welcome-to-asphodel · 6 months
Fucked up that we got monday tomorrow
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welcome-to-asphodel · 6 months
Fucked up that we got monday tomorrow
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welcome-to-asphodel · 6 months
Fucked up that we got monday tomorrow
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welcome-to-asphodel · 2 years
Muriel’s “Forget Me” Ward
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I get to have some FUN with this one :) the game only mentions it “smelling like” myrrh. This is going to be a semi-permeable ward spell- I suggest keeping it in a sheer satchet since this one smells nice!!
Myrrh or myrrh oil
Mugwort leaves
Dwayberry flowers (optional!! Stay!! Safe!!)
American elder/elderflower
Snowflake obsidian (optional)
Glass stones ((optional) the little pebbles in ya bathroom near the freshener)
Add your Obsidian, glass and myrrh (if solid) to a satchet of your choosing. Due to the nature of this spell I’d use black, dark green or maroon in color
If you are adding myrrh oil, add that now to your plant-based ingredients so it doesn’t fall through or stain your satchet
Now place your mugwort, dwayberry flowers, forget me nots and elderflower into your satchel
Pray and bless your spell and set its intention (now you get to be creative!)
Hang in doorways or windows as a ward or keep with you as a traveling protection spell!!
Wards need maintenance, witchlets! Every month you should be re-invigorating your wards.
Re bless the ward
Replace the organic ingredients (not required for some jar wards, but satchets are aerated so be prepared)
And be on your way :))
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welcome-to-asphodel · 2 years
Here are some adhd thoughts I'm having today: As a witch or practitioner, do you believe you're connected to nature? Are you really connected to nature, or do you just think nature is pretty but don't really do much to truly connect with nature?
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welcome-to-asphodel · 2 years
What Native people say about the use of sage: you can use sage, but you cannot smudge as nothing you are doing (waving sage around) is actually smudging. Smudging is a ceremony and you are, we promise, not smudging. Please buy sage from either us, or someone who sources the sage from us. White sage may not be considered endangered by the US government but corperate sourcing is making it difficult for us to source sage for our own religious purposes. Let alone to sell it.
What white people hear: never use sage ever, don’t ever buy it, don’t own it, don’t even look at it.
Look, y’all. There’s a couple of facets to my talk today.
1) Yes! You can buy sage! You really, truly can! Buy it from either native sellers (go to a powwow! Eat our food, buy our stuff, watch some dancing!) Or buy it from a seller who sources the sage from native people. Pick one. And no, buying it from 5 Below doesn’t count.
2) you CANNOT smudge. This isn’t just you “shouldn’t”— this is a YOU ARE INCAPABLE OF SMUDGING. Waving a sage stick around your doorways IS NOT SMUDGING. It is smoke clensing. Smudging, depending on the tradition and tribe, could easily have dancing and drums involved. You, as a white person, do not have the cultural BACKGROUND to even know how it works. At all. Period.
3) please, for FUCKS SAKE, stop making posts here on tumblr where you tell other white people about cultural appropriation and what they can and cannot do. Please stop, your license has been revoked because none of you bother to get the facts right. We native people are FULLY CAPABLE OF DOING IT OURSELVES. Consider instead: a) reblogging our posts where we talk about it! We’re here! We have made posts!! b) Making a post that states what we said and then LINKS BACK TO US. Screenshot with a link if you must. Stop centering your own voices in these conversations. You are already centered in everything, stop centering yourselves in a native space.
I’m tired of this nonsense, y’all.
Thanks for coming to my TedTalk ™
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welcome-to-asphodel · 2 years
The world can be a stressful place. Remember to do self care so you can always go into spellwork with the right intentions. 🥰
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welcome-to-asphodel · 2 years
can i practice hellenic polytheism while not being of a greek origin? i mostly practice slavic neopaganism but ive been feeling a strong connection with Hestia lately therefore researching a bit on the topic (ty for your cheat sheets), and ive been wondering if its ok for me as a slavic person to..? include hellenistic practices in my religion? thank you for your response :)
Yes, you can practice Hellenic polytheism even if you're not of Greek origin. It's an open religion practised by all sorts of people from all around the world.
I'm Slavic, too. When it comes to religion specifically, I limit it to Hellenic polytheism, so I don't worship any other gods.
I know there are some people who also include the worship of other pantheons in their religious practice as a whole. To be frank, it doesn't bother me much, personally. You do you! As long as you respect the religion and learn about it, which you said you've been already doing, it's fine.
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welcome-to-asphodel · 2 years
Request: A Hearth Witch's Charms - Adding Charms & Enchantments to Mundane Things
A Disclaimer: I am one person and my opinions (which I have in abundance) may not reflect the opinions of other witches, in general, or other people who call themselves hearth witches. In fact, they probably won’t, because I’m an asshole. I have a bizarre sense of humor that doesn’t convey well in text and I rant about shit I don’t like. A lot. If you don’t think you can handle that, maybe don’t read anything I write. Ever.
Charms, Enchantments, and So On
At the risk of sounding like a broken record—you can add a charm or enchantment to anything. I’ve said that before, but I don’t think I’ve ever actually talked about how. So…by request, I’ll doing that in this post. 
[Note: My inbox is always open for requests. Notes, too, though it’s not likely I’ll be able to find them again. If there’s something you want me to write about, feel free to ask. The worst I can do is say no. Or forget.]
Step One: Choosing Your Mundane Object
Like I said, you can put a charm on anything. And I pretty much mean anything. You may want to suit your object to your needs. For example, if you’re wanting to create a charm to help you stay grounded during meditation, you might use a small stone, a ring, or a figurine of an ‘earthy’ feeling animal. If you’re making a charm to help a friend through a tough time, you may want to use a friendship bracelet. Gamblers may want to use a pokerchip or a rabbits foot. To attract a love, you could charm a tube of lipstick. And so on. 
For the examples in this post, we’re going to imagine using a thimble 1) because that was the most mundane thing I could think of, and 2) because a lot of my witchcraft involves sewing in one way or another. 
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Step Two: Cleansing the Object
This may not be a necessity in every case. A brand new tube of lipstick, for example, may not need much cleansing. And an heirloom locket may already have the right energy for a protection charm. 
But let’s say our thimble is an antique and you’re not really sure about its history. So it would be much better to clear out the old energy before you tried to charm it. There are numerous ways to go about this. To name a few—however, please note that the ones marked with an * require some research as they aren’t safe for all stones or surfaces: 
Water (or Salt Water)* - Submerging the item in water or a salt water mix to cleanse it. 
Moon/Sunlight* - Letting the item sit in light for a period of time to clear out negative energy.
Smoke cleansing - Swinging the item through smoke to cleanse it. 
Dirt Cleansing - Sounds counterproductive, but many people believe that burying an item in a new pot or a marked space in the garden for several (usually three) day will rid it of negativity. 
Visualization - Most commonly, writers instruct to do this by seeing a white light coming over the object and clearing the negativity away—but you can visualized whatever you want. 
Step Three: Actualizing Your Charm
Step three is the ‘ritual’ (in quotation marks, because I never consider anything I do a ritual, but you can make it a part of one) that adds the charm to your item. Typically, I start a project like this in my kitchen just because it can get messy. If you want to make it into a big event, it’s not hard to set up a temporary altar on a kitchen table. 
Once you’ve got everything ready and have creating the environment you want to work in, you can get down to your actual ritual. Again, there are so many methods for that, I could never give you an all-inclusive list. But I can give you some easy ones:
A Spoken Charm - For this, write out a reading that states the intent of your charm. If you like, this can call on a outside party (like a deity or spirit) for help, but it doesn’t have to. (For example, if my thimble charm was meant to protect me during astral travel, I might write something like ‘Brother Coyote, I bless this charm to keep me safe from astral harm.’) It doesn’t have to rhyme as long as it works. 
A Written Charm - Almost the same as a spoken charm, but I would write out my intent, stick in in an envelope with the object, and leave it for a certain number of days. Alternatively, you could also write out your intent and burn it. Actually, there’s lots you could do with a charm on paper. 
A Box Charm - Take the item and put it in a box with other items that you think represent the energy you want your charm to have. Tuck it away somewhere and leave your item to collect the energy. You may want to verbally list each item along with the traits it adds to your charm as part of your ritual. 
A Jar/Pot Charm - Fill a small jar or pot with herbs that fit your intent. Stick the item inside the jar, seal it up and leave the herbs to energize it. You may want to verbally list each herb and what you want it to add to your charm as part of your ritual. 
A Tarot Charm - Select a few Tarot cards that represent your intent and tuck them away with your item. (Alternatively, an envelope of Tarot cards COULD BE your item.) You may want to name each Tarot card and your interpretation as a part of your ritual. 
Afterthought: Removing a Charm
If you find you need to remove a charm, you can do so using the cleansing methods I’ve already provided. However, some witches do believe that you must give up a small item (lock of hair, food, necklace, etc) in exchange for removing magic. 
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welcome-to-asphodel · 2 years
Practicing Magic Ten Minutes a Day: Why It's Important and How to Do It
Original blost post is from my website.
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I highly recommend practicing ten minutes of witchcraft a day. Only ten minutes: don’t pressure yourself to work above that (at least not yet).
I can already predict commenters arguing that this approach is lazy. I beg to differ. When you’re lazy, you decide to do nothing because practicing too much effort. Performing magic ten minutes a day is doing something, even if you don’t want to do it. That’s the opposite of laziness. It’s dedication.
Before you decide that ten minutes doesn’t add up to anything, let’s lay down the math.
10 minutes x 7 days a week = 70 minutes. That’s over an hour of practice each week.
10 minutes x 7 days a week x 5 weeks = almost 6 hours of honing your magic skills.
Ten minutes isn’t too much pressure. It doesn’t intercept too much of your day. It’s doable. It provides enough time for practice and reflection. And putting in the time lends you the motivation to continue the habit in the future.
​Here’s how to employ the ten-minute practice.
Pick an exercise that you can work on for ten minutes. Preferably, you’ll choose a skill that you want to improve. Examples include spirit communication, divination, astral projection, energy work, scrying, and dream interpreting.
Carve out the time to work on that magic. From in between classes to morning/night routines to waiting for your pasta to boil, you’ll always have a ten minute block to spare. So, use it to your advantage. Set an alarm if you need to be reminded.
Do it before you can second-guess yourself out of doing it.
Frame your results in a positive light. Even if your spell failed, it still taught you something about magic and your skills. Write down what worked and what didn’t work. Decide what you’ll change next time in order to achieve better results. The point isn’t that it went differently than expected; the point is that you did it.
Reward yourself in a small way. You can post on social media, play your favorite song, or tell yourself, “I did that pretty well.” Although this might sound arbitrary, research in 2008 by Dutch neuroscientists found that positive feedback activates the brain more powerfully than negative feedback. We understand positive feedback better since it’s put more simply, which gives us an easy push to work on our magic again.
I’ve been applying my scrying skills using the ten-minute practice and I’ve already noticed an improvement. I hope this post motivates you to tackle your witchcraft goals.
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welcome-to-asphodel · 2 years
floating down the river styx on an inflatable donut and high-fiving all the lost souls i pass. i'm on vacation
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welcome-to-asphodel · 2 years
I believe in most deities, but my personal focus is pretty Hellenic. I don't at this time have altars to specific deities but my prayers are typically aimed towards Persephone and Hypnos, so those are the Gods I would consider myself most familiar with, in the sense of worship.
To my polytheist followers, which deities do you follow?
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welcome-to-asphodel · 2 years
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“Thor Battering the Midgard Serpent”, Henry Fuseli, Switzerland 1790
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welcome-to-asphodel · 2 years
What do these Terms Mean?
These are how I personally view these terms and use them on my blog, though you’ll find a lot of other witches use them the same ways I do.
Spells differ from other methods of magic because they can be so versatile and can have so many different effects. Essentially using your power to influence, change, or accomplish a goal would be considered a spell. Spells can have many components or none at all and can be traditional or new. Some spells suggest you cast circles before performing them and others do not. Some call for specific placements of altars or herbs and some are spontaneous and chaotic. Both forms of spellwork are valid because ultimately we’re just trying to achieve a result. 
Charms are physical objects made for a specific purpose that must be left in specific places to carry out their intentions. For example if you make a charm to ward off nightmares you would keep it above your bed. The difference between charm and enchantment is that when you have a charm you’ve made it for a specific purpose. You make a necklace to ward off worrying. You make a satchel, or a cake, or a painting and therefore it is a charm. 
An enchantment is an object that already exists and performing magic on it for a purpose. You would enchant a necklace to help ward against worrying. You would enchant your shoes to help you run faster. You would enchant your lip gloss to help you speak clearer and be more charismatic. 
A curse is a spell that is casted with negative intentions or outcomes for the target. There are no rules as to why curses should be cast, nor “real reasons” for them. Some people feel curses aren’t for them and that is perfectly acceptable. Some people feel like cursing people for no reason and that is also perfectly acceptable. Cursing itself has no ties to 3 folds, laws of returns or anything of that nature. Those specific beliefs are not curse related, they are typically though not always either Wiccan, or Neo Wiccan beliefs.
A hex is similar to a curse as it is a spell with negative intentions on a person. However a hex grows and develops and binds closer to its intended target when certain actions are performed. For example you may hex someone speaking ill of you. Every time they do a negative effect would take place and with increased frequency the hex would become stronger and more powerful. 
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welcome-to-asphodel · 2 years
A guide to worship of Priapus - cheat sheets
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Hellenic cheat sheets
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welcome-to-asphodel · 2 years
Crow craft
My brilliant friend made this amazing ebook for starting out with your spiritual work, definitely worth reading. She's also currently working on more ebooks, so stay tuned!
Free to use ebook is here
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welcome-to-asphodel · 2 years
Practical Things I Think Witches Should Research
Cultural Appropriation
Closed paths and practices
Cult warning signs
Spiritual Discernment
Herb interactions (i.e. how they interact with your medications, if they are poisonous, if you are allergic, can you ingest them, etc.)
Fire safety (for candles, smoke cleansing, incense, etc.)
Crystal Care (learn if your crystals will dissolve in water, if they can be in the sun, if they can be in the cold, etc.)
Pet Care (make sure herbs don't have poor interactions with your pets, make sure you know what to keep away from them, etc.)
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