wethreeclans · 4 years
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There’s someone in the woods.
That’s not entirely accurate--at least, not anymore. It’s something, as in something is in the woods, something is lurking in the tunnels far beneath StoneClan, something is following ClayClan warriors as soon as they step on the tracks.
And something took their leaders.
Something took their leaders and now it wants more.
16+ horror(?) roleplay, all ranks open, join here
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wethreeclans · 4 years
We Three Clans
Three clans reside at the base of the mountain-- ClayClan, StoneClan, and DustClan. They live in relative harmony-- or at least, they did, before every single leader just disappeared. No traces, no witnesses, they just vanished.
Up until last night.
Join the three clans are they uncover the mystery of what lies just beyond the edge of the forest.
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wethreeclans · 4 years
We Three Clans: A Warriors Roleplay
Three clans reside at the base of the mountain-- ClayClan, StoneClan, and DustClan. They live in relative harmony-- or at least, they did, before every single leader just disappeared. No traces, no witnesses, they just vanished.
Join the three clans at the link below and help unravel the mystery of what's in the forest.
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wethreeclans · 4 years
Common Ground
At the heart of the three territories, there is a pond that is fed into by the northern river. In this pond, there are large, jagged gray stones that seem to pierce the sky. On nights of the full moon, the leaders join each other atop these stones, as their clans watch from across the pond, as they hold their gathering.
North of ClayClan’s territory, past the abandoned beast’s tracks, there’s a cave which contains a pool filled with stars. Each and every warrior must visit this pool before earning their full title, and each medicine cat visits here every half moon.
The twoleg place is located just at the edge of StoneClan’s territory and consists of just a few basic houses and a barn. There are occasionally cats that live in the barn, though more often than not, they join the rogues.
Just past the twoleg place is the rogue place, which is just an abandoned house. They seem to be a well organized group of individuals, though, and often hunt in the moors and the swamp that lay just beyond the house, often times crossing into StoneClan’s territory.
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wethreeclans · 4 years
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DustClan’s is pretty similar to ClayClan’s, in that it is covered in thick, evergreens and unstable terrain, though it is quite a bit larger than theirs and has less streams crossing it. It is a confusing forest and all too easy to get lost in if you’re not careful. 
The camp is at the heart of the territory, hidden in a small cluster of trees. Their dens are at the base of trees, sans the leaders, which is at the top of one and can only be reached by climbing. The other dens are protected by thick woven bramble and blackberry bushes. The camp has several different entrances and exits, including a few hidden ones, just to be safe. 
Their diet consists of a lot of squirrels, birds, mice, a few frogs, lizards, and on occasion, a fish or two. They are a very varied clan and a lot of them have different tastes and are willing to try almost anything.
DustClan, being the one clan open to outsiders, has varied looks. Typically, the cats are smaller, to make climbing trees a bit easier, and have longer tails. Their pelt colors vary drastically from cat to cat, though typically the most unique looking the cat, the more attractive they are.
They share the western most border with StoneClan, much to their charge in. StoneClan is largely peaceful, but their tendency to ignore the border drives them up the wall.
Their northern most border is shared with ClayClan, which they try to be respectful of. Occasionally, a few of their warriors with cross over, and sure, maybe they are constantly fighting over the grassy knoll, but largely, they try to be respectful.
As for the rest of their borders, there’s no clear indicator of where their territory stops, but the leader always tells them sternly to never go past the pond. They never get an answer as to why, but any disobedience is met with punishment, or, in worse cases, the cat never returns.
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wethreeclans · 4 years
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Technically, StoneClan does have the largest territory. It stretches all the way to the twoleg place,after all, but that’s because it’s just...empty. There’s not a lot there, minus rabbits and maybe a few birds flying around, but other than that, it’s pretty sparse. Underneath, of course, is a different story. There is a winding network of tunnel system that the clan has been working on for moons upon moons.
The camp itself is underground. Above ground, there’s nothing to indicate its even there, minus a few trees. Underneath, all of the dens are carved into the dirt expertly, though all pretty much identical. The leaders den is located a bit higher up, on a ledge called the high stone.
Their diet mainly consists of what they can find in the tunnels, which is actually a good variety of things. Mainly mice and vole, but fish on occasion as well, as well as frogs and salamanders. The lightfoots will also bring back squirrels and maybe the occasional rabbit, but typically StoneClan cats are fit for hunting rabbits.
StoneClan also isn’t the biggest fan of outside of clan relationships, though they do sometimes occur. But for the most part, cats here with be bigger and bulkier than almost any other cat. And this also rings true for what they find attractive-- the larger you are, chances are the more attractive you are to other cats. Scars aren’t super common among them, because StoneClan is typically a peaceful clan, sans the rogues. Their pelt colors typically are brown to gray in coloring, with tabby stripes being quite common.
StoneClan shares it’s northern most border with ClayClan, which is indicated by a fast paced river, so StoneClan usually leaves ClayClan to their own devices. 
Their border to the southeast is DustClan, which DustClan isn’t thrilled about. While the majority of StoneClan never crosses borders, Lightfoots tend to cross the border at their leisure, which has caused rising tensions between the clans. 
Their western border is shared between both the twoleg place and the rogue place. The twoleg place is just a series of a few houses and a barn, nothing too serious, while the rogue place tends to cause them more trouble, mainly because the rogues come looking for it. There hasn’t been a major battle yet, but tensions are brewing.
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wethreeclans · 4 years
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Clayclan technically has the smallest of the three territories, though what territory they do have is covered in thick trees and crisscrossed by rivers and small streams. The terrain is also a bit uneven,with lots of hills and unstable, muddy ground that can make traversing it difficult if you’re not used to it.
Their camp is very cramped, all of the dens very close together. The Starpool’s water flows through the camp, bisecting it. It is easy enough to cross, however, and they rarely see any flooding from it. One one side of the camp, you have the nursery and elders den, both located in a hollowed out, fallen tree, though on opposite sides. On the other side, you have the leaders dun, underneath a stone that juts out from the earth, called the high rock. The den itself is somewhat shallow and it isn’t uncommon for the leader in leafbare to join the warriors. The warrior and apprentice den is side by side, both made of woven blackberry bushes. 
It, unsurprisingly, consists mainly of fish. The main river runs too fast to ever freeze over completely, though only the strongest warriors are allowed to fish from it, as anyone weaker would be carried away in the currents. During the colder season, they also rely on birds and mice they can find.
ClayClan is not a big fan of relationships outside of the clan, so all the cats have very similar looks. Usually, their pelts are sleeker than the average cats, usually in shades of gray or black. They often have more rounded features and have a slightly stockier build compared to their counterparts. 
ClayClan shares it’s western border with StoneClan, though it is typically called the northern border, as it is the northern most shared border out of all of the clans. They are divided by a fast paced river, which is difficult to traverse, even for skilled ClayClan cats. They usually have little trouble with this border, as StoneClan cats aren’t usually inclined to cross.
It’s southern border is shared with DustClan, unfortunately. There is not physical barrier between the two, other than some pebbles ClayClan put up in an effort to keep a more sound border. DustClan cats may cross this border to chase some prey, and there is a grassy knoll that DustClan has tried to claim in the past, due to it’s abundance of mice, though ClayClan depends on these mice during leafbare. 
The rest of ClayClan’s borders are marked by the abandoned beast path. Huge, hulking metal beasts, even bigger than monsters, used to travel these past many moons ago, but they have since been abandoned.
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wethreeclans · 4 years
The Starpool’s water runs directly through the camp, something which ClayClan’s are quiet about. They believe that this gives them a direct link to StarClan at anytime and only the clan leader and medicine cat are allowed to drink from it, oftentimes to the dismay of the other cats.
Because of this pool, ClayClan cats believe they are favored by StarClan and often operate as such. Every deputy is chosen, not by the leader, but by a sign from StarClan and same goes for medicine cats. If the current medicine cat does not receive a sign about an apprentice, it does not matter if that cat shows potential, they will not be made a medicine cat.
They really value respect, not only from other clans, but from their own clanmates. Some might even claw your ears if you don’t address them by “sir” or “ma’am”. Any sort of disobedience is met with harsh punishments and trying to weasel your way out of them will get it worsened. 
They are stringent followers of the code, down to the tee. Even breaking the code in minor ways, such as not thanking StarClan for a piece of prey, could be punished if you’re around the wrong cat.
They’re not very into romance, they think relationships are often pointless and shouldn’t be perused unless there’s an opportunity for kits. Of course, not a lot of cats follow this one, but it is frowned upon to seek out frivolous relationships, or to have drawn out drama.
It is rare for a young warrior to be chosen as a mentor, just because their apprenticeship was most likely very difficult on them. There  is no such thing as “going easy” on a cat for a ClayClanner and unfortunately, a lot of kits are subjected to the harsh reality of what being an apprentice is all about. Whether its taking care of the elders for two whole moons for talking back, or hunting literally all day, your training all depends on your mentor, just pray to StarClan you get a nice one.
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wethreeclans · 4 years
StoneClan is, primarily, a clan of tunnelers, they create new, twisting tunnels, that they hunt in and that they take refuge in. Because a lot of their work already takes place in the absolute darkness, there’s little need to follow the same strict sleep schedule as the rest of the clans, so instead, they operate in shifts. 
On these shifts, cats are expected to expand their portion of the tunnels and to catch whatever prey is lingering in these tunnels and bring it back for the clan
The first one is Dawn to Sunhigh, this is one of the easier shifts and the... less competent cats are often placed here. Or, if for some reason you pissed of the leader, you’ll be placed either here or with the Sunhigh to Dusk crew. This shift requires 2+ cats, and their job is to expand the Southern tunnels, towards DustClan.
Sunhigh to Dusk is the absolute easiest one. Any predators have long since gone to sleep and when you’re done with the shift, they are just beginning to awaken again.This shift requires 2+ cats and is to expand the Western tunnels, towards the twoleg place. 
Dusk to Moonhigh is for cats who are a little bit more skilled. Cats who can dig faster, or who have more keen ears are usually recommended for this role, as predators are about and they are digging towards the shared border with ClayClan, which is divided by a river. One wrong move and you’re flooded. This job requires at least 3 cats.
Moonhigh to Dawn is also a bit more challenging. Though they don’t have the threat of the river, they do have the threat of the rogues to the North, which is what they’re digging towards. This requires at least three cats. 
There are some cats that are just not equipped for the tunnel life and these cats are not as respected as the tunnelers. Sometimes, if you piss the leader off enough, they’ll put you as one of these warriors even if you trained as a tunneler, or they’ll make your kits train as this warrior. There’s no official title for these cats, though often are referred to as ‘Lightfoots’ and they are often left to their own devices, which leads to some rule breaking, such as crossing the border. These cats are expected to hunt and mark the border, though they rarely as checked on to see if they’re actually doing it.
These shifts are not permanent and a cat can request to be put on a different shift, but it is seen as almost taboo and there have been instances where the new shift as ignored the new member for up to a moon.
Above all, StoneClan really values the little groups they made. They are like a little family unit and a lot of times, they are! Parents will often request that their kit be placed with them on their shift and the leader will usually honor this request. Your shift really becomes your family and they will often have specialized nicknames for each other and just generally grow together. 
StoneClan is definitely the most gossipy of all clans, which is almost natural, given the built in cliques. Any second of downtime they have, it seems like they’re discussing the latest romance, or breakup, or just any drama. The do spend most of their time in tunnels, so in hindsight it does make sense they’re itching for any distraction.
Once every half moon, when the medicine cats have their meeting, the clan will spend that entire day focused on hunting. They will bring in whatever prey they can, and once the medicine cats return, they have a feast. Just to celebrate another moon, to see their friends that got put on a different shift. It is a celebration where they let their differences be let go for one evening.
Typically, cats that share the same shift will help train the apprentice that is assigned to one of their mentors. Sure, the cat that was assigned as mentor will take on the brunt of the training, but they all lend a paw to help out and make sure the cat feels welcome on their shift. More often than not, the cat will be assigned to the same shift as their mentor, unless the mentor specifically asks for the apprentice to be assigned elsewhere, which is rare. 
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wethreeclans · 4 years
DustClan emphasizes questions in their teachings quite a bit. Cats are encouraged to question orders that they deem are fruitless, or damaging, even if it’s a leader giving the command. Now, this doesn’t often get them out of cleaning the elder’s den, but it teaches them to question everything around them, even those in supposed authority. 
Honesty is expected of clanmates all of the time. There is little they can tolerate less than someone who is being intentionally misleading or outright lying. One of the biggest betrayals for the clan is not a clanmate sneaking around, it’s the lying about sneaking around. 
Trust is not something that is handed out easily, though. Something about questioning the world around you leads to questioning your clanmates as well. Cats here typically have a few close bonds and a casual friendship with the rest of the clan, but the trust seems to be at times, surface level. 
Cats here generally do not mind if you take on a mate from another clan, or a rogue. Sure, they might not be inclined to trust you, and if caught you will still be punished, but they sort of view the warrior code as a guideline then an actual rule book.
Mentors are often encouraged to give their apprentices away to another warrior for a day, to let them get a varied experience and to make sure they are well rounded and being taught what they enjoy and are good at, not just what the mentor prefers teaching. Apprentices may request a new mentor if they feel as though their talents would be more appreciated by another mentor, and the mentor can do the same. 
Part of being a DustClan cat means being comfortable in the forest, which means a lot of specialized training for that. Cats are trained on moving comfortably and silently from tree to tree and, at times, hunting from those trees. Cats will be expected to spend at least one night in the forest alone as part of their training. 
Apprentices are not to be made warriors unless specifically asked for it, which is DustClan’s best kept secret. Somehow, they have always kept the new round of apprentices from finding out that you have to ask to be made a warrior before you can have your assessment. The longest a cat has gone without asking is eighteen moons, though the second they asked they were immediately made a warrior, not assessment needed. 
The Council 
Unlike the other two clans, DustClan has a council to decide battle tactics, when to get into a fight, when to play it safe, when to allow a new cat into the clan. The council is made up of the leader, deputy, medicine cats, elders, and usually, cats who have grown kits in the clan. This is usually because they will not charge head first into battle, knowing that their kits lives are on the line if they do. They meet before every big decision and must come together to reach a sound decision for whatever they’re trying to figure out.
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wethreeclans · 4 years
The Beginning
There were three of them, siblings not by blood, but by choice.
The oldest was Clay, a large tom with dizzying dreams, dreams that told him of the stars, of those who had come before him. He once told his brothers he had named himself Clay because “the cats of the stars have molded my destiny so easily, it was almost as if it was clay.”
Next was Stone, a she-cat with a sharp tongue and even sharper claws. She looked at the stars and saw something there, but she also looked to the ground and saw something much more real there, something much more tangible. She used to scoff at her brother and say; “I carve my own destiny into the stone that lay before me-- I do not rely on them to tell me what to do.”
Lastly, there was Dust. They were small, easy to overlook, and had little to do with their siblings conflict. Instead, they turned their attention towards the stars in question and asked, “Why? Why leave us down here in the dust and dirt while you sit by and watch?”
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