welcomeparade · 4 days
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Albert Bierstadt (American, 1830–1902), "A Storm in the Rocky Mountains, Mt. Rosalie" (detail), 1866
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welcomeparade · 12 days
“Watch a man in times of adversity to discover what kind of man he is; for then at last words of truth are drawn from the depths of his heart, and the mask is torn off.”
— Lucretius, On the Nature of Things
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welcomeparade · 26 days
“We are reduced to asking others what we are. We never dare to ask ourselves.”
— Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Discourse on Inequality
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welcomeparade · 26 days
“When you laugh, laugh like hell. And when you get angry, get good and angry. Try to be alive. You will be dead soon enough.”
— William Saroyan (b. 31 August 1908) Armenian-American novelist, playwright, and short story writer
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welcomeparade · 26 days
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Marie Howe, from “Two or Three Times”, What the Living Do
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welcomeparade · 26 days
“We are inclined to think of peace-time as a condition in which nothing particular happens; in which we can put our feet on the mantelpiece and retire into our private lives, leaving the status quo to maintain itself. There is no surer preparation for war. The maintenance of peace requires a perpetual vigilance, because as life goes on and conditions change the balance needs ever fresh movement to keep it stable. In other words, peace is an active and not a passive condition.”
— Dorothy L. Sayers, in Begin Here: A War-Time Essay (1940), applying entropy to peace.
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welcomeparade · 26 days
I’m not afraid of love or its consequence of light.
— Joy Harjo, from "The Creation Story," Weaving Sundown in a Scarlet Light
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welcomeparade · 26 days
entering this great new phase of my life where, when someone treats me like shit, instead of going "oh man I guess I'm a piece of shit" I can whole-heartedly go "christ alive, what is wrong with you? you can't treat people like that" and it may sound simple but it took a long time to get here and there's no fucking way I'm going back
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welcomeparade · 26 days
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welcomeparade · 26 days
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welcomeparade · 26 days
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Glennon Doyle, Untamed
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welcomeparade · 1 month
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Tony Hoagland, from “Dickhead”, Donkey Gospel
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welcomeparade · 1 month
Forgive yourself for trusting the wrong people. You're not foolish, you're a kind human searching for connection. Embrace the lessons, but don’t let them harden your heart. Continue to trust, but with the wisdom and strength you’ve gained.
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welcomeparade · 1 month
“Destroy my desires, eradicate my ideals, show me something better, and I will follow you.”
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welcomeparade · 1 month
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welcomeparade · 1 month
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welcomeparade · 1 month
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