Make yourself at home
My neighbour used to wait until we had left for work, let himself into our flat by putting his skinny hands through the letter box and go for a poo in our toilet. All because he really liked to poo there.
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I moved into my (ex)boyf's student digs
It was a "self-contained" flat. Think kitchen-come-study-come-lounge-come-bedroom, with a tiny toilet/shower room.
Cramped? Yes. But I got to live rent-free for 3 months in Old Street. And we had a bi-weekly cleaner.
Boo hoo, right?
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500 pounds for a room without a door
WIFMTL in 2011, I lived in room that was sectioned off from the lounge and kitchen by bookshelves and a curtain door. I paid 500 quid a month to sleep on a mattress on the floor pretending I was asleep when my flatmates came home drunk and cooked meals in the kitchen.
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