wellformed · 1 year
"Darim asked me to bake a cake and I have no idea what I'm doing when it comes to baking." Altair informed Nelyo as he slid into the chair across from him with a mug of coffee as well as one of the pastries he usually saw Nelyo eating. He slid the pastry towards him as he took a drink of the coffee.
"Is this a bribe?" Nelyo asked with a small laugh as he took a small bite of the cake after finishing securing his prosthetic hand and forearm down, "Baking is pretty easy if you just follow a recipe, its all about the measurements. But what kind of cake are you thinking? Or did he request something in particular?"
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wellformed · 1 year
“You asked me to marry you the other night when you were half asleep. You know I would.” @kingofthemirkwoodelks
Nelyo paused in the process of putting on his prosthetic hand, and if Thranduil dared to look, under the scars and freckles on his cheek he was blushing, "Yes, I recall but I believe I owe it to you to find a more... appropriate and romantic atmosphere to propose to you."
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wellformed · 1 year
He knew very well that Cor had announced him ahead of his arrival into the grand chamber. Thus he felt no shame in simply throwing open the door and striding directly toward Nelyo. "I hear I have a new nephew and that he somehow has landed himself here within Himring. Why was word not sent to us that Irisse's son was here? Is the child well?"
Nelyo looked up at Findekano for a moment before smiling at his dearest friend, "Ah, it has been too long Finno, I have missed you too," He teased as if to mock the lack of manners and decorum that was shown. Though the two of them often seemed to forget they were princes of the Noldor when together and acted more like young lads fresh from their last years of schooling.
"As for your nephew... it is complicated," he said and gestured to a seat, "But first off he is very well, though shy, he is still adjusting to people and ellon make him considerably more nervous than elleth due to Irisse's... partner's terrible handling of him from birth." He paused then sighed, "Do you recall the last summer all our families were together at once? Tyelca and Irisse convinced Orome to let all the grandchildren of Haru camp in his forest for a week. I think Artanis and Galadriel were just of age, and Ambarussa and Arakano were nearing twenty five? We all sat and played games and made promises?" @valiantelliro
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wellformed · 1 year
"How do you keep from wanting to just give up? It's so terribly easy to indulge that idea some days, to just stop fighting and let the darkness wash over us... over everything. Please, how do you do it?"
Nelyo tilted his head, looking with one eye through his ruby locks and over his shoulder to Canafinwe and letting a smile come to his lips, "I do it, because you still need me... and others do as well. I cannot falter, not surrender while I still have those who look to me," He chuckled a bit, "I can't entertain my selfish desires for rest... and in the end, I owe our enemies more with each day and each loss, and I am not so rude not to return all the 'favours' and 'blessings' they have gifted me."
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wellformed · 1 year
A teenage Moryo has been embroidering nonstop for days. Most pieces are half-done. Based on the dark circles under his eyes, he probably hasn’t slept all week, either.
{ @lordof-thargelion }
Of course Nelyo was aware of his little brother's turmoil and growing frustration and knew the lack of sleep was not helping the other. But knowing their father and mother and bloodline it was something to approach carefully because all of them carried that gene of Too Much, at the sacrifice of themselves, "Carne," He said gently, using a nickname from when Moryo must much more a child. "Come, I have not rested well and I wanted to see if you might nap with me, then we can look over your newest works. I sense you are seeking something, maybe once my mind if clear I can help you narrow in on it?" He phrased it as the lack of sleep was his own issue, knowing that many of their family were more eager to heal one another than mind their own bad habits, "Please?" He held out a hand and offered a hopeful look, "I am so tired. We can talk on it till sleep comes."
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wellformed · 1 year
Nelyo stared at her for a few moments, amused at his little sister before finally making his meaning more clear as he shifted back part of his cloak that had been hiding most of his body. There, looking entirely too small and fragile and fast asleep in his right arm was tucked the toddler that was Leryafinwe. Who came to him earlier with a nightmare not having wanted to bother his mother when the other could rarely get sleep herself from the terror of her own.
"Not many could have done what you did, let alone willingly and with such love. I am proud of the nis you have grown to be."
She looked up at her brother, speechless for a moment, before shaking herself out of her surprise and dropping her gaze again. "I do not know what you are referring to, Nelyo," she shrugged. "I do not feel as if I have done anything special. But thank you, nonetheless, it means a great deal to know you think so highly of me."
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wellformed · 1 year
The single just for him indulgence that Nelyo allows himself to have after his rescue from Angband is hot baths. He doesn’t mean this as to punishing himself by not having fun, but reasons he does not have time for the simple pleasures while Morgoth exists. But he loves to just lounge in a nice hot bath for a few hours now and then.
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wellformed · 1 year
He was thinking to point out it was a love he did not deserve but let that go unsaid knowing his words would only provoke the Sinda to protest. His eyes stayed fixed on Thranduil’s before his voice spoke words he had not planned to say, “Then marry me,” He was a bit shocked he would have dared say it and quickly tried to sputter, “That is... you dont have to of course, please ignore my boldness.”
“A nightmare again Meleth Nin?” (kingofthemirkwoodelks)
Nelyo's throat felt dry, had he screamed and woken Thranduil? his hands were stretched out, as if he had been holding something and for a moment both eyes were blind as the right always was, the white light of dragon fire having to be blinked away as his pulse settled and he sighed. His tense muscles hurting more as he forced him to relax, "I just need some water... do not worry, try and sleep, love."
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wellformed · 1 year
“I know... but sometimes I can sadly be as stubborn as my father. For so long I wanted to care nothing for anyone else. Besides those few who still remain...but for some reason you ensnared me, and I am finding I dont mind this feeling as much as I thought I would,” He chuckled a bit at his own heart betraying itself, “The nightmares are less when I am here, I find.”
“A nightmare again Meleth Nin?” (kingofthemirkwoodelks)
Nelyo's throat felt dry, had he screamed and woken Thranduil? his hands were stretched out, as if he had been holding something and for a moment both eyes were blind as the right always was, the white light of dragon fire having to be blinked away as his pulse settled and he sighed. His tense muscles hurting more as he forced him to relax, "I just need some water... do not worry, try and sleep, love."
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wellformed · 1 year
“Me? Hm, wonder what I was doing there or if there was a reason behind my presence.” While it was rather touching for the redhead to admit he was involved in his dream, he began to wonder if there was any sort of meaning behind him being in the other’s home realm during a catastrophe.
He was silent for a few moments before letting himself open up a bit and giving a sigh, “It has been some time since I opened myself to having someone new, someone to care and worry about,” He laid back down, pulling Thranduil to join him, “It is most likely my mind confirming for me how i have come to love you.”
“A nightmare again Meleth Nin?” (kingofthemirkwoodelks)
Nelyo's throat felt dry, had he screamed and woken Thranduil? his hands were stretched out, as if he had been holding something and for a moment both eyes were blind as the right always was, the white light of dragon fire having to be blinked away as his pulse settled and he sighed. His tense muscles hurting more as he forced him to relax, "I just need some water... do not worry, try and sleep, love."
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wellformed · 1 year
“Yes... or at least it’s flames,” He murmured and let his face rest in the hand and he stared into the king’s blue eyes with his almost white silver gaze,” Nelyo smiled a bit, “It was different this time though, Himring falling. You were there,” Normally his dreams were just memories, always the same, but the factor changing scared him, yet oddly offered a new hope to him at the same time.
“A nightmare again Meleth Nin?” (kingofthemirkwoodelks)
Nelyo's throat felt dry, had he screamed and woken Thranduil? his hands were stretched out, as if he had been holding something and for a moment both eyes were blind as the right always was, the white light of dragon fire having to be blinked away as his pulse settled and he sighed. His tense muscles hurting more as he forced him to relax, "I just need some water... do not worry, try and sleep, love."
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wellformed · 1 year
“A nightmare again Meleth Nin?” (kingofthemirkwoodelks)
Nelyo's throat felt dry, had he screamed and woken Thranduil? his hands were stretched out, as if he had been holding something and for a moment both eyes were blind as the right always was, the white light of dragon fire having to be blinked away as his pulse settled and he sighed. His tense muscles hurting more as he forced him to relax, "I just need some water... do not worry, try and sleep, love."
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wellformed · 1 year
Nelyo did notice his son but for the moment said nothing as he quickly conferred with Cor in Quenya about what all was to be watched or done in his stead, though his words meant little because the other knew well all the ins and outs of the workings of Himring. He ignored Nolya just a few moments more to finish his talk before looking to his son and smiling faintly before nodding, “It is, though if you can guess I will tell you if you are correct,” He offered. His horse was brought to him, a few saddlebags over the steed who he pet a few times idly before mounting and nodded to his son it was time and for him to climb on his horse as well, “We best go, whilst we have light.”
(@wellformed) "I dont know why I let it surprise me time and again how you grow. Each time I turn around you have sprouted ever closer to me... will you ride with me today, little flame?"
Nolya turned at the sound of his father's voice, a mildly embarrassed smile flickering across his face. He turned to face Nelyo and stood up to his current full height, motioning to his leggings as he spoke, "But it seems to wish to come on all at once. No sooner do the tailors bring me new leggings and they are too short." Indeed the end of his pants were far too high above the line of his ankle. "Yet I gain nothing in weight or muscle. I am quite certain I might be blown from the wall should a strong wind catch me unaware."
He smiled again, this time it was the smile of a son who was overly fond of his father. "But you know all about such things, do you not?" He went to the foot of his bed and sat down to pull on his longest pair of riding boots. "I would love to go riding with you Atya. It feels as if it has been too long."
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wellformed · 1 year
“You have more muscle than you know, Nolya, you simply are growing so fast it seems thin and stretched,” But when it slowed he knew his little boy would fill out into and elf that would challenge gods and any who opposed him. He would be strong, perhaps even stronger than Nelyo himself had become, though he prayed that his son’s strength would not be forged by loss and torture as much as his had. “I was thinking a long ride, so you best pack some snacks and a cloak,” He said more mysteriously, not hinting to where they were going but wanting to make sure that his son was prepared, “Meeting me in the courtyard when you are prepared and we will ride out together.”
(@wellformed) "I dont know why I let it surprise me time and again how you grow. Each time I turn around you have sprouted ever closer to me... will you ride with me today, little flame?"
Nolya turned at the sound of his father's voice, a mildly embarrassed smile flickering across his face. He turned to face Nelyo and stood up to his current full height, motioning to his leggings as he spoke, "But it seems to wish to come on all at once. No sooner do the tailors bring me new leggings and they are too short." Indeed the end of his pants were far too high above the line of his ankle. "Yet I gain nothing in weight or muscle. I am quite certain I might be blown from the wall should a strong wind catch me unaware."
He smiled again, this time it was the smile of a son who was overly fond of his father. "But you know all about such things, do you not?" He went to the foot of his bed and sat down to pull on his longest pair of riding boots. "I would love to go riding with you Atya. It feels as if it has been too long."
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wellformed · 1 year
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𝚖𝚒𝚜𝚌. 𝚜𝚖𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚍𝚎𝚝𝚊𝚒𝚕 𝚊𝚜𝚔 𝚖𝚎𝚖𝚎
         here is a small collection of tiny detail questions to ask about someone’s muse, some questions have multiple parts! feel free to add/change as you see fit <3 potentially nsfw. if a multi, please specify the muse!!
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how long are their nails? do they paint them?
what is their hair texture? do they take good care of it, if they have any?
what are their favorite fabrics? least favorite?
what is their skin texture?
do they have a skincare routine? if yes, how involved is it?
what does their sweat smell like?
body hair; do they crop anything short? let it grow naturally? wax?
name two or more things your muse can’t leave the house without.
does your muse usually carry around a bag/purse/backpack? or do they prefer to keep only what they can fit in their pockets?
do they get hay fever? if so, how bad?
do they have any sensitivities to smells?
do they have any sensitivities to tastes?
do they have any sensitivities to textures?
is there a sound that drives them crazy? ( like the sound of nails on a chalkboard, styrofoam rubbing together, cardboard boxes, etc?)
what is their favorite genre of music?
what is their favorite flavor in food?
what is their favorite scent? (candles, perfume, food, etc.)
what household chore do they absolutely hate doing?
what household chore do they like doing?
do they have a “comfort outfit” or a go to look? if so, why did they choose those pieces?
in a relationship, are they the ones stealing their partners' clothing? or are they the ones having their clothes stolen?
do they have bumper stickers on their car? if so, what kind? (bonus points for pictures!)
do they have a comfort movie? book? tv show?
if forced to wear socks, what kind do they prefer? ( ankle? crew cut? patterned? plain? )
what do they do when they are deep in thought? ( bite their nails? twirl a strand of hair? lick their lips? just look off to the side? nothing too exciting because this is a highly specific question? lol )
what is their favorite snack food?
what do their hair care products smell like?
how dedicated are they to their favorite color? must everything they own be that color? do they even care that much?
what does their perfume smell like, and how much do they put on?
do they prefer the overhead lights on in their house? or are they an ambient lighting/holiday lights around the house kinda person?
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wellformed · 1 year
“Then I will cherish this time together, and let nothing part us until it must,” He would not let the king fall to a drake or blade or even their shared past lover. He would protect him until Mandos’ grip stole his last breath, “And I will try not to brood too often, so the time might be joyful.”
A long. slender finger ran down a set of slightly jagged scars that criss-crossed the redhead’s back. “Where’d you get these from, Meleth Nin?” @wellformed
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wellformed · 1 year
“You know I dont pick favourites, Nolyafinwe,” He chided though the smile on his face spoke of his amusement, “I would not mind such a picture though, so I can always keep you close to my heart.”
*Sneaks into his father's study and leaves him a painting for his wall*
Nelyo smiled at the painting, admiring his near clone's skill and work before setting it down to go and find Nolya, "You know I much prefer to be able to thank you for such gifts."
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