wevlogcollective · 7 years
VEDAugust 2017 Topics Calendar
For those of you (like me) who like to plan and film ahead, here are the topics for this month! I tried to include as many suggestions you all gave in the sign-up/brainstorming doc as I could. If you don’t like a certain topic, or you have regular content you need to publish during VEDA, no hard feelings. You are welcome to skip and do a topic of your own choosing!
Love your faces!
- E
August 1: Intro day & recommend a fave creator
Tell us about yourself, what’s new in your life since last time, if you’re a newbie what should we know about you/your channel?, tell us about some of your other favorite creators online.
August 2: Top 5 Goals
What do you want to do this month? In life? For your channel? For VEDA? For your favorite hobby? For eating?
August 3: It’s Esther Day!
It’s a day dedicated to showing non-romantic love to the people around you. How do you like to be shown love or how do you like to show others you love them?
August 4: Weekly Wrap-Up!
This topic is slightly selfish because I do booktube but… I know some of us who have YouTube channels that regularly give wrap ups of what they’re reading/watching/ writing/cooking/crafting/etc. You can pick whatever you like to wrap up! Maybe just what you did this week. (Could be a fun opportunity for a “week in the life” video) Or what your favorite videos were for VEDA. Whatever you want!
August 5: What scares you?
August 6: My Life- Show us your home/vlogging space.
August 7: Firsts- Your first childhood home.
August 8: Hypothetical- If I could live in any fictional universe…
August 9: Top 5 Ways You Like to be Creative
August 10: Making a Difference - Tell us about your favorite charity or something you’re passionate about. (Please note: with WVC we pride ourselves on being open and accepting of ALL people in ALL walks of life to make this a safe community for everyone to be themselves. We try to keep our topics light hearted and open-ended but do get serious sometimes. If someone is passionate about a topic or charity you don’t agree with, that’s okay! But we can still be polite and supportive even when we don’t agree.)
August 11: Weekly Wrap-Up
August 12: Vlog in your PJs! Bonus points for breakfast!
This is an old classic topic we used to have for WeBlogWeVlog and it’s kind of one of my favorites so… there we go.
August 13: My Life -Tell/Show us important people and animals in your day-to-day life.
August 14: Firsts- Your first road trip/vacation.
August 15: Hypothetical- Would you rather lose your sense of touch or sense of hearing?
August 16: Top Five go-to recipes and drinks. (Bonus points for showing us how to make them!)
August 17: Making a Difference-  How do you prevent emotional burnout/finding your happy place? Sometimes when we talk politics/tough issues/volunteer a lot/think about the state of the country or world - it gets overwhelming. What do you do when you need a break from it all?
August 18: Weekly Wrap-Up
August 19: Music or Talent Day
Traditionally, this would be our “lip-sync” day. But you can do anything related to music you want! Or, you can show us a unique talent you have!
August 20: My Life- My Favorite Place
Show/Tell us about your favorite place in your neighborhood/outside of the house.
August 21: Firsts- First Day of School!
Depending on where you live, it’s roughly around the time when the school year is starting up again. I thought we could have fun with this topic! What was your first day of school when you were a little kid like? Or maybe you transferred to a new school and have a great story to go along with it. Or the day you moved into the dorms for the first time. Or what you think it would be like if you went back to school now. Have fun with it!
August 22: Hypothetical- Would you rather know when you’ll die, or how you’ll die?
August 23: Top 5 Childhood Songs
August 24: Making a Difference- What is something you did for someone else this week? Or what are you planning to do?
August 25: Weekly Wrap-Up
August 26: Collab Day!
Make a video with someone else! It can be someone you know, someone you live with, a friend, a pet, or even fellow VEDAers! I put this topic at the end of the month in case any VEDA people want to get together and make a video so you all have time to plan. Be creative!
August 27: My Life- How do you spend your day(s) off?
How do you like to relax? Who do you spend time with? This is one of those topics which could be fun to do a “day in the life” type of video as well!
August 28: Your first recital/performance.
Did you ever have to do a performance as a little kid and have a story to go along with it? Or maybe you never performed or stood on stage until you were older? Maybe you still have the video footage? Or perhaps your kids have a funny story?
August 29: Hypothetical - if I were running VEDA I’d…
What would you like to see in VEDA next year? What ideas do you have for the WVC?
August 30: Silly/Blooper Day!
Traditionally, this is the day we all put together our bloopers from the month. But you can do anything silly/funny too!
August 31: Sign off!
It’s time to say goodbye to another VEDA. How do you think you did? What did you like? Any parting thoughts?
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wevlogcollective · 7 years
The Participants!
Yes - I’m finally posting the participant list for VEDAugust 2017!!!!! I apologize for my absence the last week, I’ve been on vacation and everything kind of fell to the wayside. But, I think we’ll be good for VEDA! 
Anyway. Here is who has signed up thus far. We have a lot of veterans and a couple of new faces. Don’t forget to subscribe and follow everyone on YouTube and Twitter!
Dallas YouTube Twitter Brief description:  VEDA, History, Smiles Sandra  YouTube Twitter Brief description:  Vlogs, scooter, baking A bit more detail:  My channel is a collection of miscellaneous things I love in life Sandy  YouTube Twitter Brief description:  Singing, VEDA, Food Emily YouTube Twitter Brief description:  Booktube, Disability Chats, Daily Vlogging Heather
YouTube Twitter Brief description:  Bellydance, music, VEDA A bit more detail:  Just a girl vloging about life, which most definitely includes music, dance, and fitness! 
Kathy Trithardt YouTube Twitter Brief description:  Books, travel, social issues Rachelskirts YouTube Twitter Brief description:  VEDA, Mad Libs Monday, and still figuring it out! Cait YouTube Twitter Brief description:  VEDA, lifestyle, vlogs Ashley YouTube Twitter Brief description:  Concert recaps, yearly countdowns, Veda A bit more detail:  I go to a lot of concerts and recap all the cool things that happen at those concerts usually with my sister and our friend…in December I do a countdown of my favorite moments of the year…and of course VEDA Allie YouTube Twitter Brief description:  jog vlog, cats, veda A bit more detail:  jog vlogs, cats, and veda actually is about it recently. Erica YouTube Twitter Brief description:  VEDA, Acting, Musicals Nikkiana YouTube Twitter Brief description:  creativity, tarot, VEDA A bit more detail: A smattering of Tarot, creativity, and other related discussion topics. Renee YouTube Twitter Brief description:  new, VEDA, personal essays A bit more detail:  Formerly known as @bellerenee, Wild Cozy Truth is the home of Renee’s newest endeavor: wild woman truth telling. It’s launching mid-August, so why not use VEDA as a way to get into the groove?
Sarah - pssssst. She’s a newbie so be sure to give her a warm welcome! YouTube Twitter Brief description:    Music, daily life vlog A bit more detail:   Graphic designer in SoCal that goes to a lot of concerts and is the mom of a YouTuber
Matthew Palka YouTube Twitter Brief description:   Thought Vlogs, Creative Ideas, Advice A bit more detail:   PalkaDots are short, educational thought vlogs that each teach a single idea in a creative, storytelling vlog approach. The aim of the lesson is to help you grasp an idea through a metaphor, and make the truth that the metaphor communicates about reality better palpable, connected, and understood. Fun, inspiring, and catchy!
Louise YouTube Twitter Brief description:   VEDA, Daily Vlogs, Discussion A bit more detail:   Australian VEDA participant and Daily Vlogger, Videos every Tuesday, Friday, and Saturday.
Mel-  pssssst. She’s a newbie so be sure to give her a warm welcome! YouTube Twitter Brief description:   LGBTQ, mental health, general vlogs
Marissa & Lindsay YouTube Twitter Brief description:   travel, diy, vlogs 
Molly YouTube Twitter Brief description:  VEDA, VEDA, and VEDA.
Danielle Park YouTube Twitter Brief description:   VEDA, le tired mom, motherhood 
Sheryl YouTube Twitter Brief description:    incoherent rambles
Jess YouTube Twitter Brief description:    VEDA, random stuff, writing A bit more detail:   I write a lot. For work and for fun.
Kristi YouTube Twitter Brief description:    VEDA, Rants, Being Queer AF, Bonus Colorful Hair
Amber Dawn YouTube Twitter Brief description:   journaling, daily life vlogging, VEDA A bit more detail:    I've been on YT since 2006?! 
Kat -  pssssst. She’s a newbie so be sure to give her a warm welcome! YouTube Twitter Brief description:  Daily/Weekly Vlogs, FoodTube, Whatever 
Laura-Cristelle YouTube Twitter Brief description:    my life, events, music A bit more detail:     French crazy music lover geologist and vlogger
Eric Schmiel YouTube Twitter Brief description:     Creativity/Humor/Personal A bit more detail:      I make sometimes silly, sometimes insightful videos about whatever's on my mind. I tend to make a lot of videos about the topic of creativity. I'm also an aspiring filmmaker/entrepreneur based in the artsy city of Richmond, Virginia. 
Willabee - psssst he’s a newbie so give him a warm welcome! YouTube Twitter Brief description:     Funny, LGBT, Lifecaster A bit more detail:      Lifecasting side channel for iWillabee Productions - Pansexual, Daily Life, Shenanigans, VEDA events & variety
Charlie  YouTube Twitter Brief description:      vlogs,bike rides,travel A bit more detail:      I take my camera on rides and walks, exploring around
Rhiannon- psssst she’s a newbie so give her a warm welcome! YouTube Twitter Brief description:      Book Tube Veda Books A bit more detail:       My channel is mainly a booktube channel but I am trying to do various stuff and Vlogging
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wevlogcollective · 7 years
It’s That Time of Year Again!
Yes! It’s VEDA time! 
August is our “main event” for the WeVlogCollective and I’m excited! We have our topics calendar and tend to have the most participants. Making videos every day, watching videos, editing videos, commenting on videos... we eat and breathe online video!
But, the best part of VEDA is the community. I’ve always been proud of the community we have which started with WeBlogWeVlog, and I love seeing old and new faces.
Which means... we need a sign-up! The form was published and posted to the Twitter a couple days ago and we already have our first three participants. (Thanks, Dallas, Sandra Anne, and Sandy!) Want to see your name on the list? Sign up here:  https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfKL1o39AnI6EQUhgGBlaFEN3Es68f0sXJmIlDMkgs_k5VPHw/viewform
Want to know what else is live? The brainstorming document! This is a long time tradition for VEDA where we share our ideas with the community. Ultimately, the topic calendar is decided on by the admin team, but we consider this to be a collective. (It’s even in the name!) I have a lot of ideas placed into the calendar already, but nothing is set in stone. If you have thoughts/concerns/questions/ideas please reach out to me via email [email protected]. You can also DM the Twitter account @WeVlogColl. I try to check the Twitter every day between now and the end of August, but email is the most reliable. 
All of that being said, here’s the brainstorming doc!
Love your faces!
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wevlogcollective · 7 years
VEDApril 2017 Participant List
Okay - let’s try this again!
For some reason, Tumblr deleted the old participant list, so I’m going to try this another way. 
On our Twitter (@WeVlogColl) we do have an update VEDApril 2017 list of participants so please check that for updates!
Instead of posting each link, I’ll just share everyone’s YouTube Username and hopefully that works! 
The Newbies!
- Inspiring Alien
- Minnie Riley: MinnieOnCam
- Maia: lotrbaby
- The Infinite Decline
- Trint99
The Veterans!
- Matt Palka
- lyntezee
- Mia Sutton: MyChaoticLife
- Nikkiana
- Louise Martin: ouisel
- Laura-Christelle: MyVloggyBloggyLife
- Sandra: SandersMcGee
- Dallas: TheDallasVlogs
- Emily: SnowWhiteGrl
Also, I’m SUPER behind already in watching videos but I’m trying to catch up. Hope you all are having a happy first week of VEDA! -E
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wevlogcollective · 8 years
VEDApril 2017 - The Advanced Course
What? April starts at the end of next week? It’s time for another VEDA? Haha. That’s funny. 
::looks at the calendar::
Oh hey, look at that. You’re right.  April starts in 8 days. That’s right, 8 days! 
Like last year, we’re going without prompts. That’s right. NO PROMPTS. I know, I know, it’s hard. And it’s different than it is in August. But that’s okay!
This is your month to do whatever you want! Already have a routine or formula that you like? Awesome! Do it! Don't know exactly what you want to do? That's cool too! Use this month to experiment, try some different types of videos, try different areas and backgrounds, try whatever you like!
Here are some suggestions to get you going:
- Plan ahead! I know it’s only 8 days away, but that’s 8 days to get a game plan. Any time a video idea pops into your head, write it down! Make a note in your calendar of what videos you’d like to do each day.
- Pick a theme. Maybe you have a project coming up or goals you want to accomplish in April. Vlog about it! It could be your fitness goals, cleaning out your apartment/house for spring, your progress for Camp NaNoWriMo (that’s my personal plan!), the sky is the limit!
 - Maybe you’ve always wanted to try out a crafting/book/beauty/movie review/etc. channel. This is your chance! 
- Do a collab! Find out who else is doing VEDA and you can make videos together. or you might have a friend/family member who would like to make videos with you.
- Try a letter writing style. (Letters to July is a popular one, you can do Letters to April!)
- Experiment with video styles you haven’t done before. Try a new editing program. Use a new camera. Vlog on your phone with one takes. Try comedy. Try something serious. Try social issues. 
- Aren’t sure if you have time to do a video EVERY SINGLE DAY during April? No worries! You can do more of a VALA (Vlog A Lot April) or dedicate to uploading a certain number of videos each week. If you’ve been wanting to post more consistently but haven’t yet, this is a great time to get started.
Have some ideas or would like more? Reach out to us on Twitter! @WeVlogColl 
You can sign up here:  https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdLg6DVnHCBTDkQnYo9LH7gIM7gaVa_FbWxLLzPoyMEL9cTBg/viewform?usp=sf_link
I’ll be sharing the group list next week and will update it as we get names!
Happy vlogging!
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wevlogcollective · 8 years
Vlogmas 2016
Did you realize December is TOMORROW???? That means it’s Vlogmas time! Sorry, we’re slightly late, but as long as it’s not December yet, we’re good. Right? Right. 
We published the sign up on the Twitter and you can add your name here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc1hHIG8XwHlYCNjfX4yhj6s83Ln78cEWY4FwyKGd2WDW6qvg/viewform?c=0&w=1
Here are 31 topic ideas to get you started for Vlogmas! This isn’t a calendar/schedule. Feel free to use these topics as you choose. Rearrange them. Skip some. Add your own. Make response videos. Vlog through December 24/25, or you can Vlog all 31 days of December. You decide!
And as always, feel free to reach out to us on Twitter if you have quesitons/concerns/things you want to sahare! @WeVlogColl - E
1. Project for Awesome video- create a short video featuring your favorite charity! This year, Project for Awesome is December 9-11. http://www.projectforawesome.com/
2. Traditions! What are your favorites? Are there any you wish your family did but they don’t?
3. What’s the best present you ever got during the holidays?
4. What’s the best present you have ever given someone else?
5. Must-watch holiday movies
6. Holiday movies you avoid at all costs
7. Favorite holiday songs
8. Least favorite holiday songs
9. How soon did you decorate/how early is too early for you?
10. What’s your favorite holiday recipe? What are your favorite holiday foods? This is a great way to show off your cooking/baking skills! Or heck, even give us your favorite holiday cocktail recipe!
11. What are you asking Santa for?
12. Top 5 people who deserve to be on the “Nice” list
13.Top 5 people who deserve to be on the “Naughty” list
14. Self-care during the holidays, what’s yours?
15. Best holiday books or stories.
16. For holiday gatherings, do you prefer to be the host or the guest?
17. Holidays can be stressful! How could the holidays be better for you? What kind of things can other people do to make holidays easier for the specific stresses you have during the season?
18. Do you send out holiday cards? Do you like receiving holiday cards?
**Maybe make a google form to collect addresses if you want to sned them out to your WVC friends!**
19. If you celebrate a lesser known holiday (I’d say anything other than Christmas counts), please share a brief explanation so we can learn more about it: What are your favorite traditions for that holiday? Are there specific foods that are considered traditional? When can we all try them?
20. If you are not religious, what does the holiday mean to you? Or if you are religious, what else makes the holidays special for you?
21. Have you ever participated in a White Elephant exchange? What’s the best gift you’ve seen/received at one?
22. Elf on the Shelf - cute tradition or super creepy/weird?
23. Holiday crafts! Did you make any holiday crafts as a kid? Do you still make them? Show off your creations!
24. Ugly Christmas/holiday sweaters - fun and silly, or just dumb? DIY-ers, show us how to make one!
25. New Year’s Resolutions: Do you make them? Do you stick with them? What are they? What are some you’ve completed successfully in the past? What are some you’ve totally failed at?
26. Holiday Parties! What are the best ones you’ve gone to? Any tips for hosting the perfect celebration? If you hate parties, how do you survive them?
27. The holidays are a big time to travel - do you go anywhere for the holidays? Did your family ever go on a vacation during this time of year? Or is there a special place in your hometown that you like to go to around the holidays? Is there somewhere you’ve always wanted to go at the holidays?
28. What makes the holidays in your area unique/special/different from everywhere else?
29. What’s your favorite personal/family holiday moment? Funny stories/awkward or embarrassing moments/touching story that’s happened to you, a friend, or a family member around the holidays
30. Have you ever worked a seasonal job? What do you think is the best/worst holiday job out there?
31. We talk a lot about how awful 2016 has been - but have you had any good moments you’ll back on happily? What will you miss about 2016?
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wevlogcollective · 8 years
*white parent voice* i cant believe kanye and kim named their baby North West!! thats ridiculous!! oh no, its almost 4:30, i need to pick up my kids Mackaylikiah and Ashleighyie from their water polo practice!
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wevlogcollective · 8 years
I can say with 77% certainty that “I love your faces” was a sign off phrase put into circulation by the group that introduced me to VEDA some years ago, some of whom now constitute the I Feel Better podcast. I’m more certain that the phrase stuck around our community because of how effective it was to pair colloquial and symbolic meanings. “Your face” is a language intensifier used in place of the second person object pronoun (e.g. “I love your face [you]!”) and a rejoinder (e.g. “Yeah, well, your face loves your face.”). Most are familiar with the latter instance, and while I personally don’t see the point in it other than serving as an occasional pun, the former instance is definitely in heavy rotation during VEDA. Your face, as it appears on the screen in a YouTube video, speaking at a lens, addresses the world on the other side of the camera. You are connecting to this world not through the more internet-common parlance of text and images, but with words that come out of your mouth, carried by your voice. With intention that comes out of your body language. With meaning that comes out of your eyes. Compared to addressing the internet with text, the experience can be described as intensified. Being part of a community that has implicitly agreed to communicate with each other in this way can be a profound experience. “Your face” is a language intensifier. Also, your face is a language intensifier. I can say with 98.6% certainty that I love you for it. -nicopolitan
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wevlogcollective · 8 years
“Love all your faces”. It rolls off the tongue so easily during VEDA. But what does it actually mean? 
Like Katherine, I have no idea where it started, and it certainly predates my four years of participation. But to me, from the very beginning, it’s meant community. A sense of belonging. Being welcomed with open arms by people all over the world. 
It’s not easy coming into an established friendship group with its own in-jokes and quirks and shared memories. I was pretty terrified the first year I signed up with what was then WeBlogWeVlog, even though I had close friends who were participating and who’d participated multiple times in the past. 
And yes, there were times when comments were made about events I had no idea about, or jokes about past years were made. But I never ONCE felt as though I wasn’t welcome, like I wasn’t immediately a part of the community. And it’s all because of those four little words: “Love all your faces”. 
Because it’s not “Love the faces of those people I already know” or “Love some of your faces”. It’s ALL the faces, even the ones we don’t know particularly well yet. 
I may not be big with hugs or I-love-yous or emotions (real talk: Nico may joke that he’s a robot, but I suspect when it comes to expressing emotion, I often have him beat). But I CAN say that I love your faces. And so I do, at the end of every single video I make. Because August may come around once a year, but I’m part of this community year-round, and “Love all your faces”? That’s the best way I have to demonstrate that. 
So, if you’re new to the WeVlog Collective, welcome! If you’re a repeat participant, welcome back. Either way, we’re thrilled to have you. 
Love all your faces, and I’ll see you tomorrow.
- Kirsti
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wevlogcollective · 8 years
I love your faces. I don't know where exactly it came from, or how it spread, but it definitely isn't VEDA without hearing someone say it regularly. Oddly enough, I don't actually use it in most of my videos, and I can't actually figure out why. Probably because I don't know the source and that kind of goes against my degree in words, but that's just a theory. Generally, you'll see me say it in my sign-off videos. Because really, I do love your faces. I love that this community basically comes down to love. This community is about sharing stories, experiences and opinions in a way that's more vulnerable that the previous wave many of us were using. When we used to share our stories through "printed" word, now we're putting our faces up with our words. We are actually speaking the things we are posting. For many stories, it's far more intimate than if we were to write it all down, which is exactly why I love your faces. I love that you all take this journey with us. Whether it's your first time, or you're an experienced veteran, you signed up for a month of sharing that likely includes your face. And I love that about each and every one of you.
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wevlogcollective · 8 years
Loving Your Faces
Sometimes, I like to look at my current self and compare to who I was when I was in college. “If I were to tell my college self what she would be doing after she graduated...” Then I laugh thinking about what her reaction would be.
I have a feeling, if I were to tell her someday she would be an admin for an online video group for something called VEDA and be making friends with random people online, she’d be shocked and appalled. (Perhaps even scandalized!) “You can’t make a REAL community and connections on a screen,” she’d probably say.
But how wrong my past self would be.
I’ll be the first to admit, between VEDAs I’m not the best at keeping up  with everyone's videos and Twitter accounts and blogs the other 12 months out of the year.
But each August when I start to see everyone’s faces pop up on my screen and we get conversations started again, I’m reminded of how amazing, supportive, and loving our community is. You all have challenged my thoughts, opened up my views, and pulled me out of my own little world. I joined VEDA at a time when I was struggling to make friends and wasn’t sure where I fit in with the world. 
Let me tell you, the faces of VEDA are some of the most beautiful and wonderful I’ve seen.
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wevlogcollective · 8 years
Day 2, Pitch us to Someone, with a bonus How I VEDA from MyVBL
I thought I was pretty clever for coming up with day 2 being a pitch day. I try to tell people about VEDA so often that sometimes I need some help. I knew you guys would be great, but none of the admin team saw this one coming.
Louise is new to WVC and we are more than delighted to have her. This may become our official recruiting video if she’ll allow that! So if you know someone whose face you’d really like to see more of this month, try sending them this!
How can they resist such a guarantee?
Today we also have Laura talking about her love of VEDA and her process!
Both videos are great tools to reach out to people and bully them into convince them to join us! So go help us recruit!
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wevlogcollective · 8 years
Positive parts of 2016
- the rise of old friends senior dog sanctuary - Hamilton - pokemon go - female ghostbusters - i don’t give a fuck im outta here Obama - captain america civil war - girl, black guy and latino guy leads in new star wars - deadpool - lemonade - literally???! Nothing??? Else????
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wevlogcollective · 8 years
VEDA Feature Day 1 Channel Dragon and Calendar Details.
Sometimes the hardest part about VEDA is just staying on top of everyone else’s videos. If you’ve got your routine down, it’s not terribly difficult to find the 15-20 minutes to get a video up. When you get behind on watching other people though? It’s super easy to feel disconnected from the group and the project and end up walking away. 
Luckily, we’ve got some awesome people in this community, this time specifically Lindsey and Marissa, who set up a Channel Dragon for us. Give a little click right over here and you’ve got all the videos in one spot!
And now a bit more about the calendar!
A few people have asked me about some of the topics, so I thought some clarification might be good. The following is a list version of the topics, complete with some more specific details. If you have more questions, please let us know and we’ll do what we can to answer!
1.     Intro Day & #FemTube!
·   You know the drill. Introduce yourself. This year though, include a female creator you recommend!
2.     It’s not too late!
·   Pitch WVC VEDA to someone who hasn’t been convinced yet! If you don’t know anyone specific, just make a general pitch that someone else could use!
3.     Top 5: Esther Day
·   Esther Earl was a Nerdfighter whose battle with cancer was a major inspiration for John Green’s The Fault In Our Stars. When asked how she would like her birthday celebrated after her passing, Esther requested the day be used to celebrate non-romantic love. Since this is the start of our top 5 days, let’s share our favorite ways of showing non-romantic love!
4.     Problematic Faves
·   Nothing and noone is entirely without fault, but sometimes we love things even when they aren’t entirely good. We are all fans of someone or something that is somehow problematic. We all have them, who are yours, what are their big flaws?
5.     Hypothetical: $1 million
·   You’ve got $1 million, what do you do with it?
6.     What do you want to see more of?
·   There are plenty of things that are under represented on YouTube, TV, in movies. Tell us what you feel is underrepresented and where. Bonus, how do we get more of it?
7.     Childhood fads/trends
·   If you could have another fad from several years ago be updated like PokemonGO, what would you pick?
8.     Response Day:
·   YouTube used to have a function called response videos. Let’s bring them back, unofficially. Make a video in response to someone else’s video! It can be another WVC member, or someone else, or whomever you’d like! Remember to be respectful & kind whether complimenting or disagreeing!
9.     Don’t get me started
·   Pick a random topic and rant/rave about it. Just remember to do so respectfully!
10.   Top 5: Movie Characters
·   Who are your favorite movie characters?
11.   SNACKS!
·   Savory vs sweet, which side are you on?
12.   Hypothetical: Ms. President
·   You’re now the leader of your country, what do you change, what do you keep?
13.   Passions!
·   What are yours? What can’t you shut up about?
14.   Dumbledore’s Army
·   You’re now part of Dumbledore’s Army and you’ve just produced your first Patronus, what animal was it? For non-Harry Potter people, what animal do you connect with? If you could call up any animal to protect you when you most need it, what animal would that be?
15.   Response Day:
·   Respond to someone else this time!
16.   FREE SPACE!!!
·   You do you.
17.   Top 5: YouTube Channels
·   What are your Top 5 YouTube channels that you never miss?
18.   Food Nemesis
·   Kirsti and Katherine agree that cilantro/coriander is the devil’s herb. What is your food nemesis?
19.   Hypothetical: Historical BFF
·   You’ve been granted a chance to go back in time and act as a BFF to one historical figure. Who are they & what do you do? *Note: The characters in Hamilton are relatively fictionalized versions of their historical selves.
20.   Music Day
·   Regulars might think of this as Lip Sync day, which you’re totally welcome to make it. But if you’d rather not, just stick to the theme of music and have fun!
21.   Challenge Yourself
·   What haven’t you don’t before? Record in public? Voice-over vlog? Single-take? Edit your footage? Make it happen!
22.   Response Day:
·   Did anyone make a response to one of your videos? Maybe you want to respond to that?
23.   Check Your Privilege
·   Similar to when we talked about problematic faves, let’s talk about our own privileges and how we might be able to open our eyes!
24.   Top 5: Wishes
·   Robin Williams has a bit more power as an angel than he did as a genie, so now you get 5 wishes: GO!
25.   Don’t Get Me Started: Reverse
·   If you ranted before, rave now. If you raved, now’s the time to rant!
26.   Hypothetical: Historical Nemeses!
·   You get to go back in time again, but this time you get to take action against an historical figure. Who is it & what do you do?
27.   Goals!        
·   VEDA is close to wrapping up. Do you have YouTube goals outside of August? Let’s hold each other accountable!
28.   Pitch us a topic!
·   What else did you want to talk about this month?
29.   Response Day:
·   Go all out and maybe respond to someone with a larger audience!
30.   Silly Day!
·   For those who have bloopers, this would be a great time to post them!
31.   Reflections, farewell, goodbye toast.
·   How was the month for you? What did you learn? Will you be vlogging more?
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wevlogcollective · 8 years
How to VEDA: NicoleMarieSays
Remember that little series we had going? The one where people shared their VEDA process? Today we've got a fantastic video by the amazing NicoleMarieSays!
Watch and share with those you are convincing to join us!
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wevlogcollective · 8 years
The Misfits
The WeVlogCollective is a welcoming community to all vloggers. We've got a handful in our midst this month who will not be following our calendar completely. Some will be using our calendar part-time, some are completely doing their own thing; all are definitely worth checking out. Oh, and if you're noticing duplicates, that's because some of these are on our other lists as well! Go do that clicking and subscribing thing! Rebecca YouTube Twitter Brief description: Personal vlogging, VEDA, movies/tv/books A bit more detail: Basically whatever I feel like making videos about, with an emphasis on movies, TV shows & books. Laura YouTube Twitter Brief description: Dailyvlogging. Travels A bit more detail: French geologist addicted to vlogging and having fun Jess YouTube Twitter Brief description: VEDA, VEDA, and sometimes other weird stuff A bit more detail: I take weird videos of weird things (mostly my face) and do stuff. Kat YouTube Twitter Brief description: Adventures/pop culture/random A bit more detail: KatOfDiamonds is a smorgasbord, I also have FannishReviews for BookTube Pete Ersteniuk YouTube Twitter Brief description: Daily Vlog A bit more detail: New to film and video editing I take on the challenge to daily vlog! Louise Martin YouTube Twitter Brief description: musings, thoughts, vlog Lexi YouTube Twitter Brief description: Vlog, music (??), Rants Katie Loves to Read YouTube Twitter Brief description: BookTube, Opinions, SFF A bit more detail: An Irish law student who spends too much of her time reading and is attempting to read as many books from all over the world as she can. Kathy Trithardt YouTube Twitter Brief description: geek/intersection all feminism/introverts A bit more detail: My style is a little all over the place, as I vlogs about whatever I want, such as social issues, geek stuff, books, and introversion Rhiannon Pimlett YouTube Twitter Brief description: booktube, aspergers, Readathons A bit more detail: My Channel is booktube but i am trying to do other videos around that i enjoy doing videos as i have aspergers and it gives me confidence for the real world i want do more vlogging. Blaze YouTube Twitter Brief description: General vlogs, fandom talk and other rants A bit more detail: An Australian ball of anxiety who has decided vlogging is a good idea. I make general vlogs along with lots of fangirling and possibly vlogs about my issues with anxiety & other brainweirdness. Chantal YouTube Twitter Brief description: Music, vlogs A bit more detail: Lots of original songs and covers, occasionally a vlog about my day or sitdown vlog about a topic Alexandria Taylor YouTube Twitter Brief description: Vlogs, Disability activism, education A bit more detail: Eric YouTube Twitter Brief description: Insightful, funny, gaming A bit more detail: Sometimes silly, sometimes insightful vlogs about life, the universe, and occasionally something interesting.
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wevlogcollective · 8 years
Latecomers and the Admin Team
If feels a little odd to call people latecomers when they've signed up before August first, but I don't want to edit the older lists and have y'all miss them! Plus, doesn't Latecomers and the Admin Team sound like we could be a band? JeNee YouTube Twitter Brief description: books, Veda, vlogs Andie YouTube Twitter Brief description: BookTube A bit more detail: Book Reviews, Reading Vlogs, and various stuff. Sandi YouTube Twitter Brief description: VEDA, Ocassional makeup, random updates A bit more detail: Ocassional makeup talks, life updates, and lots of VEDA attempts
And now we've got our admin team! I'm not always great at talking about myself, and this kind of fits that, so click around and find out about us for yourself! Emily YouTube Twitter Brief description: BookTube, VEDA, Disability Chats A bit more detail: You'll find a lot of fangirl flailing over books along with VEDA, discussion about life as a woman with disabilities, and some sprinkles of mediocre ukulele playing nicopolitan YouTube Twitter Brief description: VEDA, existential anxiety, silliness A bit more detail: community, musicianship, web design, cartoons, self deprecation, coffee, assorted nouns. Kirsti YouTube Twitter Brief description: What Katherine made up for me A bit more detail: What Katherine made up for me. I'm lazy, yo. Katherine YouTube Twitter Brief description: Various, SJW, VEDA A bit more detail: Feminist as Fuck
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