Thank you. I also enjoy healthy discussions and I appreciate your point of view too. I agree with you about the 'momification' that has been done to Sara, which is another low point for me. A female character of power should be perceived like leader not as a 'Mom'. But that is the thing about Legends, it has colorful characters but they are design to appeal to a reddit fan boys, rather than really break the glass.
legends of tomorrow rebelling against the “bury your gays” trope by killing one of their sapphic main characters 14+ times and bringing her back every time
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For me far more superior show is Star Trek Discovery. The topic of death was way better done with doctor Culber, his pain, feel and realization that he was death and brought back was so real, and you can feel it. This show really broke the glass ceiling. And also shamed the killing your gays trope properly by giving Culber a real development after killing him. And this says a lot because Start trek Discovery is full of other adventures and characters, but they manage to give substance and gravity to each minute spent as screen time on a character.
As for Legends, I understand it is a comedy, but that is not an excuse to be a shallow comedy. Sara is claimed to be a main character and the captain, but for far more episodes, she hardly had the substance and plot lines Discovery gave to Michael in far less episodes.
Season 1 of Legends did kind of okeyish plot with her resurrection but then Klemmer and Keto couldn't resist to not kill her every season, and notch it by making it a pun and a joke. There was even this episode where Ava is gushing over the fact that Sara was killed by the serial killer so she can be the final girl, I mean, come on. She was also the only one showed to be eaten by the zombies.
Anyway, I guess my different perspective over this subject is because I follow Sara's character from Arrow, and Arrow killed her to put another woman in her shoes, and never told her stories. So I suffered this character death before knowing that she is going to Legends, so Legends making it like a repetitive plot line for her is just insulting to me, and probably many other fans.
And I do understand that seeing queer affection on screen is a representation, and the thing people most react to. Sara was never that popular before she started kissing women regularly on screen, even though she was introduced as a vigilante who protects women. But for me a female character is more than her sexuality and love story. She remains queer while having other plot lines that give her layers and depth. Sara ad Ava have many awesome cute hugging and holding hands scenes, but they as individuals just never had the proper exploration.
Ava never felt like real person, while Sara just stopped being one, to the point they even killed her, cloned her offscreen, and continued to marry Ava and Sara's clone, by making everyone believe this is still the same Sara, although the story specifically called her Sara 2. So this is how much the show cares for her as a character, they never made anything out of the plot to clone her other than kill her more.
legends of tomorrow rebelling against the “bury your gays” trope by killing one of their sapphic main characters 14+ times and bringing her back every time
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Star Trek: Discovery 4x08 - All In
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Sonequa Martin-Green as Michael Burnham in Star Trek: Discovery
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I can't believe you did this for me. I actually get to go home.
STAR TREK: DISCOVERY (2017- ) ↳ 4.13 Coming Home
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Action Saru!
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Star Trek: Discovery Red Directive
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5.01 “Red Directive”
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Star Trek: Discovery Red Directive
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Legends of Tomorrow gave us no where near perfect representation for sure, I agree, there is way better representation out there, so it can be done.
Killing a character over and over for a joke is more likely saying - look we like killing our gays to bring them back and kill them more. That's how I see it, and that's how haters can see it. So to praise it as a pro representation is a joke on us.
legends of tomorrow rebelling against the “bury your gays” trope by killing one of their sapphic main characters 14+ times and bringing her back every time
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I still do not find this as rebelling but more as contributing. Their main sapphic character was still subjected to the violence of death, killing her and bringing her back was still not a good story, repetitive and meaningless brutality, and in the end she ends as a clone and her human self dies for real. So to be honest all of you just supported another bad trope.
legends of tomorrow rebelling against the “bury your gays” trope by killing one of their sapphic main characters 14+ times and bringing her back every time
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Something that always confused me were the people claiming Oliver didn't love Sara, wasn't really interested in her....
Right. That is why he was the one pursuing her and making the first step, initiating their involvements EVERY SINGLE TIME!
He begged her to come on the Gambit with him, she was having some serious doubts and Oliver went all caps on her "PLEASE" with exclamation points like seriously? How desperate was he to get her to come with him? But sure, it was just about sex cause Oliver Jonas Queen wouldn't have been able to pick up just any woman simply to have some physical fun with while travelling. He was begging his girlfriend's sister to join him on a trip with his father on a freaking Yacht which made keeping their affair a secret pretty much impossible.
On Lian Yu he risked everything to save her, to keep her safe and to protect her time and again. He was the one who initiated the kiss on the Freighter. He was the one making it very clear to her how he felt and what he wanted. Cause, there's no way that kiss was cause he wanted to get it on... it was a "we may not see each other again because I might die and I need you to know how I feel" kind of kiss.
When she came home, he did everything within his power to convince her to stay.
He was once again the one pursuing her and initiating their relationship.
He was the one taking their involvements to the next step or trying to "We should think about getting a more permanent place.
" - "we? are you asking me to move in with you?"
Oliver also didn't want her to leave. Tried to stop her even when knowing he can't.
And the look on his face in 3.01 when she showed up and his "I hope so" after asking if she'd be around more permanently again.
Oliver Jonas Queen loved Sara Lance dearly, completely, selflessly and unconditionally.
Sara was the one he chose time and again.
"I chose you." Was true in more ways than simply his choice between Shado and Sara.
Oliver was willing to risk everything, including his life for her years before he became a vigilante, had proper training or suffered any sort of losses.
Irresponsible, "selfish" according to him, immature playboy Ollie was willing to die in order to look for Sara after the Gambit sank. Mr. "I detest swimming" would've jumped back into the freezing, stormy seas of the North China Sea had Robert not held him back.
But sure, it was just a fling and she meant nothing to him.
Okay, I'm done ranting now. But just saying, there was no one Oliver took more risks for than Sara. Saving Felicity or Laurel after years of training doesn't measure up to him saving Sara, getting between her and a gun etc with little to no training and a much bigger chance of him dying.
But that is just my humble opinion.
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It would have been nice if the show acknowledge how the killed her off screen and allowed clone Sara and the team to accept the new reality and the new Sara, and not just pretend that this is the same Sara, just because she looks the same and have her memories. Every clone is a different entity with a different feel of self. The mere fact that clone Sara never remembered of dying is a prove that she never died and got born when the other Sara died.
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Sara is laughing with laurel in heaven that ava married an alien hybrid clone of her
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