wheremyhotchocolate · 5 years
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Literally get a room, you clueless morons!
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wheremyhotchocolate · 5 years
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If this ain’t big presidential energy Idk what it is
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wheremyhotchocolate · 5 years
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So I found this caterpillar on my way to class
We’re bros
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wheremyhotchocolate · 5 years
“Right now is a great time to sharpen the little skills, Fine-tune the little habits, and find joy in the little things.” [x]
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wheremyhotchocolate · 5 years
tag yourself as types of people during quarantine:
type 1: self care queen, makes advice posts for other people, prolly knows how to cook rlly well, def has a good skincare routine going, bonding w their pets, goes for daily walks, picked up a new hobby to have something to do, fting with their friends all the time, does makeup to pass the time
type 2: actually knows the Fax about covid, reading a lot and listening to the news, sings the song when they wash their hands, actually takes online school seriously, maintains a routine to stay sane, podcasts playing all day long, works out every day, prolly like practicing doing their hair or nails
type 3: sleep schedule is gone by day two, has lost all track of time, microwave meals, binge watches tv while dozing off, tries to do some housework, really needs some sun tho, not rlly stir crazy but theyre Anxious, cant remember when they last washed their hair, animal crossing has Consumed them
type 4: set a lot of goals and has met None of them, losing it wo their friends, paces around the house a lot, listening to music 24/7, survives on snack food only, scrolling thru social media for hours at a time, "i didnt exercise before why would i now", probably has started talking to themselves
type 5: is dying but in a very fun sexy way, prolly had to move back in w their fam, fucking despises all of them, bitching 24/7, definitely developing a drinking or drug problem, ignoring onling school and actin like its still break, naps for dayz, has been wearing the same pjs for 6 days
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wheremyhotchocolate · 5 years
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—  alina starkov, ruin and rising                     [ art by @cocorrina.co on instagram ]
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wheremyhotchocolate · 5 years
A friend of mine is not allowed to work at the moment(she now has a cyst on her brain and her doctor ordered her not to work until after surgery)and with her country on lockdown it's very difficult for her to get meds. She does cosplay photoshoots(some are nsfw) and you can commission her for drawings. Here are links to her Kofi and patreon
The Kofi link has the whole rundown on her medical situation and it would mean so much to her if you spread this info around.
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wheremyhotchocolate · 5 years
i’m imploring you bro!! dude i fucking beseech thee!!!
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wheremyhotchocolate · 5 years
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wheremyhotchocolate · 5 years
I'm starting a union for smart alecks and wise guys
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wheremyhotchocolate · 5 years
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Preparing for trouble ✨
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wheremyhotchocolate · 5 years
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Taken from twitter
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wheremyhotchocolate · 5 years
I was thinking about all the stories of exploited workers explaining that they can’t leave work even if they’re sick, prompted by coronavirus concerns & I was thinking about when I was a *part time* librarian at a community college and was made responsible for making ALL college IDs for students and staff and how once I called in sick for 2 days (unpaid because no benefits but I took the pay cut to stay home) and when I got back I had panicked emails from my boss who had gotten panicked emails from their boss who had gotten a swarm of panicked calls from people who hadn’t received IDs cause no one took any photos or processed or printed them for a week (cause I was only scheduled like 3 days a week to begin with) & therefore people couldn’t register for classes or in some cases even get in the building, and an emergency meeting was called where I had to explain how I got so far behind. Because they had no one else who knew how to perform this vital function to the college except a part time, unbenefitted person working in the campus library, and just relied on the assumption that I would never call in.
I’m sure none of the students realized how absolutely dysfunctional their college was. They probably thought the delay was some sort of disorganized bureaucratic nightmare, which would have been a valid theory. But no, it was 1 worker who was sick for 2 days and it brought the whole functioning of the college down.
People really don’t understand how precarious literally everything is. So much relies on the sacrifice of exploited labor, and the precarity only reveals itself when someone in that position refuses to provide that sacrifice
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wheremyhotchocolate · 5 years
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wheremyhotchocolate · 5 years
i don’t think we can romanticize our way out of this one boys
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wheremyhotchocolate · 5 years
Shout out to everyone whose mental health is dependent on routines in this time of everything being shut down, moved online, or shrouded in complete uncertainty.
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wheremyhotchocolate · 5 years
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Who else could tame the sun
other than a boy of gold
born melody-souled
and prophecy-tongued.
Poetry in those veins,
healing in his eyes,
but if he so desired
he could turn cities hollow.
The story goes that Midas
had a golden touch,
but if gold could name itself,
it would choose to be named Apollo.
~The Sun God by Nikita Gill~
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