to comprehend these ideas, having such childish spirits, but parakeets feel very strong loyalties toward those they love. Their ability to mimic sounds also makes them a good representation of communication, and they are good guides to call upon when you want to learn to speak up or stand up for yourself.
Parrot Communication with higher powers, intelligence, friendship, communication, diplomacy, trickster magic, happiness
Parrots are also very social birds. They have long been associated with gods, as they were beautiful, colorful spirits seen flying through the sky. Their intelligence allowed them to be both benevolent and tricksters.
Finch High energy, physical activity, happiness, diversity, energy, family, vulnerability
Finches are energetic and excitable. They live fast-paced, high energy lives. There are so many different varieties of finches, and they are so unlike any other bird, so they do well in representing diversity and originality.
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weirdloveonly-blog · 5 years
tips for walking in an abandoned graveyard
if it’s dark, don’t shine your flashlight into the trees.
if a child approaches and asks you a question, don’t tell the truth.
you may find some harrowing artifacts (i found a ribbon on a tree and some bible pages) pick these up and keep them. they belong to you.
if you walk down a long, straight pathway, you will feel someone behind you. don’t look
you may see people in your peripheral vision; these are the spirits. they won’t hurt you.
if you wish to communicate with the spirits, do not do it alone. cast a protection circle. only ask polite questions.
you will feel bursts of dread and terror. ignore them.
don’t read too much into what the graves say. some things are best left unsolved.
research the history of the graveyard beforehand. you need to know what you might encounter.
some beings may not want you to leave. should you come into contact with one of these beings, leave immediately.
don’t read the hidden graves.
if you find a headless angel statue, don’t look for her head.
if you find a tipped over angel statue, leave her be. she’s only resting.
don’t listen to music. this will distract you from them.
don’t look in the bushes. you will find something that you weren’t supposed to.
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weirdloveonly-blog · 5 years
❤️ You will need: 
💕 Six pink candles in a circle
💕 A pink or red rose
💕 A heatproof dish half filled with soil
❤️ Timing: Fridays
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❤️ The Spell ❤️ :
💕 Before lighting, trace the following sentence with the index finger of your dominant hand on one side of each candle: “Come to me,my twin soul, come swiftly and stay with me everlastingly and faithfully.”
💕 Light the candle you wrote on first, repeating the words aloud.
💕 Light each candle in turn, repeating the words at each lighting.
💕 Take a petal from the rose, holding it briefly in the flame of the first candle you lit. As it singes, repeat the words again.
💕 Drop the singed petal into the dish.
💕 Burn another petal in each candle in turn, repeating the words and actions.
💕 Drop each singed petal in the dish of soil.
💕 Hold the dish of burned petals above the center of the circle of candles, repeating the words once more.
💕 Blow out the candle circle as fast as you can.
💕 Bury the singed petals outdoors and scatter the remaining petals plucked from the rose.
Source: 101 Spells by: Cassandra Eason
Art By: @vonnabeee  💕
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weirdloveonly-blog · 5 years
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weirdloveonly-blog · 5 years
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