so sorry for not being the marionette you wanted to bob up and down
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they were inpetuous creatures
annihilated everything in their path
little by little
all fellow beings,
for fleeting pleasures
destroying themselves in the process
returned to the void they emerged from
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A new world
Imagine world where there is no pollution and everything is recycled and eco-friendly. For the people living there, sexism probably never existed and depression is not a thing. There is a vaccine for every disease and the pre cautionary measures are so reliable and remarkable that no one has suffered from an ailment in decades. There is no religion and what Italian dish is racism. Italian, oh no, there is no Italy. Well, there are no countries at all. Everyone abides by egalitarian policies and it seems like over-population is an impossible phenomena and because of it unemployment is almost non-existent.
The only weapons you will find are a spoon and a butter knife. The continents are represented by one person who is elected democratic elections every decade and there is only one constitution which the whole world has to abide by. No visa or passport is mandatory for transport from one continent to another and everyone lives in harmony. Criminal thoughts have long left the peoples’ minds and besides, who wants to be executed in front of the whole world.
In his flawless world, everyone is normal except Anum Malik. She spends most of her time by the shore. She has only one problem and that is that she thinks a lot. She thinks how the world would be if it were not so perfect. She sometimes feels like she is inside a humungous snow globe lying on someone’s desk, almost like she is trapped in a perfect world. Besides she has to bear the weight of a secret. It is that she occasionally blanks out and drifts into another world that it is the opposite from the one she lives in.
Every now and then, she stares at her reflection in the sea -tiny dark brown eyes, thick eyebrows and lashes, gaunt cheekbones and an unusually flat nose-. Her physique isn’t extraordinary either. Even though her appearance has never bothered her much, she knows that in ‘that’ world people would not have deemed her beautiful.
Ever since she drifted off in that world at the age of thirteen, she has started seeing the world from a different perspective. Going against her instinct, she has even cut some trees from her backyard. No one knows that the wooden bed she constructed was not built with recycled wood and neither had she planted any trees for compensation. Then there is the barbaric act she commits whenever she craves it. She eats animals, especially chicken. She knows that in ‘that’ world eating animals is a common practice. Moreover upon her non-recycled lays a pillow stuffed with feathers.
Today is like no other day; she knows it as soon as she wakes up. She has a peculiar feeling in her gut and because of that she decides to go to the beach as it is the only place that offers her solace. On her way, she encounters a lady walking her newborn in a pram, humming softly. Across the road, a truck is sprinkling water on the plans by the sidewalk. Everyone is doing what they are supposed to, as if they were born for that sole reason. All these people make up a kind of painting that you find at furniture stores.
Alas, Anum can’t take it anymore and a frustrated scream emits her mouth. A few confused people turn and around and stare for a moment before politely resuming their tasks. Realizing her mistake all too quickly, Anum cover her mouth with her hands and runs the rest of the way. Standing on the edge of the ocean, she takes in her surroundings. The sun shines with all its vigor and across the horizon, birds sing.
A puppy ecstatically chases a butterfly while the mother dog slumbers in a shallow pit she has dug beside the tamarind tree. A college student patiently sorts his assignment with a mint margarita by his side.
She compares the scene with one she saw in ‘that’ world –terrorists had attacked a school and had mercilessly shot and killed innocent children. – Similar incidents occurred frequently. She then realizes how lucky she is to have been born in this world. While tying her hair in a ponytail, she starts walking back towards her house, all the while planning types of trees to plant in her backyard.
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