whereitliesrp-blog · 7 years
Can the fears be more abstract? Like fear of failure or the unknown?
hey there, anon! i don’t necessarily see why not. just keep in mind when coming up with fears, that they need to be something that can be used against them in the long run and some fears may be harder than others to do that.
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whereitliesrp-blog · 7 years
Mobile nav?
click anywhere in this sentence!
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whereitliesrp-blog · 7 years
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NAME: Nicholas Parrish
AGE& SEX: Twenty-Eight, Male
FACECLAIM: Bill Skarsgard
OCCUPATION: Property Developer
Just like every other rich kid, Nicholas often showed off, acting like an entitled asshole the majority of his life. He didn’t do very well with his peers, or adults in all honesty, he didn’t appreciate those around him and often purposely separated himself from the ones he grew up around, simply preferring his own company, or a select few he’d deemed worthy enough of his attention – even then it never truly lasted long, even his family never truly seemed to understand him, he desired to fit in but never could snap out of his entitled attitude, whereas they were comfortable in their assumption that they were better than everybody else.
Through his teenage years, he grew more and more detached from those around him, he cared little for his family and even less so for what came of his life. He spent a lot of his family’s money on alcohol, drugs and women and dragged their family name through the mud on more than one occasion. It didn’t take long for his family to lose their patience and they soon drew a line, while of course, he was still financed by his family but he was disassociated, no longer in the spotlight of the richest family in their small town – something of which Nick was definitely comfortable with.
Naturally, as Nicholas grew older, the more estranged from his family he became. He knew little about their life, only what was necessary until one day when he was left with no other choice but to be involved with them. A freak accident had resulted in the death of his parents and his older sister, leaving him with a huge responsibility – a child, his niece, to be exact. Knowing that the child, no matter how little he thought of his family, deserved a chance and a fresh start and not wanting her to follow in the same foot path as the rest of them, he took her in. Nicholas moved to a new town, one where nobody knew them and nobody would, in fact, if he could avoid anybody knowing their relation to one another, then he would. Derry is an unusual town, one were everybody seems hell bent on knowing one another’s business but Nicholas can keep a facade, he can block out the world and he most certainly can keep his niece a secret.
Nicholas may seem emotionless, in fact, it’s a common description of the young man, he fears a lot. He fears that he will lose his niece. He spent so long ensuring that he wasn’t associated with his family, nor their attitude to those around them, despite easily picking up on the negative behavior, but it has been a lonely life. He craves companionship, he simply struggles letting anybody in and his niece is a breath of fresh air, an escape from life that he always seemed to need. However, his greatest fear is that he will lose her due to his own attitude, he fears he will follow in the footsteps of his parents – cold and heartless.
THE BLOGGER: You didn’t expect to take a liking to them, the original plan was to pay them enough that they would keep their mouth shut regarding your niece’s existence and they certainly do that, but you find their personality admirable and against all odds, you enjoys them.
THE DAMAGED: You find yourself running into them a lot, it’s a small town but you bump into them more so than anybody else and most of the time it’s unintentional. You aren’t sure why it is you feel somewhat more lenient towards them over anybody else but you even go as far as to make polite conversation with them each time, surprisingly.
THE HERO: You don’t appreciate them sticking their nose in, sure, they could be genuinely attempting to be helpful, or at least, they were at first. Now, they are wary of you, you’re mysterious and new and they don’t understand your reluctance to fall into line of the usual small town resident, it’s starting to get on your last nerve.
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whereitliesrp-blog · 7 years
i don't want to over or under do the phoenix. what type of trauma could you see for them?
hey there, anon! sorry for the delay, i was at work and admin may was out. when it comes to the phoenix, i didn’t write the skeleton so i’m not sure if admin may had any specific ideas when she wrote it. since the skeleton mentions it either being minor or major, i think you could go either way! i don’t think anything you decide will be under or over for the phoenix. when i talk to may tomorrow, i’ll have her add on to this ask just in case she has some ideas!
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whereitliesrp-blog · 7 years
what skeletons would you most like to see apps for?
hey, anon! for me personally i’d love to see auditions for: the phoenix, the jock, and the hero.
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whereitliesrp-blog · 7 years
❝ fear is defined by a feeling of agitation and anxiety by a p r e s e n c e or imminent danger. ❞ good evening role-players and tag lurkers! we are a brand new skeleton/horror role-play with concepts taken from IT and THE MIST. we currently have about eleven open skeletons and a few auditions but we would love to see some more before we set an opening date! i would love to see some faceclaims around here like: kat graham, dominic sherwood, aja naomi king, matt daddario, arden cho, and many more!
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whereitliesrp-blog · 7 years
hey, i do have a question, what if sexualities clash? i'm only asking cause there are past flings/relationships in some of the connections. :)
hey there, anon! i think that’s something that can be worked out between the muns that take said characters that have connections like past flings, etc. it could have been a one time thing, maybe it wasn’t that deep, etc. some people experiment throughout their lives/younger years until they come to a conclusion on who they are/what they like so that’s also something that can be thought about/discussed.
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whereitliesrp-blog · 7 years
Are we allowed to use faceclaims that aren't on the suggested list for the skeletons?
hey there, anon! admin may did the suggested faceclaims but i think they’re just that, suggested. if none of those faceclaims work for you then feel free to choose one outside of those that work best for you!
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whereitliesrp-blog · 7 years
❝ fear is defined by a feeling of agitation and anxiety by a p r e s e n c e or imminent danger. ❞ good evening role-players and tag lurkers! we are a brand new horror/skeleton role-play based on concepts from IT and THE MIST. we currently have about 11 open skeletons and a few auditions although we would love to see more. i will be online for a while to answer questions or update the app count.
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whereitliesrp-blog · 7 years
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NAME: Cathryn Summers
AGE& SEX: Twenty-Eight, Female
FACECLAIM: Emmy Rossum
OCCUPATION: Waitress/Blogger
Cathryn was born the youngest of two siblings, growing up in a small town just outside of Sydney, Australia. She, her younger sister, and her parents all connected in a tight-knit bond and knew how to poke fun at the other, which she could say that she took in stride. That is not to say that she did not know exactly how to drive her sister up the wall and it should come to no surprise that Cathryn made it her life’s purpose to pester her in particular for the sake of it. If anyone ever asked her if she was fairly content with how her life is despite a few family issues, she would have said yes in a heartbeat. As cliche as it may have sounded, she felt like a princess in a kingdom, yet, every kingdom had their woes and hers came in the form of her mother’s passing from cancer. She couldn’t remember exactly how it happened so suddenly. She was here one day and gone the next.
After that, her father pushed through the best he could for the sake of his daughters and Cathryn couldn’t have been more proud of him. When the day came that her father received a job offer in the United States, her family packed up every belonging they had and moved to Derry. Cathryn was hesitant about the new change in scenery and she hated the thought that they would be leaving her mother behind, but she was eager to explore a new place for once.
After graduating high school, Cathryn developed an interest for the strange and unusual and that definitely included the mystery surrounding her town’s woods. Because of this, Cathryn created a blog to post creepy stories anyone could submit about their experiences. When Cathryn isn’t blogging, though, she tends to focus on her job as a waitress in a small cafe while attempting to pay her way through college. One of her main goals for the future is gaining enough money to move out of her parents’ house and buying an apartment of her own. Despite her father offering to pay for her place, Cathryn seems determined to persevere on her own in order to fully appreciate her hard work.
As obsessed with the strange and unusual Cathryn is, the girl suffers from one fear that has quickly become a phobia. Being buried alive is a genuine concept Cathryn can’t seem to get her head around, the thought of it alone is enough to send her into a fit of hyperventilation.
THE CRIMSON: You two have an odd friendship to say the least but you’ve come to learn to look past some of the darkness that this person has inside them to instead see the real them, or at least, parts of the real them.
THE KLEPTOMANIAC : You two were close at one point until you learned who they really were. Sure, you felt bad for leaving the high and dry but you had to do what was best for you.
THE PERFECTIONIST: You two have never really gotten along. Sure, there’s nothing wrong with being a perfectionist per-say and it’s okay to want things a certain way but their personality always seemed to rub you the wrong way.
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whereitliesrp-blog · 7 years
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               fear is defined by                           a feeling of agitation and anxiety                                          caused by a presence or imminent danger
One missing child, one found body, and one n i g h t that will change it all. The town of Derry is about to find out that there is a price to pay for their naivety and that what lies beneath the town may be the very thing that will destroy them all. They say that your fear can’t kill you but fear has come again and it is about to swallow the whole town whole.
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whereitliesrp-blog · 7 years
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People usually think that geeks have to look and act a certain way, but that wasn’t really ever the case with you, sure you could sometimes fall into stereotypical ways but you were simply born smarter than most of your peers. Your parents probably forced you to believe that you were special, but it took you a long time to believe it but you’re glad you finally did. While you may not have been one of the cool kids at school, it didn’t take you long to realise that school years never truly mattered and now you’re thriving.
fc suggestion s: alberto rosende, emily bett rickards, hugh dancy, malese jow
THE JOCK: If labels were anything to go by, there was no chance of you two getting along anyway, but there was a point in time were you did, but that time came and went and typically, as you reached high school, they started falling into a different crowd that made sure you had a difficult time at school. Naturally, it pissed you off and you have a hard time getting over their betrayal still.
THE KLEPTOMANIAC: You never expected of all people you would end up in their bed, but one night after a party, you were far too drunk to see sense and the two of you made a mistake that you have a tendency to pretend didn’t happen.
THE HERO: They’ve been a crush of yours for a long time, even as you got older and went your separate ways, you’ve held a soft spot in your heart for them. At first, it was a childish crush but a recent reunion made you realise how easy they are to like.
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whereitliesrp-blog · 7 years
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Maybe something happened, maybe you were born with a natural default that set you apart from those around you, nobody can actually tell, but something about you is very different. You’ve been through a lot, whether the whole town knows it or not and as a result you try your best but you may not always succeed at letting people in, at making friends or keeping people close. You’re damaged and you may try your best to not let that define you, but it’s hard to dismiss it.
fc suggestion s: boyd holbrook, aja naomi king, jason momoa, elizabeth olsen
THE FACADE: You’ve always sympathized with them, after what you went through you can understand why they have their walls built so high. You’ve always thought to get to know them better but there’s never been an actual attempt so far.
THE HARLEQUIN: Their easy-going behaviour has always been something you enjoyed, in fact, at more than one point in your life you’ve realised how much you needed their humour, no matter how inappropriate, to help see the light in darker situations.
THE PERFECTIONIST: Things aren’t as they seem, you know that better than anyone but you can’t help but admire how well put together they seem to be. You envy them somewhat enough that you’ve always held an interest in them.
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whereitliesrp-blog · 7 years
                                                                                            warning: disturbing images
One missing child, one found body, and one night that will change it all. The town of Derry is about to find out that there is a price to pay for their naivety and that what lies beneath the town may be the very thing that will destroy them all. They say that your fear can’t kill you but fear has come again and it is about to swallow the whole town whole.
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whereitliesrp-blog · 7 years
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Every school seems to have it’s stereotypes and it was evident from childhood which category you were going to fit in. You have probably always been athletic, always the kid that was covered in mud and grass stains, some kind of sport is what you dedicated your high school career to and possibly went off to college on scholarship. It’s more than likely that you were that kid everybody wanted to be or be with and for the most part, you were probably easy to get along with, but everybody has their moments, don’t they?
fc suggestion s: tyler posey, zoey deutch, tom hardy, maegan tandy
THE OUTCAST: You wouldn’t call yourself a bad guy, but when it came to them, you couldn’t help but follow suit in making life not so easy for them throughout high school. In your eyes, you never really did anything wrong, but only time will tell if grudges can still be held this far into the future.
THE PHOENIX: You’ve always cared about them, they were your first kiss and your first crush, but nothing ever came of your obvious liking to each other, or at least not so far. For now, they’re a good friend and someone you turn to whenever you need help and of course, you return the favour.
THE ADDICTIVE: It’s not an easy friendship, they tend to be a little unpredictable and you two have fallen out more than once regarding their not-so-secret habit but you’ve known them all your life and find yourself often making excuses for their behaviour.
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whereitliesrp-blog · 7 years
good evening role-players and tag lurkers! i wanted to go ahead and make an official post especially after getting the blog going and some skeletons out! i'm admin trev and i've been doing the graphics here at where it lies. we are a brand new skeleton/small town horror role-pay based on it and the mist and we can't wait to get this group up and running! we have a few open skeletons out now with more coming out this week. i personally would love to see at least five auditions or so before we open. i will be around for a while so feel free to send in questions or auditions!
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whereitliesrp-blog · 7 years
Where's the taken fears page?
the fears page is right HERE. it may not be on the navi page (my bad) but i’ll put it on there now!
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