whateverthefuck100 · 3 years
Peter pan abducted me at 3 years old and kept me in a remote log cabin until Pinocchio payed to put his wood in me
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whateverthefuck100 · 3 years
I shit my pants can I get in yours
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whateverthefuck100 · 3 years
Help the glass dildo in my rectom broke
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whateverthefuck100 · 3 years
Crab lives matter 🦀
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whateverthefuck100 · 3 years
I'm not racist I just hate the big black men in the bathroom at my kfc
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whateverthefuck100 · 3 years
All circuses are propaganda especially the ones affiliated with charity
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whateverthefuck100 · 3 years
I wish my mom made me right
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whateverthefuck100 · 5 years
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whateverthefuck100 · 5 years
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whateverthefuck100 · 5 years
Emotional intelligence seems like a pretty important skill to have. So, can you get better at it?
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whateverthefuck100 · 5 years
Dust storms swirl at the north pole of Mars
ESA - Mars Express Mission patch. 4 July 2019 ESA’s Mars Express has been keeping an eye on local and regional dust storms brewing at the north pole of the Red Planet over the last month, watching as they disperse towards the equator.
Spiral dust storm on Mars
Local and regional storms lasting for a few days or weeks and confined to a small area are common place on Mars, but at their most severe can engulf the entire planet, as experienced last year in a global storm that circled the planet for many months. It is currently spring in the northern hemisphere of Mars, and water-ice clouds and small dust-lifting events are frequently observed along the edge of the seasonally retreating ice cap. Many of the spacecraft at Mars return daily weather reports from orbit or from the surface, providing global and local impressions of the changing atmospheric conditions. ESA’s Mars Express observed at least eight different storms at the edge of the ice cap between 22 May and 10 June, which formed and dissipated very quickly, between one and three days.
Mars dust storm in motion
The two cameras onboard the spacecraft, the High Resolution Stereo Camera (HRSC) and the Visual Monitoring Camera (VMC), have been monitoring the storms over the last weeks. The image at the top of this page, taken by HRSC on 26 May, captures a spiral-shaped dust storm, its brown colour contrasting against the white ice of the north polar ice cap below. Meanwhile the animated sequence (above) was compiled from images of a different storm captured by the VMC over a period of 70 minutes on 29 May. This particular storm started on 28 May and continued to around 1 June, moving towards the equator during that time.
Mars Express
The montage of images (below) shows three different storms developing on 22 May, on 26 May, and between 6 and 10 June. In the latter case, the cameras watched the storm evolve for several days as it moved in an equatorward direction. At the same time, wispy patches of light-coloured clouds can be seen at the outer margin of the polar cap and also several thousand kilometres away, close to the volcanoes Elysium Mons and Olympus Mons.
Dust storm season on Mars
Together with the MARCI camera onboard NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, Mars Express observed that when the dust storms reached the large volcanoes, orographic clouds – water ice clouds driven by the influence of the volcano’s leeward slope on the air flow – that had previously been developing started to evaporate as a result of the air mass being heated by the influx of dust.
Mars dust storm
These regional dust storms only last a few days; the elevated dust is transported and spread out by global circulation into a thin haze in the lower atmosphere, around 20–40 km altitude. Some traces of dust and clouds remained in the volcanic province into mid-June. Related links: Mars Express: http://www.esa.int/Our_Activities/Space_Science/Mars_Express MARCI: http://www.msss.com/msss_images/date/2019_06.html HRSC at DLR: http://www.dlr.de/dlr/en/desktopdefault.aspx/tabid-10364/548_read-400/#/gallery/657 HRSC data viewer: http://hrscview.fu-berlin.de/ Mars Webcam: https://www.flickr.com/photos/esa_marswebcam/ Images, Animation, Text, Credits: ESA/DLR/FU Berlin, CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO/GCP/UPV/EHU Bilbao. Best regards, Orbiter.ch Full article
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whateverthefuck100 · 5 years
International Year of the Periodic Table: Silicon
2019 has been declared by UNESCO as the Year of the Periodic Table. To celebrate, we are releasing a series of blogs about our favourite elements and their importance to the chemical industry. Today’s blog focuses on silicon’s positive effects on the body.
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A versatile player in human biology
Silicon was not originally regarded as an important element for human health, as it was seen to have a larger presence in (other) animal and plant tissue. It was not until a 2002 ‘The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition’ paper that surmised that accumulating research found that silicon plays an important role in bone formation in humans.  
Silicon was first known to ‘wash’ through biology with no toxological or biological properties. However, in the 1970s, animal studies provided evidence to suggest that silicon deficiency in diets produced defects in connective and skeletal tissues. Ongoing research has added to these findings, demonstrating the link between dietary silicon and bone health.
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Silicon plays an important role in protecting humans against many diseases.  Silicon is an important trace mineral essential for strengthening joints. Additionally, silicon is thought to help heal and repair fractures.
The most important source of exposure to silicon is your diet. According to two epidemiological studies (Int J Endocrinol. 2013: 316783 ; J Nutr Health Aging. 2007 Mar-Apr; 11(2): 99–110) conducted, dietary silicon intake has been linked to higher bone mineral density.
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Silicon is needed to repair tissue, as it is important for collagen synthesis – the most abundant protein in connective tissue in the body – which is needed for the strengthening of bones. 
However, silicon is very common in the body and therefore it is difficult to prove how essential it is to this process when symptoms of deficiency vary among patients. 
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There has also been a plausible link between Alzheimer’s disease and human exposure to aluminium. Research has been underway to test whether silicon-rich mineral waters can be used to reduce the body burden of aluminium in individuals with Alzheimer’s disease. 
However, longer term study is needed to prove the aluminium hypothesis of Alzheimer’s disease.
Tiffany Hionas is a Digital Media Intern at SCI. You can find more of her work here. 
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whateverthefuck100 · 5 years
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Fungal Spores Can Withstand High Doses of Cosmic Radiation
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whateverthefuck100 · 5 years
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Love the headcanon of “If it fits, it sits” w the knight
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whateverthefuck100 · 5 years
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Happy dance!
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whateverthefuck100 · 5 years
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New membrane efficiently separates mirrored molecules
Prof. Liu Bo and colleagues at the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) have developed a chiral separation membrane capable of capturing left-handed chiral molecules and releasing the right-handed counterpart using two-dimensional layered materials. The chiral membrane, showing a separation efficiency up to 89% towards limonene racemate, is expected to be put into industrial production. The research was published in Nature Communications on June 7.
In the classic Chinese tale Journey to the West, no one could tell the difference between the real Monkey King and his “evil twin” Six Ears, thus causing much confusion. Only the Buddha could distinguish the real Monkey King from the fake, ensuring that the Monkey King could continue his journey.
Among biomolecules, many are inseparable from each other—just like the Monkey King and Six Ears. These are the so-called chiral isomers (enantiomers), which have identical chemical formulas but rotate in space in opposite directions. They are mirror images of each other and are non-superposable.
Read more.
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whateverthefuck100 · 5 years
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animation practice hm
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