wellssaid · 3 years
“You should always tell the truth, because if you tell the truth, you make it the other person’s problem.”
– Sean Connery
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wellssaid · 3 years
”Every crowd has a silver lining."
— P. T. Barnum
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wellssaid · 3 years
“Love your neighbour, yet don't pull down your hedge.” – Benjamin Franklin
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wellssaid · 3 years
“An editor is one who separates the wheat from the chaff and prints the chaff." — Adlai Stevenson”
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wellssaid · 3 years
“There's a big difference between advertising and PR. Advertising is when you tell people how great you are. PR is when someone else says how great you are. PR is better.” - Guy Kawasaki, The Macintosh Way
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wellssaid · 3 years
“Critics are like eunuchs in a harem: they know how it's done, they've seen it done every day, but they're unable to do it themselves.” Brendan Behan
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wellssaid · 3 years
“Do you know the difference between Silicon Valley and yoghurt?
Yoghurt has culture.” - Guy Kawasaki, The Macintosh Way
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wellssaid · 3 years
“I aim to misbehave...”
- Capt. Malcolm "Mal" Reynolds
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wellssaid · 4 years
”If you look like your passport photo, you’re probably not well enough to travel.”
- Sandy Toxvig
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wellssaid · 4 years
“Today, take time to think of all you are instead of all you are not.”
— Unknown
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wellssaid · 4 years
“You are willing to die, you coward, but not to live.”
— Hermann Hesse, Steppenwolf (via the-book-diaries)
Book Recommendation: No One Ever Asked by Katie Ganshert
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wellssaid · 4 years
“Do not lose hope. Please believe that there are a thousand beautiful things waiting for you.”
— r.m. drake
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wellssaid · 4 years
”Calories: Tiny little creatures that love in your closet and see your clothes a bit tighter every night.” - Adam Nally
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wellssaid · 5 years
If there is a Universal Mind, must it be sane?
Charles Fort
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wellssaid · 5 years
Crap… It’s way to easy to reboot stuff in the wrong Tumblr.
Sorry guys! I’ll try to get it right.
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wellssaid · 5 years
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wellssaid · 5 years
7 Tips for the Reluctant Editor
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During the NaNoWriMo Now What? Months, we’re focused on helping you revise, edit, and publish your story. Of course, sometimes it’s difficult to make yourself do the necessary editing work on your novel draft. Today, author and Municipal Liaison Rebecca Frost shares some editing advice for the reluctant editor:
I absolutely love NaNoWriMo. I’ve been participating since 2010 and I’ll NaNoVangelize at the drop of a hat. I love the creativity, the comradery, and the craziness. My least favorite part is the editing that comes after. It’s a vital step, though, and I’ve come to terms with my process, so I’d like to share some tips in case you, too, are a Reluctant Editor.
1. Give yourself some distance. 
My personal rule is that I won’t start editing something until it’s been sitting for a month. If I write “The End” and then flip right back to page one, I’m too close to my book, and I’ve got the story arc still fresh in my mind so I can’t see what doesn’t actually work. I’ll save my novel in a couple different places, just in case, and then come back to it to give myself the best shot at coming to it fresh.
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