wellnesssidekick · 7 years
Basics to Budgeting
Ah, the money discussion….. “Easy to spend, hard to get.” I have noticed that money is always a heavy discussion among my clients … causing all sorts of reactions, from sad to angry and even resulting in full-blown panic attacks. The reason I think this happens is that money can be a major source of stress and a big roadblock for not achieving your goals. Money can prevent us from investing in our diets, fitness, and even de-stressing activities because the money has to go to things we deem more important. While I can argue that it is important to invest in yourself and that occasional spa treatment; it is more important to have your finances in order.
  The most annoying and tedious way to do this is to make a budget. I can hear the groans and the previous page buttons from my computer. I understand that budgets aren’t the most fun things to put together, mostly because they are only good at telling us that we need to stop putting out money toward things we enjoy. Sometimes, however, they can actually be a surprise at how well things are going. I have tried dozens of methods of putting together a budget. Marisha Thakor is a CFA (certified financial advisor) who came up with the concept of the “healthy spending pyramid.” It is an easy system to help you keep track of where your money should be going. Many of you might already be on track with your spending, but others might need to move things around a bit.
  Here’s how it works:  20% Savings, 30% Wants, and 50% Needs
    (Graphic is from http://www.moneyzen.com/ )
Wants vs. Needs
  While savings is pretty straightforward, wants and needs can be a little more challenging. A need is a necessity, something that you can’t live without or a commitment you have made. The first step toward making this budget is figuring out just on what you’re actually spending your money. This to mean feels like the hardest part. Compile a list of everything on which you spend your money and put it into these three categories. Side Note: If you have absolutely no idea on what you spend or where your money goes every month, just make a list of your needs and go from there.
  Start with the amount of money you make every month, after taxes. Then figure out the cost of your needs.
-Mortgage / Rent
-Student Loans
-Transportation (Car payment/ Insurance)
  Once you have figured it out, add up the total and subtract it from what you make every month. Then, from whatever is left over, take 30% to put it toward your wants and 20% towards savings. What happens if you don’t have 50% income left over? Most people who have student loans have this problem. To these people I say, grab your microscope.
  Take a look at your needs and decide if there is any room for improvement. If not, then move the microscope over to your wants. Is there any place to improve there? At the very end of it all, savings is usually where the cuts happen. Rather than cut back on what makes us happy, we instead turn a blind eye to the future. My advice and the advice Marisha has given me is even if you only put 5% of your money into savings, that is still better than nothing. In fact, if that is the best you can do, wonderful!
  Five percent is better than nothing at all. Then, you can make it a goal to start putting more and more away, as you determine where you can make changes. Many people find that just uncovering the mystery about their spending can do wonders for them … giving them more sense of control or relief about their spending.  Budgets can be an empowering tool; so, don’t forget that while you’re working on balancing your health, you also balance your budget.
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wellnesssidekick · 7 years
Winter: Fruits and Vegetables in Season (December, January, February)
Winter a season where nothing seems to be growing. The trees are bare it’s freezing and your grass is completely dead. One thing you might not know about this season is that things are still growing and thriving during winter. We call those plants “cold hardy” because they are! This produce can be grown and harvest through the winter. What is equally important to know is that these are the plants you should be eating during the winter. Since they are harvested during the winter they will give you exactly what you need to make it through these colder months. You will notice that there isn’t a ton of fruit on this list because fruit has a cooling effect on the body and eating too much of it during the winter can make you sick. The fruit that is in season you will notice is packed with vitamin C that is no coincidence! So avoid a lot of tropical plants and bring on the squash because it’s snowing outside!
Belgian Endive
Brussels Sprouts
Buttercup Squash
Cactus Pear
Celery Root
Collard Greens
Date Plums
Delicata Squash
Mandarin Oranges
Maradol Papaya
Passion Fruit
Red Banana
Red Currants
Sharon Fruit
Sweet Dumpling Squash
Sweet Potatoes
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wellnesssidekick · 7 years
The Difference Between Natural Flavor and Artificial Flavors?
When you look on the back of a packaged product, you’ll notice a list of ingredients. Some are pretty straightforward, others not so much. My philosophy has always been that if you can’t read it, don’t eat it! So, naturally I always stay away from a product when it has artificial flavors in it, but what is the true difference behind the wording natural flavor? I don’t remember being introduced to a plant called natural flavor? So what do these words mean and how are they different from artificial flavor? Well, I decided to find out …
  Artificial Flavor:
  The FDA’s definition of artificial flavoring:
  “The term artificial flavor or artificial flavoring means any substance, the function of which is to impart flavor, which is not derived from a spice, fruit or fruit juice, vegetable or vegetable juice, edible yeast, herb, bark, bud, root, leaf or similar plant material, meat, fish, poultry, eggs, dairy products, or fermentation products thereof.”
  Basically, an artificial flavor can be classified as anything not coming from something that was once alive or found in nature. Scary; so what are we consuming if we are not consuming something that was once alive? Artifical ingredients are ingredients made from chemicals that have been manufactured. They can be a combination of over 1,300 different FDA-approved ingredients. The law does not require companies to disclose what these ingredients are, so many companies simply label them as “artificial ingredients.” The reason most companies don’t disclose their flavor list is because they want to avoid competition with other vendors. So, instead of a food company making a product with real flavors that come from natural sources, they opt for add-in the chemicals.
  These chemicals are added to our food products to give processed food flavor. The downside to all of this flavor, besides the added chemicals to our food, is that those foods are putting your health at risk. Artificial ingredients can lead to all kinds of problems; such as allergies, fatigue, seizures, nausea, dizziness, decreased immune function, headaches, chest pain, brain damage, and even damage to your DNA! So, because companies don’t disclose the specific compounds that make up the artificial ingredients on their product, it’s almost impossible to figure out what chemical(s) is giving you problems.
  Another downside is the more of these processed foods you eat, the weaker your taste buds become. Artificial flavors are packed with so many different chemicals that are designed to give food a lot of flavor. Eventually, your senses will become weakened to the taste of natural, unprocessed foods. You crave more processed foods and foods with more fats, sugars, and salts. Consuming those types of foods can also lead to other health problems. But, the point of this article is to define what the difference is between artificial flavors and natural flavors.
  Natural Flavors
  I have bad news for you; natural flavors are not much better than artificial flavors. Natural flavors are chemicals that were derived from a natural source. These flavors are, too, not monitored very closely by the food industry and again companies are not required to list from what sources these flavors came. Or, what has been done to them to make them qualify as “natural flavor.” The FDA has no strict definition of the word “natural.” So, essentially these flavors are processed, not monitored or disclosed to the consumer.
  When you look at a food label of a packaged cranberry granola bar and you notice the term “natural flavors,” you might think, “huh, there must be cranberry [insert your chosen form of cranberry here].” In reality, it’s just a chemical compound that at one point came from a cranberry. Except this “cranberry” chemical is probably way cheaper and has a longer shelf life than the real stuff. The company might not be able to call it cranberry compound but they can still call it “natural flavors.”
  So now the question remains; what is the difference between artificial flavor and natural flavor? The answer: not a whole lot. Natural flavors are chemicals like artificial flavors of which the only big difference is natural flavors were at one point natural foods. Both are heavily processed, unregulated (if they appear on the FDA’s list of approved ingredients), and undisclosed to you, the consumer. The only thing you get to know is that they are in your food. My advice would be to look out for both of these “ingredients” and avoid, avoid, avoid … even if you see them on products that are considered “health foods” or “all natural.” Because, at the end of the day, the food industry is just trying to pull a fast one on you. You never know the side effects of these flavors.
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wellnesssidekick · 7 years
6 Fall Detox Water Recipes
Thanksgiving is right around the corner so it’s important to keep your metabolism running strong! Not to mention your liver will thank you for it. I don’t know a lot many people who can get through a family event without a little wine. What? Wine is basically fruit in liquid form, it’s fruit salad…..that falls under the category of healthy. Anyway, it’s always important to add a little detox where ever you can around the holidays. The easiest way to detox is fancy up your water. Most of these ingredients you can even find at your relatives house if you’re in a pinch. Below are 6 easy fall inspired recipes to help you boost your detoxing skills this fall season.
  The Cinnamon
16 ounces of filtered water
1 sliced apple (your choice), seeds removed
1 cinnamon stick (not powder! or you’ll cough your face off or gag we don’t want that.)
  The Cider
16 ounces of carbonated water (club soda or sparkling water)
1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
2 slice of lemon
Option to add maple syrup, stevia or honey to taste
  The Cranberry
16 ounces filter water
1 tablespoons of cranberry juice (no sugar or low sugar)
2 lemon slices
1 bag of detox tea (dandelion, ginger, red clover or milk thistle work well) steep for 2-3 minutes
  The Pomegranate
16 ounces filtered water
1/2 a pomegranate (remove the seeds use them in the water)
2 slices of orange
1 cinnamon stick
  The Carrot
16 ounces of filtered water
1 small carrot thinly sliced
2 slices of permission fruit
  The Fig
16 ounces of filtered water
1 fresh fig sliced into chunks
2 slices of lemon
  The Ginger (Bonus!)
16 ounces of filtered water
1 inch of peeled fresh ginger
½ small pear sliced into pieces
Combine all the ingredients in water and enjoy. Usually, they are all only good for 24 hours.
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wellnesssidekick · 7 years
The Benefits of Coloring as an Adult
Remember when you were a kid and you would just go crazy over a coloring book or a new box of crayons. As adults, we can transform that excitement into a stress management tool. Adult coloring books are slightly different than the ones we had as kids. Adult coloring books are generally way more intricate and can take a longer amount of time to finish. Because they are more intricate, they allow the mind really to tune out the remainder of the world and just focus on the colors and lines. When using an adult coloring you book, you not only can feel some stress relief but also practice mindfulness along the way.
  Art Therapy:
Adult coloring books have been considered art therapy. It has been shown to help individuals with PTSD, anxiety, and other stress-related issues. Because coloring is such a relaxing activity, it has the power to bring our nervous system from sympathetic (fight or flight) to parasympathetic (rest and digest) mode. It also can spark joyful memories of when we are small, releasing all sorts of feel-good hormones.
  Focus and Concentration:
All day long we are required to hold focus on things we might not find that interesting. Over time, we may lose the ability to focus long term, especially in this age when there are literally hundreds of ways to distract us from just our phones. Coloring can help sharpen those skills and allow you to focus longer on one task. When you color with an adult coloring book, it changes your mind to focus, while at the same time relieving it of stress and anxiety.
  Form of Meditation:
Meditation comes in many different forms. Some people may be surprised to learn that coloring is a form of meditation. Because there is so much focus involved with coloring within intricate lines any other thoughts in your head can be tuned out. While coloring, you can practice techniques like taking deep breaths before grabbing a new color or noticing what’s going on in the body as you work. Coloring peaceful scenic pictures can take the place of meditation just by adding in a little focus on the breath.
  Self Expression:
Like anything with color, it can be a form of self-expression. Using whatever you like to fill in the empty white spaces can be a way to express how you’re feeling. Sometimes the best way to get our emotions is to draw or color them out. On a day when you are feeling joy or happiness, you might choose to use brighter colors than you would on a day you are feeling a little down. Because this is 100% your time to relax, you can do whatever you like. You can treat your coloring book like a diary or a journal, it can be for your eyes only.
  Basically, coloring books were an even greater tool than we thought. It just goes to show you that kids may have gotten it right by obsessing over those black-and-white pages. You can use coloring books for stress management, learning mindfulness, emotional healing, and daily meditation. So, grab your crayons, colored pencils, or markers, and let’s fill in those pages.
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wellnesssidekick · 7 years
Tips For Handling Cravings
  One of the hardest things with which I struggle, when I am trying to eat heathly, is keeping my cravings in check. It is never an easy thing to do because we all at one time or another crave sugar or salt; some of us even crave fast food. So, when it comes to staying on the right track, here are some tricks to help handle your random cravings when you’re trying to stay on the healthy track.
  Crowding Out
  This phrase was presented to me when I was taking my health coaching course. It means to add more things into your life rather than taking things out that lead to major cravings. Let’s say you’re giving up gluten for a while, whether is it to lose weight or you want to feel better, and you completely give it up. It’s been two weeks and you’re craving a piece of toast. Rather than giving up gluten altogether, unless you’re allergic, instead switch to healthy, more wholesome breads. Maybe try sourdough, multigrain, or bread that has a lot of nuts and seeds. In this way you won’t be giving up what has been up until now a staple in your diet; you will just be swapping it out for something healthier. The same could be said for sugar. Instead of cutting sugar out of your life altogether, you instead substitute your white and processed sugars for something more wholesome, like honey or brown rice syrup. Crowding out in a sense is replacing the foods you know aren’t good for you in exchange for healthier options. In this way, you have a way to fight cravings other than to go without or just giving in.
  Listen to Your Body
  A lot of time cravings are just your body’s way of telling you that you are low on something important, Meaning you might be low on a vitamin or mineral. Take a moment to think about when the last time you ate something with a heavy dose of vitamins and minerals? If it has been a while and you’re craving sugar hardcore, you might really just be after some vitamin D and magnesium. Sugar cravings can often trick us into thinking we want a cookie or something sweet when, in reality, back hundreds of years ago, it was our body’s way of telling us something else. Sugar used to be a very rare thing in our diets and when we would come across it, it would be in the form or fruit or something really nutrient dense. That isn’t the case today; so, when you’re craving something sweet, your body might instead be telling you it needs some nutrients.
  Are You Thirsty?
  Sometimes the body puts out a signal for “I am hungry” but what it really means is “I would like some water.” The body is made up of over 60% of water. If you have been drinking coffee or sugary drinks all day, your body might just be in some need of some water.  So, when you feel a craving coming on, consider when the last time you had some water. Drinking some tea or water could save you from ingesting those extra unhealthy calories. Water will also help prevent future cravings. The better hydrated you are, the fewer cravings you have. You can even fight cravings with water, even if you aren’t dehydrated.
  Are You Stressed
  When the mind and body are under a lot of stress, your appetite can change quite a bit. Your body secretes hormones, when you’re under stress, to suppress appetite and increase appetite. If you are under stress all day long, you might not feel like eating; but, when you get home and start to relax, this can trigger a major pig-out moment. You will also most likely try to make up for the calories you missed while you were under stress … leading to all kinds of crazy cravings. Keep that in mind if you’re someone who is under a lot of stress during the day and try to plan accordingly. Make time for self-care and stress-reducing activities.
  Trust Your Cravings
  Craving something sweet? Then give your body something sweet, but don’t make it processed. Instead try a sweet potato, piece of fruit, or a sweet vegetable. Or, like I said before, some honey; you could even try it in some tea. Here is a list of what could be going on, depending on what you’re craving:
  Sweet: Body could be lacking in nutrition and looking for a boost of healthy food
Solution: Try substituting processed sweeteners for more wholesome ones, like honey, sweet potatoes, or dark chocolate.
  Salt: Could indicate a mineral deficiency.
  Solution: Try salting your veggies with some all-natural sea salt. Seaweed and other sea vegetables have salt in them.
  Bitter: You digestion could use some help.
  Solution: Try eating some fermented foods like sauerkraut or kimchi. They contain a lot of probiotics that aid in digestion. Also, try some dark leafy greens that have a lot of bitterness to them.
  Spicy: Need some heat and your blood is not moving.
Solution: Spice up your food with natural peppers and spices. Instead of reaching for the fatty fast food or extreme heat, try adding spices to your everyday cooking. Also, try getting some exercise, the body might be needing some physical movement.
  Cravings can be so challenging. We think our body is telling us one thing, but really it is asking us to do another. It is important to stay focused and think about what we need, rather than what we think we might want. Remember to try some water, try to substitute for something healthier, and don’t beat yourself up if you fall short.  
  The post Tips For Handling Cravings appeared first on Wellness Sidekick.
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wellnesssidekick · 7 years
Spices that Help with Inflammation
There are many things that can trigger inflammation in the body; such as disease, stress, and certain substances like drugs and alcohol. Fighting inflammation can be tricky, especially if you are prone to getting sick a lot. Inflammation can cause all sorts of problems in the body, including damage to our joints and bones. When the body is exposed to too much inflammation for no reason, via stress or poor lifestyle habits, this can lead to some serious health problems. You can be more prone to pain, headaches, a drop in immune system function, and reduced organ function. So, it is important to fight inflammation as much as you are able. One of the easiest ways to aid in adding a little inflammation fighters to your life is through your spice cabinet. It is quick, easy, and you can use them as a tea or in a recipe.
Contains a compound called curcumin that is a natural anti-inflammatory. It helps the body fight invaders and aids in the repair of any damage the body has sustained. Some say that the powerful anti-inflammatory properties of curcumin can match the effectiveness of anti-inflammatory drugs.
Is closely related to turmeric and has been shown to help lower inflammation in the body. It is best known for treating degenerative disorders like osteoarthritis and rheumatism (a painful condition that affects connective tissue and joints). It also aids in gastrointestinal inflammation like IBS and esophagitis. Ginger has also been known for its soothing properties when it comes to nausea and stomach pain. It is one of those herbal remedies that has been around for thousands of years.
  Cayenne Pepper:
I am sure this is not the spice that comes to mind when you think anti-inflammatory; but, nonetheless, it definitely belongs on this list. Cayenne pepper gives a real kick to our circulation, allowing the capillaries of the body to open and push toxins out of our system. It also helps to regulate blood sugar and eliminate acidity, both of which can lead to high inflammation in the body.
This little spice contains pain-killing properties and can be helpful in reducing the symptoms of arthritis pain. Cloves do this by killing off bad bacteria that can harm the body. One major strain known as E.coli can lead to cramps, diarrhea, and, in extreme cases, death. Cloves can also aid in oral health, reduce bone loss, and promote good liver health.
Containing numerous health properties, cinnamon is one of the most popular spices in the world. Cinnamon lowers swelling in the body, which can aid in helping reduce pain and muscle soreness. This spice contains 7 different kinds of flavonoids that are effective in fighting inflammation, making it a great spice to add to your spice cabinet for better health.
We probably all know garlic as the disease-fighting spice but did you it also helps with inflammation. Because it is so effective in fighting disease, it is super helpful in reducing inflammation in the body. It also aids in the circulatory system in the body, allowing harmful toxins to leave the body and inflammation to be reduced. Garlic is one of those spices that is not only popular but loaded with all sorts of herbal health benefits.
If you have respiratory or digestive issues, this is the spice for you. Sage contains flavonoids and phenolic compounds that are the reason for its anti-inflammatory properties. When steeped, it provides a soothing effect on the body. You can use it in a tea or as an aromatherapy remedy, depending on the type of issue you’re having.
  The post Spices that Help with Inflammation appeared first on Wellness Sidekick.
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wellnesssidekick · 7 years
How to Meditate on Your Way to Work
There are so many benefits to meditation that it is one morning step you should never miss! However, we know that mornings are busy and evenings can be even more complicated. We understand that many people don’t have time to fit in any sort of meditation during the day. So here at Wellness Sidekick, we have come up with a solution! A way for you to get to work on time and still have your meditation, too.
  Meditating during your commute is a great way to pass the time on your way to work … not to mention you get to squeeze in a little self-care time. The main focus of meditation is to bring mindfulness and calm to the senses. This luckily can be done anywhere, even on your commute. Below are three different meditations you can do on your way to work. The bonus is you don’t even have to close your eyes!
  Practicing Mindfulness:
When you in your car, walking or on public transportation. (take special care to remain alert if you are driving or biking. Mindfulness does not mean you’re not aware of what is going on around you.)
Find a comfortable place in your seat with your back straight and your chest open. You don’t have to exaggerate this in any way; you just want to make sure you’re not slouching.  
Take three deep inhales and exhales to get your mind centered. Then begin to breathe with just your nose.
Notice how your body feels; how the motion of the commute feels. With every inhale and exhale, you find yourself relaxing into the commute and the space where you are.
Allow your mind to focus on the movement of your travels as you breathe in through your nose and out through your nose.
  Sending Love:
This meditation works best if you are surrounded by people. You can wait until you get to your workplace, if you are usually the kind of person who commutes alone.
For this one, find a nice tall seat in the chair in which you are sitting. Take a few deep breaths and then continue your breathing in through the nose and out through the nose.
When you’re ready, begin to look around the bus, train, subway, or ride-share car, whatever form of transportation you’re taking. Begin by choosing one person at a time and sending thoughts of love and kindness in that direction.
Maybe this means you silently wish them a good day or that you love the outfit they are wearing. You might even just send them a smile or a wave.
If you’re not the kind of person who wants to attract attention, a simple, silent “I wish you a great day” will do just fine.
You can also silently wish the people in your life to have a good day by imagining them and sending them love … all the while remembering to keep a rhythmic breath.
  Stress/Stuck in Traffic:
If you’re the morning or afternoon commuter who unfortunately gets stuck in traffic, this is the meditation I suggest for you.
If you find yourself feeling frustrated or angry when driving, try doing this meditation. Begin by gripping the steering wheel with both hands. Squeeze the steering wheel as tightly as you can; at the same time taking a nice deep inhale through your nose.
Hold for 5 seconds.
Then release on a deep exhale. As you release the grip on the steering wheel, not only relax your hands, but also your head, neck, shoulders, and spine.
Repeat 10 times, each one finding different points in your body to relax.
Continue to breathe in through your nose and out through your nose for the duration of your commute.
  Using your commute to meditate is a great way to get in some self-care for the person who is always busy. It’s always important to be creative and find ways to take care of yourself! Hope everyone has a good day at work!
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wellnesssidekick · 7 years
What’s the Deal with Crystals
Every wellness blog I look at has something about crystals. They have definitely become a trend lately. So, why are so many people so fond of using crystals in their practice? The answer is that crystals hold properties that can awaken things in the body and mind similar to how scents and herbal treatments can. Their properties are based on the materials from which they are constructed. Each type has a unique effect on the body.
  Different Types of Crystals and their Properties  
  Agate: Balances your yin-yang energy, stabilizes your aura. Encourages strength and courage. Improves and stimulates creative talents.
Amber: Purifies body, mind, and spirit. Balances electromagnetics of the body and allows energies to flow freely. Provides a positive, soothing energy. Aids in spiritual intellect.
Amethyst: Calming energy. Encourages spirituality and contentment. Stone of stability, strength, and peace. Excellent for meditation. Enhances psychic ability.
Aventurine: Independence, leadership, creativity. Balances male and female energies. Aligns intellectual, physical, emotional, and etheric bodies.
Aquamarine: Courage, intellect, protection. Assists spiritual awareness and awakening.
Azurite: Awakens psychic ability, insight, and intuition. Opens the third eye chakra. Perfect for clearing the mind for meditation.
Amazonite: Balancing energy and harmony; encourages universal love.
Bloodstone: Imparts strength, courage, and the self-confidence needed to succeed in business and legal affairs. Attracts wealth and sexual potency; ensures victory.
Calcite: Energy amplifier, excellent for clearing and cleansing.
Carnelian: A healing stone that counteracts feelings of apathy, fear, and rage. Fosters peace within and without, imparts self-confidence, and inspires verbal and written communication.
Celestite: Excellent stone for dream recall and astral travel.
Chrysocolla:  Strength and balance. Promotes harmony and attunement to the Earth. Purifies one’s environment.
Citrine: Dissipates negative energy. Warmth, joy, and optimism.
Diamond: Purity, perfection, abundance, and inspiration.
Emerald: Loyalty, sensitivity, harmony, and tranquility. Assists in memory retention and mental clarity.
Fluorite: Stability, order, discernment, and concentration. Helps you to understand and retain ideas.
Fucite: Promotes loyalty, emotional sensitivity, harmony, and tranquility. Assists in memory retention and mental clarity. Attracts balance, abundance, and prosperity.
Garnet: Commitment, devotion, love, stability, and order. Balances energy flow.
Hematite: Excellent for the mind, and grounding.
Jade: Harmony, peace, fidelity, and confidence.
Jasper: Protection, awareness, insight, and grounding.
Kunzite: Communication, love, and peace. Protects, and dissolves negativity.
Kyanite:  Tranquility, communication, and psychic awareness. Excellent for meditation and remembering dreams. This stone doesn’t require cleaning or clearing, can align all the chakras.
Labradorite: Represents the light of the universe, extra-terrestrial energy. Intuition and illumination.
Lapis Lazuli: Knowledge, wisdom, perfection, protection, and creative expression.
Lepidolite: Honesty, stability, hope, acceptance. Assists in change and transition. Facilitates astral travel.
Lodestone: Natural magnets; attracts things: good luck, healing, money, love.
Malachite: Transformation and spiritual development. Clears the way to achieve goals.
Moldavite: Clarity and eternity. Extraterrestrial and interdimensional access.
Moonstone: Lunar female energy. Emotional and intuitive. Rhythms, cycles, and destiny.
Obsidian: Dispels negativity. Grounding, healing, protective. Helps one clearly to see one’s flaws and the changes that are necessary.
Onyx: Centering, self-control, and intuitive guidance. Assists in the grieving process.
Opal: Creativity, inspiration, and imagination.
Peridot: Healing and protective. Regulates life cycles. Allows a better understanding of ones life.
Petrified Wood: Grounding; provides strength. Stone of transformation.
Pyrite: Symbol of the sun. Shields from negative energy, protection. Enhances intellect and memory. 
Clear Quartz Crystal: Universal crystal, clarity of consciousness.
Rhodochrosite: Love energy. Excellent stone for balance in all areas.
Rose Quartz: Empowers and attracts the energies of love, happiness, and peace. Encourages healing at all levels.
Ruby: Love, nurturing, spirituality, wealth, and protection.
Ruby Zoisite: Facilitates trance states and a connection to the divine. Facilitates good communication with angels and Divine Beings. Deepens your understanding of the unseen.
Rutilated Quartz: Intensifies energy. Stimulates the brain. Inspiration and clairvoyance.
Sapphire: Beauty and prosperity.
Shiva Lingam: “Crypto Crystalline Quartz,” contains the loftiest vibration of all stones on Earth. Emits a vibration that will purify your temple or home. Represents both the male energy of knowledge and the female energy of wisdom.
Smoky Quartz: Dissolves negativity, grounding, and balancing. Excellent for meditation.
Sodalite: Logic, efficiency, and truthfulness. Enhances group communication.
Sugilite: Spiritual love, perfection, inspiration, and confidence. Alleviates negative/destructive emotions.
Tigereye: Earthy, grounding. Represents sun and earth. Optimism, insight, and personal power.
Topaz: Success, true love, individuality, creativity, and joy.
Tourmaline: Inspiration, understanding, self-confidence, and balancing.
Tourmalinated Quartz: Strength and balancing. 
Turquoise: Spiritual attunement, strength, and grounding. Excellent for astral travel.
Zircon: Virtue, unification, continuity, and purity.
  You can use crystals in so many different ways. You can place then around your house to promote certain energies. You can use them in your meditation or even while you’re sleeping. Make sure when you’re using your crystal, you always set an intention. You can do this by holding it in between your eyes and thinking about what you to want to come from your use of the crystal.
  Using Crystals in Meditation:
Find a comfortable and quiet seated space.
Have your crystal near you.
Begin to find your meditative breath and close your eyes. When you’re ready, pick up your crystal and hold it comfortably in your hands.
Draw your attention down in onto your crystal and feel it’s energy pulsating in your hands. As you inhale, imagine all the of that crystal’s energy is spiralling around into your body. If it is a chakra stone, imagine that energy is being pulled to the center of that chakra.
As you exhale, imagine that crystal is drawing out all that you don’t need back into it.
Continue to do this for the duration of your meditation.
When you are finished, place the crystal by the window at night so it can recharge from the light of the moon.
  Clear or Cleaning your Crystal
  There are a few ways you can go about cleaning or clearing your crystal. A popular way is to run your crystal under filtered water and then set it out in the sun or moon light for a few hours. You can also light frankincense or sage to clear the crystal of any bad energy. Setting it near a speaker while soft calm music is playing is another way you can reset the vibration of a crystal.
  The post What’s the Deal with Crystals appeared first on Wellness Sidekick.
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wellnesssidekick · 7 years
Fall: Fruits and Vegetables in Season (September, October, November)
Fall is here, which means it’s harvest season! All spring and summer long plants have been hard at work growing their butts off in the warm sun to supply us with beautiful fruits and vegetables. We couldn’t be more excited to enjoy the fruit (pun!) of their hard work. There are so many benefits to eating what’s in season so remember to keep a lookout for this amazing produce at your local co-op or fall farmers market! Let’s stock up on nutrients back winter is coming!
Acron Squash
Asian Pear
Barbados Cherries
Black Crowberries
Black Salsify
Belgian Endive
Broccoli Rabe
Brussels Sprouts
Butter Lettuce
Buttercup Squash
Butternut Squash
Cactus Pear
Cape Gooseberries
Celery Root
Chayote Squash
Chinese Long Beans
Date Plum
Delicata Squash
Diakon Radish
Green Beans
Hearts of Palm
Jalapeno Peppers
Muscadine Grapes
Passion Fruit
Sharon Fruit
Sunflower Kernels
Sweet Dumpling Squash
Sweet Potatoes
Swiss Chard
Winter Squash
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wellnesssidekick · 7 years
Our Favorite Tools to Use during Meditation
Meditation is a wonder, too, to help you de-stress, ease tension, and weed out the goings on in the mind. However, when you do something on a daily basis, as we hope you are, it can be nice to mix things up. During meditation, it can be fun to use some different tools to enhance or bring a new vibe to your meditation. Here are our favorite tools that we like to use during meditation.
  #1 Meditation Cushion
              A meditation cushion or support can be really helpful when practicing your meditation. It can help alleviate pressure from the lower back and legs and allow you to sit straighter. Meditation cushions are designed to help you maintain your seat during meditation.
  #2 Tibetan Singing Bowls / Gong / Bells
  You can use Tibetan Singing Bowls, Gongs or Bells before, during, and after meditation. The rhythmic sound these tools make can help to open and close your meditation practice. They encourage deep relaxation, healing, and stress relief.
  #3 Incense / Essential Oils
Essential oils and incense can be used during meditation to help clear or promote certain emotions, feels, or struggles. Depending on the blend or scent that is used will determine the properties it holds.
  #4 Noise Machine
  If it is hard for you to find a quiet place or sometimes enjoy some music during your meditation, then we recommend trying a noise machine. Whether it is to cancel some noise or listen to the sound of the ocean, there is no better way to make your meditation interesting again than with a noise machine. On a side note, many of the noise machines now also double as an essential oil diffuser so you can get double the enjoyment out of them.
  #5 Mala Beads
  I love Mala beads. They are a wonderful tool to use during meditation. They can help you keep track of the number of breath cycles you have taken or the number of mantras you have recited. They can also be quite fashionable, too. Each mala can be made of a number of materials that have different properties. So, find the best fit for you before using them in your meditation practice.
  #6 Crystals
  Crystals are another fun tool that also hold so many different properties. They can clear out negative energy in the mind and body. They can also transfer their own energy properties to you. There are crystals specifically for chakra work, if you have desire to clear out your chakras. Again, pick one that embodies what you need during your mediation and use it to help you through your practice.
  #7 Candles
  There is nothing like a good candle to help set the mood for relaxation. There are all kinds of candles for meditation, including those that spark certain chakras. Like incense and essential oils, candles can help promote healing and other properties, depending on the scent. The difference with candles, though, is that they have a flame that you can feed off of during meditation. The energy of fire is wonderful for clear or igniting passion in a meditation. As always, use caution when meditating with candles and open flames.
  #8 Blanket
  As you relax, your body temperature drops, and during meditation, there is minimal movement, so it is important to keep warm. Grabbing a blanket can do just that! Making sure you’re nice and warm can make the whole experience easier and more enjoyable.
  #9 Apps
    There are so many different tools you can use to teach yourself how to meditate. Sometimes using a guided meditation on an app is the best way to keep with your meditation practice. Our favorites are Headspace and Insight Timer.
  #10 Study Materials
  Really enhance your meditation practice through books and the teaching of others. There are many people out there who have devoted their lives to the practice of meditation and mindfulness. Our favorite book to carry around (because it’s so small) is The Pocket Pema Chodron by Shambhala.
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wellnesssidekick · 7 years
A Book Recommendation for Couples
A Book Recommendation: For those who want, have, or are going to tie the knot.
  Saving Your Marriage Before it Starts
By Drs. Les & Leslie Parrott
  I got married a little over 10 months ago. The planning for the wedding was stressful, there was family drama, and by the time it was over I really could not figure out what had happened. All I knew is that I was married and it was the best feeling ever! I was sure the wedding was going to be the most challenging part of the first year of marriage; but, like most brides, I was wrong. While most relationships have their ups and downs, many people don’t prepare you for that first big fight you have with your husband. When it happens, not only are you unprepared, but you also start questioning your entire life because you did just take this big step. Luckily for me (and a reason one of the many reasons why I love my husband), my husband is a proactive person and found this book. Not only did this help us, but it also taught me a great deal as an amateur wife.
  Being promoted from girlfriend to fiance is a breeze. You feel nothing but excitement and bliss when you’re sporting your fancy engagement ring. However, when you’re promoted from fiance to wife, then things get serious. Not only do you have this fancy new title, but a whole lot more responsibilities! So, making the transition from girlfriend to fiance to wife, while showered in love, can be challenging. Anytime you’re new to something, you will come across challenges. That is why old married couples look so happy. They have been married so long they no longer sweat the small stuff and they know how to handle problems like a champ.
  Working through this book was probably one of the best things we did as newlyweds. The book contains 10 chapters, a symbis test that can be taken online, and a workbook that comes with 24 exercises. All of these tools are designed to help you get on the same page as your partner. It also encourages you to have some conversation that you didn’t even think to have. Plus, it teaches you all kinds of wonderful tricks to keep your marriage successful for years to come. It basically is like a marriage counselor in a book and who doesn’t need to coach when you’re trying something new.
  Saving Your Marriage before It Starts was written by Drs. Les Parrott and Leslie Parrott, psychologist and marriage and family therapist. They also have been married since 1984. So, not only do they have experience with their own real life, but they have been counseling couples of all ages for decades. This book was first published in 1995 but has been updated several times since. They have written this book to appeal to newly engaged and married couples, but it is also really helpful if you have been married any amount of time. So, if marriage is in your future or present, then I would highly recommend giving this a try.
  Wellness Sidekick does not recognize itself as a religious website, but from time to time we will recommend different things from all different faiths. Because we believe that love and relationships are an important part of life, we wanted to recommend this book.Saving Your Marriage Before it Starts does, however, have some Christian viewpoints, but they are minor and you can still enjoy its guidance no matter your faith. Many of their examples are related to their church and the final section is in reference to God. Feel free to reinterpret what they are saying to fit the religious views you follow. Happy reading and good luck to all those engaged couples out there; thank you for finding each other!
  **No money, goods or services was received in exchange for this book recommendation.**
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wellnesssidekick · 7 years
5 Yoga Poses for Back Pain
According to the American Chiropractic Association, 31 million Americans suffer from lower back pain. It is one of the leading causes in disabilities. Many people who have experienced lower back pain can relate to how troublesome it is. It can leave you unable to walk, work, or perform basic day-to-day activities. Sometimes relief can only come in the form of prescription drugs, physical therapy, and pain management. The lower back in called the lumbar spine and what most people don’t know is that actually is not designed to move. It is designed to give you stability; so, the older you get, the more immobile it becomes. The hips also can play a role in back pain. The hips are the next main structure around the lower back; they also offer support and stability. If both the lower back and hips are tight, this can cause the lower back to be at risk for injury.
1# — Runner’s Lunge
    Place one foot at the front of your mat. Have your knee bent at 90 degrees and over the ankle. You should be able to see your knee. Place both hands on either side of the front foot and extend the opposite leg behind you. Press your finger tips into the mat and push your chest through your arms to straighten your spine. Allow your gaze to be about 6 inches in front of your mat. While in this position, you can slightly raise your hips up and down and side to side, feeling mobility in your hips. Hold for 1 minute, then switch sides.
  #2 — Crescent Lunge
    Place one foot at the front of your mat. Have your knee bent at 90 degrees and over the ankle. You should be able to see your toes. Place both hands on either side of the front foot and extend the opposite leg behind you and place the knee on the ground. Bring your hand onto your front knee or up to the sky. Allow your hips to sink toward the ground while your belly is engaged toward your spine. You should feel a stretch in your back thigh, if you do not place a little further apart from your front leg. Hold for 1 minute, then switch sides.
  #3 — Pigeon
    Bring your left knee just behind your left wrist on the floor. Place your left shin on a diagonal and make certain that your left thigh is straight with the mat. Extend your right leg straight behind you and have your hips sink into the ground. Make sure your back leg is extended straight and your toes are untucked. With weight distributed equally between your hips, begin to walk your hands slightly forward on the mat. You can fold forward or stay upright, whichever is more comfortable. Hold for 1 minute, then switch sides.
  #4 — Fire Log Pose
    Stack your shins on top of each other, making sure that ankles line up with knees. There may be a slight space between the top knee and the lower foot. Keeping both hips on the ground, hold for 1 minute and then switch legs.
  #5 — Bound Angle Pose
  This is also known as the butterfly pose. In a sitting position, bring the bottoms of the feet together. Hold the tops of the feet, soles still pressing together; extend your chest forward over your heels. Hold for 1 minute.
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wellnesssidekick · 7 years
Vitamins and Supplements 101
The supplement conundrum: Should you take them? Should you not take them? Are you just wasting your money? Do they even work? How do I find a good vitamin? Most people are either for taking supplements or against it. For me, I am usually against taking supplements, they are expensive, annoying and 9 times out of 10 I usually forget to take them anyway. There are, however, very few occasions when I think taking supplements is a good idea. The first is when you are sick or feel like you’re about to get sick, the second is when you’re pregnant, and the third is if you are suffering some sort of deficiency. Those are about the only times I would highly recommend taking supplements. Why you ask?
  Sick or Feeling Sick?
  When you get sick or are feeling like you are about to get sick, your body’s immunity is working harder than normal, so it needs a boost. I have always found it odd that when people are in the hospital, they get food that lacks in basic nutrition, such as jello, pudding, or chicken nuggets … what is that all about (that is another article for another time)?!?! Back to what I was saying. When you’re sick you body needs a boost to help it fight the good fight to make you feel better. Generally, I increase the amount of vitamin C and Zinc … Vitamin C because it helps with cell repair and cell regeneration, Zinc because it prevents viruses from multiplying and infecting other cells. So, it is something to consider when you are feeling under the weather.
  With pregnancy, it’s not the supplements on which I am focused, it’s the prenatal vitamins. When a woman becomes pregnant, her body begins taking stored and consumed nutrients to grow that baby. This means it’s going to take all you have and more just to keep yourself going and well supplied with everything you need during that time of pregnancy. Prenatal vitamins are key in helping you with that enormous task. There are also certain vitamins and minerals that a woman needs more of when she is pregnant than when she is not, such as folic acid, which helps prevent spinal and brain defects in a baby. During the 9 months of a pregnancy, the body will burn an average 50,000 calories just making that baby alone! So, it is important that those mommies-to-be get all the help they can get! Thus, that daily prenatal vitamin can be a big help in making sure mom-to-be and baby get what they need.
  There are going to be plenty of time in your life where the body just doesn’t get everything it needs. My favorite example is during the winter time. If you’re someone who doesn’t like a tropical sunny place year-round, chances are that during the winter time, your vitamin D level has been low. This is one of those times when I suggest people look into taking vitamin D supplements. The other time I have noticed is when people chose to be vegan or follow a raw foods diet. When people do this, they tend to cut off their vitamins sources. Most B-vitamins, such as B12, are found in things like meat, fish, eggs, and dairy products. The skilled vegan knows that many B-vitamins are found in beans, legumes, and oranges; but, for those who don’t, you can be depriving yourself of very important vitamins. If you’re the kind of person who is a very picky eater and don’t eat a well-balanced natural foods diet, chances are you might be deficient in something. You might also need to take a daily vitamin or supplement if you suffer from health problems. It is all based on the individual. My advice is always to try to get what you need from your food because, at the end of the day, you should be eating and drinking for nutrients and not calories.  
  So, what if you are the kind of person who likes taking a daily multi-vitamin just in case. You might be on a strictly limited diet and want to make sure you’re getting everything you need. Or, you might like how those vitamins make you feel. I get it and respect that I just recently started taking a multi-vitamin because I deficient in iron. The problem is it was very challenging for me to find the right daily multi-vitamin because they are not all created equal. Many vitamins that you can buy at the store are just expensive urine. They are very hard for you body to break down and they can sometimes even get stuck in your gut! So, how do you determine if a vitamin is the right fit for you. There are a few things to consider when choosing the right vitamin, or even a supplement.
  #1 Budget:
When picking out a supplement or daily multi-vitamin, it is important to consider how much money you are willing to spend on it every month. Most vitamins come in 30, 60, or 90-day supplies. The vitamins that you can get for really cheap are, while very cost effective, might not be doing anything for you. Something to keep in mind is that if you’re going to spend money on vitamins, you are probably going to get what you pay for. I would never recommend spending more than $50 on a daily vitamin unless it really contains something you need and can’t get anywhere else. There are plenty of brands that offer decent vitamins at a reasonable price. Now, if it is less than $15 a month, you might just be wasting your money.
  #2 Quality:
  Some very large brands have found a way to make really cheap vitamins and supplements. The problem with vitamins and supplements is they are not approved by the USDA or any government regulaton. It is important that your vitamin or supplement company have a third-party provider whose job it is to provide quality assurance. Your supplement or vitamin should say that it has been tested for potency and safety. If you can’t find it on the bottle; it should say so on the website. The containers should also have an expiration date on them.  
  #3 Ingredients:
  Just like everything else you put in your mouth, you should always look at what is in it. If the supplement or vitamin ingredients list is mostly chemicals, then it’s probably best to stay away. Things like food coloring, hydrogenated oils, lead, mercury, PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls, known for causing serious health problems), talc, magnesium silicate, and titanium dioxide are all things that should be avoided when buying supplements and vitamins. Probiotics are worth mentioning here, too; if you look at the type of bacteria in the probiotics; you want to make sure that it contains bacteria that is compatible with your body. So, probiotics contain bacteria strains that might have little-to-no effect on the health of your gut bacteria.
  **Side note: you are what you eat, even when it comes to your vitamins and supplements. So, make sure if you are going to take something that it contains high-quality, well-sourced ingredients.
  #4 Mixing with Meds:
  If you plan to start taking a new vitamin or supplement and are on medication, it is so, so important to consult with your doctor or practitioner before doing so. Some supplements and vitamins can change the effectiveness of a medication or prevent it from working altogether. Some combinations can lead to serious side-effects if you’re not careful, so always always ask your doctor before taking anything new.   
  #5 Daily Amount:
  Vitamins and supplements, even though they usually come in a 30, 60 or 90-day supply, can mean taking 2, 4, or 6 pills daily. It is something to consider when choosing vitamins. You might not be the kind of person who wants to take 6 of one vitamin every day, especially if you are planning to take a variety of supplements and vitamins. Next thing you know, you will be carrying around a pill box. So, always look at the dosage before committing.
  #6 Are you a Solid, Liquid, or Jelly?
  There are many different types of vitamins and supplements out there. A major factor to look at when you’re picking out the right product is the consistency of the product.
  Solid: I never recommend buying a rock solid vitamin. Why? Because those are the hardest to break down and absorb. If you like taking your vitamins in pill form, then I suggest a vitamin with a gelatin coating that easily breaks down in water and that is filled with a fine powder. This way, once you swallow it, there will be less work to break it down by the stomach and more easily absorbed.
  Liquid: If you’re the kind of person with a sensitive stomach, I always recommend going with liquid vitamins. One swig and you’re good to go! It is easy to take, easy to absorb, and you don’t have to hunt around for a glass of water.
  Jelly: Next, there are those people who despise taking vitamins altogether, but they still want to get a daily supplement in. My suggestion? That’s right, gummy vitamins … the adult kind. of course. I really enjoy taking these because they are easy, taste good. and I can keep them on my desk to remind myself to take them.
  I feel like there’s something out there for everyone who wants to take a supplement or vitamin. Just remember that they are not replacements for nutrient-dense food. No matter how many vitamins or supplements you take, they do not replace meals. It’s okay to treat yourself once in awhile, but don’t use your vitamins and supplements as an excuse to avoid your fruits and vegetables.
  *If you’re going to take supplements and vitamins it is important that you:
  Switch it up, don’t stick to 1 brand for years at a time.
Take breaks, you need to determine if those vitamins are actually working or not.
Follow the recommended dosage, don’t take more than the recommended amount. Supplements and vitamins, especially when taken in excess, can be hard on the kidneys and liver.
Consult with your doctor or wellness professional, especially any mothers need ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS to talk to your doctor before starting anything new.
Stop if you feel worse. Vitamins and supplements should make you feel better, not worse.
  The post Vitamins and Supplements 101 appeared first on Wellness Sidekick.
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wellnesssidekick · 7 years
The Importance of Being Hydrated
  Let’s talk water! The average human body is made up of about 60% water. The brain and heart are made up of about 70% water, the lungs are 83% water, the skin is 64%,  the kidneys and muscle are 79%, and bone is about 30%. Plasma, which is the liquid portion of blood, is about 92% water and it accounts for about 55% of the volume of blood in our body. In order for every single cell in your body to function, it needs water. Being properly hydrated is a vital component to maintaining your health. Without the presence of water in the body your health will deteriorate. You can go up to three weeks without food, but the body will only last around 3 days without water. This just goes to show you the importance of water to the body. How much water is enough? On a daily basis, expert say you should drink half your bodyweight in ounces of water a day.
  Ex: If you’re 150 lbs, you need to drink 75 ounces of water per day.
  Of course, you can’t just drink that amount of water all at once without putting a strain on your kidneys, and you need to give your body a chance to absorb. On average, a person can absorb around 32 oz. of water an hour; which appears like a lot. It also makes the task of reaching your ounces’ goal a lot easier. However, there are a lot of things to take into consideration. The amount of water you absorb is also contingent on certain factors. Aspects like the temperature inside and outside of your body, if you’re partaking in any physical activity at the time, and if you have an excessive amount of non-hydrating foods and beverages.
  What are the types of foods and beverages that take away from your hydration, you ask? They are anything that contains sugar, caffeine, chemicals, and/or preservatives. Meat is also especially anti-hydration because it takes a lot of water and energy to break it down to use as nutrients. So, what’s the rule of thumb for still consuming things like coffee, alcohol, sugar, and meat but still maintaining good hydration? Well, it’s an ounce-for-ounce kind of thing. For every ounce of coffee, meat, or serving of sugary foods you will have to drink that many more ounces.
  Ex: If you drink 8 oz. of coffee, you need to consume 8 extra ounces of water to make up for it, on top of your daily ounces’ goal.
  I am not saying you should avoid those foods. All I am saying is that in order to maintain proper hydration, you need to account for those food and beverage items that will dehydrate you. Exercise is also something to keep in mind when you’re trying to maintain proper hydration. When you increase your body’s temperature, the body uses water to cool you down, repair muscles, and lubricate the skin. So, during times of exercise, you are using more water than you would if watching TV.  So, when you are done with your workout, you need to focus on replacing that water that you used during that workout. Remarkably enough, the body also loses water when you are crying, breathing, and when you become stressed out.
  There are so many benefits for staying properly hydrated.
  Energy: As mentioned before, the body requires water to perform almost every function in the body. So, if you’re dehydrated, the body will slow everything down in order to preserve the what in your body, causing fatigue and possible weakness. The last thing the body wants to do is to exert itself when it is low on water.
Eliminate toxins: It is through the lungs, liver, skin, and kidneys that the body eliminates waste. How does it do this? … with waste water, like urine (95%), sweat (99% water), and bile (97% water).  So, in order to eliminate waste from the body, you need water!
Feel better: When you have all the necessary tools to function properly, things go a lot more smoothly than when you don’t. Making sure the body is well hydration is giving it the tools it needs to function and perform the tasks it needs to to keep you healthy.
Sleep better: When you’re sleeping, the body makes all sorts of repairs and memory back-up while you sleep. The lungs are working, the blood is moving, and all of these things require water. When you are well hydrated, the body won’t wake you up in the middle of the night, disrupting your sleep, to rehydrate. So, the better hydrated you are the better you will sleep. Keep in mind that drinking a lot of water before bed could also result in interrupted sleep. So, be sure to be hydrating throughout the day.  
Helps with weight loss: Water will help keep you energized, aid you in your workouts, suppress appetite, boost metabolism, and help with sugar cravings. This can aid in your weight-loss goals.
Relieve constipation: The digestive system needs a lot of water to function properly. Without it, things get stuck, nutrients can’t be absorbed, and you can’t eliminate waste. Being properly hydrated will keep everything flowing through the body.
hy Migraines are your body’s way of preventing the brain from becoming dehydrated. When the body becomes too dehydrated, the body will send blood to the brain to prevent it from sustaining damage. This will cause tension and painful pressure, also known as headaches and migraines.
  Things other than water that help with hydration:
Leafy Greens
Soups and Broths
Decaffeinated Teas or Herbal Tea
Freshly Squeezed Juices
Coconut Water (Good Substitute for Sports Drinks)
  If you tired of boring old water, you can also dress up your water to make it more flavorful and enjoyable. Here are some fun combinations. Combine with any 16 oz of water!
  Cooling Drinks:
  Drink 1:
2 Cucumber Slices
5 Mint Leaves  
  Drink 2:
2 Tablespoons Aloe Juice
1 Lime, Juiced
4 Slices Cucumber
  Drink 3:
3 Pieces of Watermelon (cubed)
3 Slices of Cucumber
  Fruit Infusions
  Drink 1:
3 Orange Slices
¼ cup Raspberries
2-inch Piece of Ginger
  Drink 2:
Handful of Blueberries
2 Slices of Cucumber
1 Lime wedge
  Drink 3:
4 Strawberries Sliced
5 Basil Leaves
  Drink 4:
2 Slices of Lemon
4 Strawberries Slices
The post The Importance of Being Hydrated appeared first on Wellness Sidekick.
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wellnesssidekick · 7 years
Working With What You Got.
An area for people that appears to be a big reason why they don’t live a healthier lifestyle is the cost. The health and wellness industry can come across as very expensive and intimidating. Among fitness classes, gym memberships, clothing, supplements, food, and equipment. it can get really out of hand. Being healthy shouldn’t cost you an arm and a leg. You shouldn’t be putting yourself into debt trying to lose weight or feel better. Many people buy into these quick fix supplements, fancy workout equipment, or services that provide with all food marked up way too much. It can get really out of hand with no results.
  For those on a tight budget:
  Becoming healthy takes dedication, not debt. The biggest expense you should have when becoming healthy is with your food. That is your priority. At the very least, if you are on an extremely tight budget, the place where you need to put your money is what is going into your mouth. Food is your primary tool that you use to feel your best. Most of the ingredients you find in the self-care section are made from things you buy at the grocery store.
  So, take a deep breath and let the notion that you can’t afford a healthier life go. You absolutely can and it is important to prioritize and know that the money you do invest in your health is so that you don’t have to invest more later in life. Upgrading what you have in your kitchen just means that you should be shopping more seasonally, more organically, and investing in products with fewer ingredients. You don’t need supplements to get nutrients, proteins, or special amino acids you can get all those from food. You can maintain optimal nutrition from just picking whole unprocessed foods. Let the outdoors be your gym and your bathroom be your spa. For the budgeters out there, you can become as the next person who can afford all the fancy stuff!
  For the ones who have a little extra:
  If you’re someone who has a little room in the budget for a gym membership or few new cookbooks, the advice you need is to be careful where you put your time and energy. Your primary focus is on investing in with what you nourish your body, and then the next thing is what gives a boost!
  Don’t let the promise of a quick fix or a personal trainer distract you from what you need. If you aren’t going to like it, don’t invest in it. You know you better than anyone does. Pick a few things that really work for you and your body. If you know you need a group of people to keep you motivated when you work out, place your money there. If you feel better taking a certain supplement or protein powder, then go for it. Maybe you feel amazing when you get a monthly massage; then that’s where you little extra should go. Be strategic, be focused, but, most importantly, be picky.
  For those who want to invest it all.
  Good news! You have so many options and resources! The bad news is you have to be careful. Think about how you eat, how you exercise, and how you feel from day to day. The three key things you need to consider when forging your health journey is your daily schedule, personality, and value vs. cost and effectiveness. If you sign up to do all of these different health programs or start working with a personal trainer, does everything line up with your schedule? Are you going to feel burned out? Do you still have down time?
  Does everything you’re doing line up with your personality? Are you doing something just because you think it is going to make you feel better? Only commit to something you know will make you happy and aid you in your health and wellness goals. Just because it worked for your friends doesn’t mean you’ll enjoy doing it or it will be right for your health.
  Pay attention and decide if it is worth the investment. You need to value what you’re doing and it needs to be effective; otherwise, it isn’t worth the cost. Don’t waste your time on a 7-day, $200 juice cleanse if you know you won’t make it to day 3 although your friend tried it and it made her feel amazing. Instead, use that money to treat yourself to something different that you know will benefit you just as much, such as a new water bottle and some fresh fruit. This is your money, health, and wellness. Take control and be productive. You have endless options now; you just have to feel them out and see what boosts you the most.
The post Working With What You Got. appeared first on Wellness Sidekick.
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wellnesssidekick · 7 years
The Amazing Effects of Acupuncture
A few months ago I decided to give acupuncture a chance. It was recommended to me that I try it by a friend who had had success with it restoring her energy, helping with digestion, and making her feel more lively in general. After several months of consistently going once a week, I have to say I noticed enough of a positive difference to start recommending it to my clients and to share it will all of you. So, let me break it down a little so I can give you an idea of what acupuncture is and what it does to the body, explain some benefits, and what to look for in a good practitioner.
  What is Acupuncture?
  A form of traditional Chinese medicine, this holistic practice has been around for 2,500 years. The practice is based on the theory that Chi, energy, flows through the body along pathways known as meridians. Acupuncture’s main focus is to correct energy imbalance or blockages that might occur in the body. When these energy centers are blocked or out of balance it can cause disruptions in the body, leading to pain or disease. Acupuncture is done by placing thin needles into the skin on specific points, which is relatively pain-free. Heat, dull pain, pressure, or mild electrical current can be felt when a needle is placed and will dissipate almost instantly. The point is to restore energy flow back into the body.
  What can you expect during a session?
  During your first session with a new practitioner, the acupuncturist will do an intake form and ask you a series of questions about your health. He/she will ask you how you are feeling and if there is anything on which you would like to focus during your session. The practitioner will usually have you lie down on a therapy table and undress to your comfort level.
Once you are on the table, the acupuncturist will begin placing needles. This process, depending on how sensitive you are and what is going on in the body, can be pain-free. There may be areas where you are more sensitive than others, such as places like ears, ankles, and sites where there has been injury. Usually the pain will subside after a few seconds; but, if it doesn’t, you should let your acupuncturist know right away. The whole point is to feel comfortable and relaxed during your session.
Depending on the length of your session, after a certain amount of time the current needles will be taken out and you will turn over or remain in the position you are in and new set of needles will be placed. Then some more time will pass and the session will end. Make sure to hydrate when you’re done and not to expose your body to hot or cold water at least 4 hours after your session. The points where the needles were placed need to have to opportunity to close.
  What are the benefits?
  The main focus is to restore energy flow in the body. Blocked energy points can lead to all sorts of problems in the body, such as disease and pain. There are many benefits to acupuncture:  
  Helps reduce headaches and migraines
Improves chronic pain including places, like back, knees, and different kinds of arthritis pain.  
Improves sleep disorders, like insomnia.
Helps with cancer and chemotherapy recovery.
Help to preserve cognitive function.
Can help with discomfort during pregnancy, labor, and postpartum.
Elevate your mood.
Improve digestion and acid reflux
Treat and prevent allergy or sinus problems.
Improve your immune system.
Help with weight-loss.
Treat menopause and PMS symptoms
  What to look for in a practitioner:
  It is important to pay attention to what kind of facility you are seeking. If you are someone who likes a more clinical environment vs a spa, then you should keep that in mind when looking for a practitioner. Some places also have each acupuncturist working on more than one patient at once, so, again, that is something to consider when looking for a place.  You will usually pay more to have the practitioner all to yourself, but if you the kind of person that needs more focus to feel comfortable, it is 100% worth it.
Your acupuncturist is the most important part to your success and safety during an acupuncture session. He/she must be very knowledgeable, encouraging, and have the right education. There is a big difference in the amount of training between a certified acupuncturist, licensed acupuncturist, and a practitioner whois allowed to use acupuncture needles. I am talking about thousands of hours of training difference. A licensed acupuncturist usually has to go through about 2,700 hours of training in acupuncture and oriental medicine training. A certified acupuncturist has to go through about 300 hours of training. It all depends on your state and what they allow for practice, but it is always a good idea to know the level of training your acupuncturist holds.
Your acupuncturist should blend with your personality if he/she doesn’t appear to understand you as a whole person, then the treatments might be off. You also need to feel comfortable, because acupuncture can take several sessions to start yielding the results you want, so you could be seeing a lot of each other. You will feel a difference after the first session, but for bigger changes, like elevating back pain or helping with headaches, then you will need to come back for repeat sessions. So, you want to like your acupuncturist; it will make the whole experience more amazing.
  How to find an acupuncturist:
  Most acupuncturists work in doctors’ offices or have a private practice. Generally, a good way to find a skilled acupuncturist is to get a referral. Luckily, these days we have review websites that can help us find the best one in the area; but, it is always nice to get direct feedback from someone you trust.
Acupuncture is an amazing holistic practice that can really help with imbalances and health problems in the body. I always recommend trying a holistic practice first when someone is feeling pain or discomfort. Acupuncture can also be a good way prevent disease in the body; so if you are on the border of needed medication for something, give acupuncture a try and see if you can rebalance your body.
The post The Amazing Effects of Acupuncture appeared first on Wellness Sidekick.
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