wellwaytea · 2 years
Which Tea is the Best to Drink during Pregnancy?
Are you a tea lover and expecting? Now is the time to choose the right tea for your needs! The good news is that there are a number of great teas to enjoy throughout your pregnancy and some have been shown to target specific pregnancy symptoms to make you feel more comfortable.
Best pregnancy tea
Although caffeinated tea is safe to drink, many pregnant women choose to drink herbal teas or tisanes during their pregnancy. We recommend drinking the following teas while pregnant:
Ginger tea
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Ginger is commonly used during pregnancy to ease morning sickness, and studies have shown it to be safe and effective for this purpose. But there is also some evidence that it can negatively affect fetal sex hormones and increase the risk of vaginal bleeding during pregnancy. So before you drink ginger tea, discuss its benefits and risks with your healthcare provider.
Peppermint tea
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Peppermint tea is used to soothe an upset stomach during pregnancy and is considered safe. Be aware that it may not help with morning sickness: One study found that peppermint oil aromatherapy, for example, did not work better than a placebo for treating nausea and vomiting in early pregnancy. Which is already very common in pregnant women?
Green tea
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Green tea, including trendy matcha tea, is considered safe to drink during pregnancy. They are also much lower in caffeine than coffee - about 25 grams per cup versus 100 grams. However, limit yourself to less than three cups of green tea a day. Green tea is high in catechins, which prevent your cells from fully absorbing folic acid. Your body needs plenty of folic acids to help prevent neural tube defects during pregnancy.
Black or white tea
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These popular forms of tea, such as green tea, are considered safe to drink during pregnancy. Just remember not to overdo it, as four cups of black tea, for example, will get you up to your daily caffeine quotient of 200 mg. Iced tea is often made from black tea, so keep that in mind as a source of caffeine.
Dandelion tea
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Many herbalist midwives recommend small doses of dandelion tea for pregnant women. And why not, dandelions are rich in vitamins A, C, B, and D along with potassium, calcium, folic acid, and iron. It helps reduce the chances of urinary tract infections and also cleanses the liver. It helps when you are bloated with water retention during pregnancy by acting as a diuretic.
So, now you know which tea is best to drink during pregnancy. Now you know that you don't have to give up your favorite tea because of your pregnancy. You just need to replace it with non-caffeinated herbal tea. And herbs like stinging nettle, ginger, dandelion, and chamomile will make your life easier.
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wellwaytea · 2 years
Benefits of Drinking Black Tea for a Healthy Life
The struggle is real when the clock is ticking and you need to get out of bed for the busy day ahead, but your eyes just won't open. Caffeinated beverages have made life easier for most of us who need a morning booster to start the day, and black tea is one of the world's favorite morning drinks. Black tea has developed a cult following with its strong, earthy flavor and hydrating effect.
However, anything that is consumed regularly should be closely scrutinized for its effects on health. Black tea, one of the most widely consumed beverages worldwide, has been extensively studied for its health benefits and adverse effects.
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What's so special about black tea?
There are many types of tea – green, oolong, yellow, white, and black. All come from the same plant - Camellia sinensis.
Black tea undergoes an oxidation process that gives it a distinct taste and effect. Oxidation refers to the process of exposing tea leaves to oxygen-rich air for extended periods of time. It breaks down the enzymes that give black tea its color and smell.
Nutrients of black tea
Before moving on to the pros and cons, it is important to understand the nutritional content of black tea. The best black tea contains the following nutrients:
Alkaloids like caffeine, theophylline, and theobromine
amino acids
Minerals and trace elements
Other organic compounds that determine its taste and smell
Here are some evidence-backed health benefits of black tea:
Helps in controlling blood pressure
Fast and high-fat food has become a regular part of our daily life. Research suggests that high-fat meals disturb the body's blood pressure, which further affects heart function. It is commonly known as hypertension.
Black tea contains a rich compound called catechin. It relaxes the muscles lining the blood vessels. As a result, the blood pressure level decreases.
Prevents clogging of arteries
For many reasons, our arteries can become clogged with plaque. This condition is called atherosclerosis. It can result in chronic kidney diseases or cardiovascular problems. There is ample evidence to suggest that drinking black tea prevents atherosclerosis. It helps keep our arteries 'clean' and significantly reduces the chances of stroke or heart attack.
Improves gut health
Digestion has a profound effect on our overall health, immunity and well-being. Organic black tea has antimicrobial properties that wonderfully promote the growth of 'good bacteria' while inhibiting harmful gut bacteria.
You have often heard that Darjeeling black tea is good for immunity. Polyphones are the reason why it is called one of the most powerful immune boosters.
Fights cavities
Here's one more reason to stick to your ginger black tea.
Those who drink black tea regularly need to worry less about their oral health. Modern dentistry accepts that black tea can fight cavities. Black tea powder is a natural source of fluoride. When it interacts with the tannic acid in the tea, it strengthens tooth enamel and creates a natural defense against cavities.
Excellent source of antioxidants
Natural processes and environmental stressors create unstable molecules in our bodies - known as free radicals. If left unchecked, free radicals can damage or change cells, resulting in health conditions such as atherosclerosis and even cancer. Therefore, health fanatics advocate foods and beverages rich in antioxidants. Black tea is one of the best sources of antioxidants. The oxidation process makes black tea's antioxidants more potent. It is converted into potent cherubins, theaflavins, and flavonols.
Reduces the risk of cancer
Studies have shown that black tea can reduce the risk of developing tumors. In addition, black tea is considered beneficial for skin, breast, lung, and prostate cancer. However, more research is needed on this front.
Moderation is the key
It is said that excess of anything is poison. Black tea is good for health. However, it should be consumed in moderation for maximum benefits. Otherwise, it can contribute to the following health conditions:
Poor digestion:
Black tea is high in tannins and excessive consumption of this material can adversely affect digestion.
Should be avoided during pregnancy:
The 'kick' that black tea gives is due to the 2 to 4% caffeine content. It directly affects our brain function and improves alertness. However, the same material can cause health problems
During pregnancy. Therefore, pregnant women are advised not to drink more than two cups of black tea per day.
Caffeine is good for the brain to some extent, but it can overstimulate the brain to the point that it can disrupt your sleep patterns. Therefore, health experts advise that it should not be consumed before going to bed. Especially people with problems like anxiety and insomnia should drink black tea in small amounts.
Some studies show that tannin, the active compound in black tea that gives the tea its pungent flavor, inhibits the body's absorption of iron, leading to anemia. That is why doctors advise stopping drinking black tea two to three weeks before surgery.
Black tea is packed with powerful nutrients and has many health benefits. A person without any health problems can drink two to three cups of black tea daily.
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wellwaytea · 2 years
Hibiscus Tea: Benefits, Risk & How to Make?
Have you ever tried the amazing crimson herbal infusion that is naturally caffeine-free, packed with health benefits, and tastes amazing? You may be familiar with the hibiscus flower, but how much do you know about hibiscus tea or its potential health benefits? If you've never tried hibiscus tea or you've always been curious about the beautiful floral drink, we're here to explain: embrace the power of the flower!
Hibiscus tea is an herbal drink that captivates with its deep-red color and delights with its tangy and unique taste. An almost tart tea with a cranberry-like flavor, this tea has a flavor that matches the beauty of hibiscus flowers. Served hot or iced, hibiscus tea is often drunk on its own as a delicious beverage or mixed with other herbal teas to create a healthy infusion. Read on to learn why wellness professionals love hibiscus tea, how much hibiscus tea you should drink, and the potential health benefits of this floral tea.
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What is Hibiscus Tea?
First, we need to make one thing clear: hibiscus tea is not really tea. Technically, it is an herbal tisane. A tisane is an infusion of dried herbs that are brewed as a tea and has functional wellness benefits or are sometimes used medicinally. Herbal tisanes differ from true tea, such as black tea or green tea, which is made from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant.
Hibiscus tea is made from the Hibiscus sabdariffa shrub, which is actually a relative of okra! But don't worry, its taste is completely different so don't let that stop you from trying this delicious tea. While all parts of the Roselle plant are edible, from the flowers, leaves, and stems, only the calyx is the part of the plant that is used to make fruit hibiscus tea. They are the lotus-shaped buds that grow beneath and support the beautiful hibiscus petals.
Health Benefits of Hibiscus Tea
While more research is needed to understand the full scope of the potential health benefits of this amazing drink, hibiscus tea, hibiscus extract, and hibiscus flowers have undoubtedly been used as traditional medicinal for centuries around the world with positive results. Hibiscus tea can support the immune system, prevent chronic diseases, and strengthen liver health. Due to the antibacterial properties of hibiscus sabdariffa, hibiscus tea can also help fight bacterial infections.
Along with these benefits of hibiscus tea, it is also rich in vitamin C and other antioxidants that can promote collagen, which promotes healthy hair growth, strong nails and hair, and clear skin. To incorporate hibiscus into your self-care or beauty routine, drink hibiscus tea while trying this DIY brightening hibiscus mask or clarifying hibiscus hair rinse.
Hibiscus Tea Risk
It is a known fact that one needs to read about and see which natural supplements suit them and which don't. Despite the many health benefits of hibiscus tea, it is not advised to various people.
If you are a person suffering from low blood pressure, you are advised not to consume hibiscus tea. Hibiscus tea is not recommended for high blood pressure patients who are taking hydrochlorothiazide medication to prevent any cases of drug interactions.
If you are recovering from surgery or already taking medication to control blood sugar, it is highly recommended not to consume hibiscus tea.
How to make hibiscus tea?
You can make hibiscus tea with ready-made tea bags or use dried hibiscus petals or calyces. For a cup of boiling tea, take a deep pan; bring the water to boiling point. Now, add dried hibiscus petals (about 1 tbsp) and let them boil for 5 minutes. You can strain it or hold it as it is. Try some variation by adding ginger. Honey, cinnamon or maple syrup.
Hibiscus tea, one of the popular teas can be a great supply of antioxidants, its widespread standard for its ability to help lower pressure levels, manage cardiovascular disease; Skin-friendly, moderate consumption of this tea is generally considered safe.
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wellwaytea · 2 years
Difference between Darjeeling Tea and Assam Tea
Tea is a part of daily life in India or has become so over time. Numerous varieties of tea emerge from its soil, making it one of the largest producers of tea. Tea production contributes about 4% to the national income and consumes more than 85% of its population. This data is surprising, as tea was introduced only a few decades ago during colonization by the British.
Different teas in India are given different names. While most of them are famous, two in particular have gained worldwide recognition. And yes! In that context you think of Assam tea and Darjeeling tea.
Tea aficionados may prefer both varieties equally, but many others debate which one is superior. Today, we will provide a detailed explanation of both to help you determine which one is right for you. Let's start by knowing about both teas individually.
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Assam Tea
Assam tea is a black tea indigenous to Assam, India. It is specifically produced from Camellia sinensis var. Asamika derives its name from the plant and the state in which it is grown in Assam. The tea has a deliciously strong, malty flavor and a bright dark brown color to compliment it. It may surprise you, but various 'breakfast teas' include Assam tea in their blend due to its full-bodied nature.
The state of Assam, though small in area, is the world's largest tea-growing region by production. It is also the second largest commercial tea production area in the world. The tropical climate gives Assam tea its distinctive malty flavor, a quality that gives it worldwide fame. In addition to black tea with a unique flavor, the region produces green and white teas with recognizable characteristics.
Health benefits and side effects
Delicious taste and gorgeous color are not the only charm of Assam tea. It also has a lot of goodness and health benefits. All of them together boost the immune system and can keep your body disease-free. Some studies suggest that Assam tea may help promote brain health and have anti-cancer effects.
Along with this uphill comes a few downs. The high level of tannins in Assam tea can reduce the absorption of iron in your body. This can disrupt your digestive process. Also, frequent consumption of this tea can expose you to heavy metals like aluminum, which is not recommended by doctors. And not to mention, the caffeine content is a concern we've already discussed.
Darjeeling tea
Darjeeling tea officially got its name as recently as 2004. It is obtained from the plant of Camellia sinensis var. sinensis and produced in the districts of Darjeeling and Kalimpong, West Bengal, India. Premium Darjeeling teas are typically described as fruity, floral flavors and aromas, with woody notes and extra astringency. Originating from a small district, this black tea is harvested at intervals of four flushes.
The tea obtained from each flush has a distinct and varied taste. The best known comes from the second flush, a unique sweet, fruity aroma and flavor known as muscatel. The tropical temperate climate of the region is responsible for giving tea all these characteristics. The region mainly produces a variety of black teas, with the exceptions of oolong, white and green.
Health benefits and side effects
Darjeeling tea is a wealth of health benefits. It can help you stay cancer-free and boost cardiovascular health by providing your body with the antioxidants it needs. It also relieves you from stress, promotes weight loss, gives you flawless skin and most importantly protects your mental health. Apart from all this, it also strengthens your bones, hair and immune system.
Char-flush tea has no significant side effects but consuming it in large quantities can be harmful. This is due to the caffeine content in Darjeeling tea which can prove harmful if consumed in excess.
Difference between Darjeeling Tea and Assam Tea
There are two main differences responsible for producing the two different tasting teas. What follows them is the resulting difference in taste, color and flavor.
Both Darjeeling and Assam tea are processed very differently. While processing Assam tea, complete oxidation takes place to give rise to black tea. But when it comes to Darjeeling tea, it is not allowed to oxidize completely. Instead, it is a semi-oxidized version of black tea.
Climate and developing regions
Darjeeling tea is grown in the highlands in the foothills of the Himalayas. In contrast, Assam tea is grown in the lowlands. This plays a very important role in both the taste and texture of the tea. The climate for growing Darjeeling tea is cooler, while Assam tea grows in clayey, rich soils.
Similarities between Assam tea and Darjeeling tea
Both Assam and Darjeeling are hilly regions and the teas from there have some similarities. The best known of these, both are black teas. And they both contain caffeine, albeit in different amounts. Some people even say that there is no difference in the taste of Darjeeling and Assam tea.
You are the best judge of what you like, so this detailed discussion will probably help you decide better. And if you're still confused about which combination is better, try them both yourself. The given recipes will also help you to prepare quickly. Also, you don't have to stick to any one of them. So, do as you wish and let us know which one you like best.
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wellwaytea · 2 years
Some Reasons Why You Should Drink Black Tea Everyday
The many benefits of black tea will influence you to choose it over any other tea. The phytonutrients in this tea can help flush out toxins from your body and help heal your body. Additionally, the caffeine level is lower than coffee.
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What is black tea?
Black tea is made by oxidizing the leaves of a plant called Camellia sinensis. The name 'Black Tea' is attributed to the color of the tea. Therefore, the Chinese call it red tea. The production method of black tea makes it different from other varieties of tea such as green tea and oolong tea.
Health Benefits of Black Tea
Black tea can promote heart health, treat diarrhea and other digestive problems, control blood pressure, and reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes. To enjoy all its benefits you should consume it without any additives like milk or sugar.
Can boost heart health
Scientists have confirmed that drinking three or more cups of black tea daily can reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. Additionally, black tea is also associated with a reduced risk of myocardial infarction, ischemia, and cardiovascular mortality.
May reduce the risk of ovarian cancer
A study conducted by researchers at the Roswell Park Cancer Institute, USA, found a 30% reduction in the risk of ovarian cancer in patients who drank more than two cups of black tea per day.
May reduce the risk of diabetes
Scientists have found that drinking tea can help reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes. Black tea contains catechins and theaflavins. The drink can help make the body more insulin sensitive and also prevent beta cell dysfunction.
Can boost immunity
Black tea is rich in antioxidants that help eliminate free radicals. These free radicals cause changes in DNA and disrupt normal cell function. Black tea helps scavenge oxygen radicals.
Can lower blood pressure levels
Consuming black tea can help lower blood pressure. Scientists from the Netherlands, Germany, the UK and Italy conducted an experiment in which groups of people were given black tea for a week and their systolic and diastolic pressure readings were examined. At the end of the experiment, participants who drank black tea were found to have lower blood pressure levels compared to the control group.
May improve mental alertness
Researchers in the Netherlands found that study participants who drank black tea had the strongest attention and better auditory and visual attention. Generally, tea contains L-theanine which improves brain functions and human attention process. The caffeine in black tea can also increase alertness.
May improve bone health
Drinking black tea can also reduce the risk of fractures that are mostly caused by osteoporosis in the elderly. Rats that were given black tea extract were found to have better bone density. So, if you are in your 30s, make black tea a part of your diet to maintain bone density and prevent the risk of osteoporosis and fractures. Drinking tea in general was also found to reduce the risk of hip fracture.
Asthma symptoms can be relieved
Asthma is caused by inflammation and swelling of the bronchi or bronchial tubes. This makes breathing in and out difficult. Anecdotal evidence suggests that drinking black tea or green tea may relieve asthma symptoms. Some studies have also proven that the caffeine in tea can help lung function. The flavonoids in tea also benefit asthma patients.
Black tea, a favorite drink for many, is known for its rich aromatic flavor and mental alertness properties. Processed differently than oolong and green tea, the benefits of black tea lie in its rich phytonutrient content. Black tea not only promotes good cardiac and digestive health but also helps control your weight and blood sugar levels. With half the caffeine content of coffee, black tea is the beverage of choice for many people around the world.
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wellwaytea · 2 years
Health Benefits of Jasmine Green Tea
Jasmine tea is popular all over the world - and not just for its good taste. It is known for its many health benefits, including improved cardiovascular health, a stronger immune system, and the prevention of diabetes. Some research has shown positive effects for cancer, improving digestion and cholesterol lowering properties. It has also been found to eliminate harmful bacteria and ease chronic inflammation.
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Health Benefits of Jasmine Tea
Along with its unique aroma and taste, jasmine tea has many beneficial properties that can help reduce stress and cardiovascular problems and improve the digestive system. Let's look at them in detail.
Can help in weight loss
Everyone discovers the secret to losing weight easily and quickly. While there is no magic bullet for weight loss, jasmine green tea can be a good addition to help with weight loss. A 2012 study published in The Cochrane Database of Systematic Review found that the antioxidant properties of jasmine green tea help boost your metabolism. This can increase metabolic efficiency which makes your exercise effective and helps your body process nutrients faster. However, a systematic review of some studies concluded that green tea alone does not have a significant effect on weight loss, but in addition to other weight loss techniques, it should be used as a supplement.
Potential antioxidant properties
Perhaps the most admired aspect of jasmine tea is that this delicate and delicious drink has high levels of antioxidants. Green tea is the most widely used base flavor for jasmine tea, but depending on what type of tea is used as the base, different antioxidant properties can be accessed. For example, black tea has a high content of theflavins while green tea has a high content of catechins.
Antioxidants can work to detect and destroy harmful agents or free radicals inside the body that can cause disease and reconcile with the immune system. Catechins, as mentioned above, most jasmine tea users are antioxidants, as they are integral to prevent certain serious diseases in the body.
May boost the immune system
Jasmine tea can help protect the immune system with its potential anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. An animal study published in the Journal of Life Sciences found that jasmine green tea is a rich source of natural polyphenols antioxidants including epicatechin, epicatein gallate and others. Immunity is the first line of defense against all kinds of diseases, so strengthening it can benefit the body in many ways. Many forms of cancer and carcinogenic diseases can have immunosuppressive effects, meaning that the body's overall immune system is compromised, making the body susceptible to pathogens that complicate cancer treatment. Drinking jasmine tea regularly can help strengthen the immune system and reduce the risk of such chronic diseases.
Heart health can be improved
For those with a personal or family history of cardiovascular problems, jasmine tea can be a great help in preventing further problems. A study in the Journal of Nutrition shows that catechins found in jasmine tea are a major factor in preventing LDL-oxidation, which occurs when your arteries become inflamed after "bad" cholesterol is oxidized. The catechins found in tea inhibit this oxidizing process, thus lowering blood pressure and cholesterol levels and preventing long-term risks such as heart disease.
Potential anti-cancer potential
A report in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition suggests that tea consumption has been widely shown to have cancer-preventing properties, as it contains polyphenols such as epigallocatechin gallate. Polyphenols such as EGCG are the main lines of protection against free radicals and other harmful or carcinogenic invaders in the body.
In addition to adding EGCG to the system, green tea ingredients also prevent the excessive expression of dangerous enzymes commonly found in cancerous tumors and cells.
However, according to this research, the current data on the role of green tea in cancer prevention is not accurate. Large intervention studies are needed before green tea is recommended for consumption.
Can help control diabetes
In the fight against diabetes, Jasmine tea has proven itself as a valuable tool. The ability to metabolize glucose is the basic mechanism that causes the condition of diabetes. A study published in BMC Pharmacology provides evidence that drinking jasmine / green tea in diabetic rats has helped reverse the negative effects of diabetes on certain serum proteins, which act as a regulator for people with diabetes and act as a preventative measure. doing. Those who are not diagnosed but still consume it as a regular part of their health. Further research on the human population is needed to confirm these positive effects.
Can help relieve stress
The olfactory system is often overlooked, but it can be very powerful. Studies have shown that the smell of jasmine can be very beneficial for improving mood in certain test subjects. People who have a natural bias for the scent of this flower have a parasympathetic response to the smell and their body releases chemicals that allow them to relax naturally or improve their mood. However, some people call the smell of jasmine an "accustomed taste," and some studies have shown that people who do not enjoy the smell may become anxious if exposed to it at high intensities. If it is a fragrance that gives you comfort, it is another blessing for its benefits!
Can prevent gastrointestinal disorders
Green tea is rich in polyphenolic compounds, of which catechin is its main ingredient. According to a study published in the European Journal of Pharmacology, the catechins present in jasmine tea have a positive effect on many areas of health, including the gastrointestinal system. They activate many intracellular antioxidants and interact well with gastrointestinal enzymes to promote healthy intestinal function.
Can reduce pain
In holistic medicine, one of the positive effects of jasmine tea is that it is believed to help reduce long-term discomfort associated with joint pain and arthritis. The anti-inflammatory nature of certain organic elements in tea can reduce minor swelling and inflammation of your joints by preventing unwanted cellular oxygenation. For any more severe pain and swelling, see a medical professional immediately.
Potential antibacterial properties
Jasmine tea, sometimes made by simply adding jasmine essential oil to tea buds, can provide protection against bacterial infections. A study published in the Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Science found that, in some test subjects, the properties of jasmine oil may counteract the effects of E. coli, which is commonly found in poorly preserved foods or in unhygienic cooking conditions. It can also relieve coughs, colds and sore throats.
Jasmine tea is generally safe unless you are sensitive to caffeine or iron deficient.
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wellwaytea · 2 years
Difference Between Matcha and Green Tea
Both mecha and regular green tea come from green tea leaves. But it’s only about one thing that both have in common because they differ by color, composition, taste, where the tea leaves are grown, preparation, nutritional profiles and health benefits.
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Mecha is a vibrant green color, while regular green tea looks pale, usually a little brown. Mecha gets its vibrant green color with high amount of chlorophyll.
If you drink coarse, pungent tea, standard green tea is your texture match. Mecha on the other hand is a nice powder that is easy to touch.
What the tea tastes like is important. Whether you buy it or not is usually the deciding factor. Compared to standard green tea and mecha, both green teas have a slightly grassy color. Some are also a little bitter, but the lower your boiling temperature, the less bitter regular green tea should taste.
There are two main grades of mecha: formal and culinary. The first has a naturally sweet taste and a very refined taste. Many who have tried it say it has the perfect balance of clay, bitterness and sweetness. That is why its sole purpose is to drink alcohol. Culinary grade mecha, however, has a slightly bitter taste, and its sharp taste is why that grade is meant to make a variety of food-drink dishes with other ingredients.
Where the leaves are grown
While regular green tea and mecha green tea go through the same process to get leaves to make tea, tea leaves are grown in the same place that makes the difference. Regular green tea leaves are grown under full sunlight, while mecha tea leaves are grown under shade to produce extra L-theanine and increase the chlorophyll content of the leaves.
Standard green tea is prepared by soaking the leaf parts in warm water, and it is usually brewed at a high temperature of 212 degrees Fahrenheit. Mecha green tea, when prepared in the traditional Japanese way, is stirred in hot water with a bamboo sieve until it dissolves in the frothy tea. You discard the tea leaves by soaking them with standard green tea, but with macha you eat the whole leaf as it has been dried and powdered. Standard green tea is made in tea pots and poured into individual cups for guests, while traditionally, macha green tea is served in large tea bowls for everyone to drink.
And because of its powder form, mecha green tea is commonly used in cooking and baking as well as in other beverages, such as lettuce and smoothies.
Nutrition and health benefits
Many claim that both standard and mecha green tea are superfoods. But when you delve deeper into their nutritional profiles, mecha is paramount as a green drink that is better for you.
Regular green tea is steeped and most of the nutrients are left in the tea leaf you don’t drink, but since mecha is a powdered green tea, you harvest all the nutrients from this tea leaf. The obvious nutrient difference is in the antioxidant calculation. Macha is rich in antioxidants such as 137 times richer than regular green tea and also contains more amino acids, such as L-theanine, fiber, and caffeine. It is also a good source of vitamin C, zinc and magnesium.
Some of the health benefits of mecha include speeding up metabolism and energy, improving mood and memory, lowering cholesterol, removing harmful toxins from your body and keeping your skin healthy. It’s not just a delicious drink or food mix-ins; It is also used to refresh, rejuvenate face masks.
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wellwaytea · 2 years
Types of Green Tea: What are the Benefits of Green Tea?
Green tea, considered a type of tea with the highest concentrations of antioxidants, is largely used for its beneficial properties, including its ability to help with weight loss, mental alertness, and improve dental health.
Other than that, the other thing that spoils you buyer for choice is the wide variety of flavors of green tea. Green tea, tea bags and tea leaves, which are now considered a healthy addition to your daily diet, are available in a variety of flavors. Ingredients like Tulsi, Mulathi, and Saffron etc. can bring certain health benefits to your cotton as well.
Types of green tea flavors
Here is a list of the most popular types of green tea available, as well as the health benefits associated with it.
Honey Lemon Green Tea
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If you want to get rid of the bitterness or grassy taste of your average cup of green tea, this is for you. Rich in antioxidants, this drink is replaced by the sweetness of honey, while the taste of hot lemon will refresh your mind even after a busy day. The presence of antioxidants in honey, when added to green tea, can help control blood pressure, and is beneficial for heart health.
Jasmine Green Tea
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Jasmine, a flower, delicate and beautiful in nature, can also pack health well when mixed with green tea. Its essence, when mixed with a cup of green tea, results in a drink rich in antioxidants that have such benefits as relieving pain due to the anti-inflammatory properties of jasmine green tea.
Mint green tea
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A refreshing burst of energy comes your way whenever you finish a cup of freshly brewed mint flavored green tea. The sweet aroma of this antioxidant drink is full of minty flavor, which will be enough to make your day pleasant.
Ginger Green Tea
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With benefits such as helping to eliminate indigestion and boost our immune system, when ginger is added to green tea it results in a drink that is more beneficial. These additional benefits come from the anti-inflammatory properties of ginger, one of which includes an analgesic that also helps relieve muscle pain.
Tulsi Green Tea
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Ayurveda, India's ancient system of healing and wellness has been recommending Tulsi or Holy Tulsi in many home remedies for thousands of years. And there is no doubt that when basil is mixed with green tea rich in antioxidants, it will make a drink that has many wonderful health benefits for your body. Some of the benefits of Tulsi Infused Green Tea include stress reduction, good oral health and most importantly, Tulsi is a rich source of Vitamin K, which plays an important role in bone growth.
Chamomile Green Tea
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Other flower infused antioxidant rich drinks, chamomile green tea, have benefits ranging from skincare to pain relief. Chamomile green tea also helps maintain digestive health and controls blood sugar levels by protecting the pancreas.
And also, chamomile green tea, due to the presence of an antioxidant called epigenin, which is present in chamomile, binds to our brain receptors and reduces insomnia to improve sleep quality. One of the most well-known benefits of chamomile tea is that it helps you sleep better.
Matcha Tea
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Although mecha is a type of green tea and has no taste, it is the approach to its production process that gives it a completely different taste than any other green tea. The powder form of green tea, mecha, unlike others, can be mixed with water as well as milk. Rich in antioxidants, this drink is rich in fiber and chlorophyll, and also contains healthy amounts of vitamin C, which helps in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases.
Health benefits of green tea
High in protective polyphenols
Compounds called polyphenols are known to protect the body against disease and make important contributions to a healthy, balanced diet. These antioxidant compounds are found in a wide range of fruits, vegetables and other unprocessed foods. Green tea has numerous health benefits, many of which are due to the fact that it is largely unprocessed and rich in plant compounds. The main bioactive compounds in green tea are flavonoids, with the most potent catechins and epigallocatechin gallate being the most potent.
May increase brain function
Green tea contains a number of natural stimulants, including caffeine, which, while not as high as coffee, can help alertness and concentration. In addition, green tea is a source of the amino acid L-theanine, which has a relaxing effect; it does this by increasing mood-enhancing brain chemicals, including GABA, dopamine and serotonin. The beneficial polyphenols in green tea can also help slow down the effects of aging on the brain.
Can accelerate fat burning
Some research suggests that green tea may speed up the metabolic rate and increase fat burning. This is due to the natural thermogenic properties provided by plant compounds such as caffeine and catechins.
Can help control blood sugar
Studies suggest that green tea may improve insulin sensitivity and consequently have a beneficial effect on blood sugar control.
May reduce the risk of heart disease
Research suggests that green tea is a useful beverage to help reduce the risk of related conditions such as heart disease and stroke. It can help with its beneficial effects on cholesterol management.
Green tea is an ideal drink for those looking for its delicious taste as well as its many health benefits. It is important to remember that it contains a little caffeine, so it is best to avoid drinking it for about 6 hours before bedtime. Whether you want to lower your cholesterol, reduce the symptoms of depression, or slow tooth decay, green tea can help, so start brewing a cup today!
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wellwaytea · 2 years
What are the Differences between Green Tea and Black Tea
Black tea and green tea originate from the same plant; however, they require different processing techniques. The next time you drink tea there are more similarities and differences that you may notice.
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What is green tea?
Green tea is a general term reserved for loose-leaf tea made from the leaves and buds of the Camellia sinensis plant, produced primarily in China and consumed worldwide. Manufacturers in Japan steam the Sancha tea leaves and then hand-roll them to retain their delicate, herbal flavor. Macha is another type of green tea that producer’s process green tea leaves into a fine powder. The customer then prepares the tea by mixing the matches in boiling water.
However, if you use very hot water while brewing green tea, you may burn or scratch the tea leaves. As a result, your tea will taste bitter and less appetizing. Compared to black tea, green tea is steeped for a short time, usually about 1-2 minutes.
What is Black Tea?
Black tea is another variant of tea made from the leaves of the same plant, Camellia sinensis. However, unlike green tea leaves, growers completely oxidize black tea leaves immediately after harvesting. The process of oxidation, unlike green tea leaves, turns the leaves into a dark brown or black shade, which retains their natural green shade.
Currently, various varieties of black tea are grown mainly in India and China. There are some varieties of world famous black tea like Assam, Golden Yunnan and Darjeeling. In addition, Vietnam and Nepal are the other two largest Asian producers of black tea in the world.
Unlike green tea, when brewing black tea, we use boiling water at or around 212 degrees. Additionally, we soak black tea for about 3-5 minutes.
Black Tea vs. Green Tea: The Difference between Teas
Black tea and green tea come from the same plant, although differences in their processing lead to differences in caffeine, color and taste.
One cup of green tea contains less caffeine - twenty-five to thirty milligrams - resulting in less processing time than a cup of black tea. Black tea contains about forty to fifty milligrams of caffeine per cup (still less than the amount of caffeine you get in a cup of coffee). The longer the tea bag is boiled, the higher the caffeine content.
Once tea growers harvest green tea leaves, they warm them gently usually with steam which helps prevent high levels of oxidation. This process retains the green color of the green tea. In the production of black tea, the leaves undergo a long period of oxidation process, also called tea fermentation process. This gives the black tea leaves a dark brown or black color.
Since all teas are derived from plants, they contain polyphenols-organic compounds including flavonoids, tannins and theflavins. However, black tea and green tea have different types and amounts of polyphenols. For example, green tea contains epigallocatechin gallate, tea contains the most abundant catechins, while black tea contains more theflavins, which contribute to the red color. Tea also contains L-theanine, an amino acid that gives green tea its broth flavor.
A shorter brewing process in other words, a shorter oxidation process-preserves and enhances the natural flavor of green tea and prevents the typical bitterness of black tea. In contrast, black tea undergoes a longer oxidation process, resulting in a stronger flavor than green tea.
The main difference between green tea and black tea is oxidation. Producers avoid oxidizing tea when processing green tea, but manufacturers generally oxidize the tea leaves used to produce black tea for a significant period of time. This leaves two varieties of tea as two products that differ in taste and color but with similar health benefits.
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wellwaytea · 2 years
The monsoon is more than just a season; it is a festival that heralds the arrival of gentle skies, cool winds, and happy rains. It spreads joy and relief, soaking the dried clay and souls with every inspiring drop.
It is a thrilling season that dispels the darkness of summer and bids farewell to the months of dry and scorching heat, especially in the Indian subcontinent. They are immune boosters in their own way.
Monsoon winds and pleasant showers are also notorious for wreaking havoc on our immune system. As a result, most of us get sick during the season. Get rid of the pattern using herbal teas this monsoon, the easiest way to boost your immune system. When paired with a steaming cup of herbal tea, the pleasure of sitting on your balcony and enjoying the monsoon can be doubled.
Here is a list of herbal teas to help you stay healthy this monsoon. These herbal drinks made from easily available ingredients in your kitchen will prove to be a boon in boosting your immune system.
Ginger tea
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Ginger tea tops the list for the monsoon season. It helps treat common colds, clears the throat and helps treat allergies. Also, stomach related problems are common during monsoons, and ginger tea can help cope with this by improving blood circulation and ensuring proper absorption and digestion of food.
Ginger tea is a drink that can be enjoyed at any time of the day. It's a nice pick-up on a rainy morning, but it can also be useful to help you digest after a meal. You can taste it with fresh lemon or honey or buy a tea bag flavored with lemon and ginger or ginger green tea.
Chamomile tea
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The ancient Egyptians used this tea to treat various ailments. It is said to have both anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties, which are especially beneficial during the rainy season, as the season brings in colds, flu, viral infections and a variety of serious skin infections. Properly cared for.
Another benefit of this is that it relieves fatigue and is an excellent cure for insomnia. The relaxing properties of chamomile tea are beneficial when a person is under stress.
There are times when the sky gets dark, a bolt of lightning illuminates the sky, and beautiful rain falls. Chamomile tea can be drunk at any time of the day, but for its calming effect and potential sleep benefits, it is best drunk in the evening. Alternatively, if you have diabetes, one cup after each meal may be beneficial.
Green tea
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This miraculous tea is known all over the world. Green tea can do a lot for our health. This tea, which is high in antioxidants, helps boost our immune system. Boosting our immunity during the monsoon season helps us to avoid the onslaught of infectious diseases. Green tea also helps in removing toxins from our body. If you do not like the taste of green tea, add a little sugar or honey to improve the taste.
According to studies, green tea is best consumed in the morning and before a workout. Like coffee, green tea is low in caffeine and L-thiamine.
Tulsi tea
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Basil leaves, found in almost every Indian household, have a long history of medicinal use. Tea made from it is useful in treating headaches, colds, coughs, diabetes, stress, anxiety and depression. Apart from that, it is beneficial for the immune system, digestion and skin, as well as has anti-inflammatory properties and helps in detoxification of the body.
The antimicrobial properties of basil are well known. When the first thing is taken in the morning, it effectively relieves the common cold. It has antibacterial properties that help prevent bad breath. It can give you a full dose of freshness if you take the first thing in the morning.
Oolong tea
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Does it make you look beautiful, refresh you and make you beautiful? Both roses and oolong have their unique advantages for the monsoon season, and combining them gives a recipe that will surely please.
Oolong, with its high caffeine content, is ideal for a burst of energy on a dull day, to increase alertness and vigor. It also contains a lot of antioxidants, which help keep the body healthy. Roses help cleanse the skin by expelling toxins and soothing sore throats.
Enjoy a cup of oolong 30 minutes to 1 hour before your walk, workout or yoga session to reap the benefits! To avoid late-day sweet cravings and loss of energy, drink oolong tea in the afternoon. All these things help you to lose weight and keep it away in a healthy way.
Each cup of this tea will nourish, rejuvenate and help you become stronger and healthier. This is a tea that will help you enjoy the monsoon season and also protect you from seasonal diseases.
Have a wonderful monsoon!!! Have fun
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wellwaytea · 2 years
Unique Iced tea culture around the world – Wellway Tea
The intense heat of the season has drained our creative interest and inspired us to come up with some summer-esque literature. Curiously, we found that most of the countries famous for their iced tea are centered on the South-East Asian Belt. Conclusions from the traditional tea culture of China may be the reason for this different evolution. However, each has its own type of mouth-watering. So sit back, cool yourself down and take a look.
Thai Cha Yen
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introducing a delicious offer from the land of hangovers. The end of the Chinese Civil War in 1949 saw an influx of refugees into Thailand. They brought with them elements of Chinese culture, including a rich tea tradition. It led to the evolution of Thailand's unique iced tea or tea yen. The amber-colored mixture of Ceylon or Assam tea with sugar and condensed milk, containing spices like star anise, tamarind and orange blossom, is served on ice in a tall glass. An inviting ombre effect is often created by topping it with evaporated milk. Cha yen is sweet and spicy with a high calorie content that goes beyond its reputation for being incredibly refreshing on hot days.
Taiwanese bubble tea
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This Taiwanese treat is a modern undertaking of the Chinese tradition. Bubble tea is based on iced tea (usually black, green, jasmine or oolong) mixed with sugar syrup and powdered milk. It originated in 1988, when Lin Siu Hui, who works at the Chun Shui Tang teahouse, added tapioca balls to her tea from her fan Yuan dessert during a staff meeting. The resulting bubbles led to the naming of the drink and not long ago, Tea House began selling its contingent composition. In the years that followed, Bubble Tea became an international phenomenon, and shops sprang up throughout Asia, Europe, and as far as the United States.
Malaysian Teh Tarik
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Black tea, sugar and condensed milk make Malaysia's signature brew. Unique because of the way "teh tarik" or "drawn tea" is mixed. To achieve its distinctly foamy texture, the drink is poured back and forth between the mugs, allowing the liquid to enter the air more frequently as it flows from one glass to another. The creation of Teh Tarik evolved into an art form in its own way. Watching Teh Tarik mingle is like watching an elaborate dance routine where the boiling serves as a partner jumping from one mug to another under the watchful eye of a skilled brewer.
Hong Kong pantyhose tea
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Hong Kong is famous for its iced milk tea, known as pantyhose tea or silk stocking tea. The name derives from its color which is similar to nude stockings. It is often brewed in long tea gloves that look like pantyhose. Strong cold black tea is combined with evaporated or condensed milk and served on ice. While traditional tea drinkers lean towards green tea, white tea and strong oxidized black tea, the cheap Ceylon Black Tea is the preferred choice for Hong Kong-style milk tea, a legacy of British colonial rule, usually taken at lunch.
Sweetheart of America: Iced Tea
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Iced tea is believed to have originated in the United States. The oldest iced tea recipe in print from a community cookbook called Housekeeping in Old Virginia is from 1879. There are two traditional teas in America; the only difference between them is iced tea and sugary sweet tea. The people of the South are loyal to their sweet iced tea and use it by the gallon. For them, it is not just a summer drink but it is served all year round with meals. Outside the southern state, iced tea is mostly served unsalted or "black".
The lack of added sugar and preservatives makes for a healthy, yet enjoyable experience designed to please tea lovers around the world. After all, one or two iced teas work great to keep summer at bay!
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wellwaytea · 2 years
5 Amazing Advantage of Tulsi Tea
There is nothing more satisfying than enjoying a good night's tea after a long day's work. Aside from its mild benefits, it is a perfect drink when you are experiencing a bit of weather or just want to get warm from the cold wind. So if you are looking for something new to surprise your tea lovers, Tulsi tea is the perfect match for you!
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If this is your first time listening to Tulsi Tea, don't worry. We are here to highlight the "queen of herbs" or holy basil tea. If you feel sick, take a sip. Or combine it with your favorite tea recipe if you feel guilty that you have too much coffee. It is the best drink to boost both your energy and your immune system when you have not started the day yet. This hot and invigorating tea is a versatile drink at any time of the day.
5 Amazing Health Benefits of Tulsi Tea
Helps in lowering blood pressure
If you are having trouble keeping your blood pressure at a normal level, drinking basil tea can help you maintain it. The active ingredients in basil herbal tea, such as eugenol (or clove oil), block substances that tighten blood vessels that help lower blood pressure.
Reduces stress
Feeling a little uncomfortable or uncomfortable? You may want to consider drinking holy basil tea. One of the many benefits of holy basil tea is that it helps relieve stress by retaining stress hormones. This, in turn, conveys a sense of peace, which can be beneficial for those with anxiety and depression.
Respiratory illness can be relieved
Drinking basil tea regularly can be beneficial in fighting respiratory diseases. It has properties that help boost our immune system while relieving both cough and phlegm. It relieves symptoms arising from asthma, colds, flu, sore throats and similar respiratory illnesses.
Can prevent arthritis
Just as eugenol prevents blood vessels from hardening, this anti-inflammatory chemical also has a major effect on the joints. Its anti-inflammatory effect can also help prevent swelling of our joints thus relieving joint pain.
Purifies your skin
Looking for more ways to get that healthy looking skin? There are also benefits of Tulsi tea for the skin! Drinking it regularly makes the skin look better. Basil tea is rich in antioxidants and nutrients that are good for the body. The polyphenols found in organic holy basil tea can prevent signs of aging by blocking free radicals.
Although holy basil tea has many benefits, it is best to be careful when drinking it regularly. Be sure to do thorough research when trying new things and don't just ignore health addiction.
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wellwaytea · 2 years
What is Amazing Benefits of Drinking Organic Green Tea
The classy, traditional bottle covering every health benefit looks like green tea from the outside. On the inside, green tea is a powerful antioxidant and an important indicator of good health. When it comes to the benefits of drinking, there is nothing that can beat the benefits of green tea.
Organic green tea has earned its reputation as one of the healthiest drinks in the world. Finding good green tea can be difficult, but with good tea organic tea you can be sure that your every sip is full of antioxidants which not only works to reduce fat but also boosts the immune system. It will also reduce the risk of heart disease and protect you from cancer.
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With the world battling ill health, we understand the need of the hour and come up with various home remedies to boost your immune system in difficult times. The best way to stay fit and relieve stress is to enjoy a hot cup of organic green tea. We believe in organic tea because it contains healthy bioactive compounds that are excellent for good health.
Regular consumption of green tea burns fat in the body so that you can lose that extra fat by working out and just sipping a healthy cup of tea. With that in mind, here are the top five benefits of green tea and why you need to order green tea online right now.
Green tea reduces belly fat
Green tea monitors our sugar levels and eating habits. It boosts your body fat burning rate while speeding up your metabolism. Regular consumption of tea green tea improves our body's ability to absorb fat thus reducing belly fat and helping in weight loss.
Contains healthy bio-active compounds
A cup of well-way green tea will give you an excellent taste full of well-way tea which will help in preventing cell damage and reducing inflammation in the body.
Promote good digestion
Drink a cup of green tea every day and you will no longer have to deal with upset stomach, heartburn or indigestion.
Boosting the immune system
Green Tea or Well Way Tea Organic green tea is not processed much, so we get a cup that is well filled with tea. Tea contains naturally occurring antioxidants in our body that promote cell growth and boost the immune system. Therefore, drinking a good cup of green tea tea will boost your immune system and keep you healthy.
Green tea reduces bad breath
If you are struggling with bad breath, order yourself the best green tea pack of tea. It helps to suppress the growth of bacteria in the mouth and helps to reduce bad breath.
Get yourself a pack of well-drained tea to boost your immune system and overall health.
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wellwaytea · 2 years
What is Chamomile? Benefits of Chamomile Tea
Wellwaytea presents to you the healthiest teas sourced from the rarest regions of India. Our well-loved and high on goodness Chamomile and Lemongrass Tea is not just good on your taste buds but comes with tons of health benefits. Chamomile and Lemongrass have lots of proven benefits.
Daily consumption of chamomile tea has been shown to reduce seasonal cold symptoms, help with mild skin conditions, promote sleep and relaxation, improve the quality of sleep, reduce inflammation, and reduce menstrual pain, lower blood sugar. That’s not all, some research also shows that chamomile tea can improve heart health and even protect against certain types of cancer. To ensure that you receive all the wonderful benefits of chamomile, we use only the finest chamomile sourced from the best regions of India.
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Lemongrass is potent in antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial properties. When you consume lemongrass tea daily, it can help promote digestion, regulate high blood pressure, aid weight loss, reduce anxiety, protect cardiovascular health, boost oral health, and promote hair growth. That’s not all, studies also show that lemongrass can boost metabolism and help with weight loss.
Through our years of experience in the tea industry, we know first-hand the myriad of benefits of these two ingredients. Keeping this in mind, we carefully picked these two ingredients for our well-loved tea. They contain no caffeine or sugar. You can ditch your usual cup of tea or coffee with our healthy cup of Chamomile and Lemongrass Tea. Drinking our Chamomile and Lemongrass Tea is the perfect way of making a healthy choice. Along with a balanced diet, exercise, and 2-3 cups of our Chamomile and Lemongrass Tea, you’ll be on your way to achieving a healthier you.
When these two ingredients are combined, you get a great-tasting tea that’s safe, gentle, and healthy. Chamomile adds a sweet taste to your tea with subtle hints of fruits. On the other hand, lemongrass makes your cup slightly bitter and herbal. When these two ingredients are combined, they offer a heavenly cup of tea. Our herbal tea taste is flavorful yet safe and gentle enough to be taken every day. Most herbal teas are bitter but our Chamomile and Lemongrass tea is subtle enough and will be loved by even the most sensitive of taste buds.
Wellwaytea is dedicated to excellence. All of our teas are made using the purest ingredients. We have a stringent quality check. We make sure that only natural and the freshest herbs and ingredients are used to make out teas. We have direct links with the best growers in India and make no compromises with the quality. We add no artificial colors or preservatives.
That’s not all; most of our teas are especially handcrafted in small batches so that you receive the finest tea products. We strive to strike the right balance between taste and health benefits. Moreover, our prices are kept at a bare minimum so that everyone can access our high-quality tea products. At Wellwaytea, you’re assured great tasting teas.
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wellwaytea · 2 years
Chamomile Tea: All you need to know | Well Way Tea
It’s a busy world out there, so it’s no surprise that chamomile is so popular. A cup of chamomile is the ideal drink before going to bed at work and after fighting traffic, after work hours, chasing a child who refuses to take a bath or dress, or whatever your day may be.
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Although chamomile tea does not require introduction, we are happy to give it that character. Chamomile tea is made from the flowers of the chamomile plant, which looks like a daisy. The word "chamomile" comes from the Greek word meaning "a ground apple," which is a good description of the delicate flavor known for chamomile tea.
Chamomile tea tastes like a sweet apple with a sweet honey-like sweetness. It has a silky mouth and a delicate and floral scent. Tea is classified as an herbal tea because of its numerous health benefits. Wounds, ulcers, eczema, rheumatism, skin inflammation, bruises, scabies, nasal ulcers and various other ailments have been treated with it in the past.
What exactly is chamomile?
The daisy-like flowers of the chamomile plant are widely used in a variety of products, including skincare, oral supplements and, of course, drink. While the process of pouring chamomile is commonly referred to as "chamomile tea", chamomile is not true tea and is therefore referred to as tines.
What do you like about the taste of chamomile?
Chamomile should have butter, sweet and floral flavor. Bad chamomile has a hard, "rancid butter" and bitter note.
How to make chamomile tea?
Chamomile is a strong herb, so use boiling water to taste it. I like strong chamomile infusions, so a teaspoon of dry chamomile to eight ounces of water is a good starting point. Leave too steep for 4-5 minutes.
Use of chamomile in blends:
Chamomile is used in many tea and tisane blends, especially "herbal infusions" at night. Its buttery flavor adds richness to herbal blends that are not made with tea and prevents it from tasting more watery. Chamomile combines well with sweet spice blends and is especially delicious when combined with vanilla, citrus and / or mint.
Caution: Chamomile can also make you sleepy, especially if you are taking other medications that have a similar effect.
Here are some everyday benefits of drinking chamomile tea:
Sleep Improvement: Chamomile tea is used as a sleep aid as it has relaxing and soothing properties, making it a good drink at night.
Low blood sugar: Chamomile tea has been shown in some studies to help lower blood sugar levels, which can help prevent diabetic complications such as vision loss, nerve damage and kidney damage.
Reduce Stomach Illness: Chamomile can help relieve symptoms of abdominal pain and irritable bowel syndrome. It is believed that it helps in the digestive process.
Menstrual cramps relief: Chamomile tea has been shown in studies to reduce the severity of menstrual cramps. Women who regularly drink chamomile tea report less anxiety and pain from menstrual cramps.
Anti-inflammatory properties: Chamomile tea also contains anti-inflammatory oil.
Incorporating chamomile tea into your daily routine can significantly improve your health. The medicinal and healing properties of chamomile can help you achieve optimal health while also keeping you calm. With a fast-paced urban life on our schedule, a daily cup of chamomile tea will remind you that taking time for yourself and your health is the most important.
When it comes to chamomile tea, there is a lot on the tea shelf. Whether you want plain chamomile or added ingredients like spearmint or green tea, I'm sure you'll find a new favorite way to sip and relax!
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wellwaytea · 2 years
Types of Tea - Everything You Need To Know About Indian Tea
Tea, the main drink for many people, enjoys rich culture and history all over the world. Home to over 14000 tea estates, India also boasts some of the finest tea. A cup of tea offers more than just comfort. It is full of health benefits, has healing properties, and stimulates your spirits like any other drink. So it is hardly surprising that tea is considered the most popular soft drink and coffee in the world. India is the second largest exporter of tea in the world after China. So if you like your tea, here are some Indian teas that you must try.
Darjeeling tea:
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Darjeeling's vast tea gardens are world famous. Darjeeling tea is called ‘tea champagne’ and it is said that when you sip it, you can taste the head of the region, the fresh mountain air where it is grown. Lighter and less oxidized than most black teas, its taste depends on the time of harvest. The tea growing season is divided into periodic harvests, known as 'flush'.
The first flush uses the smallest leaves and gives the most delicate and bright taste, while the second flush uses more mature leaves, and has a stronger, head note. You can also try a variety of white teas, a sweet, smooth flavor, pale golden liquid that has additional skin enhancing benefits and can add a glow to your face.
Assam Tea:
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The tea comes from the northeastern state of Assam, the world's largest tea growing region. Made from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant, Assamese tea is a nice type of tea that has a clay and nutty taste.
It is said to be rich in antioxidants and minerals and it makes your body less vulnerable to coughs and colds and boosts your immune system.
Sikkim Tea:
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Sikkim is known for its organic tea from the Tammy Garden, the only tea estate in the entire state. It is grown at altitudes of 1400 to 2000 meters and is light amber with smooth, floral notes.
Sikkim is also known for its oolong tea which blends best with black and green tea and has a flavor profile ranging from mild to grassy or even butter and smoky, making it a must-try flavor.
Nilgiri tea:
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This is a type of black tea that is grown at a very high altitude in the Blue Mountains, called the Eucalyptus region of South India. At an altitude of 8000 feet, it is one of the most widely grown teas in the world. It is valued for its abundant health benefits ranging from reducing fat to keeping your heart healthy.
When drunk regularly, eucalyptus tea can act as a stress buster, and it has a fragrant flavor, fertility and sweet taste. Its naturally sweet taste without any bitter notes makes it perfect for making iced tea.
Masala tea:
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If you have ever drunk a cup of masala tea or strong masala tea which is full of spice aroma, you know that nothing can beat its taste. Perfect for all seasons, masala tea has been ranked as an internal ritual in many Indian homes. Popular in the British era, it includes black tea mixed with spices and herbs like cinnamon, ginger, star anise, cloves, cardamom, anise, coriander seeds and peppercorns.
Many people encourage pregnant women to drink masala tea to relieve nausea. It also helps in boosting the immune system, controlling blood sugar levels and improving the condition of the heart.
Turmeric tea:
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Who hasn't heard of the benefits of turmeric? You may also try turmeric latte or golden latte by mixing milk with turmeric and other spices. In addition to its pleasing sunshine yellow color, it offers many benefits and is considered to be one of the most effective ways to drink turmeric mixed with tea.
It is a complete detox tea to cleanse your body and eliminate harmful toxins. It can also relieve you of aches and pains.
Tulsi Tea:
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Tulsi or Holy Tulsi is called the 'Queen of Herbs'. This perennial plant is native to the Indian subcontinent and has a special place in spiritual texts and mythology. Some say it is the terrestrial form of Goddess Lakshmi while others call it the threshold between heaven and earth.
It also ranks as a powerful adaptogen in Ayurveda which helps the body reduce stress and has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years as a powerful healing agent. Tulsi tea contains trace amounts of calcium, vitamin C, iron and zinc, which can remove harmful bacteria and germs from your mouth, reduce depression and make you more social. Culinary is closely related to the Tulsi family, it has a peppery note and a bitter taste but it makes a refreshing and soothing drink.
Kangra tea:
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This type of tea, which comes from Himachal Pradesh, was once considered the best in the world. The 1905 earthquake that destroyed the valley also caused permanent damage to tea gardens. The good news is that the region is slowly recovering, and the beautiful tea estates in Kangra district are once again enjoying the recognition they deserve.
As an intense, pure green tea, it has a complex flavor with a sweet undertone. It also has a green light from the Ministry of Science and Technology confirming its effectiveness in boosting your immune system, making Kangra tea a strong health companion to keep in hand.
Tea is an anytime treat
Here's a list of 8 amazing teas that all tea lovers should try. But no matter how fast you brew your tea, it takes a long time to get the right tea leaves, mix and match to get the perfect recipe. It takes time to source hundreds of gardens producing thousands of batches of tea each year, making tea workers' journeys cumbersome.
The purity of herbs is another essential factor to look for as the last thing you want is to expose your body to harmful pesticides. You also want the brand of your choice to be fair trade and not exploit more working and low paid farmers.
A more convenient way is to find a brand that does all the hard work for you. With over 60 years of experience, Well Way Tea simplifies the process by eliminating the hassle of short listing from many options by tasting, negotiating and quality checking to ensure authenticity.
All you have to do is choose your composition, sit down and sip your delicious tea. So go to well way tea to fix your tantalizing tea options.
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wellwaytea · 2 years
Butterfly blue tea – Amazing Health Benefits of Blue Tea
Blue tea helps boost the immune system, acts as paracetamol, and has anti-aging effects. Read on to learn more about the health benefits of butterfly pea flowers.
Over the years we have all found a variety of teas like Black, Green, Spices, and White Tea, but have you ever heard of Blue Tea? That name sounds a little weird for tea, doesn't it? The butterfly pina flowers are made ready, the blue tea (Aparajita or Nilkanth) is named after its beautiful blue color. When infused with lemon in warm water, this flower gives the drink its famous blue color. This tea has a distinctive floral scent that gives it an earthy and woody flavor, similar to green tea in some ways.
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This super drink is also a caffeine-free herbal concoction rich in antioxidants and is also rich in anthocyanins, the compounds responsible for its unique blue color. For this reason, manufacturers use butterfly pina flowers in cosmetics and also as a natural color for food, beverages, and textiles.
The flowers are also usually brewed in herbal teas, often with ingredients such as lemongrass, honey, and lemon. When the acidity of pea flower tea changes, the color also changes. This quality makes the butterfly pea flower a popular ingredient among mixologists for specialty cocktails. Recently, the flower has entered the world of cocktails, where it is used to make blue gin.
According to the Journal of Pharmacological Reports, the butterfly p flower is a common ingredient in rice-based dishes, such as nasi kerabu in Malaysia and rice cake in Singapore.
Health Benefits of Blue Tea
Some of the health benefits of Blue Tea are as follows.
Acts as paracetamol
Blue tea is believed to help reduce fever by dilating blood vessels under the skin. This will enable the air to cool the blood more easily.
Stress Buster
High doses of blue pea flowers have been shown to have beneficial anxiety effects in humans and have helped the body cope with stress.
Immune booster and anti-inflammatory
Which are powerful antioxidants with anti-inflammatory properties? They also help boost the immune system.
Asthma Healer
Blue tea can help relieve coughs, colds, and asthma, as it acts as an expectorant. In other words, it helps to clear saliva from the airways, lungs, and trachea.
Memory is high
Blue Tea has gained a lot of interest all over the world and this is due to its memory-boosting properties. Studies have shown that blue pea flowers help in memory and brain function as they help increase acetylcholine (a neurotransmitter).
Reduces risk of cell damage
The rich color of blue tea indicates high levels of antioxidants in it. Antioxidants reduce the risk of cell damage; they are also known to slow down the effects of aging on skin and hair.
Butterfly pea flowers help prevent the absorption of glucose from the diet and thus, help in the treatment of type II diabetes. The benefits of drinking blue tea are not just inherent; they also have many external benefits like skin and overall beauty.
Some of them are calculated as follows:
Tea is known for its anti-aging benefits, due to its high antioxidant content. This makes the skin radiant and youthful on the inside.
The blue pea flower is also excellent for hair, as it contains anthocyanins - a compound known to increase blood circulation to the scalp and therefore keep the scalp healthy.
The flavonoids present in blue tea can also stimulate collagen production, helping to develop and maintain skin elasticity.
At Golden Tips stores, both physically and online, Blue Tea has emerged as our best seller. It has surpassed our previous hot-sellers and this trend is here to stay. We have also introduced other flower blends like Chamomile, Hibiscus, Rose, Jasmine, and Lavender in our product portfolio.
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