whaddup-sheehan · 11 years
 Shhhh...calm down, lovely. It's alright. Hey, don't cry now. Looks like you could use a hug.
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You're scared, aren't you?
The stairs.. I just … every time… I take a step … they… I just… 
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whaddup-sheehan · 11 years
Hey, hey! What's up, Ariel?
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whaddup-sheehan · 11 years
Niall's dick...I mean, whaaaat?
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What’s up everyone?
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whaddup-sheehan · 11 years
@caradelevingne: @whaddup-sheehan You're so romantic. I'm swooning
@whaddup-sheehan: @caradelevingne: What can I say? I'd buy you pick n mix everyday, even if I get done for it.
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whaddup-sheehan · 11 years
Oh please, I know you're gonna secretly wank to this in a few hours.
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Nah, it’d be too easy. I like a challenge.
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whaddup-sheehan · 11 years
@caradelevingne: @whaddup-sheehan Sounds like a good time to me. I'll dress up like Beverly and arrest you.
@whaddup-sheehan: @caradelevingne: we'll be rough in the jungle, innit, in the jungle.
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whaddup-sheehan · 11 years
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whaddup-sheehan · 11 years
RT @caradelevingne: Do you think Niall yells 'What da craic?' when he comes?
@whaddup-sheehan: @caradelevingne: No he shouts POTATO duhhh. #smh
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whaddup-sheehan · 11 years
@caradelevingne: @whaddup-sheehan You could always yell 'I'm Immortal' when you finish. #kinky
@whaddup-sheehan: @caradelevingne: Only if you shout SAVE ME BARRY when you come. #50shadesofkinky
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whaddup-sheehan · 11 years
@caradelevingne: Do you think I could get Robert to call me 'Beverly' in bed?
@whaddup-sheehan: @caradelevingne: I AM NOT YOUR WHORE! #pshhtthatcantotallybearrangedlove
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whaddup-sheehan · 11 years
@whaddup-sheehan: on a scale from 1-10, how loud do you think cher screams?
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whaddup-sheehan · 11 years
RT @caradelevingne: I'd get Sheehan a ten just 'cause I loved him as Nathan.
@whaddup-sheehan: @caradelevingne: SEE THIS ONE KNOWS HOW TO COUNT
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whaddup-sheehan · 11 years
@NiallOfficial: I'm sorry to burst your bubble but I deserve a 10 thank you very much....
@whaddup-sheehan: @NiallOfficial: I totally gave you a 10. Pffft. #irishswag
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whaddup-sheehan · 11 years
@NathanTheWanted: On a scale from one to ten. How good do we all believe Niall is with his mouth and fingers? I'm giving him at least a 9.8.
@whaddup-sheehan: @NathanTheWanted: Dude, give him an extra point. I mean, he's Irish. He don't need no fingers and mouth. His accent can just do amazing things itself ;)
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whaddup-sheehan · 11 years
You're not gonna jerk off to this, are ya, Butler?
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I don’t know man, I’m not complaining.
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whaddup-sheehan · 11 years
Twitter porn? Since when did all of you become so classy?
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whaddup-sheehan · 11 years
Excuse me, I'm only...26...not old at all! You see any grey hair? Nooooo. My birthday was actually 2 days ago. I'm practically a baby, see?
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Haha, go on then. What if I told you my real name is Cher?
Well you are older than me. But I will call you one of those names. Like Robert or Robbie both those works. 
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