werewolfroman · 3 months
The wolf remained silent, he could feel the tension in the air between them.  Not exactly what he had planned for the evening, he would have preferred the sex and take her home afterwards.  Now though, it was all this anger directed at him and him having to make certain calls to ensure the safety of the witch.  
While he waited for a response, something to let him know what choice she made he smacked his lips in annoyance as she made her way to the door and started to walk away from his trailer.  “Fuck,” he grumbled as he grabbed his handy dandy Crocs near the front door and started to jog to catch up to her.
“Alright, so we’re both gonna walk there?”  He inquired.  Still not the best option, because he lived miles from town and he would have to walk back.  But it beat anything happening to her under his watch.  “You’re being ridiculous,” he pointed out.  Sure, she might bite off his head but he was positive he couldn’t get her any angrier than she was now.
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Anger, however misplaced, bubbled under Maya's skin. He was telling her what to do. He wanted her to drink water and let him drive her home. All she wanted was to leave. Dragging out her presence was just making everything worse. She only rolled her eyes though at his insistence that he wasn't telling her what to do.
It was easier, the anger. It was a distraction from all the other things swirling in her brain. Maya would hate herself for it later, but for now she let that anger keep her from completely breaking down. Her shoulders stopped shaking as she finished dressing and turned to look at him. Hell would freeze over before she called someone to pick her up here. She didn't need anyone to know that she was still sleeping with men over twice her age. And especially not her friends' dad.
There was clearly no point in arguing with him. Apparently, he had decided, like so many men before him, that she had two options. The Outskirts could be dangerous, Maya knew that. But her whole life had been dangerous. Anything that happened to her on a walk home wouldn't even rank in her top 5 worst things. A host of cruel things she could say sat on her tongue. It was what she meant by the fact she was being a bitch. Saying them didn't even make her feel better, but it did make people leave her alone. Swallowing the barbs, Maya tried to make at least one good choice today. There was no point in arguing, but she didn't have to argue. Instead, she turned and walked out of the trailer.
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werewolfroman · 3 months
It never failed, the week of the full moon his neighbor’s dogs would be making a not so surprised visit onto his property.  Roman never fully understood it, always wondering if the days leading up the full moon had anything to do with it given his werewolf status.  Or maybe, they just missed running around the yard with Seymour who befriended the two German Shepherds.
Outside in his backyard on his deck, he enjoyed the heat of the sun as the three dogs played around running around the trailer chasing each other when he heard someone at the front door.  Making his way over there, the dogs ran through to beat him to the door as he opened it.
“Yeah, we’re just hanging out back on the deck.  Wanna come join us?  There is beer or sweet tea in the fridge and got some chips and salsa out there,” he offered as he further opened the door to let her in so they could head out to the back deck.
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Indica & Sativa surely had enough land, & sea, to run & swim around in. But there was one brain cell that the two German Shepherds share; which always told them to run off & away from Zara's home & the lake. She never understood why or what it was that would possess them to do so. But they did it every once in a while, usually around a full moon which added to Zara's frustration.
And this time was no different. The pair had run off after Zara had to swim out into the lake to catch a ball thrown too far for the two to catch not to mention the two were too lazy to go catch it themselves. So their mother did, and when she turned around the two had run off into the distance in to two separate directions, but were surely heading to the same spot as always. Roman's.
Zara knew the fellow werewolf would have patience & would most likely be happy to see the marvelous pair. So she took it upon herself to change her now wet clothes as she uttered cuss words along with sentences of how she 'might give the dogs away to someone with a smaller home so they could appreciate the space they have now'. After switching into a plain black v-neck & denim shorts, she slipped into her shoes and dragged herself to her neighbor's.
A knock at the door alerts the dogs, who bark excitedly, knowing their mother has come to retrieve them after their adventure. A beat & ten barks later, Roman appeared at the door. "They're here...aren't they?"
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werewolfroman · 3 months
It was hard to speak with Theodore right now, the youngest of his children with Carina always had rose tinted glasses on when it came to him.  Roman actually preferred it that way, because in many ways Matthew managed to keep Theodore’s innocence intact during all the hardships.
“I know,” he mumbled.  After all, it was a drunk driver that took the life of his wife and his son’s mother.  There was not a lot to be said right now without it turning sour.  The two men were at least speaking, even if Roman was not giving a lot of words to work with.
“I’ll do better,” he insisted.  It wasn’t anything he could promise, but he did want to do better by his children.  Only problem was, he wasn’t sure he was capable of change at this point.
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Theo didn't even know half of what was going on inside his dad's head. If he did, his heart would probably break. He definitely wasn't stupid, it was hard to say why he had been so blind concerning his dad's sobriety being over for more than a year. Maybe he really wasn't paying enough attention or maybe he was just seeing what he wanted to see. What was the point in being aware of something that would only make him sad? What he knew for sure was that he wouldn't be able to move on so easily if he lost his dad. Or if anything happened to him truly. Maybe he wasn't showing it enough, but he really loved him. He had already lost too many parental figures, he couldn't lose the last one he actually had. ''Right...Look, everyone is fine until they aren't. Do you know how many accidents I've seen? Some were drunks who thought nothing could hurt them until they were proven otherwise.'' There was also the few that just didn't care, who thought the world would be a better place without them, but he didn't want to speak this into existence. He didn't want this to be the case for his dad. He scoffed at his last comment without meaning to. His dad clearly had a problem, he did for most of Theo's own life.
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werewolfroman · 3 months
While Abraham dealt with Andalusia, he gathered the equipment needed to ward off any unwanted creatures.  As he got the boxes of ammunition together, gathering everything in the living room and the different weapons he had in different hiding spots, he started to fill up clips so they would be prepared.
“Better to have it and never need it, then to need it and not have it.”  Roman commented.  Truth was, there was some paranoia that he suffered from.  It came with being part of a secret unit and eliminating different enemies in the name of freedom.  You never know who might come and try to find you later in life.  Plus, Greywood always had an array of issues it seemed.
“No problem, after this you owe me a nice bottle of bourbon” the wolf teased as he helped get Abraham situated on the roof for the night shift.  “You need flashlights?”  Roman asked, not sure about the night vision of the creature.
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he whistled, pulling at the reigns in an attempt to guide andalusia towards the barn, the horse reluctantly doing as she was told, nervous whinnies and the occasional attempt to rear up hindering the journey. abraham had never seen her like this, jumping off halfway and having to half-drag to horse in with the other barn animals. if she bolted, abe knew that he'd never get her back, and that she'd most likely become some creatures dinner.
"c'mon you silly filly," the vampire grumbled, eventually getting her inside and quickly shutting the doors the moment she was, bolting it up immediately afterwards and letting out a soft sigh. he met his wolfish friend halfway back to the house, looking through the ammo and taking a box and a half.
"yer sure packin' for a guy in the middle of nowhere in a trailer," there was humour to abe's tone, despite the circumstances.
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werewolfroman · 3 months
Too many emotions were swirling inside the man and all he wanted to do was numb the pain.  Go home and drink another fifth of the bottle of whiskey he kept by his bed.  All his life he idolized his mother, kept all her recipes and told his children about their grandmother and all the adventures they used to  have in the bayou.  How she would let him catch frogs then fry up the legs for dinner, one of his favorite dishes.
However, it was too crushing for him to see her as a vampire.  The creature he hated all these decades, because one murdered his mother.
As he was leaving, he felt her hand and suddenly a clarity came over him and the light drunkenness had vanished.  “The fuck?” He questioned.  “Suited me fine the last few decades,” Roman lied.
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Morgana stood there, her eyes welling up with a sharp, piercing pain that felt like a blow from her husband all over again. She had always tried to shield Joey from her husband's wrath, but it seemed that her protective instincts had been forgotten as soon as she left the room.
As conflicting emotions swirled within her, she struggled to identify a single one. Was it guilt, anger, or sorrow? Whatever it was, it weighed heavily upon her. The temptation to flee and never return tugged at her, yet she made a determined choice. She slipped a note with her address into Joey's pocket. This was her home in Greywood, and she was determined to face whatever lay ahead.
Recognizing that Joey likely had no desire to speak with her, she respected his emotions. However, she refused to avoid him. Embracing a newfound lease on life, she resolved to grasp it wholeheartedly.
Finally, she turned to Joey, and with her eyes alight, she reached out to him, instantly bringing him to sobriety without a word from him. "Drinking doesn't suit you, Joey," she said softly. "You should consider giving it up."
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werewolfroman · 3 months
The older Baudelaire did not expect much from his son’s mouth.  Roman knew he lost that privilege a long time ago, but he sat there quietly waiting on his son.  Whether it be Matthew storming out or changing the subject, because things would be too real if he told his father.  But, he needed his eldest to make the first move.  As Matthew started and paused, Roman remained silent although there was the light tapping of his heel against the ground.  Sudden confusion came over him, what could his son have possibly done to upset Jean Claude?
Suddenly, his son started to rattle one and horror took over his features.  The worst thing about himself he passed down to his own son.  Tears started to form as he swallowed the lump in his throat.  “I–I,” he didn't know what to say.  Addiction was a terrible thing, it consumed the person and often it felt as if there was no way out.  Despite the hypocrisy coming from his lips, Roman spoke up.  “You need help,” he told his son.  Licking his dry lips, so many thoughts were running through his head.  “We can uh, we can figure something out,” he insisted.
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Hearing that Roman was not happy resulted in Matthew turning his head away, the plastered smile dropped as he turned his gaze down to the paper cup of hot coffee in his hand. It wasn't a frown that now rested on his features, it was an expression of nothingness, purely blank and neutral, appearing to be at least, if they were just talking about something unimportant, like the weather. "I--" he started to say and stopped again, pausing to wet his lips as if that might help him get the words out. He didn't even know what to say. He took in a breath and looked up at the dark sky, expanding his chest with the inhalation of breath filling his lungs, "I fucked up," it came out with his exhale, a gust of emotion carried in his tone, but what emotion it was he couldn't name it, it just felt tight in his chest and at the bottom of his throat.
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This unknown emotion was so strong it overpowered everything else and overall just left the human feeling numb, so he didn't feel much of anything else as words started to free fall from his lips, "I get these migraines and I take --" he stopped again, a flicker of fear rose up through the crackling numbness but it didn't last long before it was swallowed up, "I was taking pills for it... and even when I didn't have a migraine I would take it... and J.C. ... told me to tell him if I had a problem but I -- I didn't think I had a problem and then he found my pills... after I lied about them and ... and he got upset... and so he left." All this delivered in the same quiet absent tone of voice, recounting the events flatly and without emotion.
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werewolfroman · 3 months
It was a lot to handle at the moment, Roman had a lot of character flaws but he wasn’t the kind of man that would allow a woman to roam around the Outskirts by herself.  Especially in the condition Maya was in right now.  So, he tried to be patient with her and not over-excite her any further.  “I am not trying to tell you what to do,” he responded.  However, there was no reasoning with the young woman.
As she spoke once more, he gave a nod.  “If you need to be a bitch, then be a bitch.  But, it doesn’t change the fact that I am not letting you walk home alone.”  There was a line and he was setting it right then and there.  Either he drove her home or she had someone pick her up, but she wasn’t leaving alone in her condition.  If she hated him for that, then he would take the hate.  “You choose, I take you home or you have someone pick you up.”
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The worst part for Maya was always that she knew she was being irrational. Roman was clearly worried about her. Her legs were shaky and she was still having trouble breathing. The logical, reasonable thing to do would be to stop for a moment and just do as he asked. But moments like this, she didn't feel inside herself. She was talking, could feel herself moving, but it always felt like she was watching herself do it from the passenger seat.
"Don't tell me what to do," Maya could hear herself say, "I've been taking care of myself since I was 8. I don't need you to tell me what to do." As it always did, the voice in her head got meaner, crueler. This was why no one stayed. She was at best a wounded animal and at worst a landmine. Yanking on her clothes, she tried to take a deep breath. In her head, she started listing the ingredients to apple turnovers to ground herself back in herself. She managed a sigh. Looking back at Roman, Maya tried to explain, "I'm sorry, I just...it's been rough anyway and I, forgot about small towns. I just need space. I know you're just trying to help and I'm being a bitch, But you have to let me be a bitch."
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werewolfroman · 3 months
It had been ages since he last saw or heard from Henry.  Some part of it thought it had to do with their last conversation exchanging texts when Henry mentioned feelings.  Roman tried to be understanding and nice in the matter, but was not sure how Henry handled things on his end.  Perhaps he should have checked in, but his own life was in shambles and the depression was only getting worse.
So when Henry showed up at his door, he was stunned.  “Hennessey?  What are you doing here?”  He questioned with the door opened and Seymour at his feet.  “Everything okay man?”
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Henry still could barely look at his best friend in the face after what had happened with Eris months ago. He avoided him at all costs in fear that he would be harmed if the other male saw him. He couldn't stop himself, and ended up nearly ripping the poor guy to shreds. However, after not seeing the kid for some time, worry started to settle in, and the only person he knew would know was Roman. So, instead of avoiding any longer, he drove over to Roman's home, trying to calm his rapidly beating pulse.
When he got there, he hovered one hand near the door, about to knock, swallowing thickly like he had something stuck in his throat. "C'mon, Henry.... Stop being a fucking coward..." He grumbled lowly to himself before giving a quick three knocks and stepped back, wincing ever so slightly in anticipation.
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werewolfroman · 3 months
Slowly inhaling through his nose, Roman looked over at Eris when he heard the other’s words.  It was not something he could agree to, but instead of causing stress to Eris.  Roman merely said nothing on the matter, figuring it was a conversation for a different day.
“Alright,” he said with a shrug.  Truth of the matter, he wasn’t hungry either.  “Sounds good.”
While they headed towards Eris’ place, he softly smiled.  “No problem kid.”
With no traffic in town, they managed to get to Eris’ place rather quickly.  “You need me to come with you to get everything or do you think you can handle it?”  He questioned.  Roman was not sure how much he should watch over Eris, but he was trying to do the right thing and give the other some space and not have someone hovering over him.
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"Something like that." Eris snorted. He appreciated Roman's attempt to get him to relax and feel more comfortable. He turned his head to peer at the man as best he could without twisting his torso. "Please don't take me to a hospital if I get hurt again."
He knew it was a lot to ask. It felt stupid to say. He knew that Roman had to make a decision when Eris showed up with his chest torn open. He also knew that not going to the hospital if he was hurt again was a bad idea. But he couldn't go back there, where he'd have to be touched and watched by strangers.
"Not hungry." It'd most likely take a while for the nausea to leave him alone. "Sure, we can pick up my laptop and cigarettes from my place. I think that's all I need."
As they pulled out of the hospital lot, the feeling of glass under his skin lessened. He bit at his thumbnail. He still felt unsettled and antsy, and it'd take a while for that to go away. But leaving the place was the best medicine.
"Thank you for sticking with me. I know I didn't make it easy. But you being there was the only thing that kept me from running out of there."
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werewolfroman · 3 months
“At least they talk to you and still live in town,” he offered.  All his children lived in town, but he hardly heard from them.  Roman did know how it was, he missed his children.  At least, he got Dario every other weekend which was nice.  While they stood there, he kept looking around just remembering the good times between each other before things spiraled again.
Listening to her words, he nodded.  Life gave him a shitty hand when it came to his father.  Everything else, he wondered if it was his fault.  It was his decision to join the military, to take special assignments.  Was this his fault that he could not sleep at night?  Which was the catalyst to everything else that had gone wrong in his life.  What if he had been home when Matthew snuck out to that concert?  Then Carina would have never been on the road that night.  “What if you try and make good choices, be better, but it doesn’t matter in the end?  The damage is already done and nothing good can come out of it?”
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"It's okay, I just suppose I need to get used to it," she said with a half smile at that. All her life she had never been alone. She had her parents growing up and then she had Aspen when she was just 16. Then she had married and Violet blessed her life and either one of the two was always there for her in the evenings. Now... well, now she was finding herself lonely in the townhouse they had made a home for the past years. "You know how it is," she added. They had often discussed his kids through the years and he surely knew best what it was like to suddenly have an empty home after there had been multiple pairs of feet tumbling around all the time before.
She nodded as he stated the obvious. She had seen him in better times and could tell that the past months had been difficult. She felt the usual pang of guilt in her stomach that she hadn't been there and then reminded herself why she hadn't been there. As he spoke his next words she shook her head almost immediately. "I just think we sometimes make bad choices and sometimes life gives us bad cards to play with and it's up to us to make good out of them. "
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werewolfroman · 3 months
“Who the fuck you callin’ boy?  Remember, I changed your diapers.”  Roman spoke as he glared at his younger brother.  There was so much anger between them, but it happened so long ago it was hard to remember what the reason was for the falling out between them.  “Again, a straight A student who wants to work for NASA.  He isn’t going to do anything to jeopardize his dream.”  The elder brother countered, hoping he was right in this situation and everything was a misunderstanding.  “What nonsense are you saying?”
Suddenly, his features changed and he released his fists.  Teas began to well in his eyes as he turned for a moment to take a breath.  “Carina died two decades ago,” he told his brother.  It stunned him how long it had been that even his baby brother didn’t know about his wife’s passing.
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Gabriel was here to do good, he was here, in this town, to potentially amend things with Roman, and yet, as they stood face to face, he couldn't help but bite back, be the same stubborn bastard he always was. The way the other's hand balled into a fist didn't go unnoticed by Gabriel, and yet, he couldn't helpt but smirk. "Down, boy. You don't want to start that." His new strength was still something that Gabe was testing out, and whilst he knew better than to go punching everyone, he still couldn't stay silent. "He's a teenager, and he's your son, he's preset to get into trouble. Besides, it clearly fucking is my business if I'm the one picking him up from the middle of nowhere."
His mom? That didn't make sense. As far as he was aware, Roman and Carina weren't the perfect couple, but they loved each other. It was one of those things that he had once adored about his brother. "You and Carina live apart separately now?" Whilst he should've taken the insults and bitten back, the sheer shock threw Gabe off for a moment or two.
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werewolfroman · 3 months
“You got me there Peach,” Roman smiled.  The man knew he looked older than he should and with the white becoming more prominent, people were even calling him gramps at times.
As the two teased each other, he stuck his tongue out at her.  “Alright, alright. Stop making good points,” he joked with the mother of his child.  Right now, things appear great between them.  With over a year in Greywood together, it seemed things were finally falling in place and they were finding their groove when it came to Dario and co-parenting.  “Fine, weird but fine I’ll give it a whirl.  But if I fall over dead, we know who to blame,” he joked.
Once they picked the teas, he looked over at Dario then back to Elena.  “What about mini golf?  Or we could just relax and go to the park?”  Roman offered.  He hadn’t done daddy/son things like this in so long with a teenager, it was hard to remember what they enjoyed.  “Or do you have a different suggestion?”  He asked the two of them.
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"Tell me I'm wrong. I dare you." Even if Elena remained a little tense around Roman, the hurt after all those years still so evident, it was nice to forget it every once in a while, especially around Dario. It was nice to pretend that they were an odd but happy family.
"So if I print out a label stating 'ramen' and stick it on a bag of dirt, you'll eat it happily, knowing it's ramen?" Elena countered back, causing Dario to roll his eyes in both annoyance and amusement. Perhaps it was nice for him to see his parents get along like that too, although Elena wouldn't be too surprised if it was his teenage shenanighans at work. "I've heard it tastes great!" Dario defended his choice, and Elena was willing to give him a pass and try it out too. As silly as something like that was, she was willing to do a lot for her son. Even eat raw fish and pay ridiculous amount of money for it. 
"I think that'd be great. You pick something, okay? No pressure." She nudged her son playfully as the boy went through the menu, eventually picking out the teas he wanted just as the waitress showed up to take their order. Once that was done, Elena focused back on the duo with her. "What do you boys want to do after the restaurant? It'd be unfair to plan all of this and end the evening here."
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werewolfroman · 3 months
“Fairly sure, there are ways to do so.  Specialty items and all at certain stores,” he commented.  From the way things sounded, he agreed her child would enjoy the peace in the home if the parents divorced.  “It is hard to let go of things,” he responded as he took a drink from his beer.  “You make a commitment with someone and losing them seems worse than the alternative.  Even in a loveless marriage.”
As he listened, he smiled hearing about her place of employment.  “That’s good, although don’t see you bringing me treats from the place,” he teased. And of course right after that she mentioned being a taste tester, “sure as long as it isn’t weird shit.”
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"Oh, not at all. If I could fuck myself, I would." Zita was vain. A narcissist. She knew this & wasn't ashamed of it either. She could admit her flaws & didn't have to change them either. She swirled her drink around in her cup as she thought to herself. "I'm sure the child would love the peace," she mumbles & then groans to herself. She takes a big gulp of her drink before getting up. She walks towards the cupboards, grabbing a plate & then two slices of pizza before sitting back down. "I don't get why he just won't get the idea to leave. I clearly don't love him--why does he bother?!" At that moment, it started to regret the facade it wanted to keep up to appear normal. It should've left in the beginning & started an entirely new life in this new vessel.
"The bakery is good!" Zita crosses her legs & takes a bite of her pizza. "I've been trying new desserts so I may need you to be a taste tester."
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werewolfroman · 3 months
The sound of her voice nearly caused him to crack, he remembered it like it was yesterday.  “There is nothing you need to tell me,” he grumbled trying to push away from the bar and leave.  Yet, she blocked part of his exit route.  At the mention of his father, he pulled away from her.  His father was one figure he wished to leave in his past and never think about for the rest of his life.  Unfortunately he had the scars that reminded him everyday who his father was and where he came from.
“You left your children with a monster and became one yourself, leave me the fuck alone.”
With those words, he managed to stand up although he had several drinks and he made a beeline towards the door wanting to put as much space between the two of them.
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The touch of an arm halted his movement, urging him to remain in place. "Joey," she murmured, "I need to tell you something." Gracefully, she settled beside him at the bar, her previous frailty contrasting sharply with her current poise.
"I was on the verge of death, and then…" Her voice faltered as she relived the memory. "An ancestral figure appeared and offered me a new chance at life." She shook her head. "I was already deeply scarred by your father's cruelty…but I yearned to live." Tears filled her eyes as she gazed at him.
"After everything, I grew terrified of harming my own children, so I had to leave. I had transformed into a monstrous version of myself…" She still grappled with the feeling of being a monster, unable to shake off the knowledge of abandoning her children, despite her noble intentions.
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werewolfroman · 3 months
"Honestly, roman? I think you're desperate enough to try either way.”
A moment of pause came over Roman, was the vampire correct in his words?  It occurred to him that Jean Claude was right in this matter, he would try just about anything to make sure his eldest was okay.  Including begging a vampire to take his son back and be there for him.
“Nothing to apologize for,” he murmured.  As the other began rattling off things he would do for his son, Roman just nodded.  There was a lot of work ahead for Matthew and Jean Claude, but he hoped both were in it for the long haul.  “You do what you think is best,” he simply commented because at the end of the day, Matthew was a stranger to him.  The two rarely spoke and when they did, it was rarely anything of substance.
“You don’t have to explain anything to me,” he told the other.  “I would tell him.”  Roman wasn’t trying to be rude, he just knew his opinion on things did not matter.
“I uh, I should head out,” he nodded to himself.  “Thank you for allowing me to speak with you about my son.”
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he thought about how lonely he had felt without matthew by his side, the mans absence felt on so many occasions. jean-claude found him in so many small places it was hard to keep an empty head, or to easily ignore. he'd tried hard to act fine, the vampire a natural at completely crushing his emotions and burying them 10 feet under but, even this was getting to him. roman's forceful tone caused him to flinch, a react he didn't know he had in him.
it can be fixed. the elder baudelaire sounded so sure, and j.c wondered if he was truly aware of the depth of his sons abandonment issues. it wasn't what the vampire had intended to do but, ultimately, had.
he felt stupid, and small, and scared. perhaps he was destined to lose what he loved all along, be it by his own hand or to greater demons out of his control.
warm, rough hands pulled at his own pallid undead ones, forcing jean-claude to look at roman's face, deadly serious as he spoke. "honestly, roman? i think you're desperate enough to try either way," a humorless laugh left his lips, tipping his head back to look at the ceiling of the stockroom-come-breakroom.
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"sorry. sorry," apologising for the biting comment he let out a sigh, turning to look upon the wolf once more. "i'll...i'll text him. see if he wants to meet up somewhere. bring flowers and an apology card," though, jean-claude wasn't wholly convinced it would fix everything. it'd be hard work, to earn back the trust he poured lighter fluid on and set ablaze.
"i want you to know, i didn't ask for the break because i don't want to deal with an addict. believe it or not, i'm so very, very aware of the short lives people live. i just want matthew to stick around for as long as he can, before i'm doomed again to a loveless existence. i just panicked,"
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werewolfroman · 3 months
“Again, I don’t give a fuck about your concern.  And leave my son out of this,” he added with a growl.  Roman was annoyed, first Charlie comes in and decides to disturb his quiet night and now mentions his kid.  Returning his sights on his beverage, Roman took another drink from his glass and stared down at the bartop.  A few years ago, he would be having a blast.  Talking with people, asking a beautiful lady to dance.  Now though, he was just sad and did not have the energy.  Soon, the damn cop was speaking once again and he turned.  “What the hell are you talking about man?  You know this is almost harassment at this point.”
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Charlie let out a soft laugh as he shook his head. "If only it was." Charlie knocked the bar gently, as he looked at the bartender for a moment before he looked back to Roman. "Yes well.." Charlie shook his head as he took another sip of his drink. "You may not be concerned, but I am and I know Theo would be as well." Charlie placed his glass back down at the bar, looking at it for a moment before he looked back to Roman. "Do you really want to do this Roman?"
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werewolfroman · 3 months
Roman stared out the window, towards his right and watched the street lamps go by until they were out in the country where the tree lines were filling the space.  There was not a lot to be said between them, both knew the truth of what happened that evening and any discussion over it would only lead to more tension between the two Bauldelaire men.  Or at least that was until Theodore spoke, saying dad.
Turning towards his son, he did not know what to say.  If something happened to him, he truly believed with every fiber of his body his children would be sad for a moment.  However, they would be relieved soon afterwards and never think about him again.  Only exception might be Dario, but then again his youngest had only been in his life less than two years so it could swing either way.
He wanted to respond with his thoughts, but he decided not to.  There was no need to put his own insecurities on his son.  “I was fine,” he insisted once more.
Sighing heavily, he looked at his son baffled that Theodore was unaware all this time that he had been drinking.  It had been nearly a year since he picked up the bottle again.  “Sobriety is for people who have a problem, I don’t have a problem.”  He commented.
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Theo gripped the steering wheel tightly, his knuckles turning white as he tried to keep his composure. The hum of the engine was the only sound that filled the tense silence between them. He took a deep breath, feeling the weight of disappointment and worry pressing down on him like a heavy blanket.
He really wanted to believe that it was the truth. That Charlie had been wrong, that he made a mistake, but he knew the actual truth deep-down. He didn't want to argue further. "Fine, if you say so," he muttered, his voice strained, barely masking the bitterness in his words. He knew how to recognize someone who had been drinking, and he didn't appreciate his dad lying about it. His eyes darted to his father's face, searching for any sign of remorse, but he saw none.
Theo bit his lip, trying to control the frustration bubbling beneath the surface. His chest felt tight, a mix of anger and sorrow swirling inside him. He didn't know if he should feel more hurt or concerned, listening to his dad's words. Wasn't his family a good enough reason? Wasn't he enough? But he didn't want to make this about himself. He knew there was a lot he didn't know because everyone around him was always trying to protect him. It just felt like his dad was choosing the bottle over his kids, again.
“Dad,” Theo began, his voice soft but firm, his hands trembling slightly as he turned to face him. "I know you're angry, but tonight could've been dangerous. What if something happened to you? Or what if you hurt someone else?" His throat tightened, the words feeling heavy as he forced them out. Technically, he did hurt someone else. But once again, he didn't want to make it about himself. ''So, tonight wasn't the first time you broke your sobriety?''
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