Hey guys. Sorry for not posting anything for a bit. I need to build up some more motivation for this blog.
But feel free to ask me anything about my AU’s if you want!
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welcome-home-busnax-au · 10 months
Another thing I wanted to add to this:
Depending on who you build up a relationship with in the game, the more they will have the ability to control other tech in the real world!! The main things being:
Cell phones
Amongst various other things!!!
Back in the year of the early 2000’s, a programmer came across the Restoration Project of the 70’s/80’s Welcome Home tv show. They ended up loving Welcome Home so much that they decided to make a game based off of it and ended up making a dating simulator!
The game was simple:
You could hang out with any of the characters in the dating sim and try to form some kind of relationship! Whether it be platonic or romantic. The dateable cast is as follows:
Wally Darling
Barnaby B. Beagle
Sally Starlet
Julie Joyful
Eddie Dear*
Frank Frankly*
Poppy Partridge
Howdy Pillar
*(Frank and Eddie would already be a married couple, but you would be able to be get into a polyamorous relationship if convinced hard enough.)
The more you hang out and get to know more about a particular character, the more romantically involved you and said character would become. (Ya know, typical dating sim mechanics.)
After some time, the game was finished, the programmer decided to do a test run of the game using Wally as their person of interest.
At the time, everything was all fine and dandy. Until our dear programmer fell victim to the dreaded ILOVEYOU Virus. They lost almost everything on their computer. They had also made the mistake of having all the files and coding on that same computer. Thankfully, nothing seemed to be lost or ruined in either the files or the codes. Or so they thought…
When they went to check up on the game, they noticed a few…. changes…
The game would randomly glitch whenever they were talking to the Wally character. And other times, it would somehow glitch back to Wally when talking to a completely different character. They tried rewriting the code and double checking the files for the game but it ended up making it worse or the results would end up the same: Fruitless..
Eventually, that programmer gave up on trying to save the game. They put it in storage and ended up moving on with other things in life and completely forgetting about the game in general.
Years later, you end up finding game at some random garage sale. You ended up buying it and bringing it home to playing, because you were bored and had nothing else interesting to do. So you pop it into the computer and load it up.
For such an old game, it surprisingly loaded quickly with ease!
After loading, the intro screen presents itself and you begin to play.
Your character starts off talking with Wally. Everything is fine up until a certain point. Whenever you finally got around to flirting with the Wally character is when things started glitching.
Whenever a different character and Wally were on the screen at the same time, tiny glitches would happen that would make Wally look like he was talking DIRECTLY at you. Other times it would make it look as if Wally would take a quick glimpse at you. Not the you in-game character, but YOU.
After a bit you started to get creeped out, so you decided to turn off the computer and take out the game, thinking that would be the end of it.
If only you know how oh so wrong you were about that…
That night, after had gone off to bed, your computer turned itself back on. It starts glitching out. Then finally after a few agonizingly seconds, a glitched out silhouette of Wally starts to slowly appear amongst the glitchyness…
(Each character acts differently in their own way. They each have their own personality, traits and quirks. It mainly all depends on how you interact with everyone!)
FJSHFKSJD Sorry if this comes out kinda weird. I’m not the best at writing things like this lol
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welcome-home-busnax-au · 10 months
Currently in the process of figuring out on how to draw Howdy and Poppy for this au lol
So far I only have drawn three characters for this au
They might get revamped in the future
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welcome-home-busnax-au · 10 months
Back in the year of the early 2000’s, a programmer came across the Restoration Project of the 70’s/80’s Welcome Home tv show. They ended up loving Welcome Home so much that they decided to make a game based off of it and ended up making a dating simulator!
The game was simple:
You could hang out with any of the characters in the dating sim and try to form some kind of relationship! Whether it be platonic or romantic. The dateable cast is as follows:
Wally Darling
Barnaby B. Beagle
Sally Starlet
Julie Joyful
Eddie Dear*
Frank Frankly*
Poppy Partridge
Howdy Pillar
*(Frank and Eddie would already be a married couple, but you would be able to be get into a polyamorous relationship if convinced enough.)
The more you hang out and get to know more about a particular character, the more romantically involved you and said character would become. (Ya know, typical dating sim mechanics.)
After some time, the game was finished, the programmer decided to do a test run of the game using Wally as their person of interest.
At the time, everything was all fine and dandy. Until our dear programmer fell victim to the dreaded ILOVEYOU Virus. They lost almost everything on their computer. They had also made the mistake of having all the files and coding on that same computer. Thankfully, nothing seemed to be lost or ruined in either the files or the codes. Or so they thought…
When they went to check up on the game, they noticed a few…. changes…
The game would randomly glitch whenever they were talking to the Wally character. And other times, it would somehow glitch back to Wally when talking to a completely different character. They tried rewriting the code and double checking the files for the game but it ended up making it worse or the results would end up the same: Fruitless..
Eventually, that programmer gave up on trying to save the game. They put it in storage and ended up moving on with other things in life and completely forgetting about the game in general.
Lets say… some odd years later, you end up finding game at some random garage sale. You ended up buying it and bringing it home to play, mainly because you were genuinely curious about it in general, but also mainly because you were bored and had nothing else interesting left to do that day. So, after getting back home, you pop it into the computer and load it up.
For such an old game, it surprisingly loaded quickly with ease!
After loading, the intro screen presents itself and you begin to play.
Your character starts off talking with Wally. Everything is fine up until a certain point. Whenever you finally got around to flirting with the Wally character is when things started glitching.
Whenever a different character and Wally were on the screen at the same time, tiny glitches would happen that would make Wally look like he was talking DIRECTLY at you. Other times it would make it look as if Wally would take a quick glimpse at you. Not the you in-game character, but YOU.
After a bit you started to get creeped out, so you decided to turn off the computer and take out the game, thinking that would be the end of it.
If only you know how oh so wrong you were about that…
That night, after had gone off to bed, your computer turned itself back on. It starts glitching out. Then finally after a few agonizingly seconds, a glitched out silhouette of Wally starts to slowly appear amongst the glitches…
(Each character acts differently in their own way. They each have their own personality, traits and quirks. It mainly all depends on how you interact with everyone!)
FJSHFKSJD Sorry if this comes out kinda weird. I’m not the best at writing things like this lol
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welcome-home-busnax-au · 10 months
Finally adding a bit more to this AU!!
I finally have added some more lore for the LoveBug AU!
I’ll post it soon!
Here’s a wip of another I made AU if you guys are interested!
It’s called the ILOVEYOU Virus AU, aka the LoveBug AU.
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If you couldn’t tell, I’m using this pose as a base:
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welcome-home-busnax-au · 11 months
Here’s a wip of another I made AU if you guys are interested!
It’s called the ILOVEYOU Virus AU, aka the LoveBug AU.
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If you couldn’t tell, I’m using this pose as a base:
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welcome-home-busnax-au · 11 months
Fun fact #2:
Eddie has his own personal army of Bungers now.
He’s even named them.
How he remembers each and every one of them? No one really knows.
Whenever he goes to the different biomes of the island that home the different Bungers, he instantly gets swarmed lmao
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welcome-home-busnax-au · 11 months
Fun fact:
There was a time when Wally did eat a bugsnak! He ate a Cinnasnail!!
It literally made his hair into a cinnamon roll, but he didn’t like how sticky it was
He hasn’t eaten another bugsnak since
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welcome-home-busnax-au · 11 months
So far I only have drawn three characters for this au
They might get revamped in the future
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Lets introduce the characters shall we?
🏠 Pronouns: It/it’s, Any
🏠 In this au, Home is the entire island itself. Yes it is a sentient island as well, but no one else knows that quite yet.
🏠 Here, Home isn’t exactly evil, but it’s not exactly safe either. It has feelings and empathy to others, but it still needs to “eat” every once in a while.
🏠 Once people consume a Bugsnak, it makes them want to eat more and more and more. Until eventually their whole body turns into bugsnax itself. The parts of snakmatter collapse and those Pices of bugsnax just scatter off somewhere. This repeated cycle it what keeps Home and the rest of the Bugsnak inhabitants feed and thriving.
🏠 Much like the game suggests, the island needs to basically “eat” to keep itself basically alive. It was a GIANT island after all, so while it can it could go at least a while without eating, it would need to eat again at another time. If not…. We’ll let’s just say.. Bad things will happen…
🏠 Every now and then, a straggler or two will eventually come across Home, so it usually never “goes hungry.”
🏠 Home ends up really liking Wally and decides to not consume him. Instead, Home lets him peacefully live on the island. Wally helps Home keeps Home feed with other people that randomly end up on the island.
🏠 As of now, Home has only let a small amount of grumpuses, aka: Wally and his friends, live peacefully on the island.
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Wally Darling
🍎 Pronouns: He/Him
🍎 Wally was the first to enter the island. In this AU, Wally was an orphaned grumpus with no friends and who had no where else left to go in life. Some how, Wally found out about about the island myth and figured that no one would really miss him, he decided to head out to the island himself.
🍎 He is very kind and gentle to his friends and to all the bugsnax he comes across, even the aggressive ones like him for some reason.
🍎 Wally does not eat the bugsnax on the island. He’d much rather be in their company instead. He actually survived by eating other food from the many crops that others before him had left behind.
🍎 Favorite bugsnax: Cinnasnail and Crapple (Red and Green), and Strabby
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Sally Starlet
🌟 Pronouns: She/Her
🌟 Sally heard about the island by pure coincidence. She was honestly just curious about it and wanted to see things for herself. So she ended up sneaking off to the island in the middle of the night on a boat.
🌟 She likes to dress up the bugsnax in little clothes she makes herself and sometimes holds plays with her friends and the bugsnax themselves. They absolutely adore Sally and love her plays.
🌟 You’ll sometimes see her making little hats for the bugsnax on occasions. She’s still trying to find a way to get the much bigger bugsnax into little costumes.
🌟 Favorite bugsnax: She loves each and every bugsnax she’s come across. Sally: “How could I possibly choose? They’re all such great actors!”
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Frank Frankly
🦋 Pronouns: He/him, They/them
🦋 Frank had his eyes set for this place for a LONG time. He’s done lots and lots of research about this island over the years, but there’s only so much one can do. They just had to go there in person to see for themselves.
🦋 Once Frank heard about the island’s existence and of its unique and undocumented bug species, you know he saved up every dime they could so both Frank and their husband Eddie could make this expedition. Frank practically begged Eddie go with him. He really didn’t want to go alone and leave their husband all alone as well.
🦋 Favorite bugsnax: Thinks they’re all amazing, but prefers the more butterfly looking ones like the Flutterjam, and the Cheepoofs (the normal, white, & flamin’ ones)
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Howdy Pillar
🐛 Pronouns: He/Him
🐛 He actually can along with Julie. They had a boating accident that caused them both to end up on the island.
🐛 Howdy is one of the few that actually the bugsnax. After eating some bugsnax, Howdy has gained multiple limbs and some extra height due the snackmatter he consumed.
🐛 After some time, he set up his own little store. You can trade with items or with bugsnax in order to get other goods from Howdy’s shop.
🐛 Favorite bugsnax: Bopsicle, Tacroach, Cellystix, Fryder, Green Peelbug, Pineantula, and Pinkle
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Poppy Partridge
💐 Poppy used to work as a nurse and at orphanages for many years. She looked after lots of people. From toddlers to the elderly. After retiring from her job as a caretaker, she sought out to explore uncharted places. This was how she found out about the island of bugsnax. Of course she was BEYOND nervous at first, due to all the tales and myths she’s overheard about it, but she still put on a brave face and made her way to the island.
💐 She can be a a bit jumpy at times and will sometimes hide when something spooks her, but she has a good heart. She deeply cares for her friends that she’s come to know and love.
💐 After eating some of the Bugsnax on the island, Poppy actually gained a few extra feet from her original height, as well as some new colorations on her body. Now she’s actually pretty close to Howdy’s height due the snackmatter she had consumed. This is actually part of why she’s so nervous all the time. She’s afraid of falling over and hurting someone with this new height of hers. Because of this, she’s become a bit clumsy, but she’s slowly learning to get used to it.
💐 Favorite bugsnax: Baby Cakelegs, Tropicabug, Chillynilly, and Charmallow
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Eddie Dear
💌 Pronouns: He/him
💌 In the end, Eddie decided to join his bug-loving husband, Frank. He was a bit admittedly skeptical at first, but he trusted his husband enough to know that Frank know what they were doing and what he was getting in to.
💌 Some time after arriving at the island, a lot of the Bunger species took a liking to Eddie for some reason. He was very confused at first. The Bungers just started following him one day and always stuck close by ever since. Eddie didn’t really complain, though. He just couldn’t say no to their cute burger faces. He really loved the little guys!
💌 When the gang traveled to the second island ((from the dlc)) Eddie begged and begged Frank about taking home the ginormous Bunger Royale once he found out about its existence. He was sadly denied this every time. Turns out, the giant Bunger Royale was just super affectionate, especially towards Eddie. It would always run up to him, but that sometimes lead to accidental head butts with Eddie being launched a few feet away. Don’t worry, Eddie was always unharmed afterwards! He always gave it the most attention when they would do visits to the island.
💌 Favorite bugsnax: Bunger, BBQ Bunger, Bunger Royale, Hunnabee, Kweeble, and Golden Kweeble
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Julie Joyful
🌸 Pronouns: She/her
🌸 Julie actually ended up dragging Howdy along with her on a trip to sail across the open seas with her! She actually owns a house boat, believe it or not! At some point there was an unfortunate incident that happened that caused the boat to sink. They had no choice but to jump over board.
🌸 Luckily, they happened to be passing by an unknown island. Both She and Howdy were able to safely swim to the shores of the island. This was when they met Wally.
🌸 After eating bugsnax, the snakmatter caused Julie to gain these rainbow colored horns on her head as well as rainbow teeth from eating some of the Rainbow Sweetieflies.
🌸 Favorite bugsnax: Rainbow Sweetiefly, Snaquiri, Instabug, Lovely Sweetiefly, and Crystal Sweetiefly
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Barnaby B. Beagle
🌭 Pronouns: He/Him
🌭 Barnaby was actually the second Grumpus to arrive on the island. He was abandoned on this island by a family who did not want him. Wally was able to find him before anything else bad to him. Wally, along with Home, took in Barnaby and raised him themselves. He and Wally have been best friends ever since.
🌭 After a few good years of eating the Bugsnax, he gained a nose that looks like a Weenyworm (his favorite snack). Also after eating a Stewdler, he ended up keeping the empty bowl and uses it as a hat.
🌭 Favorite bugsnax: Weenyworm, Shy Weenyworm, Baby Cakelegs, Stewdler, Flapjackarak and Waffstackarak
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Y/N (here’s where you come into the story…)
📸 Pronouns: Any (genderless)
📸 Y/N is a self proclaimed journalist. They love to explore the supernatural and enjoy posting their findings online to their small blog. Y/N isn’t exactly the most popular, with others not believing these stories, claiming them as being fake, and sometimes leaving mean comments as well.
📸 After learning about this myth of an island, Y/N did all to research they could. Finally once they were good and ready, the packed up everything they could and secretly set off in their hot air balloon ship. They left in the middle of the to not be caught. It was kinda illegal to go to the island after all.
📸 This part is basically about the same as the intro to the game. Once you make it to the island, something large crashes into your ship and you end up falling out and landing somewhere in a forest in the middle of the island. At some point after walking to find where your ship went, you accidentally stumble of a cliff and end up hitting your head and going unconscious.
📸 Favorite Bugsnax: ??? (This is up for you to decide on your own. And yes, unlike the game, Y/N will have the ability to eat bugsnax!)
((Edit: I forgot to add Home’s bio/intro thing))
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I ended up fishing a basic sum up of my AU! Though if you have already played the game Bugsnax, you might be able to understand it a bit more lol
Premise of the AU:
Ok so basically many years ago, there were tales that told of an uninhabited island that were home to these amazing creatures called Bugsnax! They were to only creatures of their kind and apparently an absolute delicacy when eaten whole. It’s said that each creature’s taste was unique and was immeasurable to any other kind of dish on the planet.
So obviously, many Grumpuses from all over flocked to this little island to try and get a piece of the pie, hoping to make so good cash on these creatures. Little did they know that this would be their very last voyages ever. For once they stepped foot on that island, they were never seen again..
No one truly knows what happened on the island. Some say it’s that paranormal stuff happened there that caused those Grumpes to disappear like a monster or ghost got them, while others say that some crazy wakko Grumpus nutjob lives there killed off everyone so they could have everything to themselves. And it’s not like the authorities can do manhunts there. Anyone that set foot on that island were never too be seen again.
Finally the authorities deemed it way too dangerous and banned all travel to that island all together. Permanently. And the legend of the Bugsnak island faded into history.
Though, this sadly has not stopped those from foolishly going to the island regardless. Whether it was illegally in secret, or if some poor innocent soul just so happened to stumble across it by pure coincidence.
The temptation was just too strong to ignore sometimes, I suppose.
As we all know…
You are what you eat…
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Hello neighbor! Welcome to the official blog of the newly made Welcome Home Bugsnax AU! Created by me, of course!
No hate of any kind please! If I see any, I will not hesitate to block you.
If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to ask! It it’s a private matter, feel free to DM me!!
Sorry if this is a bit short! I probably add more stuff to this later on! Thanks for reading!
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