wendyslinkhxrd · 3 years
Antonin knew how strong and resilient equine beasts were. Thestrals more so than horses. More often than not if a horse was limping it’s shoe was usually broken, or there was something embedded in it’s foot rather than it having a broken bone, but you always had to check if that were the case or not. Antonin hoped it wasn’t broken and had almost sighed in relief when he’d seen the thick substance beneath it’s foot. He wasn’t sure he’d be able to set it’s bone by himself, Wendy wouldn’t be able to help with the amount of traction that would be needed to get that done. Always trying to stay in control, he watched as Wendy checked herself. Watched as the light of mirth left her eyes as if she were finally remembering who she was sharing a joke with, Antonin wanted to groan. Did she have to be so uptight all the time? She definitely was more likeable when she was smiling and laughing. Antonin nodded at her words, it sounded easy enough except that he would have to be her eyes, they would have to work together which shouldn’t have been so worrisome of a task. Antonin checked the hooves to find that there were 3 that were infected. He knelt by the first one and bent it’s leg up so that it’s upturned foot was resting in his lap. He hesitated a moment then held a hand out towards Wendy so that he’d be able to guide her down to the affected area. “It’s okay, I don’t have disease.”
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Her change in attitude had come quickly, but Wendy had to check herself. She had to remind herself that this was Antonin Dolohov she was talking to. He was a known Death Eater. He was cruel and harsh to almost everyone. And here Wendy was laughing with him like he was her friend. She couldn’t let herself forget again. Throwing her shoulders back, Wendy righted herself and ignored his intense gaze. Gathering up the rest of the supplies and books and scrolls she dumped, she put them all back in the bag and stood up with the ointment she would need to treat the thestral. Her gaze was intense, yet calm as she watched him inspect each invisible leg. It was fascinating in a way to see someone interact with the thestrals when she couldn’t see them herself. It was almost like Antonin was miming through the actions. Yet, she knew he saw and felt the creature before him. Separated by witnessing death. As he held the leg, she neared but kept a little distance as she tried to right herself with treating the invisible leg. However, she hadn’t realized how much she was holding back until he mentioned it. Wendy’s gaze snapped to his and a light blush of embarrassment blossomed on her face. “I know.” She replied, muttering almost at being called out. She drew closer then, holding out her hand to his offered one so he’d be able to help her, kneeling down beside him slowly as she felt for no limbs to collide with. 
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wendyslinkhxrd · 3 years
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wendyslinkhxrd · 3 years
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wendyslinkhxrd · 3 years
She had a hard time trusting or understanding those who had remained neutral throughout the war.  Death Eaters had done despicable things, but at least they were willing to fight for a world they wanted to see.  Those who had chosen true neutrality, who had wiped their hands of it all, made no sense to her – especially those with Muggle heritage.  They had simply decided that their safety and their comfort meant more than the ability of others to exist safely and without prejudice in the world.  And those who remained neutral now, despite their reasons, chose the side of the oppressor.  They weren’t much better than Death Eaters, in her opinion.  If she had been a code 4 she would have immediately found a way to still support her friends, the people who needed her to fight to make the world safe for them, the ones who couldn’t move freely.
Despite all of that, those who appeared neutral to the world often were far less neutral than they appeared to be.  Daisy was frightened, something that was understandable.  Greta was unsure of her abilities, of how much an asset she could be.  Andromeda knew she could do more from the inside.  All appeared neutral, all would have chosen their side of forced to pick.  Then you had those like Emmeline who were willing to help as long as it didn’t interfere with their lives. Something that frustrated her nearly as much as true neutrality.  She didn’t think she’d have been able to do it, knowing that those she had fought alongside were struggle to even survive. And those like Lucinda, who were willing to do so much and didn’t even bother taking credit for some of the things that they did.  She didn’t know where Wendy fell, so the sudden dislike of the girl that she was feeling was grossly unfair.  But she couldn’t bring herself to push it down.  She wasn’t timid.  She had all but ripped Mary’s throat out for being in the same town as her Muggle family.  She wasn’t unintelligent.  But she aligned herself with those who thought her family was better off dead?  It was the height of hypocrisy.
But she’d never say that.  She didn’t want people whose loyalty she couldn’t entirely count on on her side. 
So she sat on the bench, pulling out her book and setting it on her lap.  She had planned to step out of the war for the afternoon, but Wendy’s presence had her mind going in a million directions.  “Do you want a cookie?”  She pulled a container out of her backpack and cracked the lid, taking one for herself.
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Wendy was defensive about being neutral. She knew that some people, Order members especially, looked at those who remained neutral as almost as bad as the Death Eaters. But they didn’t understand. Didn’t understand that this was bigger than Wendy or how she felt. If she joined the ranks of the Order members she would put an even greater target on the backs of those she loved. When half her family were muggles and wouldn’t be able to defend themselves against the magic that would be directed against them she had to think about more than just herself. If it was only her safety she would have joined them as soon as they started to pose a threat. But Wendy had stayed out of the fight. It wasn’t even the fault of her parents, who were both pacifists. Wendy had decided that she needed to protect her family instead. She kept her head low and it haunted her that the Death Eaters had won. 
She hated the Death Eaters. Wendy hated how they destroyed her father’s career. They killed innocents during the war. They ruled with fear and hatred for anyone who was different. The world was a much darker place with them in charge. And now she had to work harder to keep her family safe when there was no one to stop them. Still, she kept these thoughts to herself. Of course she told Daisy when they spoke of such things, but the war raged more in her mind. She wasn’t about to tell Mary any of this. Especially when she was so unsure how the other felt about her. They had ended their last meeting perhaps tensely, but Wendy hadn’t turned her in. And she wouldn’t. Mary was safe with Wendy knowing about her location. Or at least one of them. 
She looked up from her notebook in surprise at the offer. Perhaps this was an olive branch? Wendy gave a small smile and nodded. “Thank you.” She took one offered cookie and took a bite. “Did you make these?” 
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wendyslinkhxrd · 3 years
“A gift?”  He chuckled.  “I mean – I don’t suppose it counts as a gift if it was already yours to begin with.  And if I had thought to steal them I don’t think I’d be giving them back now.  I have plenty of reminders without stealing your underwear.”  He handed them to her, before sitting down next to her on the couch.
“How could I guess such a thing?  And I could hardly ask to see them before at least buying you dinner.  The pizza should be here soon enough, and then we can swap underwear all night long.”  He paused.  “That sounded sexier in Russian.  You keep your underwear and we can swap other things instead.”  He reached for his glass, taking a long sip  “This is extraordinarily strong.”
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Wendy made a face, much like a child does when being proved wrong and stuck out her tongue at him. “You could at least call it a gift.” She teased him though she took back the underwear and dropped them in her bag. “Oh? Scrapbooks and momentos to remind you of our nights together?” She teased and giggled, the wine truly getting to her as she laughed harder, finding it much funnier than it actually was. 
She moved back to the couch, stretching out and enjoying the warm spinning feeling that was going straight to her head. “Pizza sounds bloody amazing right now.” When it arrived, she might even devour half of it. “Always the gentleman, Mikha.” Wendy teased, though he truly was a gentlemen and kind hearted in every aspect of the word. “Does that mean you can finally take your shirt off after the pizza arrives?” Her eyes danced as this was not the first time he said something that sounded better in Russian. “Translates funny sometimes.” She mused and lifted her head to look at him and the bottle. “I’m already drunk. And I’m much smaller than you so for it to effect you mean something.” 
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wendyslinkhxrd · 3 years
Both Wendy and Daisy had been rather busy since the switch in their careers, but things always settled and the two would always make time for each other. Tonight was no different, Daisy was on her way to her best friend’s place for sleepover. It was something they’d done in the summers as kids, and something they continued to keep them close in adult hood. Admittedly, not all of their sleepovers were ones planned. It wasn’t uncommon for the two to be playing catch up and realize a little too late the hour they’d stay up talking about the various happenings in their life. No matter how they’d started they’d always left a fond memory in her mind. 
Daisy had made it to Wendy’s door and raised her hand to gently knock on the wood. Sure, the two were close enough that she probably could let herself in, but knocking was a politeness instilled in her young she’d yet to let go of, even for Wendy.  It wasn’t long after the knock that Daisy could hear Fitz bark behind the door. If her knock had been too soft to alert her friend, the beagle’s sounds would surely get her attention. 
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Wendy and Daisy were always close while suffering from a few degrees of separation. Yet, none of this since the beginning every got in the way. The two girls were as close as they were since they were children. They were a year apart. The two had been sorted into two different houses. Their jobs, even before Wendy’s career change, were never on the same path. None of this mattered though since Wendy still felt as if Daisy was her best friend and nothing, not even the war, would be able to separate them. Tonight was no different from the countless many other nights one would send word to the other that they were coming over. They often ended up crashing at the other’s, a more grown up version of the sleepovers they had as children growing up. 
There was a pop as she pulled the cork out of the wine bottle and not even a second later there was the tell tale knock at the door. Fitz rushed towards the door, barking as if to protect Wendy from the big scary visitor but she knew that as soon as she opened the door he’d be giving Daisy kisses and looking for her to scratch his belly. “Come in!” Wendy called as she poured the wine chuckling when her friend finally came in. “Years of visiting me, and you still knock. I wonder how long it will take for you to just come in. Maybe another 20 years just to be safe.” 
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wendyslinkhxrd · 3 years
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female awesome meme ♀ 7/20 female dynamics : josie saltzman & lizzie saltzman
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wendyslinkhxrd · 3 years
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Can you move over a little, Ozan? Fine, I'll just get out of the car if you want.
— Aşk Mantık İntikam, Episode 4
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wendyslinkhxrd · 3 years
It was quite likely that the park was less safe than it actually felt, but the tall, lush tress and bushes made it feel more secluded and isolated than it actually was.  She had packed a bag with a sandwich, some water, and a book.  Truthfully, she just needed to get out of the house for a bit.  Lily was trying, but the anger and anguish she was feeling was practically palpable, as was the irritation that was occasionally directed her way.  They had known each other for far too long for Mary not to recognize that.
Rather than get in her feelings about it she decided to spend the day forgetting that she was a fugitive and that she was still in the midst of a war that most of society was working at moving on from.  At least, that had been her plan before she saw Wendy Slinkhard sitting at a bench.
Taking in a deep breath, Mary let go of her plans and approached the woman.  The attitude she had taken on when approaching Mary the first time was hardly forgotten, but it was easily attributed to concern for her family.  It was a worry that Mary herself had to work hard to keep in the back of her mind.  If she dwelt on the safety of her parents she would never fully managed to move forward.  And the reality was that she hadn’t told.  Maybe this was someone she could trust.
“Do you mind if I sit here?”  She asked slowly, waiting for approval before presuming it was okay.
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The notebook sat heavy on her lap as Wendy stared at the blank pages willing the words to come into existence. But nothing was coming and she was staring at the pages with the most frustrating sensation of loss. Wendy wasn’t even sure why she was trying to write again. Daisy had suggested it, but Wendy pointed out that there was no point to her writing anymore. She wouldn’t be published now that she was labeled a code three and she doubted the Ministry would ever relabel her. They knew where her loyalties lay, with her muggle mother. Her half finished manuscript talking about the history of muggles and wizarding communities effecting each other over the past century sat in her apartment. It haunted her, mocking her for something she would never be able to finish so she had boxed up the pages and pushed them deep into her closet behind some old sweaters. 
This time, she was trying to write for herself. Maybe just the simple act of writing would feel good to her. Like riding a bike, she reminded herself. Yet, Wendy sat there with a deep and heavy feeling of writer’s block. She had just blown out her 50th huff of annoyed air when she heard a familiar voice. Wendy looked up and blinked in surprise. Well, it shouldn’t be too much of a surprise that Mary had found her in a muggle park. “Seat’s open.” Wendy nodded at the spot and kept her gaze unreadable as she studied the fugitive next to her. Was this a happy accident run in or did she seek out Wendy after their last run in? She hoped that she harbored no dreams of recruiting her, Wendy wasn’t about to join the Order and put her family at risk. 
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wendyslinkhxrd · 3 years
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BAHAR SAHIN as Ceren Yilmaz Zalim Istanbul
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wendyslinkhxrd · 3 years
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wendyslinkhxrd · 3 years
status: closed @wendyslinkhxrd
location: magic dog park
It was fairly easy to adjust to the weather in London. It was warmer but more prone to rain and clouds but rain or shine, Anushka found her excuses to leave the house with the dogs trotting along beside her. Besides, it was good to get them out of the house and let them run, she knew they must be missing the space the estate provided and she had quickly found a relatively magic friendly park to take them. 
She’d been hoping it would be a good place to meet new people as well, but her timing always seemed to be off as anyone who looked interesting always was just leaving and only had time for a quick hello. Anushka wondered if it was her fault but had shrugged the feeling off. Anyone intimidated by a 150cm woman in a sundress with a headscarf and two clownish dogs wasn’t someone she was interested in being friends with anyway. 
Today it appeared she was luckier, and Feliks must have sensed her excitement because while Boris stayed obediently at her side, Feliks was already making his way across the park to a young woman sitting on a bench, dragging Anushka and Boris with him. Once Boris realized they were following, he sped up to match pace with Feliks, making Anushka also have to walk faster, clutching the leads in one hand and keeping her bag secure to her with the other. 
“Hello!” She called as warning, raising her hand to wave and then laughing as she almost dropped her bag and scrambled to grab it and haul it up her arm again. Both borzoi were wagging their feathery tails at the woman and waiting for permission to sniff, Feliks tilting his head down to examine the rumpled little beagle that was with her. “Sorry, they get excited to meet.” She smiled apologetically, hoping she was making sense. 
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Wendy adored the dog park for obvious reasons. Why wouldn’t one love a place to not only watch other dogs, but to have Fitz meet and interact with them. This was how he got most of his energy out. He’d run around the park and burn the pent up energy he usually got from being in her apartment all day. Though since he was now approaching past middle age perhaps she saw just a slightly more leaning towards longer naps in rays of sun. 
All at once two dogs practically dragged their owner across the park and Wendy could only watch with a laugh on the tip of her tongue though she knew it must hurt the girl’s arm and she shouldn’t laugh. “Hello.” She replied back, smiling at her accent. The two dogs were tall and graceful, contrasting Fitz who instantly started to snort and sniff at the two politely behaving creatures. “He seems excited too. Not that I can blame him. They are beautiful.”
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wendyslinkhxrd · 3 years
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wendyslinkhxrd · 3 years
Antonin could only watch as she pulled books and little bits and pieces from within her bag. She had certainly come prepared. Antonin grew wary, did they actually expect him to fix this thestrals foot? He was much better at breaking bone than mending it. He took the book from her wordlessly, he wanted to point out that he didn’t think the book would help without actual experience when the young thestral suddenly lurched forward. Antonin watched as it took an apple Wendy had fetched from her bag and swallowed it almost whole. Despite himself, a low chuckle escaped Antonin’s lips. The whole scene was comedic really, the thestral was now watching Wendy expectantly. “Oh he liked that, I think he wants another one,” Antonin said, smiling as he turned his gaze back at the witch. He sobered almost immediately when their eyes met, he cleared his throat. “If you have more,” he muttered before he eagerly turned his attention back to the book in his hands. He flipped through it’s pages, his fingers working quicker than his brain. Why was it so shocking that Wendy could be so personable? Endearing even? No, thestrals, he reminded himself as his eyes finally began to take in the words. Habits, feeding, common ailments. There. He let his eyes scan the page, a finger running over the words as he read. He found a passage about limping in infants. If his leg was broken, he’d be laying down with no appetite to feed. Judging by the way the little guy wasn’t leaving Wendy alone it certainly wasn’t that. If it’s clodfoot there would be a white thick sediment gathered at the base of his hoof. While the thestral was busy with Wendy, Antonin bent and gingerly lifted one of its’ legs in the way he had with the horses back in Russia. He was kneeling with the hoof resting in his lap the book resting on the grass beside him, he peered around the thestrals wing so he could see Wendy better. “It looks like clodfoot,” he told her. He could only hope she’d know the treatment.
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Perhaps Wendy did over pack when it came to going out in the field when she worked. Yet, she was never ashamed of it. It was always better to be properly prepared for anything that could happen than regret leaving something behind. Every kind of potion and powder that could possibly be needed were in her bag. If its leg truly was broken there were signs since the thestral’s normal anatomy could sometimes look like there were broken bones. The creatures were surely a sight and it was easy to think as such. Still, she started rummaging around for a potion that would help mend the bone if that were the case. The apple disappearing was a sight to see. She forgot herself for a moment and who she was with to laugh at the surely adorable sight. Someone surely was hungry! And hearing Antonin laugh only made the whole ordeal even more endearing. “I’d say he liked that a lo-” She started laughing only to be cut off when she let her eyes lock on to Antonin’s. Suddenly she cut off and grew quiet. She shouldn’t be laughing and smiling with Antonin Dolohov. Even if the thestral had made her laugh, she shouldn’t give in to whatever was happening right now. She had to remind herself that she hated him, no matter how human he seemed in the moment. No matter how endearing he had seemed. He wasn’t. Still, she looked down when some bottles of potions clanked against each other as if an invisible nose was shifting through them looking for another apple. “You’ll get another one if you are a good patient.” She spoke softly and reached out in search of its nuzzle. When she found the invisible creature she petted softly and smiled getting lost in the private world of the thestrals. Antonin’s voice brought her out and her head snapped up and she started collecting all the items to put back in her back. “Clodfoot. I can fix that.” She sorted through the glass vials until she found the poultice she needed. “I’ll need you to help me. I can apply it, but I need you to help me find the infected areas. Guide me to the area on each foot that’s affected and I’ll do the rest.” Her voice was serious once more and the smile was gone from her features. 
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wendyslinkhxrd · 3 years
closed for: @wendyslinkhxrd​ location: a pub in london
William may not have personally consumed alcohol, but he still enjoyed frequenting bars when he felt in the mood for a little excitement, as drunk people were fascinating.  In his experience people were most often upfront about their thoughts and desires while under the influence.  Out of all the things he might have anticipated to come out of his evening, he didn’t expect to see the little Slinkhard girl, who he knew was under Dolohov’s watch, looking very uncomfortable as a tall man invaded her personal space.  William thought about leaving her to fend for herself for the most fleeting of moments before he decided that it could be an opportunity to have a little bit of fun.  Besides, he would always jump at the chance to mess with Dolohov.
Sliding up next to Wendy, he narrowed his eyes at the man attempting to engage her in conversation.  “Pretty sure if a woman is actively leaning away from you, it means that she’s not interested mate.  Better luck elsewhere.”  William moved his hands in a shooing motion, and the man looked as though he were going to argue, but thought better of it and turned away, grumbling under his breath.  Turning to Wendy, he offered her a dazzling smile.  “I hope he didn’t bother you too much.  I have to ask, what is a gorgeous girl like you doing in a pub alone?”
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While Wendy enjoyed frequenting the pubs, both by herself and with friends, she simply was not having a good night. Her friend had joined her, but left much too quickly for her taste with a handsome looking wizard. The witch had been in the mood to talk, not to find someone to go home with but now that she was alone, it gave some the idea to approach her. Such as the tall wizard who wouldn’t leave Wendy alone. He cornered her and she was trying to duck away from him. He reeked of beer, much more than simply drinking a few, and she did not wish to go with him. “Really, I see my friend over there. I think she’s calling to me.” Wendy muttered, trying a different approach to try to get through his muddle brain she wanted no part of him. Yet he wasn’t getting the message. 
That was until another man approached. Merlin, was she really going to get cornered again? By two men? Instead, he chased the other away and for a moment Wendy wondered why that had worked when his words and actions hadn’t seemed that intimidating. Then she turned and in the span of just a few moments recognition, surprise, disgust and suspicion flickered across her features. Surely Will Mulciber didn’t not recognize her? Wendy had never been the target of his attacks in school, but she was best friends with Daisy and she remembered Daisy becoming friends with Mary after her ordeal. Then of course, Wendy had been tormented by Slytherins Will was friends with. Surely he didn’t think she was just some pretty witch and didn’t truly have no idea who she really was. “Thank you.” She replied slowly and suspiciously. What was he doing? “Drinking. What else does one do in a pub?” Wendy simply couldn’t figure out why he was trying to hit on her of all things. 
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wendyslinkhxrd · 3 years
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wendyslinkhxrd · 3 years
After Bellatrix had originally helped Antonin in going through the thick file on Wendy, he hadn’t said much else about her. She knew he was keeping track of her and had even had some sort of run in with her at the masquerade but if anything useful had come from it, she didn’t know. Bellatrix had expected to be told something about it, any kind of update that she could work with and perhaps help him further along to catch her in any act of betrayal. Silence. It was infuriating. 
“If you were in such a hurry,” She told the young woman, slamming a hand against the alley wall to trap her from trying to bolt down the other way, “You wouldn’t have been wasting your time poking your nose where it doesn’t belong.” 
There was something satisfying in the way she pressed herself to get away from Bellatrix, the undeniable fear that she wanted to soak up to her fill. The code fives had gotten quite rowdy and reckless, too careless to really be afraid until she was done playing with them and only wanted their screams. Here was fresh, pure fear. Her other arm went up to cage Wendy in, a smile forming on her face. 
“You seem nervous, any reason as to why?”
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Wendy had no idea of Bellatrix’s true relation to Antonin, and that both of them had read the notorious file that mapped out her whole life. She only knew that she was close - perhaps - to Antonin, and that she was now shopping with Mikha. An idea that surprisingly both Antonin and Wendy did not like. She hadn’t meant to get caught by the notorious Black watching them. In fact, she hardly thought she’d be on the other’s radar. She was so lowly after all. Yet, here she was cornered by her in the alleyway and Wendy only wanted to escape. She was too close for her to apparate away, she’d have to get more space between them without any body parts getting messed up. “I wasn’t doing anything!” Wendy protested, in a rush of fear. Surely the Death Eater couldn’t get angry about her staring across the street. Who said she was staring at them? Even if she was. 
However, the other arm came up and the smile that graced Bellatrix’s features only intensified her fear. She had to get away. Wendy slunk back, trying to duck under Bellatrix’s arms. For once she was glad she was short because this would give her the advantage for once to get away. “You’re cornering me.” Wendy whispered, swallowing in fear. Bellatrix only asked her to tease her for she surely knew what was making Wendy so nervous. Bellatrix Black was making her nervous. “Please, just let me go. Please.”
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