Can I tell Frank a joke? Okay, okay:
Did you see the butterfly recently?
That’s weird, I didn’t think butter was supposed to do that.
Should Frank not enjoy that joke, I would like to see what it would get me at Howdy’s shop.
Frank is now giving me the silent treatment xD he keeps rotating his head away from me lol
Eddie was there to and once it clicked i got a bit of a chuckle out of him!
Howdy says he's heard that one a lot, so he'd only give you a small discount on a treat of some kind (candy, cookie, small milkshake, etc)
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why’s home in a bad mood? does somebody need to clean their shingles?
hahahaaaa I read that in the most mocking way like the "aw does someone need a nap?" thing oh mannn
But no Home's shingles are fine. Just some wanna be cool kids were sneaking around inside. Home caught them and got them escorted out but only after they trashed the kitchen (the prop kitchen, not any actual museum displays thankfully).
Unfortunately they whined (lied) to their parents and it started a whole thing between them, security, Tami, and Home's slamming shutters.
What a way to start the week.
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can each neighbor tell us a joke?
Hoo boy this took a while to gather up! But here ya go!
"What do you call a dog with no legs? It doesn’t matter, he still won’t come when you call!" - Barnaby (classic)
"What do you call a cold dog? A chili dog." - Wally (Barnaby taught him that one recently, he's proud of himself)
"A joke, huh? And what do I get for it?" - Howdy (I have nothing to give him and he refused to tell a joke. bruh)
"No." - Frank (couldn't get anything from him, I tried.)
"What did the number three say to the number two after beating him in a game of checkers? I One!" - Julie (she's still trying to convince Barnaby that this joke is funny. it's not working)
"Did you hear the joke the mailman told yesterday? His delivery was so good I say he Mailed it!" - Eddie (no comment 10/10)
"Don't theater jokes always seem so staged?" - Sally (I blame my sick days on me not immediately getting this when she said it.)
"Why did the chicken cross the road? To get to the other side. Safely. Using the crosswalk." - Poppy (she wasn't expecting it and kinda panicked so I guess this is the first one she could think of)
"Light travels faster than sound, which is why people like you appear bright—until they open their mouths." - Home (Home's in a bad mood so he's more snarky than usual rip)
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Hey Dizz! I hope you’re feeling better!
When you get back to work, I was wondering if Eddie’s feeling better? I overheard Frank mumbling something about him to himself, he seemed sorta concerned..
Yup I'm feeling better, still exhausted but I'm okay enough to work! (I did take the bus today tho, did not feel like biking)
I did check on Eddie when I got clocked in, he's... doing alright. I'm sure Frank's just the usual amount of concerned, nothing out of the ordinary
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Hey, Dizz! Water check? I came by the park today and literally did not drink anything for hours, so I'm making sure you're not making the same mistake! summer's really been kicking in this past week, so.
Getting an up close look at all the neighbors was a real good refresher on just how impressive the robotics are, super realistic too!! I was totally too caught up in my fanboying over the engineering to even say a proper hello, so pass my message on to everyone if you can! Not that they'd really know who I am, I don't visit too often; it's just for the sentiment, y'know. ( ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ
-A concerned park-goer! :)
Ah I made a post about it but I'm actually home rn with a bit of a bug. Trust me I'm drinking as much water as I comfortably can!
The robotics,, yeah it is pretty realistic haha
Sorry I can't pass on your message atm, if it's anything I texted Kent and he'll say hi to the gang if he's got time :]
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oof sorry for the radio silence again, I took the weekend off hahaaaaa (I'm sick)
But I've heard the first parade is next weekend so y'all can look forward to that!
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what are the other handlers like?
You said the others so I'm leaving out Kent, Chris, and Mackenzie (Eddie, Howdy, and Julie's handlers). Which leaves us with 6! this might get a tad long,,,
so I'm putting in under a read more!
Rachael is Barnaby's handler! She's actually pretty funny and can do some impressions to! she's got some tough love in her, which I think is needed to keep Barnaby from sitting in one spot all day. oh and she has like 5 dogs.
Trevor is Wally's handler! he's quieter than most, he tends to just sit and wait for something to happen. Tho he's really good at breaking up crowds and keeping people off Wally. He and Rachael spend a Lot of time together and I'm pretty sure they get along!
Kathleen is Frank's handler. She's tired of everyone and everything but as long as you don't purposely try to peeve her off she's really nice! She's just exhausted 24/7 and will never understand how Frank can be around Julie for so long lol. the tired but still kinda happy to be here type
Simon is Sally's handler. You've never met a more high energy theater kid. He is ecstatic to be anyway involved with the theater lol. His specialty is make up! He'll step in for the face paint artists when needed. Very dramatic and loves to accessorize
Alicia is Poppy's handler. She's a sweetheart but in the "do no harm take no crap" kinda way. Very good at keeping things grounded and is very level headed. also great at customer service, it's seriously impressive
Tami is Home's handler! Now I bet you're wondering why a stationary house needs a handler. Well that's because said house needs a translator and someone to make sure no one is throwing things at him (it's happened before, some people are just mean.) Tami's good at leading groups and has some serious on the spot thinking skills. They're also full of quips and sarcastic humor!
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Is the park going to hold any pride events?
There's the parade, a show, and a I believe this year we're doing a charity auction!
there's a whole list of things but that's what's i got off the top of my head! Oh wait there's also the fireworks show, it doesn't fully replace the nightly one, but it is every friday in June!
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oh I am So excited for pride month
if you think Neighborhood Park couldn't possibly have any more rainbows you are ✨Wrong✨🌈
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Diz will you bring me a soda? The post office has the best ones…
You want me to Walk? ,,,Fine but you owe me $3 these vending machines are expensive
,, wait idk even know where you are pfff
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Do the neighbors like their handlers? Like does Eddie have a good relationship with Kent?
What do the handlers do anyways?
Oh yeah everyone gets along with their handlers! Eddie likes Kent a lot, thinks he's a good hardworking guy!
Handlers make sure our neighbors are on time, safe, and that they don't get into any trouble! they also help the neighbors with anything that may be a bit much
For example, Kent helps Eddie deliver mail when needed and keeps him on schedule! (tho Eddie sometimes gets lost in crowds)
Howdy's handler, Chris, keeps children from using him as a jungle gym without permission (he's only really needed when howdy leaves the shop)
Julie's handler, Mackenzie, also keeps Julie on schedule and helps out with game set ups. Julie also gets surrounded a lot and Mack will help clear a path
etc etc!
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shout out the lady who stopped me to ask why I didn't have a wristband. and didn't believe me or my very obvious work badge when I said I was employee
the best part tho? She doesn't even work here. Ma'am you are a visitor it is Not your job to callout missing wristbands
Another shout out to Jacob who helped me convince this lady I was in fact an employee.
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oh and while I'm here, the Eddie is back on the monorail!
he's still not going to be out and about as much, he's easing back into the swing of things, but he is delivering the mail
if Eddie's not making deliveries he's in the post office, so if you can't find him check there
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Howdy tried to sell me a candy that was about to expire
See about to expire isn't expired so he can sell it and it is still edible
you said he tried so I'm assuming you didn't buy it?
Howdy wouldn't sell visitors expired food or candies! About to expire is still safe to eat. I mean you can drink milk the day before it expires so I don't see candy being much different (tho I doubt it expires tomorrow if it's on the shelf still)
trust me you're fine, visitor.
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So Frank was able to come over? Did he like 9 to 5?
(I’m assuming this from the tags of the previous post, apologies if I misunderstood)
Yes he was! Frank thought it was nice, catchy even, but if you ask me I think he was more happy to see Eddie smiling
They're in their own world on the couch rn, Frank's telling Eddie about his day and what all Eddie missed. and judging Kent on his mail delivering lol (he did alright)
,,,Eddie needed this.
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Anon who said to play S.O.D let it be known that hospitality likes to play music in our offices and Julie walked in when it was Quin(Metalhead)’s day to pick music. She had mixed feelings about it! Head office said we can’t play music anymore.
Well now we know! I think Julie likes more upbeat music iirc
imagine not being allowed to play music (we can't play music at the post office)
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You should play System of a Down for Julie and then Immediately follow it with Aqua (Barbie Girl)
Dunno if you mean just any of their music or specifically their album of the same name? either way I'm not sure, I haven't listened to them before and a quick look showed me a lot of explicit songs
for the same reason I cant show Julie Barbie Girl, it may not be explicit but the lyrics are definitely not kid friendly (I'd get in So much trouble) and idk like any other Aqua songs
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