I think the reason I trust Brian Murphy so much in creating women is that he’s not afraid to make women that suck
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whenever griffin is not dming he always plays some kind of pathetic lil guy like Errol the werewolf politician in Taz Dust, Remy in Taz Dust, Fitzroy in Taz Graduation, Bean in Tiny Heist, Ficus at the Fantasy High LIVE at RTX Austin
when brennan isn't dming he is also a pathetic lil guy like Evan in Misfits & Magic
and when Matt isn't dming he's also a pathetic lil guy ala Kraz-Thun/Leiland in Escape from the Bloodkeep
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I can't decide which screencap from the next ep's preview is funnier
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The worst thing I ever did at a D&D table was when our DM ran out of place name ideas and told us the name of the port town we needed to go to was "Bar Harbor".
So I tricked him into roleplaying the slightly-too-helpful town guard into giving us directions to- Well you see, the party has been out in the wilderness for like a MONTH, we're all a mess, the dwarf's beard is out of control, so can you tell us- Where can we find the Bar Harbor Barber?
But we were not done. We each took turns, like a pack of velociraptors.
We also had Dryad in the party and a few of her branches got broken in a fight and now her whole canopy is unbalanced and it looks awful, but she really needs to see a specialist, is there a Bar Harbor Arbor Barber?
The Paladin also wanted to look in on a small church he'd heard of, that the city had a patron saint, who was boiled alive in a cauldron of ale, so where is the temple of the Bar Harbor Larger Martyr?
It was around this point that Chris started to tire of this nonsense.
The bard, naturally, wanted to go carousing, and he'd heard this town had some of the most attentive and welcoming Ladies of the Night on the continent, known by thier brightly colored stocking bands, so had he seen any of the Bar harbor Ardor Parlor Farber Garters?
Chris immediately escalated to threats of a Total Party Kill.
Unfortunately, I'd had time to prepare and-
"What do you want?"
"I just wanted to know if you'd seen my cousin."
"...Your cousin?"
"Yeah, I know it's a long shot, but he's got a pretty distinctive appearence and you might have seen him around town."
"Oh No-"
"Okay so he's Welsh and the whole family used to be in the wagon-making business but he got into clothes manufacture until there was an accident with a lamp black dye and now he's permanently stained a sooty color and that really turns heads, so now he's got a job drawing in crowds for the city funded swap meet- no, not the Drow that also works there, I mean like the inside of a fireplace- anyway, he got tired of people mixing the two of them up so he started wearing this fancy armor with a magical +1 charisma bonus-"
"Gallus I swear to God I *WILL* Summon the Tarraqsue-"
"-So have you seen my cousin, Arthur Carter, former Sartor but now he's the Darker Harker for the Charter Barter of Bar Harbor, the one with the Charmer Armor?"
Amazingly, we survived the Tarrasque.
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Kristen whenever she makes an inspiring speech:
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god the fucking dynamic that lapin and saccharine wouldve had just from her intro is a fucking LOSS
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random late night drawing
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it was only a matter of time before i drew Dungeons & Daddies fanart so i went right for the scene in episode 30 that rendered me an emotional wreck for half an hour
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DEREK THE CLERIC what a god tier concept
you know those EMT guys who are in that fine-line category between a himbo and a frat guy? that’s derek the cleric. lots of salmon shorts, polos, and aviators. casts calm emotions constantly just for the vibes, bro. he’s probably in service to a real bro-y god like Olidammara  or something. absolutely convinced he can skateboard and do parkour (he cannot)
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Ragh (beloved 💕)
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[gif id: a digitally drawn gif, fading back and forth between two frames. The first has Sylvester Cross, a fox dressed in a suit, on the left, and Daisy D'umpstaire, a raccoon dressed in a light blue skit, hat, and sweater, on the left. Both have one hand up at shoulder height. Sylvester's holds his pipe, and his other hand is under his elbow. Daisy's other hand is on her hip. The other frame also has Sylvester Cross on the left, but older and with grayer fur. He now has a cane in the hand not holding the pipe. On the right is Lars Vandenchomp, a Doberman Pinscher in a purple suit. They have their hands together in front of their chest, one in a fist and the other wrapped over the fist.]
A detective and his sidekicks through the years
I'm very very happy with how Daisy turned out here -- this is also my first try at gifs, and I think it turned out pretty well for a beginner
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Gilear, my beloved
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Crack prediction for Mice and Murder, but Buckster “dies” early on and seemingly disappears from the game, Sam comes back with another character, the mystery goes on.  But really, Buckster’s faked his death like the judge in “And Then There Were None” and he’s been stealthing around and is in fact masterminding all the deaths, and in the last episode, there’s a big dramatic scene where Buckster reveals himself to the party and announces:
“I’ve been here the whole time.”
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“What did you say?”
[ID: Three digital illustrations of quotes from Naddpod’s Trinyvale campaign. The first is on a dark purple background, with text in shades of purple to white. It reads “Come with me if you want to live.” The word ‘live’ grows softly, and there is a craterous crescent moon next to the ‘me.’ Below the words, half hidden in purple shadow, is Onyx. She has grey skin with craters in it, and is wearing a helmet. She raises one finger to her lips with a smile. The second is on a dark blue background, with text in shades of light blue and white. It reads “Ah, mother said that my half-stranger was coming to visit. Come on, you can sleep on my roof.” ‘Half-stranger’ is glowing. In the background, Jens’ boots, one raised to rest on top of something, are silhouetted in black. The line of the ground separates the two sentences, the background of the bottom half black. The third one is on a green background, with text in shades of light green to white. It reads “When we’re with Jens, we’re with Jens all the way.” ‘All the way’ glows softly. A storm of arrows flies in from the top right corner of the illustration, fading into the background the closer they are to the corner.
The first three images are each of these individually, and the fourth image shows them all together. The edges of the illustrations blend into each other. A line across the bottom in simple white cursive reads “even in your darkest memories, you’re all together.”]
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I just started NADDPOD and I have to say Pawpaw is the best character in any actual play podcast
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