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watching a lotttt of the paris 2024 games, so here’s an olympics au (uniforms based on the 2010 vancouver games, my beloved)
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A Comprehensive List Of Jack's Canon Chirps
"Bittle, HEADS UP!" [Bitty passes out] "…Or get into fetal position at central ice. That's also an option."
"You've never seen the sun rise from a rink, eh? Thought you were a figure skating champion."
Bitty: "A fist bump! I didn't know you did those." Jack: "Ha - you gotta work for them."
"The sad thing is, I can tell he's lying not because of the library part? But because he'd never leave a pie unattended."
"Oh and Bittle, before I forget. This summer? Eat more protein."
"When you get Youtube famous don't go out and chirp me all over the internet, eh? 'Night."
"How many of those tweets do you start with oh my god y'all?"
"It's way too easy to make you laugh. Make sure you tweet that." [looks over Bitty's shoulder to make sure he tweets that]
[texts Bitty a smiley face] [follows up with:] "Sorry that was a typo."
"You only tweeted twice while we were working, Bittle. That's a record."
[Bitty gets knocked over] "I guess you're looking for extra checking practice, eh, Bittle?"
"We should get going and let Bittle here text about his walk to class."
Bitty: "E-excuse you, but my kitchen is no place for checking!" Jack: "…Your kitchen?" Bitty: "Well, the kitchen! Now move your big -- uhm." Jack: "My big…?"
[At Thanksgiving] "All that turkey's gonna make you slow for tomorrow, Chowder."
[To a kid wearing a Brad Marchand jersey while asking for Jack's autograph] "You know this isn't me, right?"
"17." [At Bitty's confusion:] "That's the number of pies you baked in September. In case you were wondering where your time went."
"I'm sure you'd be done [with your history essay] too if you had tweeted it. Is that an option?"
[looks at Bitty's tweets] "I said where'd you get that camera not is that the camera you use. Come on, Bittle."
[finds Bitty's surprise cookies] "I'm surprised your cookies got through costumes Bittle."
"I told my mom about all your tweeting? She says you're not following her. I'm more surprised than offended, Bittle."
"Shitty, don't you think I should get a tweet transcript or something since he quotes me so much? For legal purposes."
"Hey, Bittle. That Daily reporter didn't rope you into an interview after that jump?"
[after meeting Farmer] "She was nice, eh? Cute. …I bet you're texting about our lunch now."
[Nursey accidentally hits a kid in the face with his hockey bag] "Nice check, Nurse."
[in the middle of the night] "I figured you'd be up baking a pie or three."
[Bitty gets shoe-checked] "Hey, it's no shoes, no shirt, no service, Bittle."
"Whose shoulders are you going to sit on at Spring C, Bittle?"
[Shitty tears up while kissing the ice] "Crying a bit there, eh?"
[SMH buy Bitty a new oven] Bitty: "I need to bake something right this second!" Jack: "Stop crying first."
"If we move the kitchen table out, you can bring your bed in."
[About graduating] "The biggest change is probably my diet. Less pie."
"And hey, it's a bit different than you and Lardo, eh? Since everyone knew you were in love with her since sophomore year."
[during Falcs Faceoff] Teammate: "Heard you've never lost one a these, I'm scared." Jack: "Yeah, you should be."
[Gets chirped for dating Bitty] "This is a Samwell hockey record. Chirps lasting longer than the ones re: Holster & Esther S." Holster: "…Jack." Jack: ":)"
Nursey: "Yo, Bitty do you remember any French?" Jack: "No." Bitty: "I can speak for myself, Mr. Zimmermann." Jack: "Well. Not in French."
[To Marty & Thirdy] "Hauling your kids around on a sled just about wore you guys out, eh?"
[To Tater] "Potato champ needs more sleep, eh?"
"Bitty? Hey, bud, come on, say something -" [Bitty passes out] "Or you can pass out at center ice. I'm getting deja vu."
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no, because - famous person starts dating less famous person and is then gradually overshadowed is a trope. a trope often used to bring external conflict into stories. but jack and bitty are carefully constructed as the opposite of that, and I'm fucking feral over it.
we joke about how jack will eventually be bitty's trophy husband and be thrilled about it, but it definitely has a giant grain of truth in it. it's how they're characterized. bitty is an extrovert; jack is an introvert. bitty reached out and built himself an online audience to deal with his trauma; jack shut himself out and started avoiding the public to deal with his.
bitty finds comfort in being able to talk to others and (as seen in spotlight on eric bittle) considers being a public figure a sort of healing experience: coming out and being a public person (in every manner of speaking, not just sexuality wise) and putting himself in the limelight is such an important part of his journey because he sees it as a way of helping others who were in his situation.
jack grew up in the spotlight as the only son of two prominent figures. he grew up as a child with anxiety with the media's eyes on him as he was compared to his father. he grew up as an overweight teen featuring in trashy gossip columns as he was compared to his mother. he got into rehab in part because of this attention and it only attracted more attention to him. a lot of jack's anxiety stems from the notion of people looking at him and thinking about him and talking about him and judging him, and it's unfortunate because jack's dream is to play hockey, and that comes with even more attention.
but that's the thing: jack and bitty's story is (once again) a demonstration of two people making each other's lives better.
jack's fame thrusts bitty into the spotlight post-cup, and it's a giant push forward in helping him reach a bigger audience and thus grow his independent fame. bitty's growing fame slowly overshadows jack, to the point where ngozi says they'll one day be Eric Bittle and his Athlete Husband. and that means jack gets to play hockey, and win cups, and achieve fame in his own field, but the media's attention slides off him to his husband, and the fans on the street gradually approach bitty more than him, and jack is free to have his success with less of the personal scrutiny.
it's not that jack becomes less important than bitty. it's that bitty gets to stand in front of the direct sun and flourish as a result, while jack gets to stand in the shade bitty creates and flourish as a result. it's symbiosis. it's beautiful.
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The first Falconers game after Bitty and Jack get married, the falconers pull off a big prank on them. In which every player on the starting line (and everyone else) is introduced as [Last Name]-Bittle. Like in that friends episode where Courtney gets married and asked for the opening credits to be changed to CoxArquette to show it and instead they changed everyones last name to Arquette
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And they all have jerseys made special for that first game and Jack is laughing the whole game and Bittle’s in the line up just cheering on everyone.
At the end the Falconers social media channel posts a picture with everyone in their Bittle jersey and the caption is like “The Falconers and their husband, food network star and author Eric Bittle”
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I literally wrote this like four years ago and still didn’t think I was trans. Incredible.
So I can’t keep this to myself anymore:
Check, Please baseball!AU
It’s called Pitch, Please
Trans-boy Eric Bittle played softball all through high school and was an amazing pitcher
Samwell brings him on to play baseball and everyone is impressed by his skill, but here’s the thing: his overhand pitching sucks ass
Jack “Pitching Legend” Zimmermann helps Eric learn to switch from underhand to overhand with extra practice
Because of the Sandlot, Bitty is occasionally called Smalls
This brings a whole new depth to Bitty trying to fit in with the Bros™, while not realizing that his personality is perfect the way it is
In the inevitable coming out scene, Bitty starts his period right before a game and since the HRT he hasn’t been getting them often and he’s not prepared. He’s on the verge of tears in the locker room and Second Baseman Shitty (who has a perfect view of Jack’s ass) is like “Dude are you alright do you need to see the trainer?” and Bitty just really softly says “I started my period.” Without missing a beat, Shitty goes “Oh shit, no worries. I always carry tampons on me because Lardo is crazy irregular and never remembers to bring any with her. I got you, man.” And Bitty could cry with relief.
Give me Bitty in a backwards baseball cap and baseball pants trying to spit sunflower seeds and he just CAN’T because it’s making such a mess!!! And Jack is just HEART EYES MUTHAFUCKA because Bitty’s got one leg propped up on the wall of the dugout.
Give me Bitty who elected to have top surgery after receiving the scholarship because now he has this big leftover college fund. His nervous about the scars in the locker room.
Give me Former Fat Kid Jack Zimmerman with all his stretch marks on his hot bod clapping Bitty on his shoulder and being like “Man, we’ve all got stretch marks.”
Give me Bitty who bakes up a storm in the Haus and who tears up when Outfielder!Holster and Ransom kiss him on the cheek and call him Mom because that was what the softball girls used to call him in high school. It makes him so nostalgic.
Bitty who sometimes wears make up when they dress up for away games because he likes it RIP IN PIECES JACK ZIMMERMAN
Bitty who pitches his first perfect inning and gets a huge hug from Jack
When Jack and Bitty finally start dating, the team channels The Sandlot once more and start calling Jack Benny
My sweet French Canadian Jack who at some point realizes he is sitting at MooMaw’s kitchen table in Georgia eating apple pie while waiting for the Fourth of July fireworks display and his boyfriend is wearing cut off daisy dukes and an American flag crop top and a backward baseball cap and that they both play baseball and Jack just shouts “JE SUIS QUEBECOIS!!”
Just…baseball AU
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i’m a simple check please fan, i love a fic where jack is a little pathetic
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I was JUST telling my friend that zimbits is my favorite enemies to lovers because there is NO sexual tension while they’re enemies. There just flat out isn’t. They Do Not Like Each Other, no chemistry. It’s FRIENDSHIP TENSION. They go enemies to FRIENDS to lovers and that’s my absolute favorite thing. 
y’all do realize that zimbits are enemies to lovers right??? i feel like we kinda gloss over that dynamic between them a lot, especially in fanfiction.
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eric bittle. baker & hockey player. youtube.com/omgcheckplease
(inspired by x)
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zack jimmermann you precious meatball
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can we talk about Bitty having an unexpected mental block re intimacy with Jack (in the early days of their relationship) because for so long Bitty has been constantly self-regulating all of his interactions with guys, being so so careful to avoid anything that could appear non-platonic, so when he finally gets to have that, he freezes up and doesn’t know how to deal???? can we talk about that? 
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Sometimes I think abt the fact that bitty really just graduated and then a hockey player proposed to him like. Student loans? Don’t know her 💅💅
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Just incase y’all forgot jacks bi
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My first attempt at an interview fic! Read this on Ao3, or under the cut. 
Keep reading
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I can’t get over bitty’s long string of petnames on the phone and I KNOW this is a regular occurrence but can we just: acknowledge the other end of the phone line?!
Bc Jack’s lil smile gets wider and wider from ‘sweetest handsomest SILLIEST’ and his cheeks are hurting by ‘LOVELY trouble-making young man’
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As someone who just learned how to make jam, those vultures are real.
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Bitty has an alter ego and his name is Bitchy. Bitchy only shows up when bittys had 3+ drinks and his favorite past time is crying
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