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remus lupin + twitter
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sirius, during sex: hurt me
remus: your hair isn’t as beautiful as you think it is
sirius: wha-
remus: i don’t like your leather jacket
sirius: please stop
remus: your motorcycle is stupid
sirius, on the verge of tears: remus what the fuck
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sometimes being in highschool is awkward and hard
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Broke: Remus did his friends’ homework while at Hogwarts because he’s the smart one.
Woke: Remus Lupin is a mess of a person who could never do his own homework. He would copy off of his friends and random strangers, but, being smart, he would correct their work while he cheated and tell them they were wrong.
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Lupin I did for owlcrate :)
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Sirius: I just saw Remus crying in the library for five or six minutes and then his phone alarm went off and he just?? stopped crying?? and went right on back to work???
Remus: It's called time management.
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Ahhhhhh I’m sorry i forgot to post this here! sorryyyyyy!
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sirius: i can't decide what'd piss off my parents more
sirius: marrying remus and taking his name
sirius: or marrying remus and him taking mine
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Late night talks by the fire
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When You Sing the Blues
It’s A Wonderful Life Wolfstar AU
• Sirius works as a mechanic. He initially had been going to school for law but had to drop out when his parents disowned him.
• He and Remus ran away together at 19. It’s been a struggle for them since but they’ve managed okay.
• Remus comes home to Sirius having just bought them a fancy new espresso machine (£273.04)
• Remus was just laid off from his company. They’re downsizing. And he’s asking where the fuck they got the extra money to buy this machine.
• Sirius explains it’s an early Xmas gift for the two of them and he charged it on his card “It’s not big deal Re”
• Remus kind of loses his temper. Because he’s had a shitty day. Being fired and worrying about money.
• “We can’t just splurge like this Sirius!” They argue.
• Sirius just shakes his head and walks out. He doesn’t know the whole story and he was trying to do something nice. He knows their strapped for money, but he wanted to do this for Remus.
• Sirius finds a large fountain and makes a wish that things were different.
• He talks to Remus on the phone explaining that he’s going to the Potters house for the night. Even though Remus begs him to come home. But Sirius says no. He needs the night alone.
• Sirius wakes up to Regulus shaking him.
• Regulus, whom he hasn’t spoken to since his family disowned him.
• Sirius is in a penthouse he doesn’t recognize. Pics of him and politicians and celebrities on the walls. Nothing personal. Everything chrome and modern.
• Sirius who’s mother greets him upon his arrival to breakfast with Regulus in tow.
• He has breakfast with his family. He forgot how much he loved them. Despite their disagreements. Despite the fact that Sirius chose to stay with Remus and living in poverty.
• But he needs to find Remus.
• Remus is a teacher. Living in a larger flat that’s quite nice. And it makes Sirius realize what Remus sacrificed to be with him.
• Remus is surprised to see him and isn’t kind. Until Sirius says he can’t get ahold of James. James Potter died in a crash several years ago, he never got with Lily Snape. Whose Harry?
• When Sirius breaks down Remus let’s him in, thinking he’s high on something or other.
• So Sirius explains. Tells their whole life story to Remus.
• Remus shakes his head. Explains that James and Peter died in the same crash and Remus and Sirius fell apart.
• Remus then states that his boyfriend was about to come over and that it’s been weird to see Sirius again and please don’t come back.
• Sirius wanders. James and Peter are dead. Harry was never born. Remus didn’t love him. This isn’t what he wanted when he made that wish.
• He finds the bench by the fountain and stares at nothing.
• “This is why you should always be careful with what you wish for.”
• Sitting next to Sirius is his uncle Alphard. A man who died three years ago.
• “Please tell me this is a dream.”
“It is, but it’s the only way I could speak with you. You need to find my solicitor. His name is Horace Slughorn and he has my will.”
Alphard hands him a card with the information before leaning forward and giving Sirius a hug.
• Sirius wakes up to the sound of 4 year old Harry giggling and the smell of burnt toast. The card in his hand.
• He kisses Harry all over his baby face and gives James and Lily crushing hugs.
• His phone is dead so he uses James’ to call his boss and take a sick day before finding the lawyer.
• This is when he finds out what his mother had done. Slughorn had just managed to get Sirius’ inheritance freed from her. He looks shocked when he sees Sirius as his next step had been to find him. He explains to Sirius that he was his uncles sole heir. Leaving Sirius the family law firm, a villa in France, his apartment in London, his cars, and £20 million.
• Sirius begins to hyper ventilate.
• They spend the day going over paperwork and preparing for a legal fight for the firm.
• He leaves Slughorn and goes to Peter’s. Treating his friend out to dinner and making sure Peter’s aware how much Sirius loved and appreciated him as a friend.
• It’s nearly 1am when he finally stumbles back home.
• “Where the fuck have you been?!” Remus had been pacing in the dark. Hair a mess from tugging on it and dark circles under his eyes. “I called your job and you weren’t there, I called James and you weren’t there, I’ve tried your phone but it went to voice mail. I only knew you were alive because Peter told me!”
“My phone died.”
• Sirius stares at Remus. Drinks him in and asks.
“Do you love me? Do you regret running away with me? Do you want to go back to school? To be a teacher? Would you be better off without me?”
“If this is your way of breaking up with me-”
“I adore you. I need you. I love you and am entirely selfish about you. I know things are hard, but everything will be okay.”
• Remus doesnt fight it when Sirius hugs and holds him.
• They win the lawsuit. Sirius didn’t care for the firm but it was the principle of things.
• He forces Remus to go back to school.
• They move into Alphard’s London apartment.
• Every night Sirius thanks his uncle for taking care of them. And sometimes he swears he could feel himself enveloped in a warm hug.
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Sirius: *throws glitter in the air*
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au where all the marauders and lily live together and it’s just a Mess
their cutlery is a mixture of plastic knives and forks built in bulk from the local supermarket and fancy, silver, engraved knives and forks sirius steals from pureblood events mr&mrs potter ask him and james to go to with them
every windowsill is dedicated to remus’ plants and lily is allergic to one of them but they can’t figure out which so james threatens to drown all the plants bc they’re making lily sneeze and remus throws a watering can at him
no one can remember who owns what so peter is always wearing james’ shoes or lily is always wearing sirius’ jeans or remus is always wearing sirius’ shirt (lily complains on a regular basis that she never gets to steal james’ shirt to sleep in bc it always ends up being someone elses) 
james has to transfigure the shelf in the bathroom so that it’s big enough to hold all of sirius’ different soaps and conditioners
there’s always a cauldron with a different bubbling potion in it each week in the kitchen and one time peter’s v drunk and he thinks it’s soup and he drinks it and he grows an extra leg and lily has to take him to st mungo’s
the only chair they’ve never had to cast a reparo charm on is the comfy armchair with extra pillows which lily put a permanent heating spell on and it’s Remus’ Chair. 
bobby pins. are. everywhere. lily is always buying new packs and then sirius is “borrowing them” and never returning them and somehow there are bobby pins in remus’ plants, in their shoes, in between james pile of textbooks he says are for “pleasure reading”, in the sugar pot, under pillows, over doorframes, in the cat’s fur
peter and lily begin feeding a stray cat that shows up all the time and lily says she wants to keep it so ofc james wants to keep it and then it’s 4 against 1 bc remus likes the fact sirius leaves the room every time the cat begins to purr
0 boundaries. there are three bedrooms and no one knows whose is whose so they all end up sharing sometimes 
every time someone changes the radio station so it’s anything but his favourite quidditch one, james sulks for hours
remus framed all of their posters in attempt to make them seem like adults so then sirius makes him a “#1 adult” badge which he casts a permanently sticking charm on and sirius puts it on remus’ favourite jumper
after several official letters of complaint signed moony, wormtail & padfoot are delivered to their door, lily and james buy all three of them earmuffs so that way it’s their own fault if they hear anything they don’t want to
lily charms all the mirrors to tell sirius he has something on his face whenever he looks in it
all the rooms are only half decorated bc they got lazy after moving in
all of them are scared of spiders. except for peter, who walks in smugly with mug and coaster after he hears screams from a room 
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sirius i have a test tomorrow can you piss off just very slightly 
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patron saints of “shit’s been better”
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I love absolutely nothing more than the thought of Tonks and Sirius being the absolute best of friends. If you think that they don’t do random ass shit in the name of punk rock then you my friend are wrong.
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