whatdoyougetwhenyou · 3 months
What do you get when you...
What do you get when
What do you get when you have a 77lb black and white fur ball that throws husky fits and temper tantrums that could put any terrible two toddler to shame? You get our male husky!  You see not only is he vocal in his displeasure with you over EVERY little thing he doesn't see fit or correct but this dog is also in the business of paw smarts. His displeasure of having an empty water or food bowl is shown but a flipping of the bowl and then he comes to the baby gate that is in the Kitchen archway to make sure you heard it.  If you ignore this look or action, he then returns to the overturned bowl and flips it again and follows up with a bark.  He awaits for his masters to spring to action, because at this point he is on the verge of the whole husky fit level 1,000.  This husky also has gone as far as to dump full bowls of food that belong to the other two dogs to get his point across. 
  Even this morning I denied his wish to get into the shower with me, and his reaction to such disrespect was to grab my bath towel off the rack and walk on it.  I looked around the curtain to see his baby blue eyes staring back at me.  He wasn't sorry in the least bit. 
Later in the day, I ignored his desire to move past me and leave the bedroom. His solution to the issue was to hit me in the back of the knee and make it buckle.  Well, it did and I almost dropped.  He walked right by me and didn't look back.
My husband was joking around and "talking" to the dog when he sudden husky speak back and boy was his upset about something! It gave him the butt tucking zoomies and the carpet was smoking under his paws.  We weren't sure what was said but it was bad enough to start a riot. 
What do you get when you have a 77lb black and white fur ball that throws husky fits and temper tantrums that could put any terrible two toddler to shame?
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whatdoyougetwhenyou · 3 months
What do you get when
What do you get when
Well here we are again to find out what you get when.  Let's do another throwback one shall we?  What do you get when you're husband and you are nonstop arguing about what you want to do that night and cell phones around?
Back before my husband and I were blessed with the wonder that is our son, we had his pickup and we had to use google to find our way to places by using the gps on his cell phone.  Well we were also nonstop arguing this day because neither one of us could agree on what needed to get done.  We found that he really did need a haircut so we found a small barber shop that did the straight shave as well.  This barber did a great job and he was looking GOOD!  Well again, my husband asked me what I wanted to do next.  Being a female I said whatever you want, I'm fine with it.  At this time, He had enough of this reaction and snapped. 
As he opened the driver door to get in the truck he yelled, "Just tell me what you want!"
To the amazement of both of us Google lady chimes in with, "I just want to make a positive impact on peoples' lives."  My husband and I looked across the cab at one another with wide eyes and mouths open.  We were not ready for Google to be listening, let alone chime in on our little argument.  
   "Alrighty then!" my husband said as he jumped into the driver seat and started the truck.  He now has a grin on his face and holding back his laughter.  
    The rumors are that Google and Siri are always listening but I guess Google thought she was in trouble that day for something and needed to clear the air in her defense.  We still to this day use that saying when one of us asks what that other one wants.
   What do you get when you're husband and you are nonstop arguing about what you want to do that night and cell phones around?
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whatdoyougetwhenyou · 4 months
What do you get when...
What Do you get when…
I do want to start this entry off with a huge apology that I have not posted daily like I planned. With that being said it does have to do with tonight’s post. You see the reason for me not posting is I injured my right arm.  So I ask What do you get when you have two male dogs that decide that 3am is a GREAT time to fight.  That's right our male husky and male great pyrenees waited for my husband to leave for work to pick a full out match to the death with each other.  Well, I did the stupid move of reaching in between them to get them apart when the pyrenees mistook my elbow for my husky and bit me. The dogs stopped as soon as I screamed and jerked my arm up and away.  
I ran to the laundry room and grabbed a towel and wrapped my arm up in it as I was bleeding pretty good at this point. I ran up the stairs because I needed my 10 year olds help to call her dad.  She is truly the best kid in the world.  Here stands her mom bleeding and she is holding moms bloody towel to help stop it.  I finally get a hold of my husband's boss for the morning and tell him that he needs to get home like NOW! The man on the phone could clearly hear the emergency and panic in my voice as he just said I’ll get him right away and that was the end of the phone call. 
My phone rang maybe 10 minutes later, it was my husband asking what was going on and when I told him what happened, he said ok I'm on my way.  Another 10 minutes and he was busting through the door and looked me over. He then took the paper towel roll, wrapped my arm up and used clear packing tape.  I did say he was in the Army (they make do with what they have).  He helped me to the car and I drove to the off base ER where I had 5 stitches.  Three in my forearm right by my elbow and two in the tricep.  I was told to try not to use my arm or lift too much for a few days to get time for it to heal a bit.  I then inform my doctor that I am a stay at home mom of a 15 month old.  
She smiles and says “Let's wrap that arm up and hide those stitches.”  
I drive home and tell my husband, who then lets his command and team leader know.  They inform him that they want him to stay home with me and they will come by around 11:30am to check in on us and make sure things are ok. 
Well 11:30am rolls around and his command is at our door.  I answer it and the first words from the Squad Leader are “Hello Mam, How are you?” 
The look the other one, being my husband’s team lead, gave the squad leader was like “Really? Think about why we are here.” 
“Well, clearly been better.” I said lifting my right arm to indicate the injury. 
“Right dumb question.” the squad leader states. I hollar up for my husband to come down and speak to them as I tend to our son who has taken off his diaper and is standing in his crib buck ass nude.  He is his father’s son is all I can say about that.  
They tell him to stay home, help me out and keep them up to date on what is going on. 
So as usually I ask what do you get when you have two male dogs that decide that 3am is a GREAT time to fight.
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whatdoyougetwhenyou · 4 months
What do you get when you...
What do you get when...
I ask again what do you get when you have a young child and tons upon tons of Barbie shoes and Legos paired with One Dad that doesn't watch where he steps and doesn't always watch his mouth? Well… one part of that is the child or parenthood version of a war time mine field. Our daughter at the time was probably 8 years old so Lego's and Barbie was all that life was about. She is also very blessed to have wonderful grandparents and great grandparents that love her very much, that being said that means she says she wants something she usually gets it.
That means we are swimming in Legos and Barbies. The thing with Legos and Barbie is no matter how much you pick them up, you will never get them all. I do mean NEVER. The Barbie shoes come to live and walk themselves right in the path. I'm not so sure that they don't pick up those tiny one slot Legos with them. If youre a parent, you know the ones im talking about. Top all that off with a low to no light room and bare feet or even socked feet, you have yourself a level of Hell in its self.
My husband is the one that found the "mines" the most. Mainly because he is a man that doesnt watch where he steps. Everytime he would journey into our (at that time) small living room area, you could almost count down to the time of contact. "Damn Lego!" was the battle cry followed by other fatherhood words. I wouldnt ALWAYS laugh, but most time I couldnt help him.
Well one day I asked our daughter to pick up EVERY single Lego that was on the floor. She did a great job of it. However, she missed one right at the end of our loveseat and she just kept missing it. She looked and looked and told me she got them all. I knowing there is this one waiting for its bare foot enemy to just come strolling by before attacking. I told her one more time to look REALLY hard and make sure she got every one. She looked and looked but this one lego wasnt being picked up. She told me that she got them all, so i let it go. I know, I know bad mom should of picked it up but i didnt and im also not here to give you the perfect mom image.
Moving on, our daughter is playing when she has to get up and go to the bathroom. She makes her way from the middle of the living room and to the end of loveseat. Thats when it happens. She steps on the Lego and she lets out the call that informs the surrounding area she has been taken out.
"What happened?" I ask her. "Stepped on a Damn Lego!" the kid with hurt and shocked plastered acrossed her face. She quickly followed up with "I didn't mean to say that!" I wasnt even upset or mad. I could do nothing but laugh and look at her.
So I ask what do you get when you have a young child and tons upon tons of Barbie shoes and Legos paired with One Dad that doesn't watch where he steps and doesn't always watch his mouth?
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whatdoyougetwhenyou · 4 months
What do you get when....
What do you get when you move one Army soldier, his Wife, two kids, and three dogs onto Army base housing?  One Army soldier, who is never home even on his days off, because he has to do something for the company or something.  One mom who is tired all the time, because she now has the job of making sure the house is clean at all times, the kids are fed and the oldest one is getting homework done and doing good in school, school drop off line and the pick up line, all the things you have to have ready to go at any moment for not only the two kids but for the husband as well. Oh, but let's not forget the dogs.  Yes, the two huskies and the one great pyrenees puppy.  Seems like they have to pee or poop every time you turn around.  
   This is the start of the What do you get when... 
     Let's start this off with more of a get to knowing this crazy thing of chaos known as my day to day life. I am a stay at home mom and wife of an active duty soldier and two wonderful kids.  One headed for his terrible twos at only 15 months old and one who is lucky if she makes it to see her teen years with the way her preteen attitude has been of late.  Then comes the dogs,  I love these 3 big lovable lugs.  We have my baby boy as a 77 lb male Husky and boy is he a momma's boy.  He waits for the very sec for my husband to stand up and is no longer on the bed at all before springing up from his own 80 dollar bed to lay in his daddies spot.  He even goes so far as to make sure my husband has no chance of coming back to the spot where he was once laying.  Lets not forget he is a husky so the back talk is strong in this one.  Have you ever heard of a husky fit?  Well this boy knows how to throw a proper one.  When the water or food bowls are empty, he lets it be known but takes his massive paw and flips them over and then waits. If you do not jump right up and answer his demand for service, he requests to see a manager.  This bullhead man is also one that questions why we have baby gates.  He has figured out that if he pushes just hard enough he can pop the lock on the gate and walk right through, all the while giving you a look like "What?".   
 Then we have our female husky, we ain't quite sure what is wrong with her, but pretty sure its drugs at this point.  She sleeps in only two positions and that is curled up in a ball and making herself as small as possible or on her back with all four legs and paw in the air.  All of this of course is after she has had the husky zoom zoomies for the past 3 hours.  She can leap the baby gates like they are nothing, making me question why we even have them (more on that later). She is the one out of the three that we like to call crackhead. 
  Last but by all means not the least we have the male great pyrenees,  he was mislabeled as a husky by the shelter so my wonderful husband thought "Great we will be a husky household!".  Sure, Honey let's be the household that owns the most vocal and back talking breed there is. That sounds like such a great idea. Well... the tall pure white beast that is walking my husband through the front door is not the white husky the shelter or my husband thought, but instead a great pyrenees PUPPY.  Yes, you heard that right, He is a puppy.  He even still has the puppy bark and puppy energy to match. He and the female get along great.  They both crack head moment out and then crash and sleep but not before pissing my male husky off to no end because well they can and do. 
 Now, moving back to the kids.  The ones without fur and tails.  The young boy is pushing his luck with his daddy.  He will be two this year and oh boy is he letting it be known.  He eats me out of house and home. He does the back talk to offer his opinion, even though no one in the house understands him.  He then gives you the look like "Really, come on people."  He wakes everyone in the house with the cry outs, you walk into his room to find him standing with, you guessed it NOTHING on.  I'm talking all bare ass.  As my husband said, "He did half the job of getting up and ready for ya."  My husband is so funny, NOT.  
 What is there to say about our ten year old?  Well let's start with the sass that pours from this little one's mouth is the reason her future is not promised.  Now, before you all finish that call to CPS or DFS (whatever they are called where you're at) she is in no way in real harm's way.  It is something that is said.  I don't know one parent that hasn't said things like "Keep it up and you wont see tomorrow".  Moving on,  she is in this preteen stage of not cleaning her room or just doing whatever she wants because well she is she and that's good enough.  
  Now for the active duty Soldier.  He can be funny and he can be sweet.  He can be an asshole and a down right jerk.  He is overworked, over stressed and very much underpaid. He puts up with so much that once he is home he doesn't want to do much.  His body hurts and his mind is mush.  He does have moments when he is the little grumpy ass that needs to go down for a nap.  Do any of us really get out of that stage? He is always being called in on his days off to come in for something that could have taken a phone call or a text to handle.  Nope needs to be in person, yet the command seems to use the group text all the other times. 
So I ask again: What do you get when you  move one Army soldier, his Wife, two kids, and three dogs onto an Army base housing?
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whatdoyougetwhenyou · 4 months
What do you get when you...
I always wanted to start a blog of some sort and I guess now I am
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