Şuşa işğaldan azad edilib😍.
Shusha is in safe hands again. Shusha is Azerbaijan and it has always been. Shusha is free, it is not under occupation of armenian terrorists anymore🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿Karabakh is Azerbaijan🇦🇿❤️
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Armenian forces attack civilians in Ganja for the third time.
The missile attacks occurred around 1 AM local time and targeted civilian complexes in Ganja, Azerbaijan’s second biggest city. According to the latest reports, 35 civilians have been wounded, 5 civilians were killed, among those two children, and over 20 houses were destroyed. This has been the most violent and deadly attack on Ganja by Armenian forces so far. Emergency services are currently working on the ground.
Ganja is located over 100km away from the conflict zone of Nagorno-Karabakh. Though the Armenian side claims that it aimed to destroy military facilities in Ganja, the civilian complex struck by missiles wasn’t near any military facilities. Ganja has been one among many areas beyond the conflict zone subjected to shelling by Armenian forces including Aghdam, Aghjabadi, Goranboy, Ordubad, and Tartar regions.
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Ganja city came under Armenian missile attacks at 1:30 in the middle of the night!!! Tens are dead, hundreds are injured, one of them is only a BABY! Official number of casualties and damages to be announced tomorrow!
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Armenian Armed Forces launched a rocket to the second biggest city of Azerbaijan for the second time in a week. This attack was launched while the agreed “Humanitarian Ceasefire” after a meeting in Moscow which lasted 13 hours. This attack caused big damages on the infrastructure of the city and massive human casualties. Azerbaijan wants international communities to pay attention to Armenian terrorism!
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Please repost and like as much as you can❤️🇦🇿
🏷credits: @stoparmenianaggression
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To keep up with everything that is happening right now between Azerbaijan and Armenia follow this acc on twitter,this telegram channel and next instagram accs: @justiceforazerbaijan , @voice.ofazerbaijan and @stoparmenianaggression .
Petitions to sign:
We ask the US to support Azerbaijan’s territorial integrity and denounce violation of international borders by Armenia.
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🏷credit: @stoparmenianaggression (pls visit their page on instagram and leave feedback)
In this post i want to inform you of national hero of Azerbaijan.August 29th was his 60th birthday.Azerbaijani nation will never forget his courage and his service in battle.
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To the attention of my international friends,
Starting from 12th of July, armed forces of Armenia attack to invade internationally recognized Azerbaijan territory-Tovuz during the time when all the nations are busy with Covid-19 pandemic. This is the evident proof of Armenian Agression towards Azerbaijan, that we raise our voice against in front of the global communities over the years. Number of martyrs have reached 11, including 4 high-rank military officers. Armenian Troops ignore the legally authorized caesefire and war rules by attacking Azerbaijan lands and putting lives of civil people in danger. Azerbaijan is only trying to protect its territories as always and ready to do anything on this way. We as citizen red arrow).
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🏷credit: @justiceforazerbaijan
sign petitions and donate
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as much as i love living in made-up worlds where any problem can be easily solved just by clicking on X, i can’t and don’t want to ignore the real one. my country, my home, my Azerbaijan, has been living with its bleeding heart in its throat for over thirty(!) years. there are generations of our people who have never had a chance to set foot in the land violently taken from us, myself included; there are generations of us who will never get that chance. and we have been good. negotiations, conferences, UN resolutions. we obeyed. we waited. we hoped our neighbors would see reason someday. but they keep laughing in our face. worse than that, they keep convincing the world that we are the bad guys here. they come to our home and violate it and they call themselves the victim.
and they go and do this now, when the whole world is fighting COVID19
i don’t have many friends here, and i don’t expect you to care about a small country on the Caspian coast but if you happen to read an article in the press or a post on social media, or someone you know speak about the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and about the recent events in particular and present it all as Azerbaijani aggression, just know it for what it is - blatant, horrendous lies. we are not asking for more - not for your armies, not for your weapons, not for your money. we have those. we just need you to know the truth and to share it with other people.
don’t tell me there are two sides to every story. there is only one truth and it’s not what they tell you.
don’t make calls for peace.
we didn’t start this war. we never wanted war to begin with.
Dear friends,
On July 12, 2020, the Armenian forces launched an attack against Azerbaijan in violation of the existing international laws. The attack took place in the village of Tovuz with an effort to capture the strategically positioned lands. Although the attack was repelled in first 24 hours, four Azerbaijani soldiers lost their lives in the line of duty.
On July 13, 2020, in response to the attack, the Azerbaijani forces initiated a series of retaliatory attacks, which led to the destruction of the Armenian military equipment.
On July 14, 2020, Armenia launched more strikes against Azerbaijan, killing seven servicemen, including an Army General and Colonel. The Armenian strike also killed a 76-year-old civilian Aziz Azizov, a resident of Aghdam village.
Unfortunately, this incident is not an unprecedented one. Since 1990s, Armenia has consistently resorted to brutality and violence which led hundreds of innocent civilians lose their lives. Armenian troops keep ignoring the ceasefire agreement and continue to put the lives of civil people in danger, while Azerbaijan is, as always, ready to do anything to protect its people and territories.
Lastly, Azerbaijan would never engage in a fight outside of a conflict region (as you can see in the map), since that could lead to an involvement of The Collective Security Treaty Organization in that conflict.
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Since no one on this site seems to speak up about situation going on in Azerbaijan,i’ve created this blog where will be posted educational posts and facts about Nagorno-Karabakh situation.Feel free to suggest informational posts and ask questions.
Please spread awareness as much as possible
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