whereisvimini96 · 3 years
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bigger versions of that manip :)
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whereisvimini96 · 3 years
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saw it, tried it.
this is fun y'all!!
I’m bored so I’m starting a picrew tag game
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yeah that’s basically me and I think this might be my favourite picrew design so far
here is the link
tags: @crancakes @ignite-the-moonlight @multifandomworshipper @lem0nsite and anyone else who comes across this post
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whereisvimini96 · 3 years
nooo.. not today!! i'm exhausted
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刻在你心底的名字 Your Name Engraved Herein (2020) dir. Kuang-Hui Liu
I hope that the world would stand still, so missing you wouldn’t be a luxury
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whereisvimini96 · 3 years
what is this?????? i need answers!!!
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Mads Mikkelsen as Max in Blomsterfangen (1996)
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whereisvimini96 · 3 years
among the other things that send me reeling about the Hannigram relationship is the TIME ELAPSED
When they met Dr Sutcliffe the neurologist in Season 1, Hannibal mentioned that he met Will 2 or 3 months ago.
So it means Hannibal became obsessed with someone he has known for just 2 or 3 months, when Bedelia called out Hannibal’s obsession with Will.
Then in Season 2, the time card “twelve weeks earlier” say that the events in the entire Season 2 happened in just roughly 3 months. 
So it means Will’s life of teaching in lecture halls turned 180 degrees into wanting to run away with a certain Hannibal the cannibal in just about 6 or 7 months.
In Season 3, the timecard say it was 8 months from Mizumono to when Will saw Hannibal’s broken heart in display in the Norman Chapel.
So it means, during those 8 months of separation, Will and Hannibal are both “deeply thinking” about someone they have known in just about 6 or 7 months.
Also in Season 3, another timecard say it was 3 years from the Breakup Scene and Hannibal’s surrender to the start of The Great Red Dragon arc.
So it means absence does make the heart grow fonder for Will, considering how intense things turned out in Season 3. 
I mean, 3 years of separation and a wife and a kid on top of that seemed nothing since Will still looks at Hannibal like this:
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Does looking at Hannibal make your eyes hurt Will? They’re glistening with tears
And like this: 
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Were you meaning to touch his face Will, if the barrier isnt there? Not to mention the sighing right before you subtextually say that you know he’s in love with you.
These guys have known each other and have been in each other’s presence/company for a total of less than a year and while they have been distant or disconnected from each other for more than 3 and a half years, the attachment only grew more intense. You see?
Hannibal and Will have been separated longer than the time they have bonded but their bond became stronger and more intense…Although admittedly while the ride has been relatively short, the ride itself was wild, very wild to be buried in one’s subconscious
Was it because their minds connect so well?
What the hell is this sorcery. I dont know.
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whereisvimini96 · 3 years
All of this is great but are we not gonna talk about Hanni's scarf? the first time i watched this scene my eyes immediately fixated on the scarf and i need to know answers!!
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Hannibal 1x07 - “Sorbet”
May I ask for your business card, please, for my records?
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whereisvimini96 · 4 years
I don't know if you've done an analysis of the scene where Will remembers how Hannibal had him swallow Abigail's ear, and I'd like to know your opinion. This scene was difficult to watch because it looks like ... a rape. I can't stop seeing it as such.
Your reading is absolutely on point. It’s definitely meant to evoke sexual assault or at the very least sexual violence (which is why it disgust me when people on this website label it as a ‘romantic’ moment— it is anything, anything but).
The significance of the scene in the greater narrative is this: in Hannibal, violence and desire (romantic or erotic) is intimately linked. During his sex scene with Alana, Hannibal wraps his hand around her  throat. With Margot, Will orgasms imagining the stag-man — the spirit that he attacks and which attacks him. 
Hannibal is a Gothic Romance, and all Gothic romances are concerned with the nature of boundaries. (Or, more specifically, their transgression). Boundaries of class, boundaries of gender, boundaries between human and not-human. Hannibal is transgressing a boundary in that scene. When he sticks a tube down Will’s throat, he is violating his body; but previously he’s already violated his mind. (As Will tells him, “My inner voice sounds like you”.) Consider the verb: to violate. To violate means to trangress a boundary that should not be transgressed. (The French viol, from the same root, denotes rape.) Both violence and desire are violators of boundaries. As Anne Carson wrote in Eros the Bittersweet:
In Greek the act of love is a mingling (mignumi) and desire melts the limbs (lusimeles, cf. Sappho fr. 130). Boundaries of body, categories of thought, are confounded. The god who melts limbs proceeds to break the lover as would a foe on the epic battlefield.
“I see myself in Will” Hannibal says to Bedelia, both a sexual pun and continuation of this motif. Later, Hannibal will be literally inside him— he will carve a way in with a knife. And consider Will’s words to Hannibal in 3x06: “You and I have begun to blur”. The boundaries between them begin to dissolve, not only because of violence, but because of desire. 

The line between acts of violence and acts of love are blurred in Hannibal from the very first episode. Garrett Jacob Hobbs kills the girls because he loves them. And the violence Hannibal inflicts on Will is more often than not almost tender, almost romantic. He strokes his cheek as if to bring him in for a kiss in Mizumono: and then he guts him. Even Will’s expressions are somewhat ambiguous. When the knife enters his belly, he moans (as someone once described on this website) almost pornographically. The sex scenes in Hannibal almost always focus on individual expressions and the erotic physicality of the body. But violence is shot exactly the same way. In ‘Dolce’, as Hannibal bandages his wounds, the camera focuses on Will’s expressions.
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He’s like Saint Sebastian, patron saint of this ambiguity: is he in pain or is he in orgasmic ecstasy? (Ecstasy is something that means to bring beyond the place you are: ecstasy, like eroticism, dissolves boundaries). And consider the script:
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Amid this violence, there is also intimacy. Later, Hannibal will feed Will him soup: he will blow out the heat, he will lift it gently to his lips. It’s a moment of unrestrained tenderness that is presupoosing violence.
NBC Hannibal is interested in deconstructing the concept of the psychopath: a psychopath is someone who is capable of great harm, and because they are capable, are incapable of love. But this isn’t necessarily true. Hannibal notes, that “the farmer who hand rears lambs loves them and sends them to slaughter.” People do horrible things for love— whether its love for a person, country, or myth. They hurt themselves. They hurt other people. Love is something that people will die for and that people will kill for. Garrett Jacob Hobbs kills the girls because he loves Abigail. Will is the most mutilated by Hannibal because Hannibal loves him. Love isn’t necessarily good or pure or something that makes someone whole.
Hannibal shoves the tube down his throat tenderly. He does it with great care; he strokes Will’s hair; he’s there to comfort him even when he throws up the ear.  When Hannibal tells Will that “God’s terrific. [...] Typhoid and swans. It all comes from the same place” he could just as well be talking about himself, and his feelings for Will. After all, “love is a god”. And there is no such thing as a merciful god.
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whereisvimini96 · 4 years
what I like about this is that season 2 ep 7-10, he just asks the same question over and over goddamn it. laying naked on your dinning table would be much more subtle than this hanni
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1x13 || 2x07 || 2x08 || 2x09 || 2x10
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whereisvimini96 · 4 years
i'm thinking about it now and wtf
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whereisvimini96 · 4 years
this is shockingly rude op. i wanna talk
Hannibal's love for Will is associated with hunger, being nourished at the sight of him. He can't ever consume Will and literally be nourished by him because then he'd be gone for good, so his mere presence has to satisfy his hunger instead. Sharing space and drinking in the same air. Devouring every detail to savor and digest, basking in the warmth of Will's understanding wrapped around him.
Will's is pain, an ache. "Do you ache for him" - "Do you hurt for him." Hannibal's way of loving can scar, yet Will continues coming back to him despite his suffering. Despite knowing there's the possibility of pain, knowing what Hannibal's capable of. He endures and embraces it. The love is painful, and the pain is given lovingly. Will's figurative wounds don't close, they stay open on the inside - the places where Hannibal cut through his shell to slip his hands in and guide him out.
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whereisvimini96 · 4 years
i'm sure i reblogged this but well...
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whereisvimini96 · 4 years
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“The Wrath of the Lamb”
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whereisvimini96 · 4 years
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i made a uquiz: which hannibal outfit are you? good luck :)
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whereisvimini96 · 4 years
it is sunday for fuck's sake!
Do you think Hannibal would have left Will to die at Muskrat Farms if he hadn’t promised Alana he’d save him? I saw something on the script I think once saying that Hannibal thought about leaving Will behind
No, definitely not! For one thing, Alana didn’t need to ask Hannibal to save Will - he would have done it anyway. Also, if he didn’t want to do that, he would have found a way to twist his promise to Alana and just leave anyway. But he didn’t just save Will: he killed everyone, carried him out in his arms, took him back home, changed his clothes, treated his wounds, and stayed by his bedside. Then he gave up his freedom for him. 
As for the script, here’s that quote: “An open doorway filled with darkness. A blood-splattered Hannibal looms from within to fill it. The open fields and woodland of Muskrat Farm beyond. The huge moon hanging above and a myriad of stars. Freedom. He could run and no one would catch him. Leave Will and be free. The thought crosses his mind. He takes a deep breath of night air. And then he turns back into the house, and the shadows within envelope him once more...”
I actually love this because it’s a perfect portrayal of wistfulness. In this very moment, Hannibal contemplates the easier and painless times of having no attachments, just freedom ahead. It’s a reckless and impossible thought: to go there, forget about Will, about everything...
But then reality sets in. And in reality, Hannibal loves Will more than life itself, so with a defeated sigh, he turns and goes after him. Because their paths lie together now, it’s inevitable. 
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whereisvimini96 · 4 years
you just woke up in your motel room on your job. your new psychiatrist you met only once (1) drops by unannounced with top quality breakfast he cooked himself and packed in tupperware specially for you. he calls you the mongoose he wants under the house when the snakes slither by. you carry on with your day as if this was totally normal
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whereisvimini96 · 4 years
yall keep talking about omg if hannibal gets a fourth season it’s confirmed hannigram would be together we would get a hannigram sex scene hgrrrhghgg like no baby we wouldn’t get a hannigram ‘sex scene’ we would get hannibal and will’s bodies distorted through a fucked up telescope lens and edited to look like they were drowning in a pool of each other’s skin. they would have deer antlers superimposed onto their heads. seek help
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whereisvimini96 · 4 years
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Scott Thompson - Hannibal S3 BTS
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