Thanks for the quick response! These are definitely some tricks that I'll keep in mind and bring up to my coworkers if we have any tricky rat patients in the future! It's not a common problem for us but when it's come up we've just been stumped and I thought it couldn't hurt to ask someone with more experience!
Hello! I want to start by saying I understand if you don't want to answer this/ are unable to! I have a general exotic animal medical-ish question. For context, I'm a veterinary assistant (in school to become a tech) and work in a small animal general practice hospital that occasionally sees rats and rabbits for surgery (usually spay and neuters). We've also done a few mass removals from rats and they generally do well and recover uneventfully. However, we've had one or two patients who just won't leave their incisions alone and repeatedly chew them open. My question is, what is the best way to prevent a rat from being able to reach and chew out it's sutures without impending its movement? We're already tried making shirts and tiny e-collars with paper cups and are still stumped. Thanks!
Yeah rats are pretty notorious for messing with stitches. X ray film is great for making e collars for tiny creatures. It's flexible enough to shape it but firm enough that it wont just bend or get ruined with water. Be VERY careful with e collars though. Some rabbits won't eat, and I've seen some rats suffocate even when the e collar isn't tight. Some of them seem to get so stressed they legit get cyanotic. You can also grind the incisors down to the gums since they'll grow back. It doesn't stop them from eating and really doesn't hurt them as long as you don't irritate the gums. I've started doing this more after having a rat in an e collar drop dead, but I also used e collars on rats a ton of times with no issue. Sometimes we will crush up a tablet of metronidazole in water and put the paste around the incision because it's super bitter and nasty. Pain control is the other big thing. If they are in pain they will mess with it.
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i’m biased obviously but i kind of think we shouldn’t pathologize fear of driving. like unlike relationship building and hygiene and things like that, driving is nowhere near a natural part of life and i don’t think it’s irrational to fear doing it. people also have different skill sets and abilities, some people will just simply never be able to feel safe operating a car like in the same way that some people will never feel safe performing surgery on someone. that’s an extreme example but you see what i’m saying, like, we have normalized driving as something that everybody does so it seems like a symptom to not want to do it. but driving is not actually “normal” in the sense of what is innately required for a healthy human life vs what is a learned expectation ykwim
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Maybe it’s just because I’m Jewish but I do truly believe that life gets ten times better when you learn to complain cheerfully
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I tried.
Misinformation is also a virus and our country is just as infected with it as it is with COVID-19.
Bunk thinks he is perfectly innocent publicly posting his bad information. That he is not harming anyone. But he has influence over his loved ones and his friends and maybe even strangers that see his nonsense.
He is a potential superspreader of misinformation.
And that is dangerous.
It's clear he did almost no research. It's clear he is basing his opinions on scraps of information he heard god knows where. And yet he speaks with authority and freely spreads his thoughts without a care that what he says is actually true.
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Hello! Sorry if this ask is a bother - feel free to ignore. So recently I’ve come to terms with maybe being a trans man (or transmasc at least) but I’m well, well past puberty and my body is unfortunately very feminine. I’ll never be able to bind for a passable flat chest and I can’t afford the surgeries. I’m worried that if I try to transition now, it’ll be too late, and I’ll just look in the mirror and see a woman *pretending* to be a guy. Is there anything I can do? I’m so discouraged.
I'm almost 30 and pre-everything. If it's too late for you, then it's also too late for me. I don't think that's a good train of thought, and it's easy to doom-spiral when caught in dysphoria like that.
I won't post them here because I don't believe in violating people's privacy like that, but on FB there are some top surgery groups where you can see the results of people of all ages and genders and body types as well as the types of surgeries offered on all of these and that may help you see what can and cannot be done for you. Additionally the group I'm in discusses how to convince insurance to cover your surgeries if you feel you will not be able to afford them, and how to manage dysphoria while you wait.
Additionally like. You only owe yourself passing if that's how you want to do things. I personally want to pass so I owe it to myself to give it the best try I can. But unless that's you, you don't owe anyone passing. Learning to love yourself and love the body you will have is a crucial part of medical transition, because not everyone is built the same, and not everyone has the same results even if they followed the same path. You may need a therapist to help you with this- I would suggest doing some deep research into trans-friendly therapists or therapists who are transgender themselves.
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The Evidence:
The Magic School Bus can time travel
When asked, Ms. Frizzle denies that she “knows everything”
However, Ms. Frizzle always knows what her students are up to, knows the answer to every question they ask her, and never shows fear even when in extreme mortal peril, as if she’s experienced this all before
Although we know she was in a rock band called the Frizzlettes and was a Shakespearean actress, Ms. Frizzle’s childhood remains mysterious
Ms. Frizzle is EXACTLY the sort of person to travel back in time to teach herself, and is in fact the most likely fictional character to do so
Nobody is ever named “Valerie Frizzle” at birth
Ms. Frizzle dresses queerly and laughs at her own bad jokes
A lot of the series is about Arnold learning to take chances, make mistakes, and get messy - that phrase is more or less targeted at him as a student
Ms. Frizzle looks a lot like a grown-up Arnold
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so can we start hunting down white liberals now or what
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“Untitled” (Portrait of Ross in L.A.) is a 1991 piece by Felix Gonzalez-Torres in the collection of the Art Institute of Chicago. It’s a spilled pile of candy. 
The pile of candy consists of commercially available, shiny wrapped confections. The physical form of the work changes depending on the way it is installed. The work ideally weighs 175 pounds (161 kg) at installation, which is the average body weight of an adult male. “Untitled” (Portrait of Ross in L.A.) represents a specific body, that of Ross Laycock, Gonzalez-Torres’ partner who died of AIDS in 1991. This piece of art serves as an “allegorical portrait,” of Laycock’s life.
Visitors are invited to take a piece of candy from the work. Gonzalez-Torres grew up Roman Catholic and taking candy is a symbolic act of communion, but instead of taking a piece of Christ, the participant partakes of the “sweetness” of Ross. As the patrons take candy, they are participants in the art. Each piece of candy consumed is like the illness that ate away at Ross’s body.  
Multiple art museums around the world have installed this piece.
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Per Gonzalez-Torres’ parameters, it is up to the museum how often the pile is restocked, or whether it is restocked at all. Whether, instead, it is permitted to deplete to nothing. If the pile is replenished, it is metaphorically granting perpetual life to Ross.
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In 1991, public funding of the arts and public funding for AIDS research were both hot issues. HIV-positive male artists were being targeted for censorship. Part of the logic of “Untitled” (Portrait of Ross in L.A.) is you can’t censor free candy without looking ridiculous, and the ease of replicability of the piece in other museums makes it virtually indestructible.
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Funny how when countries ban paid surrogacy, surrogacy almost completely disappears. It's crazy. It's almost like women don't actually want to be living incubators for other people.
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I would like you to consider: Synagogue Architecture (spanning many places and many eras of history)
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Look at them!! Stunning! Amazing! Beautiful!!!!! And these are the ones left standing, I can’t imagine what the many many others that were lost could have looked like.
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In a dramatic decision, the High Court of Justice rules that people who convert to Judaism in Israel through the Reform and Conservative movements must be recognized as Jews under the provisions of the Law of Return, and are thus entitled to Israeli citizenship.
The decision culminates an appeal process that began more than 15 years ago, involving 12 people who converted to Judaism in Israel through the non-Orthodox streams. The justices note that they had withheld issuing a ruling to allow the state to handle the matter, but the state had failed to do so.
The ruling constitutes a political bombshell, since it punctures the longstanding Orthodox monopoly on officially recognized conversions in Israel.
Most of the petitions were launched in 2005, the court’s president, Justice Esther Hayut notes, and the court repeatedly postponed a ruling to enable legislation on the issue.
“We refrained from issuing a ruling in order to allow the state to advance legislation on the issue,” writes Justice Dafna Barak-Erez. But since people’s “rights hang in the balance” and no such legislation is advancing, the court has decided to issue its ruling.
The ruling is by a majority verdict, 8-1, with Justice Noam Sohlberg dissenting.
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one time I was eating a lox bagel at the airport terminal and a guy near me started freaking out and yelling into the phone that “this kid is eating FISH on a BAGEL can you BELIEVE IT?!” sir this is the traditional way to eat a bagel in America; get with the program
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Studio Mimmi Ceramics on Instagram
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I don’t think healthy people every really get chronic illness.
I have a friend I know from when we were both 6. She is the only person living nearby and so she saw me go from walking through limping to wheelchair on a daily basis. I keep her updated on my health even tho we rarely hang out anymore. She was gonna come over yesterday and I had to cancel. She asked if I can’t hang out later that day. When I said i won’t feel better later, that if I feel that bad in the morning later will only get worse she got annoyed and “joked” that I’m just finding excuses. And I was surprised, she knows all about me being disabled after all? So, a bit taken aback, I told her it’s a normal thing for me.
“But you got the diagnosis now, aren’t you better?? I thought you’ll get better now”
She was honestly surprised and it made me realize a thing. They don’t get it. They don’t get that getting diagnosed only equals benefits like welfare or parking spot for us, and sometimes better pain meds but that is just like pushing luck. That it’s a forever thing. That that one day we felt good a week ago was just a bright spot and doesn’t mean we won’t need our aids anymore, cause chronic illness is not linear and will make a great comeback in next four hours, and the next good day is planned on when we’re 70. Cause when abled people are sick, they get better. And our illness is just an excuse for them. And when we say we will never get better they think we’re being dramatic and pessimistic. And I don’t think they’ll ever get it, cause to get it you need to live it. And I want my friends to stay healthy and not go through hell.
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Yo what is up with men always being intimidated and freaked out when they find out I have survival skills? Genuine question here.
This guy was flirting with me and he went “I love deep woods camping, but dont worry, I’d never expect someone like you to come. You’d hate it.”
To which I happily replied, “oh that sounds like a blast! I prefer a tarp and a sleeping bag over a tent, and I’m excellent at starting fires with flint and steel!”
And homie looked soooo uncomfortable. “I usually bring small rations, then hunt for most of my meals. You know, skinning animals and stuff. I doubt you’d enjoy that.”
He seemed mildly taken aback when I mentioned I have no qualms filleting a fish, or helping to carve up a deer if needed. He then said, and I QUOTE, “Sorry, I dont think I could date such a manly woman.” And left.
Sir, I will go and build a camp with my bare hands, and I’ll do it with pretty pink lipstick on.
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