wesleyxjames · 5 days
"Hell yeah," he laughed, nodding his head, "I'm in," he joked with his older brother. Wesley whistled all the same, cheering for his nephew. "Things going well with Julieta?" He questioned his brother as his clapping came to a rest. To see his older brother with a woman that was not Summer was a bit refreshing to him. It wasn't that Wesley disliked Summer, but he could see the toll the relationship had taken. @quentinxjames
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It was one thing to see his son enjoy what he was doing and having great fun at it, but it was another thing to see him glow up at the cheering of his family, watching how the shy boy cast a smile at them before he continued his enthusiastic stomping. "That's my boy." He sighed, whistling at the boy that was close to winning. "He wins this, we're so going to get him ice cream." @wesleyxjames
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wesleyxjames · 5 days
"No one can predict how things are going to go," if he had been able to predict the outcome for him and Amayah? He would have done anything possible to change it and there were far too many movies, shows on what happened when people messed with time. "I am scared," he told Bridget, "of course I am, I lost her once for ten years," though he had pushed her to go, knowing it was what she needed to heal, "but my love for her, anything is possible. Even if it doesn't seem that way. I've always seen a life with Amayah and truly, it didn't matter if she didn't come home for twenty years, my heart would still be hers." @bridgetxjames
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She took a deep breath and looked around for a moment before back at her older brother. "I just wish I knew how this was going to end. It'd make it all easier to know what to do." She sighed and moved some hair behind her ear. "Though, I guess that defeats the whole thing, doesn't it? We can't know and just hope." She pursed her lips. "How do you do it? Aren't you scared?" @wesleyxjames
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wesleyxjames · 10 days
Wesley had enjoyed following the man's career over the years, a past time of sorts with his good friends. "What's your go-to? White? Red? Rose?" He was hardly someone that knew wine, but he figured he might be able to help the other. Or at least, he could help find someone that could help Marcel for his wedding. "I should be doing the same, though," he chuckled, though he and Amayah had yet to pick a date, he didn't want to wait another ten years to marry her. "When's your wedding?" Wesley questioned with genuine curiosity. @marcelvaughn
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Marcel grinned, "Pleasure is all mine." He told him, always happy to meet someone who had once been supportive of his now non existing football career. It had once been his pride and joy, but he'd thrown it all away because he'd made a awful choice to get involved with something he just as easily could have stayed out of. "Mmm, very true--" He chuckled, "I am looking for some good choices for my upcoming wedding personally, so hopefully something local will tickle my taste buds." @wesleyxjames
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wesleyxjames · 10 days
Wesley nodded his head, "A smart thing to do," he told Tyler as the other mentioned that he was wearing his leg brace for extra support. "He imagined the other was a bit too young to sustain permanent damage. "It was nice of Bridget to help make sure you were alright." Perhaps, it was too nice of his younger sister, but that was the protective older brother in him that was overtaking his thoughts. "I'm sure it has to do more with school being out, that people are headed to the aquarium, yeah?" @tylerxday
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He did before and was going to try and get along with Bridget's family. He only had Riley so he wasn't used to having a bit of family around like Bridget had. He nodded with a smile "That's great" glad it was going well with Wesey at work. Tyler smiled "Great I am glad to be back at it, I do wear my leg brace while I work but it's for extra support" something that he still did need so he didn't end up hurting his leg again. "But getting ready for busy season now it's starting to warm up" he smiled. @wesleyxjames
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wesleyxjames · 18 days
"You're welcome," it was extending an olive branch, right? He wanted his sister to be happy and if it was with Tyler, he wanted to support her. Scaring the man off now would be counterproductive to the cause. He'd have words with the man once Bridget had made up her mind on whether she wanted to be with Tyler or not. "It's been good," he nodded his head when he answered the question, "the aquarium treating you well?" @tylerxday
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He didn't fully know how Bridget's family felt about him. But he knew what he had with Bridget wasn't normal but it was something. He had loved her for years and always would but. But he knew due to he family history love did scare her. "Oh okay... "he had to look around for a moment "Thanks" he said and sat down on the seat across from Wesley. "How's the bank going..." he said trying to make small talk. @wesleyxjames
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wesleyxjames · 19 days
The conversation was one that they had before - probably on several occasions. Yet, he always wanted to talk things out with his sister if it meant that it might help her make up her mind. "As much as I hate the way you've hurt over all of this, I don't see it going any other way if you commit yourself to each other." He could tell that Bridget loved Tyler and Tyler loved her - but what he hated was seeing her hurt. "I think you can give him what you want, you're selling yourself short." @bridgetxjames
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She stopped walking and took a deep breath. It was a repeat conversation almost for them, but her fear was so prominent and she couldn't get passed it. "I just don't want to screw things up and lose him. Or lose him any other way. If I let myself be with him, I want it to be forever. I don't think I could handle anything else." She crossed her arms. "I probably already lost my shot anyways. I told him I needed to think and he said he wasn't going to wait too long. He deserves someone better than me. Someone who can give him what he wants." @wesleyxjames
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wesleyxjames · 19 days
Wesley figured that was something that the former football had to say to his fans. The man never wanted to be someone that was overbearing and a nuisance. "Nice to officially meet you," Wesley had known that the other was from Kismet Harbor but since Wesley was a few years older, they hadn't crossed paths much. "I am, yeah," he gave a nod of his head, "never hurts to find a new flavor to enjoy until next year." @marcelvaughn
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Marcel was going to make the most of the event in town and hopefully at least be able to present Aarin with some wine options at least. He had booked in for the winery tour and as he was standing in line, he eyed the doors ahead while waiting patiently for them to open. As a voice spoke, mentioning his name, he looked to his side and greeted the other with a smile. "Hello--" He told him, "Pleasure is all mine, always a pleasure meeting a fan." Or so he assumed seeing he knew who he was, but then again this was a small town and he was a known face to most, so it was also maybe just at random. "Nice to meet you Wesley. You here for the wine too?" @wesleyxjames
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wesleyxjames · 26 days
Wesley wasn't the biggest fan of Tyler, only because he saw the turmoil that Bridget went through over him. He was no stranger to love, having loved Amayah for as long as he could remember at this point in his life, but he hated to see his sister struggle with what to do. "No," he was quick to respond with a shake of his head, "you can sit," he offered, gesturing to the chair with a outstretch of his hand, "I wasn't expecting anyone else." @tylerxday
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Tyler was trying to keep busy during the event month. He still was working full time but his time off was spent around town at the number of events. He was trying to give Bridget time but it was starting to get really hard. He wanted to know what she wanted to do, and he just missed her. So it was just his luck as soon as he went to reach for an open chair, her brother was across from him. "Wesley..." he said as he moved his hand. "I can find another seat if you need both... "he said unsure if Wesleu was meeting someone maybe. @wesleyxjames
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wesleyxjames · 26 days
Wesley hadn't stopped watching his nephew, only looking at his brother as he was nudged by him. "I know, he's going!" He laughed, clapping before whistling at the young boy in encouragement. "They grow up so fast." Wesley shook his head with the thought, "WOO! LUKE!" He cheered, clapping his hands some more. "I think he's going to win!" @quentinxjames
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"Look at him go, look!" Quentin elbowed his brother's side, pointing over at Luke who seemed to have the time of his life stomping on a whole barrel of grapes. For such a shy boy, he was really going for it in the competition. "Who'd have thought that the shy boy that was stuck to our hips last year is going crazy now? GO LUKE, GO!!!" @wesleyxjames
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wesleyxjames · 26 days
Though his younger sister said that she hated him, his lips returned a weak smile in her direction. He knew better than to believe her when she said that - it was only because he had read right through her attempt to disguise anything she was going through. It was something Wesley had learned to do over the years. He shook his head, knowing what it was like to miss someone. For ten years he had been without Amayah and the two had not missed a beat since she returned to Kismet Harbor. "I know," he knew how much his sister feared ending up like their mom. "You aren't mom," Wesley assured, as he had many times before, "especially because you are aware of what she was like and don't want to end up like that. Quentin and I wouldn't let that happen," though he knew there was only so much her older brothers could do at the end of the day. "It's scary to be in love," he gave Bridget a soft smile, "but it's clear you've always cared about him, Bridget. It sounds like it might be worth taking that chance." @bridgetxjames
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"Well, I'm sorry I didn't help. And I can still if you need." She told him before taking a deep breath. That was the problem with Wesley: he could always see right through her. "I hate you." She lied more to him before sighing. "I miss him. Is it bad I wish he would've been hurt longer so he could've stayed?" She asked before shrugging. "Plus... We kissed again. And told each other we love each other. But I... I'm scared, Wes." She had dived into that fear with him a while ago and she felt like it just increased lately. "I told him I need time to think, but I don't know what to do. I know you want me happy and I want it too. I just keep thinking of the what ifs and how scared I am of becoming Mom." @wesleyxjames
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wesleyxjames · 1 month
starter for @marcelvaughn
location: cunnamore vineyard
Wesley stood in line, awaiting the winery tour. He hadn't told Amayah he was coming, wanting to scope it out for a venue for their upcoming wedding. They'd yet to select a date but he wanted to see if anything sparked his interest for a venue so that he could surprise her with a few options. As people began to line up behind him, Wes shifted in line, locking eyes with someone behind him. "Oh, no way," he chuckled, "Marcel Vaughn," he wasn't the biggest of football fans but it was hard to ignore someone that had made it big from their town, "an honor to be standing next to you." He lightly joked, holding out his hand, "Wesley."
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wesleyxjames · 1 month
starter for @tylerxday
location: cedar grill and lounge
Wesley had planned to meet up with Amayah later for dinner, but while she was off with her girlfriends, Wesley made a pit stop at the local conservatory charity. He walked in and made his way to one of the few open tables. Wesley was about to sit down when someone else reached for a chair across the table. "Oh -" he hadn't seen another person coming, "Tyler," he locked eyes with the person that had reached for the other chair. He cleared his throat, standing across the table from his younger sister's ex-boyfriend. The one that had broken her heart.
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wesleyxjames · 1 month
starter for @ariseongmurray
location: kinsellas vineyard
"I hadn't realized you moved back to town." Ari was a few years older than Wesley but Kismet Harbor had been small enough that it was easy to know just about everyone in some regard. "I mean, I know," he thinned his lips, "I'm sorry for your loss," he knew he had said it before, "I guess I just hadn't realized you and your husband were going to move here permanently. Not that I'm complaining." These words brought a smile to his lips as he set down the glass of wine for Ari that he brought back from the bar for them. "Are you settling in well?"
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wesleyxjames · 1 month
"No, you weren't." He was only teasing his sister. He hadn't asked either sibling to help him with the move. When it came to his new place with Amayah, he did most of the heavy lifting where he could. "Bridget?" His brows raised as she looked away from him. The words leaving her mouth could have been positive, for anyone else but he knew his younger sister and words spoken were anything but. "Are you going to keep lying to me?" @bridgetxjames
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"Was I supposed to volunteer?" She asked curiously, raising an eyebrow up at him. She wouldn't, but she didn't even think about it. Not with Tyler say with her and then going home. She smiled as he said things were going good with work. "Good. I'm glad things are working out for you." Bridget was completely happy for her brother and it was great to see him so happy. "Me?" She asked, her face falling and she looked away from him. "Yeah. Works great, always busy at the bakery making something. And you know I have my apartment back to just being me and the roommate so yay." She said, but it wall all just fake. "What could be better?" @wesleyxjames
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wesleyxjames · 1 month
"I know we could have asked you," but he knew that they hadn't needed his sister to help out and he didn't want to burden her by asking and having to have her decline. "It is great," he gave a smile to his sister as he agreed with her sentiment. "Perfect, eh?" He raised his brows, "I can't complain, the promotion has been treating me well." He told his sister. "Are you doing good?" @bridgetxjames
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"Okay." She said and smiled as they continued walking towards the pizza place. Bridget listened to her brother and nodded. "It is. And you could've asked me to help, but I was kinda busy there for a bit." She pointed out. She was trying to help Tyler and thinking about it made her miss him again. She smiled as she looked at Wesley. "That's great, Wes. I'm happy for you." She was incredibly happy for him. "They're great. Everything is perfect. How's the bank?" @wesleyxjames
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wesleyxjames · 1 month
"I'll keep that in mind," Wesley said as he stepped down, her hand caressing his hip. A smile curled up his lips, "Indian works for me," there were few foods that Wesley wouldn't eat - though most of those were thanks to Amayah. Without her, he wasn't sure how much his food palette would have expanded. "Count me in," Wesley grinned at her before sitting down as she told him, "what's up, baby?" He was curious to what she was getting, only to let out a laugh as she turned around with a familiar book. "No, the wedding book?" The man grinned, "how much are we keeping the same?" @amayahxfontenelle
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"Toasted isn't a good look on you, baby." She smiled at him, pleased that he stopped with what he was doing, her hand comfortably caressing his hip once he got down from the ladder. As if petting him for doing a good job, but affectionately. "We could definitely order take out. Indian?" She asked, moving her hand from his hip to instead grasp onto his. "We can talk bird, bees and trees. Make a check list or what to do and what to get? Talk wedding? Oh! That reminds me, sit down." She told him, jumping off of the couch and making her way to nearby boxes where she could've sworn she had seen it earlier. Her little surprise to him, when she did find it, she turned around with a flash, revealing the wedding plan book she had made all those years ago. "Guess what mom still had." @wesleyxjames
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wesleyxjames · 1 month
"Thank you," he smiled as Roman flashed him a smile. "I'm hoping we are able to, that's the plan anyway." At least if the two of them could get the basics done in a relatively timely manner. They'd taken some time off work and Wesley was enjoying working on the house on the weekends. It was everything he could have dreamed of, having waited ten years for the love of his life to return to Kismet Harbor. "We'd be happy to help," he told Roman, his smile growing, "though I have to admit, Amayah is much better at all of that. I am just the executor of the wishes she has." Though he meant that in the most endearing way possible. @romanrhodes
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"Oh, yeah, congratulations." Roman flashed him a smile, ignoring the part of him that was envious. Buying a fixer-upper with the person he loved, to build a life together... Roman felt that familiar, painful sharpness in his chest, but he ignored it, and pushed it away. "Will you be throwing a housewarming once the jobs are done?" He suggested.
"I've decided to redecorate the farmhouse, so I might be coming to you guys for some friendly advice. I don't know a thing about matching colours, patterns, textures... all that stuff."
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