wetladss · 3 months
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wetladss · 3 months
Day 61 - London
We spent most of the day in Bodo. Having a sauna that was on a floating barge and having cold dips in the ocean when it got to hot. We said our farewells and grabbed one last burger from Hamo’s work Burgasm which Thalia accidentally ordered a plane Jane which was just a burger with no sauce or extras just the patty, and we did takeaway so didn’t find out till later which was funny. We arrived late into London so we went straight to bed but not before grabbing some late dinner at McDonalds.
Day 62
We woke up and had a cruisy morning. Then in the afternoon Thalia head to pole and I went for a swim in an outdoor pool within a park. It was really nice and I had a Heul to keep me going. We then had some Caribbean food which was an awesome feast before heading off to a artist for aid concert that had Daniel ceaser supporting with a few other acts. There was some spoken word, a choir, a comedian and mix of music from rap to indie to some other jazz fusion thing. There was also a surprise act of FKA Twigs which was awesome as we wanted to see her perform and got really lucky to see her. Thalia was so surprised and excited she was crying. Really nice gig. After that we headed home. Grabbed some McDonalds again on the late night.
Day 63
Mostly rested this day. We got pancakes and bacon for breakfast and I tried a steak pasty which is the uk version of a meat pie. We then chilled at home and packed as we had a road trip the next day. Later on I headed out to a Jazz club Ronnie Scott’s to see Close Counter with a friend Fabian. It was a really fun jazz venue which was full sit down. Had a really nice nice, few cocktails and some good music. Really nice night but a lot later then I was planning as I got back home at 3am for a 9am wake up for the road trip.
Day 64
Today we were headed to Skegness for Thalias pole performance. We hired a car with Thalias friend Lylia joining us and we all got McDonald’s for lunch on the way. We found out Skegness is also known as ‘Skeg Vegas’ and when we arrived we saw why. Along the beach front there were carnival rides and fairy floss stands and neon lights. Thalia went to her rehearsal while I had a nap. Thalia and Lylia got ready and then we head to the kush nightclub. We watched the first third of the show and saw some great performances. My favourite was a guy whose stage name was Michael, he entered the stage on a toy horse to cowboy music. There was also some with incredible strength. We got McDonald’s again in the break because there weren’t many options. The town was pretty lively at night and England was playing in the soccer so a lot of people out and about. Thalia performed in the last third of the performances so around 10:30pm. She was amazing. The crowd tried to convince her to stay in the uk and I had to fight for her. Thalia was very happy and we were all pretty knackered so we went to bed.
Day 65
We went to a cafe in Skegness for breakfast and got huge English breakfasts with free coffee for really good prices. It felt like eating at nans house. Then we began the drive back to London which was pretty dense with traffic. We chilled a bit and packed the car and drove to return the car. The car hire place ended up including an airport transfer which was nice. We got some sandwiches and then got on the flight. We synced up our tv shows for a bit and then Thalia fell asleep. I tried to stay awake to avoid jet lag but caved for the last to hours.
Day 66
We flew from Abu Dhabi to Melbourne.
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wetladss · 3 months
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wetladss · 3 months
Day 48 - Berlin
Woke up really early to catch a train to the airport for our morning flight. We arrived in Berlin and after catching the train to the city centre. Really nice weather in Berlin being in the low 20s and being comfortably humid compared to the dryness of Greece. We had a bit of a walk around to explore the surrounding area. Was expecting some cooler building initially but I supposed a lot was bomb back in the day and rebuilt more recently. We went back to the accommodation and rested to catch up on some sleep missed out in the morning and checked in. We went for a long walk to some markets and tried some Mata again which was delicious but not as tasty or cheap as the one in Toulouse. Then grabbed a burger and watch some of the soccer on the tv there as there where euro cup matches being played in Berlin and screen everywhere. We had walked a fair bit so went back to the hostel and crashed
Day 49 - Thalias Birthday
Woke up and it was Thalias birthday which also coincides with the summer solstice. There where heaps of bands scheduled to play throughout the city as a celebration so we planned to have a look around later when it all kicked off. Started the morning heading to north Berlin and gettin croissant and coffee and followed up with pancakes eggs and beacon for Breaky. We then headed to the Berlin Wall and found a cool old warehouse / pop up stalls on the river front which was really artisy with heaps of graffiti and character. It was pretty cool space and they where setting up for music but we thought we check it out later but didn’t get back around to it. We then arrived at the Berlin Wall which was fascinating to see and think about the history and learn about it. Have been using chatgpt to help me with information on areas and thing through the travel and learnt a bit more about the wall and what it symbolises. We then went to burgamister which had the best burgers on the trip. So delicious and juicy and really well priced. We then walk toward the park where there was meant to be some block party. Walking through the park there was a stage setup and some rapper singing. All in German but sounded good. It was raining so we continued on exploring and arrived at the block party which was a bit underwhelming as it was a few shop fronts in the rain putting something on but it had not a lot of action. We continued through the park and saw a bunch of mini races in the Forrest and just went exploring for music. Eventually found a cool one next to the river and checked that out before absolutely getting smashed with a storm. We headed back the way we came because there was a really highly rated gelato place and due to the rain there wasn’t many people. We had the typical pistachio and raspberry flavour which was really nice. We then head back towards home. Pasting a few cool street bands play psy rock and rnb. We then found a awesome industrial block that was now repurposed for art, clubs, skatepark, rock climbing, outdoor cinema (playing the euro World Cup), brewery, gallery, furniture shop from repurposed boats and I think there was a swimming pool looking at google maps at the back of a closed venue. and multiple artist performing from rock, indie and a few DJs. We stay around here for a while because it was the coolest area. We went into one of the clubs and watch this chick perform a awesome set of rapping then head across the street to get some food. While eating saw a drumming band on the corner of all this action and then we where a bit knackered so started to make our way back home. On they way I wanted to suss out Heimberg and we found a choir in a beautiful community garden setup as we headed towards it. We stay a while there and listen to the choir singing which was beautiful. We then walked over to Heimberg which was next to it and checked the building out as it was an old power station that had been converted into one of berlins top clubs. No action though as it all kicked off later. On Saturday it opens at 12pm and stops on Monday morning, also has half a million dollar sound system. We then maid our way back home. Passing some Cuban music and a bunch of oldies dancing. Eventually making it back home and crashing as we had walk about 37000 steps. Thalia was happy with the day so I could rest peacefully.
Day 50
We went exploring west grabbing my first crookie. Croissant crossed cookie. This was really fun and delicious. Thalia didn’t want me to get it but I persisted. We then headed west to check out museum island, along with Berlin gate, Jewish memorial and the old SS site which was now a museum after they blew it up and removed the building back in the day. This side of town was a lot more speccy and the building where more impressive. We didn’t go to any museums just had a look at the building before heading to the Berlin gate. This was kind la cool but the area had been transformed for the football and they had a viewing area and some infrastructure around it. We headed to see the Jewish memorial which was interesting as it made you feel a bit uncomfortable knowing what it was for and the design of the blocks which produced a feeling of discomfort. We then headed to the mall to find a toilet but after a massive search and being disappointed to find one of the toilets was closed and the other one had a massive line so we manage to walk another block and sneak into a restaurant for one. There was also a hot air balloon next to it that we had seen being lifted into the sky for advertising and then pulled back down to the ground. Nearby we saw the SS museum which follows the journey of the rise of hulter and the secret service he had along with the police force that was created pre war. It followed the timeline and the atrocities until post war and was very informative. Showing what could happen if you give one person total power with no checks and balances. Afterwards we head back home but not before I tried my favourite drink Huel. Basically a protein drink married a voost and had the same calories as a meal. All the while tasting really good. The first of many. We headed back home and crashed but not before grabbing some delicious Mexican. Two burritos, one with pork and one with chicken. We then went home and watch some stuff on the laptop and crashed.
Day 51
Originally we where only going to stay for three days but we extended it as it was pretty realaxing and a good climate too. We head out back east as Thalia had a pole class and I went to check out the artsy industrial area we enjoyed on her birthday. This time it was a huge reloved cloths market. Absolutely massive. Had a suss but knew we’d come back together to have a look. I then went to the heimberg to check it out as it had been going for about 12 hours. There was a huge line but even though I was outside the music sounded great. Got a bit of adrenaline hearing how good it was and imagining what it would be like. I then went to the park and read while I waited for Thalia to finish. Then we headed together to burgermiester to get more delicious burgers before heading to the reloved clothes markets and having a look around. Buying nothing but enjoying having an explore. We then headed back to the gelato shop we had been to previously but there was a 100m looking line so we nope the fuck out and headed to another one near by that was also rated pretty good. This one had more family vibes and had really delicious gelato. Pistachios and strawberry. There was also the best lemon slushie I had every had. Sour and a little sweet and tasted really fresh. We then headed further east to see a electronic gallery called dark matter. This had several rooms with different lighting designs which would play through different effects. This was really cool and inspirational. We spent over 2hrs here and had a great time seeing the different installations. We then headed back home. Had a funny experience as we hadn’t had water for ages and it was pretty hot this day. We tried going to Aldi but it was closed on Sundays. We google water fountains and found one in a park but it closed undergoing tests. Then we walked to another one and as we arrive. Two kids arrived just before us along with a mother and her kid. So we waited for them to drink but there was also a shit tonne of bees drinking from the water as well. The kids had different slow techniques to drink the water and then the baby would freak out and then be amazed at the bees but after a long time not having water it was out turn. We headed back to the accommodation and grabbed one burrito to share before crashing again.
Day 52
We weren’t to sure what to get up to this day. So we decided to escape the city and go visit one of the natural lakes that is used for swimming. We caught a train south and then went to the lake. It was a beautiful spot. You could walk around the whole lake in about 1.5hrs and it was really clean and clear. We went to the supermarket and grabbed some snacks and and then went for a swim before relaxing on some grass next to the river. After some reading and snacking and some more swimming we went into the town next to it and got a pizza which was alright and then what was best pistachio gelato we had had to much of Thalias surprise. We then walked around the lake and went for another swim before catching the train back to the city. This was really relaxing and enjoyable after a big weekend. We went to hungry so went to the supermarket to get some snacks for the night and tomorrow morning as we had another really early flight to catch. I brought two Heuls and I was set. We then went to bed early as we had to get up at 4.30am to catch a plain to Paris.
Day 53 - Paris
We arrived early and it was really hot. Back into 30 degree plus weather in a city. We drop our bags off and then went for a walk around the city but ended up chilling in the shade for a while reading. Then heading to oakberry to get a large açai to help cool down. We then checked into our room and hid from the midday heat. Later we headed out and had some Moroccan food which wa delicious. Tagine chicken potato lemon curry. Then headed to the Eiffel Tower after getting a bit stuck around the pre Paris olympics infrastructure that was being setup everywhere and prevent google maps from getting us some places without detours. Saw the building where Neapolitan was buried in which was pretty cool. Tower was neat as well but I was a bit underwhelmed. Still cool to see but had seen better building in the travels. We then headed back home and crashed for the night as it was a huge day.
Day 54
We woke up and grabbed some coffee and sandwiched before heading to the Louvre. We lined up for 1.5hrs and ate our food in the line. It was hot again so it did seem to take a a while but once we where in it was awesome. Such a cool entrance and the buildings it was within where amazing. This is definitely the best museum I have been too. The art works where incredible. Amazing painting on huge scales and heaps of Greek statues. We went exploring for about three hours and didn’t quite see it all. Really enjoyed seeing the art in here. From the Mona Lisa and naplolian crowning his wife in this massive painting. A lot of great history within it. Saw all the old Crown Jewels which where incredibly glamorous and then where tired again. We left and saw some kind of photoshoot happening. We learnt that fashion week had just been and now it was the local Paris stores fashion week. No one that we recognised but people seem to get around these potential models. We headed home and then Thalia headed to pole. I meet up with her after her class and we then went to find some dinner. We where going to some markets but most of it was closed and nothing popped out to much. So we grabbed some mojitos nearby and had a look on google maps for a restaurant. We decided to treat ourselves and went to a stake house. This had a really nice atmosphere. Relaxing and cool venue. We had eye fillet and a Argentina steak which escape my mind. It was like a scorch though. Really delicious meats paired with some wine. Had a lovely night there. We then headed back home for the night after that.
Day 55
We where a bit knackered this day after all the traveling about and big cities. We did some shopping. We went to another museum that was for youth art and it had a nice sound room and a really captivating short film. Then we knocked of early as we had another morning flight. This time off to Norways Bodø
Day 56 / 57 / 58 / 59 / 60 - Norway
This was a really nice wind down from all the traveling. We were lucky enough to stay with Hamish and his partner Elisa and there baby Hazel. It was during 24hrs of sunlight as the lived in the arctic circle. We went for walks around the area and spent time catching up and watching Hazel as she was very amusing. We went to a lovely beach out of town a bit for a day trip which was lovely and went for some very cold swims in the oceans and lakes. Cooked some meals for each other. Ate some reindeer. Had a really relaxing and restorative time. Finishing up with the floating sauna on the water front which allowed you to cold plunge and then jump back into the heat. A really nice ending to the main adventure.
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wetladss · 3 months
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wetladss · 3 months
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wetladss · 3 months
Day 40
We woke up and had a nice breakfast in town which consisted of coffee and croissants. We found Airbnb host advertise breakfast in there offers even though it is a very small meal. The town was a lot more lively with what looked like the all the retirees catching up for the morning and sitting on all the park benches. We chilled out for a bit and had a small walk before heading back to Naples on the train. We arrived and headed to the accommodation and checked our stuff in. We had some lunch then Thalia went off for pole and I did a home workout. Afterwards we got ragu takeaway. Delicious as always.
Day 41 - Athens
We woke up and had another croissant and coffee breakfast before catching a bus to the airport. Our flight got delayed a tad so we watched some avatar on the laptop before the plane arrived and we flew out to Greece. We arrived in Athens and it was really fucken hot. 42 degrees so we caught a taxi to our accommodation to avoid any walking in the heat. Once we settled in we explored the area. We had a Gyros which was cheap and really delicious. 3.50 euros for a feed. That marked the beginning of many. Athens was a pretty cool city. A lot of trendy restaurants and bars in the area we stayed in that was called Exarchia. After lunch we went back to the apartment to escape the midday heat. We did a workout and rested and then went out at night when it had slightly cooled off. Still mid 30s. We met up with a friend of Thalias for dinner. Seems to be Greeks like eating late as we had dinner around 9.30 and finished up at 11.30. Nice food.
Day 42 - Serifos
The next day we got up late and checked out just before lunch. We headed into the city and had some Greek yogurt and eggs for breakfast. The yogurt was really nice. We headed to Thalia's Greek office branch and were able to leave our bags there while we walked around and explored the area. Saw the acropolis for the first time which looked pretty epic and had another gyros. We had a look at the markets and then had another gyros before collecting our bags and heading off to catch a train to the ferry. The ferry ended up being one made by incat which was pretty cool to see. We then caught the 2ish hour ferry to the island. It was pretty nice area with a small town at the port and then a town on one of the hills/mountains that over looked it. Nice white building and had beaches either side of the town which was nice. We checked in to a lovely accommodation and got given a cold face towel which was nice coming from 30+ degrees with bags after walking up a hill. We then headed out for dinner and had a meal on the water front. It was ok food but a bit pricy. Afterwards we walked along the beach for sunset before heading back to the accommodation.
Day 43 -
Woke up for an awesome breakfast. Buffet with savory and sweets. Big bowl of yogurt fruit and peanut butter then some savouries to finish off. We then headed to the beach and relaxed there. It was hot but there were trees that grew in the sand that you could rest under which worked perfectly. There was also a beach restaurant where we got bacon, eggs and pancakes from during the day. The water was really nice to swim in and a perfect temperature. Refreshing and a little crisp but you didn’t get cold staying in it. We spent most of the day there and then got gyros for dinner and having another beach walk for sunset. We grabbed some donuts covered in honey and walnuts called loukoumades with ice cream on the way back which was delicious and checked out some of the yachts in the area that were docked. We then headed back to the accommodation and grabbed our swimmers and went for a sunset swim before heading back for the night.
Day 44
Same as yesterday, big breaky then off to the beach. Had gyros for lunch and then stayed at the beach again. Swimming, sleeping and reading. We then caught the bus up to the mountain town to have dinner and spend the night. It was a pretty epic little town nestled into the mountain. There was a church at the summit and they had squished in a town square just down from it. The colors were really nice as well. In the square there was a yellow restaurant and a blue restaurant. We had an ice cream and mojito at the blue one. There was also a wedding happening which was interesting to see happening in another church next to the town square. We then headed up to the top to watch the sun set and see the view of everything around. You get a good view of all the coastline and the port town below. After that we headed to a restaurant on the side of the mountain that overlooked the ocean which didn’t look like much on the inside but the food was incredible. Honey roast lamb, fennel pie and Greek salad. One of the best meals on the trip. We called it Thalias birthday dinner. We then walked back down to our accolades afterwards and surprisingly only took 30 minutes. Crashed after that walk as the next day we planned to walk up the hill for sunrise.
Day 45
We woke up just before 5 to start the walk up to the top of the mountain to see the sunrise. It was a bit of a mission and Thalia wanted to stop before we got to the top but we got there and it was a pretty epic. It was also a lot cooler than it was during the day which was nice even though we got pretty hot walking up. Nice walk between the old white building on the way up and caught a beautiful sunrise. We made it back to the hotel by 7 so we slept another hour and then had another delicious brekky. They let us have a late checkout so we headed to the beach and read our books and then showered before getting the ferry back to Athens. We had some takeaway gyros for lunch. We the planned to catch up with Thalias friend again but we were pretty exhausted so we had a nap. We got up and went into town, had a really good gelato and then found a cool little Mexican place with hand made tacos for dinner. Also frozen margaritas. Then off to bed.
Day 46
We got pancakes, eggs and bacon for brekky. Was delicious. Then we head to the ancient agora which Thalia was keen to do instead of the acropolis as she had been before. It was really cool and we did an audio tour that we found on Soundcloud which explained the ruins and got you to imagine Socrates, Plato and Aristotle living there and other interesting characters. We had a Greek lunch at a little restaurant near our Airbnb. On the way there we saw some guy shoot up and around the corner saw a lady peeing on a pillar, there were heaps of needles on the ground everywhere too. We found out Athens gives out free needles to avoid infections but it is pretty hectic. Not that the people seemed intimidating, just weird to see that so public but we did find out we where staying in a known dodgy area. We chilled for a while because it was still extremely hot. Thalia went to pole and I went up to the acropolis which was awesome. Pretty crazy overlooking the whole city and thinking how far it’s come but also a bit sad seeing it’s all worn down and a bit destroyed. Also got to see the London philharmonic orchestra doing their warm ups in the theatre below the acropolis which was pretty sick. We met up with Thalias friend, Iro, for dinner in a very pretty square full of restaurants. I got a gelato from nearby before dinner, then we had a spread of things to share. The lemon slow cooked beef was great. Thalia was really happy to see Iro again before leaving.
Day 47
I watched the tv show the boys while thalia went to her favourite cafe in Exarchia. I had started to feel a bit sick again which I think was due to the huge day yesterday and the hot dry air agitating my airways. She brought back some yoghurt , honey and walnuts and a spinach pastry for brekky. Then we head to a new hostel which was pretty cheap. We couldn’t check in yet so we just dumped our bags and head to a park to get some shade. We had to watch out laying in the grass because there were some needles. Then we went and got a delicious lunch - chicken in a creamy bacon sauce and a fig and cheese salad with an orange juice dressing. Thalia said this was her birthday lunch. We checked into the hotel and then Thalia went to poke while I watched the diplomat. We went out to a burger place and their menu had just two options, one or 2 patties and were really cheap. They were delicious. We got an early nights sleep because we had a pretty early flight to Berlin the next day.
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wetladss · 3 months
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