werewolfkiefermomoa · 7 years
why would you like this fucked up killing stalking? it's homophobic and romanticizing abuse. isn't this the opposide of what you're normally stand for...? i mean i thought you're against dc because of the way they treated barbara gordon's disability and such.
It’s a horror comic
The genre is relatively new but has a solid history in subverting mainstream genres. When you see one in the theater it’s going to be meaningless because it’s just Hollywood “fun” but real horror, like Killing Stalking, is about critiquing society. 
Horror is the genre where disabled people finally got leading roles, it’s the genre that directly criticizes socially acceptable bigotry. I said this before when I’ve had similar questions but if nothing else I think the genre deserves a little respect even for just rape revenge movies. It began in the 60s/70s, motivated by the civil rights movement of the time, and is a sub genre of horror in which women are attacked and raped and the movie it self is about the women hunting down their rapists and killing them graphically. It was/is a backlash from the lack of support for rape survivors and criticism of the normality of sexual molestation in mainstream films.
That’s not for everyone, I get that. It’s not meant to be for everyone. In fact, it’s not meant to really be for no one for it to get the job done. 
They essentially delivered the statement that: there is a real destructive aftermath to rape and it’s all put upon the victim. What if women just got tired of it? What if women gave in and behaved as men do? And it can, if a man is sympathetic enough, put rape culture into better perspective for male viewers. They have to identify with the rapist and they don’t get all the fun of seeing the rapist hunt down victims and torturing them, for the majority of the movies it’s about women and/or sexual and gender minorities banding together to destroy rapists.
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Horror has been used to look at racism in similar ways. There are revenge stories for racism but horror at its best tends to be very diverse because it is indie and made by actual people, not demographic statistics.
Take Night of the Living Dead for example. Putting all the social commentary aside it was a 1968 film that happened to have a black man as the hero.
Ben is just a regular guy that gets swept up in a zombie apocalypse and the majority of the movie is about him being the only one with common sense and he’s constantly trying to keep the white people from getting themselves killed. Beautiful movie.
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It strikes me now that these are two things I see people on tumblr saying they want to see: women loving and supporting each other while they murder rapists and a horror film where not only is the black characters aren’t the first one to be killed, Night of the Living Dead is pretty much about how exhausting white people are.
Literature and art in general is useless unless it can spark interest and active dialogue. Killing Stalking definitely has done both of those. It starts off as a pretty classic mainstream horror premise but stays true to the genre by making you empathize with everyone, be frightened by everyone, and legitimately not know what’s going to happen because anything could happen.
I could go over a lot of things that the comic presents that I find value in but let me share two examples which are the prime reason horror is so valuable 
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This was absolutely agonizing and since it was released I have seen fans talk about domestic abuse, incest, and autonomy. 
The conversation is often fans talking about how they would get out if they were in that situation and trying to reason as to why he didn’t leave. I don’t care if it only helps only one person but there’s someone out there that has benefited from those conversations because they thought about their own escape options (which all women should do but don’t) and coming to understand why someone would stay in such a bad situation. If more people took time to actually listen to domestic abuse survivors it would be a million times better because we could skip over all of the “did you have it coming” and “it must not of been that bad if you stayed”
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Oh my God, this part. Seeing able-bodied fans trying to understand this scene was awesome. They couldn’t understand how people can see and even be approached by someone who looks in distress and repeatedly turned them down or accuse of being gross for asking for help. They couldn’t understand why this girl who knew nothing about him except that he is a disabled man would call him a pervert out of the blue.
And they talked about what they would do.
If they were there they would save their precious baby, they wouldn’t be so callous as to judge someone based on the way they look or their abilities. They would take his word for it if he said he needed help and they would go out of their way to help him.
… No they fucking wouldn’t. The majority of them would act exactly as this girl did, exactly as real people do to us constantly, but it would start the association in their head with ableist behavior as bad. They won’t learn the word from this but they see actual representation of a disabled person and the author makes it impossible for you to not empathize with him.
Does this romanticize sexual and domestic abuse? Absolutely. Do I care? Absolutely not. Sexual and domestic abuse are already romanticized in mainstream media without critical social commentary, if there is any commentary at all. Horror isn’t there for you to consume and enjoy as a sadist, it’s a radical subversion of social taboos
Will anyone understand that? Most probably won’t because it seems like a lot of readers are just now trying horror so I wouldn’t expect them to. 
Will there be people so ignorant and/or bigoted that they will refuse to understand? Yes. 
Will it convince anyone that abuses okay in the real world? Undoubtedly, but just as much as a cartoon will do. 
Will it save lives? Yes. 
Will it connect people who have gone through similar things and can help support each other like the amazing women in the rape revenge films? Yes.
And for some disabled people this is the only type of representation we get and it shouldn’t be taken away from us because able-bodied people don’t understand it.
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werewolfkiefermomoa · 7 years
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Kiefer Sutherland and River Phoenix at the ‘Stand By Me’ premiere in 1986
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werewolfkiefermomoa · 7 years
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I fucking screamed
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werewolfkiefermomoa · 8 years
Cuteness. 💕
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werewolfkiefermomoa · 8 years
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Now this is an iconic 80s couple 👌
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werewolfkiefermomoa · 8 years
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Day three: The Lost Boys. #inktober (I didn’t finish but I’m already a day behind! Also, if you want any of these, DM me)
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werewolfkiefermomoa · 8 years
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werewolfkiefermomoa · 8 years
Short Story Recommendations for This Halloween Season
I’ve gotten a couple short story asks/recommendations recently, so I figured there’s no better time than now to put together a masterpost of terrific horror stories to read during the Halloween season. Some hit that perfect October mood, others are just some of my very favorites. But I think all of them should give you what you’re looking for to get into the Halloween spirit. 
Many of the stories on this list are public domain, almost all of them are still in print and available in some form or another. Either way, these are the stories that never fail to put me in the Halloween spirit. 
“The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” by Washington Irving
“The Man in the Black Suit” by Stephen King 
“Good Lady Ducayne” by Mary Elizabeth Braddon 
“The Fall of the House of Usher” by Edgar Allan Poe
“The Forbidden” by Clive Barker 
“The Lake” by Ray Bradbury 
“The Wendigo” by Algernon Blackwood 
“The Diving Girl” by Richard Laymon 
“The Monkey’s Paw” by W.W. Jacobs 
“Miles to Go Before I Sleep” by Bentley Little 
“The Doll” by Daphne Du Maurier
“Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been” by Joyce Carol Oates
“The Yellow Wallpaper” by Charlotte Perkins Gilman
“Nightmare at 20,000 Feet” by Richard Matheson
“Green Tea” by J. Sheridan LeFanu 
“The Company of Wolves” by Angela Carter
“Dracula’s Guest” by Bram Stoker
“Yours Truly, Jack the Ripper” by Robert Bloch
“Sister Cilice” by Barbie Wilde
“The Boogeyman” by Stephen King 
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werewolfkiefermomoa · 8 years
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LITERATURE MEME | 2 movements - (2) dark romanticism
Dark Romanticism, also called American Romanticism, is a subgenre of literature that arose in reaction to Transcendentalism. Dark Romanticism involves sin, self-destruction, and often supernatural forces.
G.R. Thompson describes the movement as follows:
“Fallen man’s inability fully to comprehend haunting reminders of another, supernatural realm that yet seemed not to exist, the constant perplexity of inexplicable and vastly metaphysical phenomena, a propensity for seemingly perverse or evil moral choices that had no firm or fixed measure or rule, and a sense of nameless guilt combined with a suspicion the external world was a delusive projection of the mind—these were major elements in the vision of man the Dark Romantics opposed to the mainstream of Romantic thought.”
Notable writers include Edgar Allan Poe, Nathaniel Hawthorne, and Herman Melville.
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werewolfkiefermomoa · 8 years
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Stephen King has been a horror virtuoso since his debut novel, Carrie. Since then, he’s reinvented the horror genre on numerous occasions both through the depth of his work but also the strange and personal way in which he rights. Below is a compiled list of almost all of his works. Below are links to various works that he is written. Those WITH an asterisk (*) did not have a copy available online, so they are links to other resources. Enjoy!
Stephen King Novels (By Date)
Carrie (1974)
‘Salem’s Lot (1975)
Rage (1976)
The Shining (1977)
The Stand (1978)
The Long Walk (1978)
The Dead Zone (1979)
Roadwork (1980)
Firestarter (1980)
Cujo (1981)*
Pet Sematary (1982)*
Christine (1983)
Thinner (1984)
The Talisman (1984)
It (1986)
Misery (1987)
Needful Things (1990)
Delores Claiborne (1992)
Insomnia (1994)
The Regulators (1995)
Desperation (1995)
Bag of Bones (1998)*
The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon (1999)
Dreamcatcher (2001)
Black House (2001)
From a Buick 8 (2002)
Cell (2006)
Duma Key (2008)
11/22/63 (2011)
Novellas (By Date)
The Mist (Skeleton Crew | 1980)
The Body (Different Seasons | 1982)
The Breathing Method (Different Seasons | 1982)
Apt Pupil (Different Seasons | 1982)
Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption (Different Seasons | 1982)
Secret Window, Secret Garden (Four Past Midnight | 1990)
The Langoliers (Four Past Midnight | 1990)
A Very Tight Place (Just After Sunset | 2008)
The Library Policeman (Four Past Midnight | 1990)*
The Sun Dog (Four Past Midnight | 1990)
Blind Willie (Hearts in Atlantis | 1994)
Heavenly Shades of Night Are Falling (Hearts in Atlantis | 1999)*
Low Men in Yellow Coats (Hearts in Atlantis | 1999)
Why We’re in Vietnam (Hearts in Atlantis | 1999)
UR (The Bazaar of Bad Dreams | 2015)*
Blockade Billy (The Bazaar of Bad Dreams | 2015)
Short Stories (Alphabetized, note: links to these will be found under the ‘Short Story Anthology’ Section)
1408 (Everything’s Eventual | 2002)
1922 (Full Dark, No Stars | 2010)
A Death (The Bazaar of Bad Dreams | 2015)
A Face in the Crowd (Hearts in Atlantis | 1999)
A Good Marriage (Full Dark, No Stars | 2010)
Afterlife (The Bazaar of Bad Dreams | 2015)
All That You Love Will Be Carried Away (Everything’s Eventual | 2002)
Autopsy Room Four (Everything’s Eventual | 2002)
Ayana (Just After Sunset | 2008)
Bad Little Kid ( The Bazaar of Bad Dreams | 2015)
The Ballad of the Flexible Bullet (Skeleton Crew | 1985)
Batman and Robin Have An Altercation (The Bazaar… | 2015)
Battleground (Night Shift | 1977)
Beachworld ( Skeleton Crew | 1985)
Before the Play (Hearts in Atlantis | 1999)
Big Driver (Full Dark, No Stars | 2010)
Big Wheels: A Tale of the Laundry Game (Milkman #2 (Skeleton Crew | 1985)
The Body (Different Seasons | 1982)
The Boogeyman (Night Shift | 1977)
The Breathing Method (Different Seasons | 1982)
Cain Rose Up (Skeleton Crew | 1985)
The Cat from Hell (Night Shift | 1977)
Chattery Teeth (Nightmares & Dreamscapes | 1993)
Children of the Corn (Night Shift | 1977)
Cookie Jar (Hearts in Atlantis | 1999)
The Crate (Different Seasons | 1980)
Crouch End (Nightmares & Dreamscapes | 1979)
The Death of Jack Hamilton (Everything’s Eventual | 2002)
Dedication (Nightmares & Dreamscapes | 1993)
The Doctor’s Case (Skeleton Crew | 1985)
Dolan’s Cadillac (Nightmares & Dreamscapes | 1993)
Drunken Fireworks (The Bazaar of Bad Dreams | 2015)
The Dune (The Bazaar… | 2015)
The End of the Whole Mess (Nightmares… | 1993)
Everything’s Eventual (2002)
Fair Extension (Full Dark, No Stars | 2010)
Father’s Day (Hearts in Atlantis | 1999)
The Fifth Quarter (Nightmares… | 1993)
The Gingerbread Girl (Just After Sunset | 2008)
The Glass Floor (Hearts in Atlantis | 1999)
Graduation Afternoon (Just After Sunset | 2008)
Gramma (Skeleton Crew | 1985)
Graveyard Shift (1977)
Grey Matter (Graveyard Shift | 1977)
Harvey’s Dream (Just After Sunset | 2008)
Hearts in Atlantis (1999)
Here There Be Tygers (Skeleton Crew | 1985)
Herman Wouk is Still Alive (The Bazaar… | 2015)
Home Delivery (Nightmares… | 1988)
The House on Maple Street (Nightmares … | 1993)
I Am the Doorway (Night Shift | 1977)
I Know What You Need (Night Shift | 1977)
In the Deathroom (Everything’s Eventual | 2002)
In the Tall Grass (Hearts in Atlantis | 1999)
It Grows on You (Different Seasons | 1981)
The Jaunt (Skeleton Crew | 1985)
Jerusalem’s Lot (Night Shift | 1977)
Jumper (Hearts in Atlantis | 1999)
L.T.’s Theory of Pets (Everything’s Eventual | 2002)
The Last Rung on the Ladder (Night Shift | 1977)
The Lawnmower Man (Night Shift | 1977)
The Ledge (Night Shift | 1977)
Little Green God of Agony (The Bazaar… | 2011)
The Little Sisters of Eluria (Hearts in Atlantis | 1997)
The Lonesome Death of Jordy Verrill (Hearts… | 1999)
Luckey Quarter (Everything’s Eventual | 2002)
Lunch at the Gotham Cafe (Everything’s… | 1996)
The Man Who Loved Flowers (Night Shift | 1977)
The Man Who Would Not Shake Hands (Skeleton Crew | 1985)
The Man in the Black Suit (Everything’s… | 1994)
The Mangler (Night Shift | 1977)
Mile 81 (The Bazaar… | 2015)
Mister Yummy (The Bazaar… | 2015)
The Monkey (Skeleton Crew | 1980)
Morality (The Bazaar… | 2015)
Morning Deliveries (Milkman #1) (Skeleton Crew | 1985)
The Moving Finger (Nightmares… | 1993)
Mrs. Todd’s Shortcut (Skeleton Crew | 1985)
The Music Room (Coming soon!!! | 2016)
Mute (Just After Sunset | 2008)
My Pretty Pony (Nightmares… | 1993)
N. (Just After Sunset | 2008)
The New York Times at Special Bargain Rates (Just After Sunset | 2008)
The Night Flier (Nightmares… | 1988)
Night Surf (Night Shift | 1977)
The Night of the Tiger (Night Shift | 1978)
Nona (Skeleton Crew | 1980)
Obits (The Bazaar… | 2015)
The Old Dude’s Ticker (Hearts in Atlantis | 1999)
One for the Road (Night Shift | 1977)
Popsy (Nightmares… |1987)
Premium Harmony (The Bazaar… | 2015)
Quitter’s Inc (Night Shift | 1977)
The Raft (Skeleton Crew |1985)
Rainy Season (Nightmares… | 1992)
The Reach (Skeleton Crew | 1985)
The Reaper’s Image (Skeleton Crew | 1985)
Rest Stop (Just After Sunset | 2008)
The Revelations of ‘Becka Paulson (Four Past Midnight | 1990)
Riding the Bullet (Everything’s Eventual | 2002)
The Road Virus Heads North (Everything’s Eventual | 2002)
Rush Call (Hearts in Atlantis | 1999)
Sneakers (Nightmares… | 1993)
Something to Tide You Over (Hearts in Atlantis | 1999)
Sometimes They Come Back (Night Shift | 1977)
Stationary Bike (Everything’s Eventual | 2002)
Strawberry Spring (Night Shift | 1977)
Suffer the Little Children (Night Shift | 1978)
Summer Thunder (The Bazaar… | 2015)
Survivor Type (Different Seasons | 1981)
The Tale of Gray Dick (Hearts in Atlantis | 1999)
The Ten O'Clock People (Nightmares… | 1993)
That Bus Is Another World (The Bazaar… | 2015)
That Feeling, You Can Only Say What It Is in French (Everything’s Eventual | 2002)
They’re Creeping Up on You (Hearts in Atlantis | 1999)
The Things They Left Behind (Just After Sunset | 2008)
Trucks (Night Shift | 1977)
Umney’s Last Case (Nightmares… | 1993)
Uncle Otto’s Truck (Skeleton Crew | 1985)
Under the Weather (The Bazaar… | 2015)
The Wedding Gig (Skeleton Crew | 1985)
The Woman in the Room (Night Shift | 1977)
Word Processor of the Gods (Skeleton Crew | 1985)
You Know They Got a Hell of a Band (Nightmares… | 1990)
Short Story Collections / Anthologies
Night Shift (1978)
Different Seasons (1982)
Skeleton Crew (1985)
Nightmares & Dreamscapes (1993)
Four Past Midnight (1990)
Hearts in Atlantis (1999)
Everything’s Eventual (2002)
Just After Sunset (Another download link) (2008)
Stephen King Goes to the Movies (2009)*
Full Dark, No Stars (2010)
The Bazaar of Bad Dreams (2015)
Movies based on Stephen King Works
Carrie (1976)
The Shining (1980)
Creepshow (1982)
Cujo (1983)
The Dead Zone (1983)
Christine (1983)
Children of the Corn (1984)
Firestarter (1984)
Cat’s Eye (1985)
Silver Bullet (1985)
Maximum Overdrive (1986)
Stand By Me (1986)
Creepshow 2  (1987)
The Running Man (1987)
Pet Sematary (1989)
Tales from the Darkside: The Movie (1990)
Graveyard Shift (1990)
Misery (1990)
Sleepwalkers (1992)
The Dark Half (1993)
Needful Things (1993)
The Shawshank Redemption (1994)
Dolores Claiborne (1995)
The Mangler (1995)
Thinner (1996)
The Night Flier (1997)
Apt Pupil (1998)
The Green Mile (1999)
Hearts in Atlantis (2001)
Dreamcatcher (2003)
Secret Window (2004)
Riding the Bullet (2004)
1408 (2007)
The Mist (2007)
Mercy (2012)
A Good Marriage (2014)
Cell (2016)
The Dark Tower (2017)
IT (Part 1) (2017)
Television Shows / TV Movies Based on Stephen King Works
‘Salem’s Lot (1979)
IT (1990)
Sometimes They Come Back (1991)
Golden Years (1991)
The Tommyknockers (1993)
The Stand (1994)
The Langoliers (1995)
The Shining (1997)
Quicksilver Highway (1997)
Storm of the Century (1999)
Rose Red (2002)
The Diary of Ellen (2003)
‘Salem’s Lot (remake) (2004)
Desperation (2006)
Nightmares & Dreamscapes (2006)
Bag of Bones (2011)
Under the Dome (2013)
Big Driver (2014)
11/22/63 (2015)
Oh and cant forget, some great horror blogs…
That’s all for now. If you enjoyed this, check out my blog here! Also: check out my other masterposts here. If you see any broken links, spelling errors or really any issue at all, PLEASE let me know here. Again, thanks so much. I hope you enjoy this masterpost as I took a lot of time to make it.
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werewolfkiefermomoa · 8 years
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werewolfkiefermomoa · 8 years
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The Lost Boys by Simon Carpenter / Facebook / Twitter / Tumblr / Instagram / Store
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werewolfkiefermomoa · 8 years
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werewolfkiefermomoa · 8 years
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werewolfkiefermomoa · 8 years
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werewolfkiefermomoa · 8 years
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Ashley Nell Tipton of ‘Project Runway’ debuted her plus-size fashion line at JCPenney
Follow @this-is-life-actually
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werewolfkiefermomoa · 8 years
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🚲🍂💕Stranger Things kids 💕🍂🚲
Prints coming soon ~ as well as the whole project on my Behance!
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