weyd-guiles · 2 years
Modernity is the process of constantly reinventing itself, so, to become acquainted with it, one must stop to ask "where are we in the process?". At first glance it's obvious the ground isn't stable; that the roots are all topsy-turvy; something is deeply unsettling. Yet, is there some apotheosis this is heading towards, some immanentizable eschaton to look forwards to? Some choose to idealize what we left, earlier in the process of modernizing - from here it looks comfy cozy, if only we could just go back to it! The historical process is less kind to them - it only Goes, pushed forward by geistly forces, chewing and spitting out all they hold precious. We all hold precious! The alternative, then, is some point in the future where we can get off this train, grab the reins of this bull, transcend all the bullshit. Is this a matter of technological readiness, of a material state to jump off from? Is it a spiritual center, a broad awakening in the collective minds, mass reenchantment? Are humans just the vessels of the process but not privy to the end state?
I want to explore these deeper questions, and the process itself, on this blog. Times are weird and getting weirder, and post-modernism has left us with a clean slate to construct new ideological groupings of history. Marx, pbuh, devoted his life to the study and criticism of the process as it was gaining steam, but where we are so far in the future means little of his analysis still holds. Capital has won and then some, even over the supposed Marxist states of the 20th century. Culture, society, landscape, our bodies, our minds, are all shaped by the forces of our material circumstances, forces which are growing more alienated from human labor. Will this severance lead to utopia or ruin? You decide!
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