westpacpkg · 1 year
Custom Rigid Setup Boxes: The Ultimate Packaging Solution for High-End Products
Custom rigid setup boxes are a popular packaging solution used across a wide range of industries. These boxes are known for their durability and sturdiness, making them an ideal choice for high-end products such as luxury items, electronics, and cosmetics.
Rigid setup boxes are made from thick, high-quality cardboard or paperboard material that can withstand the rigors of transportation and handling. The boxes are typically designed to have a hinged lid that opens and closes smoothly, providing easy access to the product inside.
One of the main advantages of custom rigid setup boxes is their ability to be fully customized to meet specific product requirements. These boxes can be designed in a variety of sizes, shapes, and colors to match branding and marketing efforts. The customization options include various finishes such as foil stamping, embossing, debossing, and UV coatings that can add a luxurious and elegant touch to the packaging.
Custom rigid setup boxes are an excellent choice for products that require a high level of protection during shipping and storage. The boxes can be reinforced with additional layers of cardboard or foam inserts to provide cushioning and support for fragile products. This is especially important for products that need to be shipped over long distances or stored for extended periods of time.
The rigid construction of these boxes also ensures that they can be stacked without collapsing or deforming. This is particularly important for retailers who need to store and display products on shelves or in storage rooms.
In addition to their protective qualities, custom rigid setup boxes are also environmentally friendly. They can be made from recycled or biodegradable materials, reducing the impact on the environment. This is an important consideration for consumers who are increasingly concerned about sustainability and environmental impact.
Overall, custom rigid setup boxes offer a versatile and durable packaging solution for a wide range of products. They can be customized to meet specific branding requirements, provide excellent protection for products, and offer eco-friendly options for companies looking to reduce their environmental footprint. As such, they are a popular choice for high-end products across various industries, and their popularity is expected to grow in the coming years.
West Pac Pkg, Inc
is one of the leading
Custom Rigid Setup Boxes
, Specialty Boxes, Chipboard Boxes,
Retail Display Boxes Manufacturer in California
. Contact us today for design sample!
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westpacpkg · 1 year
Do You Know What Are Custom Boxes?
Best Use of Custom Boxes For Your Company: On the off chance that you have been engaged with the sustenance provider, we suggest that you pick the conveyance boxes ideally. No individual might want to eat a nourishment item that has a wet and hard structure. It is the ideal bundling for boxes that make sustenance sweet and sound for quite a while. These days, the interest for custom inflexible boxes is developing, which is ideal for capacity purposes. They can help you in the most ideal manner with regards to putting away the items at the season of home change. They can act deliberately like their toy box or the book box.
Advantages of Using Custom Boxes: Since the most recent couple of years, unbending boxes have been utilized that have been customized for bundling the items. Particularly in the United States they have an extreme interest for the bundling of valuable and delicate items. They are basically utilized for bundling delicate items, for example, cell phones, tablets, and so on. The hard material utilized for bundling these inflexible boxes recognizes them from different boxes.
Talk About Small & Medium-sized Businesses: When we talk about little and medium-sized organizations, they like to utilize this case rather than a normal cardboard box. It relies upon the idea of the item that the material uses for bundling in custom boxes. These inflexible boxes are generally accessible in one piece and in two sections. You can make any sort of customized imprinting on them for the character of your image. The vast majority and organizations like to put their logo on these cases, while others need to dispose of silver and gold. The inflexible boxes are alluring enough to pull in individuals to their image and item. They are likewise accessible in high contrast with no print, however a great many people incline toward an alternate shading print work.
Great Importance of Customized Boxes: One of the most significant parts of the conveyance procedure of the cases is identified with the conveyance of the items. To have the option to deal with the best nature of altered Rigid boxes, we spread the administrations of great Rigid boxes. These crates are produced using the uncommon utilization of thick and thick mixture pizzas. Kraft paper is one of the most significant arrangements and, be that as it may, the compelling answer for better get ready pizza boxes for conveyance. Moreover, we even underscore your idea with the uncommon alternatives that meet your necessities. Also, we endeavor to utilize the most developed creation innovation to fulfill the brilliant guidelines of our offers.
These experts accomplish something beyond exhort you on the most proficient method to pack things. They likewise give guidance on quality control, RFID labels, recyclability, alter apparent boundaries and significantly more. For particular things where simply the best will do, it pays to have one of these consultants in your group to guarantee negligible misfortunes while amplifying item life span! Good luck for your business.
We understand that for some item providers, conventional delivery supplies may not possess all the necessary qualities. You may have an uncommonly formed item that requires something a bit past what common customization can convey. Also, you may need more command over the quality procedure to guarantee that your thing can support a most extreme timeframe of realistic usability and maintain a strategic distance from indications of altering. For progressively included issues like these, you might need to contract a bundling engineer.
West Pac Pkg, Inc
is one of the leading
Custom Specialty Boxes
, Chipboard Boxes,
Retail Display Boxes Manufacturer in California
. Contact us today for design sample!
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westpacpkg · 1 year
Not Satisfied with Your Custom Boxes Supplier? Try West Pac Pkg Inc
The packaging is the basic need of all businesses now as it serves them in an important process such as protection and promotion of products. They provide businesses with matchless competitive advantages and can help them elevate their sales and profits. Cardboard boxes can be customized in any desired shape and size as the materials used are superior and matchless in versatile nature. They are also perfect to resist all kinds of damaging and contaminating factors, along with endless options for customization. Both digital and offset printing are available for the Custom box design in PMS and CMYK configurations, along with lamination and finishing options.
Significance of design
All the product manufacturers are looking for effective tactics that can help them ensure their products' security during the transit and storage phase and make the safe delivery of products sure for the consumers. Providing consumers with damage-free products helps the businesses reflect their professional nature to them and effectively assists in fostering brand loyalty in the minds of consumers. Moreover, the competition in the market for sales of products is also making it hard for businesses to elevate their sales and promotional activities are also essential than ever before. Businesses are required to present their products in a creative manner in an attempt to captivate the consumers and influence their purchasing decision. They are always looking for packaging designs that are functional, alluring, vivid, and can help them side by side in both the promotional activities and protecting the products. Custom box packaging can help you in a perfect and matchless way as they are perfect in all aspects and can provide businesses with bundles of competitive advantages.
Why every business needs them?
In the modern competitive environment of the market, it is becoming really hard for businesses to make their sales skyrocket again. The marketers are in the hunt for innovative promotional tactics that can help them to elevate their sales and make the reach of their business to go higher. Customized packaging designs can help them in the best possible manner as the design is considered to be the ultimate marketing tool for businesses that allures the consumers by captivating their attention. Box printed with creatively designed graphics, and illustrations are always effective to influence the purchase decision of the consumers and can make the sales of businesses to go higher. Businesses can buy boxes in bulk and get them customized according to their requirements. It only takes to find the best packaging supplier who can provide you with top packaging designs at low rates. If you are dissatisfied with your current box supplier, here are tips for you to find the best.
Finding the right supplier
All the businesses in the market are looking for top packaging companies that can provide them with the most innovative and functional packaging designs at low rates. There are a number of packaging suppliers functional in the market who can provide you with their products and services, but it is always important to select the best for your supplies. Packaging used by your business is like your ultimate marketing machine, and it should be perfect in quality. Moreover, the consumers also perceive packaging as a basic hint about the quality of products, and thus, they focus on its quality closely. If you are unhappy with your current packaging supplier, you can find a new one, but keeping your requirements in your mind. There are two main options for which you can opt for, the first is local vendors around your surrounding, and the other option is online packaging companies. Both of the suppliers have their own certain advantages, and you can select them according to your own preferences.
Packaging vendors nearby
As the demand for packaging is growing with every passing day, there are different packaging suppliers now functional in the spectrum that can provide you with cost-savvy and functional designs of packaging easily. Packaging vendors nearby you are one of them, and they can provide you with bundles of benefits. They are highly professional and can provide you with top packaging supplies at low rates. They usually deal in pre-manufactured packaging boxes that are ready to be used; thus, the lead time required for packaging is simply zero. Learn the advantages of using their services.
·         They make use of the highest quality materials in their supplies.
·         The packaging at their disposal is highly functional and protective.
·         They have a wide range of options to choose from.
·         They provide packaging at low rates.
·         They have the highest turnaround rate as they deal in pre-manufactured packaging.
·         Shipping cost is also zero due to the location proximity
·         They provide competitive rates
·         There are also certain limitations with these suppliers
·         Customization options are only limited to labeling as they only deal in pre-manufactured packaging designs
·         Custom sized boxes are not available at their disposal
Online packaging companies
If your requirements are not suitable for the supplies provided by local packaging companies nearby you, there is no need to panic as you can use the services and products provided by online packaging companies. They provide you with the highest quality of box printed packaging precisely according to your desire and requirements. These packaging companies are highly professional and also provide you with free designing service so you can make your dream packaging design come true. Here are the benefits you get by using the services of such companies
·         They have strict quality control measures so that you can get the highest quality packaging.
·         Their advanced machinery in use makes the quality of product packaging ensured along with reduced turnaround time.
·         The top packaging companies provide free shipping service when you buy boxes in bulk.
·         They also provide a free designing service for all their supplies.
·         The use of the die plate is also free of cost.
·         The printing options for custom box packaging are endless and can help you to elevate the visuals of the packaging as you want.
West Pac Pkg, Inc
is one of the leading
Custom Chipboard Boxes Manufacturer in California
. Contact us today for design sample!
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westpacpkg · 2 years
Packaging Choices: Rigid Set-up Boxes vs. Folding Cartons
When planning to bring a new product to market, the packaging is a critical point in consumer response. Not only should the product be presented with outstanding design elements that attract the eye, the box must be able to withstand the stresses of packing and shipping without damage to box, surface, or product. The choice between rigid set-up boxes and folding cartons is just one of a multitude of crucial decisions that are part of planning a new product launch, or the process of updating an existing brand.
Rigid set-up boxes are crafted from thicker material called ship board that get wrapped with a light printed sheet. They require no erecting/folding type When planning to bring a new product to market, the packaging is a critical point in consumer response. Not only should the product be presented with outstanding design elements that attract the eye, the box must be able to withstand the stresses of packing and shipping without damage to box, surface, or product. assembly, making product fulfillment time less than a traditional folding carton solution. A rigid set-up box provides an unmistakable impression of quality, particularly when the box has been designed with appealing graphics, special finishes and textures, or other attractive design elements.
Consumers respond to quality packaging, and rigid set-up boxes are a powerful way to present a product, particularly when the box design has design elements such as textures, foil stamping, or embossing. Although these boxes cost more to produce and carry higher shipping costs due to the larger required space, the end result of a custom-designed box is a critical selling point for the product. Bottom line – consumers appreciate quality, and the box design and structure clearly communicate the quality of the product within.
Folding cartons have the advantage of being shipped flat – saving the cost of shipping when compared to shipping rigid boxes. These cartons are produced with fewer processes, and at lower cost. The boxes, manufactured from paper or plastic, require set-up (erecting) after shipping, quickly taking shape, and are pre-glued for rapid construction. Folding cartons can be designed in almost limitless range of shapes, sizes, designs, and substrates.
The critical point in any folding carton is whether the design stands out on the shelf and attracts the eye of the consumer. Every detail matters, from texture, to graphics, to shape, size, color, and clear branding. With the help of a professional packaging design team, luxury or decorative folding cartons can be produced to suit your brand perfectly. With the right design, shape, and custom features and finishes, your product can be far more attractive to consumers browsing the shelves.
A skilled folding carton manufacturer can create a folding carton that can “stand in” for a rigid set-up box successfully, giving the appearance of high quality and costing far less to produce. At West Pac Pkg Inc, our team of professionals can help you design a folding carton that provides the luxury appeal of a rigid box, but without the higher cost of production and shipping. We cover the full spectrum of industries, including health and beauty, entertainment, spirits, foodand beverage and more.
Our team has the expertise, experience, and deep skillset needed to produce rigid set-up boxes or folding cartons that are truly above and beyond the ordinary in quality and design.
West Pac Pkg, Inc is one of the leading Custom Setup Boxes PackagingManufacturer in California. Contact us today for design sample!
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westpacpkg · 2 years
Die Cut and Customized Packaging Boxes Are Ideal For Packaging in USA
In USA the demand of the die cut boxes has increased to a great extent. These prefabricated cartons are created at industrial levels and they are available at different sizes and shapes. On the basis of their making, there are two types of boxes available almost everywhere in all over the world. The types of the packaging boxes include single walled and the double wall. The single walled boxes are much cheaper and lower in quality than the other, double walled boxes only due to their simpler design. However, both of these types are being used all over according to the desires of the user.
The process of making of the single walled corrugated box requires two flat sheets with additional sheet running in the middle throughout at repeated angle. The layer running through the middle plays a vital role in the making of carton strong enough to carry heavy weights for shifting from here and there. On the other side, the double walled corrugated box is manufactured using three flat cardboard sheets. Additional sheets are set between them in order to make the packaging boxes stronger. This type of boxes is more efficient and expensive than the other single walled boxes. They offer more durability and have potential to carry the products having large weights.
The huge market of the cardboard boxes is huge in the USA. However, all depends upon the quality of the boxes. West Pac PKG Inc. which is a packaging company has a vast experience in the making of the different products that includes different kinds of packaging boxes. The professionally designed packaging boxes are available with us. You can have the box in full color printing in order to make it advertise your different products. There are many other printing companies but we have the professionals and they are available 24/7 in order to make the products of the clients.
These custom boxes are available in stocks and provided to the customers with the packed products within it. However, the most important thing that matters a lot during their sending is the printing. The full color high quality printing with matte of gloss lamination gives a great impact on the others and tells about the product which is packed inside.
If you are looking for some packaging box services that provide the best quality die cut boxes printing services to their customers with free shipping to the door step, then you are exactly at the place which provides you all the above-mentioned facilities with some promotions as well. So, don't be late, visit our website and do live chat with one of our live chat representatives. He/she will be happy to assist you and provide you with the best price quote for the custom packaging boxes with promotions. Just call us now and get the amazing deals from our CSRs.
West Pac Pkg, Inc
 is one of the leading 
Custom Die Cut Boxes Manufacturer in California
. Contact us today for design sample!
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westpacpkg · 2 years
Cosmetic Packaging California - Tips For a Successful Design
From brick-and-mortar to e-commerce stores, custom cosmetic packaging can help you succeed with signature design and branding. Customization can help you turn the boring brown boxes into something that helps elevate the customer experience. It will also help create a stronger and lasting relationship with the targeted audience. When it comes to designing the perfect packaging solution, cosmetic brands have several questions in the mind. Did you know that customers only take 3 to 5 seconds to make the purchase decision? It means the product presentation and design matter more than you think. According to the expert, a customer's experience with your brand can help to make or break your image. The more thoughtful the design is, the more it will help to draw the customers.
Standing out in the crowd is essential. Sometimes, custom cosmetic boxes are alone enough to capture the customer's attention and influence them to purchase. Apart from leaving a lasting first impression, a customized solution can benefit your business in many ways. It all depends on the approach you choose. Here are the top 6 tips to keep in mind while designing your cosmetic packaging:
It Is Essential To Know Whom You Are Targeting
When it comes to reaching the targeted market, it is essential to do your homework. You need to know who your potential customers are. It is crucial to know them for the sake of your product and brand. The key to a successful design is to align it with the targeted customers. The design and visual appeal should catch the eye of the shoppers instantly. For example, if your brand produces high-end cosmetic items, but your packaging is fanciful, it will be difficult to target the right audience. Before you start looking for the design options, make sure that you know your product and targeted market well. It will help you reach potential customers without putting in much effort. The best way to overcome this issue is to do your research.
Pick the Design Elements That Resonate With the Targeted Audience
Most of us don't know how the right choice of colors can help you create the desired response and evoke certain emotions. Each color has its meaning and encourages customers to take the necessary actions. Red is the color that is the symbol of excitement and energy. Most brands use it to take the action. On the other hand, you can use light blue and green colors to deliver calm and peace. It is the most suitable option for organic items. Most businesses use colors that represent their products and businesses. Using the right colors offers the right strategy to attract attention and make customers choose you. The right combination of colors can convey balance, serenity, and trust. Choose the design element relevant to your product and company.
Choose Simplicity over Something Complicated
Whether you design custom packaging for the first time or you are looking for something simple, you can follow the KISS (Keep it simple, stupid) principle. It is one of the most crucial aspects to consider. Adding too many elements to the design can confuse the customers and make it more complex. There are plenty of ways to stand out in the crowd, and simplicity is the golden rule to follow. Keep the box styles simple, stand out with the colors, and make minimal choices. One-colored box with your logo on the top can make your packaging solution from looking bland. A simple design will help to communicate the message with clarity. Use the visual elements to enhance the appeal and make customers choose you over the competitive brands.
Consider the Experience You Are Going To Offer
Custom packaging is the ultimate way to shape the customer experience. The key priority is to connect and engage the customers. One of the first things to keep in mind is protection. Choose the high-quality material to ensure your product reaches the customers in perfect condition. Communicate all the relevant information to the customers. It is essential to list the product name, benefits, necessary precautions, and the expiration date. If your product needs a guide to get the most out of its purchase, include a small guidebook. Adding discount codes, a sample, or a small gift for the Christmas season can also help to elevate the experience. Enhancing the experience will be a win-win situation for everyone. Going eco-friendly is also the way to make customers feel that they are investing in a good place.
Invest In Professional Services to Design Display Packaging
Small and new businesses are looking for ways to cut down costs. But custom retail display boxes packaging should not be your choice to lower the cost. Investing in a professional solution is worth your money because it helps to attract attention. Many vendors are offering low-cost solutions to cosmetic brands. Many businesses opt to go for the DIY but it doesn't offer that result which a professional solution can do for your business. Don't miss the opportunity to leave a strong first impression on the customers by cutting the cost of the custom boxes. We have mentioned many times customers make the purchase decision depending on their feelings and experience, which ultimately relies on the product presentation.
Only Listen to What Your Customers Are Saying
When it comes to design and branding, everyone has a solution for you. But listening to everyone can make you confused. Nobody knows your product better than you. Instead of listening to people around you, you can ask for customers' feedback on social media channels. Only listen to what your customers are saying about your brand and product. Always opt for the design how you want your customers to perceive you and your goods. If you want the best solution for your cosmetic items, always go for professional service. To find the best vendor, do your research and look for their ratings on different platforms. The key to building a strong brand identity is to meet customer expectations.
West Pac Pkg, Inc is one of the leading Custom Specialty Boxes & Gift Boxes Manufacturer in California. Contact us today for design sample!
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westpacpkg · 3 years
Custom Chipboard Boxes - All in One Solution for All Your Needs
The world has modernized too much; with each passing day, everything changes. Working as a product selling company, you need to advertise your offerings uniquely. You not only need to grab people's attention but also make your products stand out from other competitive brands. Old advertising methods are not helpful or effective nowadays. Due to the COVID-19, people prefer online shopping rather than going to brick and mortar stores. Moreover, it is also a time taking and tiring process. So, how can you market your brand both in online and retail stores? No matter what your industry is, you will always have to face tough completion in the market. You need to find a solution that is reliable and efficient. The simplest way is to package your product in custom boxes that efficiently give pick-me-up signals.
How do custom boxes meet all your packaging needs?
Product selling companies need uniquely designed boxes for presenting, storing, and shipping their items. They have plenty of choices regarding product packaging. From the paper bag to the custom box, you can choose which suits your product the best. You can also use different options related to size, material, and structure. But it is entirely up to you to make the final decision. Custom made boxes can do marvels to your business and will be an excellent help for marketing purposes. From promoting your name to creating an appealing image of your brand, the benefits of a customized solution are unlimited. Instead of wasting money on not-so-reliable resources, it's time to make the switch to customised packaging. With a custom-made packaging solution, you cannot only market your brand or spread brand awareness, but these can also help you to inform customers about the inside content.
Make your customers feel worthy with a memorable experience
Custom made boxes can make people excited about what's inside the box, and they can have a worth sharing unboxing experience. If invested rightly in custom-made containers, you can provide marketing support to your business and can improve your branding process. A customized solution can make an impression at every step of the distribution procedure. You should customize your boxes to communicate your brand values to the customers. When you give your customers their favorite item in a personalized solution, it makes a memorable impression on them. It makes them feel that you have invested your time and effort in the order. An enhanced unboxing experience always gets a place on the customer's social media handles.
Save your money with a custom build solution
A custom-made box can help you to save money and generate more profit for the business. It cost you less than the traditional generic packaging, i.e., wooden containers, paper folded, or plastic cartons. You can choose the exact and suitable size of your box based on the dimensions of the goods. Choosing the right size means that you don't have to spend extra on large boxes for additional material. A properly designed custom box does not need much inner packaging; you don't have to spend money to keep your item safe. Customized boxes not only allow you to save money on dimensional weight and shipping cost but custom containers additionally spare cash in different ways that many people haven't thought of. The quality of your box is as valuable as your product itself. So don't compromise on the look to save some bucks.
Ensure the safe delivery of your products and save yourself from returns
Switching to custom-made boxes not only helps you to reduce delivery costs, but it will keep your product safe at every stage of delivery. There is always some additional free space in large traditional boxes that can make your product bumped around while delivering. A custom-made solution will keep your product safe. You can feel sure that they'll reach their place in one piece. Always choose those options that will allow your item to be delivered with minimal additional protection. When it comes to choosing the strong and durable material for your packaging, there are several options available. Cardboard is one of the sturdiest choices for any item. If you want a high-end and luxurious look, rigid paper works great.
Use custom display boxes to communicate with your customers
A personalized solution can make your customers feel special. You can make a long-lasting first impression on your clients, and you can also make your customers feel that their interests and needs are important to you. If you're in the e-commerce sector, this could help you connect with your customers. Opening a custom-made box will give a delightful experience to customers. Try to give some personal touch to packaging by adding a simple thank you note, or you can write some particular kind of words to make it memorable. Custom made boxes can build or break your relationship with the customer. Not only in the online business, but you can also make customers worthy in the retail stores with custom display boxes.
Market your business and inform your customers
The easiest way to market your brand is custom-made containers. Print your logo, company name, or a slogan on the box; it will make your brand recognizable and encourage other people to buy from you. You can be best known for your shipping box as if it has a distinctive logo, style, and design that inevitably catch the eyes of buyers. Not only your customers but every individual who sees the custom-made box will be presented with your organization's name and logo, making them more prone to consider you later on. Customized packaging should have enough space to add information about the product. Customers will likely place more orders if you add information about discounts and upcoming sales. Want to give extra information about your business or brand? You can print directions, site URLs, QR codes, or pretty much some other data you need onto your shipping boxes.
West Pac Pkg Inc.
is one of the best packaging companies in all of the USA. One of the leading manufacturers of custom printed boxes, custom die cut boxes,
retail display boxes
, cardboard boxes, cannabis packaging box and custom chipboard boxes manufacturers in small and large quantities at an affordable price.
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westpacpkg · 3 years
Reasons Why Sweet Packaging Boxes Are Important!
The packaging of any product is everything. Unfortunately, packaging concepts are overlooks by brands that focus exclusively on the product's quality when introducing a new product in the market. The more appealing the packaging look of your sweet boxes, the more sales you will get. However, it could be difficult to compete with products from other brands. For Sweet products, it seems very hard to stand out, but it is not difficult as it seems. it is necessary to stay up-to-date with new trends. The task can be made easier while working with a professional packaging supplier.
You might be wondering that sweets packaging is worthwhile. When any buyer is looking at your sweet product, the first thing he/she observes its packaging. Customers quickly judge a product by its appearance and make decisions within moments. As a customer, imagine yourself as a customer and you are standing in front of sweet products of the same type, but the packaging style of each is unlike. What product he or she will choose? Obviously, good packaging must grab the attention of the customer toward itself. The customer feels the same as we feel. It can make it easy to make a choosing decision.
Up-to-date trends in sweets packaging
Before ordering packaging design, it is important to explore what the others brands are doing and what trends are in sweet packaging. While exploring current trends, you can imagine packaging design and your imagination can help you to customize sweets packaging boxes. You just tell your imagination to professional designers; they surely help you in customizing your sweets packaging boxes. You can customize your unique packaging design with your imagination and creativity. Let's explore some of the most up-to-date packaging trends in the sweet industry.
Customized sweets packaging Boxes
When you are new in any business and want to make your brand recognition in the market. This can be done by modifying your displayable equipment with your brand's name. The custom boxes will help you in your sweet food business.
First, you have to design your brand's logo and name. And then printing them on sweet boxes. This will surely help you to stand out for your brand in the market. In this regard, many companies will help you to get the best quality sweet boxes along with all the customization.
Sweets Packaging Made Simple
Sweet's packaging boxes should be made simple to use. It would be best for you to choose packaging boxes that are easy to open, close, and carry. Customers like a simple design, for candies, and sweets tray boxes are the best choice. Slide or pull the tray to open the sweets product. Simple tray packaging designs are the best way to stand out your sweets items on the shelve, racks, and counter table.
Versatile Gift Boxes
Packaging Box Companies try to provide you all the options that you need for your sweet gifts products. The selection of packaging boxes includes some attractive and good-looking sweets gift boxes, which you can check in the market. Look and observe the options available in the market and feel free to place your query about boxes. Please make sure first you examine all the products with any sweets food product and then place your order.
If you want to give sweets as a party gift, candy, or chocolates to your fellow or loved ones, then package them very nicely to make the gift more special with gift boxes. Choose various boxes in different colours and embellish them with silk ribbon, paper flowers, and other accessories.
Plastic Lamination
For the protection of the sweet boxes, it is compulsory to coat them with plastic lamination. Many companies provide sweet boxes with complete lamination work and. Plastic lamination sheets provide necessary protection and barrier from water, heat, and sun rays.
There are several types of plastic laminations that work for example glossy shiny, dull matte, UV spot, and aqueous that is offered in the USA. But will apply the only one that you will consider the options for your customized sweet boxes. All of them will support sustaining the printed on the box. The lamination provides resistance to atmospheric changes and keeps the taste and freshness of sweets original.
West Pac Pkg Inc.
is one of the best packaging companies in all of the USA. One of the leading manufacturers of custom printed boxes, custom die cut boxes, retail display boxes, cardboard boxes, cannabis packaging box and custom
chipboard boxes manufacturers
in small and large quantities at an affordable price.
0 notes
westpacpkg · 3 years
Important of Custom Packaging Boxes for an Emerging Business
At a glance they seem to be very simple to manufacture but a deep analysis of the process reveals that a lot of Steps are involved in bringing them to perfection. Starting from scanning, assembling, printing, die cutting, lamination and pasting all these steps needs full perfection to bring in the natural aesthetics of the box itself.
Folding Cartons:
Collapsing containers are produced using paperboard which is a lightweight paper-based material. It's useful for general item packaging. While paperboard collapsing containers are extraordinary for food or excellence items, they are not suggested for membership boxes.
The material is solid and shows well, yet it's not ideal for a package that will experience the transportation cycle. You should go with something more grounded.
Thing you need to know when you are going to design custom size boxes:
Colors you can add for your Customized Boxes:
Utilizing your brand colours and shades well when it's an ideal opportunity to pick the primary tones for your packaging.
These tones are the most acquainted with your clients and will resonate the most. Your box color carries moment acknowledgment to your item and will help fabricate trust and devotion.
Nonetheless, you can generally play with tones to give your custom packaging an additional unique look or feel.
Logos and Images Printing with Customized Packaging:
After all there isn't anything like an excessive amount of exposure. Your brand should consistently be watching out for the better than ever method of breaking the objective market and custom printing your packaging boxes with an alluring organization logo is a certain method to accomplish that.
Utilizing vector illustrations when planning your containers will guarantee your plan looks astonishing and prints as obviously as could reasonably be expected.
It refers to using non-photogenic illustrations and messages and to save your plan as either an Adobe Illustrator (.ai) document or vector-based PDF.
Give your Packaging boxes a mesmerizing look by using different materials:
With regards to printing a wide scope of choices for you can select any tone and fine art for your Custom Boxes and Packaging and show up your boxes garish and energizing for the customers.
You don't need to stress in the event that you are customizing retail boxes or custom boxes. You can likewise avail the extra alternatives like glass cover, Spot UV, and Foiling without troubling your spending plan at reasonable costs. Clients have an absolutely free hand to pick their overlay alternatives while preparing the request.
Types of Customized Box packaging:
The best custom box packaging begins with the materials. You'll have to consider not just the type of items in your custom box, but also packaging boxes, even the size and weight of your things.
Consider these basic materials and the items they're utilized for while making your custom packaging.
Custom made Boxes and their Shipping Process:
Shipping Boxes are a decent choice if your emphasis is on item insurance. They're layered for additional insurance and have more heaven than standard boxes.
They can likewise be styled to coordinate your marking with choices on plan, size, and amount.
They are sufficiently solid to ensure your items through the delivery cycle, and are suggested for retail boxes, membership boxes, and packaging for online business organizations.
Ease for Retailers and Manufacturers:
Somehow your packaging boxes are put straightforwardly on racks of retail locations and distribution centres. In the event that you have your cases exclusively printed then all the visitors coming and leaving the market will grab their attention.
With regards to box manufacturers, taking care of your transportation boxes with a logo, validates style and builds up reliability. Their solid material and secure packaging can speak to your image as an expert and retailers like all individuals like to work with proficient organizations.
West Pac Pkg Inc. is one of the best packaging companies in all of the USA. One of the leading manufacturers of custom printed boxes, custom die cut boxes, retail display boxes, cardboard boxes, cannabis packaging box and custom chipboard boxes in small and large quantities at an affordable price.
0 notes
westpacpkg · 3 years
Amazing Benefits of Custom Rigid Box Packaging for Packed Products
For many years to still now, Custom Rigid Box Packaging has been using for storing a vast range of products. Especially these days, the demand to use rigid packaging for precious and fragile objects is high. Their general application is to package objects like mobile phones and tablets etc.
Moreover, to attract customers to your brand or product, a rigid packaging box is best. It comes in black, white and several other colors. Here, I am going to talk about the gains of printed custom packaging boxes. Please read more to get information about what you need to know.
Both small and medium firms will prefer to use a rigid box rather than ordinary cardboard punnets. However, it all depends on what the item is, and the supply used for the packaging. Rigid boxes come in two-piece styles and one-piece design. On custom Box, you can do any custom printing.
An Eco-Friendly Packaging Boxes
When you use a non-recycled packaging box, do you know what impact it can have on your environment? These days, most packaging boxes cannot re-use because of the box's material.
However, the Custom rigid box is a great one because of its eco-friendly feature. The rigid packaging keeps items presentable and secure at all times. For advertising and marketing motives, it plays an important role because of its nature.
You can create the brand identity and shelf impact by using the rigid box. A rigid packaging box keeps the product, your environment, and people safe and sound in directly or indirectly ways.
Keeps Items Safe
Due to the durable and sturdy nature of packaging, you can keep the object in it without any stress. It seems that rigid packaging is safe for fragile items.
You can pack glassware, mobile phones, and similar products without any hassles. The use of high-quality rigid supplies and boxes can withstand mishandling and pressure conditions. Besides that, the custom rigid box is also perfect for transporting objects from one country to the other.
Rigid Box Is Attractive
This rigid packaging is also attractive enough to focus the potential buyers' attention on your product or brand. By visiting various packaging industries, you can customize boxes in the best way as soon as possible. Furthermore, you can add product detail to the packaging box.
Printing on Rigid Packaging Is Ease
Many designers can print catchy images on rigid packaging. You can print the 3D images, logo, graphics, your brand name, contact details, item attributes, and more.
However, various coatings options are also available for making rigid packaging attractive. You can pick from glossy finishes, gold/silver foiling, matte, spot UV, embossing, and more for the custom printed rigid packaging.
Purchase The Boxes At Wholesale Rates
As a business provider, your main priority is to do the Custom Rigid Box Packaging. If you ignore this, you cannot promote your items. So, invest money in rigid packaging will give you many advantages a long-lasting.
Instead of purchasing one box, you need to purchase the bundle of boxes at wholesale rates. If you collect the bundle of boxes, then designers will give you discounts.
Connect With Expert Designers
If you are looking for custom rigid boxes, you need to consult with an expert and professional designer. They will ask your requirement and try to create the boxes according to that.
Further, the professional designers will add their own expertise for making your rigid boxes. It is the way you will get the best, unique, and quality custom rigid boxes.
Make sure you are finding the best designers to make your boxes and packaging of your products. Check the experienced of the designers earlier than giving your orders.
is one the leading custom printed boxes manufacturer in USA. Get a quote for your
Custom Rigid Setup Boxes
packaging needs from one of the leading luxury rigid boxes manufacturers! Contact us now!
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westpacpkg · 3 years
Custom Chipboard Boxes Are a Fantastic Way to Deliver Gifts
Custom boxes are a fantastic way to deliver personalized gifts to all your friends and family members. In this age of advanced technologies, it is important to have materials in which to put together an effective package. The printed boxes are convenient and they can be customized to fit your needs. There are thousands of designs that you can choose from when you create custom printed boxes.
This delivery service is definitely one of the most effective ways to deliver gift giving items. Not only will the boxes be customized but they can also be filled with other decorative elements. You can have them delivered to an office or some other location in the house. Whatever location you wish, you will receive great value for the money you pay. This type of service will allow you to send several items and get custom-made boxes to fit all the boxes that are being sent.
When these boxes are delivered to someone, they will be really appreciated for the items that are sent to them. They will be able to use the boxes and place them in their closets. These boxes can also be used to store all the other items that were sent to the person that is receiving the gifts.
A good custom printing on the box can make them attractive as well as functional. Your gift recipient will get a lot of use out of the gift boxes that you have custom printed. It will make a great gift and they will be happy that they received it.
This can also be an opportunity to create a nice little gift basket that is made to fit a special gift to anyone that you choose. These custom boxes can be used to contain the items that are sent to them as well as other items that are sent to them.
Custom printed boxes can also be used to store items that you might want to sell at a later date. Whether it is a garage sale or just a trade show that you are holding, this is an excellent idea. By having custom boxes to store all the items, you will have less waste and have more storage space. If you are holding a workshop or fair, you will not have to worry about paying for a lot of storage space.
It is great to receive boxes that are customized by you. There are many ways in which you can customize them and get an even better product. Customized boxes are a great way to give your gift recipient something that is unique.
Be sure to have customized custom shipping boxes for any special occasion. They will look great and they will be functional as well. Make sure that the boxes are filled with the items that you send them to and you will be set for all the great presents that you will be sending to your loved ones.
Now there are many shapes are available for custom boxes and because of competition their rates are also lowering down.
Need a recommendation for a reliable and affordable packaging manufacturer?
West Pac Pkg Inc.
is one of the best packaging companies in all of the USA. One of the leading manufacturers of
custom printed boxes
, custom die cut boxes, retail pop display boxes, cardboard boxes, cannabis packaging box and
custom chipboard boxes
in small and large quantities at an affordable price.
0 notes
westpacpkg · 3 years
It's Valentine! Get The Best Bakery Custom Boxes!
Every festival has its own importance and we cannot let it go s dull. We should celebrate each and every moment of life, however, we cannot do that, that is why all of us usually celebrate everything such festivals and according to everybody in this world it is beautiful. Life is busy and getting busy and busy day by day and such occasion brings more happiness to us. People love to show their love and attachment to the people they love most. Valentine Day is one of those days when you can express your love for them and it is also a day to propose somebody if you are falling in love with her. But there is something we cannot overlook that is a Valentine gift. How would you decide a gift? Definitely, you will see a person and look at him what is missing in his accessories or something you feel he likes the most, right? Like you think about the gift just like that you are more concerned to its packaging. The packaging of the product is way more important than anything else. Suppose, you are purchasing bakery products with the gift or just gifting her bakery products then make it beautiful the packaging so she can remember its packaging and will always worth it.
The appearance of the box is very important like; design, durability, size, art, and greeting over the packaging of the custom bakery boxes. Bakery products are the most important thing when you are greeting someone and when it becomes to your lover then it must be enclosed in a good way. According to packaging companies’ consumers get more attracted towards the packaging of the product instead of the product itself, however, product itself needs to be good too but packaging matters a lot. That is why most of the companies like to bring innovation in their packaging and present it to take attention by the consumer. So, do not forget that a lover is a consumer to who does love the good packaging of the product. Hence, do not underestimate the packaging of the product and bring the best product to present your boyfriend or lover or husband. Custom bakery boxes are the real need to keep things innovative and attractive for every consumer in the market and we all love it!
Hence, do not underestimate the packaging of the product and bring the best product to present your boyfriend or lover or husband. Custom bakery boxes are the real need to keep things innovative and attractive for every consumer in the market and we all love it!
West Pac Pkg Inc.
is one of the best packaging companies in all of the USA. One of the leading manufacturers of custom printed boxes, custom die cut boxes, retail pop display boxes, cardboard boxes, cannabis packaging box and
custom chipboard boxes
in small and large quantities at an affordable price.
0 notes
westpacpkg · 3 years
Why Your Brand Needs Custom Printed Boxes?
Are you in an e-commerce or retail business and not seeing the result which you had expected at the start? You have done all you can do, including producing a high-quality product, on-time delivery, and good customer service. Besides these, you are not seeing repeat purchases and gaining customer loyalty. Most probably, the problem is the product packaging. Nowadays, customers want more than just a product; they want a complete shopping experience, and it is impossible without a customized solution. Most e-commerce and retail brands make the mistake of thinking, "It is only a box." It is not only a way to ship your products to the customers; it is to make a memorable impression on customers with visual appeal and functionality.
To reasons to start using custom printed packaging boxes
In the last year, more and more people started to prefer online shopping. They are receiving a log of products in customized packages, and their expectations are only going high. Agree with us or not, a small box has a great marketing value. In an e-commerce business, customers don't have one-to-one interaction with the product before purchase. When their delivery arrived, they first see the package and then unbox it to view the product. You have a span of few seconds to make their first encounter with your brand unforgettable and make them recommend your brand to their friends. You have an opportunity to make a favorable impression with custom printed boxes.
A printed box is more than a container to secure the product; it represents your brand, and that's why it has to be appealing. You have to put some effort into the designing and customization as well. Nobody wants to receive their ordered product in a plain box. Incorporate things like the brand logo, colors, and patterns for increased recognition. Get out there and work with an expert to get the design professionally. When you have a well-designed solution, you can get the following benefits.
Make a lasting impression on customers
The first impression is the last! How many of you agree with this phrase? Well, admit it or not, it is right to a much extent. How we present ourselves in the first meeting can leave a lasting impression on others' minds, and no matter how hard we try after it, we cannot change that image of ours. Receiving and opening up the box is part of the experience, and it should be outstanding. If you want your first-time customers turned into your raving fans, you have to go the extra mile and impress them with something unique. An essential thing to ensure is that your box must have a professional appeal. Don't make it look like as it is designed with negligence and no skills.
Unlimited marketing opportunities
You never know how a small box can be your most powerful marketing tool. Maybe, nobody has told you that the shipping boxes with the logo can enhance your brand image and assure customers that you are a reputable company. Custom printed packaging can catch the attention of anyone who sees or touches the box. Even someone passing by the delivery guy holding the packaging can know your brand only by having a casual look. It does take a little extra effort, but it can be your strong marketing opportunity. If you have good fortune, the design can initiate anyone's interest in your product and brand. Loyal customers sharing their experience on social media handles also result in increased visibility and exposure.
It makes you stand out
In this COVID-19 pandemic, customers are avoiding the physical stores and ordering the smallest items at their doorsteps. It means the competition in e-commerce has increased significantly, and you have to do something extra to retain the customers. Custom printing allows you to make your loyal audience feel special and cared only because of how you package the items. The simplest and cost-effective way is to add small printed Thank You notes or greeting cards. It will show your customers that you are putting in an extra effort to give them a valuable experience. It can result in effect marketing as 40% of customers share their unboxing experience on social media.
Communicate with your customers
Custom printed packaging allows you to customize and personalize the box according to your requirements. When it comes to customization, the sky is the limit. You can use this tool to provide your customers with all the valuable information. Use the space and communicate with your customer about all the details. Print your product and brand name on clear and readable fronts. Tell your customers why your product is better than others and why they should give your brand a chance. Give the answers to all the questions. Whatever makes you unique and add value to the brand should be on the boxes. We are saying to have a complicated design; use the space wisely and let your creativity shine.
Promote sustainability
We know you are a reliable brand and adopting sustainable practices for the good of the environment. If you are an eco-friendly brand, don't be shy and let your customers know about it. Print the eco-friendly symbol on the boxes, or you can print in bold letters that you are green. It will only make customers happy and make them purchase your product. They will take you as an efficient brand that is trying to reduce the carbon footprints. You can also encourage the customers to share their eco-friendly habits with you through social media with a hashtag. It will result in brand promotion and boosted sales.
Whether it is shipping containers or display boxes, custom printing can go a long way in making your product a success. All you need is to leave a memorable impression on the targeted audience with the design. Choose high-quality material and printing technique to get the best results. If you want to stand out and pump up your sales, don't take your packaging as an afterthought.
Need a recommendation for a reliable and affordable packaging manufacturer?
West Pac Pkg Inc.
is one of the best packaging companies in all of the USA. One of the leading manufacturers of
custom printed boxes
, custom die cut boxes, retail pop display boxes, cardboard boxes,
cannabis packaging box
and custom chipboard boxes in small and large quantities at an affordable price.
0 notes
westpacpkg · 3 years
Amazingly Insane and Crazy Designs for Super Stylish Packaging Boxes
Every business person demands packaging's with high strength and extreme rigidity. However, they neglect the element of designing these boxes. The better the design would be, the more ravishing the boxes would become.
Pattern Designs:
People running a business of tools can get amazing benefits of pattern designing. Although these are simple in structure, yet they are engaging in appeal. Design the background of tool packaging with fabulous striping. Grant a splendid quality to the design with the use of rationale and creative color scheme.
Complement the Product:
The packaging design should be elegant enough to complement the product, which is packed inside. Commence with the simplest designs such plain colored packaging having a brand name and logo. Add on a few features o it, such as a little object at one corner of the box. Transparent packaging options allow you to display your product correctly, which eager the customers to at least try the product. Be magical with your designs to sell your product more effectively.
Marble Texture:
If you do not like the simple element on your packaging boxes, then why not to fascinate others through the use of trendy marble texture. These can be in any design, color, or size, but the guaranteed thing associated with it is the cast-spelling look.
Be Bright:
Some of the time, being bright is what your business demands. The more captivating and catchy appeal is guaranteed with the use of bright colors. The whole designing can be in bright colors, or you can use colorful alphabets or some aspect in bright for bringing attention to the product.
Be Playful:
An astonishing and mesmerizing way of designing the packaging boxes is the incredible playing with the packs. How? Well, it is pretty simple! You must try to be playful with the designing, which is possible when you let the product shine perfectly in the packaging. For instance, designing for the berries packaging boxes should have color relating to berries, mango packaging boxes should have the color related to mangoes on their packaging, etc. Ensure to use bright colors for such products!
Be Bold:
Customers also like bold designing. It is the use of patterns on the packaging boxes through the use of multiple colors. This grant a brilliantly unique look and promising appeal to the packaging.
Break the Mold:
If you are running a business which includes the product that many of other business is selling too then you seriously need to break the bold. You need to be quite innovative with designing of packaging boxes to get a ravishing display. Going with the flow would not lead to satisfactory outcomes.
Use Stylization:
Incorporate to your boxes to grant a refreshing and new appeal to them. It is a worthy idea to change the design of packaging boxes with time. Do not hesitate to transform your graphics or illustration into reality. For instance, you can create stunning graphics of head and hair. You can develop the concept by drawing hair that is floating and covering the background. Initially, the pattern would not give a decent idea, but exploring the packaging reveals the depth of the concept.
Need a recommendation for a reliable and affordable packaging manufacturer?
West Pac Pkg Inc.
is one of the best packaging companies in all of the USA. One of the leading manufacturers of custom printed boxes,
custom die cut boxes
, retail pop display boxes,
cardboard boxes
, cannabis packaging box and custom chipboard boxes in small and large quantities at an affordable price.
0 notes
westpacpkg · 4 years
Why You Should Incorporate Print in Your Custom Chipboard Boxes
The human consumption of products, any product, is increasing at a staggering speed. While people used to get most things done by themselves before, they majorly rely on pre-made things now. For example, frozen pizzas, ready-made pizza dough, whipped cream and such. With a busy lifestyle, it can be fairly hard to labour away in the kitchen or any other area for that matter where one can get the job done quickly with pre-made items like explained above.
With countless products, retailers and manufacturers in the mix, the process of choosing a product can be fairly hard for consumers. If you are a retailer then custom chipboard boxes with print can help your product stand apart. Apart from distinguishing, there is a myriad of other benefits that come with print.
1. Personalisation
The biggest benefit that comes with adding the print to your boxes is customisation. In a sea of same products, personalised print can help your packaging be distinguishable. Having your logo and company name printed on the box will make it easier for customers to tell your products apart. Likewise, you can also have relevant and important information printed. For example, if you retail medicine, by law it is required that you mention the ingredients and other information on the packaging.
Also, print is not only limited to the conveying of information and can be used to add to the beauty of your boxes.
2. Branding
Creating brand awareness among the masses is one of the most important aspects of running a successful retail business. The more people know about your brand, the more sales your product will make. Therefore, creating brand awareness is imperative. If you have a loyal customer base because of your branding, it is fairly safe to introduce new products. With an already established brand credibility, you will not have to set out a huge chunk of budget for marketing.
3. Marketing
If you are a new brand on the block, marketing your product is one of the first steps that you need to take in order for it to be a success retail-wise. What better way to market your brand than going with custom chipboard boxes in wholesale with print? You cannot only create brand awareness with this but also publish attractive visuals to have prospective customers check your product out. You can use the print to build a relationship with your customers i.e. publishing ongoing promotions, offering season’s greetings, going with a specific seasonal aesthetic et al. In the modern world only having a good product is not enough. With cut-throat competition, extra steps need to be taken to help your product get noticed.
4. Aesthetics
Another major benefit that you open your doors to by opting for custom boxes with print is added aesthetics. While minimalism and nude packaging is all the rage nowadays, you can add class and elegance by opting for printed packaging too. Depending on your product, you can either get vibrant inks incorporated or go with soft pastels and matte finishing.
Reiterating the point above, given the number of retailers and manufacturers in the market, your display and presentation is the most powerful tool to get quickly noticed.
From the pointers given above, we hope we to have shown you how important wholesale custom boxes in print are. They are not only budget-friendly when bought in bulk but provide much-needed consistency to your brand.
Need a recommendation for a reliable and affordable packaging manufacturer?
West Pac Pkg Inc.
is one of the best packaging companies in all of the USA. One of the leading manufacturers of
custom printed boxes
, custom die cut boxes, retail pop display boxes, cardboard boxes, cannabis packaging box and
custom chipboard boxes
in small and large quantities at an affordable price.
0 notes
westpacpkg · 4 years
How You Can Also Get The Benefits Through Wholesale Packaging?
Many companies use wholesale packaging to enclose their products and promote their brand in the market. Most of them do not have resources to make or design product boxes on their own.
Therefore they contact custom box manufacturers to create a packaging solution exactly according to their requirement. Whether you need customized cardboard boxes for storage, product packaging, shipment, or distribution, they are a perfect option, offering a series of value-added features to drive your business revenue and customer satisfaction. Some of the key benefits of using wholesale packaging includes:
Market Your Brand:
If you go for cardboard packaging boxes wholesale, they are the perfect way to advertise your business. Get them printed with your branding requirements. Now you do not need to spend hundreds of dollars on carrying out promotional campaigns.
Your custom printed box can do all for you. Include a brand's logo along with the name to make it stand out the crowd. As a result, wherever your package goes, it speaks for itself. The same strategy can be used to design customized shipping boxes. A shipping box designed by using branding details looks more appealing than other traditionally designed shipments.
Significant Cost Reduction:
Cardboard is the most inexpensive material as compared to other packaging options. Getting the material wholesale in bulk allows you to save more on cost.
New enterprises can use these custom printed & packaging boxes to generate more revenues and decrease the cost. This is because, at the start of any business, budget matters the most. A customized solution proves beneficial in terms of both; affordability and durability. You can make a significant cost reduction by using customized corrugated shipping boxes wholesale. They decrease dimensional weight shipping charges by transporting more packages on the same freight carrier.
Product Safety:
Product safety is the topmost concern of every business. It is the biggest benefit you can get by using wholesale packaging. The cardboard material is sturdy and highly durable to protect the products during storage and transition.
The manufacturers make shipping boxes is a way to ensure maximum safety. Even if your items are delicate, designing custom small boxes exactly according to the product size prevents it from damage and unnecessary movement. You may also introduce additional filler packaging if required. Such well-designed custom size boxes enhance the level of protection and have become a preferred choice industry-wide.
A Better Customer Experience:
Besides other benefits, the main advantage of custom wholesale packaging is that it offers a pleasant shopping experience. Customization adds value to your offerings, making customers remember your brand for long.
Getting the products in an unattractive box will disappoint the customers. On the other hand, custom retail packaging provides a great unboxing experience by working on various design elements. The manufacturers work on internal display using inserts, support cushions, air pillows, tissue wrap, and other types of filler packaging. This provides a professional display to your products making customers remember the experience for long. As a result, customer satisfaction towards product and loyalty for the company increases.
Benefit The Environment:
With the rise in environmental concerns, the packaging manufacturers have inclined towards the use of sustainable material. Packaging cardboard boxes wholesale are ideal to be considered in this regard.
They can be reused several times without affecting their durability and strength. Moreover, the material is 100% recyclable and prevent waste from going into the landfills. It is not only beneficial for the environment but also for your pocket. Recycling saves a large amount of fuel, electricity, and natural resources. You can design different types of eco-friendly packaging like custom round boxes, restaurants to-go boxes, and carton boxes, etc. according to your requirement.
Multi-Purpose Packaging:
All of us know that cardboard packaging Product Boxes is designed for multiple purposes. They can be used to fulfill your individual or business needs. For example, if it's a birthday party and you want to serve your guests with some snacks, get the boxes designed according to the theme. Similarly, you may use them for storage, shipment, subscription, or product display.
Get the marketing Boxes Packaging designed by using your branding requirements like logo or tagline. You may also customize various style options like pillow boxes, gable boxes, sleeves, boxes with handles or inserts, or a triangle shipping box to best fit you need.
West Pac Pkg. Inc
is a manufacturer of
custom printed boxes
,custom die cut boxes, retail pop display boxes, cardboard boxes,
cannabis packaging box
custom chipboard boxes
in small and large quantities at an affordable price.
0 notes
westpacpkg · 4 years
Expert Advice For Making Cosmetic Boxes
The industry of cosmetics has always produced modern products to get the attention of fashion enthusiasts and their targeted audience. In United States, ladies love to wear makeup no matter what age they are and what type of culture they follow. This is the reason why all the cosmetic products are demanding and have good market in every state. Lipsticks, hair gels, wigs, eye shadows and makeup kits are some of the most selling items of cosmetics and every manufacturers love to increase the sales of these products. One way of improving sales revenues is by using high end cosmetic boxes printed with brand name and creative designs. Some other ways through which packaging can improve sales are as follows.
Using recyclable and eco-friendly material for boxes
In this era, every industry is looking for special ways to minimize different kinds of pollution that disturb environment. Among them, the pollution caused during the burning of non-recyclable cardboard have a large percentage. Due to this, it is important to use biodegradable material that can protect the environment from any damage. Not only the manufacturer, customers also knows about this and always prefer to buy those products that are packed in biodegradable or recyclable boxes. So as a cosmetic product manufacturer your emphasis should be on using Kraft boxes that have all the nature friendly material which do not harm the environment.
When you use environment friendly material, they portray a very natural outlook of your items. They develop trust of your customers and get the attention of customers immediately. Due to this, there are huge chances that your product will get more sales as compared to those item packed in cardboard boxes that are non-biodegradable. The use of Kraft material can help you make custom printed boxes that are perfect for branding, advertising and to make a good impact of your product.
Unique box design that makes positive impact
It is very important to win the trust of the customer at the retail because it helps you beat the competitors and to get lead over them. In order to do that, you have to make special custom box design which is not available before at the cosmetic store. It needs a good research on deciding the right style and shape for the box but it worth doing all this when you are getting opportunity to increase sale. For unique box design you have to carefully analyze your product and then customize boxes for them. By doing this you will get perfectly sized box that with all the qualities you want in it.
Some unique designs for products include pillow boxes for hair extensions, custom display boxes for lipsticks, lip glosses and lip balms, sleeve boxes for eye shadow palettes and tube boxes for eyeliners. All of these designs of boxes can be easily customized and are easy to assemble as well. They are just a little expensive than the normal designs but you can manage your budget by ordering custom chipboard boxes online. You will not be charged a lot when you order online for your boxes instead of making them from the local company.
Attractive printing and finishing on custom boxes
By making the boxes attractive, your sales can improve dramatically because no one would like to buy a product in an ugly packaging. Boxes are the first thing that a customer see when he/she wants to see your product and if they are not attractive no one would like to check the product inside. By custom printing, you can make stylish designs for printing on the boxes that can make customers fan of your product. These include pinstripe pattern printing, pictures of models and celebrities and many other catchy design can be included. You have to print the cardboard boxes with attractive logo, trademark and all promotional taglines that can uplift the charm of the product.
Apart from printing, the attractive finishing options have to be applied on the boxes. Aqueous coating, lamination, spot UV, and foiling are few of the options that you can consider for a fantastic outlook of your boxes. Whether you choose foiling for the whole box or for a small portion, it will make them shiny and eye-grabbing for the customer roaming around cosmetic shelves. Plus you can will have the chance for people to do impulse buying with such an attractive look of your item.
Tips for boxes of bath & body cosmetics
All these mentioned tips can help in selling all kinds of items that has to be sell at retail. Bath and body products, electronics and food product manufacturer can all improve sales by using these tips mentioned above. Soap boxes printed with high quality logo, and designs will always be appreciated from the customers and they will choose your soaps if the packaging is good. Plus, you have to carefully choose material, design and all the other aspects to improve sales.
West Pac Pkg. Inc
is a manufacturer of
custom printed boxes
,custom die cut boxes, retail pop display boxes, cardboard boxes, cannabis packaging and
custom chipboard boxes
in small and large quantities at an affordable price.
0 notes