westwickrp · 5 years
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Now that Spring is upon us, it brings with it the annual Spring Festival to Westwick. And being the proud town that it is, Westwick isn’t afraid to have a little fun all while bringing everyone together with several activities around the city, for all tastes and ages.
There are booths set up along the pier in order to celebrate and showcase the town’s local artistry. Looking for the perfect picture to hang on that bare wall at home? Some nifty jewelry or personalized gear? Handcrafted furniture? Then look no further!
If you’ve been considering getting a furry little friend, maybe we can help sway you. For a limited time, you can come pick up a kitten or puppy, and we’ll cover the adoption fee! (But please adopt responsibly!)
A small “egg hunt” has been set up just for the kids but don’t worry if you don’t quite fit that age bracket because there’s a special scavenger hunt set up around town for those willing to go the extra mile, put their heads together, and solve some riddles. The clues just might lead you to some great prices and discounts, including but not limited to: a spa day for two, a free cup of joe, four movie tickets, and dinner for two.
Maybe it’s just been a long week and you’re ready to simply chill and unwind some. Westwick has gathered some of its local musicians, a handful of indie artists to take the stage and rock the night away along with big names such as Panic! At the Disco and Lizzo.
For those looking for something more mellow, spend the night around a bonfire on the beach and let the sound of the ocean waves take you away.
This Spring Festival event will last for one week, so everyone has the chance to develop conversations and have fun! The event will happen from Friday, April 26th through Friday, May 3rd. While participation in the event is not mandatory, it’d be a great way to develop your roles while placing them in a situation that could offer a new adventure or something fun to play with.
Despite the fact the the event is pretty self explanatory, you’re welcome to come to us through the askbox or IM if you have any questions about it or suggestions!
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westwickrp · 5 years
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AGE: 25 years
BIRTHDAY: 22/02/1994
OCCUPATION: Freelance Journalist/Barista
GENDER: Cis Male
NEIGHBORHOOD: Central Westwick
FACECLAIM: Jung Jaehyun
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(–trigger warnings: death tw 
Thomas hasn’t always had it easy, but that wasn’t to say that he didn’t always try to see his cup half full. His parents had an arranged marriage that fell apart mere two years after its ceremony and when his father found himself unemployed and bankrupt, alcohol and anger drove his wife and young Thomas away from him. He didn’t remember much from his early childhood and what he did remember, were his days at the Parker residence, a big mansion his mother found a job as a nanny and a tutor of the Parker’s older daughter, a little girl a few years older than Thomas.
He grew up surrounded by everything great that life had to offer, even though he knew that none of this were his. When Thomas was around eight years old, his mother fell ill and although the Parkers did everything they could to help her, she ended up passing away not much long after. Scared, alone and grieving, Thomas found himself not knowing what to do, but maybe it was just his luck or maybe that really was a nice family, but the Mrs. Parker decided to take him in and adopt him, since she had grown quite fond of Thomas and his mother. Even though he was very grateful, Thomas did everything he could to somehow pay her back for everything she’d done to help him. It was a big family, with several kids running around, so it was awkward for him at first, but he eventually grew into the Parker family.
He was smart and very good with his words and despite having been accepted in several big colleges, Thomas chose to stay in LA because it was close to home, so he didn’t have step out of his comfort zone. Working and studying was hard, but he pushed through and was able to graduate in Journalism. After graduating, he moved to Westwick along with some friends to share an apartment with. He’s still pursuing a career in his area, but the competition is harsh, so he balances his time between his freelance articles and his hours at the cafe he works at.
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✓ positive, approachable, hardworking ✘ gullible, aloof, impatient
This role is played by Bru
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westwickrp · 5 years
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AGE: 24 years
BIRTHDAY: 08/10/1995
OCCUPATION: Socialite/Social Media Influencer
GENDER: Non-Binary (Demi-Girl)
FACECLAIM: Camila Mendes
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(–trigger warnings: n/a
Being the youngest child of two of America’s Sweethearts didn’t give Rissa much to complain about. Life was good. Mommy and daddy gave everything they wanted as long as Riz behaved appropriately in front of the cameras. From reality shows to movie premieres, they were the perfect child. In fact, no kid loved the camera as much as Larissa did and the gossip sites simply enjoyed exposing them and their family, after all, that kind of exposure would sell magazines and get views on several websites.
People who were that exposed also meant they were often the target of scandals and Larissa’s family was no different. Lies and scandals were constantly part of their teenage years, which were very confusing as they were finally discovering themselves as a demi-girl, so obviously, it didn’t help to have camera flashes on their faces constantly, or people on their doorstep asking them to smile and wave. It was exhausting. Things only got worse when about two years ago, pictures of Rissa’s father kissing another woman appeared online and their father didn’t even hesitate in confirming that he was indeed in love with another woman. Larissa’s parents had a very nasty and public divorce and when everything was said and done, Riz, their mom and their older sister moved to Westwick to stay away from the toxic Hollywood environment.
Despite being happy living away from Hollywood, Riz is still trying to put their family’s name back into a good place. Their older sister has recently got them a deal for a reality show that is supposed to show the family as they reinvent themselves, while Riz spends their days exploring Westwick and posting about it on their Instagram account or in their Youtube channel. Their parents relationship has left them with a bitter taste in their mouth, but nevertheless, they’ll put a smile on their face and pretend like everything is okay.
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✓ charismatic, social, ambitious ✘ proud, blunt, cynical
This role is played by Bru
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westwickrp · 5 years
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AGE: 26 years
BIRTHDAY: 12/04/1992
GENDER: Cis Male
NEIGHBORHOOD: Central Westwick
HAS BEEN IN WESTWICK: Forever and always
FACECLAIM: Kim Seokjin
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(–trigger warnings: n/a
When he first entered school his parents started having marital troubles. His dad cheated on his mom and the young boy had seen him at his office, making out with his secretary. His dad had tried to explain to him that sometimes adults liked having fun, but that it didn’t mean he loved his mom any less. The man asked Shawn to keep the secret and for a few weeks, the guilt completely ate him up.
He ended up getting physically sick, vomiting every time his mom tried to talk to him and ask what was wrong, until finally, he simply exploded, crying to his mom that dad had asked him to keep a secret and he didn’t want to disappoint him. His dad still loved her, the young boy had said, he just liked kissing other girls at work.
The divorce was imminent and he barely saw his dad while growing up.
His mother showered him with love, and that’s when he learned that through food, someone could express emotions. Meals were an experience, his mother would do his best to spoil him, and since she worked as a cook in a cheap diner, Shawn experimented with food and restaurants’ environments since he had a memory.
School wasn’t easy.
Shawn didn’t have the intelligence other kids had, and it wasn’t because he was dumb, his interests were just different. He enjoyed reading, he liked knowing about things, the universe, humanity, feelings and chemistry. But Math? Biology? It felt like all the more structured classes were not his forte, he was a more artistic guy, a more deep one, and the school system wasn’t his thing.
And maybe it was because of his dad, maybe it was because he saw his mom grieve for a love that didn’t make her happy, that didn’t fulfill her, but love was never easy for Shawn. He used school to discover himself, realizing he was gay when he was only fourteen, and coming out to his mother was the easiest thing in the world. The difficult part was actually being able to be in a relationship. The fear of cheating was too big, and when his first boyfriend actually fooled around while dating him, Shawn felt like he was just not made to be loved. Maybe Shawn and his mom had more things in common than he thought, but despite that, he gave love another try. Until his heart was broken again. Shawn didn’t turn into a slut, into a man who didn’t like commitment and just fooled around, he just decided there was no one out there who would love him like he deserved, so he focused in cooking, his real passion, figuring that if one day he found a person worth risking his heart, he would know it.
Culinary school distracted him from broken hears, and allowed him to experiment and develop the artistic and deep side he always knew he had. Food was an experience to be shared, every plate had feelings involved, and Shawn made sure to express everything his busy brain couldn’t say with words.
That’s how he got the experience he needed to do internships and work at different places, finding himself at 26 working under the wings of one of the most known and famous chefs in Westwick, hoping to learn everything he can from him to one day, open his own restaurant.
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✓ good friend, loyal, patient  ✘ close-minded, stubborn, distrusting
This role is played by Emma
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westwickrp · 5 years
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Please follow:
Larissa Castro
Shawn Peters
Thomas Parker
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westwickrp · 5 years
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The following roles have been accepted. Welcome to Westwick, please make sure to check the checklist prior to sending us the character’s account. We’re happy to have you here!
Larissa Castro (Camila Mendes) played by Bru
Shawn Peters  (Kim Seokjin) played by Emma
Thomas Parker (Jung Jaehyun) played by Bru
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westwickrp · 6 years
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AGE: 28 years
BIRTHDAY: 04/01/1990
OCCUPATION: Public Accountant
GENDER: Cis Male
NEIGHBORHOOD: Central Westwick
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(–trigger warnings: n/a
Born and raised in Sydney, Australia, along with his sister, Kristen, who is two years older than him. And because they were so close in age, they shared a good relationship with one another. Over the years, his parents’ marriage had started to crumble more and more. His father would lash out towards his mother, while both he and his sister were told to just mind their business and never interfere.
Once Kyle was sixteen though, he had decided enough was enough. Especially once things had become physical between his parents. The second his father turned that aggression on him, however, his mother took him and his sister and left.
With nowhere else to go, they ended up leaving the country for Westwick, Aunt Jenny offering a place for them to stay. She was in the midst of flipping a property she had just purchased in Central Westwick that had an apartment upstairs they could stay in.
Rather than fixing it up to sell for a profit though, it was actually Kyle who spoke up and suggested keeping it to open their own business. It was the perfect location, after all, being in the middle of the city.
It took some convincing. They all managed to find work and part-time jobs while finishing up high school and continuing to renovate the place in their downtime. Kyle started to make it his mission to prove that they could do it. That they could start up a cafe. He kept track of their finances and crunched numbers.
Just before graduation, the family had finally reached the conclusion that maybe it was worth the risk. And then they were opened for business: The Grind — both a play of coffee, and the grind the family worked through to get to where they were.
Kyle stuck around for a couple years after high school to help with the cafe before he decided to try college and work on a degree in accounting. Three years into getting his degree, he found himself in a fling that ended in a completely unexpected pregnancy. And to make matters worse, a pregnancy with a woman he’d only ever slept with, no connection.
The news had them trying to build a connection and a relationship though. Still living with his mom and sister under the same roof, his mother offered for her to move in with them. Especially the further along she became in her pregnancy so that they could help her. And apparently, help keep her sober as well.
Thankfully, little Ryan Lee was born without any complications but his arrival certainly didn’t improve the situation. What relationship there was between Ryan’s mother and Kyle, was toxic more than anything. They were complete opposites of one another, always arguing, constantly getting into little tiffs. It was when she brought drugs into their home that everything changed. Kyle’s mother stepped up and put an end to things this time, keeping her out of their home, shielding her son and grandson.
Kyle took custody of Ryan and after trying one last time to get her to straighten herself out, to get help, she refused. So, he cut all ties with her for his own sake, and their son’s. He managed to finish up his degree with the help of his mom and sister looking after Ryan when he couldn’t, and he ended up getting into an accounting firm where he could practice and continue his education towards becoming a certified public accountant.
Now having a firm grasp on his own life again, Kyle moved out with Ryan and found a place nearby so that he could still visit frequently, and even occasionally help around the cafe when he can.
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✓ charismatic, hardworking, warm ✘ competitive, destructive, impatient
This role is played by Billie
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westwickrp · 6 years
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AGE: 36 years
BIRTHDAY: 08/13/1982
OCCUPATION: Editor in Chief of The Westwick’s Sun // Main Investor of Dragan’s Art Gallery
GENDER: Cis Male
NEIGHBORHOOD: Honne & Colford
HAS BEEN IN WESTWICK: Since he was 18
FACECLAIM: Sebastian Stan
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(–trigger warnings: n/a
Ian was born in Romania, having all the chances to have a very educated childhood. His father, a very well known investor, had a large variety of interests, which made his son like very different things as well. After all, the wealthy life style was something he didn’t chose but that he quite enjoyed. But being a socialite wasn’t something Ian liked for his future, investing money and moving it from one place to another didn’t seem fulfilling, and despite his father’s words and desire that his child followed his steps, he admitted he couldn’t decide Ian’s future and when he requested to study in the States when he finished high school, his parents didn’t say no.
Why did he choose Westwick, of all places? He had no idea. It just happened. University in LA and then a simple life in Westwick was all he ever desired, even when he didn’t know it back then. Life was simpler, people didn’t expect much from him and he was able to look for his true passion; journalism. He loved writing, he loved finding information and sharing it with others, so when an opportunity came to join The Westwick’s Sun, he didn’t hesitate. Sure, it started as a junior position, doing everything others told him to and not writing what he wanted to write, but he knew it was about perseverance and that after a while, he would get to do what he truly loved. And he did. Managing to become the editor in chief, having control over what they wrote, how they write it and how did they want to share it with the world.
But he was his father’s son and he realized he also had a large variety of interests. He liked arts, he liked giving people the chance to share their works with the world, so he invested, just like his father had always wanted him to do, and three years ago he managed to open the Dragan’s Art Gallery, his pride and joy, a place where art meets people in a way that is accessible for everyone, not just the richer circles of town.
Maybe he has disappointed his father, maybe he hadn’t thought in large scale like he wished he did. Maybe his investments are just local and not as large and wide as the older Dragan would like, but Ian is happy. He doesn’t need the fame, he doesn’t need the worldwide recognition like his father still enjoys. He works for Westwick, and all he wants is for his little place in the world to shine like he always knew it could.
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✓ confident, independent, fair ✘ bossy, self-centered, picky
This role is played by Emma
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westwickrp · 6 years
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AGE: 33 years
BIRTHDAY: 02/22/1986
GENDER: Cis Female
NEIGHBORHOOD: Honne & Colford
HAS BEEN IN WESTWICK: Born and raised, left for college, but came back after graduating
FACECLAIM: Crystal Reed
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(–trigger warnings: cancer mention tw
There wasn’t much to be said about Lara’s childhood except that on her 11th birthday, she received the news that her mother was pregnant again, which, she didn’t care much about because playing with her friends outside seemed more interesting than worrying about losing her place at the house. Besides, it wasn’t like she would have worried about her mother’s pregnancy at an advanced age as a ten-year-old girl, and when Sam was born, she was more than okay with helping around the house and picking up more chores so that her parents didn’t have to worry about it.
By the time she was sixteen years old, Lara decided to move out of her parents’ house and into an all-girls republic, simply because she knew she could, after all, her parents had kept their focus on Sam since his birth anyway. When it came to school, she wasn’t the smartest in her class, but she was definitely someone who worked hard, picking up advanced classes in the afternoon and using her tutoring hours to keep the subjects fresh in her memory, which would prove itself to be useful in the future. As a natural argumentative person and someone who enjoyed leadership positions, she was elected school president for her last two years of high school.
Moving away could have meant not being around when Sam was diagnosed with cancer, but Lara proved that not living under the same roof didn’t mean she didn’t care for her own. She would bring her books to study at the hospital while Sam did his chemo sessions, then she would spend some time with him at their parents’ house, just trying to do what she could to make him more comfortable.
She had applied for Yale in secrecy, like an inner challenge mostly to see if she would be accepted, because she knew that if she did, her parents wouldn’t have that kind of money to send her to Connecticut and keep her there for pre-Law and Law school, especially with Sam undergoing his treatment. So, when her letter of acceptance came, Lara went straight to her aunt and uncle to help her with tuition. Yale wasn’t a distant dream now. However, she didn’t adapt to the east coast and only stayed in there for her Pre-Law studies, then getting accepted in UCLA’s Law program.  She was able to stay close to her family and still have an excellent education, which, in the future secured her a job at the district’s attorney’s office.
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✓ assertive, determined, loyal ✘ impatient, cynical, reserved
This role is played by Bru
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westwickrp · 6 years
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AGE: 22 years
BIRTHDAY: 06/01/1996 
OCCUPATION: Student / Part-time Waiter
GENDER: Cis Male
HAS BEEN IN WESTWICK: Born and raised
FACECLAIM: Tom Holland
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(–trigger warnings: cancer mention tw
Sam didn’t have the normal childhood he could have wished for. He was diagnosed with acute lymphocytic leukemia when he was only six years old and that definitely changed the way he had been living. Visits to the doctors were the common thing, he slowly started understanding what cancer meant, and for a kid, it was confusing and hard to deal with, but his parents made it easier for him by being by his side all the time.
By the time he was nine he started with chemo treatment, since the leukemia was advancing quickly and the steam cell transplant was the only answer. It took them a long time to find a donor, but they found a match when he was eleven and gladly, the surgery was a success and the cancer disappeared when he got checked a year later. Somehow, his life was going back to normal and Sam had to start dealing with some overprotective parents that were still too scared their only child would get sick.
He had allergies to cats and dogs, which meant he never got the chance to have a pet, and his parents always claimed he shouldn’t overwork himself, which was why they fought a lot when he joined the soccer team in school. But somehow, Sam always managed to get what he wanted, mostly because he was too positive and persistent, so he never gave up and never took a no as an answer.
He started living a normal life in his teen years, as normal as it could be with his parents always watching everything he did, but he managed to leave the cancer behind and focus in his future instead. He moved out from his home when he was eighteen, his parents understanding his need of independence and even helping with the financing, since he could only get a part time job as a waiter while he studied. His parents agreed to pay for his tuition, as long as he visited them as often as he could and he did, he was just a great son.
He loved animals but he always knew he wouldn’t be a veterinary because of his allergies, so he focused in his other love: the sea. He studies marine biology and does a lot of water sports, always taking care of his health so his parents wouldn’t freak out, but in his mind, there’s no sign of the little boy who had cancer. He did his best not to let that define his life and instead, he focus on living every day to the fullest, enjoying what life has to offer.
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✓ positive, persistent, fearless ✘ stubborn, reckless, impatient
This role is played by Emma
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westwickrp · 6 years
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Please follow:
Ian Dragan
Kyle Lee
Lara Miller
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westwickrp · 6 years
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The following roles have been accepted. Welcome to Westwick, please make sure to check the checklist prior to sending us the character’s account. We’re happy to have you here!
Ian Dragan (Sebastian Stan) played by Emma
Kyle Lee (Kim Jongin) played by Billie
Lara Miller (Crystal Reed) played by Bru
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westwickrp · 6 years
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Due to inactivity or personal reasons, please unfollow:
Mercedes Peltier (Camilla Luddington FC)
Neela Floro (Jameela Jamil FC)
These faceclaims have been reopened.
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westwickrp · 6 years
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Please follow:
Sam Miller
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westwickrp · 6 years
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The following roles have been accepted. Welcome to Westwick, please make sure to check the checklist prior to sending us the character’s account. We’re happy to have you here!
Sam Miller (Tom Holland) played by Emma
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westwickrp · 6 years
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Noah Parker (Ji Chang Wook) is looking for his ex-girlfriend. See more information below:
Suggested name:
Faceclaim and age range:
UTP- Noah is 31 so i would suggest her range be from 28 to 31.
Relation to Character:
Ex girlfriend. They dated a long time and when he went to the army they stayed together through the distance, but when he came back she broke up with him. The reasons behind he break up could be plenty, specially since he didn’t come back in the best mental state bc losing his knee was a real possibility and he was scared af. Still, she’s the only one he has ever loved and since her, he closed up to the world.
UTP, i imagine them being high school sweethearts? Maybe? But this is all something we can talk about.
If interested in this connection, please contact Emma here.
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westwickrp · 6 years
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AGE: 34 years
BIRTHDAY: 11/21/1984
OCCUPATION: Homicide Detective
GENDER: Cis Male
FACECLAIM: Steven Yeun
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(–trigger warnings: death mention tw
While Hyun was born in South Korea and spent a few of his childhood years there, his parents ended up moving to America in hopes of a better future for him. And even after the move, they took frequent trips back and forth, which kept Hyun pretty well involved in both cultures at the time, becoming bilingual in both English and Korean. He’d led a fairly happy and normal childhood up until his baby brother Seok-li was brought into the world. Then, it felt like it only got better. His brother was unexpectedly born a little early and while they were back in South Korea. And rather than ever feel a surge of jealousy like some siblings did, Hyun loved his brother from the very moment he set his eyes on him. There was a bit of an age gap between them but that still never changed anything, either. He happily taught him everything he knew as they both grew older.
However, by the time Hyun had reached the age of eighteen, teaching had become a much bigger task. It was just another ordinary day. He was late leaving school and swung by a friend’s to pick his brother up. And honoring their secret tradition, they went to get some ice cream before heading home. Once they drew nearer to the neighborhood though, more and more emergency vehicles had sped by and a cloud of black smoke took over the sky. Their home had gone up in flames, taking everything with it—including their parents. The loss hit them hard but Hyun knew from that very moment, things were going to change. And fast. There simply wasn’t time for grief. He was already mature beyond his age but losing their parents pushed him that much further into adulthood. Hyun was determined to fight tooth and nail to make sure he wasn’t separated from his brother due to the circumstances, child services ready to swoop in. He was prepared to do anything and everything he could, but ultimately, their grandparents back in Korea had to step in, taking Seok-li home with them. It was better than losing him to the system but it was still a struggle. Because of this, he has always been more reserved and meticulous; hardworking. He pushed himself in every way possible to try and prove that he could take care of both of them. He always called to stay in touch. He sent pictures. Hyun did his best to try and make a home for them, ready for the day he’d be able to return.
It took two years before their grandparents deemed him ready. Hyun had a home for them to live in, a room just for his little brother. And their grandparents continued to help by sending a little money every month. Hyun could tell Seok was struggling initially and once again, he did everything he could. Over those two years, he found himself traveling down the path of criminal justice, going into the police academy to become an officer. That choice received a lot of ridicule more than anything else, however, he persevered, becoming a detective after a few years of experience. Part of it might have been to prove he could become something; proving old peers that had bullied him and his brother that he wasn’t going to stand for it anymore, being able to fight back. Not only for them but for everyone whose voice wasn’t heard. And even though it may not have been the right thing to do, and even though he wasn’t ashamed of his past and culture, Hyun had changed his name back while he was trying to get into the police academy. It was much easier to fit in then, his name more Americanized as Ethan Chambers. The decision did come at a small cost though, causing some tiffs between him and his brother for neglecting their culture.
Another part of the reason detective work intrigued Ethan was digging for the truth. He firmly believes his parents were killed and that the house fire was no accident. It bothered him that no one seemed to have any real answers as to what happened. He knew his parents. They simply weren’t reckless people, and nothing added up. But he’s never vocalized it to anyone; secretly digging around when and where he can. It’s something he’s never been able to let go of, among other things, since he’s become a detective.
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✓ ambitious, brave, focused ✘ secretive, vindictive, workaholic
This role is played by Billie
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