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Don’t talk to her, she’s angy.
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I am always willing to work WITH you! I know very personally how tough times are for many people. So don’t be afraid to note me if you have any questions!
As it’s a new year I figured it was time to update my commissions splash page a wee bit!
The rules are simple.
1. I can accept Pay Pal, contact me for the email! :) 2. I can draw anything but I for anything over an R rating I might need to discuss it with you. So if you want NSFW we can discuss, no gore or things though please. 3.I do expect to be paid half of the price, then the other half later once the picture is delivered but remember again, I always am willing to work with someone. 4. I can work with digital, water colors, ink or simple pencil sketches.
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I also have my Ko-fi open! 4 ($12) coffee’s for a chibi sketch!
—- One character, b&w digital: $15-30(Depending on complexity)
Example 1: http://tinyurl.com/z8hbv5b
Example 2: http://tinyurl.com/j7fhkg7
—- One character, color digital: $25-55 (Again, how complex and time)
Example 1: http://tinyurl.com/gl66sh7
Example 2: http://tinyurl.com/z3vqd5l
Example 3: http://tinyurl.com/hfwveh7
Example 4: http://tinyurl.com/hmnzzpg
—- One character, b&w pencil: $15
Example 1: http://tinyurl.com/zmfauk2
Example 2: http://tinyurl.com/hy9jd3n
—- One character, b&w pencil with color: $20-40
Example 1: http://tinyurl.com/j8ce57k
—- One character, watercolor: $20
Examples incoming
—- One character, traditional ink: $15
Examples incoming
—- One character, traditional ink + color: $20
Examples incoming Additional characters are $15 each (not including vanity pets, those are free of charge), but World of Warcraft/SWTOR/Final Fantasy commissions will be handled differently given the complexity and details of the armor making additional characters (non-pets/companions) an additional $20-45 depending on attire. But these can be discussed and I am flexible. 
Mounts are a flat $20 extra. Background pricing will depend on what you would like. More often then not I will include little surprises and extra treats for commissioners, normally the more you commission the bigger your surprise… you’ll never know what extra you will get along with your paid item!
Thank you for giving this a glance, if you have any questions feel free to send me a note!
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While I work on commissions, just wanted to update that my Ko-Fi is STILL open. <3
Prepare for an art flood this weekend folks.
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Malfurion in my Jaina/Tyrande shipper mind is just this incredibly powerful, goofy old man who Tyrande takes care of.  His voice is SO FUNNY to me and I like him a lot because of Heroes.  Alternately, maybe bc they’re both thousands of years old and they’ve occasionally spent a year or two with other people lol.  Anyway Tyraina is not here to tell purple Deckard Cain to fuck off, he’s just a sweet old man who kills horde sometimes as a nice old man would.
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Lost Honor!
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i’ve started automatically running all nathanos’s in game lines through a mental filter of him having a dog brain and i challenge anyone to find him unlikable with that filter applied
gunshow ref 
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our king has always found her to be…challenging.
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I cant wait until cold weather arrives if only yo kill the dames mosquitoes.....
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Hey Blizzard, I’m digging all of these new idle poses… would love to have them as new emotes! (Via)
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Today I gotta be all official manager like and doing my best to not have an anxiety attack over it.
I'm not even in trouble or anything like that but still even if it doesn't have you in the hot seat being told you and the assistant manager will be having a meeting to discuss a growing issue involving another coworker it makes my brain go 'REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE' but fuck it this has to be nipped in the bud now.
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swim down to the bottom of this bit of water and there is a ‘Dive Bar’ where you can breathe underwater… u guys its so cute if ur lookin for things to explore!! 
There’s Disco Jellies and rly cute music!
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Send me WoW character asks folks!
I'm bored at work.
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I love this game
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The day Deathwing came. (Via)
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From the Warbringers video, I’ve done some light editing to it to make it fit better as a music piece:
Removed some longer periods of silence right before “I’m listening now, father.” where there is visual storytelling going on (that we cant see)
Equalized the volume just a tad
Perfect to slap right into your local files on spotify or just BLAST AT HOME!
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