tbh when your unsure to send a starter cause your still not sure if the undertale fandom has died down or not
     「💗」”Well, uh, I don’t care if the fandom has ‘died down’ or not, really. It’s not a popularity contest, you know? Though I can understand that it makes it harder to meet new people an’ all.”
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    “If you want to talk to someone, you send them a message! If you’re not sure about whether the message will be well-received or not, you plot, first! The worst you’ll get is the other person saying ‘no, sorry, I don’t think this can work’, and then you move on... or at least, things should go like that.”
    “I know neither Mocha nor myself’ve been around all that much, partly because of stuff going on with the Player... but you can always send me an ask.”
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    “I hope this helps!”
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      「💗」”I met a Sans in an Echo Flower patch in a different timeline and then he started going on about how I had nothing better to do and then all of a sudden I saw the word ‘error’ and all the flowers started fading into each other and--”
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      * A small salty child might be completely freaked out right now.
                      ACT:   Comfort            Do not
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[Both ooc and ic] oranges, oranges everywhere. Have all the oranges. Aha Hahaha! 8)
Fruit Basket
Orange 🍊: I look up to you and I trust you
          「💗」”Oh, thank you!”
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Oh I meant for that to be on anon. Oops.
Anonymous wrote in a different post:
Jalapeño: I think you're blog is fun and I hope to see more of your salty child 
Fruit Basket
(( Not sure if you want to remain anonymous, but I won’t publish your original message for the sake of respecting your privacy. ^^ Thank you so much for the compliment, it means a lot! ♥ ))
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      * Someone’s happily in a sugar coma. and is also enjoying sleeping in before school starts.
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     * Who has cake, unlike SOME other alternate who doesn’t really matter?
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    Yup, it’s them! Mmm~...
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A single person vanilla cake is left for Latte. In frosting it reads 'Have a nice Monday, Salty kid.'
    * Said salty child runs downstairs to get a fork, and once back in their room, they happily sit in front of the cake, admiring the lettering on the frosting before digging in.
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    “Thank you, anon! My Monday just got a whole lot better!”
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        「💗」”I’m seeing a lot of upset people today, so I just wanna say... stay DETERMINED?”
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         “You need to take care of yourselves, so please do that, even if it means hiding under the covers and ignoring the world.”
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The “I will do it because you said I couldn’t” club
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A single piece of monster candy rolls into the askbox.
     * Oh. Did someone notice that they were feeling down? Regardless, the candy is unwrapped, examined, and then consumed. 
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    「💗」”Thank you, anon...”
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Latte do you really think its safe to trust Glitchy? I mean, with everything that's happened to and by him, there's still a chance he'll turn on you.
       「💗」”Don’t diss Glitchy.”
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      “Chances are that he’s way better than you could ever hope to be.”
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And a tiny grey child has taken a seat in the swing next to Latte. "Why take so much stock in their words?" They couldn't swing, even so they lazily swung their legs to and fro in their seat.
       * The swinging slows, if only because they didn’t want to have to shout their next words.
      「💗」”Because they’re not exactly wrong.”
      More swinging, as if the admission was something to be pushed away by their movement. After a while, they slowed to a stop, but they made no move to look at the static child.
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      “’La vérité choque, Frisquet -- truth hurts. My parents said that a lot to me when I learned about something that didn’t seem right to me. Sounds like kinda the same thing, right?”
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His sockets reopened, pupils now back to the usual white when his magic wasn’t in use. One arm continued holding them tight in a hug while the other moved to rub their back, soothing motions so gentle that they were practically uncharacteristic.
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“Of course not. I can’t care about random strangers dying either, does that make me a bad person?”
A short, awkward pause as Glitchy realized just what he had said.
“…Don’t answer that. I’m a bad person either way at this point.”
      「💗」”Yeah, and who said you were a bad person? Your ex?” 
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      “Since you already told me to ignore him, then you should ignore him, too.” So has spoken the salt child -- their logic was bulletproof.
      * The rubs were nice, and they were doing a good job at calming the poor child down. Who knew Glitchy had a fatherly side to him? 
      “Thank you for being here...”
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       * Squeaky swing joints are just the right background noise for a child who’s brooding over recent events.
                                                   *SQUEAK... SQUEAK...*
        Up and down they go; they weren’t trying to swing especially high -- they just wanted the wind on their face to dry their tears.
                  *SQUEAK... SQUEAK...*
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         Stupid. They were all so stupid... 
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He raised his left eyelid ever-so slightly, revealing that electric blue of his magic… along with those odd flecks of gold that had appeared in that sea of blue before.
“Did he now?”
Cold and quiet, far too quiet for Glitchy. A deep, steadying breath in as he closed his socket again, reaching out to try and pull them into a hug.
“Don’t listen to him. He’s just a mockery of justice who plays favorites with murderers and justifies it to himself by attacking anyone who tries to make them pay for their crimes.”
      「💗」”I’m not trying to.” 
      * The slight whine in their tone made it clear that they were clearly failing at that, and they didn’t resist at all when they were pulled into a hug. Blue and gold... that was such pretty magic, like fireflies over the water. They had no doubt that Glitchy would use it to keep them safe, if things got to that point...
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      “He got mad at me because I don’t care about a complete stranger dying. Is it wrong to think about myself for once in my life...?”
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“Hey, if you’re gonna give my ex what’s coming to him, I at least wanna be awake enough to witness it. A hypocritical bully like him definitely deserves it.”
       「💗」”Well, he just called me a bully, and then he said that I’m the type that makes kids run to the mountain. So.”
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      * That hurt more than they expected. Oof.
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Name: [truck drives by] Nickname: Cas, Casenpai (no), Firecaster, Cas no, Cassiopeia Sign: Taurus Height: 5′0″ fite me Nationality/ethnicity: Canadian (French-Canadian/Chinese) Orientation: Yes Favorite fruit: Apples? Favorite season: Spring/autumn Favorite flower(s): Lilies of the valley, lilacs, white roses Favorite scent: Food, usually Favorite book(s): The Belgariad and the Malloreon by David Eddings Favorite color: Red and blue Favorite animal: Yes I mean uh, cats, dogs, tapirs? Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: Coffee and tea Average hours of sleep: 5-14 Cats or dogs: Both, both is good Number of blankets you sleep with: One or two Dream trip: Japaaaaaan Number of blogs following(on this blog): [secret] Number of followers(on this blog): [secret]
Tagged by: @firefoxflame
Tagging anyone witnessing the salt!
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