whatplumbob · 9 years
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We’re back to Fharhond Glacier, with a technology degree we earned a perfect A in... And an honorary degree in physical education, since we missed the graduation ceremony and I’m a sucker for extra traits. (Corvus rolled Workaholic)
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First thing’s first, it is about time to construct the legacy shack home.
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Modest, black and isolated.
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No furniture yet, there’s no point until there’ll be enough family members to justify actually living here.
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Enough with the taxicab boats too.
Corvus: That’s no boat!... That’s BETTER.
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Time to upload our resume and get our dream job in Law Enforcement.
Damn, this town is just so pretty.
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The technology degree jump-started Corvus’ career to Patrol Officer. 
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Corvus: Rhett Funke mah man! Still strolling about shirtless, I see. Even though we’re at the first days of winter...
Rhett: Mr, Aurora, I see you’ve got a job! Can’t be as fulfilling as my job though, I’m a Snack Hawker now.
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Part of the job includes questioning random citizens, like this bartender.
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Lily Lum: You should SO visit my salon sometime! Going to a stylist is way more exciting than adjusting yourself at home with a mirror and a dresser.
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Our boss gave us an opportunity for a raise... If we gain the Martial Arts skill. Mr. Boss might want his employees take vacations abroad soon after hiring them, but I don’t. And I made sure to add a dummy and a board-breaker back when I upgraded the town.
Corvus: That was a good idea. Even though I’d love a vacation.
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Corvus: Coffee. Breakfast of champions.
It’s 11pm.
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Before midnight falls over town, Corvus had wants to befriend his colleague and boss, which happen to be the Anglin-Blizzard husband and wife!
Corvus: Alien mom! What a small world.
Katharine: Handsome hotdog contest loser! who knew.
She’s pregnant for the third time since she immigrated, too. Good for her.
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Remember the alien kid who’s gender I couldn’t identify? His name is Rocco and he hates his dad, our mr. boss at the police station.
Rocco also dates Irene Funke, every few minutes I get notified of how in love they are...
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Corvus stayed for dinner. 
Katharine: I love you humans, but gosh are your eating habits nasty. If only you could munch on space rocks like the civil beings you claim to be.
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We have a house, we have a job, now we need a wife!
Corvus: Tammy-yummy! How’s it been?
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Corvus: Welcome... To Fharhond Glacier! A snowy town on two isolated islands, one of which is my legacy's home.
Tammy: Your town has a horse ranch, dive bars and a performance venue. It is by far superior to my hometown where everything is about university.
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Corvus: But before we get our relationship any further, I must interview you.
Tammy: Now you remembered to interview me? Is that a cop thing? cops are so freaking hot.
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Tammy passed the interview with flying colors.
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Corvus had wanted to ice-skate with Tammy on a pond since the first day of winter, and the only pond big enough to skate on is at the very other end of the island. At the cemetery.
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Corvus: Marry me and make this beautiful glacier your home!
Tammy: Oh my gosh yes!!
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Corvus insisted on a bachelor party, so I gave him a bachelor party. All of his local guy friends were invited. All two of them.
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Barista: Woo! Who brought the sexy dancer??
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Gee, I wonder who.
Rhett: Hehehe..
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The wedding was held at Old Vincent’s, Corvus might like the outdoors, but Tammy is too much of a party girl to give up on a bar at her wedding.
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Rhett and Corvus: KEG STAND!!
Tammy: Good. I began to worry Corvus’ friends were nerds.
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They exchanged vows under the white snow.
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As a wedding present to themselves, The Auroras bought shares in the hall of antiquities. They aren’t supernatural, but they can make money off of them.
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Home sweet home.
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Tammy: Now that I’m officially part of the family, I should look my generation.
Welcome Tammy Aurora, a mean-spirited party girl who’s athletic, flirty and charismatic. She loves pop music and lobster thermidor, her favorite color is lilac and her LTW is the same as her husband’s- to be at the top of the Law Enforcement career in the forensic branch.
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Not only did she get a C, her degree was in business. She’ll have to work ten times as hard as Corvus to get her wish fulfilled.
Tammy: I feel nauseous just thinking about it...
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Tammy: Haha oops, nope. This is why I felt sick. And tired...
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Tammy: Sigh, so tired...
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Tammy: We’ve been married for less than two days and... well... I’m pregnant.
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Corvus: Good job babe.
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With a baby on the way (and a 5th level job salary in our pocket) the little black shack became a two-bedroom house.
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They both rolled wants to read pregnancy books, over and over.
Corvus: We will be most prepared when the baby comes!
Ha ha. HA. As if there’s anything that can prepare anyone to be a parent.
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Tammy’s wishes make no sense. Isn’t your LTW work related? Aren’t your traits athletic and party related? What urges you to paint and read books?
Tammy: Don’t judge me, I’m preggers.
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Corvus: I wonder what my first born will be like... Probably brown.
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Corvus: PANIC!!
They both tried to go to the hospital autonomously, over and over. There was no way they could get there without passing through all the non-autonomous stations (go to Gull Port > Go to Fishing Spot > Go to whereverintown. Or else they’re just stuck helpless in the boat). 
They have no choice but to have a home-birth.
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Tammy: If that’s how it’s going to be every time I’m in labor, maybe I don’t want to be in labor ever again.
Tough luck Tam. A Legacy needs spares.
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Corvus: A baby girl, exactly what I wished for...
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Both parents wanted to throw her a birthday party, at first I was worried the townies won’t be able to make it, but they did... At least one of them.
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Corvus: Hello sweetheart, Brown Generation looks good on you.
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Welcome Timber Aurora, named after unprocessed wood and is what lumberjacks shout when a tree falls over. Which suits her just fine, being clumsy and loving the outdoors. To think I rolled the traits after naming her...
She likes Island Life music, vegetarian dim sum and the color pink.
With her, we begin Gen 2 of Aurora’s rainbow legacy,
Generation Brown starts here.
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whatplumbob · 9 years
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Corvus passed his midterm exams in flying colors, first thing he wants to do during his semester break? Garden on the beach. So outdoorsy.
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As he gardens, I tour around after eligible mates. The only three girls on the beach were this clique. All three are kinda cute, but...
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I wouldn’t dare marry a faerie into the legacy, their life span is unproportionally long. And soon after she left for the loo it became clear the other two already found their special someone... With one another.
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So Corvus did some snorkeling and went back to the dorm. As if he’s gonna miss a chance to check in early.
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Corvus: MY BED. Roommates, stop sleeping in my bed!...
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Corvus: --Oh, hello.
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Corvus: Usually I need to talk to women to get them in my bed, getting them out of my bed to talk with them is a first.
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Really? You’re mutually attracted to Tammy Parker? You have absolutely no traits in common. It’s the cheekbones, isn’t it.
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Corvus: Did anyone ever tell you you’re totally marriage material?
Tammy: Are you suggesting--
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Corvus: I’m ALL about the marriage, lady. So if you were planning on using me for my defined cheekbones and ditch me once the semester is over let’s call it off before we even start!
Tammy: W-wait, you didn’t even let me reply!...
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The next morning we spotted Tammy dancing by herself in her room.
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Tammy: Do you mind? Have you ever heard of “privacy”?
Corvus: I’ve spent the better part of my life sleeping in commercial lots and sharing a dormitory room so no, not really. Weren’t you a party animal? Don’t you want someone to dance with?
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Corvus: And by dancing I mean baby making, baby.
Tammy: Keep your snake in your pants, Corvus Aurora.
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Corvus: Oh Tammy-yummy, don’t you know I’m a legacy founder? Let me schmooze you over and be my legacy co-founding queen.
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Tammy: Queen? I like the sound of that.
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For the first time ever, Corvus rolled a want to go on a date!
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Tammy is a jock, and according to TheSims3, only jocks take selfies.
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Back at the dorm Corvus wanted to learn how to paint.
Corvus: This skill will be most handy later when I’ll be creating family portraits for our legacy’s crypt.
Black generation, dark generation.
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We found the culprit for all the disgusting TV diner dishes anywhere, and it’s our girlfriend. She can’t and won’t cook to save her life.
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Corvus and Tammy: Kervitch, Kervitch...
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Corvus and Tammy: Vooooon Kervitch!!
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Tammy: School cheers are so hot, they’re pretty much why I became a jock... If you catch my drift.
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He definitely did.
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Post-Wooho selfie!
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Tammy: Alright! Now that we’re a “thing” You MUST cook for me!
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Tammy: He school-cheers, he’s good in bed, he makes me sandwiches... You scored GOOD, Tammy Parker!
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With jogging alone (and that one time he snorkeled) Corvus managed to max out his athletic skill. What. We didn’t even try.
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Tammy: Why must you go to your final exam?? I’m starving! COOK FOR ME.
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Corvus: My final grade is here... I’ve got a perfect A. Excellent.
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Tammy got her final grade too...
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Judging by her woeful expression, I suspect she didn’t do too well.
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Corvus: Don’t you worry Tammy-honey, grades won’t matter much when you’ll be at home raising our black-haired children.
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Tammy: Somehow that made me feel way better...
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Tammy: I’ve only went to college for that extra personality trait anyway...
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................No, oh no. You know what that shower WooHoo cost us? It cost us missing the graduation ceremony and therefore not getting that extra trait.
Corvus: Worry not, that’s what honorary degrees are for.
As if I’ll be spending 50,000 lifetime happiness on that.
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whatplumbob · 9 years
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Always tired, always starving, and only make time to shower when seriously grimy? Yup. Sounds like the college experience.
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Corvus was so ridiculously happy with finally being able to cook his own meals, that he made it a habit to serve meals to his entire dorm each time he cooked.
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Corvus: Why is nerdy Tiffany sitting so far from me? Well no matter. it’s not like she was a candidate to have my rainbow babies...
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Corvus: ARE WE DOING?!...
You’d think they’d be giving classes and seminars in the technology major... haha nope, they’ll electrify all the knowledge into your brain.
Corvus: I know Kung Fu. 
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All this studying made Corvus yearn for some nature, so off to the park he went... Where did he get this bicycle? It wasn’t on the freebies table. Did he steal it? He is a kleptomaniac, after all...
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Corvus: Ah it’s you, vampire dude. What brings you here? Do you like being out in nature too?
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Vaughn the Vampire: It’s the middle of the night, what brings me here is my need to feed on sim flesh. I’m starving for blood.
Corvus: You’re a monster. I like you.
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No time for sleep in college. Only napping.
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Corvus: Napping, and coffee.
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Building skills gives better college performance than actual studying, much like in real life. And lucky us, playing chess online raises both logic AND nerd cred.
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Corvus: If only taking out my laptop and playing chess in class was acceptable...
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This professor guy, Wade Anthony, has been inviting us to parties on a daily basis. We didn’t go to even one of them. Since Corvus is a schmoozer and flatters him during rabbithole classes he doesn’t seem to mind...
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When class time is over, nap time begins.
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At the library.
Corvus: Is this werewolf stalking me?
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Corvus: This werewolf is definitely stalking me.
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Corvus: Hey furry lady, please staph. You’re embarrassing yourself.
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Sarah Mahoney: Oh man, I’m so embarassed!...
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Awkward silence.
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Sarah: Blaaargh!!
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Corvus: Bleeerchhh!!
She’s kinda cute, I love werewolves. But alas, they’re not attracted.
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Corvus: MY BED!! Why do roommates always sleep in MY bed???
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Corvus: Oh well. That’s fine. I’m used to sleeping on the cold hard floor. I’ll just get my sleeping bag out...
Millie: Sorry, sorry. I’m just so... tired...
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Corvus: MY bed.
Millie: Geese, a moment ago you were ready to be a gentleman and let me be... what a passive-aggressive prick.
And this concludes the first semester...
One more post until final exam!
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whatplumbob · 9 years
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We’ve reached Malan Hall, our home for the next two semesters in the Technology major.
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Tiffany: Why hello there roomie, want me to show you some gross videos on my phone of sims’ internal organs?? Or hear me enthuse about comic books neither of us have never even read???
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Corvus: If that’s how she flirts I’m afraid to learn how she quarrels.
Tiffany: I can go down with issuing you random trivia, too.
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Corvus: Wait, are you... Some kind of a nerd? Is that a thing here?
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Tiffany: Oh, my gosh. I’m not a nerd, I’m a geek. I’m obsessed about things, I’m not into science and learning. Know the difference.
Corvus: Yeah, alright... Well, sorry. Gotta go chat with as many women as I can in hopes I’ll find mutual attraction with one of them and marry them.
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This will be his dorm room.
Corvus: A double bed, a fireplace, a dresser, a window. Oh, the luxuries!...
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Corvus: Freebies?...
This table of freebies is free to all students. All the candy, soda and kickybags one could ever wish for.
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Corvus: Well, not for this sim. This sim wants to earn his candies and sodas.
Shaking and slamming the vending machine isn’t exactly earning--
Corvus: You’re the one who made me a klepto, and I’ve been doing so well not stealing anything thus far. This is as close as it gets.
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Corvus: Ughh!!..
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Corvus: Hey, waddayaknow, it worked!..
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Corvus: Making my way past campus, running fast, students pass as I jog by~
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Apparently this one chat with his roommate Tiffany was enough to gain him two ranks in the Nerd social ladder.
Corvus: I still don’t care much for science and comics, but I’ve heard they’ve got video games in here- and who in their right mind doesn’t like those?..
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Corvus: I get nerd points for playing video games? cool.
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Corvus and Bambi in sync: DO A BARREL ROLL!
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Corvus: Hot, smart AND into video games? This girl is a total sunshine with sunglasses!...
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Corvus: ...But first I must befriend this vampire dude.
I roll with the wants, and this is what he wanted.
Bambi: MOVE ASIDE YOU FAIRY!!^$&#&%$#&
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Bambi: Oh, so the cute black-haired I had a moment here was only looking to make nerdy friends?
Corvus: So you really are a vampire? And your surname’s Israel? Small world, my creator went to high school in Israel!..
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Corvus: What I don’t get is, if you’re a jock, what are you doing in a nerdy place like this? I do appreciate your hat though, very angler-chic and---
Bambi: I’m a hopeless romantic and I ain’t waitin’ for no man.
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Corvus: This... is low. This guy doesn’t have anything in common with you! How can you be attracted to him?...
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Corvus: Me, on the other hand, I love the outdoors, just like you! 
Jacketman: I’ll just walk away... into this wall.
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Corvus: Marry me and we could live in the outdoors and sleep in sleeping bags on library floors!..
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Bambi: Dear sir, do NOT make me your sunshine with sunglasses dream girl! I am my own person with my own needs and my personality consists more than a single trait, five of which have nothing to do with you.
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Bambi: Now excuse me, I need to go read comics in the restroom.
Corvus: ...Isn’t that the men’s restroom?
Bambi: Don’t define me for me.
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For the first time in his life, Corvus Aurora got to sleep in a bed.
And this concludes our first day in Sims University... 
Two more posts until final exam!
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whatplumbob · 9 years
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Just the picture I took for the logo, Corvus Aurora’s view of Fharhond Glacier from Gull Island. Hell, I love this world.
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whatplumbob · 9 years
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Corvus: We have a university?? What are we waiting for, I need that educational boost for my career as a Dynamic DNA Profiler!
While away, the university-mascot-NPC came by and dropped the bucket of goodies. It might be a good idea to enroll, more eligible mates there than here.
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Corvus: Better take this aptitude test, with enough credit I could go about finishing my degree in a single two-terms visit...
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Corvus: Do you think they’ll give me credit for being a legacy founder?
I highly doubt it. If anything they might think you’re crazy for talking with an invisible cursor in the sky. (said the guy writing an imaginary dialog with a screen capture)
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Corvus still needed a couple more skill points before gaining maximum credits, so back to the library we go--- hold your horses, is that a unicorn???
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(As in, native to Fharhond Glacier... Duh.)
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Corvus: What a sweet girl you are, Buffy Horse. So sweet that I’m gonna forget all about my plans and just pet, groom and feed you treats until I pass out.
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And so he did.
Corvus laid out his trusty old sleeping inside the fishing hut where it’s cozy.
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Night-shift Barista: He’s a burglar, he must be!! laying here so nonchalantly, waiting for me to take my guard down so he can steal all the coffee!!....
Corvus: Ah, good morning?
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He woke up stinky, so I sent him to the gym. Because you know, they have public showers. This starts to look more like a hobo challenge...
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Just a capture of the Sims hanging about in the gym, trying their best to seem tough even though they have no athletic skills yet.
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Just jogging through the beach
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Corvus: To be eligible for full credit in the Technology major, I need skills in Inventing, Handiness and Logic. All of which have books, means it should be easy enough...
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All this reading about handiness intrigued Corvus to actually do some handy things. Such as upgrading the library’s toilet to be self-cleaning.
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Sleeping in the library again only makes sense.
Man is this plumbob bold against the dark computer room.
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Corvus grew lonely, apparently books can’t substitute for human sim-connection. The library has been empty for a while so we went to the closest place with people- the styling salon boathouse. There there were all three of the Lum family, all crazy about Corvus.
Corvus:Sweet! another schmoozer.
Theodore: Sweet. Another schmoozer. Yay.
Lily: I’m all into black-haired schmoozers!
Lawrence: I’m here too. lol!
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While they exchanged speech bubbles Corvus got reminded today’s the date of his first holiday on Fharhond Glacier- Summer Day Festival!
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I’m very festive and there was no fighting it, today Corvus will get some time off to enjoy the festivities at The Cannery Fairgrounds, imported all the way from Riverview for it’s warehouse-like (which fits the overall feel of the town) and for it’s smaller size compared to the other premade fairgrounds.
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Corvus: I look... like a clown.
That’s the whole point! Be festive! Do something fun on your day off!
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Corvus: Well... Skating is kind of fun, once you learn how to.
See the white-haired dude skating behind Corvus? He’s an immigrant. Somehow I turned immigration on in NRaas and have no clue how to turn it back off. No FAQ have helped. Also seemingly NRaas’ immigration is based on the genetics of family binned sims, so it is to be expected to have plantsim and alien sim immigrants in town. Oh well, I suppose it’s for the better? Bigger pool of possible mates for future generations, I guess...
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Corvus: Hey little alien whose gender I can’t figure, let’s skate in circles together!
Alienkid: You’re painted like a clown, so it must be a good idea to hold hands with you even though you’re a strange adult man I’ve never met before :D
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Corvus: It’s the floor, it was slippery.
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Corvus: Good, s/he bought it.
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The alien insisted on having a hotdog eating contest with his mom, obviously Corvus joined because what hobo in his right mind would say no to free food.
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Corvus: Physically speaking, I’m the largest and hungriest of the three of us, winning should be easy.
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Corvus: The kid looks overwhelmed and alien mom eats way too properly. I’m totally winning this!
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Corvus: *choke* WHAT. HOW.
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Corvus: Never judge a person’s ability to shove hotdogs in their mouth by their size, age or gender. Lesson learned.
Alienmom: The strange clown is kinda cute. Too bad I’m married+kids.
Alienkid: Yup. Always knew I’m a winner.
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Summer Day had passed and we’re back to our library routine. On the way to grab a bite at the diner he noticed Rhett and Carol, who’ve been visiting the library almost as often as he did.
Corvus: What the hell, I’ve been living in this town for nearly a week and hadn’t made a single friend.
Carol: omg I’m adorable.
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Corvus: I’m still in pajamas and he’s shirtless, I hope he won’t get the wrong idea.
Rhett: ...I can hear you you know, plus I’m a married man, with a child, right here next to you.
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Corvus: Soooo what brings you here all day every day? Don’t you have a job or a home to go back to? like myself
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Rhett: I might not have a decent shirt but I sure do have a decent job! I’m a... rabid fan. Of soccer.
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Corvus: Well, how about you’ll be a rabid fan... of me! My aptitude score is so good right now I can finish my degree in only two semesters!
Carol: I’m amazed by how amazing I am.
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Rhett: THAT IS AMAZING! I don’t know anyone who’s even been to college!
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From there it was back to the island, we’ve got our skill points and are ready to go on to higher education.
Corvus: setting the plans in motion... Like cogs.
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Onward... to Sim University!
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whatplumbob · 9 years
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Corvus: And so it begins, huh...
This isn’t just a legacy with all Expansion Packs on a beautiful fanmade island, it is a rainbow legacy. The generations will be themed as followed: Black, Brown, Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple, Pink and lastly... White.
Thus the legacy’s naming, Aurora; a natural electrical phenomenon characterized by the appearance of streamers of reddish or greenish light in the sky, usually near the northern or southern magnetic pole.
and Founder’s name, Corvus, means crow in Latin. Which are my favorite birds and are primarily black.
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Corvus: Oh no, no, please don’t be a Midnight Sun challenge. I’m too Schmoozy to live in solitude!...
Nah, that’s just our home base. Our legacy estate. Your sweet home forever.
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See? plenty of world just around the mountain.
Corvus: Fantastic, grocery runs will be hell.
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Don’t be so whiny, it’s just a run around the hill, a taxi boat ride from the Gull’s port to the fishing hut, then a jog on the icy glacier to the pebble road and from there it’s a taxi cab ride along the shore to get to town’s center.
Corvus: I need to get a boat. With the amount of to-and-from I’ll be doing it only makes sense...
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Corvus: All this traveling makes me hungry... For rainbow snowcones!
He ended up having a brain freeze.
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All his wants (aside from joining Law Enforcement) were skill related, so off to the library we went. Bookworm is one of my favorite traits
Corvus: I’m not a nerdy bookworm, mister. I just need to study to succeed.
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Knowing he’ll be traveling far and wide before he’ll have a decent home to go back to, I got him a sleeping bag. He’s an outdoorsy person to begin with... Sleeping on a public library floor is outdoorsy, right??
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Dawn on Fharhond Glacier’s town center. The blocky reddish-brown building in the middle is the library where our founder’s at.
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The next morning he got various wants to garden, guess who felt to show his outdoorsyness after sleeping for the first time in a sleeping bag?
Corvus: Inside a building! which isn’t even my home!
You’ll have to get used to it. There’s too much world to explore.
He’s harvesting herbs from the back garden of Barnes’ Barn, formerly a residental lot from MySimRealty, now a consignment-elixir shop.
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Corvus: Being in an elixir store fuels my hunger for knowledge! Must check out the hall of antiquities!
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How was the hall?
Corvus: It was... eye-opening. To think I could’ve been a magical super-being with magic powers and a stupidly long life, yet you chose to create me human.
It’s part of being a founder, I had to make you as vanilla as I could to make it more of a... challenge. Who knows, you might have supernatural decedents.
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Corvus: What “vanilla”? This is Black Generation!
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Anyhow. Before the trip back Corvus took an athletic class in the school’s gymnasium. Fharhond Glacier isn’t known for it’s roads and if we’re going to have to be 80% of the time with a running animation, might as well be jogging.
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He finished his class just as the school bells rang and the town’s kids began flocking back to their homes. Corvus seemed to have caught Irene Funke’s eye since she wouldn’t stop staring at the strange young adult.
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Corvus: What are you smirking at. I could be your dad.
Irene: Call me when you reach your midlife crisis, I’ll be old enough to snatch you from your wife by then.
Corvus: Wha...
You technically couldn’t, since there’s no teen pregnancy in this game. 
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And so the jog home begins....
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Leaving the town by the pebble road along the shore...
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...reaching the icy glacier...
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...stomping the ice and snow to the fishing hut, to take a boat across the sea...
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...Running up the hill, and we’re home.
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whatplumbob · 9 years
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I’ve never done a legacy challenge in my life. I mean, I loved TheSIms since day one back in 2001, I’ve read dozens of legacies and spent unimaginable amount of time on the games myself... Nevertheless, it was only after I found that beautiful player-made world, Fharhond Glacier, that I’ve decided to give sim-story-writing a go...
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Since I own all the expansion packs, the small island needed some upgrades, such as ports and dive spots, dive bar and a private venue, ambition career lots... I couldn’t help it and added a few more 10x10 houses (all of them are either from MTS and MySimRealty, if you spot one you recognize tell me and I’ll credit appropriately!), the seasons’ fairgrounds is simply Riverview’s, and it fits perfectly. There’s even a film studio rabbithole hidden in a small barn.
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The biggest available lot is a 40x45, The lot is “conveniently” placed on a separate island (dubbed “Gull Island”). This shall be our legacy’s plot of land.
You know what’s amazing about the image above? It captures ALL the world with ALL the lots marked.
After adding the needed lots, figured I should add some residents. Finally get some use out of EA’s premade families:
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Holden Wonzy and Gwen Glover, can’t wait to get their freak on.
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Pablo and Jennifer Martinez, super happy to be out of the family bin!
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The Baker family; Granparents Heathcliff and Svetlana, with daughter Becky and grandson Topher.
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Aimee, Marley and Malika Williams (plus randomly generated babysitter, I think her name was Jan Putnam?)
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Theodore and Lily Lum, with their child-hating son Lawrence
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And my personal favorites who I played tons with- the Funke family!  Rhett Sabrina, Irene, Spencer and darling lil’ Carol.
Now that the stage is set, we can start the play...
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